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The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the former chief executive officer and cofounder of Apple. Also, people consider him as one of the most brilliant and successful entrepreneur in the past decades. Apple achieves a series success under his wise leading, which makes people curious about knowing his secret and everything. Apple and their products including Iphone and Ipad have changed peoples’ attitude toward electronic devices. Moreover, they change the way of our routine life, more and more people are regarding Apple products as one part of their life. Apple achieves a series success under his leading, which arise people’s curiosity to his everything. What drive them different and change the world. One of the significant elements is Innovation and creation. Employers in apple are indeed the people who think differently with others so that their products are revolutionary and perfect in current time. Steve Jobs shows us seven principles of innovation in his book The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. In this essay, I will explain and take some examples for each of them.

Principle 1: Do what you love

Jobs said “do what you love” He means one should have courage to follow your heart. Everyone had a dream when he was young, but for many reasons, they gave it up. It is indeed hard for one to preserve his dream. When you spend so much energy and time on one thing, there are such rough moments

in time and most people give up. Innovation starts from the interest and passion, without passion and enthusiasm nothing can drive you keeping innovation ideas to something. Take Jobs and Wozniak as an example, it is their passion and interest to electronic equipment that drive these two Steve (both their given name is Steve) together and start this legend.

There is something that we should learn from this principle. Firstly, It is barely possible for anyone who succeed without doing things you love, so find your love before you start anything. Secondly, one must trust his passion and never fear of facing the failure.

Principle 2: Put a dent in the universe

Every innovation at Apple starts with a big, bold vision and a heavy dose of inspiration. And Steve Jobs is quite well-known for his “reality distortion field”, a phenomenon attributed to Jobs where the leader convinces his team that nothing is impossible. One of his motivating sentences was “let’s make a dent in the universe”. People always underestimate the power of a vision or just a idea, actually sometimes, it is some bold vision or a innovation idea that move the world forward, for example, Jobs ,himself, didn’t invent personal computer, nor did he invent the MP3 player, he innovated around those with the introduction of Mac and iPod. He didn’t invent the tablet computer or smartphone, he put all his time into the iPhone and the iPad, without a bold

vision, Jobs and his teams will get nothing but an empty dream. Every innovation at Apple starts with a big, bold vision and a big bunch of inspiration.

What passion to a successful people is what fuel to a car, but vision provides the map of your road. When we want to make a vision and run after it, it is better to make sure that the vision has some common characters such as specific, concise and consistent.

Principle 3: Kick-Start your brain

We can not deny that daily routine is the golden mind source of many brilliant people, especially inventors. Jobs said “Creativity is just connecting things”. Which means that is not a difficult thing for anyone. Actually it is not a big deal but just “connecting the dots in your life” Jobs also said it in the commencement of Stanford. Yet it is a pity that few people can think things differently and connect them in a new way. Significant one of Apple’s ideas is that they use analogies or metaphors to think about a problem, specifically, by finding the similarities between two things that are unlike. Take the Macintosh as an example, Part of what made it great was that the people working on it were musicians, poets, artists and zoologists It is a work of art rather than an electronic product. How accurate it is! People who are filled with innovation ideas always can extend their thoughts to some other fields and get into a new high level by activating each other.

Another interesting but real example we can found is in the year 2009, the Obama government made a action that shocked the people a little bit. They recruited lots of famous fiction novelists to work with the FBI in order to anticipate the Bin Laten’s shelter and recent plan. But it did work a little bit and even a new anti-terrorism strategy.

Catching the inspirations from experiments and other fields sometime is a good way to find new connection. But mostly find the connection between unfamiliar things and keep passion to ask, more importantly, never fear the changes is indeed the point of hunting success.

Principle 4: Sell Dreams, Not products

Frankly speaking, Apple products like Mac and iPhone etc. indeed are the symbol of fashion, but Apple never declare that he is the leader of fashion.their The main reason of that is their attitude toward products and customers. They try to provide the best products to their customers who also have a making world changed dream so that they don’t just sell for current profits but for making their dream real. It is well known that Jobs do a market research or investigate before build a new product, differently from others, but he still build great products without focus groups. However, it’s not to say that Apple does not listen to its customers. Actually it seems none can know their customers

better than them. As jobs said, “we, too, are going to think differently and serve the people who have been buying our products since the beginning”. Apple and Jobs indeed always create things that are not their customers want right now, but what they want in future. Take iPad as an example, it used to be considered as an unworthy product, because people don’t need it, while jobs think people will need a device which makes browse web and check email easier, it is also supposed to provide a new experience for entertainment which is between laptop and phones. That is the original model of iPad. Without a brave but smart thought like that, iPad won’t be one of the most popular equipment now. It is hard to say whether Apple’s strategies are available for every enterprise, however, they use their own way to catch their customers closely to their products, which is definitely a special but effective method.

There are thousands of electronic corporations in China, but none of them has any style like Apple, they just follow the so called customer’s current need and make a little profit by producing in a fast way. So, lots of companies have to survive only on changing with the market and following foreign fashion. People buy their products just for the low price. In my opinion, they should pay more attention on customers’ dream rather than their requirements and stop copying from others, no one would like to use the toilet papper which has already used even though you offer them in a low price. Instead they should make some


'Steve Jobs' book review

Today, I introduced the book, will let everyone know such a person: he brought us the iPhone, iPad, iMac, redefined the PC and cell phone; creates iPod and iTunes, revived the entire music industry; establish the Pixar, created a miracle of digital images; the company set up in their own garage now the market value has reached about 700 billion US dollars; becoming the world's most valuable company; and if it is not because of the fault of the board of directors forced him to leave the Apple, he will rule the entire electronics industry. He, once again changing our lives, again and again changing the world. He is Steve Jobs.

Many people say that Steve Jobs is a shrewd businessman, an IQ superior technology worker. Compared with his remarkable commercial, scientific and technological achievements, but I read Jobs from the book as an artist, just from the love of art and beauty, he create his own products as a work of art, rather than just a cell phone, a computer.

In order to determine the radian of computer case, he and his team members discussed almost a month. A menu bar, the engineers to do 20 times to meet his demands. He wants all windows are rounded rectangles, but in terms of technology at that time, too difficult. So jobs with engineers go three blocks and find out 17 examples of the rounded rectangle. Engineers finally convinced solved this difficult problem. Mr. Jobs also want to use beautiful fonts inApple computer. He recruited designer and lead design dozens of font, spent a lot of time and research and development funds. So he was Apple's board of directors warned repeatedly. A board member and even shouted angrily "font? Can't we have no more important things?" Eventually, of course, Mr. Jobs lead the team to launch the Macintosh.The world is surprised, and no one thought that the computer can be so simple, so rich in beauty. In the book, more of my feeling is quite deep, the pursuit of jobs is not only a product of art, but also the art of life. Because I couldn't find his recognition of furniture, the whole room is only a desk lamp. In life, he thought, everything, every item, should be filled with artistic feeling. Is also for this reason, he would be rather for your own dream adventure, will not follow suit manufacturing products.

Jobs’ life is short, but he has to emit their own light. His life has become a remembered by one piece of art.

We may be unable to change the world like Steve Jobs, but we should like him to pursue the art of life. Life is short, in a short life, we should be in their own way to live out their own style. We should not only learn to listen to the opinions of others, and to understand when should insist on your point of view, and insist on the best as I do, and not easily compromise to reality. You know, life is the choice of countless, in limited life, why not choose something we think is worth? Now that we have come to this world, why not let life become more delicate? Why not let the dream become more splendid?

Steve Jobs once said: "There are numerous things to do in life, and now we have chosen this one thing, let us make it a classic." Let's remember this sentence.



捏着鼻子坚持读了一遍由SIMON&SCHUSTER出版的英文原版(美国版)的《乔布斯传》,感慨很多,沉淀一下,和大家分享一下我的一些感动。了解乔布斯是由他05年在斯坦福大学的毕业演讲开始,演讲中他鼓励我们找到生命中的所爱,并为之付出不懈努力,梦想终会实现;Stay hungry, stay foolish! (求知若饥,虚心若愚),简短的一句话要用一生的时间去践行。乔布斯走了,但他的自传像《圣经》一样,成了许多人的信仰,在心中深深扎根,包括我。

乔布斯邀请著名传记作家Walter Isaacson为其著书立传时立场明确,不要美化,一定要客观描述,无需乔布斯监管书写内容,甚至未经乔布斯查阅就可以出版。所以在书中,通过其家人、朋友、员工、前女友、竞争对手等的讲述,乔布斯完整地、客观地呈现在读者面前。他是个天才,同时做过一些憾事,如23岁时使女友怀孕并分手,并拒绝承认是孩子的父亲(后来,乔布斯做了最大程度上的弥补)。对于他一生中的是是非非,我不敢妄言评论。每个人心中都有一个不同的乔布斯,并且对每个人的工作、生活、爱情乃至人生轨迹方面产生深远的影响。而乔布斯对于我的工作和生活的影响如下:



己的工作,只是会说完成领导的工作安排,做好分内的事。这样的员工的工作可能是良好的,但肯定不是优秀的。原因很简单,工作上缺少足够的工作热情,面对所谓的分外工作时,往往会回避;面对技能瓶颈时,得过且过,非不得已不会做出努力去提高;面对各种各样测试时,临时抱佛脚,侥幸通过,事后统统抛之脑后。而伟大的乔布斯呢?他是一个完美主义者,对工作精益求精,不达目的誓不摆休,书中写到:设计苹果的每一代产品,乔布斯不仅关注产品的外表,苛刻到每块电路板的设计都做到完美,尽管电路板是在里面,用户是看不到的;他告诉雇员,我们不仅仅是为使用者设计产品,更是为了自己,所以产品从里到外都要做好,做到极致。我们不可能达到他的那种精神高度和事业巅峰,但我们至少可以做出改变。平时里,主动的学习行业相关的知识、技能、法规,工作中游刃有余的解决问题 领导者和跟风者的区别就在于创新。










I was experiencing the feeling of paradox after reading the book. I felt my eyes wet when I read his stories, about how Mr. Jobs was able to overcome the challenges in life. These are challenges that I, you, and a lot of us will never encountered, but I understand how it must feel to be in the middle of the situations, and how it must feel being hopeless. This understanding has led me to the being moved by Steve Jobs’s braveness and persistence. The power of his dream had proved beyond anything, illness, unfairness and death. He continued to love his career even after being diagnosed cancer, and used his power and strengths to change the world by changing how all of us see it.

He was a nerd, a crazy man, a paranoid, but there was no evidence that would show him not being one of the greatest man in human history. Even though people found themselves tired working with Mr. Jobs (he was such a paranoid), they loved him, as he could bring the novelty to this world and make a difference. To the great man who changed the world with mac and ipod, to the hero of the electronic industry, to Steve Jobs, you will always be my hero.















































个月就退学,而在设计电脑、领导企业之际洋溢天才充满激情的人。 《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》被称为是“乔布斯的最后礼物”。当然,最重






创公司发布了Apple I,30岁被自已游说回的CEO斯卡利挤走,期间







Jobs dismissed this. “There’s some notion that because I was abandoned, I worked very hard so I could do well and make my parents wish they had me back, or some such nonsense, but that’s ridiculous,” he insisted. “Knowing I was adopted may have made me feel more independent, but I have never felt abandoned. I’ve always felt special. My parents made me feel special.” He would later bristle whenever anyone referred to Paul and Clara Jobs as his “adoptive” parents or implied that they were not his “real” parents. “They were my parents 1,000%,” he said. When speaking about his biological parents, on the other hand, he was curt: “They were my sperm and egg bank. That’s not harsh, it’s just the way it was, a sperm bank thing, nothing more.”  [indi'pendənt]

adj. 独立的, 自主的,私立的,无偏见的 n. 独立派人士, 无党派者

 [dis'mis]

vt. 解散, 开除,逃避,(法律)驳回

 [ə'dɔpt]

v. 采用, 收养, 接受

 ['nɔnsəns]

n. 无意义的事,荒谬的言行,荒唐

 [in'sist]

vt. 坚持,强调 vi. 坚决主张

 [ridiculous]

adj. 可笑的;荒谬的

 ['nəuʃən]

n. 观念,想法,主张

 [spə:m]

n. 精液, 精子 n. 与抹香鲸有关的物质(如鲸脑油) pref. 表示“精液,精子,种子”(=spermo-,sperma-,spermi-)

 [kə:t]

adj. 简略的, 简短的, 生硬的

 [hɑ:ʃ]

adj. 粗糙的, 使人不舒服的,刺耳的, 严厉的,大约的

编辑解释 添加例句 添加笔记

 [ə'dɔptiv]

adj. 收养关系的

 [im'plai]

vt. 暗示,意味

 ['brisl]

n. 刚毛, 猪鬃;vi.(背部或颈部的毛因惊吓或发怒)竖起,耸起;vt.(对某人的言行)大为恼怒;被激怒

 [ri'fə:]

vt. 把…提交; 把...归因, 归类为 vi. 谈及, 咨询, 参考

Silicon Valley The childhood that Paul and Clara Jobs created for their new son was, in many ways, a stereotype of the late 1950s. When Steve was two they adopted a girl they named Patty, and three years later they moved to a tract house in the suburbs. The finance company where Paul worked as a repo man, CIT, had transferred him down to its Palo Alto office, but he could not afford to live there, so they landed in a subdivision in Mountain View, a less expensive town just to the south.

 ['sʌbdiˌviʒən]

n. 细分, 再分的部分

 [fai'næns, fi-]

n. 财政, 资金 vt. 给...提供资金, 负担经费

 ['stiəriəutaip]

n. 铅版,陈腔滥调,老一套 vt. 使用铅版,套用老套

 ['ri:pəʊ;'ripəu]

n. <非正式> 回购协议 n. <非正式> 取回,重新占有  [ə'dɔpt]

v. 采用, 收养, 接受

 ['silikən]

n. 硅

 [sit]

n. 市民,便服,老百姓服装

 [trækt]

n. 广阔的土地,地域,器官系统,宣传小册子  ['sʌbə:b]

n. 郊区

 [træns'fə:]

n. 迁移, 移动, 换车 v. 转移, 调转, 调任



本文由mahaozheng01贡献读乔布斯传有感经公司推荐我有幸阅读了《乔布斯传》,很快我就被乔布斯的生平 所吸引,一出生就被人收养,几乎每年选择了一所学校才把大学三年读 完(这在中国不可能发生),21 岁就自创公司发布了 Apple I,30 岁被 自已游说回的 CEO 斯卡利挤走。 42 岁,乔布斯回归苹果,至今上演了 一场改变世界的惊人演出,回顾乔布斯的 36 年的职业生涯,我深深被 乔布斯的创新精神所打动,特别是乔布斯办公室里的一条标语,值得我 们所有的人铭记。如果把它作为我们工作的基本原则,镂刻在我们每个 员工的心头, 那也是大有裨益的。 现摘录如下: “东方佛学中有一句话: 永远保持初学者的心态;拥有初学的心态是件了不起的事情。” 在当今工作充满竞争的时代,必须要一直保持着学习的姿态,不断 地从工作中吸取生存经验,才能增强自己的生存能力。在这个知识与科 技发展一日千里的时代,只有时刻怀抱初学者的心态,才能不断地充实 自己, 渐渐成长, 最终在职场上站稳脚跟, 打造出属于自己的一片天地。 有这么一个关于乌鸦的故事。在很久很久以前,有一个虔诚的传教 士带着几只乌鸦到了非洲的一个小国家。几年以后,传教士死了,乌鸦 却一代一代繁衍着,并且越来越多。这些乌鸦浑身都是黑色的羽毛,终 日嘎嘎叫着,令人非常讨厌。于是,当地的人们就开始射杀它们,许多 乌鸦被杀死了。如果继续这种情况,那么乌鸦很快就会在这个国家中消 失。幸存下来的乌鸦犹如惊弓之鸟,它们只要一看到人,就下意识地逃跑。后来,乌鸦干脆躲到树林里,但这也不能保证安全。为了生存,它 们把自己的羽毛染成了像树枝一样的灰色,并向当地的鸟儿学习鸣叫, 渐渐地,叫出来的声音也没那么难听了,而是轻轻的,听起来就像是有 人在微弱地哀求着。由于乌鸦改变了自己的颜色和声音,当地人就停止 了对乌鸦的射杀。就这样,乌鸦在那个国家得以继续繁衍。 面对着瞬息万变的世界,你需要做的是学习,学习如何改变,怎 样改变,以更好地适应环境,保证自己的生存。 当危机来临时,乌鸦能通过学习改变自己,从危机中幸存下来。 人类也是如此, 作为融入社会的一员, 必须根据环境的变化来不断学习、 不断改变自己,主动地去适应工作环境,否则成功将无从谈起。如果将 人看做一棵树,学习就是树的根,也就是人的生命之根。 看一个人是否具有竞争力,不是看这个人在学校时的成绩好坏,也 不是看他的学历有多高,关键是要看他会不会一直不断地学习。 现在要找一份工作不容易,找一份满

意的工作更是难上加难,找到了工 作要站稳脚跟又得下一番苦工夫。如果不能在工作中不断地学习,以提 高自己的知识和能力,就算你曾是公司的三朝元老,就算你是硕士、博 士甚至博士后,你不能应付自己的工作,不能为公司创造更大的价值, 那么,你就很有可能面临被扫地出门的命运了。 当你的老板或上司不重视你,是因为你的能力不足,却又不努力学 习;而后你痛下苦功,通过学习使得工作能力不断提高,他当然会对你另眼相看的。如果你还在埋怨老板不重视自己,不如冷静下来,想想自 己还有什么地方做得不足,然后及时改正。没有知识,就没有能力,能 力是自己所学的知识、工作经验、人生的阅历和老师的传授相结合在一 起的。能力的培养是和不断地学习密不可分的,只有不断地充实和完善 自己,才能赢在起跑线上。 是金子,又何愁不会发光?怕就怕你还没把自己炼成一块真金。身 在职场中的人应时刻保持初学习者的心态。通过在工作中不断学习,提 高自己的实际能力。作为一个员工,不论是在职业生涯的哪个阶段,学 习的脚步都不能稍有停歇,要把公司视为学习的殿堂。你的知识对于所 工作的公司而言是很有价值的宝库,所以你要好好自我监督,别让自己 的技能落在时代的后头。 只有当你更好地适应环境学习了一段时间之后, 你会发现,现在的自己跟以前已经有了很大的差别,而成功的殿堂离你 也越来越近。 史蒂夫·乔布斯的成功不仅仅是保持了那种初学者的心态,还有诸 如坚毅、执著、强势、果敢、激情四射……看来保持初学者的心态还真 不是一件容易的事.学会向身边每一个人学习,只要有这样的心态,就 能把自己的工作做好!我工作是为了我自己,广泛的说是为公司尽一份 微薄之力吧,有可能现在没有得到我想或者我应该得到的结果,但是我 会继续,因为我坚信我付出都终会得到回报,无论物质或者不能看到的 能力,我想我们都会得到,只要我们能这样想!所以,要幸福,快乐, 自信的工作。

















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