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编辑:zhangyanqing  成考报名   发布时间:06-14    阅读:

 以下是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 分享的读后感《先上讣告,后上天堂》玛里琳·约翰逊,希望能帮助到大家!







  读这本书时,我第一个想到的是Michael Jackson,想知道他去世时西方媒体是怎样写讣告的,找到了下面这一段话:

  Jackson met his own untimely death Thursday at age 50, and more than any of those past icons, he left a complicated legacy. As a child star, he was so talented he seemed lit from within; as a middle-aged man, he was viewed as something akin to a visiting alien who, like Tinkerbell, would cease to exist if the applause ever stopped.

  ——“Michael Jackson’s life was infused with fantasy and tragedy”, Los Angeles Times.


  看了一下最新一期经济学人,果然倒数第二版主题是“Obituary”,本期题目是“Obituary: Muhammad Ali: The greatest”,看过这本书,我尝试静下心来读这篇拳王阿里的讣告,结果讣告的第一段就仿佛把我带到了拳击场的现场:

  Muhammad Ali, heavyweight boxer, died on June 3rd, aged 74

  PURE skill was much of it. The brutal delicacy of the ring-craft, so rare in the heavyweight division. Among the lumbering sloggers he dodged and danced, floating like a butterfly, stinging like a bee. Faced with a solid, flat-footed opponent, as all seemed to be compared with him, he would circle, torment and mesmerise, throwing short punches at speed. All that weaving, skipping, leaning leisurely away, before coming in for the kill. Flooring Sonny Liston once with a punch so fast that no one quite saw it (see above). Taunting George Foreman to exhaustion by sinking into the slack ropes, just letting him punch himself out while his own fine, hard body absorbed the blows. He always knew when his rivals would topple. He would mimic their shuffling desperation and his own artistry, pummelling the air with fast, precise, furious fists. Let the old guard complain that he ducked and dipped too much, held his hands too low and his chin cocked too high; he won fights.

  ——“Obituary: Muhammad Ali: The greatest”, The Economist.


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