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别无选择。无奈,的确。这就是生活,有得有失。当少平得知小霞死亡的消息时他能接受吗?当少安收到润叶给他的那封告白时,他的痛苦你能理解吗?生活真如歌德所说的那样,我们每个人都在推着石头到达山顶,然后石头滚下来,我们接着又把它推上去,周而复始。 平凡的生活,孙少平是幸福的,因为有田晓霞的出现。即使他们最终不能到一起,他们都是幸福的。这也是孙少平平凡生活中的不平凡一点,他遇到了田晓霞。然而,现实生活中能有多少人能找到自己的真爱呢?对于很多人来说,孙少平的爱情是让人羡慕的。少安是平凡世界里面写的最成功的人物,我是这么认为的。真的是突出了小说中人物形象这个要素,我甚至感觉少安就是身边的某一位人。他小时候因为无钱读书而退学,他与润叶的爱情是那么的让人惋惜。少安,他的心思全在家里,对于家他没有一点点的自私。为了家里能够维持下去,他放弃了润叶。尽管书中说他对润叶是一种兄妹之情,但是我们不会忘记他接到润叶给他告白信时他的那种喜悦,甚至抓狂,这是一种任何男生都难以抑制的心情,况且润叶这么好的人,少安没有理由不喜欢的。只是我们的少安责任心太强,他在潜意识里认为自己给不了爱人幸福,因此他不敢去谈爱情。他只有婚姻,没有爱情。他的老婆必须是能够与他一起撑起这个家的。再说到少安的事业,可以这么说,少安是一个很精明很勤劳并且思想很先进的人。在改革开放的浪潮中能够发家致富并不超出我们的意料,他的经历却是几经坎坷,几度起伏,终有收获。有得当然有失,事业上如日中天时他的妻子却病入膏肓。这又是平凡的世界一大绝笔。





书中还有一人,跟少安一样,我非常的喜爱,那就是我们可爱的润叶。为什么我会喜欢她呢?因为她的善良,还有她的坚强。润叶与少安不能在一起不是他们的错,是这个时代的错误。润叶相对来说更加的积极,她是主动示爱的,可是结果让她措手不及。她难以接受,润叶对感情是极为专一的,这也决定了她注定要承受痛苦。她很平凡,在少安结婚后她失去了最后一道防线,在长辈们的压力下,她冲动的屈服了一次。可是之后她再也没有屈服过,她并没有接受他的丈夫。如果在今天,她与少安就是天生一对,他们将是世界上最幸福的人。 生活没有如果,他们的命运告诉了我们。我们每个人的命运都受制于这个时代。我们不能完完全全的决定着自己的命运,我们要做的是怎样让我们更幸福。有远大的理想很好,想平凡的生活也好,这只是我们追求幸福的一种途径。



Unordinary Ordinary World

Ren Wei

Frankly speaking, I have read the number of books which could count by my hand, which does not require additional calculation methods. I have read a most of magazines,and I also have read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms、Wolf Totem、The Making of Steel and Life And Death Are Wearing Me Out, A Dream in Red Mansions I haven't finished to read it. This is all,it is very poor.

A few days ago I read Ordinary World again,there are more feelings,I am confused that how a person can make his life happy. I aspire to big-city sophistication and excitement, but can I really be happy? Instead, in his hometown, lived a poor but a quiet life, will I certainly be unhappy? I knew I am still young, and the young person who is easy to be idealize, but I haven't not thought about substance.After all, most people's lives are not easy to become rich. When a man works hard to get enough food and clothes which could support his family, so what's the difference between the so-called intellectuals who understand the spice of life and the farmers who are happy everyday? I know I will be like most people living a ordinary life,but my heart has always been looking for peace. It's really that most people in the world measure others by material. However, why should I compare the feeling of material with others. If people could have so much material, of course, there is their reasons. I don't have it, I【平凡世界路遥读后感】

also have my reason. I am poor, but I am a King in my world. I feel free in my life. It is the biggest happiness in the world to together with lover. Everyone has the right to choose their own way of life. If others look down on me, it only indicate that they have low ideological level. Laugh is the best response. People who only live earnestly, they can get the most sincere repay, even without huge material. Every way and every choice in life are very difficult. You must have a lot of regrets paying after you select it. I like Sun Shaoan, he chose to do a farmer, a businessman. The fate pushed him to make a progress, and he walked toughly, but he was so passionate and so successful. In his mind, the life is the struggle. The ultimate goal is nothing but he can own enough food and clothes, live with dignity. He made it. What is success? It is not the glory and admiration in the eyes of others, but perseverance to complete your goals, perhaps this target in the eyes of others is not worthy of mention. I love Sun Shaoping who came from The Yellow Soil. I can't say anything about him, I see myself. But I'm not him, I couldn't meet a girl who is like Xiaoxia. What is bitter ? What is sweet ? what is happiness ? The ups and downs is the really life, but we are ordinary persons in the word. When I see the death of Xiaoxia, I couldn't help but choke. Why did the real life and ideal love against her ? The whole ordinary world is a world of ordinary people. Did a lot of people feet always on the ground


today ? Maybe I haven't got out of College, and have not experienced a confusion that can't find a job. We will still be confused,when we could not develop ourselves after we have a job. But I always think many things should always be pure and first in our hearts such as marriages and emotions. Should they be subservient to life or affiliated to the life? In the other word ,or should they dominant life? Sun Shaoping is sad. Shaoan is sad. Runye is sad. Xiao Xia is also sad. At the same time they are so painful. All sorts of grief constitutes a mirror in this ordinary world, Anyone in the mirror cannot be preserved. It reflects the similar well-being in real life and also reflects everyone's unfortunate. Because of his extraordinary and noble love, I love Sun Shaoping. When they are in love, love disappears suddenly. Perhaps only in this spiritual oppression he can really feel the love rewarding. He has not have full swing but to deliberately change the way of thinking. He dedicated his deep love to the people all around him, but this didn't definitely mean he escaped it. Happiness and unfortunate will never arrive at forever. The memory must be lost to the time. The beauty of the years lies in that it never stops. The novel doesn't give their future life. It give us a vast space to think.We can only give our beast wishes to them

Lu yao is right .what is a life ? A life means an endless struggle.

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