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美国是一个值得研究的国家。其种族问题的历史进程所带给我们的不只是一个简单的框架。   在美国解决其种族问题时,有着坚实的理论基础,它来源于美国的建国理念。当初来自北美十三个州的代表签了如下契约:“人人生而平等,他们都从他们的‘造物主’那里被赋予了某些不可转让的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。为了保障这些权利,所以才在人们中间成立政府。而政府的正当权力,则系得自被统治者的同意。”⑴这段话承认了“平等”和“自由”两大公民的基本权利,使得在解决种族歧视问题上,必须明确黑人是否拥有和白人一样平等的地位,是否享有自由的权利,以及用来解决问题的任何措施,政策是否能经受被统治者的大众辩论而得以实施。   美国南部曾实行过“种族隔离”的政策,这个政策的理论基础是“分离而且平等”。由政府提供黑人同白人一样的公共设施,黑人的公共设施只供白人使用,白人同样如此,在此基础上,使两个种族各自在相互隔离的区域生活。这样一个政策从表面上看是平等的,但举例说,黑人学校的设施明显劣于白人,但也决不允许因此转入白人学校就读,至于公共厕所及其他公共设施也是如此。这反映出“种族隔离”并没有从本质上消除对黑人的歧视;另一方面,黑人当时还处于贫困,需要的是温饱,对于这种显然存在不平等的所谓“公民权利”远还没有产生觉醒的意识——因为不需要,更不要说反抗了。因此“种族隔离”并不能真正解决问题,它违背了美国平等和自由的基本理念。   就是美国人自己也十分注重在建设自己的国家时贯彻“平等”和“自由”的理念。   他们在签订建国的契约时,明确了联邦与州的关系。州享有高度的自治权,每个州有权制订本州法律,编写本州的教科书,防止联邦通过书本来灌输统一集权的思想,联邦则负责保障国防安全及贸易流通。虽然这种分权制使得联邦的力量常常显得软弱无力,但给予州的自治权之大使得州政府能更有效地管理自己的州,不执行联邦没有针对性,甚至是错误的政策。   “美国革命”是美国人对“独立战争”的称呼,这样一个称呼某种程度上使我解读出了美国人强烈的意志,比起只是单纯用“独立战争”来命名这场战争来向世界交代一个新国家从旧世界中分离出来的事实,“革命”一词更能表达美国人渴望实现用平等和自由的建国理念建设自己国家的强烈愿望。在我看来,美国人在这一点上认为“为什么做”比“做了什么”更重要。   南北战争的主题是“为解放黑人的自由而战”,实

际上这是林肯总统对这场战争做了主题切换的结果。我想从这场战争的结果切入来解释这样做的深层涵义,也许更有说服力。这场战争导致了60万美国青年的丧生。究竟什么样的战争主题才能托得起60万生命的重量?是最初的“维护联邦的统一”,还是之后的“为解放黑奴的自由”?前者其实是受到质疑的,美国将“分离而且平等”写入宪法,各州只是因契约结成一个国家,仍保持相当的独立性,互不干涉,是分离的。所以当南方不再承认这个契约,离开美国,自己建立一个新的国家时,他们是否有离开的自由?这并不违背“分离而且平等”的内容,林肯若是将前者作为战争主题,未免有些勉强,而且牵涉到是否违宪的问题。而后者则不同,因为最终问题最终回归到美国平等和自由的核心理念中,通过了“大众辩论”的考验,这是林肯深远的历史眼光,也是历史这双无形的手的选择。   这些例子都围绕平等和自由展开,这样无疑对种族问题最终得到解决奠定了坚实的理论基础。   在解决种族问题的实际途径中,我看到的是美国人惯有的理性精神。   白人中的进步人士采取的是:对现存的有漏洞的法律提出质疑,通过“司法挑战”的形式,最终建立新的判例,宪法修正案,进一步完善法律,“把原本不道德的行为明确规定为违法行为”⑵种族问题所走过的司法程序大致是这样:在解决“奴隶制”存废问题上,白人律师团将核心落在黑人是否具有公民权,以此切入到司法程序中去,最后司法挑战在法庭上取得成功,紧接着在宪法修正案中明确承认黑人具有公民权,使得种族问题自此牢牢地扎根在宪法的土壤里。随后1964年颁布民权法,1965年的新选举法,1968年通过的进一步的1968民权法。“南方黑人民权问题的真正解决,就是要确定保障民权的立法,也就是把它纳入全民公认的契约”⑶在受降仪式上,林肯特意选择“我的南方兄弟”这首曲子,“战后林肯对南方唯一的要求就是:南方领袖带领南方,回到共同的原则和共同的游戏规则中来。”⑷基于此,也基于根深蒂固的契约文化,在之后联邦退出对南方的军事管制,南方恢复自治后,“它接受了国会通过的几个有关废奴和黑人公民权的宪法修正案。”⑸   到了现代,由于不同种族涌入美国,美国成为一个少数族裔众多的国家,如何融入美国的“游戏规则”之中成为一个复杂的问题,但有一点是肯定的:如同黑人获得了应有的政治权利,摆脱了弱势群体地位,“通过‘平权法案’的实施,少数族裔应有的公民权利得到了巩固和保护,无论合法或不合法,他们已学会在现代

的美国社会中争取着自己的权利。这种成长,不得不归功于日趋成熟的法律对弱势群体权益的保护。”⑹   而从封建时代的中国看公民权利的问题,在这里,我想先通过金庸先生的武侠小说《笑傲江湖》作为引子,揭示一些问题。金庸先生自己也说:“想通过小说写人性”,“这部小说,通过书中一些人物,企图刻画中国三千多年来政治生活中的若干普遍现象……这种形形色色的人物,每一个朝代都有,大概在别的国家中也有。”⑺书中描绘了在一个社会的大染缸里,没有绝对的正邪之分,有的只是无尽的政治斗争。各个党群的头脑都企图建立霸权,或隐忍几十载,或暗箱操作,都处于利益的需要,只是打的旗号各不相同罢了。通过牺牲小派别的利益和政治迫害实现兼并,党群头脑中实力相当的就相互利用。在表面的一片祥和中形成了三足鼎立的局面。当一方因走向腐化使得实力对比产生了不平衡,最终发动了战争。书中那个隐忍二十载,最终登上象征权力顶峰的封禅台的一派政党头脑在回答他的夫人“为什么连自己养育多年的徒儿令狐冲也要陷害时,他冷冷地应到:“江湖上腥风血雨啊,吹打得了别人,就吹打不得令狐冲吗?”我们可以看到,没有法律的约束,如霍布斯所说“人与人的关系,就是相互地战争”,是防备,恐惧。人对权力的欲望和追逐完全处于失控的状态,类似于凶残的猛兽,表现为一种兽性。   对于权力的追逐,很多学者,社会学家,政治家都有过深刻的描述。韦伯认为:“政治追求权力的分享,追求对权力的分配有所影响——不论是在国家之间或者是在同一个国家内的各团体之间。”⑻霍布斯认为:“全人类共同的爱好,便是对权力永恒地和无休止地追求,这种追求至死方休。”的确,我们在书中看到,无论是为了正义的目的还是为了享受权力所带来的声望感以满足自身的欲望,还是像少林方丈,武当冲虚那样求得自保和实力的均衡,其手段都是必须通过争取更高的权力来获得。   该书的主人公:令狐冲,夹在正反两派中,最终被两个政党逼为一个“无党派人士”,因其身怀绝技而能全身而退,归隐山林,因笑傲江湖得以结局的完满,但他的解脱源于“他天生是个隐者”⑾,得益于他武功的高强,而武功低微的人只能继续在政治斗争中求得生存的空间,流离失所。再从今天科技发达的现代社会看待令狐冲的归隐,就像英国空想社会主义者莫尔笔下的“乌托邦”一样可望而不可及。“孟德斯鸠曾在《论法的精神》十分肯定地指出:‘中国是一个专制的国家,它的原则是恐怖。’”恐怖政策所指向

的正是反体制者。“被认为对中国文化极为崇敬的罗素,也‘不得不’在他的《中国问题》中说到:‘中国人主要的弱点有三点:贪婪、怯懦、冷漠。’” 我想,这种人性弱点的背后,是强大的文化底蕴和小农经济的封闭性在起作用。在中国文化中,“儒家”就承担着类似西方宗教一样的作用,其积极入仕,忠君报国的思想渗入了每一代人的血液中;作为封建统治者,正是利用这种思想,利用儒家思想作为统治者的工具。在这种人治的制度中,没有任何公民的权利,只有朝代的更替,没有制度的演进。   那么金庸笔下的其他人物是怎么在这种政治环境中活动呢?有人选择“入仕”如金庸笔下的郭靖,“为国为民,侠之大者”,金庸自己评论他为“不可为而为之的大侠”;“不为”则如令狐冲,杨过为代表的“出仕”一类人,对于这类人,是否能顺利得到他们想达到的人生境界,我觉得这需要政治的宽容,即公民权利更应体现在当一部分人的意志违背主流意志时,如果这种意志仍然被允许,甚至是被保障的,才算是真正的体制上的进步吧。   很显然,这种公民权利的实现并不能寄希望于封建社会,如易中天先生所言:“中国古代向来是以道德治天下,把官吏都设想为人民公仆,但结果是把一个个人都弄成了伪君子。”在“文革”的政治风暴过后,“拿到冤家错案平反书的人们,他们当年手里的判决书,也并不缺少公检法的大印”⑼这样一个行政措施的错误执行,从一个角度反映了中国法制的不健全,导致了国家机器的滥用和整个社会局面的失控的连锁反映。个人力量无法抗衡庞大的政治集团。   中国要真正成为一个现代化国家,就必须像美国在种族问题上所走过的路一样,在公民享有其应有的基本权利的途径中,以实现健全的法制作为基础和原则。   随着中国近年迅速崛起,以美国为代表的各个国家都在关注着中国的动向,近来的“中国人权报告”和“中国威胁论”就是典型的例子,我们在外国的注视下,只有更彻底地走出“人治”,走向更健全的“法治”,“让权力在阳光下运行”,这是时代所趋。   要找寻公民权利的发展脉络,还得把注意力再投射回美国。   回顾美国历史上的种族问题,也许它正是在解决这样两个问题:一:什么人依法享有公民权?答案是:包括黑人在内的少数族裔都享有公民权。二:如何实现黑人的公民权利?答案是:通过司法挑战的形式推动法律的演进,并且把司法挑战的成果用法律明文规定保存下来。使得以后类似的案例都有法律基石作为有力依据和参考,减少失误的可能。

这种不断演进的法律,随时代一起前进,针对现代社会出现的新问题,能相应地作出及时,灵活的变化,始终保持活力。   我们也看到,当美国人通过法律程序保障黑人的公民权利时,往往会在法庭审理中陷入困境,这时,白人中的进步人士不止一次地“退回原地”,把问题与“自然法”作比较,给予黑人最接近人性道德的帮助。“原地”某种程度上指的是平等和自由,这种最高行为准则下的自由社会使得美国的分权制的优点显现出来了,它保持了国人的思想始终处于活跃的状态,思想超前的一方(如北方)带动思想较落后的另一方(如南方)共同进步,虽然其效率比不上中央集权制国家,却充分调动了地方的积极性和主动性。   独特的美国,在种族问题上走出了一条打着鲜明旗帜,烙印着理性精神的道路,想必这个来自太平洋那端,在种族问题上始终走在时代前沿的国度,在此问题上仍会在以后曲折地前进,至少有着日趋完善的法律作为保障,这个国家是永远不会失控的。  近距离看美国这一系列是非常不错的好书!林达的看美国系列至少有两个让人称道的地方,一是文笔。二是视角。他们的文笔非常细腻,讲述历史故事娓娓道来,来龙去脉十分清楚,又有很多精心挑选的细节故事,真的佩服他们做的如此祥尽的资料收集工作。从视角来看,林达作为中国去美国的新移民,能够以中国人的眼光去观察美国的现象,所以他们的叙述和选择就会格外的适应中国人的阅读需要,很多事情在美国人天经地义不需要解释的,在我们就很不能理解,这种巨大的文化差异事实上影响我们对同样事件的解读,林达的书帮助我们去理解去跨越这种文化上的鸿沟。所以,要了解美国,对于我们没有去过国外,不怎么了解美国文化的人来说,读林达的书甚至比读美国人自己写的书要更适合,他能够引导我们 更快地发现两种文化的差异和误解在哪里。 而更重要的是,林达在讲故事的同时并没有被故事所囿,事实上他有更高的旨趣和目标。所以这一系列我认为有学术书的深度而无学术书的腐气,表面看起来很轻松很随意,但看过之后你明白的道理和获得的启发却丝毫不比很多专著少。 所以这是一套好书,看得轻松却受益匪浅。或许这才是真正好书的标准,谁说有教益的书一定要深奥和板着面孔才像回事。让我们快乐的读快乐的书吧林达的《我也有一个梦想》,喜欢读。因为它以书信的方式介绍了美国的法律。对于我这样对美国法律体系、法律文化没有任何了解的非法律专业人士来说,真的是一个不错的选择。对第二封信可







正是这种平民视角的津津乐道创造了本书的精彩。此书是直接由书信体发表的,也就是说,它是林达在给自己的好朋友讲故事,作为一个生活在美国的中国人,给国内的朋友讲美国的故事。这是再平常不过的一件事。而林达的故事又讲得特别好,就像是茶馆里说书的先生,大家这才都去听他的故事。换了某些满口黑话的政治学历史学专家们来讲,恐怕一般听众忍不了多久,就掩耳逃走了。 但不得不说,带点演义味儿的“讲故事”,确实是一种危险的叙述方法,毕竟林达的中心主题是严肃的政治和历史,虽然是启蒙,也不能信笔写来,如果稍不注意,就有偏离客观事实或片面之险。并不是没有人指出林达书中的硬伤,这实在意料之中。





对于美国人民来说,追求人人生而平等的理想,追求一个人人都能享有的自由生活,是比维持一个强大的国家,比维护这个国家在国际上的地位,比其他任何比输比赢的政治游戏更重要得多的永远的梦。为此,他们不惜付出任何代价。 从美国南方南北战争前的奴隶制到南北战争后100年里的种族隔离、种族迫害、种族歧视的不光彩历史,我们也看到了几百年来美国的民主制度是在不断完善、不断进步的,而不是一开始就达到了现在的高度。如果没有民主,如果缺乏人性的反省和追求,如果人道主义得不到高扬。美国历史的整个过程,就是民主不断战胜这块土地上残存的专制因子,就是它的人道主义精神不断克服人性中残存的兽性的过程。


从林达的描述中,随处可见美国人对历史记录的尊重。我们需要历史,即便不谈进步,我们至少也不能因为遗忘而犯下同样的错误。林达笔下的美国种族平等发展史展现了美国的进步力量,如何在一个挺不错的体制下,遵守游戏规则,推动种族平等和融合的。 遵守游戏规则,可能是我们最缺乏的一种游戏规则,可能这就是我们如此不堪的原因吧,我们每一个人都从自我做起,感动他人,也许美国的昨天就会变成我们的明天。




American Society and Culture

17 December, 2013

Feelings about I Have a Dream too

“The author talks about racial issue in terms of its three forms of expression, which are slavery, racial segregation and racial discrimination. I Have a Dream, Too begins with the Los Angeles riots causing by an event that Rodney King, a black person, was beaten by four white police to draw forth racial issue, and then the history of American racial issue is explained from the very beginning. Slavery began since the first time English people stepped onto North America and established their colonies. Due to the free ideology in the North and the slavery history in the South, the “one country, two systems” policy still existed even after the War of Independence. The “Amistad” event accounts for four chapters’ space which is regarded as a judicial challenging to slavery. The North helped several black slaves back to their home. The Emancipation Proclamation, as a result of Civil War, abolished slavery. That was where racial segregation started, and Ku Klux Klan showed up in the South. It was an important turning point of changing black people’s social status leading to African American Civil Rights Movement and the famous speech “I Have a Dream” given by Martin Luther King later when Rosa Parks refused to go to the back of the bus. With the birth of Civil Rights Act, racial segregation ended, and racial discrimination was remained a long term problem in America’s society. Two murders that people came from the North were killed took place in the South. Finally, after discussing the racial issue in the contemprary sense, as the ending of the book, the author holds a dream of pantisocracy.” This is other people’s introduction to this book. (2006)

Reading I Have a Dram, too is just a kind of homework for me before I read it, and I don’t like this kind of book at all even hate it. I don’t like to think deeply because I think too many things aren’t related to me and they are not important to me, so no matter what I see I think it is just a story. However, I have to say, some views in this book and what it talks about worth me to think deeply. Linda use vivid and exquisite brushwork tells the story of some American stories and make me know more about a new fresh America.

We are told since we were children that we should catch the main contradiction when we have a question and the question will be solved easily. Before go to College I never suspect this words but think it's true. When we get rid of the spoon-feed we will have our own question: How to affirm the main contradiction which I say that everyone has their own idea. Who knows that which is the main contradiction? I think it is a long work to make sure the main confliction due to the fact that we consider things always used to in a settled method and we seldom created a new views and thoughts.

“Through the Amistad of case, we can see more than 200 years history of the United States. The people of the United States have the basic conception of "all men are created equal" and it never be wavered. They“have great faith in humans of their tendency to kindness, the fear of the natural law and having a higher fear of the human desires than of the fear of god, and it never disappears”. “the basic reason is, for them, pursuit the ideal of all men are created equal, the pursuit of everyone can enjoy the freedom of life, is a more important and permanent dream than maintain a strong country, safeguard the country in international position, and any other political games. What is more, they can do anything to realize the dream.” That is the American dream. This faith is human nature and the humanity principle, and the world may be generic in this aspect.”

“America has a name called “National melting pot”. Because the people who lived there has different race, different color of skin, from all over the world, without the same

“American dream” So there has a paradox between unite the tribe and multicultural coexistence. Unite the tribe means reduce the difference. But multicultural coexistence means keep the difference. The American modern racial problem exists because the strike between unite the tribe and multicultural coexistence. So the racial discrimination was not the origin of these deep gray problems. Some maybe want to keep the special field of their race. The level of complex problems and the difficulty level of solve problem were increased with lots Asian, Latin and Bohunk. We know that the best way to face these conflicts is keeping a tolerant manner by learning history experience. Quarantine isn’t a good way to solve problems like this. The best way is increasing understand each other we should do.”

Many people say that:“some national authoritative medias consider that the reason of the Event of black Los Angeles riots in the early 90's is the white race discriminates the blacks. The court sentenced to white police that he was not guilty at last. However, it was obviously seen that right the white police hits the blacks and it was full of evidence. So, it is clearly that it just a discrimination between the white and the black. The racial discrimination of blacks and whites is the main problem deservedly. However, as the event analysis elaboration, things are not such easily as they say. All new progress has far away from the black discrimination because many deeper aspects problems have appeared. ”

I can draw a conclusion according to Linda’s description that any problem in the history or society shouldn't have only one idea about this event. We should deal with all problems in different point of view. The authority’s thought of keeping the different ideas within limits and uniting the thought makes the thoughts become simpleness. Only when we consider things in different views and different positions, people can think it in multiple aspects and maybe realize the truth.

Though the people have different background and thought but they insist the equal free and democratic idea of American legislation. It's the base of the American racial

discrimination. The function of self-questioning and improve little by little of American social system makes the history progress go forward steadily. So all the conflicts may be solved on this base but it depends on the cognitive level of people. Because the racial discrimination will be exist all the time if we don't have enough morality and conscience.

In fact, racial discrimination also exists in many areas. People used to think a people by their skin color and nationality. For example, I have a black friend from Comorin. He is a black people, but he doesn’t as tall as I imagine like other black people. And what is more, he seems does not like to run and travel. I make friend with him based on my prejudice about black people, so he has a lot of difference to my imagination. I once went to his dormitory. It is a little simple and shabby. There are three people live together before, but they do not have a beautiful and clean table to have their dinner. There is no plastic flooring in their house and only things remained with many generations’ students and equipment school give them. However, he is so kind that if I need his help, he will try his best to help me. So, I changed my imagination to the black people little by little. I will not call them barbarians any more. They are just strong of most people and the background makes them good at running.

I am not the only one who has prejudice to black people. Because we are yellow skin people, we are Asians, we always think ourselves as a gentlemen or gentlewomen. The same, white people countries have great and efficient economy, and they are strong in their business and technologies. They look us as a group of people which have no manner and no thoughts. Internet is a good way to know the outside world, due to the fact that it is free and fast, so news on the internet are current and fresh. I have seen a picture that someplace hang a brand with the words saying in English and Chinese, not Japanese or some languages else. I t is a bad thing that our Chinese are discriminated by white people, but it is a common scene and we can not prevent it. Then there is a problem, why our Chinese people discriminated by other white people?

Now I will talk about the reason why we are discriminated by other people. Our Chinese, we can not repudiate that most of our Chinese people do not have a good manner. We through garbage everywhere and we spit no matter where it is. We talk loudly like we fear nobody could hear us. Our Chinese always do not know what is waiting in lines. Our old people do not have their self-determination so that they may ask for money from the person who really helps them. And some of the old people usually think that it is a matter of course that young people should give them place to sit which means they are old so they should have a seat. What is more, our young people seem ridiculous. They do not think how to work hard to have a better life, but just think how to enjoy their life and make themselves looks current. All of these examples make me feel ashamed. We do not respect ourselves, how can we ask others to respect us? And if we can work hard to make our business better and be the great part in the world market, who can despise us? If we can work hard to make our technology better and deeper, being the advanced part, who can despite us?

Linda’s letter about American Civil War makes me a new fresh perceive of America. America is a young country with short history, but a country with deep reflection ability. After many generations people thinking about the war, people realize it that no matter what kind of confliction happens, people should not deal with it by a war and army. It is unimaginable and unacceptable that people promote a war just because someone’s own benefits. In the book, Lin Da states that “One reason of his town being famous is it is one of the seldom survivor after the civil war and do not ruined by the war. Therefore, in the short history America, it seems very important. Buildings here are full of features, so that people can read American history through buildings such as residential, garden, cemetery, and church.” (Linda 4)

“In the 20th century, both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King have a great nonviolent movement and respectively won the victory of India's independence and black


《哈尔滨工程大学外语系我也有一个梦想英文读书报告a book report on i have a dream too》

A Report on I Have a Dream, Too

Linda’s I Have a Dream, Too states the racial issue in America by analyzing many historical events. The author talks about racial issue in terms of its three forms of expression, which are slavery, racial segregation and racial discrimination. I Have a Dream, Too begins with the Los Angeles riots causing by an event that Rodney King, a black person, was beaten by four white police to draw forth racial issue, and then the history of American racial issue is explained from the very beginning. Slavery began since the first time English people stepped onto North America and established their colonies. Due to the free ideology in the North and the slavery history in the South, the “one country, two systems” policy still existed even after the War of Independence. The “Amistad” event accounts for four chapters’ space which is regarded as a judicial challenging to slavery. The North helped several black slaves back to their home. The Emancipation Proclamation, as a result of Civil War, abolished slavery. That was where racial segregation started, and KKK showed up in the South. It was an

important turning point of changing black people’s social status leading to African American Civil Rights Movement and the famous speech “I Have a Dream” given by Martin Luther King later when Rosa Parks refused to go to the back of the bus. With the birth of Civil Rights Act, racial segregation ended, and racial discrimination was remained a long term problem in America’s society. Two murders that people came from the North were killed took place in the South. Finally, after discussing the racial issue in the contemporary sense, as the ending of the book, the author holds a dream of pantisocracy.

I was impressed with the Los Angeles riot which was “the biggest violence in recent 25 years in America” (Linda 6). However, just as the author described that “this American metropolis riot regarded as earthquake was caused by a simple drinking

speeding driving event” (Linda 6). The story was that “in March 3, 1991, four white police in Los Angeles beaten a black person, Rodney King, at late midnight because of his over speed when driving on highway 210” (Linda 6). The whole process was filmed by a passerby. One year later, the Los Angeles riots broke out because the four police were found not guilty. I was angry about this unequal treatment to black people before I read on. First, the author pointed out that “Rodney King was driving at a speed of 100 mile per hour” (Linda 8). The black person broke the law at the first place. He was over the over speed. That was the first legal reason for the police, and no doubt on this point. Second, “the black person tried to escape from police” (Linda

10). He did not stop when the police asked him to. I could understand he was drunk, and he might think it was funny to play game with police, or maybe he wanted to challenge them, or he was just unconscious. But the police would not violate their duties for one person, no matter what excuses he had. Third, “he refused to cooperate with the police” (Linda 12). When any resistance occurred, the police had rights to get their goals with violence. In consideration of Rodney King’s behavior before, it was really stupid for him to sneer at the police. In addition, the security issue in Los

Angeles was not good at that time. Facing such a strong black person, the police had reasons to suspect that he was a dangerous person. Beating him was better than

shooting him. Fourth, “the court found four policemen not guilty” (Linda 7). Evidence was the only reasonable material in the court. The judges were not stupid either. We could not say that the judges judged people only by their colors. As all I have

mentioned above, the fact went the opposite way. Here the question came out: why didn’t American people figure this out, in stead, they chose a riot? An obvious reason might be that 83 seconds’ videotape. The videotape did not record the “over speed” and “resistance” parts for sure. The whole 83 seconds were about four white police

3 beaten a black person, and the black one was hurt badly. Visual conflict took up most of the public’s feelings and judgments. People paid sympathy for the weak. Their emotions had the upper hand. Another must be the historical reason that the black got racial discrimination for centuries in America. In black people’s eyes, these four white police beat Rodney King because of their hatred to the black. Meanwhile, in some white people’s eyes, they might paid misuse of authority, or at least over reacted. Riots were often driven by emotions.

I knew about Steven Spielberg, but I never thought about his deeper look at

“Amistad”. Two Spaniards bought 53 black slaves who were kidnapped illegally from Africa at Cuba market where it was legal to buy and sell black slaves. When they were on their way back with the “goods” on the ship “Amistad”, violence on the ship brought them to America. Stopped here, there had nothing to do with America actually. But in America, the North had been trying hard to change the South into a free and equal kingdom. They could not force the South to abolish slavery due to American Constitution, so they would catch every opportunity to challenge the judicature even this ship just cast anchor within the America’s territory. Their wish was good, but compared with what they did next, it seemed like a war. The Northern people took the trouble of traveling a long distance to the South to save these strangers. They never met before, came from different races, and they even could not understand each other’s language. Under that circumstance, the Northern people put their effort in offering the black slaves lawyers and foods, keeping them safe, and guarantee their rights. From today’s point of view, as human beings, no one should be treated as goods. However, every history period had its own unique phenomenon. They were changing the history. I could see their difficulties in four aspects. First, the little black slave stood on the Spain’s side. He belonged to the captain, and he was used to being

a slave. He had nothing to rebel against. Facing his compatriots, he showed no

sympathy. That was why most black slaves did not fight against slave owners. It was harder to the lawyers work. Second, no one could speak the black’s language. Americans could not know what really happened from the black’s mouth, not to speak of defending for them. That gave more proves that Americans and the black had no contact with each other before. Third, the South was in the way. As strong supporters of slavery, there was no possibility that the South would ever let the North to break their tradition. Fourth, the president must answer to the Spain. On the one hand, the president was against slavery himself. On the other hand, he knew it clearly that he must give the “Amistad” back to Spain. It was a matter between two countries. When it seemed no hope in the future, the judge stood for the justice. I could say how great this country was. It was the faith that every person was born free and equal that

supported them all the time. I could say how big their hearts were. As what the author mentioned in the last few chapters, I could not agree more that it was hard than

anything to accept people from a new kingdom, and let them get into our life for real. The original meaning of a country was that people who spoke the same language, who held the same blood, and who got the same characteristic came together and built up a kingdom for their own. But now, other people just came here because they wanted to. Could we just slam the door on them because we did not want to accept them? The answer was no. We called ourselves human because we had humanity. However, it was easy to talk but hard to act. America tried to do it, and they did pretty well. I reacted strongly to the Civil War. As what I knew, America had a war between the North and the South from 1861 to 1865 to abolish slavery. President Lincoln who made the greatest contribution to the black led the North to free the slaves in the South. After I read the book I Have a Dream, Too, I have changed my mind. The war

did reach the goal of abolishing slavery, but it got it in an unreasonable and unjust way. America was founded for freedom and equality. People all agreed to follow this contract which was also written in the Declaration of Independence. Therefore, after the foundation of America, each state dealt with its own business which was a sign of freedom and equality. Based on that, the South wanted to get rid of America so that they could choose their own way to live, and had no need to take the order from America. They meant no harm, and had no intention to split this country. The only thing they wanted was to get real freedom which meant no interfere with their

lifestyle. According to the Declaration of Independence, if any state did not agree with the contract, it was its right to leave. Everything made sense. There was no excuse for President Lincoln’s behavior. He thought the war could be ended quickly, not four years. He felt painful and sorrow when he saw the deaths that the war caused. People always learnt something after they paid the price of blood and tear. When his “wrong” choice made the “wrong” result, he came up with a justice reason for the war—to free the black slaves. The South failed thanks to the slogan. I got two inspirations from this event. One was that did he make the “wrong” choice? Now that President Lincoln was regret about the war, if the history would play again, would he really choose to just let the South go? If every state in this country had each tradition, was it possible to meet every state’s requirement? A country as a whole must did its work. The other was that did his choice cause the “wrong” result? I believed that slavery in the South would be abolished one day. But that might be the day we generation would not see. Before that day came, America would still remain to be an underdeveloped country. There was no doubt the Civil War fastened the development of America. Wasn’t it a good thing? History meant something that happened, and that was bound to happen. I strongly recommend I Have a Dream, Too for its knowledgeable content, the


《中国梦我的梦》读后感《中国梦 我的梦》读后感  陈昕烨  每个人都有一个梦想,我也有一个梦想,那就是中国梦。因为我做作为一个黄种人,一个龙的传人,一个中国人。我感到无比的骄傲、无比的自豪、和无比的荣幸。  梦想是什么,是幻想,是不现实的,但是,只要你立下方向,朝这个方向去努力,总有一天,梦也会变得现实。这个就是所谓的功夫不负有心人。  我的梦想是一位老师,把“知识的种子”传播给小朋友们。有的人想当一位医生,专治疑难杂症;有的人想当一位军人,报效国家;有的人想当一位歌唱家,唱出美妙的音乐,让人们快乐;有的人想当一位伟大的工程师,建造出美丽的大厦;有的人想当一位明星;有的人想当一位企业家,拥有许多钱但是,梦在自己脚下,就要做最真实的自己、最好的自己。我虽然喜欢完美,但我所指的完美,是一种追求的过程,绝不是追求的目的。  我不怕困难与挫折,还要勇敢地面对一切,抓住所有的机会,这样的我才会成功,只要迈出第1步,之后的每一步你都不会害怕的。  让我们携起手来共同努力,从自己做起、从生活做起、从点点滴滴做起,响应时代的召唤,让民族精神一代一代地传下去吧!  那就是中国梦,我的梦。  

《近距离看美国 读书笔记



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