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成考报名   发布时间:03-06    阅读:


Plot: “Treasure island” is a well-known adventure story book. The story happened in eighteenth Century. Jim is a little boy, who was eager and enthusiastic about the sea treasure hunt. Once, he went to the Treasure Island, deal with the pirates and seamen, experienced all sorts of matters------sincere, loyal crew, hypocritical, cruel, between the seamen and witnessed a series of breath-taking stories. Master Jim was a timid, shy child. After his father died, he started the adventure. To begin with, Jim was just a waiter in the cabin, but he had the courage to fight with the enemy, and later recaptured a ship from the pirate, and became the new captain. With courage, a timid and shy boy became a hero. At the end of the story, Jim returned, vowing that he would never hunt again. Since then, Jim had often been troubled by a nightmare. Coins made Jim nightmares, rather than wealth and a better life. So you can see from the story that greed and desire will never bring a wonderful life.

Comments: After reading Treasure Island, I found that it’s important to be brave. Brave has a close relationship with risk-taking. If we want to gain the character of brave, we should be ready to take risk, dare to explore the new area along our lives. In other words, if we want be survive in the new century and be successful, we should be adventurers in the sea of life. It is said that the best stock exchange brokers in America are people who are used to be athletes and not the graduates of finance. Why? They have strong bodies that can do hard work, smart responses, confident to be successful and the most important is that they dare to make key decisions and be ready to take risk. Therefore the parents should give their children the chance to adventure. However, parents in China always MAKE their children to do things. They tell their children what to do, when to do, how to do and why to do. In this way, parents become the masters, while the children,to some extant, become the servants. They may dare not to do anything at all, which absolutely is not the purpose of parents.


Book Report of <Treasure Island>金银岛小说英文读后感

Lots of people may read the masterpiece called <Treasure Island>.

This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy who lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. The boy’s name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friend, with a group of sailors, set out journey for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups fight fiercely. Evil can never prevail over good. Through each justicial person’s effort, Jim and Captain Smollett win the battle. And later then they go back home with the boat filled with treasure.

At the end of the story, Silver runs away with one of the bags of coins, perhaps three or four hundred coins. Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea. Gray, Jim’s friend, saves his money and now is a half-owner and captain of a fine ship. Ben Gunn, who is marooned by pirates, gets a thousand pounds. However, he spends all his money in three weeks. Then he has to beg and luckily is given a job as a gatekeeper when he comes back.

Though I don’t have a chance to adventure as Jim does, the face of Jim often appears in my mind. Jim is a kind-hearted, brave and ambitious boy. He can always find a good way to solve the problems or beat the pirates.

And this book shocks me when I read this part: You are in trouble. Ship lost, treasure lost, men lost. And if you want to know who did it—it was me! I was in the apple barrel the night we saw the island, and I heard every word you said. And the ship? It was me who cut her ropes and killed the men aboard her……Why am I shocked? Because I can’t believe a young boy has such great courage to say those words, and this is admired by me.

There’s someone I admire, and of course, there’s someone I hate, like Silver. What I can only find from the pirates are cruelty and selfishness. He kills people without mercy and even becomes crueler. His sole pursuit of treasure results in his red hand never dry.金银岛小说英文读后感

Although it is only a novel, the scenes of the novel always come to my mind. It gives me a lesson. We can’t be selfish, because the selfish one only focuses on himself and can commit immorality or even crimes when trying to protect his own interest. We can see the justice of the spiritual wealth from Jim.

What’s more, in my point of view, we should save money in the bank instead of wasting it in our daily life. Wasting money is a bad behavior. The less money we use, the higher spirit level we will have. If we use up our money like Ben Gunn one day, we will be in a big trouble.

As a saying goes, “No pain, No gain”. If we try our best to do everything as Jim, I think we will make more progress in many fields.

That’s all. Thank you.








故事发生在十八世纪,杰夫.何金斯是一个小男孩,他渴望并且热衷於出海寻宝。有一次,他到了金银岛寻宝,与海盗、水手打交道,亲身体验到船员之间真诚、忠实、虚伪、残暴的种种现象,目睹了一幕幕令人惊心动魄的故事。 读了这本探险故事,使我感触良多。主人翁杰夫.何金斯原是一个胆小、害羞的孩子。父亲去世后,他便开始了探险。在探险之旅中,初时杰夫只是一个船舱裏的服务生,但他却勇於与敌人搏斗,后来更从海盗手中夺回大船,并自命为新任船长。虽然杰夫.何金斯经常易於冲动,但他所表现出来的非凡勇气和过人胆识,足以令我佩服不已。杰夫.何金斯凭著勇气与胆识,由一个胆小怕事的小男孩变成一位夺回大船的英雄。而我们有时遇到难题,便自乱阵脚,不努力探讨解决的办法。试想想,若我们也有杰夫那种勇於尝试和敢於探索的精神,许多难题不是都能迎刃而解吗?







康德曾说过:“我已经给自己选定了道路,我将坚定不移。既然我已经踏上着条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。”是啊,如果一个人,他的一生总是碰到困难就躲避的话,那么他的人生就是虚度的,也永远不会有任何的成就;而相反,一个人如果有很强的责任心的话,那他就会是成功的主人。以前,我也很怕困难,不过,自从今天我读了这本《金银岛》后,我决心要做成功的主人。 一场生死的搏斗,最终平安返航的冒险。 看了内容的简介,也许你会觉得没有给你任何启发,可是我却受益不浅。我懂得了很多,懂得顽强的精神和勇气才是生活中的宝藏,懂得了我们在困难面前,不应该低头,而是应该勇敢的面对困难。这对于瞎子皮尤的手下却是一个鲜明的对比,虽然为非作歹的瞎子皮尤,这个人物,最终死在了马蹄下,不禁让人大觉爽快。但他的一些话还是让我记忆尤深“发财的机会就在你们眼前,你们却仍然在忧郁不决!„„你们明明知道东西肯定没被带远,却没有勇气继续寻找下去„„”,如果你就是皮尤的手下的话,成功的机会就在你的面前,你有勇气继续前进吗? 我们先不说这个问题,走出小说世界,来到我们的现实生活。曾经看过这样一句话“生活的一半是倒霉,另一半是处理倒霉”,可以看出我们的生活周围存在的荆棘很多。我们追求知识,追求着自己的追求,随着生活范围的扩大,一个人肯定会遇到新的挫折和失败,而这当中需要什么?需要勇气。当然,勇敢,并不是指轻率的鲁莽从事,勇敢意味着在你经过反复斟酌后决定承担一些你力所不及的事情。有这样一句话:热爱生活,要感谢生活的赏赐,不要临阵逃脱,要尽力去超越自己——那么你会发现你的能力要大大超过你的想象。就像文中的吉姆一样,他是多么的勇敢啊!当他身陷敌营,大夫让他逃跑时,他却说“我必须呆在这里不走,因为我发过誓,而且不能辜负西尔弗对我的信任”,人们常说:“人物的语言常常能够反映一个人的性格品质,而吉姆的优秀品质因此而体现的淋淋尽至。 当然,

除了要有勇气,还要有象吉姆一样顽强的精神,遇到困难一定不能说:“NO!”否则,你的人生就会虚度。要勇于面对困难,而我却没有做到这一点。就拿今天来说吧!妈妈让我做一张试卷,可是其中一道题目却怎么也做不出来,我便放在一旁让他“睡觉”,等以后有空再去慢慢消化他。如今想起来,还真是有点后悔! 居里夫人也曾说过:“如果能追随理想而生活,本着真正自由的精神,勇往直前的毅力,诚实不自欺的思想而行,则定能达到至善至美的境界。”心动不如行动,让我们学习吉姆精神——做事勇于面对,并以顽强的毅力去攻克困难,征服他,也坐着“伊斯班约拉号”去驶向学习上的“金银岛”,寻找学习上宝贵的矿藏!


lots of people may read the masterpiece called <treasure island>。

this is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy who lives in a small inn, the admiral benbow, run by his parents in black hill cove。 the boy?s name is jim hawkins。 one day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in skeleton island。金银岛读后感英文版。 then jim, dr。 livesey, captain smollett and his friend, with a group of sailors, set out journey for the treasure。 after a short time, some greed sailors who are led by long john silver rebel for the map。 these two groups fight fiercely。 evil can never prevail over good。 through each justicial person?s effort, jim and captain smollett win the battle。 and later then they go back home with the boat filled with treasure。金银岛读后感英文版

at the end of the story, silver runs away with one of the bags of coins, perhaps three or four hundred coins。 captain smollett no longer goes to sea。 gray, jim?s friend, saves his money and now is a half-owner and captain of a fine ship。 ben gunn,who is marooned by pirates, gets a thousand pounds。 however, he spends all his money in three weeks。 then he has to beg and luckily is given a job as a gatekeeper when he es back。

though i don?t have a chance to adventure as jim does, the face of jim often appears in my mind。 jim is a kind-hearted, brave and ambitious boy。 he can always find a good way to solve the problems or beat the pirates。

and this book shocks me when i read this part: you are in trouble。 ship lost, treasure lost, men lost。 and if you want to know who did it?it was me! i was in the apple barrel the night we saw the island, and i heard every word you said。 and the ship? it was me who cut her ropes and killed the men aboard her??why am i shocked? because i can?t believe a young boy has such great courage to say those words, and this is admired by me。

there?s someone i admire, and of course, there?s someone i hate, like silver。 what i can only find from the pirates are cruelty and selfishness。 he kills people without mercy and even bees crueler。 his sole pursuit of treasure results in his red hand never dry。

although it is only a novel, the scenes of the novel always e to my mind。 it gives me a lesson。 we can?t be selfish, because the selfish one only focuses on himself and can mit immorality or even crimes when trying to protect his own interest。 we can see the justice of the spiritual wealth from jim。

what?s more, in my point of view, we should save money in the bank instead of wasting it in our daily life。 wasting money is a bad behavior。 the less money we use, the higher spirit level we will have。 if we use up our money like ben gunn one day, we will be in a big trouble。

as a saying goes, ?no pain, no gain?。 if we try our best to do everything as jim, i think we will make more progress in many fields。

that?s all。 thank you。























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