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The Adventurer

——The Reflection on Martin Eden

It is really a long story, but actually, the story itself is not that complicated. When I started reading, I guessed that Martin would have a bright future. Yes he made it at last, but after all the reputations and glories he gained; he eventually chose to commit suicide, to run away from this world. For me, it was really an unexpected ending.

Martin was a 21-year-old sailor. Once by chance, he met Ruth, who was the sister of Arthur, and soon fell in love with her. Finding that there’s a huge difference between them, he decided to do whatever he can to change and improve himself. He learned every kinds of knowledge and built a great interest in writing. He then devoted most of his time to writing. But unfortunately, seldom did the editors accept his articles or novels. His life became poorer and poorer yet he still stuck to writing. Meanwhile, he built up many radical ideas which seemed far different from those bourgeoisies. Ruth day by day became disappointed with Martin and eventually broke up with him. But Martin, with the help of his friend Breissenden (Though he had died.), finally created a great work which was wonderful in those editors’ eyes. As a result, he became famous, rich and popular. Those who insulted him or ignored him in the past all came to see him and invited him; even Ruth came to pray for Martin’s forgiveness. Martin was exhausted. He felt himself ill and could

not accept anyone. He was tired of all the things around him and finally finished his life in the deep sea.

Although Martin made a sad choice at last, he was still a hero in my heart. First of all, he is a man who can stick to his dream regardless all the difficulties and of course he can succeed. Maybe at first he just wanted to be a man who deserved Ruth, but later he did all the things of his own will. He tried hard in order to achieve his own ideal. Secondly, he is a real man. He was strong, precipitant maybe a little bit rough, yet he still tried his best to love the people who had helped him. Sometimes he felt himself inferior, but it never stopped his courage to love those people.

That’s why I said he was an adventurer. In that bourgeois society, he was like a square peg in a round hole. He might be afraid of other’s views but he couldn’t lie to himself. He was not that kind of man. Those so-called classy people around him were indifferent, hypocritical and snobbish. The more Martin learned from the society, the less he wanted to become one of them. He was always holding his own belief. He hoped that someone would understand him (and Breissenden was one of them). But he finally realized that people would understand you if you have reputations and money, or we can say, people would only understand your frame and wealth. That was an insult of his belief, and that was unforgivable towards a real adventurer. His dignity as a real adventurer

would never allow himself to associate with those people. I guessed that’s why he committed suicide. A adventurer is not suitable in this impetuous society.【martin,eden,读后感】

Maybe it was an inevitable ending for Martin Eden. Martin was a writer, and as a writer, he could see more than ordinary people and as a writer, he was frailer than ordinary people. I guessed the reason that many great writers throughout history commit suicide and last is that they have something in common. They all have the true nature in their heart. As adventurers, they traveled in this complicated society, and then, return to their quiet and pure world.


The Literature Work That I Like Best

/The call of the wild


At the beginning of this century, many new writers emerged with the introduction of many new ideas. Among them, Jack London was the most popular one. Jack London (1876-1916) is a worldwide renowned novelist. His stories successfully reflect the contradictory views of man’s nature and destiny in and against the wild, and his "fight to survive" notion has gained him and his works timeless popularity, particularly, the Call of the Wild



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