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篇一:《Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher 哈利波特与魔法石读后感》

Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone

I fell in love with Harry Potter when I was a ten-year-old girl,who was interested in all the mystical things.Harry Potter led me to a new world which was full of magic and love,that’s why I was eager to become 11 at that time so that I would know whether I was a witch.Then certainly,I’m not.

Reading Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone again in English made me feel more and learn more.The character that most impressed me was courage.

I admire little Harry’s courage to face the future.When he first got on the train to Hogwarts,he really did not know what was going to happen,and he knew little about the magic world,but he was not afraid at all.Instead,he ‘felt a great leap of excitement.He didn’t know what he was going to-but it had to be better than he was leaving behind.’Though Harry alway suffers a lot,he always has trust in the future.

Courage is important.Every line,every word of this book reminds us of the value of courage.I remember Ron encouraged Neville not to afraid of Malfoy.He said ,‘You've got to stand up to him,Neville!He's used to walking all over people,but that's no

reason to lie down in front of him and make it easier.’

Harry,Ron and Hermione were just first-year students in Hogwarts ,but in order to protect the Philosopher's Stone,they fought with their professor and finally they succeed.Courage makes people strong.

Albus Dumbledore once said to Harry that ,‘To ones as young as you,I'm sure it seems incredible,but to Nicolas and Perenelle,it really is like going to bed after a very very long day.After all,to the well-organized mind,death is but the next great adventure.’Professor Dumbledore taught me how to face death bravely.

Apart from courage,the book told me the importance of love.Voldemort is a very powerful wizard,but he was not able to kill Harry and he could not even touch Harry.Professor Dumbledore once explained this to Harry,‘If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand,it is love.He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark.Not a scar,no visible sign...to have been loved so deeply,even though the person who loved us is gone,will give us some protection forever.It is in your very skin.Quirrell,full of hatred,greed,and ambition,sharing his soul with Voldemort,could not touch you for this reason.It was agony to touch a person

marked by something so good.’The book made me realize that there is nothing that is more powerful than love.Love makes us strong.哈利波特与魔法石英语读后感

What make Harry a great boy are many valuable characters,one of which is modesty.Because of his legendary experience,he is very celebrated and he has a lot of adorer,but Harry is never arrogant.On the contrary,he is very modest and hard-working.He never thinks himself a ‘famous person’.

In a way,Harry is just an ordinary boy.He laugh;he cry;he wants friends;he needs love.He is just like everyone among us,so sometimes reading his story is just like talking to myself.Meanwhile,he leads me to an amazing new world,which is full of adventures,magic and love.






在学校他认识了许多好朋友,其中赫敏与罗恩与他形影不离。他们一起努力保护魔法石。在重重障碍中,罗恩倒下了,赫敏返回进口了。哈利独自一人与伏地魔顽强抗争,最终以纯洁的灵魂捣毁了伏地魔的美梦,同时也救了大家。 >故事虽然是发生在一个虚幻世界,但是,故事里所蕴含的却与我们的生活息息相关。如果没有母亲伟大无私的母爱,哈利怎能活到今天?如果没有海格的保护,哈利怎能摆脱德思礼一家的阻挡,顺利地进入霍格沃茨?如果没有斯内普在魁地奇比赛时念一个反咒想保住哈利的生命,他岂不是早就被奇洛摔得粉身碎骨?如果没有赫敏的机智与罗恩的敢于牺牲,哈利怎能通过一道又一道难关,打败伏地魔,拿到魔法石?„„这一切的一切,都在教育我们:生活中我们离不开他人的帮助,他人对我们的关怀与爱护才使我们成功。哈利波特要是只身一人,没有朋友,没有支持,他能独自打败伏地魔吗?答案是否定的。







最近我读了《哈利波特与魔法石》我深有感触, 这本书主要讲的是哈利波特与一个外表愚笨却内藏杀机的奇洛教授争夺魔法石的故事。

魔法石是炼金术师尼可乐梅多年的成果。这是世界上仅存的唯一一块魔法石,现在它被藏在世界上最安全的地方一一哈里的学校——霍格沃茨。魔法石可以让人长生不老,还能把任何金属变成纯金。这块魔法石被藏在一个魔镜内,只要你想拥有它却不用它做坏事,你就可以得到它。奇洛教授在霍格沃茨教黑魔法防御术。哈里的仇人着名的黑巫师伏地魔一直寄生 于奇洛教授身上。在好奇心的驱使下,哈里和他的朋友 罗恩和赫敏一起冲锋陷阵过了几个致命的关卡来到魔法石前。在此之前霍格沃茨内的教师 ,一个个不下迷阵保护 魔法石,就连一向阴险狡猾的斯内普教授也同样如此。一开始,哈里、罗恩和赫敏都曾怀疑斯内普教授,可当哈里独自走入魔法石前他才知道奇洛教授才是幕后黑手。 于是哈里和奇洛教授拼死格斗。哈里发现只要接触奇洛教授,奇洛教授就会消失。最后哈里利用这个方法再一次从伏地魔的手里逃脱了。

这本书让我懂了一些道理:贪婪就会一无所有,善良 就可能得到一切, 这本书的唯一不好之处就是:在达利家时,描写的不是很生动。



《哈利·波特与魔法石》(英国版《Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》,美国版《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone》),是英国女作家J.K.罗琳的《哈利·波特》系列小说的第一部。
















"harry potter" this film, we can not think of the author, can not bee a fact of the matter。 "harry potter" for the main character, a shaman, the wizard, ghosts, monsters, dragons and evil, justice。 from the film, friends can reflect on the friendship, respect for teachers, in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of the spirit of courage。 with these, they have time and again to escape the difficulties。哈利波特与魔法石读后感英文。 "harry potter" these books with him on his two best friends in school huogewoci magic in the story。 where records of their fighting together, sharing happiness together, with little didi fenyou disturbed things。 everything is so magical! in that magical world of the shaman lived,there are fewer old。 when the messenger owl。 cups, hats, are believed to be his opening remarks。 flying broom is their means of transport, and more can be pared to the birds and the sky, and qizhao ta can quickly fly in less than a few minutes you can reach the place you want to visit。 chess masters will follow the case, the owner let it go it will go。哈利波特与魔法石读后感英文。 order - g, their will to move。 portraits, the people are living, they can talk, you can jump out of their xiangkuang to other xiangkuang lane。 there are many castles in the ghost, they can walk, you can talk to the moving castle in anything, you can perate any object, and sometimes engage in mischief (pippi ghosts)。 there are so many wonderful! no wonder our small magician harry potter magic will be popular throughout the world。 i admire the most is harry potter and his partners, and the difficulties they face the evil spirit never flinched i always memorable。 they always had a conviction: "we must overe all, defeat evil, and we learn, understand and know the magic and mon sense to defeat our enemies, as long as we work together, we can overe evil, justice will never defeat evil。" with this conviction, they will win, because evil always doubu guo justice。


setting:hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is where harry potter and his friends learned about magic。

main characters:harry potter is an 11 year old boy who?s parents died, and he goes to hogwarts。

ron weasley is an 11 year old boy who has 5 brothers and 1 sister, and he goes to hogwarts。

hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots , and she goes to hogwarts。哈利波特英语读后感

quirrell is hogwarts?s teacher,voldemort?s helper。

voldemort is an evil guy of the magic world。

climax:harry never thought quirrell was helping voldemort。 quirrel cought harry and let him to get the philospher?s stone, but when harry got it, he didn?t give it to quirrell, and voldemort came out,from the back of quirrell?s head!and voldemort orderd quirrell to catch harry and get the stone, but when quirrell touched harry, his body dissolved,and then he died。

conclusion:harry defeated voldemort, and the year has finished,it?s time for the school cup,gryffindor was in last ,but 4 more things let them win!

first is for ron, because he play the best game of chess hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 points。second is for her mione,for the use of cool logic in the face fire,she got 50 points。third is for harry, who defeated voldemort, get the stone, he got 60 points for that!last, for neville,he got 10 points for his moxie,and gryffindor won!

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