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汤姆叔叔的小屋英文读后感500字 第一篇


汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感 我一天看完了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》这本书,这本书是美国女作家斯托夫人写的。 这本书主要讲了美国的黑人奴隶悲惨的命运,他们没有人

身自由,听奴隶主使唤,为奴隶主干活,而且可以让奴隶主卖来卖去,过着最低等的生活。 主人公汤姆也是一个奴隶,他是一个正直善良的人,当他知道老爷要把他和另一个女奴卖掉的时候,他却不逃走,还说:“让伊丽莎先逃吧,我不说半个不字,要她留在这里不尽人情。可是我不能走,不能让老爷破产,老爷一直很信任我,我决不能让老爷失望,这事不怪老爷。”多么忠厚老实啊!后来汤姆又被卖给了奴隶贩子海利,在船上救了一个落水的女孩,成了女孩家的奴隶。可惜他的主人不幸死了,汤姆又落到了残暴的庄园主雷格里的手中。雷格里要汤姆鞭打女人,被他拒绝,后来凯茜和爱弥琳要逃走,他宁死也没有说出他们二人的下落,最终被活活打死。他是多么的善良啊!()他的忠厚和老实让我喜欢,他的善良让我敬佩,我们的世界是多么需要像汤姆叔叔这种善良的人啊。 想想汤姆叔叔的遭遇真是太可怜了,想想那个奴隶社会真是太可怕了,看我们现在的社会人人平等,没有压迫。住着宽敞舒适的房子,过着幸福快乐的生活。所以我们要好好珍惜现在的美好时光,好好珍惜现在拥有的一切。

汤姆叔叔的小屋英文读后感500字 第二篇








汤姆叔叔的小屋英文读后感500字 第三篇



在十九世纪末,美国盛行着一种毁灭性尊严的奴隶制度,这种制度是将非洲等落后的地区的黑人,强制押到新大陆,当作家畜式的买卖,遭受到买卖的黑奴就开始了他们一生被使唤不歇的奴隶生涯。《汤姆叔叔的小屋》一书叙述的正是发生的那期间的一个悲惨原故事。 读完这个故事,我对可怜的汤姆叔叔感到同情,同情他可怜的身份,同情他悲惨的命运;我又对残忍的奴隶主和卑鄙的奴隶商人感到憎恨,憎恨他们的粗暴凶狠,憎恨他们的冷酷无情;我还对这种奴隶制度感到不平,不平的是制度的黑暗,不平的是制度的不平等;我更对伟大的林肯总统感到佩服,佩服他废除黑奴制度的决心,佩服他废除黑奴制的真实行动。 我曾经看过一篇课文:《奴隶英雄》讲的也是奴隶们的悲惨。为什么会有这样不平等的制度呢?美国有,罗马也有,他们同把奴隶们当作"会说话的工具"不把他们当人看待,甚至拿他们的生命来开玩笑!这是何等的不公平呀!同样是人,生活在同样的世界里,可是他们过的生活却是天壤之别,一个是不停地指使别人做这做那,另一个则是被命令着做东做西,做不好还要挨打挨骂,甚至还要付出生命!我不敢相信现在走在世界最前面的美国,竟有这样的一段黑暗历史。读完《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,我真正明白了我们现在为什么要呼吁公平、公正、公开的作法,凡是人,都应该是平等的,不管你是白种人、黑种人,还是黄种人,只有这样,才能使我们的社会变成一个文明的社会。

我希望,公平、公正、公开的制度能在世界上广泛确立,不要再让汤姆叔叔的悲剧重演。 汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感450字(二)【汤姆叔叔的小屋英文读后感500字





汤姆叔叔的小屋英文读后感500字 第四篇

after i finished readinguncle tom?s cabin,it felt like i just finished watching a movie and i myself was a character in the movie, which clearly disclose the nature of capitalism。 meanwhile, this book reconfirmed a thought that the prosperity of some capitalist countries is based on the unknowns? sacrifice。

the story in the article is mainly about this, a slaveholder had to sell his two slaves, one of whom named tom, to pay debt。 faced to this kind of miserable life and being a slave who is loyal to his owner, tom never thought to run away, because he, a real believer in christianity, had decided to pursue to be an honest man all his life。汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感英文版。 tom?s new owner made him live a more unbearable life, what?s worse, tom didn?t change his mind。 until the last second tom?s last owner regretted his decision and wanted to bail tom out, but, unfortunately,tom died of that kind of misery。

this article analyzes the characteristics of loyalty, kindness and generosity embodied in uncle tom who was full of kindness was the true hero in the history of american novels, it also points out that tom was very tolerant and weak to the cruelty of slavery and that the black must fight back to gain freedom。 though died of slaveholders? persecution, tom was a winner in the spirit, which in defiance of the physical injure , perhaps as such, tom got the right to enjoy his dream life in the heaven。

as a white, mrs。 stow wrote this article, the greatest anti-slavery work of america in the 19thcentury, to express her idea to appeal the people in the south to stand up to fight against the slavery sustained in the south of america, everybody in america, including the white, should sympathize with those black slaves on their miserable fate。

nowadays, people still regard tom as a symbol of never giving up pursuing to realize his value。汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感英文版。 tom did not give up his belief regardless of the unbearable destiny, and he proved us that the black were self-governed individualities, not born to slaves working for the white。 to some extent, it is safe to draw the conclusion that tom would be the heretical model at all events。

汤姆叔叔的小屋英文读后感500字 第五篇
















汤姆叔叔的小屋英文读后感500字 第六篇

she was seduced by a so-called gentleman?alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence。 people looked down on her and respected her no more。 actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men。 she was just a girl when she first met that terrible man。德伯家的苔丝读后感英文版

she was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good。 in order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong。 maybe god didn?t agree with that, because the lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life?angel chare。 angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why。 she said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason。 angel wasn?t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win tess。 somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day。德伯家的苔丝读后感英文版。 soon after their wedding angel confessed the crime he mitted to a woman long time ago and asked for tess?s forgiveness。 tess was not at all angry and forgave angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess。

she sat and told everything to angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong。 she was not forgiven, not as she thought she was。 the woman pays。

without angel?s love, nothing meant anything to her。 the result wasn?t important now。 tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman。 why? she still loved angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for her forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to tess, she was desperate。 that was too late?alec had always told tess that angel would never e back so he won tess?s trust。 unluckily angel did e back and found tess。! everything was too late!

tess was deceived and she lost angel for the second time! the strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong。 before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed alec, everything really changed! she became a criminal! how could it be? she was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the bible。 her whole character was honest and faithful。 angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!

tess didn?t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that?s all! angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than tess?s crime but he was not blamed for it。 why it is always the woman who pays? why they are always hurt? why was tess?s girlish purity lost? why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? why do the bad often ruin the good? why is beauty damaged by ugliness? women are too weak! thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!

in old china there was a culture, which didn?t think of women as human beings。 ()if you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer ?the oldest one? even if he had some elder sisters。 if you asked why then he would say, ?ha, they are not included!?

people gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going。 they thought girls had no use for the family。 they would be married and go to live with their husbands? home and be their wives some day sooner or later。 so they were extremely hard on girls。

girls should be hard working, faithful,loyal, intelligent, and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! if her husband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter how she thought。 if she wasn?t, then she would gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go near her。 what about men? people did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character。 they thought man equals power and power equals rights?

now let?s not be so bitter。 nowadays women?s situations have bee much better。 some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization。 just let those poor painful women like tess be just a memory。

汤姆叔叔的小屋英文读后感500字 第七篇

one of my friends had remended the book gone with the wind almost two years? ago, but my reading plan was just put off, for the book is really too thick and i even no courage to start。 however, this semester i made my mind to read and i found myself was totally lost in the absorbing plots and the attractive characters the author portrayed。 i was impressed by the war, the love and the hero scarlett o?hara, who would also be a charming and successful woman in today?s modern society, i think。

scarlett is a dark-haired, green-eyed georgia belle who struggles through the hardship of the civil war and reconstruction。飘的英文读后感。 she exhibits more of her father?s hard-headedness than her mother?s refined southern manners。 determination defines scarlett and drives her to achieve everything she desires by any means necessary。

1。 pursuing her love bravely

scarlett aims to win ashley wilkes, and her failure to do so guides the plot of the novel。 ashley?s marriage to melanie and rejection of scarlett drive nearly all of scarlett?s important subsequence decisions。 scarlett marries charles hamilton to hurt ashley, stays by melanie?s side through the war because she promise ashley she will, and loses her true love, rhett butler, because of her persistent desire to win ashley。 without hesitation for pursuing her love, she is a little blind to love。飘的英文读后感。 however, her courage is inspiring。 after all,love always makes people lose sense。

2。 facing the war fearfully

on the night the yankees capture atlanta and set it afire, scarlett drives the cart all night and day through a dangerous forest full of deserters and soldiers, at last reaching tara。 she arrives to find that her mother, ellen, is dead; her father, gerald, has lost his mind; and the yankee army has looted the plantation, leaving no food or cotton。 scavenging for subsistence desperately, scarlett vows never to go hungry again。 scarlett takes charge of rebuilding tara。 she murders a yankee thief and puts out a fire set by a spiteful yankee soldier。 what a great girl she is! instead of feeling afraid and waiting for others to help her, she bears the burden of rebuilding the tara by herself。 i admire her so much; for i have the same belief---- heaven helps those who help themselves!

3。 gifted in business

when scarlett takes advantage of frank?s immobility, going to the store to see the account books, she quickly realizes that frank runs the business badly?his friends owe him vast sums of money that he is too embarrassed to collect。 scarlett thinks she could do a much better job in strictly male world of business and begins to think of acquiring a sawmill。 devoting all her time to the mill and turning a sizeable profit by any means necessary, she bees the only successful businesswoman in atlanta。 in that age, it is really a big challenge for women and she has the confidence and courage to challenge it。

scarlett?s development precisely mirrors the development of the american?s south。 she changes from spoiled teenage to hard-working widow to wealthy opportunist, reflecting the south?s change from leisure society to besieged nation to promised survivor。 as selfish she is, her bravery and strong mind towards love and war really impress me a lot。 when there is barrier, even disasters e, we can feel depressed or afraid, but never give up。

it is really a wonderful novel which worth being chewed!

  • ·汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感英文(2016-05-06)
  • ·汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感英文版(2016-05-10)
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