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记得在上师范时,教育学老师曾经让我们讨论过这样一个问题: “树大自然直”这个观点正确吗?并说明理由。记得当时我认为这个观点是正确的,原因是:让孩子在自由自在的空间中生活,不受任何人和事物的约束,这样的孩子长大后各方面的能力都能得到发展。













吸收就像食物的消化与吸收一样,每一个环节都必不可少。 人类消化食物,需要口腔消化、胃内消化和小肠消化,而知识的消化则




1. 自主消化,是个人自主解决问题和基础知识的梳理过程,所以学



2. 合作消化,是通过小组合作共同解决问题和课本中档知识获得的




3. 探究消化,是学生通过质疑和教师指导解决有难度的、抽象的 、





附: 倪瑞嚣张的高效课堂“消化论”示意图





云东中学2014—2015学年度上学期 高二年级地理专题检测作业




1.A点的地理坐标是 ( ) A.(10ºS,170ºE) B.(10ºN,170ºW) C.(10ºN,170ºE) D.(10ºS,170ºW)

2.既位于北半球又位于西半球的点是 ( ) ①A点 ②B点 ③C点 ④D点

A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D

.②④ 图1-1 3、下列说法正确的是: ( ) A.地球仪表面,连接南北两极的弧线,叫纬线 B.纬线指示南北方向,经线指示东西方向



读“北半球某温带地区的等高线(单位:米)分布状况图(比例尺:1∶20 000)”,完成第4~5题。

4.当教堂的影子偏向甲地时,最可能为该地的(均为地方时)( ) A.9:00


C.15:00 D.18:00

5.如果将该图的比例尺增大1倍,则下列说法错误的是( ) A.乙、丙两地的图上距离为原来的2倍 B.同样的图幅面积表示的实际范围是原来的1/4 C.教堂的布局在图中更加清晰 D.如果等高距不变,等高线更加密集


6.若四幅图的等高距皆为50米,比例尺分别为1︰10000、1︰20000、1︰30000、1︰40000,则其坡度由大到小的排序是( )

A.①﹥②﹥③﹥④ B.②﹥③﹥①﹥④ C.①﹥④﹥③﹥② D.④﹥①﹥②﹥③

7.若四幅图的比例尺皆为1︰10000,等高距分别为10米、20米、30米、40米,则其坡度由大到小的排序是( )

A.①﹥②﹥③﹥④ B.④﹥③﹥②﹥①

C.①﹥④﹥③﹥② D.④﹥①﹥③﹥②


e f



8.通常确定地球上任何一点的地理位置应该具备经度、纬度、海拔三个数据, 以下各点的方位关系叙述正确的是 ( )

A.a点在e点的西北 B.d点在h点的东南 C.b点在h点的东北 D.c点在f点的西南

9.上图分别是卫星甲和卫星乙在某一时刻所覆盖的区域,其说法正确的是 A.甲小于乙,收集的到数据较详细 B.甲大于乙,收集到的数据较详细 C.甲小于乙,收集到的数据较简略 D.甲大于乙,收集到的数据较简略 10.在卫星甲覆盖的区域图中,已知线段ab=cd=ac=bd,图中比例尺大小关 系是( )

A.ab=cd=ac=bd B.cd>ab>bd=ac C.cd>ab=bd>ac D.ac=bd>ab>cd

11.某校地理小组学生在滨海公路沿线的山坡上,看到了几千年前形成的海浪侵蚀地貌。在学生绘制的该地区由陆到海的地形剖面图中,地形起伏不明显。为了突出图中的地形起伏,绘图时应采用的做法是 ( ) A.比例尺不变,适当扩大图幅 B.水平比例尺不变,适当扩大 垂直比例尺

C.比例尺不变,适当缩小图幅 D.垂直比例尺不变,适当扩大 水平比例尺


12.关于图中规划公路叙述正确的是( )

A.最大高差可能为180米 B.走向为东北—西南 C.长度约为6千米


13.沿图中a—b剖面线绘制的地形剖面图是下图中的( )

14.在图示区域内拟建一座防火瞭望塔,在①②③④的选址方案中,瞭望范围最大的是( ) A.① B.②




15.上图中,图例所示的植被类型是 A.森林



D.荒漠 ( )


B.A→B→C→D自然带的更替主要体现了水分条件的差异 C.C→F→G→H自然带的更替主要体现了水分条件的差异 D.C→F→G→H自然带的更替主要体现了热量条件的差异 20.图中E自然带是

A.热带雨林带B.温带草原带C.温带荒漠带D.热带草原带 右图是一座相对高度为3000米的山地,山体的某一侧水汽较充足, ①②③④表示不同的自然带。据此回答21—22题。 21.若图中的虚线表示雪线,则下列说法正确的是

A、a坡既是向阳坡,又是迎风坡 B、a坡是向阳坡,b坡是迎风坡 C、b坡既是向阳坡,又是迎风坡

D、b坡是向阳坡,a坡是迎风坡 22.若山顶有永久性冰川,则山脚的气温T


A、T冬<0℃ B、T夏>18℃ C、T冬<18℃ D、T夏<18℃ 下图为四个地区的地理位置示意图。读图完成23—25

23.在四幅图中出现的地跨两大洲的国家有( ) A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 24.图中字母所示地点位于世界主要地震带上的有( ) A.a、b B.a、c、d C.b、c、d D.a、b、c、


16.图中1、2两种植被类型,分别体现了 B.1—垂直地域分异规律 2—非地带性 C.1—非地带性 2—垂直地域分异规律



D.1—从沿海向内陆的地域分异规律,2—由赤道到两极的地域分异规律 17.所代表的植被类型,其分布面积最大的是 A.亚欧大陆

C.澳大利亚大陆 A.热带雨林气候 C.热带草原气候

( )

B.非洲大陆 D.美洲大陆 B.温带大陆性气候 D.亚寒带针叶林气候

18. 2所代表的植被类型,对应的气候类型是




25.图示地点位于内流区域的是( )

A.a B.b C.c D.d 26.关于大洲大洋的正确叙述是:

A、墨西哥以南的美洲地区称拉丁美洲 B、亚洲和欧洲合称亚欧大陆 C、位于太平洋的马里亚纳海沟是世界上最深的海沟 D、北冰洋全部在北极圈内 27.被世界三个大洋包围的大洲是:

A、北美洲 B、南美洲 C、非洲 D、亚洲



(4分) 28.从该地气温和降水的月份分配组合上判断,该地的气候类型是( )

(3)若2012年1月劳拉航行至B海域,帆船速度________(较快、较慢),请说明原A.温带季风气候 B.亚热带季风气候【云东中学官网】

C.地中海气候 D.热带草原气候


(4)图中A、B、C、D四地能形成大型渔场的是________。请说明其可能形成大型渔29.该地可能是( )

场的原因(4分) A.罗马 B.上海 C.伦敦 D.开普敦


30.南非开普敦与我国南京的气候相比较,一年中( )




D.开普敦受高气压控制的季节,南京盛行偏南风 二、综合题(共计40分)


(1)该气候类型是 气候。除图示地区外,类似气候类型还分布在世

界上 等地区。

(2)下面的4幅气候资料图中,与乙地的气候特征相符的是图 。这表明


(3)在夏秋季节,危害甲、丙两地区的严重气象灾害分别是 、________,

它们在成因上相同,都是在 、_______________造成的。



班级_____姓名________组别______制作人 梁海燕 审批人 一 基础题(请同学们规范你的字体)

fluency encouragement disappointed move assistant cover diploma 学术的 省 热心的 尴尬的 令人吃惊的 信息 极好的 理解 指示,说明 方法 厌烦的 行为 令人尴尬的 以前的 记述 吃惊的 态度 二 背诵并抄写句子

1. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing.

2. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.

3. We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.

4. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class!

5. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.

二 改错(注意规范) Dear Michelle,

I’m very exciting! Today is my first day at a new school in Australia. The school I study is a government school. Although I’m new to my classmates , the teacher asks me to introduce me to them in class. I tell them I come from Changchun and I like to play with computer games, listen to music and doing sports in my spare time. I also like the Australian way of life. Australia is big country. The shopping malls are big. There are mainly six public library and museums in Sydney. Just a few minutes’ walk from where I live, there is a huge park. Around my house, there is plenty of space.

Michelle, I miss you very much. I’ll never forget the days we spend together and the fun we shared with both our old classmates.

整洁:甲 乙 丙 丁 规范: 甲 乙 丙 丁 日期:


班级_____姓名________组别______制作人 张 维 审批人

一 单选

1. The two cities have reached an develop science and technology. A. education B. excitement C. agreement D. invention

2. There are millions of websites on the Internet and there a lot of useful ________ on the websites.

A. are; informations B. are; information C. is; information D. is; information

3. - I’m going to the supermarket. Let me get you some fruit. - OK. Thanks for your _____.

A. offer B. information C. message D. order 4. _______ about the sports meeting make us excited.

A. News B. Information C. Messages D. Advice 5. Can you imagine what life will be like in ______ time?

A. 50 years’ B. 50 year’s C. 50-years’ D. 50-years 6.There are two and three on the table.

A. apple; banana B. apples; banana C. apples; bananas 7. —Mr. Smith always has _____ to tell us. —So he does.

A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news C. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news 8. —What do you like?

—I run every morning, and often play tennis at weekends? A. sports B. music C. art D. subjects 9.—Jack, will your family move to Shanghai?

—Yes. That’s a very big my parents


A. decide B. decision C. education 10. ---- I hear you are not allowed to eat in class. ----Right. It’s one of the in our school.

A. plans B. orders C. rules D. suggestions 11. Stop making so much _____. The children are sleeping.

A. voice B. noise C. sound

12. The old man used to raise many _____ to make a living on the farm. A duck B horse C bird D sheep

13. These natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the _____ immediately.

A amusement B development C environment D government

14. now.

The theme park is from the museum. You should start out right A. two hour B. two hour’s C. two hours’ D. two hours 15. There are many _______ at the foot of the hill.

A. cow B. horse C. sheep

16. A. took B. wore C. mended D. owned 17. A. old B. unfit C. small D. dirty 18. A. bag B. package C. box D. suitcase 19. A. seated B. bent C. put D. looked 20. A. when B. after C. because D. since

21. A. protection B. rest C. hide D. preparation 22. A. out B. away C. in D. off 23. A. dark B. light C. dim D. bright

24. A. thought B. wondered C. guessed D. imagined 25. A. shine B. keep C. return D. carry 26. A. rain B. coffee C. time D. work 27. A. opened B. locked C. stopped D. closed 28. A. lowered B. dropped C. raised D. held 29. A. shortly B. surprisedly C. sadly D. immediately 30. A. table B. door C. bed D. cafe 31. A. wet B. bare C. pale D. c old 32. A. stayed B. seated C. jumped D. got

33. A. finally B. suddenly C. unfriendly D. hurriedly

34. A. recognized B. forgave C. paid D. inspired

35. A. feature B. shirt C. image D. form

三 阅读理解

Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone.

Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are

worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.

With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy

the holidays but not to eat too much. You don't have to turn away from the foods that you

enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you.

Do not miss meals. Before yon leave home for a feast(宴会),have a small, low-fat

snack(小吃). This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough. Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them. Choose lean meat(瘦肉 ).Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. If you have a sweet tooth, try mints (薄荷) and fruits. They don’t have fat content as cream and chocolate. Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories. 36. Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may ______ A. bring weight problems B. bring you much trouble in your life C. make you worried about your foods D. make you hate delicious foods

37. In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight, you'd better__

A. drink much water and have vegetables only B. not eat the food in high fat

C. not accept invitations to feasts D. turn away from delicious foods

38. According to the passage, ___ is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight.

A. vegetables B. water C. calories of energy D. physical exercise

39. Many people can't help putting on weight after the holidays because they _______ . A. can't control themselves B. go to too many feasts C. enjoy delicious foods D. can't help turning away from the foods 40. Excess calories can be found in your body in the form of___ . A. energy B. fat C. food D. something invisible (看不见) 四 七选五 How to Make Friends

Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends. Associate with others. The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

Start a conversation

Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new

very useful skill in relating with other people.

Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these

interests would always bring you and your friend together, Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience. Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your Enjoy your friendship The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Be cheerful. B. Do things together. C. Do not wait to be spoken to. D. Try not to find fault with your friends. E. Making new friends comes easy for some people. F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch. G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you。 整洁:甲 乙 丙 丁 规范:甲 乙 丙 丁 日期:


班级_____姓名________组别______制作人 梁海燕 审批人 一 修饰人的词汇

active 主动的.活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的 attractive 有魅力的 bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的 brave 勇敢的 brilliant 有才气的 careful 办事仔细的 competent 能胜任的 creative 富创造力的

clever 机灵的,聪明的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 determined 坚决的 devoted 有献身精神的 dishonest 不诚实的 easy-going 随和的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 funny 有趣的,古怪的 generous 宽宏大量的


二 范文

My Teacher

My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.

整洁:甲 乙 丙 丁 规范:甲 乙 丙 丁 日期:

云东中学高一I级部英语学案 编号67

云东中学高一I级部英语学案 Book 2 Module 1---1 编号67

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 30

Period 1 Introduction

I. Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Know about something about healthy habits. 2. Master the words: connect, rarely and fit II. Learning procedures(导学过程): Part 1. Introduction

Task 1: Read the words and expressions in Activity 1 on page 1. Which are connected with illness?


Task 2: Translate the sentences in Activity 2. And think over what healthy eating habits are. Task 3: Read and try to translate the proverbs in Activity 3. Part 2. Language study

Task 4: be connected with __________________

1. People usually connect China with silk and good food. 2. He asked me many questions in connection with life in Britain. 短语拓展:

have sth. to do with …__________ be related to …____________ be associated with …__________ be involved in …__________ Task 5: rarely 课文原句:I rarely get toothache. 再如: The children today have rarely seen such a beautiful sunrise. He‘s devoted his whole life to the protection of rare animals. 总结:rarely词性: ______意思: _____________

rare词性: ______意思: ___________

句子,总结rarely 在下面例句中的用法,注意划线部分 总结:

拓展:与rarely类似的的否定副词,放于句首也要用_____句型。如: Seldom does he visit his hometown. Little did he know about it.

练习:Please make up a sentence using “hardly”. Please have a try. ________________________________________________________

Task 6: fit 课文原句:(1). I am quite fit. (2). Not many people are fit enough to do this. fit (1).adj. 健康的;适宜的;合适的

e.g. Don‘t you feel fit? The water isn’t fit to (2). vi/vt合适;安装

e.g. This jacket her well.她的夹克非常合身。

She fitted a new lamp in her bedroom._________________________________ (3)常用短语:

keep fit 保持健康be fit for.../be fit to do...适合做......

e.g. My grandfather


What kind of job ? 他适合做什么样的工作? 根据例句总结fit的一些其他用法。

The girl did a good job and I think she is fit for the job as a teacher. I am fit to hold the position. The winter uniform fits you well.

The thing you should keep in mind about reading is to fit your reading speed to your needs. (4).词语辨析:fit 和suit


②fit 作形容词时,可与suitable(合适的)互换,be fit for/to do...=be suitable for/to do...。 【导练】 Does the dress you?

Try this key and see whether it .(指the key 和the keyhole是否吻合) I‘m afraid this time doesn‘t me. 恐怕这个时间对我来说不合适。 The color of the shirt doesn‘t you

Summary (小结)(指导:从重要句型,重点词汇,要点回顾来进行)

云东中学高一I级部英语学案 Book 2 Module 1---2 编号68

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 30

Period 2 Reading and vocabulary

I. Learning aims(学习目标):

Grasp the main ideas and some details of the reading passages. II. Learning procedures(导学过程): 1. Part 1: Preparation

Task 1: Find out the meaning of the words in Activity 1 on page 2. 2. Part 2: Reading

Skimming: The main idea: Zhou Kai is crazy about ________.

Task 2: Read Zhou Kai (1) and answer the questions in Activity 2 on page 2. 1._____________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________

Task 3: Read Zhou Kai (2) on page 3 quickly and find out the main idea for

Task 4: Choose the best answers.

1. Which of the following statements is right? ( )

A. Zhou Kai was strong to protect him from the cold weather. B. Zhou Kai was not healthy enough to play football in the rain.

C. Zhou Kai‘s mother advised him to play football in the rain with a jacket on. D. Zhou Kai‘s mother didn‘t allow him to play football in the rain.

2. ―And I‘m not too heavy, so I never have to diet.‖ The word ―diet‖ means ____ A. eat meat B. eat less sweets C. eat more fat D. eat less 3. According to Passage 2, which of the following is NOT healthy food? ( ) A. Fresh vegetables B. Fruit C. Fish D. Fat

4. From what Zhou Kai said in Para. 2 of Zhou Kai (2) we can infer that


A. he often plays football while raining. B. he often gets injured while doing sports. C. he is a lot healthier than his classmates. D. he catches no cold all the time.

5. From the two passages we learnt that _____ play (s) an important role in Zhou Kai‘s daily life.

A. Zhou Kai‘s classmates and teacher B. The football team members

C. Healthy food D. Zhou Kai‘s mother

Task 5. Read Zhou Kai (2) again and finish Activity 4 and 5. According to the text, fill in the blanks.(根据文章填空)

Zhou Kai, a senior school student, is ______ about football. He‘s __________ of the class team and he‘s also a member of the Senior High team. He‘s __________. That is because his mother always ______ sure they eat very healthily. They live near the sea and have _____ about four times a week. Fresh fruit and green _________ are a very important part of their ____. His family doesn‘t eat much fat or ______, so he doesn‘t have a sweet tooth.

But last week, Zhou Kai caught a cold. That‘s ________ he was stupid enough to play football in the rain. He ______ catches a cold. And he takes a lot of exercise and is very fit.

Read Zhou Kai (1) and Zhou Kai (2) again and write a short passage to describe Zhou Kai according to the following words and phrases.

anxious , play in the rain , catch a bad cold , sweets , have a good diet , not have a sweet tooth, fresh fruit and vegetables , be crazy about football…

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Summary (小结)(指导:从同学们表现,对课文的理解以及完成任务情况来进行)

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 30

Period 3 Language study (I)【云东中学官网】

I.Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Master: see, head, make sure, that‘s because…; 2. Learn to analyze long sentences in the text. II.Learning procedures(导学过程):

Preparation: Read the text carefully and find out the sentences we will learn.

Task 1. 1. When Zhou Kai‘s mother sb doing 1)see sb do

sth done 2)head towards / for

(1). 我们朝岸边的船走去。(2). --你要去哪儿? --我正要去书店。 --Where are you heading?

head for/towards________________ head north______________ When I saw him in the street, he was heading home.

After work, he headed straight in the direction of the bookshop. 猜测下列句子中head的不同意思:

He heads our group in English learning. ____________

The old teacher heads the list of the most popular teachers.___________ We headed the passage "breakfast and losing weight". ____________ Task 2 1)with/without+宾语+宾补

I saw her walk out of the office with a dictionary 我看见他腋下夹着一本字典走出了办公室。

He ran out without shoes . 他没穿鞋子跑了出来。 有很多棘手问题要解决,这位老板日子很难过。

The murderer was brought in, with his hands ______ behind.

2) eye vt 注视着„„


小男孩注视着玻璃窗内的玩具。 Task 3 anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 get/be anxious about/at = be worried about为„„而担心

be anxious to do 渴望做某事 be anxious for sth渴望得到某物 be anxious that 渴望……

我对她的安全担心。. 我们盼望你平安归来。 We were anxious that there (should) be no misunderstanding. 我急于见他。 用适当的词填空

Why is Zhou Kai‘s mother _________?

She is still absent. I‘m anxious ________ her. We are anxious _________ your safe return. He was anxious ______ meet you.

Task 4. You can at least go and get your jacket.

at (the) least 至少 at (the) most 至多 not (in) the least (not at all) 一点也不 (1) 至少你应该试一试。 You should (2) 这男孩至多十岁。 The boy is ten years old. (3) ---我吸烟你介意吗? ---不,一点也不。

—Do you mind if I smoke? —No,

Task 5. My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet. make sure that …____________ make sure of/about …________ be sure of/about sth.__________ be sure to do sth.____________ I‘m sure that …_____________

I‘m not sure why/…_________

Task 6. I very rarely get colds, although, unusually for me, I had a bad cold and a bit of fever last (1) Analyze the sentence(分析长句):

(2) 句型表示原因和结果关系

He was late. That's because he forgot to set the alarm.

句型转换1: He forgot to set the alarm. That's _________ he was late.

句型转换2: The reason ________ he was late is _______ he got up late.

Summary (小结)(指导:从同学们表现,对课文的理解以及完成任务情况来进行)

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 30

Period 3 Language study (II)

I. Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Master: normal, the usage of ―as‖ in the text; 2. Learn to analyze long sentences in the text; 3. Learn about V.ing used as adverbial. II. Learning procedures(导学过程):

Preparation: Read the text carefully and find out the sentences including the key points. Task 1. Two years ago I broke my arm playing football. (1) 同义句转换:

Two years ago I _______ ______ _______ playing football.

(2) playing football现在分词短语作_____状语, 相当于: ____________________________ 复习必修一课本学过的此类现象:V.ing作状语, 划出课文中的句子。 Task 2. So as you can see from what I‘ve said, I‘m a (1) Analyze the sentence(分析长句):

(2) 本句中normal词性_______的意思是__________________

He received four years‘ education at a famous normal意思是__________ normal还可用作名词 return to normal______________, above/below normal ____________. Task 3. 体会并归纳课本中as的用法:

1)―No, I won‘t. I‘ll be fine.‖ said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door. 2)Zhou Kai went and did as he was told. [知识分析] as的用法结构

as 1): 引导时间状语从句,表两个动作同时进行,相当于when. as 2):引导方式状语从句,意为“按照„„的方式.” 【导思】As 的用法小结 ① 连词,―当……的时候.‖【云东中学官网】

② 连词,―按照……的方式。‖引导方式状语从句

入乡随俗。 .


④ 连词,“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句,不放在句首,引起从句的语序发生异常。通常将从句的表语和状语放在as之前,此时可用though来代替。具体如下: a. 形容词+as+主语+系动词,如:

(尽管他累了) , he offers to help me. b. 分词+as+主语+系动词,如:

(虽然这本书写的很好了c. 名词+as+主语+系动词,如:

Kids as they are, they know a lot about physics. Kid as he is, he knows a lot about physics. d. 副词+as+主语+谓语部分,如:

Much as I admire his courage, I don‘te. 动词原形+as+主语+谓语其他部分,如:

⑤ 关系代词,“这一点,正如”

⑥ 引导比较状语从句,常为省略句

⑦ 介词,“作为„„ (身份)”。

作为作家他很出名。 Task 4. But there‘s one thing I really love – I‘m crazy about football.

【导思】be crazy about be crazy for sth/sb. be crazy to do sth go crazy 表示“喜欢”的短语还有:be fond of be keen on be addicted to 【导练】1.The kids (欣喜若狂) when the film star appeared.

2. He computer games.

Summary (小结)(指导:从同学们表现,对课文的理解以及完成任务情况来进行)

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 30

Period 4 Grammar II &Function

I. Learning aims(学习目标):

Revise the future tense ―be going to” and ―will” and tell the differences II. Learning procedures(导学过程):

Task 1. Read the grammar part on page 107 and fill in the blanks, paying attention to the underlined parts.

1. ―To the park. I ____________ play football,‖ said Zhou Kai. 2. ―But it‘s raining! You ____ catch a bad cold,‖ said his mother. 3. ―No, I ______. I ___ be fine,‖ said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door. 4. ―Zhou Kai, you ____ get ill.‖

The main difference between be going to and will:________________ ____________________________________ Task 2. Finish Activity1and 2 of Function on P4. Task 3. The differences between be going to and will 1. 以下场合用will

1) 单纯的将来,(没有人的意志的将来)没有主观因素

It will become warm when spring comes.__________________________________ The train will leave at 8 this evening.(= The train leaves at 8 this evening) 2) 表示说话人的揣测

She will be all right after taking medicine._________________________________ That will be Dr Wang‘s clinic. Let‘s go and have a look.______________________ 3) 表示一种倾向(一种习惯)

Each time he comes to Beijing, he will visit the Great Wall.___________________ Without air, man will die.______________________________________________ 4) 表示临时的打算(多半是听了对方的话语后作出的反应)

---My chest hurts when I breathe._______________________________________ ---Can you lie down, please? And I‘ll examine you.________________________ 5) (用作情态动词)用在表示意愿、拒绝等的条件状语从句中

If he will do something useful, he will save the boy._______________________________ 2. 以下场合用be going to

1) 表示经过事先考虑或安排后的意愿。

She has borrowed some books from the library. __________________________________ She is going to make a careful study. __________________________________________ 2) (在口语中)说话人根据已有的迹象认为很可能即将发生某事。(常用来谈天气) What‘s going to happen? _______________________________________

Is there going to be a party tomorrow evening? _______________________________ will do sth .还可用来表示有科学根据的天气预报, 而人们对天气的推测多用be going to do sth.

There will be rain in Wuhan during the night.__________________________________ Look at these black clouds. It‘s going to rain.__________________________________ 3. 其它表示将来的时态:

1) 一般现在时: 表示计划、安排好的将来动作。常用于位移动词go, come, arrive, leave, start, begin…。

The train leaves at 2:30. pm._________________________________________________ 2) 现在进行时: 表示将要发生的动作,一般跟时间状语。常用于位移动词go, come, arrive, leave, start, begin…。

3) be to do 结构用于表示按计划,安排将要做的事情。

They are to meet at the gate of the school._______________________________________ 4) be about to do sth 结构表示即将发生的动作,不能和表示将来的时间状语连用. 通常用于下列句型。

She was about to go to the cinema when it began to rain.____________________________

4. Conclusion

(1)be going to 表示以前早就决定要做的事,往往译成“打算或准备做某事”;而will仅表示将要发生


(2)will有时还用来表示一种倾向或习惯性的动作。 (3)表示天气多用be going to, 表示年龄时多用will。

Task 4: Finish Activity 2 on P4.

Summary (小结)(指导:从同学们表现,对知识的理解以及完成任务情况来进行)


班级 姓名 组别

云东中学高一(I)级部化学学案(11) 主备:王军 2013.9.20





3、利用NA 和M 建立n、M、m、NA、N之间的关系并学会其应用






3、我们知道1 mol不同物质中所含的粒子数是相同的,那么1 mol不同物质的质量是否也相同呢?结合第2题的计算结果,分别计算出1mol Al原子、1 mol S原子、1mol CO2分子的质量,总结得出物质的摩尔质量与该粒子的相对原子质量的关系。


导练:①、1molAl的质量是 1molK+的质量是

2molH2O的质量是 NaOH的摩尔质量为

②下列说法正确的是( )

A. 氧的摩尔质量是32g/mol B. 硫酸的摩尔质量是98g

C. CO2的相对分子质量是44g D. CO32- 的摩尔质量是60g/mol 目标三:n、M、m、NA、N之间的关系及应用

5、请同学们写出NA 和M的表达式,然后建立n、M、m、NA、N之间的关系。并由此解决上节课学案(10)导思中的问题。



1.比较1.0mol N2和1.0mol CO的下列物理量:①质量 ②分子总数 ③原子总数,其中相同的是( )

A. ① B. ①② C. ①②③ D. ②③

2.相同质量的下列物质,所含分子数目最多的是( )


3、0.8g 某物质含有3.01x10个分子,该物质的摩尔质量为( )

A、8 B、16 C、64 D、160

4、如果1 g水中含有m个氢原子,则阿伏加德罗常数是( ) A.221 B.9m C.2m D.18m 9m

5、设NA为表示阿伏伽德罗常数,下列叙述中正确的是( )

A、常温常压下,32 g氧气所含的原子数为NA


C、常温常压下,48g O3含有的氧原子数为3NA


7、如果1个12C原子的实际质量为ng , R原子的相对原子质量为 M,用NA 表示阿伏

伽德罗常数,则 1个 R原子是实际质量为 或

8.2.5 molBa(OH)2中含有 个Ba2+,含有 个OH-;5molNa2SO4溶于

水电离出Na+个;含SO42-0.6mol的Al2(SO4)3 中含Al3+mol。

9、质量相等的SO2 和SO3,物质的量之比为 , 硫原子的原子个数之比为 ,

氧原子的原子个数之比为 。








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