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Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Brief information about this book:

Tess of the D’Urbervilles was written by the famous writer Thomas Hardy. Tess of the D’Urbervilles was one of his “Wessex series” works. The book which I read was published by The time Literature and Art Press, and contains 460 pages. He was born in 1840 and died in 1928. And he was the British poet and novelist, and his novels were featured of the literature traditional of Victoria. This novel also was included.

Main contents: background characters, plot summary Tess of the D’Urbervilles was about a beautiful and industrious girl Tess, all her life, her unfortunate life and her very tough love story. The main character Tess was the daughter of a famer Jack Durbeyfield. They had a hard life on the farm. But one day when her father was told that they were the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d’ Urbervilles, who derived their descent from Sir Pagan d’ Urberville, that renowned knight who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror, as appeared by Battle Abbey Roll. So he was so delighted that sat his daughter to close to their relatives and wanted to look foe wealth who he thought at local. In fact, their relatives never thought that, because their immense property relied on usury and the family name was just moved from museum. Tess was just found a tough work at there. As it was, Tess worked at there every day, and soon she knew the man who named Alec d’ Urberville, he was the eldest son of this family. At the beginning, she was touched by what he did for her and her family, and she was greatly to him. But Alec never had a real passion, he just thought she was beautiful and just wanted her. After coaxing by him on purpose Tess lost her fame. When she was disappointed and sad and went home she found she had already had a baby. She gave birth to child between insult and abuse, but it was died in fancy, desperate she was, so she decided to another place and found a job at dairy factory in the South.

At the dairy factory, Tess met the man who named Clare. He lived in a very wealthy family priest and he did not want to follow his family’s career. Instead of going to

university he decided to work on the farm and began his own career. But when he met Tess he found he loved her very much. He always wanted to help her and gave some knowledge to her. Even he wanted her to be his wife. Tess loved him at same time, but she could not love him because of what had happened in her past at that miserable time. She did not want him knew that. Clare did not know all of these. He wanted her married with him as soon as possible and Tess. When Tess told all of these after they were married she found Clare did not forget that. Sadly, Clare decided to Brazil with ignoring Tess’s sadness.

Wonderful fragment:

Although she loved him with all her passion, she had her own pride. She did not want to leave him use lots of methods, she just wanted him come back to her willingly, rather than forced him. When he left, she only said: May I write to you? Unluckily, after Clare left, Tess happened to Alec once again and with that bad dream was coming again. Alec became a priest and he found her, he wanted Tess lived with her use many means. Tess was so helpless that she made minds writing to her husband and wanted him come back and protected her. At Brazil Clare was not quite good, also had a bad life. He regretted abandoning his wife very much and wanted to go home. At the same time, Tess’s father died suddenly and their house was taken away by its owner. All her family was homeless. Alec helped her so that she could live with him. she accepted that with no hope. But when she knew Clare was coming, and all was coming back. She decided to murder Alec so that she could get her freedom and lived with her real lover. They had a very short happy time on the moors, but on a placidly morning she was arrested by police and then hang. Clare followed her will and married with his sister-in-law with great sorrow and confession, and began a new life.

My feelings:

Tess uses her life to exchange her true love from God. What is it, Angel, Have they come for me? She said calmly, “It is as it should be. Angel, I an almost glad! This happiness could not have lasted. It was too much. I have had enough; and now I shall not live for you to despise me! ” She stood up, and went forward, “I am ready” She deprecated, why should we put an end to call that’s sweet and lovely, what must come

will come, all is trouble outside there, inside her content. It was quite true, within was affection, union and error forgiven; outside was the inexorable. I fear that you think of me now may lost. I do not wish to outline your present feeling for me. I would rather not. I would rather be dead and buried when the time comes for you to despise me, so that it may never be known to me that you despised me.

In front of love, she was so humble. She wrote to her husband and said: I would be content, to live with you as your servant, If I may not as your wife. So that I could only be near you, and get glimpse of you, and think of you as mine.

I was so touched by her story after read all above these words. In order to get her love Tess paid the most expensive price of her, and she preferred to do in that way. What the love really it is, it is worthy someone to afford their lives for it? I do not know, and I also think many people will have no certain idea about it. But they will certified their love in their own ways, and whatever they might are. They deserved respected always, I think. 本文版权归曼界森英书下载网及英文电子书下载网共同所有







到1798年-1832年,迎来了浪漫主义时期。像简﹒奥斯汀的《理智与情感》和《傲慢与偏见》作品,从18世纪末到19世纪初,庸俗无聊的“感伤小说”和“哥特小说”充斥英国文坛,而奥斯汀的小说破旧立新,一反常规地展现了当时尚未受到资本主义工业革命冲击的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活和田园风光。主要展示通过喜剧性的场面嘲讽人们的愚蠢、自私、势利和盲目自信等可鄙可笑 的弱点。


纵观英国近代文学史,人类文明在一步步地得到充实饱满。人们不断在挑战社会带来的禁锢,摆脱宗教带来精神上的枷锁,探寻新的文明。从每个时期的作品可以看到人们思想的进步,越来越丰富,越来越全面。《德伯家的苔丝》比狄更斯的作品更加有力、彻底的揭露社会的黑暗和丑陋,也更接近现实。苔丝被阿历克侮辱,糟蹋了她的肉体,却得不到社会的同情。在那几年艰难的时期,她唯一活动的是在黄昏以后,她走出屋外来到树林里,那时候似乎才不感到孤独。这是因为宗教禁锢在她的心里根深蒂固。苔丝在新婚之夜,对安琪儿坦白了她那段不堪的往事,但安琪儿没有像苔丝宽恕他一样宽恕她,他说:“啊,苔丝,宽恕是不能用在这种情形上的呀!你过去是一个人,现在你是另一个人呀。我的上帝——宽恕怎能同这种荒唐事用在一起呢——怎能像变戏法一样呢!” 如果从前苔丝在肉体上遭受到痛苦,而现在她却是受到精神上的折磨。作为一个







班级: 10建筑环境设计学号:1009110003 姓名:陈翠婉序号:63号
















作者:(英)哈代 著,张谷若 译


出版时间:1984-07 页数:577


《德伯家的苔丝》,听上去便是一个很好听的名字。初次接触这本书,是有同学推荐看的,于是就先到图书馆里借来一本减缩版的先看了看,后来觉得不错就又看了汉译本原著。受故事中女主人公苔丝深深地吸引,索性把电影版的也看了,觉得更加生动形象。 《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代著称于世的“威塞克斯系列”中的一部力作。小说描述了一位纯洁姑娘的不幸命运。主人公苔丝是一位美丽的农家少女,因受东家少爷诱迫而失身怀孕。从此,这一耻辱的事实剥夺了她接受真正爱情的权利,致使新婚之夜遭丈夫遗弃。后来,万般无奈之中,她重回了少爷的怀抱,不料,就在这时她那有名无实的丈夫拖着病驱千里归来,苦苦寻觅。苔丝为了自己真正的爱,毅然杀死同居的少爷,在与丈夫短暂欢聚后,走上了绞刑台。

父亲德伯的愚昧无知,对于金钱的贪婪推使苔丝跌下了社会的的深渊;而亚雷的邪恶无耻则将苔丝少女的所有美好梦想化为灰烬,促使她遇上了改变她人生的第三件事——与安玑·克莱相爱。而正是这个安玑·克莱,这个有着天使之名的懦弱男人——最终造成了苔丝的悲剧。有人会说安玑·克莱才是真正该批判的人,但是无疑他生活在那个时代,他需要时间来释放自己,不可忽视的是,安玑·克莱是爱苔丝的,至少那爱是真的,而不是像亚雷一 样,只有肉欲,把苔丝当做自己的玩偶。所以我认为苔丝的悲剧应该是当时的时代所酿成的,或许在现代社会也会有这样的事情发生,不过对于像苔丝一样的人来说,生存的机会就多了。 《德伯家的苔丝》里的女主人公苔丝是被哈代理想化了的现代女性。苔丝是美的象征和爱的化身,代表着威塞克斯人的一切优秀的方面:美丽、纯洁、善良、质朴、仁爱和容忍。她敢于自我牺牲,勇于自我反抗和对生活抱有美好的愿望。她所特有的感情就是对人的爱和信任,女性的温柔和勇敢在她身上融成了一体。她有美丽的女人气质,坚强的意志和热烈的感情,同时也有威塞克斯人的正直忠实和自然纯朴。她没有借助婚姻来实现追求虚荣的愿望, 而是立足于自尊去追求自由。在她到冒牌本家亚雷"德伯那儿寻求帮助的时候,她的目的是想通过自己的工作来解决家庭的困难。她一发现自己上当受骗,就坚决离开了亚雷"德伯。苔丝的灵魂是纯洁的,道德是高尚的,但是在资产阶级的道德面前,她却被看成伤风败俗的典型,奉为警戒淫荡的榜样,是侵犯了清白领域的“罪恶化身”。在当时的资本主义社会下,她成为了人们心中嘲讽的对象。哈代的观点和社会偏见尖锐对立,他通过苔丝这个形象对当时虚伪的道德标准严加抨击。哈代坚持道德的纯洁在于心灵的纯洁,不在于一时的过错,不仅仅在于她得过去,更包含她的将来,因此苔丝是“一个纯洁的女人”。社会则坚持传统的习俗,认为一时的过错就是不可挽救的堕落,苔丝是一个犯了奸淫罪的罪人。哈代认为世界上没有完人。人的完美体现在对人生的理解、对生活的热爱、感情的丰富和忠实的爱情之中,只有从这样的完美中才能产生出纯洁来。哈代严厉批评了克莱代表的资产阶级的伦理道德,


苔丝这个女性角色,她不同于传统的柔弱的女子,美丽迷人是她的资质,可是她在更深层次上来说是一个想凭自己的双手劳动谋生、 追求自己起码的幸福权利的淳朴姑娘,可是社会的强权却没有给她这样的机会,在遭遇了诱奸、抛弃的重重打击与伤害后,最终酿成了苔丝的命运悲剧。(1700字左右)

09 级 4 班 李华


范文(1)《钢铁是怎样炼成的》汉语:每个人都有童年,并且每个人的童年是不同的,但是,我们每个人的童年有高尔基那么贫苦吗?不,我们没有,我们在家里是独生子,是父母亲的掌上明珠。高尔基的童年没有我们幸福,家庭也没有我们美满。 高尔基从7岁起就没有了爸爸,跟着妈妈和年迈的奶奶生活,别的小孩都有新衣服,就他没有,他有的就只有几件打满补丁的衣服和一个书包。然而,他没有埋怨妈妈,而是更努力得读书,准备孝敬辛苦的妈妈。 童年这本书记载了高尔基儿时的一些故事,中间还夹着一点点的苦涩,还夹着做人的道理: 高尔基在这样艰苦的环境下也能成才,真让我佩服。 高尔基在小的时候就非常喜欢数学。 在一节数学课上,老师出了一个题目考在班上的同学,题目是:“1+2+3+4+……+100=?”这可为难了很多同学,他们一个个都很着急,只有高尔基算出来了,等于5050。从此,老师不会再因为他们家穷而瞧不起他们,而是觉得他很有数学天赋。 我们要向高尔基学习,孔子说得好:“见贤思其焉。” 英文:Everyone has their childhood, and each person's childhood is different, but each of us has a childhood Gorky do so poor? No, we do not, we are at home, the only son, is the daughter of parents. Gorky's childhood without us happy, happy families without us.Gorky from the age of 7, there is no father, her mother and old grandmother lives, other children have new clothes, he had not, he and some only a few patched clothes and a bag. However, he did not complain about his mother, but more efforts have to study hard to prepare honor mothers.This book documented childhood Gorky childhood stories, in the middle is also tucked a little bitter, but also tucked the truth in life: Gorky in such difficult circumstances can be taught, much to my admiration.Golgi in a small time is extremely enthusiastic about math. In a math class, the teacher out of a subject test students in class, entitled: "1 +2 +3 +4 + ... ... +100 =?" This can be difficult for a lot of classmates, one by one they are hurry, only the Golgi calculated, and is equal to 5050. Since then, the teacher no longer is because they are poor and look down on them, but feel that he is very mathematical talent.We would like to Golgi study, Confucius said it well: "think of the Yan Jian Xian."(2)《钢铁是怎样炼成的》汉语:说到《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这本书,想必大家对它并不陌生吧!书里讲了一位坚强,勇敢的主人公保尔·柯察金. 读了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这本书后,我领悟到:一个人的毅力对他的一生是有很大影响的.就说这本书中的主人公保尔·柯察金吧,他的一生非常坎坷,然而他凭什么使自己继续活下去呢 是毅力.毅力给了他无穷的

力量,老天也使他有了三次生命.自从认识水兵朱赫来以来,他的心被共产党吸引住了.经过几番波折,他终于如愿以偿,成为了一名共产党员.他出生入死,英勇杀敌.在战争中他也受了不少伤.最严重的一次就是被弹片击中头部,死里逃生.痊愈后,保尔没有忘记党,拿起新的武器,重返战斗队伍,开始了新的生活! 他十几岁就立足杀场,英勇杀敌,热爱祖国,在战场上,他被砍了好几刀都大难不死,为什么 仍然是毅力.年轻的他后来疾病缠身,但他仍不停地忘我工作,有休假疗伤的机会他也不愿意放弃工作,毅力真是一种锲而不舍的精神啊! 这是一个感人的故事,我的心好象在水里扔下了一块大石头,久久不能平静.我佩服保尔·柯察金那种勇敢,百折不挠的精神.讨厌故事里维可外多那种小贵族.保尔·柯察金的影子时时在我的脑子里浮现,鼓励我要像像他一样做一个坚强,勇敢的人. 生活在和平年代的我们,生活中一点小小的困难没什么大不了,只要勇敢地去面对,等事情一过,你会发觉,原来自己是有毅力的.保尔·柯察金的精神,永远值得我学习.英文:Talking about "How the Steel Was Tempered" This book, surely it is no stranger to everyone bar! Book talked about a strong, brave hero Pavel Korchagin.Read the "How the Steel Was Tempered" This book I learned that: a person's perseverance in his life is very much affected. Say that this book hero Pavel Korchagin, he's life is very rough, but he himself continues to live on what basis it is perseverance. perseverance gave him infinite power, God also gave him three life. Zhuhe Lai has been since the understanding of the sailors, and his heart was the Communist Party attracted lived. After a series of twists and turns, he finally got his wish, becoming a Communist. he go through fire and heroically fighting the enemy. in the war, he also affected a lot of injuries. The most serious one is hit in the head by shrapnel,Survived. Healed, Paul did not forget the party, pick up new weapons and return to the fighting team, started a new life!He was a teenager killed on the base field,'s fighting, love the motherland, and on the battlefield, he cut down several knives have survived, why is still perseverance. Young, he was sick, but he still kept ecstasy work, leave the opportunity to heal, he is not willing to give up work, persistence and perseverance is really a kind of ah!This is a touching story, my heart dropped in the water as if a big rock, a long time can not be calm. I admire Pavel Korchagin kind of courage and indomitable spirit. Hated the story outside the multi-dimensional and that kinds of small aristocracy. Pavel Korchagin's shadow in my mind from time to time emerge, encouraged me to do like him as a strong, courageous person.We live in a peaceful era, the difficulties in life a little is no big deal, as long as courage to face

up to such things as one-off, you will soon find out that he has the perseverance. Pavel Korchagin spirit, always worthy of my learning.(3)《鲁宾逊漂流记》汉语:在漫长的人生道路上,有着很多的困难险阻,也有许多磨难与坎坷会阻挡自己的脚步,使自己不能前进,如果永不放弃任何事物都会被你自己征服。 古人云:骐骥一跃,不能十步;怒马十驾,功在不舍。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。 不知不觉中,眼前突然出现一片汪洋大海,远处有一座孤僻的小岛,在静静的小岛中,只有鸟儿在歌唱,山羊在奔翔,树木在生长,花儿在吐露着芬芳。渐渐地,波涛汹涌地海面上,出现了一叶扁舟,划行着,狂风把他的船掀翻,只有他一个人漂流到这座荒芜人烟的小岛上。 这个撑舵之人就是听过作家笛福笔下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的主人公——鲁滨逊。 他一个人在这僻静小岛上顽强生活,有一种声音一直在脑海里不停地回荡着:“放弃吧,这样生活着有什么意义?不会有人来救你的。”但坚持的信念很快打败了这种想法。鲁滨逊坚持着,将面临的困难一个个消灭,最后终于得到了回到文明社会的机会。 其实,我们也应该这样,遇到坎坷,应该去克服,永不放弃,这样,兴许会使自己变得更坚强更勇敢。永不放弃,坚持不懈,这样才能获得光明获得成功。 相信我吧,坚持到底,奋斗到底,只要如此,胜利才会属于你的。因为,坚持到底,奋斗一生的宝葫芦,他会帮助你走过一生的英语:In the long road of life, has a lot of difficulties and obstacles, there are many hardships and frustrations would block their own pace, so that they can not move forward and never give up anything if you will be conquered.Ancient saying goes: steed leap, not 10 steps; 10 angry horse riding, and the credit in dismay. Wedge and the homes of, dead wood is not folded; perseverance, stone can be Lou.Unconsciously, the sudden appearance of a sea of eyes, the distance a lonely island, in the quiet of the island, only the birds singing, goats Ben Xiang, trees grow, the fragrant flowers in the reveal . Gradually, the rough to the sea, there has been a leaf boat paddle with a strong wind overturned his boat, and only one who drifted into this deserted island.The helm, the person is listening to pen writer Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" in the hero - Robinson.He was a quiet island in this tough life, there has been a voice kept reverberating in my mind with: "drop the idea, so what is the meaning of life? No one will rescue you." But insisted that the belief is Express defeated the idea. Robinson persisted, will eliminate the difficulties one by one and finally got the opportunity to return to civilized society.In fact, we should do

encounter ups and downs, it should be to overcome, never give up, so that xing XU make their own to become stronger and more daring. Never give up, persevere, in order to obtain a bright success.Believe me, insisted in the end, struggle in the end, if so, victory will belong to you. Because, persist in the end, the struggle of the Magic Gourd life, he will help you through life's(4)《格列佛游记》汉语:当我翻开了《格列佛游记》时我立刻就被眼前的目录所吸引了:小人国历险、大人国历险、会飞的国家……这些字眼似乎被作者施加了魔力,我一看到这些就想快点往下看,想快点了解怎么会有小人国和大人国,国家又怎么会飞。带着这些疑问我认真地读起了第一章。 这本书讲的是格列佛以海上医生的身份随同一艘船出海航行,后遭遇风暴孤身一人涉险了一些神奇的国家,最后终于回到了自己的国家的事情。情节曲折、玄妙,又不乏幽默。把格列佛的历险写的栩栩如生,有趣极了。与其说是“格列佛游记”倒不如说成是“我与格列佛的游记”呢,因为我在阅读这本书时几乎入迷了,好像就是我和他一起历险一样。但是我又从心里佩服他的机智勇敢,他总是给我一中“逆境丛生”的感觉,这点就是他历尽艰险后从新踏上自己的国土的主要原因,所以我坚决要向他学习这种精神,否则的话,若我以后遇到这种事情的话说不定早已经一命呜呼了呢! 这本书实在是太好看了,使得我读了几遍了还是觉的没看够,它实在太有趣了,我十分喜欢《格列佛游记》的这本书。怎么样?听了我的介绍你是不是有心动的呢?那就快读一读这本书吧!记住噢,它的名字叫做《格列佛游记》!英文:When I opened the "Gulliver's Travels," when I was immediately attracted to the immediate directory: the Adventure Lilliput, Brobdingnag adventure, fly in the country ... ... these words seemed to be imposed by magic, I saw wanted to quickly look down to those want to learn how quickly will Lilliput and Brobdingnag, the state, how to fly. With these questions I am seriously starting to read the first chapter.This book stresses the Gulliver to the sea in his capacity as a doctor along with a boat out to sea sailing alone, after the storm hit scraped some magic country, and finally returned to their country thing. The plot twists and turns, abstruse, but also no shortage of humor. Gulliver's adventures to write vivid, very interesting. Not so much a "Gulliver's Travels" We could say was "I Gulliver's Travels" then, because I read this book almost fascinated, as if that is the same as my adventures with him. But I admire his wit and from heart courageous, he always gave me one of "adversity have arisen" feeling,That is why he was passing through numerous re-embark on their own territory

after the main reasons why I strongly would like to learn from him this spirit, otherwise, if I come across such things, then it might already kick in. the!This book is good read, made me read a few times, or perception of the not seen enough, it was too funny, and I very much like "Gulliver's Travels" in this book. How like? You have heard my presentation is not a cardiogram it? Then this book a quick read! Keep in mind Oh, its name is called "Gulliver's Travels"!





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