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2014年安徽省普通高中学业水平测试 英语



(英 语)

第一部分 听力(共三大题,满分20分)

I.关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 1. A. creature B. culture C. lecture 2. A. gain B. train

C. contain 3. A. supper

B. supply

C. support 4. A. valuable B. available C. comfortable 5. A. come out B. stand out C. work out

II. 短对话理解(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)

6. Who has a dictionary? A. Mike. B. Tina.

C. Lucy. 7. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To a bank. B. To a square. C. To a park. 8. How does the woman find the film?

A. Boring. B. Wonderful. C. Horrible. 9. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At a café. B. At home. C. In a garden 10. What will the man probably do this afternoon?

A. Go fishing.

B. Have a test.

C. Prepare for a test.

III. 长对话和独白理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 11. What are Helen and her son going to do on vacation? A. Visit some museums. B. See the beaches. C. Take some photos. 12. Where does Mr. Brown plan to go for his vacation? A. To London.

B. To Paris.

C. To Hawaii. 13. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Boss and secretary. C. Doctor and patient.

听下面一段对话,回答第14至第16小题。 14. Why does the man like collecting stamps? A. Because it helps him make friends.【安徽省普通高中学业水平查分】

B. Because it makes him more relaxed.

C. Because it brings him much pleasure. 15. What does the woman like doing best? A. Traveling.

B. Swimming.

C. Playing tennis.

16. When will the man and the woman have a game? A. Next Friday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20小题。 17. When did the activity first begin? A. In 1997

B. In 2010.

C. In 2014. 18. What‟s the aim of the activity? A. To reduce „the number of cars on the road. B. To encourage parents to drive kids to school. C. To develop students‟ habit of traveling safely. 19. What are students asked to do in the activity?

A. Leave their cars at home. B. Record the time they walk. C. Control traffic around schools. 20. What is the speaker mainly talking about? A. School Safety.

B. Green Travel.

C. Walk to School Week.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分20分) IV. 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

21. A simple smile will sometimes make a ________ to those who are in trouble. A. choice B. mistake C. difference D. speech 22. Bob________ speak fluent Chinese and French, though he is only 10 years old.

A. must B. can

C. would

D. shall 23. Children are taught to ________ traffic rules on their way to school.

A obey B. design C. read

D. explain 24. The quiet and beautiful village is ________ for people to spend weekends.

A. harmful

B. powerful C. terrible

D. suitable

25. –Dad, I‟m thinking of leaving my job to get a better one.

–Are you? Think twice ________ you make a final decision. A. after B. before C. since

D. unless 26. –Alice, will you ________ the radio? Your brother is sleeping. – OK,I will.

A. turn to B. turn on C. turn off D. turn up 27. Jason, a gifted boy, practices________ pictures really hard to become an artist. A. painting B. to paint C. to be painted D. being painted 28. Many people book tickets on the Internet, ________ is quite common now.

A. that B. when C. where D. which 29. If we don‟t take action to protect the environment, we ________ our home sooner or later. A lose

B. lost

C. will lose D. have lost 30. – Can I have a day off tomorrow, Mr. Clive? – ______. There will be too much work to do then. A. I‟m afraid not B. It depends C. Of course

D. No problem

V. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

A couple of years ago, l lost my wallet. I made the poor decision of keeping my identity card, my credit card, a large amount of cash and other various things inside my __31__. I thought for sure anyone who got my wallet would take money from my bank account, and I was __32__ that my identity card would be used to do something bad.

About a week __33__, a police officer knocked on my door and __34__ my wallet. Someone

handed it in to the police! Much to my __35__, they didn’t touch the cash inside or anything. I felt so lucky that such a kind person__36__my wallet and took time out of their day to try and get it back to me.

After that, l decided that I wanted to do __37__ things for other people, hoping that they too could feel that way. I started to do small things to __38__ people. They were small simple things, like holding the door open for others. When you make others feel __39__, you will have a great day.

That’s why l __40__ everyone to do small nice things for others. Helping others is to help yourself.

31. A. handbag B. wallet

C. pocket

D. car D. puzzled D. later D. fetched D. disappointment D. picked up D. serious D. recognize D. sick D. encourage

32. A. satisfied B. excited C. worried 33. A. ahead B. earlier C. long 34. A. threw 35. A. sadness 36. A. took up 38. A. help 39. A. bad 40. A. allow

B. searched

B. surprise C. regret

C. returned

41. Which tourist attraction opens all year round?

B. looked up C. gave up B. respect B. good

C. protect C. free

37. A. kind B. funny C. stupid

A. Cliffs of Moher. B. Dublin Castle. C. Phoenix Park D. Fota Wildlife Park. 42. If Mrs. Smith wants to go to an art museum, which website can she visit for more information? A. /retype/zoom/e05b446a856a561253d36f05?pn=2&x=0&y=0&raww=659&rawh=390&o=jpg_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=284.06676783004553&md5sum=c82893e03642ddada0eb2837dfc6264b&sign=1477259176&zoom=&png=0-388&jpg=0-91973" target="_blank">



61. overcome 62. aware 63. prefer 64. humour (humor) 65. peaceful VIII. One possible version:

I dream to be a teacher. Teaching is a job where I can help students learn more about the world, make full use of what they have learned, and become an excellent person. To make my dream come true, I will work even harder to go to a good university. Then I can equip myself well, especially with the skills needed for the job as a teacher.

In a word, if we realize our dreams, our nation’s dream can certainly come true. Only in this way can our motherland become stronger and stronger, and can people lead a happier life.





1. It takes time to fit into a different culture.

2. Children will gain confidence in their abilities with teachers’ help. 3. My parents gave me a lot of support during this difficult time.

4. The telephone is regarded as one of the most valuable inventions in history. 5. The twin girls in red stand out in the crowd.

Ⅱ. 短对话理解(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)


6. W: Hi, Mike! Do you have a dictionary?

M: Sorry, Tina. I don’t have one, but Lucy does. 7. W: Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bank?

M: Walk across the square and turn left. You’ll find the bank just opposite to the park. 8. M: Hey, Sarah. Have you seen the new batman film?

W: Yes. I’ve never watched a better one. 9. W: Sir, may I take your order?

M: A cup of coffee and an apple pie, please. 10. W: Kevin, shall we go fishing this afternoon?

M: I’d like to, but I have to prepare for tomorrow’s math test.


III. 长对话和独白理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

听下面三段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有个小题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13小题。

W: Good morning, Mr. Brown. Here’s the plan for tomorrow’s meeting. M: Thanks, Helen. Have you decided where to spend the coming vacation?

W: Yes. I’m going to take my son to some museums in London and Paris. What about you, Mr. Brown? M:I’m planning to go to Hawaii with my wife.

W: Sounds great! The beaches there are said to be the most beautiful in the world. M: You said it. That’s why I’m going there.

W: Have a nice time! Please remember to bring back some photos.

M: No problem. By the way, get everything ready for the meeting, will you? 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第16小题。 W: Frank, have you got any hobby?

M: Well, I play tennis on Fridays to keep fit. And I also like collecting stamps. W: Interesting! But collecting stamps is an expensive hobby, isn’t it?

M: Yes, you’re right. But it brings me much pleasure. I’ve collected many stamps while traveling around. How about you?

W: I’m fond of reading and I swim with friends every Saturday. Swimming is my favorite, for it makes me relaxed.

M: Do you play tennis?

W: Yes, sometimes, just for fun

M: Well, shall we have a game together?

W: That’d be nice. Let’s make it next Sunday. M: Great! See you!


Hello, everyone! Today I’d like to talk about the activity “Walk to School Week”. It began in our city in 1997 grew into a national event in 2010. The aim of this activity is to reduce the number of cars on the road.

During the week, students are asked to record how many minutes they walk. Parents are advised to leave their cars at home and take their children to school on foot. We can benefit a lot. It saves money and makes the traffic better around school gates. With fewer cars on the road, travel to and from school becomes safer and more enjoyable. It also helps children develop the habit of green travel.

Walk to School Week 2014 is coming on June 25. Come and join us!

2015年安徽省普通高中学业水平考试 英语试卷

2015年安徽省普通高中学业水平考试 英语试卷



数 学


1,2,3},N{0,1,2,5},则MN 等于( ) 1.已知集合M{

A.{1,2} B.{0,2} C.{2,5} D. {3,5}

2.下列几何体中,主(正)视图为三角形的是( )

3. sin210等于 ( )

A. 3 2 B. 113 C. D. 222

4. 函数f(x)lg(x1)的定义域为( )

A. (0,) B. 0,)

C.(1,) D.1,)

5. 执行如图所示程序框图,输出结果是( )

A. 3 B. 5 C.7 D.9

 6. 已知a(3,5),b(6,2),则ab等于( )

A.36 B. 10 C.8 D.6

7.下列四个函数图象,其中为R上的单调函数的是( )

8. 如果实数x,y满足x0,y0,且xy2,那么xy的最大值是( )

A. 13 B.1 C. D. 1 22

9. 已知直线l1:xy0,l2:xy0,则直线l1与l2的位置关系是( )

A.垂直 B. 平行 C. 重合 D.相交但不垂直

10. 某校有2000名学生,其中高一年级有700人,高二年级有600人。为了解学生对防震减灾知识的掌握情况,学校用分册抽样的方法抽取20名学生召开座谈会,则应抽取高三年级学生的人数为( )

A. 5 B.6 C. 7 D. 8

x0,y0,所表示的平面区域的面积等于( ) 11. 不等式组xy40

A. 4 B.8 C. 12 D. 16

12. 右图是一名篮球运动员在五场比赛中所得分数的茎叶图,则该

运动员在这五场比赛中得分的中位数为( )

A. 10 B.11 C. 12 D. 13

13. 已知圆C的圆心坐标是(0,0),且经过点(1,1),则圆C的方程是( )

A. xy1 B. (x1)2(y1)21

C. xy2 D. (x1)2(y1)22

14. 某校有第一、第二两个食堂,三名同学等可能地选择一个食堂就餐,则他们恰好都选择第一食堂的概率为( )

A. 22221131 B. C. D. 8482

2 15. 函数f(x)xx5(x0)的零点所在区间为( )

1133(0,)(,1)(1,)( A. B. C. D.,2) 2222

16. 下列命题正确的是( )



C. 如果一条直线与平面内的一条直线平行,则该直线与此平面平行


17. 将函数f(x)sinx(0)的图象向右平移3 个单位,所得图象经过点则,0,44的最小值是( )

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

18. 在股票交易过程中,经常用两种曲线来描述价格变化情况,一种是即时价格曲线



19. 幂函数f(x)x(是常数)的图象经过点(2 , 4),则f(x)。

20. 数列an 满足a11,an12an1(nN*) ,则a4。

21. 如图,在正方形ABCD中,E,F,G,H分别为四边中点,现将均匀的


概率为 。

22. 在ABC中,点D在边BC上,且2,若

,则 


ABC的三边a,23. (本题满分10分)b,c所对的角分别为A,B,C。已知bcosCccosB。



24. (本题满分10分)如图,在ABC中,AB=AC,EC平面ABC,DA平面ABC,且EC=2DA,M为BE的中点。










19.x 20.15 21. 21 22. 2 2


bcosCccosB, 由正弦定理得 sinBcosCcosBsinC。23. (1)证法一:......... 2 分



BC0,BC, .......................................................... 4 分

ABC为等腰三角形。.......................................................... 5 分


c证法二:bcosCccosB,由余弦定理得 b,......... 2 分 2ab2ca

整理得 2b22c2,bc,.......................................................... 4 分

ABC为等腰三角形。.......................................................... 5 分

证法三:由证法一得 sinBcosCcosBsinC,......... 2 分

B,C均为锐角,两边同除以 cosBcosC得tanBtanC,BC,.................... 4 分 ABC为等腰三角形。.......................................................... 5 分


a844bc,由勾股定理得逆定理可得 A90。............. 7 分 222

1AC1。 2

22222 在RtABD中,由勾股定理得 BDABAD215,

BD. ........................................................... 10 分 点D为边AC中点,AD

24. (1)取BC中点N, 连接AN,MN,......... 1 分


又EC平面ABC,DA平面ABC,EC=2DA, 1EC. ......... 2 分 2

DA//EC,DA1EC, 2

DA // MN,且DA=MN,



DM//平面ABC。 ............................ 5 分



ECBC=C,AN平面EBC. .......... 7 分





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