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【步步高】(江苏专用)2017高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Sports events讲义 牛津译林版必修4

Unit 2 Sports events 话题词汇

1.athlete n.运动员

2.champion n.冠军

3.cheer v.欢呼;喝彩

4.judge n.裁判;v.判断

5.tournament n.锦标赛;联赛

6.track n.轨道;田径

7.a close game势均力敌的比赛

8.break the record打破纪录

9.compete in在„„方面竞争

10.record holder纪录保持者 经典语篇(2013·湖南)

Directions:Write an English composition according to the instructions given below. 请以下列词语为关键词写一篇英语短文。 match,winner,loser,result






Last term,I took part in a marathon which was hosted by the school. So good was I at running that I had confidence to win the match. When approaching the finish line,I found that one of my competitors fell down and got injured. I could have chosen to leave him alone and dashed to the end,but I stopped to help him.There was no doubt that the result was not so good and people called me a loser.

However,I found that I was also very delighted and satisfied though I was not a winner.Sometimes it is kindness rather than grades that plays a more significant role in our life. Though I was a loser in the match,I was a winner in my life. 思维发散 ④⑤③②①



Last term,I took part in a marathon hosted by the school.

2.将第②句改为正常语序 I was so good at running that I had confidence to win the match.


When I was approaching the finish line,I found that one of my competitors fell down and got injured.

4.仿照第④句用it is...that...和rather than翻译句子

重要的是你做的事情,而不是你说的话。(2015·陕西宝鸡中学模拟) It is what you do rather than what you say that matters.


Loser though/as I was in the match,

I was a winner in my life.


A.写作单词 1.otherwise (adv.)否则,不然 2.final (adj.)最终的,最后的;(n.)决赛 finally (adv.)最后,终于 3.unfair (adj.)不公正的,不公平的 fair (adj.)公平的,公正的 fairly (adv.)公正地;相当地 4.absence (n.)缺席,不在场;不存在 absent (adj.)缺席的,不在的 5.significance (n.)重要性,意义 significant (adj.)有重大意义的,重要的 6.remove (vt.)去除,移开;开除;免除,解除(职务) removal (n.)去除,移动;免职 7.tradition (n.)传统;风俗 traditional (adj.)传统的;风俗的 traditionally (adv.)传统地 8.compete (vi.)竞争;比赛 competitive (adj.)竞争的


competitor (n.)竞争者 competition (n.)比赛;竞争 9.delighted (adj.)愉快的,高兴的 delight (n.& vt.)快乐,高兴;使高兴 delightful (adj.)令人愉快的,可喜的 delightfully (adv.)愉快地 10.honour (n.)尊敬;荣幸;节操;荣誉;(vt.)尊敬,尊重(某人) honourable (adj.)光荣的,可敬的 honoured (adj.)(指人)受人尊敬的,感到荣幸的 11.power (n.)力量;能量;能力;影响力;权力;统治;(vt.)驱动,提供动力

powerful (adj.)强大的,强有力的 powerfully (adv.)强有力地;强大地;强烈地


12.champion (n.)冠军,优胜者

13.precious (adj.)宝贵的,珍贵的

14.attempt (n.& vt.)尝试,努力,试图

15.budget (n.)预算;(vi.& vt.)编制预算

16.meanwhile (adv.)与此同时;在此期间

17.contemporary (adj.)现代的,当代的;同一时代的

18.transport (n.)交通运输系统;交通工具;运输;(vt.)运输,运送

transportation (n.)运输;运输系统;运输工具

19.technique (n.)技术,工艺,技巧

technical (adj.)技术的,技能的

20.frequent (adj.)频繁的,经常发生的

frequently (adv.)频繁地,经常

frequency (n.)频繁

21.origin (n.)起源,起因;出身

original (adj.)原来的,起初的;首创的;非复制的

originally (adv.)原来,起初

22.association (n.)协会,社团;关联;联想

associate (vt.)联想;联系;(adj.)非正式的;合伙的

associated (adj.)有关联的,有联系的

Ⅱ.重点短语 1.lead the way领先


2.hang on(在逆境中)坚持 3.in honour of为向„„表示敬意 4.make way for给„„让路,让位于„„ 5.pass something on (to somebody)转交,传给,递给

Ⅲ.经典句式 1.He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in peace.

他梦想着奥运会将有可能让所有国家的人民共同生活在和平之中。 2.I am sure the whole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country.


3.Of course,the goal should not have counted.

当然,那个进球本该不算数的。 4.The Eagles went home angry and bitter because they did not win the tournament. 鹰队在锦标赛上铩羽而归,即恼火又愤愤不平。

1delighted adj.愉快的,高兴的;欣喜的

[应试指导] 写作高分句式:What delighted sb.is...替换to one’s delight

[多词一义] delight,amuse,please

(1)He was delighted at their fantastic performance.



(2)My wife was delighted to hear that things had returned to normal once more. 听到情况再次恢复了正常,我的妻子很高兴。

(3)He takes delight in music.他喜爱音乐。 多维训练


①The boy takes great delight in pulling the cat’s tail.

②To our delight,everything goes well.

③The children unwrapped their Christmas presents with delight.


①What delighted us is(让我们高兴的是) his presence in person.

②Delighted at the news(为消息而高兴),he feels satisfied. 2significance n.重要性;意义

[应试指导] 作为高级词汇替换importance

(1)Few people realized the significance of the discovery.


(2)Food can also have a specific meaning,and play a significant role in a family or culture’s celebrations or traditions.


(3)He smiled significantly at his students.




①Innovation in car design is very significant.

Innovation in car design is of great significance.

②The proposal they put forward at the meeting was not very significant. The proposal they put forward at the meeting was of little significance. 5

【步步高】(江苏专用)2017高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Understanding each other讲义 牛津译林版选修6

Unit 3 Understanding each other


1.respect v.& n.尊重;尊敬

2.concern n.关心

3.sympathy n.同情

4.generation gap代沟

5.a good listener忠实的倾听者

6.be popular with受到„„的欢迎

7.establish good relationship建立良好的关系

8.promote understanding增进理解

9.narrow the generation gap消除代沟

10.be open­minded to...包容„„ 经典语篇

实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于言表、更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Listener”的英文演讲稿



Good afternoon,everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Being a good Listener”.

Thank you for your listening!


Good afternoon,everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Being a good Listener”.

Good listening can always show respect,promote understanding,and improve interpersonal relationship.

Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children,so they will understand them better,and find it easy to narrow the generation gap.Teachers should listen more to their students,then they can meet their needs better,and place themselves in a good relationship with their students.Students should listen more to their classmates,thus they will help and learn from each other and strengthen their friendship. What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk;show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile;be open­minded to different opinions even though you don’t like them.In a word,good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other. Thank you for your listening! 思维发散

1.用as well as改写第①句

Good listening can always show respect,promote understanding as well as improve interpersonal relationship.


Students should listen more to their classmates,thus helping and learning from each other and strengthening their friendship.



What I want to stress is that reading English aloud counts. ③②①


A.写作单词 1.ensure (vt.)保证,担保,确保 2.alike (adj.)相像,十分相似;(adv.)十分相像地;同样地 3.prohibit (vt.)(尤指以法令)禁止 4.throughout (prep.& adv.)自始至终;贯穿整个时期;各处,遍及

5.congratulate (vt.)向(某人)道贺,祝贺 congratulation (n.)祝贺,恭喜 6.permit (vt.& vi.)允许,准许;(n.)许可证 permission (n.)许可,准许 7.offence (n.)冒犯;侮辱 offend (v.)冒犯;使生气;犯罪 8.adjust (vi.& vt.)适应,习惯;调整,调节 adjustment (n.)调整,调节;适应 adjustable (adj.)可调整的,可调节的 9.accustomed (adj.)习惯于;惯常的 accustom (vt.)使习惯于 10.familiar (adj.)通晓;熟悉 unfamiliar (adj.)陌生的,不熟悉的 11.celebration (n.)庆典;庆祝活动 celebrate (vt.& vi.)庆祝,庆贺 12.expectation (n.)期望,盼望 expect (vt.)期待,盼望;预料;猜想 13.slight (adj.)轻微的 slightly (adv.)轻微地,稍微 14.minority (n.)少数民族;少数,少数人 minor (adj.)较少的,较小的,次要的 major (adj.)较多的,主要的 15.account (n.)描述,叙述;账(户) accountant (n.)会计人员,会计师 16.bravery (n.)勇敢 brave (adj.)勇敢的 17.govern (vt.)统治;控制,支配 governor (n.)统治者 government (n.)政府 18.mysterious (adj.)神秘的,奇怪的 mystery (n.)神秘;神秘的事或人


19.hug (vt.& vi.& n.)拥抱,抱紧

20.end­of­term (n.)学期末

21.wedding (n.)婚礼

22.reception (n.)招待会;接待;接受

23.bridegroom (n.)新郎

24.bride (n.)新娘

25.religion (n.)宗教

26.gesture (n.)手势;姿势;示意动作

27.feast (n.)盛宴,宴会;节日

28.mask (n.)面具;(vt.)伪装,掩饰

29.retell (vt.)复述,转述

30.steam (vt.& vi.)蒸,蒸发;(n.)蒸汽

31.greet (vt.)和某人打招呼(或问好)

greeting (n.)问候;问候语

32.musical (adj.)音乐的;(n.)音乐剧

musician (n.)音乐家

33.plain (n.)平原;(adj.)清楚的,明显的;坦诚的;朴素的

plainly (adv.)平坦地,明白地,清楚地

Ⅱ.重点短语 1.adjust to适应 2.get/be accustomed to习惯于 3.be familiar with对„„熟悉 4.after all毕竟,终究 5.do without没有„„也行;没有„„而设法对付过去 6.get into trouble陷入困境,遇到麻烦 7.dream of梦见;梦想 8.let alone更不用说 9.show sb.around带某人参观、游览 10.take up占据(时间或空间);开始从事;拿起 11.be aware of知道;意识到 12.hunt for寻找,搜寻,搜索 13.believe in相信;信任;信仰 14.have power over控制,支配

Ⅲ.经典句式 1.Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to it.


2.Well,it’s time for me to go.

好了,我该走了。 3.One reason why there are so many French words in English is that the French ruled England for quite a number of years.


4.While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance to ride on a dog sled and travel in a seal­skin boat.

在与因纽特人相处期间,你将有机会乘坐狗拉雪橇,划用海豹皮制成的皮筏子。 5.It is believed that the Maori people came from the Pacific islands of Polynesia. 据说毛利人来自太平洋的波利尼西亚群岛。

1permit v.允许;许可;n.通行证;许可证;执照

[应试指导] 独立主格的用法

(1)The windows permit light and air to enter.


(2)Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen.


(3)He entered the room without permission.




【步步高】(江苏专用)2017高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Helping people around the world讲义 牛津译林版选修6

Unit 4 Helping people around the world 话题词汇

1.virtue n.美德

2.serve v.服务

3.rewarding adj.得到回报的

4.friendship n.友谊

5.do good deeds做好事

6.the disabled残疾人

7.contribute to为„„作贡献

8.show care for关心

9.give up seats让座

10.be ready to help others乐于助人 经典语篇









Dear classmates,

I am more than pleased to share with you Wang Wei’s story.

That’s all.Thank you. 佳作欣赏

Dear classmates,

I am more than pleased to share with you Wang Wei’s story.


On his way home yesterday afternoon,Wang Wei noticed an old lady fall to the ground and went up to her help without hesitation. After helping her to safety,he dialed 120 and the granny got timely treatment in hospital.

I was deeply impressed by what Wang Wei had done.There is no doubt that such a deed should be encouraged.Firstly,it has been one of the traditional Chinese virtues to help those in trouble.Secondly,people nowadays seem to be getting more and more unwilling to help others,especially the aged. Therefore,Wang Wei’s behavior is of great significance in awakening people’s awareness of helping others. Thirdly,it is our duty to make our world a more harmonious place,where everyone can enjoy his life.

In short,I strongly suggest that all of us should learn from Wang Wei and always be ready to help others.With everyone doing his or her part,we can make a difference.

That’s all.Thank you. 思维发散


On his way home yesterday afternoon,on seeing an old lady fall to the ground,Wang Wei went up to her help without hesitation.


孩子们好像正在房间里吃东西呢。 The children seemed to be eating something in the room.


Therefore,Wang Wei’s behavior counts a lot in awakening people’s awareness of

helping others. ③②①


A.写作单词 1.voluntary (adj.)志愿的;自愿的,主动的 2.contribute (vt.& vi.)捐献,捐赠,捐助;贡献;促成,导致 3.acquire (vt.)购得;获得,得到 4.expand (vi.& vt.)扩展,发展(业务);扩大,增强 5.starvation (n.)饥饿;挨饿;饿死 6.means (n.)手段,方法


7.commitment (n.)承诺,保证;投入,奉献;不得不做的事 8.remind (vt.)提醒,使想起 9.lack (n.& vt.)缺乏 lacking (adj.)缺乏的,匮乏的 10.description (n.)描写(文字),形容,说明 describe (vt.)描述,形容 11.alternative (adj.)可供替代的;(n.)可供选择的事物 alternatively (adv.)要不,或者;两者择一地 12.worthy (adj.)令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的 worth (adj.)值得;值„„钱; (n.)价值 worthwhile (adj.)重要的;令人愉快的;值得花时间(或花钱、努力等)的 13.equal (adj.)平等的;同等的;(n.)同等的人;相等物;(vt.)与„„相同或相等equally (adv.)相等地;同样地 equality (n.)相等,平等 14.urgent (adj.)紧急的,紧迫的 urgency (n.)紧急,急迫 urge (vt.)敦促,力劝;竭力主张;(n.)强烈的欲望,冲动 15.possession (n.)个人财产;拥有,具有 possess (vt.)具有,拥有;支配 16.troublesome (adj.)麻烦的,讨厌的,棘手的 trouble (n.)麻烦;困难;(vt.)麻烦;使烦恼


17.ambassador (n.)大使

18.fetch (vt.)售得,卖得(某价);取来

19.victim (n.)受害者

20.remote (adj.)偏远的,偏僻的

21.charity (n.)慈善机构;赈济;仁爱

22.mountainous (adj.)多山的

23.poverty (n.)贫穷,贫困

24.primitive (adj.)原始的

25.obtain (vt.)(尤指经努力)获得;赢得

26.wage (n.)(通常指按周领的)工资

27.chaos (n.)混乱,杂乱,紊乱

28.colleague (n.)同事


29.assistant (n.)助理,助手;(adj.)助理的,副的

30.muddy (adj.)多泥的,泥泞的

31.damp (adj.)潮湿的

32.shelter (n.)住所,藏身之处

33.staff (n.)全体员工

34.barrier (n.)障碍,隔阂;屏障,障碍物

35.interpreter (n.)口译工作者,口译译员

36.angle (n.)角度

37.political (adj.)政治的;政府的

politics (n.)政治(学)

politician (n.)从政者,政治家

38.export (n.)出口产品,输出品;出口,输出;(vt.& vi.)出口,输出

import (n.& vt.)进口,输入

39.vacant (adj.)空着的,未被占用的;(职位)空缺的

vacancy (n.)(职位的)空缺;空职

Ⅱ.重点短语 1.refer to谈及,提到;与„„相关,涉及;查阅,参考 2.in addition除„„以外(还),此外

3.draw one’s attention to使(某人)察觉到 4.under the umbrella of在„„的保护下,在„„的管理下 5.look up查阅;抬头往上看 6.out of work失业 7.in need在困难中,在危急中 8.break down出故障;抛锚;(谈判等)失败;(健康等)垮掉 9.in chaos处于混乱状态 10.get hold of得到;抓住 11.remind sb.of让某人想起„„,提醒某人„„ 12.think back to回想,追忆 13.make a difference有作用(关系、影响)

Ⅲ.经典句式 1.As you know,the UN touches the lives of people everywhere.


2.I would rather you hadn’t told me about it.



3.If only I were a Goodwill Ambassador!



1lack vt.缺乏;没有;n.缺乏;短缺的东西

(1) Lack of sleep could put the birds’ health at risk.


(2)Despite his lack of experience,he got the job.


(3)He said there was no lack of things for them to talk about.




①He was set free for lack of (因缺少) evidence.

②Though lacking money(尽管缺钱),his parents managed to send him abroad for further study.

③Now the problem is that we are lacking in new ideas(缺乏新思想).

(2)It is reported that money makes lots of teenagers stay at home.

A.short of

C.lack of

答案 C

解析 句意为:据报道缺钱使得很多青少年呆在家里。A、B两项是形容词,不能作主语;DB.shy of D.lacking of 5

【步步高】(江苏专用)2017高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Films and film events讲义 牛津译林版选修8

Unit 4 Films and film events


1.festival n.节日

2.industry n.工业;行业

3.develop v.发展

4.culture n.文化

5.lecture n.讲座

6.interview v.采访

7.knowledge n.知识

8.plan to打算

9.make arrangements安排

10.in general大体上 经典语篇

假定你是李华,你所在的学校拟在下个月举办美国电影节(American Film Festival)。请你根据以下要点给你的外教Peter写一封电子邮件,邀请他给学生做一次讲座。信的主要内容包括:





2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 佳作欣赏

Dear Peter,

Our school is planning to hold an American Film Festival next month.I’m writing to ask you to give a talk on American films and filmmaking industry.It will help us understand how the industry has developed into big business as it is today.This understanding should go a long way toward increasing our knowledge of American culture in general.Do you think one and a half hours will be enough?Please let me know as soon as possible in order to make arrangements.

I’m looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the talk.




Best wishes.

Yours, Li Hua 思维发散

1.将第①句用被动语态改写 An American Film Festival is being planned to hold in our school next month.

2.将第②句用so that改写

Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements.


A.写作单词 1.restriction (n.)限制,约束 2.deliberately (adv.)故意地 3.edge (n.)(微弱的)优势;边缘;刀刃 4.broad (adj.)各种各样的,广泛的;宽阔的,广阔的;概括的 5.overlook (vt.)忽略,未注意到;不予理会;俯视 6.preference (n.)偏爱,偏好 7.congratulation (n.)祝贺,恭喜 8.conquer (vt.)征服;占领;战胜,克服 9.fantasy (n.)幻想,想象 10.evil (adj.)邪恶(的),罪恶(的);(n.)邪恶,罪恶 11.modest (adj.)不太大的,不太贵的,些许的;谦虚的,谦逊的 12.tiresome (adj.)讨厌的,令人厌烦的 13.expose (vt.)使接触,使体验,使面临;暴露,显露,揭露 exposed (adj.)遭受风吹雨打的;易受攻击的;敞开的 exposure (n.)暴露,揭露 14.contradict (vt.& vi.)反驳,驳斥;与„„相矛盾,相反 contradictory (adj.)相互矛盾的,对立的,不一致的 15.swift (adj.)迅速的,迅捷的 swiftly (adv.)迅速地,立刻地 16.formal (adj.)正式的,正规的;形式上的 informal (adj.)非正式的,非正规的


17.sincere (adj.)真诚的,诚挚的 sincerely (adv.)真诚地 18.accumulate (vt.& vi.)积累,积聚;逐渐增加 accumulation (n.)积累,积聚 19.tense (adj.)令人紧张的;神经紧张的;绷紧的,不松弛的 tensely (adv.)紧张地,焦虑地 20.fierce (adj.)激烈的,猛烈的;凶狠的,凶猛的 fiercely (adv.)凶猛地;猛烈地,激烈地 21.attraction (n.)吸引人的特征;有吸引力的地方;吸引,吸引力 attract (vt.)吸引 attractive (adj.)有魅力的;有吸引力的 22.disappoint (vt.)使失望,使扫兴 disappointed (adj.)失望的,沮丧的 disappointing (adj.)令人失望的 disappointment (n.)失望,沮丧,令人失望的人或事


23.representative (n.)代表

24.salty (adj.)咸的,含盐的

25.criterion (n.)(评判的)标准,准则,原则

26.boycott (vt.)拒绝购买(或使用、参加),抵制

27.sponsor (n.)赞助者,赞助商;(vt.)赞助,资助;主办,举办

28.entry (n.)参赛作品;进入,加入;条目,词条

29.shoot (vt.& vi.)拍摄;射击;打猎;射门,投篮;(n.)拍摄,摄影;幼苗,嫩芽

30.hatch (vt.)策划,(尤指)密谋;孵化,孵出

31.biography (n.)传记,传记作品

32.thriller (n.)惊险电影(或小说)

33.institution (n.)机构;制度

34.parallel (adj.)平行的;相似的;(n.)相似的人或事物;相似特征

35.zoom (vi.)快速移动;急剧增长

36.dizzy (adj.)头晕目眩的;使人眩晕的

37.finance (vt.)给„„提供经费;(n.)财政,金融;资金

financial (adj.)财政的,财务的,金融的

38.resemble (vt.)看起来像,类似

resemblance (n.)相似,类似


39.robbery (n.)抢劫

rob (vt.)抢劫,掠夺,盗取

robber (n.)抢劫者,强盗

Ⅱ.重点短语 1.view...as...把„„看作„„ 2.in defence of为„„辩护;防卫,保卫 3.point out指出 4.make no restrictions on对„„不作限制 5.expose sb.to sth.使某人接触、体验„„ 6.have access to有„„的权利、机会;得以接近、进入„„ 7.in the minority占少数 8.have a good reputation有好名声 9.as well as和,也,还 10.be responsible for对„„负责 11.make an agreement达成协议,达成共识 12.show off炫耀,卖弄 13.give thought to认真考虑,思考


1.We make no restrictions on the kinds of films we show—as long as a film’s quality meets our standards,we include it.

我们对我们所放映的电影的种类不作限制——只要影片的质量符合我们的标准,就接纳它。 2.Whether you think the Academy Awards really resemble a film festival or not,everyone agrees that the Oscar is the best­known award a film can receive.


3.It was not until I spoke to Kathy that I knew how special the Sundance Film Festival was.


4.However,he later finds out that his father was a wizard and that his mother was a witch,both of whom were murdered by an evil wizard—the same wizard who gave Harry the scar.



1expose vt.暴露;揭露;使接触;使体验

[应试指导] 写作高级词汇

(1)These units exposed children to many viewpoints of a given issue.


(2)They have not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations. 他们还没有接触到城市人口中多数常见的疾病。


(1)用expose的适当形式填空 ①The soil was washed away by the flood,exposing bare rock.

②The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.

③Being exposed(expose) to sunlight too long will be harmful to your skin.


The newspaper exposed his secret to the public.let out/gave away



Parents should expose their children to challenges as much as possible,which contributes to their healthy growth.

(4)—Oh,doctor,The wound on my leg is infected.

—You really shouldn’t have left it to the sun.



答案 B

解祈 句意为:——医生,我腿部的伤口感染了。——你本不应该把伤口暴露在阳光下的。B.exposed D.buried


【步步高】(江苏专用)2017高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling讲义 牛津译林版必修1

Unit 3 Looking good,

feeling 话题词汇

1.balance n.平衡

2.strength n.长处;力量

3.healthy adj.健康的

4.energy n.精力;活力

5.positive adj.积极的

6.keep sb.fit/healthy 使某人保持健康


8.take regular exercise进行有规律的运动

9.keep a good mood保持乐观心态

10.remove heavy burdens减轻负担 经典语篇




参考词汇:病态肥胖obesity 佳作欣赏

Dear Mike,

I’m very sorry to hear that you are in hospital with eyesight decreasing and obesity and some other diseases.I hope that you will recover soon.

You said that your illness was caused by surfing the Internet too much.That’s true.Some of my friends,who often do such things,are beginning to feel bad too.They say that they can’t see now as clearly as before.And my teachers often tell us that it’s bad for us to stay late surfing the Internet every day.

Therefore,I think that we should spend less time on the Internet from now on.Instead,we should work out to keep healthy,because nothing is more important than health.Only when we are healthy can we study better.【2017江苏高考步步高英语】

1 ③④②①【2017江苏高考步步高英语】

Follow the doctor’s advice and don’t worry,and you will be well soon. Best wishes!

Yours, Li Ming 思维发散


因为有那个男孩领路,我们很容易地找到了那座老房子。 With the boy leading the way we found the old house easily.


对我们来说学好英语非常重要。 It is important for us to learn English well.


—How about your trip to Hainan?

—It couldn’t have been better(不可能再好了).Sometimes I went swimming in the sea;sometimes I lay on the sand.


只有当我们完成作业了,我们才能休息。 Only when we finish the work can we have a rest.



Work hard and you will succeed. ⑤


A.写作单词 1.amount (n.)数量 2.pressure (n.)压力 3.gain (vt.)增加;获得,赢得 4.mostly (adv.)主要地;通常 5.damage (vt.& n.)损害,伤害 6.achievement (n.)成就 achieve (v.)获得 7.recover (vi.)复原,恢复健康;(vt.)重新获得,恢复


recovery (n.)恢复;痊愈 8.failure (n.)衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵 fail (v.)失败;出故障,失灵;衰退 9.suffer (vt.& vi.)受苦;遭受(磨难) suffering (n.)疼痛;痛苦;折磨 sufferer (n.)患病者;受苦者 10.attractive (adj.)有吸引力的,有魅力的 attract (vt.)吸引 attraction (n.)吸引人的特征;有吸引力的地方;吸引,吸引力

11.effect (n.)效果,作用;影响 effective (adj.)有效的 effectively (adv.)有效地 affect (vt.)影响;(病毒)感染 affection (n.)感情;喜爱;爱慕 12.ashamed (adj.)惭愧的,羞愧的 shame (n.)羞愧 shameful (adj.)可耻的;丢脸的 13.treatment (n.)治疗;待遇;处理 treat (vt.)治疗;对待;款待 14.equipment (n.)器材;设备 equip (vt.)配备,装备


15.system (n.)身体,(器官)系统;体系;制度

16.expert (n.)专家

17.midnight (n.)午夜

18.properly (adv.)适当地

19.athlete (n.)运动员

20.overweight (adj.)肥胖的,体重超标的

21.figure (n.)体形;数字;人物

22.downtown (adv.)在市中心,往市中心(尤指商业中心区)

23.prefer (vt.)更喜欢

preference (n.)偏爱,偏好;喜爱

24.energetic (adj.)精力充沛的,充满活力的

energy (n.)能量;精力


25.concentrate (vt.& vi.)集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注

concentration (n.)专心,专注

26.chemical (n.)化学物质;化学药品;(adj.)化学的

chemistry (n.)化学

chemist (n.)化学家;药剂师

27.comfort (n.)安慰;舒适;(vt.)安慰

comfortable (adj.)舒适的

uncomfortable (adj.)不舒服的;不自在的

Ⅱ.重点短语 1.go on a diet节食 2.work out锻炼 3.side effect 副作用 4.fall out(头发等)脱落 5.get into shape 强身健体 6.in the long term从长远角度看 7.make the most of充分利用 8.as a matter of fact事实上,其实

Ⅲ.经典句式 1.I think you look great as you are,and you’re a wonderful person.我觉得你目前这个样子看上去就很棒,而且你是一个优秀的人。

2.However,no matter what I do,my efforts to lose weight always end in failure. 尽管如此,不管我做什么,我减肥的努力总是以失败告终。

3.I really don’t know which sport to choose.

我真的不知道该选哪种运动。 4.Water helps keep your system clean.


5.Walking and riding your bike count,and so do school sports.步行和骑自行车就算,校内体育活动也算。


1ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的

[应试指导] ashamed与shameful的区别

(1)I always feel ashamed whenever I see this.


(2)He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.耻于问即耻于学。

(3)It’s a shame that she isn’t here to see it.


[词义辨析] ashamed,shameful

(1)ashamed是“感到羞耻的”、“觉得惭愧的”意思,表示主语主观感到可耻的,只能作表语。 (2)shameful表示事物本身的客观性质是“可耻的”,可作表语或定语。



①We thought his behavior was shameful.

②I’m ashamed to leave you this way.


He was ashamed of what happened and bowed his head.(用过去分词短语作原因状语改写) Ashamed of what happened,he bowed his head.

2recover vi.复原,恢复健康;vt.重新获得,恢复

[应试指导] 及物动词用法

(1)Once the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover. 一旦造成伤害,需要许多年农田才能复原。

(2)A body can take a long time to recover from an injury.



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