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篇一 自动钓鱼
[我爱发明]自动起钩钓鱼夹 极速垂钓(发明人李火明)

  [我爱发明] 20150523 极速垂钓

  本期视频主要内容: 李火明是来自江西大山里的小伙子,后来在广东渔村定居下来成渔村里的理发师。渔村里的小伙伴都爱钓鱼,可小李每次去钓鱼总是用尽了鱼饵却零收获。后来他按照发夹的样子,发明了能够在鱼咬钩时自动起钩的自动钓鱼夹,让他终于摆脱了零收获的尴尬。(《我爱发明》 20150523 极速垂钓)

  发明人联系方式:李火明 15816170876






篇二 自动钓鱼
我爱发明钓鱼船 自动钓鱼船 钓鱼先锋(发明人刘祥刚)

  [我爱发明] 20140823 钓鱼先锋号     本期视频主要内容: 夏天最热的季节,鱼群都不愿活动了。无论是自己掌竿,还是由渔船代劳,耐心都是无法避免的。 刘祥刚发明了一艘自动钓鱼船,可以在水面上通过无线遥控自动钓鱼。在与不同级别选手的对抗中,他脱颖而出,获得大家一致认可。 (《我爱发明》 20140823 钓鱼先锋号)     发明人联系人方式:刘祥刚 13691617210     《钓鱼先锋号》花絮:拍摄的过程并不十分顺利,夏天最热的季节,鱼群都不愿活动了。无论是自己掌竿,还是由渔船代劳,耐心都是无法避免的。 当船起竿的那一刻,大家都在猜测是否真的中鱼。现场顿时热闹起来。最后我们成功把一条条鱼收到囊中。这样的体验,至少对于我来说,已经足够快乐了。            

篇三 自动钓鱼





















魔兽世界自动钓鱼程序1.0 —— 松江游子 整理优化 温馨提示:




4、为保证程序生效,请按照使用说明对您的游戏进行设置 使用说明:

1、建议设置魔兽世界为1024*768分辨率,将游戏特效开至最大 如发现本程序无法在您的计算机上运行,请联系作者松江游子

2、将 “钓鱼” 技能拖至绑定了按键“1”的位置,装备上 “鱼竿”




6、本程序快捷键 F8启动 F9停止 其他设置默认即可

7、第一次甩杆,程序会关闭当前界面,如需要恢复请按ALT+Z 每次甩杆,程序都会将视角切换至第一人称

8、当前设置理想延迟50-200,如您无法正常使用,请联系作者 程序原理:

程序启动后,会逐行扫描已经记录下来的当前版本鱼钩特征 通过对比在指定区域内迅速找到鱼漂,并监控鱼漂的动作



MessageBox "点击确定 5 秒后将开始钓鱼,请切换至魔兽世界窗口,自动钓鱼期间请勿动


Delay 5000

UserVar LTop="300,380" "鼠标扫描左上起点"

UserVar RBot="980,500" "鼠标扫描右下终点"


Call GetCursorShape(0)

Dim s, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y, c, starttime, endtime, m1, n1, m2, n2 s = InStr(LTop, ",")

x1 = int(Mid(LTop, 1, s - 1))

y1 = int(Mid(LTop, s + 1))

s = InStr(RBot, ",")

x2 = int(Mid(RBot, 1, s - 1))

y2 = int(Mid(RBot, s + 1))

KeyDown 18, 1

KeyPress 90, 1

KeyUp 18, 1

Delay 100

Rem KaiShi

KeyPress "End", 1

Delay 100

KeyPress "Home", 5

Delay 1000

KeyPress 49, 1

Rem SouSuo

Delay 1500

x = x1

y = y1


MoveTo x, y

starttime = Now

While y < y2

y = y + 25

While x < x2

x = x + 2

MoveTo x, y

Delay 1

If GetCursorShape(0) = mouseType Then

GetCursorPos x0, y0

MoveTo x, y

Goto YiDong

End If




Goto KaiShi

Rem YiDong

While GetCursorShape(0) = mouseType x = x + 1

MoveTo x, y

Delay 10

GetCursorPos m1, n1


x = x0

y = y0

MoveTo x, y

Delay 200

While GetCursorShape(0) = mouseType x = x - 1

MoveTo x, y

Delay 20

GetCursorPos m2, n2


x = (m1 + m2) / 2

y = (n1 + n2) / 2

MoveTo x, y

Delay 200

While GetCursorShape(0) = mouseType y = y - 1

MoveTo x, y

Delay 50


y = y + 1

MoveTo x, y

Delay 200

Goto ShangGou

Rem ShangGou

While true

If GetCursorShape(0)<>mouseType MoveTo x0, y0

Delay 200

RightClick 1

Delay 2000

Goto KaiShi

End If


篇四 自动钓鱼

--V4.1 --1.“抛竿”选项增加手动模式。抛竿后会自动提杆擦擦,鱼上钩后会停擦,其他操作都要自己手动完成 --2.调整自动抛竿。不能使用的话,帖子里留言告诉我 --配置界面 UI = { { 'TextView{--钓鱼模式选择--}' }, { 'DropList{池塘|野外}', 'place', '地点:' }, { 'DropList{自动近点|自动远点|手动}', 'game', '抛竿:' }, { 'DropList{逆擦|顺擦|自动转换}', 'caca', '擦擦方式:' }, { 'DropList{其他:正擦|黄金流星|黑海|爆破者|金属骷髅|无尽的诱惑}', 'winding', '卷线器:' }, { 'DropList{否|是}', 'epic', '史前提示:' }, { 'DropList{否|是}', 'equipment','钓竿修理:' }, { 'DropList{否|是}', 'Recover', '体力补充:' }, { 'TextView{--参数配置--}' }, { 'InputBox{50}', 'loop', '循环次数:' }, { 'InputBox{25}', 'delay1', '延迟时间1:'}, { 'InputBox{25}', 'delay2', '延迟时间2:'}, { 'InputBox{35}', 'delay3', '延迟时间3:'}, { 'TextView{--扩展功能--}' }, { 'DropList{是|否}', 'Auto', '全自动擦卵:' }, { 'DropList{否|是}', 'friend', '好友喂鱼:' }, { 'DropList{是|否}', 'Feed', '鱼池喂卵:' }, { 'InputBox{1}', 'alarmNum', '提醒次数:' }, { 'InputBox{1441}', 'alarmTime', '超时提示:' }, }; -- 主入口 function main() TimeA = os.time(); rotateScreen(90); level = 90; --图片检测相似度 pushDelay = 1000; --按钮操作后的延迟 bellDelay = 2000; --铃声的延迟 --配置 loop = tonumber(loop); delay1 = tonumber(delay1); delay2 = tonumber(delay2); delay3 = tonumber(delay3); --扩展 alarmNum = tonumber(alarmNum); alarmTime= tonumber(alarmTime); --卷线器 for i=1, 10 do if winding == switch[i][1] then f=switch[i][2]; break; end end --开始钓鱼 while true do Fishing(loop); if game ~= '手动' then if place == '野外' then FishWild(alarmNum, 500); --重新钓鱼判断间隔500ms else FishPond(alarmNum, 500); end end RunTime(); end end --自动抛竿 function Fishing(loop) catchX=20;catchY=66;catchCol=0; --抛竿、收杆、结束擦擦的判断 --========================抛竿======================== while true do if getColor(catchX,catchY) == catchCol then if game == '自动近点' then --近距离抛竿 while true do r, g, b = getColorRGB(755, 680); --r, g, b = getColorRGB(735, 665); if r<100 then break; end end elseif game == '自动远点' then --远距离抛竿 while true do r, g, b = getColorRGB(736, 512); if r>100 then break; end end else break; end touchDown(5, 845, 592); --抛竿 mSleep(100); touchUp(5); mSleep(100); break; else

break; end end --======================上钩收杆====================== if (place == '野外') and (game == '自动近点') then mSleep(8500); end if (place == '野外') and (game == '自动远点') then mSleep(6500); end if (place == '池塘') and (game == '自动近点') then mSleep(8000); end if (place == '池塘') and (game == '自动远点') then mSleep(8000); end --snapshotRegion("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/TMP-001.bmp", 430, 490, 510, 590); while true do --if getColor(catchX,catchY) == catchCol then --以上是309版前的上钩判定条件 --x9, y9 = findImageInRegionFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/K-007.bmp", 70, 430, 490, 510, 590); --if x9 ~= -1 and y9 ~= -1 then --以上是找浮子,不可靠 x9, y9 = findImageInRegionFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/TMP-001.bmp", 50, 430, 490, 510, 590); if x9 ~= -1 and y9 ~= -1 then --以上是截图比对,不行,100%找不到 mSleep(100); else touchDown(5, 845, 592); --收杆 mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(30); break; end end --======================开始钓鱼====================== while true do if f() then --notifyMessage("正擦"); x1 = 775; y1 = 625; --9点 x2 = 935; y2 = 535; --1点 else --notifyMessage("逆擦"); x1 = 882; y1 = 735; --6点 x2 = 970; y2 = 567; --2点 end --擦擦 rotateScreen(0); w, h = getScreenResolution(); if h>w then w=h; else w=w*w/h; end if caca == '逆擦' then for i=1, loop do mSleep(35); touchDown(0,0.1390*w,0.9500*h); mSleep(25); touchMove(0,0.0945*w,0.9055*h); mSleep(25); touchUp(0); end end if caca == '顺擦' then for i=1, loop do mSleep(35); touchDown(0,114,1013); mSleep(20); touchMove(0,174,768); mSleep(20); touchMove(0,249,1013); mSleep(20); touchUp(0); end end if caca == '自动转换' then touchDown(0,133,891); r, g, b = getColorRGB(133,891); touchUp(0); if r > 200 and b<120 then --金轮,逆擦 --notifyMessage("2222金轮"); for i=1, loop do mSleep(35); touchDown(0,0.1390*w,0.9500*h); mSleep(25); touchMove(0,0.0945*w,0.9055*h); mSleep(25); touchUp(0); end else --白轮,顺擦 --notifyMessage("111111111111白轮"); for i=1, loop do mSleep(35); touchDown(0,114,1013); mSleep(20); touchMove(0,174,768); mSleep(20); touchMove(0,249,1013); mSleep(20); touchUp(0); end end end rotateScreen(90); --上岸,停止擦擦 if getColor(catchX,catchY) == catchCol then break; end --放技能 if getColor(657,722) == 0x49E810 then touchDown(0,435,470); --按中间 mSleep(30); touchMove(0,300

,470); --移左边 mSleep(30); touchMove(0,530,470); --移右边 mSleep(30); touchMove(0,435,470); --回中间 mSleep(30); touchUp(0); mSleep(30); end end end --野外 function FishWild(alarmNum, ScreenDelay) --=====================继续钓鱼===================== soundCount = alarmNum; while true do --“史前提示” if epic == '是' then while true do x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-050.bmp", level); --放生 if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then while soundCount > 0 do soundCount = soundCount-1; notifyVoice("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/sound/alarm.mp3"); mSleep(bellDelay); end else break; end mSleep(ScreenDelay); end end --“完成每日任务” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-051.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(3, 515, 577); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); end --“出售”黄色 x6, y6 = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-061.bmp", level); if (x6 ~= -1 and y6 ~= -1) then touchDown(3, x+13, y+13); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); touchDown(3, x+13, y+13); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); end --“出售” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-060.bmp", level); if (x ~= -1 and y ~= -1) then touchDown(3, x+13, y+13); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); end --“继续钓鱼”黄色 x1, y1 = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-071.bmp", level); if (x1 ~= -1 and y1 ~= -1) then touchDown(3, x+50, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); touchDown(3, x+50, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3);【自动钓鱼】mSleep(pushDelay); break; end --“继续钓鱼” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-070.bmp", level); if (x ~= -1 and y ~= -1) then touchDown(3, x+50, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); break; end --关闭窗口 x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/4.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(5, x+20, y+16); mSleep(50); touchUp(5); 【自动钓鱼】 mSleep(pushDelay); end --关闭比赛鱼种 x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/6.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(5, x+20, y+16); mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(pushDelay); end end --=====================体力判断===================== soundCount = alarmNum; while true do --出现抛竿界面 x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/1-12.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -

1 then break; end --“确认” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-040.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(3, x+40, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); end --“继续钓鱼” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-070.bmp", level); x1, y1 = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-071.bmp", level); if (x ~= -1 and y ~= -1) or (x1 ~= -1 and y1 ~= -1) then touchDown(3, x+10, y+10); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); --修理钓竿 if equipment == '是' then touchDown(5, 150, 140); --点钓竿 mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(1500); touchDown(5, 645, 545); --点修理 mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(1500); touchDown(5, 510, 540); --点修理装备 mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(1500); touchDown(5, 510, 540); --点确认 mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(1500); --关闭“修理”窗口 while true do x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/4.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(5, x+20, y+16); mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(500); touchDown(5, x+20, y+16); mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(pushDelay); break; 【自动钓鱼】 end end end end --出现“使用” while true do x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/C-010.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then --恢复体力 if Recover == '是' then for i=1, 10 do touchDown(5, x+20, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(5); mSleep(200); end else while soundCount > 0 do soundCount = soundCount-1; -- notifyMessage("野外钓鱼没有体力了"); notifyVoice("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/sound/alarm.mp3"); mSleep(bellDelay); end mSleep(ScreenDelay); end else break; end end end end --鱼池 function FishPond(alarmNum, ScreenDelay) --=====================继续钓鱼===================== soundCount = alarmNum; while true do --“确认”宝箱 x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-040.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(3, x+13, y+13); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); end --“鱼卵” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-010.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then while true do --“放入”鱼卵 x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-010.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(3, x+20, y+10); mSleep(50); touchUp(3

); mSleep(pushDelay); end --“确认”鱼卵 x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-030.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(3, x+15, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); break; end --“整理水族馆” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-020.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then --自动喂鱼卵 if Feed == "是"then touchDown(3, x+15, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); mSleep(2000); FishFood(fishes); end while soundCount > 0 do soundCount = soundCount-1; -- notifyMessage("水族箱已满!"); notifyVoice("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/sound/alarm.mp3"); mSleep(bellDelay); end end mSleep(ScreenDelay); end end --“继续钓鱼” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-070.bmp", level); x1, y1 = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-071.bmp", level); if (x ~= -1 and y ~= -1) or (x1 ~= -1 and y1 ~= -1) then touchDown(3, x+25, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); break; end end --=====================行动点数===================== soundCount = alarmNum; while true do --抛竿界面 x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/1-12.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then break; end --出现“确认” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-040.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then if Auto == "是" then --点击“是” touchDown(3, x+15, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); --点击“返回” touchDown(3, 740, 625); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); Interface(); else while soundCount > 0 do soundCount = soundCount-1; --notifyMessage("没有行动点数了!"); notifyVoice("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/sound/alarm.mp3"); mSleep(bellDelay); end end end --“继续钓鱼” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-070.bmp", level); x1, y1 = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/B-071.bmp", level); if (x ~= -1 and y ~= -1) or (x1 ~= -1 and y1 ~= -1) then touchDown(3, x+25, y+15); mSleep(50); touchUp(3); mSleep(pushDelay); end mSleep(ScreenDelay); end end --界面 function Interface() while true do --“返回” x, y = findImageFuzzy("/var/touchelf/scripts/FishingMaster/pic/H-010.bmp", level); if x ~= -1 and y ~= -1 then touchDown(3, x+10, y+10)

篇五 自动钓鱼




2.上钩判断,,打开windows 7 声音窗口,**有个声音输出指示,我这里判定声音指示条到3格判定鱼上钩,判定方法用 ifcolor


4.源代码 如果复制到按键精灵里有问题,把注释删掉,似乎按键精灵加了中文注释会出现问题。


Rem begin

Delay 100

Rem 国服魔兽世界自动钓鱼脚本

// normalshape = 965986689

// fishshape = 1053591638 //鼠标在浮漂上的形状

Rem 获取声音窗口大小(用来定位第三格声音的点):

soundwin = Plugin.Window.Find(0, "声音")

If soundwin = 0 Then

MsgBox "没有打开声音窗口"

End If

soundRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(soundwin)

Dim soundArray

soundArray = split(soundRect, "|")


sL = Clng(soundArray(0))

sT = Clng(soundArray(1))

sR = Clng(soundArray(2))

sB = Clng(soundArray(3))


wowin=Plugin.Window.Find(0, "魔兽世界")

//MessageBox (wowin)

Rem 窗口置顶:


wowRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(wowin)

Dim wowArray

wowArray = split(wowRect, "|")

L = Clng(wowArray(0))

T = Clng(wowArray(1))

R = Clng(wowArray(2))

B = Clng(wowArray(3))

L1 = L + R / 5

R1 = L + (R/5) * 4

T1 = T + B/2 + B/11

B1 = T + B / 2 + (B / 10) * 4

Delay 100

KeyDown "1", 1

Delay 200

KeyUp "1", 1

Delay 500

Rem 鼠标滑动

Call mouse(L1, R1, T1, B1, 8, 25)


Function mouse(l2, r2, t2, b2,ustep,vstep) //鼠标滑动函数,参数是滑动范围和滑动间隔


mbx = l2+5

mby = b2-5

while t2<mby and mby<b2

while l2<mbx and mbx<r2

MoveTo mbx, mby

If findfishmouse = 1 Then

call fish

End If

delay 8

mbx = mbx+ustep


delay 8

mby = mby - vstep

mbx = l2 + 1


Goto begin

End Function

Function findfishmouse() //判断鼠标是否在浮漂上,是则返回1


If (mouseshape=1053591638) Then

findfishmouse = 1

Else findfishmouse=0

End If

End Function

Function fish() //找到浮漂则进入此函数,18秒倒计时,没隔300毫秒进行一次声音判断

GetCursorPos x, y

MoveTo x-5, y

Delay 100

//MsgBox "找到浮漂!进入钓鱼模式!"


While fishtime>0

If fishsound = 1 Then

RightClick 1

Delay 1000

Goto begin

End If

fishtime = fishtime - 1

Delay 300


Goto begin

End Function

Function fishsound() //声音判断,跳到第三格则返回1

//MoveTo L + R * 0.911, T + B * 0.21

IfColor sL + sR * 0.911, sT + sB * 0.21, "23A232", 2 Then //坐标是声音窗口的相对坐标,颜色是声音指示的颜色 fishsound=1



End If

End Function

篇六 自动钓鱼




2.上钩判断,,打开windows 7 声音窗口,扬声器有个声音输出指示,我这里判定声音指示条到3格判定鱼上钩,判定方法用 ifcolor

3.程序过程 查找声音窗口魔兽世界窗口并获取窗口大小---->确定鼠标滑行区域进行鼠标滑行---->监控鼠标形状直到找到浮漂-->监控鱼上钩声音直到上钩-->点击鼠标右键-->循环 4.具体过程看视频(上传中)

5.源代码 如果复制到按键精灵里有问题,把注释删掉,似乎按键精灵加了中文注释会出现问题:

-==============================================代码开始======================================= Rem begin

Delay 100

Rem 国服魔兽世界自动钓鱼脚本

// normalshape = 965986689

// fishshape = 1053591638 //鼠标在浮漂上的形状

Rem 获取声音窗口大小(用来定位第三格声音的点):

soundwin = Plugin.Window.Find(0, "声音")

If soundwin = 0 Then

MsgBox "没有打开声音窗口"

End If

soundRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(soundwin)

Dim soundArray【自动钓鱼】

soundArray = split(soundRect, "|")


sL = Clng(soundArray(0))

sT = Clng(soundArray(1))

sR = Clng(soundArray(2))

sB = Clng(soundArray(3)) plugin.Window.Active(soundwin)

wowin=Plugin.Window.Find(0, "魔兽世界")

//MessageBox (wowin)

Rem 窗口置顶:


wowRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(wowin)

Dim wowArray

wowArray = split(wowRect, "|") L = Clng(wowArray(0))

T = Clng(wowArray(1))

R = Clng(wowArray(2))

B = Clng(wowArray(3))

L1 = L + R / 5

R1 = L + (R/5) * 4

T1 = T + B/2 + B/11

B1 = T + B / 2 + (B / 10) * 4

Delay 100 KeyDown "1", 1

Delay 200

KeyUp "1", 1

Delay 500

Rem 鼠标滑动

Call mouse(L1, R1, T1, B1, 8, 25)


Function mouse(l2, r2, t2, b2,ustep,vstep) //鼠标滑动函数,参数是滑动范围和滑动间隔


mbx = l2+5

mby = b2-5

while t2<mby and mby<b2

while l2<mbx and mbx<r2 MoveTo mbx, mby

If findfishmouse = 1 Then

call fish

End If

delay 8

mbx = mbx+ustep


delay 8

mby = mby - vstep

mbx = l2 + 1 Wend

Goto begin

End Function

Function findfishmouse() //判断鼠标是否在浮漂上,是则返回1


If (mouseshape=1053591638) Then

findfishmouse = 1

Else findfishmouse=0

End If

End Function

Function fish() //找到浮漂则进入此函数,18秒倒计时,没隔300毫秒进行一次声音判断

GetCursorPos x, y MoveTo x-5, y

Delay 100

//MsgBox "找到浮漂!进入钓鱼模式!"


While fishtime>0

If fishsound = 1 Then

RightClick 1

Delay 1000

Goto begin

End If

fishtime = fishtime - 1 Delay 300


Goto begin

End Function

Function fishsound() //声音判断,跳到第三格则返回1

//MoveTo L + R * 0.911, T + B * 0.21

IfColor sL + sR * 0.911, sT + sB * 0.21, "23A232", 2 Then //坐标是声音窗口的相对坐标,颜色是声音指示的颜色



fishsound=0 End If

End Function


篇七 自动钓鱼


1、 首先你得有一只按键精灵

2、 其次此脚本不支持游戏后台运行,你需要开启时切到游戏画面

3、 看完教程还不会的=-=请死命戳偶………………


1、 首先,打开你的按键精灵,,







4、 切回游戏画面,将人物和钓鱼商重合右击钓鱼竿弹出钓鱼按钮,

5、 切回按键精灵,点击抓抓,弹出按键抓抓窗口

利用抓抓的抓点热键分别将垂钓 收杆 全部拾取 好像有鱼而上掉了,速速收杆 这四个字的坐标与颜色值记下,以下图为例,可以看到记录的坐标和颜色值,这些东西后边需要用到!别把抓抓关掉!








Rem 重新垂钓


MoveTo 637,381


LeftClick 1


i = 0


Rem 引导计时

//通过坐标和颜色进行判断鱼是否上钩(坐标抓点为提示的**逗号) IfColor 632,546,"1AD3CC",2 Then


MoveTo 723,383


Delay "200"


LeftClick 1


Delay "4200"


//MoveTo 788,602


//Delay "500"


//LeftClick 1


ElseIf i>19

i = 0


Goto 重新垂钓



Delay "1000"



Goto 引导计时

End If


上一篇: 宴会外卖

下一篇: 柞蚕亩产量


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