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编辑:zhangyanqing  成考报名   发布时间:06-22    阅读:

  《人鼠之间》这本小说的作者是诺贝尔文学奖得主,美国30年代的著名作家John·Steinbeck。下面是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 小编为大家带来的英文名著《人鼠之间》读后感 ,希望能帮助到大家! 



  ,也希望这是大家自读英文作品的开始。在读第二本Of Mice and Men的过程中,看到不少同学被书中不规则的拼写、语法、句式打蒙了,平时优秀机灵的学生,这时眼神里写着一片迷茫和不解

  ……哈哈……好在我们坚持读完啦,而且不少同学写出了很棒的book report,值得赞叹!

  对陌生表达和新词的猜测能力是阅读的基本功,而且我们什么类型的书都会遇到,如果所读材料总是那些自己能handle的范围,停留在自己的comfort zone,没有挑战,那我们的思维框架和爱好范围就很难打开并拓宽。总之,这是个训练的过程,希望大家以后无论遇到什么写作风格和语言特点的书,都不会发憷,可以很自信地说:Yes, I can!


  下面内容节选自15级力建管理英语快班一部分同学写的Book Report(稍有修改),供大家欣赏学习:

  It was my first time to have been exposed to English literature, so it was a fresh experience for me. (马昊,建筑15)

  I was curious about this book at first when I read the first chapter. The tense, grammar, even the words are incorrect and I could hardly read it. But if you continue to read this book, you can accustom yourself to it. (丁羽桐,会计15)

  It's the second English book that I have read. Be frank with you, it is quite difficult for me to finish the whole book. Besides the new words, there also exist some wrong words, so I can not tell whether they are new or wrong. It all depends on my instinct. What's more, the way that the author thinks is quite different from me. So it was a tough time, but I'm glad that I have finished reading this book. (廖同阳,土木15)

  To be honest, I was a little nervous at the beginning because there were too many wrong words, sentences and expressions. Compared with the last book, it was a little more challenging and difficult for me to understand the plot. However, nothing can stop me from going on. Through reading aloud and imagining, I feel great pleasure and enjoyment, which meakes me very excited. In fact, after the process of the reading, I really enjoy this reading experience, for I have a sense of achievement and gain more things rather than know more words.(陈增,土木15)

  In a word, I'm so interested in the book. It allows me to know a completely different culture and to understand the pain of unprivileged people. Thank you for your recommendation. (曹颖,营销15)

  “In my opinion, Of Mice and Men is meant to reveal the deep gap between dream and reality. Lennie and George had their little dreams and tried their best to chase their dream. However, dreams never came true in reality because the society was full of inequality, injustice and discrimination. It was not only a tragedy of low-class people but also a nightmare of the dark age.

  In the book, what moved me most was that George shot Lennie to enable him to pass away with happiness. Lennie's death was so romantic but sorrowful.Maybe death was the last hopeful way to gain happiness in such a society and it was the last rebellion to the world filled with despair.(缪宇,会计15)


  Happiness is easy to get. Happiness is difficult to get. ... For Manual laborers in America at that time, happiness was still on the shaky ground. ... It has nothing to do with the poor. (张乐,会计15)


  Of Mice and Men is a book including a long story happened within a very short time. It uses many details to present a short and dramatical story with ups and downs which happened in a few days.

  The title is about mice and men, but the story is really about men. It seems talking about the two main characters George and Lennie, but it is talking about the entire human beings. And also, it is about dream and reality, about love and evil, about life and death.

  The mice die in the hand of the man who loves them the most. Also, a man dies in the hand of another who loves him the most. Did the author damage the approved love or complete the self-righteous love? Lennie killed the mice by incaution, and George killed Lennie by intention.

  I don't know how to comment on George. If I were him I wouldn't give Lennie that shot. But I understand the struggle of George - I just feel so upset. Actually, I don't like this story. It doesn't have straight violence or darkness, but is is full of gloom and sorrow. (周巧琳,土木15)


  Lennie is a simple boy with no evil intention. Mentally he is a baby while physically he is as strong as a machine. A machine ban be motivative if conducted by an adult; however, it would be dangerous if it is conducted by a baby. In spite of the fact that Lennie is kind, he is always driven by his instinct instead of by his logic. His only rules are George's orders which only work when George is present. ... Maybe we can draw a conclusion that Lennie's death is the best ending for both Lennie and George. (朱泓铭,土木15)


  After reading this book, I was really sympathetic with the bottom of our society. They need to shoulder heavy pressure of work and also carry on their difficut and challenging life. They are easily content with pleasure. They never go out of their small circle and experience the world outside. They even die without a name... (马昊,建筑15)


  From my perspective, the story can be concluded like it's about a group of lonely people in a cruel world. Candy was lonely and helpless. He once had a friend, his dog, but it was killed for it was too old and could hardly survive. Crooks, the colored man, was lonley, too. Few people on the farm talked to him thus he read books and stayed alone. Curley's wife was as lonely as them. She had hoped to become a star when she was a tennager but she became Curley's wife at last. In another word, she married a man she didn't love. ... I felt sad after finishing reading the story.(姚穰原,建筑15)

  Of Mice and Men,这个题目是来自苏格兰农民诗人Robert Burns(罗伯特·彭斯)在1785年写的一首诗To a Mouse,which is about a mouse's nest the poet destroyed by mistake while ploughing a field:

  But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane,

  In proving foresight may be vain:

  The best laid schemes o' mice an' men,

  Gang aft a-gley,

  An' lea'e us nought but grief and pain,

  For promis'd joy.

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