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经过一段时间的努力,终于把《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》这本英文小说看完,感触颇多。 这本小说讲述的是美国的一个流浪儿哈克贝利·费恩在历险中从一个不分青红皂白乐于当强盗的孩子变成一个善良、机智、勇敢、能辨善恶的孩子的故事。



Read "Huckleberry Finn" Feeling

After a long time of hard work, I finally finish the English novel"Huckleberry Finn" ,and the feeling is quite a lot.

The novel tells us a story about a waif Huck in adventure from a indiscriminate ready to when the robber child into a child who is kind and wit, brave, can tell the good and evil.

I like the end of the story, because Huck is still a waif, even if people want to breed many times, but managed to its failure. The difference is, he treats people sincerely, try his best to help his friends. Helping for his slave friend Jim's getting rights and freedom is one, even if it is against the so-called "social common sense", and take the risk of slain. This is his choice of ways-live free, not that kind of person to father be social dogma, even by education also will live forever in selfish and greedy in.

I like Harry said one: "I have never been a home or, like all the other boys that go to school. I slept in the streets or in the woods, and I could do what I wanted,when I wanted. It's a fine life." Everyone probably would like this sentence, or is this way of life, but also the spirit. So, when you are all kinds of haze hangs, please bravely jump out, to find your own that piece of clear sky. After all, this is your own life. You choose your way of life, and you must take a way out.

Liu Bo



摘要:儿童形象在文学形象中属于较为特殊的形象,人们往往以成人世界的眼光来看待儿童的思想和行为。通过对 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的阅读,可以让我们通过儿童的声音来听取儿童真实的内心,看到一个鲜明的真实的儿童形象------探索、反抗、逃避、绝望。

关键词:无声反抗 探索 逃避 绝望 儿童形象

Abstract: The image of children belongs to be the comparatively special image among the image in literature. People usually treat children’s thought and behavior with themsleves eyes .Pass to read the 《The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn》, which can let us pass the voice of the children’s heart to hear the children’s reality, see a fresh and clear reality of children’s image-----exploration, resistance, escapeism, desperate.

Key words: silent resistance, escapeism ,desperate, the image of children


综观整部作品,发现其中的儿童形象有很突兀的特点。在文本的宣读过程中,不难发现,那就是作为小说主人公的哈克,有异于以外传统文学中成人形象的特殊文学形象,有着成人的眼光无法诠释的特性---就是他的童性。他用他那双童话的眼睛去看这个世界,当他睁开清澈的双眼看到的世界和他从幼儿时代就深烙的童话世界相差如此大时,他会用他童话里的心去分辨是是非非,去思考„„直到他发现世界是如此的混沌不堪,于是他的探索逐渐的转变为逃避,通常他会以拒绝成人世界的文明、向往没有开发的自然来作为逃避的方向,他的这种反抗在某种程度上超越一条界线,就很微妙的转变成他对于成人世界的反抗,他也很希望能通过他的反抗来改变这个世界的混沌和黑暗,这种试图常常在成人世界的重重压力之下,瓦解,要么被同化,要么被吞噬。但是这种探索和反抗从来没有断过,在一代又一代的儿童身上重续,也许有一天,他会改变这个世界的色彩,让世界折射出属于太阳的光彩„„ 文章中哈克正处于青春期结束(1~21),这一年龄段的特殊的社会群体.按照传统,人们并不把儿童看成社会群体的正式成员,认为他们是一类没有个人身份的雏形成人,是父母的私有财产. 其实在呀呀学语时他们就喜欢用不同的表情和音调来表达他们心中的想法。在每一处、每一刻,儿童都有他们的声音。

(一) 童话里的声音










哈克在寡妇的教导下,也能每天都读圣经,虽然他不明白其中的意思,他甚至弄不清为什么要去天堂,只要能和好朋友汤姆在一起就好;也在餐前餐后都祷告,虽然他不相信上帝真的能实现人们的愿望,起码上帝就没有实现他一直想要有杆钓鱼杆的愿望;也能读懂华盛顿将军和战争的故事;也能去学校上学,认识几个字,并因为学习好而得了一张用蓝黄两色画着个牧童赶着几头牛的图片。但是哈克觉得穿着新衣服他象是被绑住手脚一样,在他那个酒鬼父亲把他带走,住到一个岛上以后,他反倒很快的适应了那个地方,喜欢上了那里的生活,除了鞭子那部分。“每天舒服地躺在那儿抽烟、钓鱼、不必读书,不用做功课,就那么懒懒地、痛痛快快地过日子。两个多月过去了,我的衣服已经烂得不成样子,„„我再也不想回去了。„„总的说来,在林子里过的真是一段美好时光。”哈克的这种意识其实就是逃避成人社会的文明教育,逃避教育,虽然是在他那个酒鬼老爸的逼迫下逃学的,但是他却怡然自得。 哈克对于文明的教育是简单的逃避了,但是他依然没能逃脱成人的喧杂,他那酒鬼老爸的叫骂声、鞭打声也是成人声音的一类,仍然掩盖着哈克内心真实的声音,所以他在周密的计划后,不引发正面的冲突,诈死逃离了那个小木屋。这也是哈克无声的抗议的一面。 哈克想通过拯救来实现自己的个人英雄主义理想,哈克要拯救的黑奴杰姆,是和文明世界所不同的纯真的人,是当时所谓文明的白人世界所坚决否认的阶层;这是他对于所谓的文明的成人世界的一种反抗表现。但是最终,哈克拯救杰姆之后才发现,杰姆已经不是逃跑黑奴,是个自由人了。














作者:马克·吐温 笔记摘录时间:8月19日





1.Mark Twain's classic novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, tells the story of a teenaged misfit who finds himself floating on a raft down the Mississippi River with an escaping slave, Jim. In the course of their perilous journey, Huck and Jim meet adventure, danger, and a cast of characters who are sometimes menacing and often hilarious.

Though some of the situations in Huckleberry Finn are funny in themselves (the cockeyed Shakespeare production in Chapter 21 leaps instantly to mind), this book's humor is found mostly in Huck's unique worldview and his way of expressing himself. Describing his brief sojourn with the Widow Douglas after she adopts him, Huck says: "After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers, and I was in a sweat to find out all about him; but by and by she let it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so then I didn't care no more about him, because I don't take no stock in dead people." Underlying Twain's good humor is a dark subcurrent of Antebellum cruelty and injustice that makes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a frequently funny book with a serious message.

2.First love of a good book to write, and the child's innocence. Do you believe a naughty child would risk their lives in court as a defense of innocent people of a murderous bandit offend you? You believe that when the two children in dire straits, they still disregard their own safety for the sake of each other it? You may be surprised, adults do not necessarily do it, let alone children? But when you read "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," you would not think so, after a. Sketch book to readers of a naughty, restless child Tom's image, but there are inherent beauty, I feel deeply on this point.

One night, Tom went to the cemetery playing no wish to see: Indian River Joe murderous bandits killed a doctor and an innocent man falsely accused; later, those who are falsely accused to be sentenced to death, Tom can not afford a conscience torture, they risk their lives to this man to testify, which was almost provoke all-powerful. Tom is such a firm and resolute, full of conscience and sense of justice, the key, he can always come forward to put his own life and death of the givers. But in life, how many people will like Tom do that? Many surface Sisiwenwen, handsome and generous, can be really crucial moment, they vanished without a trace, fully embodies these people selfish, conservative, greedy habits. What a contrast ah!

In fact, children are the most innocent. In some ways we may wish to children as a teacher, to act as their own mirror, look in their own time, you can continue to erase the din of earth, heal the soul impetuous, so its always maintain a childlike innocence, with sense of justice and

goodness of nature, with a sincere heart to treat every person, no longer so greedy, selfish! I believe everyone so, let us create a more beautiful tomorrow! 3. 读<<哈克贝利.费恩历险记>> 有感当我合上这本书后,嘴角流出了一丝会心的微笑。 Reading "<Huckleberry. Finn Adventures of" Record> felt when I closed the book, the mouth and out the hint of smile. 这样一本书我还是第一次读到,我想,它写出了对奴隶制的不满、对社民的讽刺、对时代不公正现象的悲哀、还有对人格内心的剖析。 This is the first time a book I read, I think, it sets out the dissatisfaction of slavery, the people of the irony of the community, on the injustice of the sad times, but also on the inner personality

analysis. 对于主角―――哈克贝利.费恩也赋予了很多特点:对大人世界的叛逆、对黑人的同情。 For the protagonist --- Huckleberry. Fehn also gives a lot of features: on the adult world of rebellion, sympathy for Black. 以上这些,是所有读过这本书的人都能感受到的,但在这本书中,有另外一种味道,一种哈克贝利.费恩和那群小男孩散发出的味道,这是这种味道塑造出哈克贝利.费恩独特的个性,这种味道,只有真正的孩子,才能真正读懂。 These are all read this book can feel, but in this book, there is another kind of taste, a Huckleberry. Finn and the group of small boys, the smell, It is this taste out of Huckleberry shape. Fehn's unique personality, this taste, only the children really can be truly understood.

这种味道,让哈克和那一群小孩老是幻想干一些大事:做强盗、做英雄。 This taste for Huck and that a group of children always dream to do something big: do robbers as heroes. 说一些“如果本帮哥们泄露秘密,必须割断他的喉管,并把他的尸体烧掉,骨灰撒掉,把名字用血从名单中抹掉”之类一些听上去“像那么一会事”的话。 Some said, "If this helps buddy tell a secret, must cut his throat and his body burned, ashes scattered off, put their names erased from the list of blood," some of it sounds like "something like it for a while "words. 而实际上“连一辆装满萝卜的车子都对付不了。”我小时候也常认为自己是传说中神的女儿,是拯救世界的天使,而实际上连一个人呆在一个较黑的屋子里就会觉得背后有什么东西。 In fact, "with a car full of radishes are unable to cope." I often think that their child is the daughter of the legendary god is the angel to save the world, in fact even a person stay in a relatively dark room will feel something behind. 这,是一个孩子最天真的梦想。 This is a dream of a child's innocent.

这种味道,让哈克和汤姆想“用一把小刀化37年时间挖一个地洞救出黑奴吉姆”,但发现行不通时,他们便打算“事实上是用铁铲马上挖,在这之后,我们不妨只当用小刀挖了37年”,我小时候经常用我认为“公主的睡姿”睡觉,可睡一会就不舒服了,于是我就横七竖八地躺在床上,只当是用公主的睡姿睡。 This taste for Huck and Tom would like "a knife of 37 years to dig a hole rescued black Nuji Mu", but found that does not work, they would like to "actually digging with a spade once, after which , we might just as with a knife and dug 37 years, "I was a child often I think" Princess of sleeping positions, "sleep, sleep will not be comfortable, so I noodle on her bed, just as is the Princess sleep sleeping position. 这,是一个孩子几乎无所不能的想象力。 This is a child's imagination can do almost anything.

这种味道,让汤姆和哈克往吉姆那小小的“监狱”里放水蛇、老鼠等“宠物”,让吉姆用泪水浇灌一株花,而实际上吉姆已经自由了,只要汤姆说句话就可以被放出来。 This taste for Tom and Huck to Jim that little "prison" in Drainage snakes, rats and other "pet" and let the tears watering a flower with Jim, but Jim has actually free, as long as a word with Tom can be released. 这,是一个孩子奇特的幻想。 This is a strange fantasy child.

而这种味道,叫“童真”。 And the smell, called "Innocence."


When we struck the boat she was about done loading, and pretty soon she got off. The king never said nothing about going aboard, so I lost my ride, after all. When the boat was gone the king made me paddle up another mile to a lonesome place, and then he got ashore and says:

"Now hustle back, right off, and fetch the duke up here, and the new carpet-bags. And if he's gone over to t'other side, go over there and git him. And tell him to git himself up regardless. Shove along, now."

I see what HE was up to; but I never said nothing, of course. When I got back with the duke we hid the canoe, and then they set down on a log, and the king told him everything, just like the young fellow had said it -- every last word of it. And all the time he was a-doing it he tried to talk like an Englishman; and he done it pretty well, too, for a slouch. I can't imitate him, and so I ain't a-going to try to; but he really done it pretty good. Then he says:

"How are you on the deef and dumb, Bilgewater?"

The duke said, leave him alone for that; said he had played a deef and dumb person on the histronic boards. So then they waited for a steamboat.

About the middle of the afternoon a couple of little boats come along, but they didn't come from high enough up the river; but at last there was a big one, and they hailed her. She sent out her yawl, and we went aboard, and she was from Cincinnati; and when they found we only wanted to go four or five mile they was booming mad, and gave us a cussing, and said they wouldn't land us. But the king was ca'm. He says:

"If gentlemen kin afford to pay a dollar a mile apiece to be took on and put off in a yawl, a steamboat kin afford to carry 'em, can't it?"

So they softened down and said it was all right; and when we got to the village they yawled us ashore. About two dozen men flocked down when they see the yawl a-coming, and when the king says:

"Kin any of you gentlemen tell me wher' Mr. Peter Wilks lives?" they give a glance at one another, and nodded their heads, as much as to say, "What d' I tell you?" Then one of them says, kind of soft and gentle:

"I'm sorry. sir, but the best we can do is to tell you where he DID live yesterday evening." Sudden as winking the ornery old cretur went an to smash, and fell up against the man, and put his chin on his shoulder, and cried down his back, and says:

"Alas, alas, our poor brother -- gone, and we never got to see him; oh, it's too, too hard!"

5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝利-费恩历险记的英文评价

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark Twain is commonly accounted as one of the first Great American Novels. It was also one of the first major American novels ever written using Local Color Realism or the vernacular, or common speech, being told in the first person by the eponymous Huckleberry "Huck" Finn, best friend of Tom Sawyer (hero of three other Mark Twain books). The book was first published in 1884.

The book is noted for its innocent young protagonist, its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River, and its sober and often scathing look at entrenched attitudes, particularly racism, of the time. The drifting journey of Huckleberry Finn and his friend Nigger Jim, a runaway slave, down the Mississippi River on their raft may be one of the most enduring images of escape and freedom in all of American literature.

The book has been popular with young readers since its publication, and taken as a sequel to the comparatively innocuous The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (which had no particular social message), it has also been the continued object of study by serious

literary critics. Although the Southern society it satirized was already a quarter-century in the past by the time of publication, the book immediately became controversial, and has remained so to this day .



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