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2013 作者:纳撒尼尔·霍桑 年6月4日 外语系10-2班李雪

Comment on the red word

The Scarlet Letter attained(取得) an immediate and lasting success

because it addressed (处理)spiritual and moral issues from a uniquely American standpoint. In 1850, adultery(通奸) was an extremely risqué subject, but because Hawthorne had the support of the New England literary(文学的)establishment(组织), it passed easily into the realm of appropriate (适当的,合适的)reading. It has been said that this work represents the height of Hawthorne's literary genius; dense with terse(剪短生硬的)descriptions. It remains relevant(有关的,切题的) for its philosophical and psychological depth, and continues to be read as a classic tale on a universal theme.[6] Another consideration to note having to do with the book's popularity is that it wasone of the first mass-produced books in America. Into the mid- nineteenth century, bookbinders(活页夹) of home-grown literature typically hand-made their books and sold them in small quantities. The first mechanized printing of "The Scarlet Letter," 2,500 volumes(册), sold out immediately, was widely read and discussed to an extent not much experienced in the young country up until that time. Copies of the first edition are often sought by collectors as rare books, and may fetch up to around $6,000 USD.


Much of the plot of Far from the Madding Crowd depends on

unrequited love — love by one person for another that is not mutual(相互的,彼此的) in that the other person does not feel love in return. The novel is driven, from the first few chapters, by Gabriel Oak's love

for Bathsheba. Once he has lost his farm, he is free to wander anywhere in search of work, but he heads to Weatherbury because it is in the direction that Bathsheba has gone. This move leads to Oak's employment at Bathsheba's farm, where he patiently consoles(安慰) her in her troubles and supports her in tending the farm, with no sign he will ever have his love returned.

This novel focuses on the way that catastrophe (大灾难)can occur

at any time, threatening to change lives. The most obvious example occurs when Oak's flock(一群) of sheep is destroyed by an unlikely confluence of circumstances, including an inexperienced sheep dog, a rotted rail, and a chalk pit that happens to have been dug adjacent临近的 to his land. In one night, Oak's future as an independent farmer is destroyed, and he ends up begging just to secure 固定the diminished position of a shepherd.

This novel offers modern readers a clear picture of how important

social position was in England in the nineteenth century and of the opportunities that existed to change class, in either direction. In the

beginning, Oak and Bathsheba are social equals: he is an independent farmer who rents his land, and she lives on her aunt's

farm next door to his, which is presumably大概的 similar in value. The only thing that keeps her from accepting his proposal of marriage is the fact that she just does not want to be married yet. After Oak loses his farm and Bathsheba inherits继承 her uncle's farm, there is little question of whether they can marry —their social positions are too different. She is more socially compatible合得来的 with Boldwood, who owns the farm next to hers and is in a similar social position.

The Scarlet Letter offers an extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of the 17th century if American Puritan society. The basic conflicts and problems of its main characters, however, are familiar to readers in the present. The female protagonist, has borne a child out of wedlock and has been jailed for over three months and sentenced to wear a symbol of her adultery, a scarlet “A” on her dreat all times. It concerns about the moral, emotional and psychological effect of the sin on people in general. It’s not simply a love story or a story of sin. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the scarlet letters to symbolize the harshneof Puritan society, showing how they brand sinners for life.

The story happened in Boston about 200 years ago. It narrates love affairs between three persons. The punished woman. Hester Prynne and his husband. Who called himself Roger Chillingworth . He is an old misshapen man and a doctor. Hester does not love him at all. Another

man is a young minister, Dimmesdale, who has a high position among ministers and is highly respected among his people in town. Hester and Dimmesdale love each other. But their love is forbidden in that time . It is sinful. Due to this,Hester is punished by society with a letter A on her chest, which considered an evil, a shame.

In this novel, the mainline seems to be around the letter A. Hester is brave enough to face the cruel reality. She is always with a mind of courage. She has been alone with her child for so long , with litter communication. Shame! Hopelessness! Loneliness! Hester has to wear the letter A day after day, seven years as for punishment and ill fame.

When a woman has lived through a difficult experience, her character changes a great deal. If she be all tenderness, she will die. If she survive, the tendernewill leave her .Hester’s charitable deeds and quiet humility have earned her a reprieve from the scorn of the community. The letter on her chest represents her work on earth , always helping others, without expecting any thanks. Never afterwards, does that scarlet letter leave her chest. The townspeople no longer viewthe letter as a punishment , but rather as representing her great strength and bravery and thy say it means “Able”.

1.But Arthur Dimmesdale, his sin against Hester and Pearl is that he will not acknowledge them as his wife and daughter in the daylight. He keeps his dreadful secret from all those under his care in the church for


The Scarlet Letter offers an extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of the 17th century if American Puritan society. The basic conflicts and problems of its main characters, however, are familiar to readers in the present. The female protagonist, has borne a child out of wedlock and has been jailed for over three months and sentenced to wear a symbol of her adultery, a scarlet “A” on her dress at all times. It concerns about the moral, emotional and psychological effect of the sin on people in general. It’s not simply a love story or a story of sin. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the scarlet letters to symbolize the harshness of Puritan society, showing how they brand sinners for life.

The story happened in Boston about 200 years ago. It narrates love affairs between three persons. The punished woman. Hester Prynne and his husband. Who called himself Roger Chillingworth . He is an old misshapen man and a doctor. Hester does not love him at all. Another man is a young minister, Dimmesdale, who has a high position among ministers and is highly respected among his people in town. Hester and Dimmesdale love each other. But their love is forbidden in that time . It is sinful. Due to this,Hester is punished by society with a letter A on her chest, which considered an evil, a shame.

In this novel, the mainline seems to be around the letter A. Hester is brave enough to face the cruel reality. She is always with a mind of courage. She has been alone with her child for so long , with litter communication. Shame! Hopelessness! Loneliness! Hester has to wear the letter A day after day, seven years as for punishment and ill fame.

When a woman has lived through a difficult experience, her character changes a great deal. If she be all tenderness, she will die. If she survive, the tenderness will leave her .Hester’s charitable deeds and quiet humility have earned her a reprieve from the scorn of the community. The letter on her chest represents her work on earth , always helping others, without expecting any thanks. Never afterwards, does that scarlet letter leave her chest. The townspeople no longer view the letter as a punishment , but rather as representing her great strength and bravery and thy say it means “Able”.

But Arthur Dimmesdale, his sin against Hester and Pearl is that he will not acknowledge them as his wife and daughter in the daylight. He keeps his dreadful secret from all those under his care in the church for seven years for fear that he will lose their love and will not be forgiven. He is too weak to admit his sins. He suffers from mysterious heart trouble, seemingly caused by psychological distress. What’s worse, he is an advisor to the townspeople about their sins.

After Mr. Dimmesdale’s death , no one changes more in appearance than Roger Chilling worth. All his strength and energy has been used to harm his patient . This unhappy man has made his aim in life to add to the suffering of the young minister. When the evil old man no longer has such a purpose, the devil takes him back to the hell . It is a curious subject of observation, however, whether hatred or love are not of the same place. Each takes a great deal of emotion from one person. The two feelings seem basically the same, expect that one is smiled upon by God, while the other is worshipped by the devil. The two lovers has ever decided to flee to Europe, where they can live with their dauthter Pearl as a family .They feel a sense of release there. However, their plan fails…… When Hester dies, she is buried next to Dimmesdale. The two share a single tombstone, with a deep colored letter A shining brightly.

通知:明天十点至一月四日晚上十二点选课。我们07级的 译文赏析,圣经与英美文学,统计理论与实践,英语惯用法,这几门课因没有老师上课不要选!





刚看到这本书书名的英文注释,我就觉得有一丝疑惑,为什么“红字”不直接译为“the red letter”,反而取了“the scarlet letter”? 翻开书来,浅浅读来,就会知道到:红字,即“A”字。通奸罪(Adultery)、能干的(Able)、可敬佩的(Admirable)、爱情(Amorous)、天使(Angel)艺术(Art)、前进(Advance)、美国(America)。红字“A”在这个故事里有着如此不同的意思,他在霍桑的笔下蠢蠢欲动。这就是象征性小说的魅力。每个人能看到自己想看的。








The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a classical novel in American literature in the 19th century. Since the first Chinese translation of The Scarlet Letter appeared in the 1950's scholars and readers in this country have shown an ever-increasing interest in his works. Its immortal enchantment lies in not only its condemnation of the negative impact of Puritan society on people's spirit, but also its affirmation of goodness. The novel aims at criticizing severely Puritanical asceticism, suggesting Hawthorne's further thinking over the "original sin" "good and evil" "soul salvation" "total depravity" by analyzing the four main characters in the novel. The novel concerns the consequence caused by the sin and people's attitude towards sin rather than the sin itself. He believes man can do good deeds to get rid of evil in his heart.

The introduction of the author:

Hawthorne was born in 1804, the town of Salem, Massachusetts, a decline of family. His Puritan ancestors had participated in the persecution of heretics was an event. Hawthorne's father was a captain, in his death at age 4. 1821, because of Hawthorne relatives is funding into the Institute of Hakata. He graduated from the school in 1825. Back to the Salem Town he works in writing. Hawthorne's short stories are mostly drawn from the New England history or real life, focusing on the fate of humanity and human problems. "The Scarlet Letter" was written in 1851.

A reasonable description of marriage by the young woman bound for the

Calvinists are guilty of adultery was prohibited public display, exposed the system was under the rule of colonial politics and religion in some of the darkness. 19th-century novel reveals the era of capitalist development, the United States Code, the law of social cruelty, religious deception and moral hypocrisy.

The story is followed like this:

The protagonist of the novel was a young woman named Hester who was punished to wear the scarlet letter “A” to signify that she was an adulterer.Her husband,Chillingworth,was a scholar much older than her.He sent her to America but he himself failed to arrive.While waiting for her husband,Hester fell in love with a local young minister named Dimmesdale.She had an affair with him and later gave birth to Pearl.Although she was shamed publicly on the town scaffold,she still refused to reveal her lover’s identity.In order to punish her,people forced her to wear the scarlet letter.Since then,she and her daughter Pearl lived in a cottage at the edge of the forest and was alienated by the rest of the community.However,this put her in a special position to observe and think about the society.Her lover,the young minister,lacked courage to confess his sin publicly,felt guilty and tormented himself both mentally and physically.And this gradually ruined his health.At the same time,Chillingworth disguised himself as a doctor and stayed in Dimmesdale’s home.For the sake of revenge,he tried very hard to find out

the connection between the minister’s anguish and Hester’s secret.Later,Hester revealed Chillingworth’s true identity to Dimmesdale and asked him to escape to Europe together.While the plain was destroyed by wicked Chillingworth.In the end,Dimmesdale confessed his adultery with Hester in his last sermon.He tore away his ministerial garments and revealed his breast,on which there was a same mark as the scarlet letter.People were totally shocked and the minister fell onto the scaffold and died.After his death,Chillingworth was left with no object for his revenge,he wasted away and soon died.Later,Hester and Pearl disappeared.This made the story of scarlet letter grow into a legend.Many years later,Hester suddenly returned to the town and resumed her charity work.Until the time of her death,she still wore the scarlet letter on her breast.Whereas,it was no longer the symbol of shame but the symbol of able and angle.

The analysis of the novel:

The Scarlet Letter also has literial and symbolic meanings,and its meaning shifts as time goes by.Originally,it intends to mark Hester as an adulterer,it’s a symbol of shame.But at the end of the story,it becomes a powerful social identity of Hester.She changed the meaning of the scarlet letter in people’s mind through her own effort: accepting the assigned identity and reconfrigurating it with quiet perseverance and inner strength.The main characters of the novel that the author figures

elaborately all have special functions.Hester,the heroine of the novel,is an intelligent,strong-willed and kind-hearted young woman who accepts her sin bravely and finally changes her unfair fate.Dimmesdale,an admirable and respectful minister of the town people,functions mainly as a contrast to Hester. Toward their sin,Hester chooses to accept it and reconfigurate herself.While Dimmesdale doesn’t dare to confess it publicly,it makes him feel guilty and suffer endless physical and spiritual torment,death is the only thing that can relieve him.Through the different fates of Hester and Dimmesdale,we can see the central idea that the author wants to present to us,namely ,the relationship between sin and humanity.Sin stands for the social-defined identity of people,while humanity is our self-defined identity.The way in which the society defines a person is often at odds with the way that individuals define themselves.In fact,sin itself is both guilty act and an act of affaction,it's a problematic combination of love and evil. Through the connection and conflict of sin and humanity,we understand the moral strength of human beings. Understanding of the novel:

From the story, we can see that the heroes live a "rather-die-than-live" life, and understand the meaning of living and death in Hawthorne' mind that is to living is to suffering and to atone for crimes while to die is to get relief from sins and rebirth in other world. In our society, the term “evil” has been replaced by terms such as

“madness” or “insanity”.People seem to feel the need to understand the minds of perpetrator of evil acts. In a society without a single and solid morality system , we human beings are endowed with exceptional freedom in conscious and behaviour, but we should also take more responsibility for ourselves and the others in the society.













每个阶段读它都会有不同的感觉,年少懵懂的读,以及现在似有感悟的读。 心中的红字,其实是一种精神上的暗示与压力。我想,或多或少每个人心里都有各自的红字吧。当我们做了一些不该做的,就一定会有一个正义的声音提醒我们——这是不对的。然后就不断会有良心的煎熬,于是有一些罪犯就会自首,甚至为自己所做的感到羞愧甚至自尽。那难道就不是心中的红字在起作用吗?

《红字》是纳撒尼尔(1804~1864年)于19世纪中所创作的一部长篇小说。在这部小说中,霍桑除了对人性的脆弱与悲伤进行深入的探讨, 并且融入了影响他个人极为深远的清教徒遗传,深刻剖析罪的意识对身心灵的影响、尖锐地批判已经沦为形式主义的清教精神、探讨个人在自由与权威中的矛盾挣扎。故事表面上看来只是在叙述一个简单的浪漫爱情故事(这不难理解, 因为《红字在山的那边读后感》的副标题叫做“A Romance”),但它的主题却是学者们一直以来争议的对象。当我在研究这本历经那么多批评或赞赏的书,绝对领悟到一点就是不能仅仅停留于对《红字》文本的阐释上,要将霍桑的创作置于西方历史性问题的大视域中来加以分析它的主题。这样才能证明霍桑是19世纪美国文学界最杰出的文学家。 《红字》一开始,作者就写下这样一段话: “新殖民地的缔造者们, 不论他们原先可能会规划出什么人类美德和幸福的一个乌托邦, 都一定会认识到, 他们最初的实际需要之一,就是划出一部分处女地作为墓地,再划出另一部分作为监狱的地基。”作者以宏观的视角透露出17世纪美国殖民统治时期的社会背景。

我们从《红字》里看到的却是另一个景象。普林和罗杰才是得到社会道德法律规范的认可的。与自然相爱的人一起生活会被社会感恩老师读后感所摈弃, 而为一个名义上是丈夫的人守节, 生活在孤独中却被社会承认, 这正是不合理的社会规条所造成的不文明现象。普林无法挣脱命运的摆布,她根本就不可能靠自己的力量逃脱宗教精神牢笼的禁锢。如果说普林能自己选择的话, 她一定会追随丁梅斯代尔,而不是罗杰。可惜没有人会尊重这样子的选择,不管她是一开始就说出真相也好, 生完了小珠儿才说也好, 都不会得到肯定, 甚至还要加以惩罚。可见当时的清教教规是多么的虚伪啊! 假如神是充满慈爱的,身为跟随他的教徒也应该是以爱和宽容来拯救普林的灵魂,而不是将她推到千里之外, 更不应该将她的罪行公告天下。作者在表达他对赫丝特& #8226;普林的同情时,给那象征耻辱的红色的A字(Adultery:通奸女 犯)赋予了新的象征意义。红色正是代表着赫丝特爱国的书,普林和丁梅斯代尔抑制不住青春的冲动和爱慕对方的心, 红色也象征了生命、力量和热情。无情的教徒却把青春的热情之火给扑灭了。

虽然在世人的眼中普林是因为触犯了清教法规的第七戒, 被制定为通奸罪而须在胸前显眼的位置缝上一个红色大写字母“A” 。她的敢于承担责任的形象跟牧师丁梅斯代尔懦弱、忧郁、整天神经兮兮的形象成了一个极大的对比。波士顿的人们为她胸前的“A”字起了另一个解释---Able,说“红字是她职业的象征” ,“意味着‘能干’。作为一位女性, 而且她背负着那么沉重”

的负担,她仍能靠着自己的力量得到别人的认同, 这实在是一件了不起的事情。 我认为珠儿是该小说的最高主题,珠儿的象征意义就是霍桑的整个爱情观,亦即:爱情是神圣,宝贵,美好的,它遵循的只是自然法则,而不应用虚伪的社会法则来只有一个地球读后感禁锢或扼杀爱情。

霍桑在二百年前写下的作品, 在今天看来除了它的争议性,我也看到了它的先进性。 直到今天,《红字》主题之深刻和它超强的艺术感染力,丝毫没有退减。它超越了时代,是不朽

的作品。另外, 我认同Claudia Durst Johnson对《红字》的看法,她说,“每个人都同时拥有罪恶的和天使的,阴沉的和快乐的,自私的和爱别人的真性情。‘成为真实的’的意思就是了解到其实我们每个人都戴着一个红字”是的, 红字不只是罪名, 它是罪的象征。而有些人的“罪”是表露在外的, 有些人的“罪”是隐藏的。总之既然“罪”已存在每个人的心里,认清自己而追求真实的自我, 勇于反省和自我检讨, 对未来的生活充满憧憬, 这些就是我看完《红字》的领悟。

《《红字》读后感》是一篇关于" 读后感 《红字》 "的文章。本文由学生无忧网编辑精心收集整理,如本篇文章不符合您的要求,您也可以查看网站右侧的与本文相关的文章。文章来源于互联网,文章版权归原作者所有,希望本文对你有所帮助。




一、作品中代表自然人利益的主要是女主人公海斯特及其女儿珀尔,而代表社会人利益的是两个情敌丁梅斯德与齐林窝斯 霍桑将海斯特追求自然人利益的思想表现得淋漓尽致。在海斯特看来,追求爱情这是个人的事,与社会、道德、宗教无关。所以她形式上虽然接受了惩罚胸前佩带红色a字,而在思想上却“没有接受惩罚她的那些社会道德规范”[2]。而且这一罪之罚的形式标志a字也被她绣得光彩夺目,并成为“她进入别的女人不敢涉足的领域的























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