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说课稿lesson 17 seasons



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

My name is Shen Shuiyun .I come from Xiwanbu Primary School .I'm very glad to interpret my lesson here . The lesson plan I am going to talk about is lesson 17 of unit3 Primary English book7. I will explain how to teach and the reason for doing this from following aspects.It includes five parts in my teaching.

I Talking about the teaching material

(1 ) Status of the teaching material:【lesson17,travel,plan,说课稿】

(2)Teaching aims:

a. Basic knowledge learning aim: get the students to grasp the new words: season winter spring summer fall and phrases:put on take off .

b. Developing ability aim: improve the students’ oral English. develop their communicative ability.

c. Emotion aim: develop their correct attitude towards English learning and teach them to love seasons.

(3) Teaching key points and difficult points:

According to the teaching content and teaching aims, i take these two points as the key points and difficult points:

a. Enable the students to listen, speak, read the new words and phrases.

b. Get them to understand the orders and act them out. II Talking about the teaching methods

It’s generally believed that if we want to achieve a goal and develop the students’ ability of using English, we should arouse the students’ desire to learn and to take part in actively. such kind of learning motivation comes from two aspects:

1 They are interested in the learning content.

2 They are confident.【lesson17,travel,plan,说课稿】

so, I use the following five teaching methods:

(1 ) Create real situations: we design an interesting story to present the new words.

(2) Create a student-center class: I play a leading role and get the students to speak English as much as possible.

(3) Hold competition games that can arouse their interest and enliven the atmosphere of the class.

(4) Use the task-based teaching method: for example, we get them to make a survey.

(5) Use the word cards and some pictures.

III Talking about the learning methods

The main teaching purpose is not the accumulation of the knowledge but the development of thinking. in order to have the students cultivate good studying habits and from the effective study tactics, I guide them to use the following learning methods:

1、The students are divided into six groups, in order to have a competition.

2、They master the language through careful observation and imitation.

3、They learn through their personal experiences.

IV Talking about the teaching procedure

Step1. Warming-up and revision Step 1 : Class opening and Review 1、Review weather objectives using the cards . The students mastered in Level 4 : rainy sunny snowy cloudy windy cold hot cool inside outside

2. Ask the students to look out of the window and describe the weather :【lesson17,travel,plan,说课稿】

How’s the weather ?

Clothes: teacher asks and students answer What is it?

( Encourage them to answer in different ways. After answering, this student can go on asking other students this question) Step2. New concept.

( Ask these questions )

What season is it?

What can you see in pictures?

Do you like _____?

Yes,I like______, No, I don’t like______.


Show the pictures about seasons on the screen.

Then ask and answer.

Step3 Pay attention the following structures

1. Winter,spring,summer and fall are seasons.

2. The flowers blooms..

3. What a hot, sunny day!

4. The wind blows the leaves off the trees.

Step4. Find the important words about each season and repeat the text. .

Step5. Read the text.

Step6. Let’s do some exercise .Tell your friends which season do you like best? why?

Blackboard Writing

Lesson17 Seasons

Winter,spring,summer and fall are seasons.

There are four seasons in a year.

ice bloom blow…off

V Talking about the blackboard writing.

Now I’d like to say something about my blackboard writing. It shows the key points of the lesson. It can help the students remember this text quickly.

That’s all for my lesson. thank you very much!



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