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In this part, you are to write a composition of no less than 150 words about “College Graduates Work as Village Officials”. You should write according to the outline given below. Please remember to write it clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Some college graduates choose to work as village officials.

1.Do you think it is a good idea?

2.What can they offer the countryside?

3.What can they gain from their village positions?Nowadays, there is a growing tendency that college graduates in

mounting numbers choose to work as village officials after graduation. People’s attitudes towards this phenomenon differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. From my perspective, I believe that it is a wise choice.

The reason why I support them can be listed as follows: on the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. Firstly, having received formal education and professional training in universities, college graduates can help peasants master advanced technology. Besides, by spreading and introducing new concepts, they can also accelerate the development of rural culture. Consequently, the gap between the city and the countryside can be gradually narrowed. On the other hand, college graduates themselves can also benefit a lot from being village officials. In the first place, working in rural areas with adverse environmental condition and lower living standard, they are more likely to foster a spirit of hard-working and independence. Moreover, compared with their peers competing for limited positions, those who work as village officials enjoy more opportunities to bring their abilities and potential into full play.

Therefore, it is a win-win choice for college graduates to work as village officials and more graduates should be encouraged to work in the countryside. (220 words)


现在,有一种愈发明显的趋势,越来越多的大学毕业生选择毕业后当村官。人们对这个现象的态度明 显不同。有些人持有积极的态度,而有些人反对。就我而言,这是一个明智的选择。

我支持他们的理由可以罗列如下:首先,大学毕业生可以对农村的发展做出巨大贡献。一,在大学接 受了正规教育和专业训练后,大学毕业生可以帮助农民掌握先进的技术。再者,通过传播和引入一些新的 概念,他们也可以促进农村文化的发展。因此,农村和城市的差距可以逐渐减少。另外一方面,大学毕业 生自身也可以从当村官这件事中受益良多。一、在农村恶劣的环境和较低的生活质量下工作,他们更有可 能养成努力和独立的精神。再者,与他们在城市争夺

优先的职位的同龄人想必,当村官的学生拥有更多地 机会来充分发挥自己的潜能。




2. 产生这种现象的原因

3. 如何解决这一问题

In recent years, college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a decent job. Some hold that “graduation equals to unemployment.” While still others think that education is useless. The problem of college graduates unemployment has caused wide public concern.

Then what underlies the strange phenomenon? There are several reasons for this:to begin with, nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer decent salaries, comfortable working conditions and high social status. Consequently, most college graduates would rather stay at home doing nothing than hunt for jobs. Another reason is that many colleges and universities fail to adapt their majors to the rapid development and changeable demand of society. So companies always find that college graduates are not fit for their positions.

Considering the seriousness of this problem, I think that it is high time that we should take some effective measures. Above all, college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society. Moreover, colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before students enter the society. Lastly, college students should hold a right attitude towards jobs and set their job expectations at a suitable and rational level. Only through these ways can the college students find a satisfactory and ideal job and have a brighter future. (226 words)


在最近几年,大学毕业生发现越来越难找到一份合适的工作。有人认为“毕业就等于失业”。也有人 认为大学教育是无用的。大学毕业生就业难的问题已经引起了广泛的关注。

那么,这种现象的原因是什么呢?理由有如下若干:首先,现在的大学生心气太高了。他们所要地 是好工作—理想的收入,舒适的工作环境和较高的社会地位。因此,大多数大学生宁可呆在家里什么都不 干也不愿去找工作。另外一个理由是,很多的大学都未能够使自己的专业适应快速的经济发展和不断变化 的社会需求。很多公司因此经常发现毕业生不适合他们的岗位。

考虑到这个问题的严重性。我认为我们是时候采取一些有效的措施了。最重要的是,大学生应该意 识到自身的缺点并且进一步提升自己来保持在社会上得竞争优势。再者,在大学生进入社会之前,大学也 应该提供更多地培训和实习机会。最后,大学生应该对工作树立正确地态度,并且将工作期望值调整到合 适和合理的位置。只有采取这些方式,大学生才能找到满意和理想的工作,并且拥有更为光明的未来。8



1. 有些人对这种做法表示赞成

2. 也有一些人对此表示反对


Nowadays there are many reports on university graduates who choose jobs that are unrelated to their majors, such as painters and housekeepers. Does anyone hold the same attitude towards this phenomenon?Definitely not. As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.

Quite a few people maintain that their choices are right and we shouldn’t use our stereotypes to judge their behaviors. For one thing, as the common saying goes, “A Bird in the hand is worth than two in the Bush.” Odd and surprising as it sounds for graduates to be a painter or housekeeper, it is better than doing nothing and being supported by parents after graduation. However, a considerable number of people oppose their decisions. They say that it is a waste of their talent and knowledge as well as education resources since these jobs have no need for the professional knowledge they have acquired from school. What’s more, these jobs more often than not imply less opportunities,lower salaries and social status.

As far as I’m concerned, choosing a major-unrelated career doesn’t mean that the college education is all in vain at all. Besides, everyone has the right to choose what he or she really wants to do. Thus there is nothing wrong for these graduates to choose occupations form which they can get satisfaction and fun. “Follow your heart!” Steve. Jobs, founder father of Apple, also once said. (241 words)






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Good habits result from resisting temptation”. You may cite some examples support you view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

As a common saying goes, “ Good habits result from resisting temptation.” Definitely, if we were to form good habits, we should break with old ones. However, should we fail to resist the temptation of old habits, we would never be able to develop new ones.

Life abounds in examples. Taking myself as a case in point: since I found that smoking is a bad habit and detrimental to my health, I intended to quit smoking last year. However,it was by no means an easy task. I felt like smoking time after time. No wonder one of my friends who once quitted smoking told me that“smoking is the easiest thing in the world, but I have done it hundreds of times.”I knew that if I were to succeed in giving up smoking, I should resist the temptation of cigarettes.

To form good habits means to shuck off bad habits. However,it is easier said than done in that we are used to bad habits. Hence, without a strong will and determination to stay away from the temptation of bad habits, no one could expect to form good ones. (194words)



生活中这样的例子比比皆是。就以我自己为例:因为我发现吸烟是个坏习惯并且对身体健康有害,去年,我就打算戒烟。然而,戒烟绝对不是一件容易的事情。时不时的,我总是想抽烟。难怪我的一个曾经 戒烟的朋友告诉我:“戒烟是世界上最简单的事情,而我却已经做了几百次了”。我知道,如果我想成功戒烟,就应该拒绝香烟的诱惑。



From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are two people walking towards an apple tree. With an idea that “ the apple is so delicious and I can enjoy it ”in his mind, the man on the right side just stands there but does nothing. However, after seeing the apple , the man on the left side turns around and leaves soon. A moment later, he brings back a ladder and then finally catches the apple, leaving the other man standing there with much regret and envy. The caption below reads “ why not take actions ?”

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of taking actions. One would wonder, then, why does taking actions play such an integral role in our life?Answers can be quite explicit: it is through concrete and specific actions that our objectives and dreams can be achieved smoothly and rapidly, because the more actions we take, the more likely we are to accumulate precious experience, master useful skills and seize fleeting opportunities. In contrast, those who spend much time daydreaming about the presence of good fortune and miracle while desdian to take actions can hardly enjoy the fruits of success.

Having dreams is important. However, putting your dreams into practice should be considered a more noble quality than simply picturing in your mind the things you want to have. Then,what kind of person do you prefer to be? A giant of actions or a genius of illusions ?(246 words)


如图所示,我们可以观察到有两个人正走向一株苹果树。右边的人心里想着“苹果 一定美味,我能吃到”然而却站在那儿什么也不做。然而,左边的人在看到苹果之后, 马上就转身离开了。一会之后,他带着梯子回来并且最终摘下了苹果, 使得另外那个人 只能遗憾并羡慕地站在那,图画下方的文字写着:“为什么不采取行动?”

这幅图画目的在于告诉我们采取行动的重要性。而有人会想为什么采取行动在我们 日常生活当中会扮演如此重要的角色?首先,正是通过具体而详尽的行动,我们才能 顺利并快速实现目标和梦想,因为我们采取的行动越多,我们就越有可能积累宝贵的 经验,掌握有用的技巧并且抓住稍纵即逝的机会。相反, 那些不屑于采取行动却只会 幻想幸运的降临和奇迹的发生的人则很少有机会能够品尝到成功的果实。

拥有梦想,是很重要的。然而,将梦想付诸行动应该被认为是一种比只会在脑子里 想象自己想要的东西更为高贵的品质。那么,你想成为什么样的人呢?行动上的巨人, 还是幻想上的天才?


From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there is young boy running towards the finish line. Sweating profusely but wearing a smile on his face , he has no intention of stopping. Taking a look at the arrows on the track,we can find that they are written “the beginning” and“the ending”. Definitely, his behavior best explains the meaning of the words on the arrows and the caption below:“the ending is a new beginning. ”

The cartoon informs us of a truth that, having reached periodical objectives, we should not be satisfied with them. Instead, we need to set up new goals and keep on fighting for them. However, few people would like to do that. Some people have defeated by hardships and challenges even before they reached their goals. Then, others fulfill their goals through diligence and good fortune but fail to set up new ones and motivate themselves to rise to a higher position. They can hardly achieve a greater success, what is more serious is that they are likely to be surpassed or even eliminated by their rivals.



Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Is It a Waste of Talent? You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below 目前有大学生毕业后选择当油漆工、保姆等




Is It a Waste of Talent?

Part 2 ReadmgComprehension(Skimmmg and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Police Lesson: Social Network Tools Have Two Edges

Officer Trey Economidy of the Albuquerque police now realizes that he should have thought harder before listing his occupation on his Facebook profile as "human waste disposal".

After he was involved in a fatal on-duty shooting in February, a local television station dug up the Facebook page. Officer Economidy was placed on desk duty, and last month the Albuquerque Police Department announced a new policy to govem officers' use of social networking sites.

Social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter can be valuable assets for law enforcement agencies, helping them alert the public, seek information about crimes and gather evidence about the backgrounds of criminal suspects. But the Internet can also get police departments into trouble.

Public gaffes (失言) like Officer Economidy's - his cynicaljob description on Facebook was "extremely inappropriate", he said last week in an e-mail - are only one of the risks. A careless posting on a networking site, law enforcement experts say, can endanger an officer's safety, as it did in Santa Monica, Calif., last year when the Police Department went to great lengths to conceal a wounded officer's identity and location, only to have a retired officer carelessly reveal them on Facebook.

And defense lawyers increasingly search social networking sites for evidence that could challenge the validity of a police officer's testimony. In one case in New York, a jury dismissed a weapons charge against a defendant after leaming that the arresting officer had listed his mood on MySpace as "devious" and wrote on Facebook that he was watching the film Training Daylo "brush up on proper police procedure".

The problem is serious enough that departments across the country are scrambling to develop rules to govem what officers can and cannot do online.

"This is something that all the police chiefs around the country, if you're not dealing with it, you'd better deal with it," said Mark A. Marshall, chief of police in Smithfield, Va., and the president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, which has developed its own model


His department, Chief Marshall said, has had a few embarrassing episodes. In one, an officer who had been involved in a high-speed chase and ended up in "a little bit of a fight" with a suspect posted a comment about what a good time he had during the dust-up (打架). In another, an officer posted a photo of a tattoo (纹身) of St. Michael on her hip. Both were disciplined, Chief Marshall said.

"Unfortunately, you have these extreme incidents that are out there," he said, "and, frankly, you ask yourself, 'What on earth were they thinking when they posted that?''

Most social media policies try to balance a police department's interests against First Amendment protections for the officers. Many include prohibitions against posting any statements that could discredit or reflect badly on a department, that illustrate reckless behavior or that disparage (贬低) people based on race, religion or sexual orientation. Posting crime scene photos or other evidence from criminal cases online is also prohibited by most policies.

Others go further. Albuquerque's policy, for example, prohibits officers from identifying themselves as employees of the Police Department or posting photos of departmental insignia (标志) - badges, uniforms, cruisers - without permission. And a recent policy by the Police Department in Pueblo, Colo., bans gossiping online with outsiders about department affairs.

Police officials say that the courts have generally upheld restrictions on the speech of govemment employees when the speech is job related.

"The U.S. Supreme Court has spoken on it so often that the parameters are fairly well defined," said Martha Stonebrook, senior city attomey in Salt Lake City. In one famous 2004 case, the Supreme Court upheld the firing of an officer who filmed himself stripping off a police uniform and sold the video on eBay's adults-only area. But David L. Hudson Jr., a scholar at the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University, said the lower courts were still sorting out the implications of the Supreme Court's decisions involving job-related speech.

"The question of when employees can be disciplined for off-duty speech is vague," he said. "Part of our core nature is what we do for a living, and to prohibit somebody from engaging in any kind of expression related to theirjob is arguably too broad."

In fact, the Albuquerque policy has met some resistance from the rank and file. Joey Sigala, president of the Albuquerque Police Officers' Association, said that while the department was entitled to dictate what officers wear and say on the clock, "I don't believe they have the right to tell us what to do outside of that."

He said that requiring officers to get permission before posting pictures involving department insignia made it difficult to share news about awards or honors spontaneously with family and friends. "They're taking away the ability to demonstrate the good, as well as the bad," he said.

Chief Ray Schultz of the Albuquerque police said that department officials researched policies from around the nation before developing their own. "You need to get a handle on this very quickly, because this has the potential to damage the reputation of the organization and also adversely affect you in the courtroom," Chief Schultz said, adding that some social media sites appeared to be "like the bathroom wall of 20 years ago, except now the entire world can see it". His department, he said, has hired a compliance officer to investigate the online presence of any police officer "who comes to the attention of the department", by examining social network pages and running the officer's name through Google. Media coverage is often what prompts a department into action. The Indiana State Police initiated its

policy after WTHR in Indianapolis discovered photos of drunken revels (狂欢) on a trooper's Facebook page. One showed the trooper, Chris Pestow, with a .357 Magnum pointed at his head. He also posted a comment about a homeless man beaten by police officers in Califomia, saying, "These people should have died when they were young, anyway, I'm just doing them a favor," according to the report by WTHR.

After the controversy, Trooper Pestow resigned, said First Sergeant David Bursten, a spokesman for the State Police. He said he instructs new police officers, "Don't do or say anything that you wouldn't be proud to have your mother see or hear."

"That really sums it up," he said.

Asked about his experience, Mr. Pestow said in an e-mail, "A written policy conceming social media from the Indiana State Police prior to my unfortunate misstep would have benefited me considerably."

Chief Joseph E. Thomas Jr. of the Southfield, Mich., police said that when it comes to social media, it is important for departments to enforce discipline even for small infractions. He cited one instance when an officer photographed goats on a resident's rooftop before confiscating (没收) the animals, then posted the photos. The officer was told to remove the photos from the site and given a verbal reprimand (训斥).

"It was something that did not harm anybody, but it's inappropriate," ChiefThomas said.

He said department officials routinely checked police recruits' social networking pages when they apply for ajob. In one case, he said, a candidate posted this update on Facebook:

"Just retumed from the interview with the Southfield Police Department and I can't wait to get a gun and kick some ass."

He was rejected. 1. After the television station exposed a Facebook posting ofTrey Economidy's, ______

[A] he had to resign under the great pressure ofpublic opinion

[B] he removed the post from the site and apologized to the victim

[C] the Albuquerque Police Department cut its Internet access

[D] the department decided to control officers' use of the Internet

2. According to law enforcement experts, officers' careless posting may ______.

[A] expose an officer to danger [B] challenge the authority ofthe police

[C] harm some innocent people

[D] put departments in deep trouble

3. What did ChiefMarshall say about two officers in his department?

[A] The male officer killed the suspect in the fight.

[B] The female officer was removed from the police.

[cl They were punished for their embarrassing posts.

[D] They both received intensive training before.

4. According to most social media policies, what is not allowed online for police officers?

[A] Revealing their identities.

[B] Posting pictures of crime scenes.

[C] Talking about criminal cases with outsiders.

[D] Boasting their contribution in the police forces.

5. What do we leam from one famous case in the year 2004?

[A] Police officers are banned from filming themselves.

[B] The decision of firing the officer was rejected.

[C] The officer finally got fired due to his improper post.

[D] Lower departments are stricter withjob-related speech.

6. What's Joey Sigala's opinion on the Albuquerque policy?

[A] It's illegal to dictate what officers say online.

[B] It does harm to police officers' ability to speak.

[C] It should be carried out after careful researches.

[D] It's unreasonable to control off-duty speech.

7. According to Chief Ray Schultz, why is it urgent to deal with what officers post online?

[A] It can alert criminals and help them get away.

[B] It may put officers in disadvantage in cases against them.

[C] It could ruin the international reputation of the country. .

[D] Some social sites may make illegal profit from the posts.

8. The example ofThe Indiana State Police illustrates that it is often ______ that makes a police department decide to act. .

9. Chris Pestow said in an e-mail that he would ________ if the department had developed its social media rules earlier.

lO.According to Chief Thomas, though harmless, it was still _______ for the officer to picture and post the goat online.

Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions w.ill be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

11. [A] The man must be an excellent student.

[B] The man's idea is probably a good one.

[C] The man had better drop more than one course.

[D] The man would not have dropped the best course ofthe four.

12. [A] He's eager to start his new job. [B] His job starts early next week.

[C] He believes the job interview went well. [D] His professor mistook about the job.

13. [A] He won't vote for the woman.

[B] He may also run for class president.

[C] He should promise to support the woman.

[D] The woman should ask his roommate to vote for her.

14. [A] Take a class together with Mary. [B] Ask Mary to help him choose a topic.

[C] Change the topic ofhis research project. [D] Sign up for a different political science course.

15. [A] The woman will put offher decision to study.

[B] The woman willjust study rather than go out.

[C] The woman will go out because she's in a good mood.

[D] The woman will have to make a decision whether to study.

16. [A] She will be changing jobs soon.

[B] She always does the right thing.

[C] She will have to accept a reduced salary.

[D] Her boss notified her that she's been fired.

17. [A] Speak to her previous employer. [B] Get ajob working on campus.

[C] Attend Career Service's workshop. [D] Get a job application from him.

18. [A] She agrees to move the item to the balcony.

[B] She disagrees, and wants the issue discussed now.

[C] She disagrees, and wants the issue resolved immediately.

[D] She agrees, but wants the issue to be further discussed later.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. [A] The most effective method ofleaming the German language.

[B] The popularity of online shopping using one's personal computer.

[C] Questions that one has to answer when going through customs.

[D] Native customs in Germany when meeting someone for the first time.

20. [A] She is a Japanese. [B] She comes from Germany.

[C] She is an American citizen. [D] She has British nationality.

21. [A] In a music mailing club. [B] In a class of German culture.

[C] In a discussion group on the Internet. [D] In a seminar on the German language.

22. [A] Take an intensive course in German.

[B] Give his greetings to Linda's parents.

[C] Establish a friendly relationship with Linda.

[D] Learn how to say "Nice to meet you" in German.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. [A] Play tennis. [B] Retum to his hometown.

[C] Join the woman for dinner. [D] Go to a coffee shop with the woman.

24. [A] She doesn't drink coffee. ' [B] She has a plane to catch.

[C] She has to go to a lesson. [D] She doesn't like the man.

25. [A] He will postpone the trip. [B] He will take tennis lessons.

[C] He will marry the woman. [D] He will cook dinner for the woman.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you heara question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and


Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. [A] Banking. [B] Foodbusiness.




新华调查:算不算人才浪费? “大学生争当保姆”面面观

新华网北京4月6日电(记者 赵叶苹、张舵)“女硕士当油漆工”的讨论言犹在耳,“大学生争当保姆”再成热点。日前北京一拍卖公司与四川一家政公司组织的拍卖会上,6名大学专科应届毕业生以4万多元的年薪成功卖出自己一年的工作权。









【点评】沃尔玛创始人大学毕业后回到家乡,从做小卖部开始,结果发展成为世界级的零售企业。人们不能限定大学生一开始干什么,而应关心他们是否从事自己喜欢和擅长的工作。大学生初次就业,待遇的确重要,但就业规划不能完全被工资待遇所左右。 大学生做保姆,能不能坚持下去?















首先,何谓大学生?大学生的定义是,受过普通高等教育的群体,是社会新技术、新思想的前沿群体,国家培养的高级专业人才。然而,在中国特色社会主义事业大发展大繁荣的21世纪,在风云变幻日新月异的21世纪,在普通高等教育大众化的21世纪,大学生已绝不再是当初万里挑一万众瞩目的天之骄子,而是一个年轻有活力的普通社会群体,与社会上所有的劳动者一样,大学生需要凭借自己的知识能力和汗水,去创造美好生活,实现人生的价值。 第二,何谓保姆?保姆的正规定义是,家政服务员。随着家政行业的发展,家政服务可细分为佣家型家庭服务及智家型家庭服务及管家型的家庭服务。而保姆的级别可以划分为初级中级高级特级四个不同等级。由此可见,保姆早已不是烧饭洗衣拖地干粗活的农村妇女的代名词,在社会分工日益细化的21世纪,它是一个极富生命力,具有全新的服务理念,广阔的发展前景,旺盛的市场需求的新兴职业。








5不念大学可以做保姆,念大学也可以做保姆,那么,为什么还要绕那么大一个弯呢? 6请问世界五百强的CEO有哪一个是从做保姆开始的呢?











不管这10名大学生保姆最终是否能够被高薪拍走,此事再次让我们把目光投向家政人才上。 春节过后,很多家庭在“用工荒”当中遭遇的是“保姆荒”。从媒体的报道可以看出,在北京、上海、广州等许多大城市,由于大部分保姆返家过年未回,自春节前就开始的“保姆荒”依然在继续。据山东大嫂职业培训学校的总经理万忠介绍,现在他们平均每天都能接到三四十个预订育婴师的电话,“今年„兔宝宝‟扎堆儿生,我们育婴师的预订都已经列到了五六月份,排队的客户非常多,现在是想插也插不进去。”一些家政公司想到招一些大学生保姆来应急。但往年还能招到相对数量的大学生保姆,这两年变得越来越难。报名者少,即便上岗了也做不长久。


此外,民政部的调查也指出:中国已经进入老年化社会,有1000万城市家庭的老人急需要护理。《中国人口老龄化发展趋势百年预测》结果显示:2010年老年人口将达1.74亿,占总人口的12.8%,且正以年均近1000万的增幅“跑步前进”。预计到2050年进入重度老龄化阶段,届时我国老年人口达到4.37亿,占总人口30%以上,预计5个老年人中就有1个是80岁以上老人。 老年人口数量剧增,必然要对老人护理服务提出新的更高的要求。而随着第一代独生子女的父母进入老年,两个年轻人负担四个老人的养老重任,无力、无暇应对的问题日益凸显。这类家庭很有必要聘请一个甚至两个家政服务人员帮忙料理一些家庭事务。







谢谢主席!各位评委!大家好!对方辩友的发言卓实精彩,细细听来不难发现对方辩友的论证逻辑其实就是以下两点:1、一个事物从没有到有事一种进步,大学生从没有工作可做到做保姆是一种进步。2、对方辩友认为保姆这个行业具有广阔的就业前景,而大学生又具有较高的素质,两者一拍即合。 于是,对方辩友得出结论,大学生从没有工作到有工作和大学生从事保姆行业就证明了大学生做保姆是就业观念的进步。但是整个辩论过程对方辩友一直没有论证这两点如何体现了就业观念的进步,进步在哪里。希望接下来对方4辩的总结陈词能给大家好好论证一下。`我方认为“大学生做保姆是人才的贬值”,下面就我方观点做以下总结:1、大学生做保姆,人岗不相适。正如斯坦福大学校长约翰.汉尼斯所言:“大学教育区分专业正是因为侧重于不同培养预期以满足社会对不同人才的需求。”高等教育的知识技术为主的属性和保姆行业以服务为主属性不契合,大学生做保姆与其培养预期相违背。因此结合保姆行业的需要和大学生的实际才能考虑,大学生做保姆是人才的贬值。2、大学生做保姆,用不当其时。大学生涌入保姆市场,不仅自身价值大打折扣,而且还挤占专职保姆的就业岗位,导致市场秩序的紊乱。延误了对人才的及时使用时效,没有把在对的时间对的人放在对的工作岗位上去,使其不能充分施展才华。人才贬值趋势的扩大化在所难免,导致群体性的人才贬值。3、大学生做保姆,人未尽其才。大学生做保姆,缺乏充分施展才能的合适舞台和条件。大学生的积极性、主动性和创造性受到不同程度的影响。 正如北大第一任校长蔡元培所说:“大学是社会之光,它本来就要照到更需要它的地方。”社会培养人才的最终目的是为了更好的使用人才,人才只有用好了,才能体现价值,发挥效能,成为经济社会进步的重要推动力量。从2003年12月,全国第一次人才工作会议,到前不久颁发的《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》,都旗帜鲜明的指出把充分发挥各类人才的作用作为人才工作的根本任务,特别是引导大学生从学生到社会的第一步,尽早的投入社会,发挥自身的聪明才智,实现人生与社会的共赢。温家宝总理曾语重心长的告诫在校大学生,到祖国最需要的地方去,实现人生的最大价值。因此,终上所述,我方坚持认为“大学生做保姆是人才的贬值”。










为何那么多大学生保姆都走向 失败?对于大学生保姆雇主都给予了较高期望,不仅希望能陪伴孩子开展益智类的游戏,对其进行英语口语、象棋、书法、绘画、体育等方面的综合素质教育,同时还希望男生能帮家里干些买米、换饮用水等体力活,女生则能够买菜、做饭、洗衣服等。但事实并不像我们希望的那样,大学生离专业保姆的距离还很远。















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