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《少年维特之烦恼 英文版 读书报告》

The Sorrows of Young Werther

The writer of The Sorrows of Young Werther is Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe.He was born in Frankfurt am Main,Germany in1749,and died at the age of eighty-two.Goethe is a thinker ,novelist, playwright ,poet, physicist, artist and politician.As a writer of literary theory ,statesman and physicist,he is the most famous representative of classicism in Weimar,and he is the greatest Germanic writer as an litterateur .His father is strict and serious,in contrast the mother is considerate .Both of them have great influence on Goethe.His life across two centuries, when the European social turbulence of the era of great change. The growing collapse of the feudal system, the revolutionary forces continue to decline prompted Goethe undergo advanced thinking, so as to enhance their sense of social awareness and to create the best contemporary works. Goethe is the important representative in Sturm and Dang in German,so his works almost reflect the rebellious spirit.His body of work includes epic and lyric poetry written in a variety of styles; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an autobiography; literary and aesthetic criticism; treatises on botany,anatomy, and color; and four novels. In addition, numerous literary and scientific fragments, and more than 10,000 letters,nearly 3,000 drawings. Faust and The Sorrows of Young Werther are his famous works.

This is an epistolary novel.Werther is a talented artist who are young and sensitive but has a very good taste in nature and art.He falls in love with Charlotte who is the daughter of a local judge during living in a village.Charlette is a considerate and tender woman and has resonance with Werther about many minds.She likes him,too.However,Charlette has been engaged with a good and successful man named Albert,so Werther has to leave for another place with pain.Unfortunately,Werther is still so desperate and painful because of feudal hierarchy and prejudice that his sensitive heart can’t accept those people’s pedantic and hypocritical behaviors and minds.When he returns again,though Charlette has married with Albert,his passion about love doesn’t fade away.He can’t stop himself missing and visiting Charlette but he respects Charlette and doesn’t destroy her family.As a result,Werther shoot himself with a pistol lent from Albert.

The Sorrows of Young Werther is an autobiography.When Goethe interned in Tanothhe Empire Supreme Court in Wetzlar,he met the young Charlette Buff and fell in love with her.But Charlette Buff had engaged with Johann Christian Kestner,a legal worker.In her father’s opinion,Kestner was more reliable and calmer than 第 1 页

Goethe who was young and talented in art,and that time Goethe wanted to be an artist instead of a lawyer.So Goethe had to leave her.After that,he met another girl named Anna who was the daughter of a council adviser,but he failed again.Differently,Goethe didn’t take his own life but continued writing compared with Werther.The figure Charlette described in the novel is the combination about Charlette Buff and Anna.

The more important content of this novel is about a tragedy of love among Werther,Charlette and Albert.The first time Werther meets Charlette,she dresses herself in a simple white robe trimmed with pink ribbons and is cutting loaf for the little ones all around.In addition,the resonance between them towards things and figures are so intense.Werther is attracted by the simple girl’s simplicity and resolution but the most important is the inner world.Werther’s love is so genuine.Werther’s love has no social purpose but pure emotions.He loves Charlette with all his energy and attention.He respects her personal intents and doesn’t force Charlette to be with her.Particularly,he represses his enthusiastic passion when knowing Charlette has been engaged.

The Sorrows of Young Werther was published in 1774.This novel makes many people living in that time touched by and weep for Werther’s tragedy,even killed themselves after reading the novel.Then what cause Werther’s love tragedy?I think we have two main reasons:First,the social situation.In 18th century,Europe was facing the important social revolution,French Revolution would break out.The era of capitalism was on the way,but feudal influence was still very strong.In order to relief his pain and forget the love,Werther decides to leave the village to work.But the fact is that he feels more desperate.For example,once Werther visits The Court of C and attend in an assembly.However,the people look upon him and don’t want to stay with him as a result of classes.Besides,he feels it so hard to find someone who really pays attention to his heart.Second,his own sensitive emotions.He is a talented artist and shows his aspiration,sympathy and disgust to the nature and humanity.When he can’t stop himself loving Charlette,he chooses to hide away.But he never gives up actually.Hence,he has to take his own life in order to finish invincible pains.

It’s said that Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous French emperor,has read this novel for several times and carried it during wars.The story about Werther has influences in the whole Europe even world.First,it shows us, especially adults ,how to love with respect,equality and sincerity.Every person will experience the process of loving and be loved.To love is a mark that we say goodbye to childishness and we should cope with love wisely and morally.Second,equal and liberal love and marriages are oppressed by feudal autocracy and Zion and they only support grade marriages and arranged marriages.Many people weigh the love with prices.In 第 2 页

contrast,Werther’s love is respectable,pure and liberal and it shocks the feudal moral awareness so strongly.Third,the young intellectuals have been oppressed for a long time and they are so sensitive and painful.They long for equality and liberty enthusiastically.Just The Sorrows of Young Werther expresses their hope so that they become the body of readers.Fourth,the type of writing is particular compared with other books.The epistolary style leads us to understand the figure’s inner minds and emotions.In the many letters written by Werther,it shows us the nature’s beauty and the process about Werther’s beautiful but painful love story.How sensitive and sincere Werther is!When we read these letters,we smile,laugh,annoy,cry and weep just like what Werther has done.I think that’s why so many people have resonances with the Werther and Goethe.

Many people express their sympathy to Werther’s suicide,the reason is that Werther tries hard to achieve professional success so that he can relief the pains from love,but unfortunately he fails and push himself into the ending of live.Of course, in that time and terrible social situation,his suicide is worthy of sympathy.However,he is also coward and lonely.He fills his heart with sadness and hopelessness and cries for the hope.But the new world are approaching,hope doesn’t disappear and the personal success can be achieved. We admire his love, but we can’t admire his suicide. He killed himself ,and also killed his love. After the death, his love came to be a history, it never can came true..

Nowadays,we live in 21th century.Our society are a liberal society and we support liberality and equality.The love and marriages are free and never oppressed by the class and church.There is no doubt that we are fortunate and it is the reasonable results of development.The Sorrows of Young Werther is still a very famous novel,and it has many educational values,such as how to deal with the barriers on our way to the heaven of love,how to understand our emotions and control them,and so on. The novel can contributes to our love experience and live.

This is a wonderful novel which is worth reading.I hope you will be the next reader.

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这篇描写炽热而不幸的爱情的故事,其重要意义在于,它表现的不仅是一个孤立的感情和痛苦,而是整个时代的感情、憧憬和痛苦。主人公是出身市民阶级的青年人;他在艺术上有天赋,为消遣而画画,职业是公使馆的秘书。歌德由自主地使这个青年具有他年轻时期的看法、感情和想法,赋予他以他自己的全部丰富卓越的才智。这就把维特变成了一个伟大的象征性人物;他不仅代表了时代精神,而且代表了新时代的才智。他的宏富伟大的程度几乎和他的命运不相称。” 维特出身市民家庭,他思想敏锐、感情丰富、才识过人,是一代觉醒的青年知识分子的典型代表。资产阶级关于“个性解放”、“感情自由”、“平等、博爱”等的思想意识,无不渗透进他的言行举止之中,而具体化为对于“自然”的无限信仰和崇奉。他热情讴歌自然,全身心地投入大自然的怀抱里,视自然神性之所在,以“自然的儿子、朋友和情人”自居,甚至渴望成为“无所不在的上帝的一面镜子”,这里的上帝正是他崇尚的大自然。他对自己的心负责:“我这颗心是我唯一的骄傲,只有它才是一切的源泉,一切力量,一切福佑,一切灾难的源泉。” “我所知道的,谁都能够知道。——只有我的心才为我所独有。” 维特对自然有着特殊的敏感,他热爱自然风光秀丽的小村子——瓦尔海姆,“在这里感到很惬意。在这天堂般的地方寂寞是一剂治心灵的良药,而这韶华时节正以它明媚的春光温暖着我常常寒颤的心。”他甚至“想变作金甲虫,遨游于芳香馥郁的海洋中,尽情摄取种种养分。”将自己的身心完全融入到大自然的怀抱中。因为陶醉于大自然的美景,他将自己的艺术也抛到了一边:“我是多么幸福啊,我的挚友,我完全沉浸在宁静生活的感受之中,以至于把自己的艺术也搁置在一边。我现在无法作画,一笔

也画不了,和以往相比,此刻我是位更大的画家。——每当后来我眼前暮色朦胧,我周围的世界以及天空像情人的倩影整个都憩息在我心灵中时,我往往便会生出憧憬,并思忖:啊,你要是能把这一切重现,是能将你心中如此丰富、如此温馨的情景写在纸上,使之成为你心灵的镜子,如你的心灵是博大无垠的上帝的镜子一样,那该多好!” 只有和处于自然纯真状态的人在一起,他才觉得快活。 “当地的下层老百姓”“很喜欢”他,“尤其是孩子。”而每当他们“只能一起走一小段路”,他“就感到难过。”他还仰慕来自民间的人荷马和莪相,向往荷马史诗和《圣经》中所描述的朴素自然的先民生活与平等和睦的人与人的关系——当维特第一次在绿蒂家的前厅里与绿蒂相遇时,他就被这位美丽善良的姑娘吸引了。他眼中的绿蒂“那么聪敏却那么单纯,那么坚毅却那么善良,那么勤谨却那么娴静”,简直像块无瑕美玉似的保持了一个少女全部可爱的自然本性,难怪维特称她是“一位天使”,一见钟情,并一往情深。而他对绿蒂的感情也不只是“喜欢”,更不是“想占有”。



“爱情的珍贵性,是世界上任何事情都无法与之相提并论的,这点是毋庸置疑的。” ——维特

《少年维特之烦恼》是歌德最著名的代表作之一也可看作是他前半生的写照。《少年维特之烦恼》中融进了他大量真实的生活经历。23岁的时候歌德曾经爱上一个名叫绿蒂的女子然而她却是有夫之妇。歌德因此绝望而痛苦脑子里不时出现自杀的念头。而这时他的一个朋友耶鲁撒冷也恰好因恋上同事妻子而绝望自杀。此消息大大震动了歌德。他把自己对绿蒂之恋与耶鲁撒冷事件混合在一起便构成了整个故事的轮廓。只用了四个星期的时间歌德就完成了这部小说。1774年小说一发表便引起了强烈的反响整个欧洲掀起了一阵维特热歌德的手揭开了沉睡在当代的深深激动着的心灵里的一切秘密。 我们可以想见维特的形象:青衣黄裤清秀而瘦弱,敏感而多情。他保持了童真的本性面对世界时他的心明净如一泓清水。他重视自然真诚的感情珍视他的“心胜于其它一切”对阿尔伯特似的理智冷静的人非常不满。他对绿蒂的一见钟情、一往情深也正是因为她如此天真无邪在举止行事中保持了一个少女可爱的自然本性。绿蒂在维特的心中完全就是自然与美的化身他对她的爱简直达到了“忘我”的程度! 绿蒂难道仅仅是维特的恋人?她几乎是维特全部理想的化身美的代表。当维特的理想在现实中无所依傍的时候他遇见了绿蒂绿蒂成为他心灵的攀附对象和避难所。他对她的爱虽是炽热的、忘我的却已偏离了爱的真义因为这是一种非理性的、变态的爱最后的结果不是毁

灭他人就是毁灭自己。与其说他爱的是绿蒂不如说他爱的是他自己千方百计地要从对异性的征服中证明自我存在的价值。正因为如此在理性的藩篱面前维特的内心才会产生如此复杂的纠葛和深沉的痛苦。他在现实与绿蒂之间徘徊而终究得不到爱人的事实又使维特变得愈加疯狂。最终他还是失去了绿蒂维特全部的人生希望、青春的热情、生活的勇气都被一道摧毁从而只得以极端的方式——自杀来表露对现实的反抗。席勒深刻地分析了维特的悲剧他说:“一个人物以热烈的感情拥抱一个理想并且逃避现实以便追求非现实的无限;他不断地在他身外寻求他永远在他自己的天性中所破坏的东西;他觉得他自己的梦想才是唯一现实的东西他自己的经验无非是永久的束缚;他把自己的存在看作是束缚应当把它粉碎以便深入绝对的现实。” 在作家的笔下爱情是伟大的,主人公可以为它生,可以为它;在作家的笔下爱情又是渺小的只不过是承载个性解放和实现自我价值的工具。小说里主人公那绵绵无尽的情思、激烈的内心冲突、亦苦亦甜的恋爱感受只有在他无法得到心上人时才具有残酷而无望的美的意味。所谓轰轰烈烈的爱情与充满血泪的心路事实上是浓得化不开的年少情愫与深黯的少年悲戚。青春向来就注定充满不安和躁动。太多沸腾的热血亟待宣泄为理想献身可以无半点犹疑。














JULY 29.

No, no! it is yet well all is well! I her husband! O God, who gave me being, if thou hadst destined this happiness for me, my whole life would have been one continual thanksgiving! But I will not

murmur -- forgive these tears, forgive these fruitless wishes. She -- my wife! Oh, the very thought of folding that dearest of Heaven's creatures in my arms! Dear Wilhelm, my whole frame feels

convulsed when I see Albert put his arms around her slender waist!

And shall I avow it? Why should I not, Wilhelm? She would have been happier with me than with him. Albert is not the man to satisfy the wishes of such a heart. He wants a certain sensibility; he wants -- in short, their hearts do not beat in unison. How often, my dear friend, im reading a passage from some interesting book, when my heart and Charlotte's seemed to meet, and in a hundred other instances when our sentiments were unfolded by the story of some fictitious character, have I felt that we were made for each other! But, dear Wilhelm, he loves her with his whole soul; and what does not such a love deserve?

I have been interrupted by an insufferable visit. I have dried my tears, and composed my thoughts. Adieu, my best friend!











我们每个人都是>幸福的,能来到这个世上就是幸运的。每向前迈出一步,就离目标近了一步!比起普希金,我们生活得还不够好吗?既然普希金都如此乐观,没有被命运所屈服,那我们是不是应该加倍努力,好好做好我们应该做得事,用我们最灿烂的微笑,最乐观的心态,去迎接新生的太阳 !







当然,已经逐渐清醒的人们开始擦干眼睛,开始重新审视人生,审视自己,审视生命。我本人认为,人生的体验,应该是丰富多彩、积极乐观的,各种体验都是宝贵的人生财富,这样想心里就会豁达些了。 曾经的美好与哀愁,快乐和忧伤,都是我们记忆中不可或缺的一部分!或许,在我们离开这个世界时回想往事,会觉的亲切和没有虚度此生。











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