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911奥巴马预言 第一篇

Good morning. Scripture tells us, “We count as blessed those who have persevered.”

Secretary Hagel, General Dempsey, members of our Armed Forces, and, most of all, the survivors of that September day and the families of those we lost-Michelle and I are humbled to be with you once again.

It has now been 13 years. Thirteen years since the peace of an American morning was broken. Thirteen years since nearly 3,000 beautiful lives were taken from us, including 125 men and women serving here at the Pentagon. Thirteen years of moments they would have shared with us. Thirteen years of memories they would have made.

Here, once more, we pray for the souls of those we remember, for you, their families, who love them forever, and for a nation that has been inspired by your example-your determination to carry on, your resolve to live lives worthy of their memories.

As Americans, we draw strength from you. For your love is the ultimate rebuke to the hatred of those who attacked us that bright, blue morning. They sought to do more than bring down buildings or murder our people. They sought to break our spirit and to prove to the world that their power to destroy was greater than our power to persevere and to build. But you, and America, proved them wrong.

America endures in the strength of your families who, through your anguish, kept living. You have kept alive a love that no act of terror can ever extinguish. You, their sons and daughters, are growing into extraordinary young men and women they knew you could be. By your shining example, your families have turned this day into something that those who attacked us could never abide, and that is a tribute of hope over fear, and love over hate.

America endures in the tenacity of our survivors. After grievous wounds, you learned to walk again and stand again. After terrible burns, you smiled once more. For you, for our nation, these have been difficult years. But by your presence here today, in the lives of service that you have led, you embody the truth that no matter what comes our way, America will always come out stronger.

America endures in the dedication of those who keep us safe. The firefighter, the officer, the EMT who carries the memory of a fallen partner as they report to work each and every day, prepared to make the same sacrifice for us all. Because of these men and women, Americans now work in a gleaming Freedom Tower. We visit our great cities, we fill our stadiums and cheer for our teams. We carry on, because, as Americans, we do not give in to fear-ever.

America endures in the courage of the men and women who serve under our flag. Over more than a decade of war, this 9/11 Generation has answered our country's call, and three months from now, our combat mission in Afghanistan will come to an end. Today, we honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice these 13 years, more than 6,800 American patriots. And we give thanks to those who serve in harm's way to keep our country safe and meet the threats of our time.

America endures in that perennial optimism that defines us as a people. Beginning tomorrow, there will be teenagers-young adults-who were born after 9/11. It's remarkable. And while these young Americans did not know the horrors of that day, their lives have been shaped by all the days since-a time that has brought us pain, but also taught us endurance and strength; a time of rebuilding, of resilience, and of renewal. What gives us hope-what gives me hope -– is that it is these young Americans who will shape all the days to come.

Thirteen years after small and hateful minds conspired to break us, America stands tall and America stands proud. And guided by the values that sustain us, we will only grow stronger. Generations from now, Americans will still fill our parks, our stadiums, our cities. Generations from now, Americans will still build towers that reach toward the heavens; still serve in embassies that stand for freedom around the world; still wear the uniform and give meaning to those words written two centuries ago: Land of the free. Home of the Brave. Generations from now, no matter the trial, no matter the challenge, America will always be America.

“We count as blessed those who have persevered.”

May God bless your families, who continue to inspire us all. May God bless our Armed Forces and all who serve to keep us safe. And may God continue to bless the United States of America.

911奥巴马预言 第二篇


Remarks by the President at 9/11 Memorial

The Pentagon



PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning. Scripture tells us, “We count as blessed those who have persevered.” 奥巴马总统:早上好。圣经告诉我们: “那些生存下来的就是受庇佑的。” Secretary Hagel, General Dempsey, members of our Armed Forces, and, most of all, the survivors of that September day and the families of those we lost –- Michelle and I are humbled to be with you once again. 黑格尔局长,邓普西将军,我们的军队,而且,最重要的是,在911中的幸存者和失去生命的人的家人 - 米歇尔和我都很荣幸和你们再聚首。 It has now been 13 years. Thirteen years since the peace of an American morning was broken. Thirteen years since nearly 3,000 beautiful lives were taken from us, including 125 men and women serving here at the

Pentagon. Thirteen years of moments they would have shared with us. Thirteen years of memories they would have made. 已经有13年了。美国早晨的宁静被打破已经十三年了,将近3000美丽的生命从我们身边被带走,其中包括在五角大楼这里工作的125个男人和女人。他们本来可以和我们一起分享这十三年,他们本可以创造这十三年的记忆。

Here, once more, we pray for the souls of those we remember, for you, their families, who love them forever, and for a nation that has been inspired by your example -- your determination to carry on, your resolve to live lives worthy of their memories. 在此,我们再一次祈祷,为那些我们记得的灵魂,为你们,永远爱他们的家人,并为受你们的榜样所鼓舞的国家 – 你们坚持下去的决心,你们活出值得他们记忆的生命的决心。 As Americans, we draw strength from you. For your love is the ultimate rebuke to the hatred of those who attacked us that bright, blue morning. They sought to do more than bring down buildings or murder our people. They sought to break our spirit and to prove to the world that their power to destroy was greater than our power to persevere and to build. But you, and America, proved them wrong.

作为美国人,我们从你们身上汲取力量。你们的爱是对那些打碎我们明亮湛蓝早晨的仇恨的最大指责。这些仇恨试图令更多的建筑倒下或杀害我们的人民。他们试图摧毁我们的精神,以此向世界证明,他们摧毁的能力大于我们坚持和建立的能力。但你们和美国证明他们是错误的。 America endures in the strength of your families who, through your anguish, kept living. You have kept alive a love that no act of terror can ever extinguish. You, their sons and daughters, are growing into extraordinary young men and women they knew you could be. By your shining example, your families have turned this day into something that those who attacked us could never abide, and that is a tribute of hope over fear, and love over hate. 美国从你们的家人汲取力量。 他们失去了你们,却勇敢地继续生存。没有任何恐怖可以战胜你们延续的爱。你们,他们的儿女,正在成长为向你们一样出色的人。你们的家人,通过你们的光辉榜样,把这一天变成了希望战胜恐惧,爱战胜恨的致敬。那些谁袭击了我们的人永远无法预见。

America endures in the tenacity of our survivors. After grievous wounds, you learned to walk again and stand again. After terrible burns, you smiled once more. For you, for our nation, these have been difficult years. But by your presence here today, in the lives of service that you have led, you embody the truth that no matter what comes our way, America will always come out stronger.

美国从生存者的坚韧中汲取力量。经过严重的创伤,你们学会重新走路和站立。严重烧伤后,你们再次微笑。对你们,或是对我们的国家,这些都是艰难的岁月。但是,由于你们今天的出席,通过在你们服务的一生,象征着无论发生什么,美国会一直保持强壮。 America endures in the dedication of those who keep us safe. The firefighter, the officer, the EMT who carries the memory of a fallen partner as they report to work each and every day, prepared to make the same sacrifice for us

all. Because of these men and women, Americans now work in a gleaming Freedom Tower. We visit our great cities, we fill our stadiums and cheer for our teams. We carry on, because, as Americans, we do not give in to fear -- ever. 美国从为我们提供安全的人中汲取力量。消防员,警员,紧急医疗队员 他们每天工作的时候都不曾忘怀他们失去的伙伴, 并随时准备做出同样的牺牲。因为这些男人和女人的,美国人现在在一个闪闪发光的自由塔的工作。我们游览伟大的城市,充满体育场馆和为我们的球队欢呼。我们坚持下去,因为作为美国人,我们永远不害怕屈服。

America endures in the courage of the men and women who serve under our flag. Over more than a decade of war, this 9/11 Generation has answered our country’s call, and three months from now, our combat mission in Afghanistan will come to an end. Today, we honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice these 13 years, more than 6,800 American patriots. And we give thanks to those who serve in harm’s way to keep our country safe and meet the threats of our time. 美国从在我们国旗下服务的男人和女人中汲取力量。经过十多年的战争,911一代响应我们国家的号召,三个月内,我们在阿富汗的作战任务将告一段落。今天,我们纪念所有在这13年中作出了巨大牺牲的人们,超过6,800美国爱国者。同时,我们感谢那些在险境中维持我们国家的安全,并克服我们这个时代的威胁的人们。

America endures in that perennial optimism that defines us as a people. Beginning tomorrow, there will be teenagers –- young adults –- who were born after 9/11. It’s remarkable. And while these young Americans did not know the horrors of that day, their lives have been shaped by all the days since -- a time that has brought us pain, but also taught us endurance and strength; a time of rebuilding, of resilience, and of renewal. What gives us hope –- what gives me hope -– is that it is these young Americans who will shape all the days to come. 美国从塑造我们成为一个人的长久乐观精神中汲取力量。 从明天开始,会有在911后出生的青少年,年轻人。这是非常好的。虽然这些年轻的美国人不知道那天的惨状,他们的生活已经受911后所有的日子所影响 - 这个时期给我们带来了痛苦,但也教会了我们忍耐和力量; 这是一个重建,坚韧和重生的时期。给我们希望的是 - 给我们希望的- 正是这些会影响未来的美国年轻人。

Thirteen years after small and hateful minds conspired to break us, America stands tall and America stands proud. And guided by the values that sustain us, we will only grow stronger. Generations from now, Americans will still fill our parks, our stadiums, our cities. Generations from now, Americans will still build towers that reach toward the heavens; still serve in embassies that stand for freedom around the world; still wear the uniform and give meaning to those words written two centuries ago: Land of the free. Home of the Brave. Generations from now, no matter the trial, no matter the challenge, America will always be America.

在那些卑微和可恶的密谋破坏我们的十三年后,美国高高耸立和自豪。在我们信奉的价值观的指引下,我们只会变得更加强大。几代人后,美国人仍然会活跃于我们的公园,体育馆和城市。几代人后,美国人仍然会建立通向天堂的高塔;仍然在世界各地的大使馆宣扬自由; 仍然穿制服和诠释两个世纪前的宣言:自由之地,勇者之邦。几代人后,无论经历何种审判或挑战,美国将永远是美国。

“We count as blessed those who have persevered.”


May God bless your families, who continue to inspire us all. May God bless our Armed Forces and all who serve to keep us safe. And may God continue to bless the United States of America.


911奥巴马预言 第三篇


The Partnerships We Need


By President Barack Obama


On this 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, we remember that 9/11 was not only an attack on the United States, it was an attack on the world and on the humanity and hopes that we share.


We remember that among the nearly 3,000 innocent people lost that day were hundreds of citizens from more than 90 nations. They were men and women, young and old, of many races and faiths. On this solemn anniversary we join with their families and nations in honoring their memory.


We remember with gratitude how ten years ago the world came together as one. Around the globe, entire cities came to a standstill for moments of silence. People offered their prayers in churches, mosques, synagogues and other places of worship. And those of us in the United States will never forget how people in every corner of the world stood with us in solidarity in candlelight vigils and among the seas of flowers placed at our embassies.


We remember that in the weeks after 9/11, we acted as an international community. As part of a broad coalition, we drove al Qaeda from its training camps in Afghanistan, toppled the Taliban, and gave the Afghan people a chance to live free from terror. However, the years that followed were difficult and the spirit of global partnership we felt after 9/11 frayed.

我们铭记不忘,9/11后几个星期,我们作为一个国际共同体采取了行动。作为广泛联盟的一部分,我们把“基地”组织(al Qaeda)赶出了阿富汗的训练营地,推翻了塔利班政权,使阿富汗人民获得摆脱恐怖威胁的机会。但是,接下来度过了几年的艰辛,我们在9/11之后感受到的全球合作精神出现了耗损。【911奥巴马预言】

As President, I’ve worked to renew the global cooperation we need to meet the full breadth of global challenges that we face. Through a new era of engagement, we’ve forged partnerships with nations and peoples based on mutual interest and mutual respect.



As an international community, we have shown that terrorists are no match for the strength and resilience of our citizens. I’ve made it clear that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Rather, with allies and partners we are united against al Qaeda, which has attacked dozens of countries and killed tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children—the vast majority of them Muslims. This week, we remember all the victims of al Qaeda and the courage and resilience with which their families and fellow citizens have persevered, from the Middle East to Europe, from Africa to Asia.

作为国际共同体,我们已经表明,我们各国公民的力量和坚韧不拔的精神无敌于天下,恐怖主义分子永远无法与之匹敌。我已经明确说明,美国不会与伊斯兰作战,将来也永远不会与伊斯兰作战。我们联合盟友和伙伴共同打击“基地”组织。“基地”组织袭击了数十个国家,杀害了数万名无辜的男女老少,其中绝大多数是穆斯林。这个星期,从中东到欧洲,从非洲到亚洲,我们缅怀所有受"基地"组织所害的人,向他们的家人和同胞表现的大无畏精神和坚韧不拔的毅力表示敬意。 Working together, we have disrupted al Qaeda plots, eliminated Osama bin Laden and much of his leadership, and put al Qaeda on the path to defeat. Meanwhile, people across the Middle East and North Africa are showing that the surest path to justice and dignity is the moral force of nonviolence, not mindless terrorism and violence. It is clear that violent extremists are being left behind and that the future belongs to those who want to build, not destroy.

我们共同努力,粉碎了"基地"组织的阴谋,消灭了乌萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)及许多其他头目,把“基地”组织赶上了注定灭亡的道路。同时,中东和北非整个地区的人民表明,为了实现正义和尊严,最可靠的途径是动员非暴力的道德力量,而不是肆无忌惮的恐怖主义和暴力。毫无疑问,暴力极端主义分子正在被抛弃,未来属于致力于建设的人们,而不是从事破坏的人。

To nations and people seeking a future of peace and prosperity—you have a partner in the United States. For even as we confront economic challenges at home, the United States will continue to play a unique leadership role in the world. As we remove the rest of our troops from Iraq and transfer responsibility in Afghanistan, we will support Iraqis and Afghans in their efforts to deliver security and opportunity for their people. In the Arab world and beyond, we will stand up for the dignity and universal rights of all human beings.


Around the world, we will continue the hard work of pursuing peace, promoting the development that lifts people from poverty, and advancing the food security, health and good governance that unleashes the potential of citizens and societies.


At the same time, we have recommitted ourselves to living our values at home. As a nation of immigrants, the United States welcomes people from every country and culture. These newest Americans—like all the innocent victims we lost ten years ago—remind us that despite any differences of race or ethnicity, background or belief, we are all bound together by the common hope that we can make the world a better place for this and future generations. That must be the legacy of those we have lost. 同时,我们将再接再励,在国内坚持我们的价值观。作为一个移民国家,美国欢迎来自各个国家和拥有各种文化背景的人。这些崭新的美国人——正如10年前我们失去的所有的无辜受害者一样——让我们不要忘记,尽管我们的族裔、背景或信仰各不相同,我们都通过共同的希望紧密相连,为我们这一代人和未来的世世代代建设更美好的世界。这一定是我们失去的那些人的遗愿。

Those who attacked us on 9/11 wanted to drive a wedge between the United States and the world. They failed. On this 10th anniversary, we are united with our friends and partners in remembering all those we have lost in this struggle. In their memory, we reaffirm the spirit of partnership and mutual respect that we need to realize a world where all people live in dignity, freedom and peace.



Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.


It was nearly 10 years ago that a bright September day was darkened by the worst attack on the American people in our history. The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memory -- hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky; the Twin Towers collapsing to the ground; black smoke billowing up from the Pentagon; the wreckage of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the actions of heroic citizens saved even more heartbreak and destruction.


And yet we know that the worst images are those that were unseen to the world. The empty seat at the dinner table. Children who were forced to grow up without their mother or their father. Parents who would never know the feeling of their child’s embrace. Nearly 3,000 citizens taken from us, leaving a gaping hole in our hearts.


On September 11, 2001, in our time of grief, the American people came together. We offered our neighbors a hand, and we offered the wounded our blood. We reaffirmed our ties to each other, and our love of community and country. On that day, no matter where we came from, what God we prayed to, or what race or ethnicity we were, we were united as one American family.



We were also united in our resolve to protect our nation and to bring those who committed this vicious attack to justice. We quickly learned that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by al Qaeda -- an organization headed by Osama bin Laden, which had openly declared war on the United States and was committed to killing innocents in our country and around the globe. And so we went to war against al Qaeda to protect our citizens, our friends, and our allies.


Over the last 10 years, thanks to the tireless and heroic work of our military and our counterterrorism professionals, we’ve made great strides in that effort. We’ve disrupted terrorist attacks and strengthened our homeland defense. In Afghanistan, we removed the Taliban government, which had given bin Laden and al Qaeda safe haven and support. And around the globe, we worked with our friends and allies to capture or kill scores of al Qaeda terrorists, including several who were a part of the 9/11 plot.


Yet Osama bin Laden avoided capture and escaped across the Afghan border into Pakistan. Meanwhile, al Qaeda continued to operate from along that border and operate through its affiliates across the world.


And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.


911奥巴马预言 第四篇

The Partnerships We Need


By President Barack Obama


On this 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, we remember that 9/11 was not only an attack on the United States, it was an attack on the world and on the humanity and hopes that we share.


We remember that among the nearly 3,000 innocent people lost that day were hundreds of citizens from more than 90 nations. They were men and women, young and old, of many races and faiths. On this solemn anniversary we join with their families and nations in honoring their memory.



We remember with gratitude how ten years ago the world came together as one. Around the globe, entire cities came to a standstill for moments of silence. People offered their prayers in churches, mosques, synagogues and other places of worship. And those of us in the United States will never forget how people in every corner of the world stood with us in solidarity in candlelight vigils and among the seas of flowers placed at our embassies.

我们铭记不忘,10年前全世界戮力同心如一人,我们为此心怀感激。当时全球各地的城市全体默哀。人们在教堂、清真寺、犹太教堂等礼拜场所进行祈祷。在美 国,我们永远不会忘记,全世界各个角落的人们与我们心心相印,相继举行烛光守夜活动,在我们各使馆门前形成一片花的海洋。

We remember that in the weeks after 9/11, we acted as an international community. As part of a broad coalition, we drove al Qaeda from its training camps in Afghanistan, toppled the Taliban, and gave the Afghan people a

chance to live free from terror. However, the years that followed were difficult and the spirit of global partnership we felt after 9/11 frayed.


我们铭记不忘,9/11后几个星期,我们作为一个国际共同体采取了行动。作为广泛联盟的一部分,我们把“基地”组织(al Qaeda)赶出了阿富汗的训练营地,推翻了塔利班政权,使阿富汗人民获得摆脱恐怖威胁的机会。但是,接下来度过了几年的艰辛,我们在9/11之后感受到 的全球合作精神出现了耗损。

As President, I’ve worked to renew the global cooperation we need to meet the full breadth of global challenges that we face. Through a new era of engagement, we’ve forged partnerships with nations and peoples based on mutual interest and mutual respect.


As an international community, we have shown that terrorists are no match for the strength and resilience of our citizens. I’ve made it clear that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Rather, with allies and partners we are united against al Qaeda, which has attacked dozens of countries and killed tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children—the vast

majority of them Muslims. This week, we remember all the victims of al Qaeda and the courage and resilience with which their families and fellow citizens have persevered, from the Middle East to Europe, from Africa to Asia.

作为国际共同体,我们已经表明,我们各国公民的力量和坚韧不拔的精神无敌于天下,恐怖主义分子永远无法与之匹敌。我已经明确说明,美国不会与伊斯兰作战, 将来也永远不会与伊斯兰作战。我们联合盟友和伙伴共同打击“基地”组织。“基地”组织袭击了数十个国家,杀害了数万名无辜的男女老少,其中绝大多数是穆斯 林。这个星期,从中东到欧洲,从非洲到亚洲,我们缅怀所有受"基地"组织所害的人,向他们的家人和同胞表现的大无畏精神和坚韧不拔的毅力表示敬意。

Working together, we have disrupted al Qaeda plots, eliminated Osama bin Laden and much of his leadership, and put al Qaeda on the path to defeat. Meanwhile, people across the Middle East and North Africa are showing that the surest path to justice and dignity is the moral force of nonviolence, not mindless terrorism and violence. It is clear that violent extremists are being left behind and that the future belongs to those who want to build, not destroy.

我们共同努力,粉碎了"基地"组织的阴谋,消灭了乌萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)及许多其他头目,把“基地”组织赶上了注定灭亡的道路。同时,中东和北非整个地区的人民表明,为了实现正义和尊严,最可靠的途径是动员非暴力 的道德力量,而不是肆无忌惮的恐怖主义和暴力。毫无疑问,暴力极端主义分子正在被抛弃,未来属于致力于建设的人们,而不是从事破坏的人。

To nations and people seeking a future of peace and prosperity—you have a partner in the United States. For even as we confront economic challenges at home, the United States will continue to play a unique leadership role in the world. As we remove the rest of our troops from Iraq and transfer responsibility in Afghanistan, we will support Iraqis and Afghans in their efforts to deliver security and opportunity for their people. In the Arab world and beyond, we will stand up for the dignity and universal rights of all human beings.

希望寻求和平与繁荣的国家和人民——你们有美国作为你们的合作伙伴。即使我们在国内面临经济挑战,美国仍继续在全世界发挥独特的领导作用。我们在从伊拉克 撤出其余的部队并在阿富汗移交我们的责任之时,我们将支持伊拉克和阿富汗为本国人民提供安全和机会的努力。在阿拉伯世界及其他地区,我们都将捍卫全人类的 尊严和普遍权利。

Around the world, we will continue the hard work of pursuing peace, promoting the development that lifts people from poverty, and advancing the food security, health and good governance that unleashes the potential of citizens and societies.【911奥巴马预言】


At the same time, we have recommitted ourselves to living our values at home. As a nation of immigrants, the United States welcomes people from every

country and culture. These newest Americans—like all the innocent victims we lost ten years ago—remind us that despite any differences of race or ethnicity, background or belief, we are all bound together by the common hope that we can make the world a better place for this and future generations. That must be the legacy of those we have lost.

同时,我们将再接再励,在国内坚持我们的价值观。作为一个移民国家,美国欢迎来自各个国家和拥有各种文化背景的人。这些崭新的美国人——正如10年前我们 失去的所有的无辜受害者一样——让我们不要忘记,尽管我们的族裔、背景或信仰各不相同,我们都通过共同的希望紧密相连,为我们这一代人和未来的世世代代建 设更美好的世界。这一定是我们失去的那些人的遗愿。

Those who attacked us on 9/11 wanted to drive a wedge between the United States and the world. They failed. On this 10th anniversary, we are united with our friends and partners in remembering all those we have lost in this struggle. In their memory, we reaffirm the spirit of partnership and mutual respect that we need to realize a world where all people live in dignity, freedom and peace.

那些在9/11袭击我们的人希望造成美国与全世界的分裂。他们没能得逞。在这一天10周年纪念日到来之际,我们与我们的朋友和伙伴团结一心,共同缅怀我们 在这场斗争中失去的所有的人。为了纪念他们,我们重申坚持伙伴关系和相互尊重的精神。我们需要发扬这种精神,为全世界所有的人实现有尊严、自由与和平的生 活。

911奥巴马预言 第五篇


Remarks of President Barack Obama

As Prepared for Delivery

On the 10 Anniversary of 9/11

The Bible tells us - 'weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.'《圣经》告诉我们,哭泣可能会持续整夜,但欢乐会在清晨到来。

Ten years ago, America confronted one of our darkest nights. Mighty towers crumbled. Black smoke billowed up from the Pentagon. Airplane wreckage smoldered on a Pennsylvania field. Friends and neighbors; sisters and brothers; mothers and fathers; sons and daughters - they were taken from us with heartbreaking swiftness and cruelty. On September 12, 2001, we awoke to a world in which evil was closer at hand, and uncertainty clouded our future.十年前,美国经历了最黑暗的一个夜晚。雄伟的高楼坍塌了,五角大楼升起滚滚黑烟,飞机残骸在宾夕法尼亚州燃烧。好友近邻们,兄弟姐妹们,父亲母亲们,孩子们,他们从我们身边被带走了,如此迅速和残酷地离开了我们,让我们悲痛万分。2001年9月12日,当我们醒来时,面对的是一个新的世界,邪恶离我们更近,对未知的恐惧笼罩着我们的未来。

In the decade since, much has changed for Americans. We've known war and recession; passionate debates and political divides. We can never get back the lives we lost on that day, or the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in the wars that followed.之后的十年,美国人民改变了很多。我们懂得了战争和衰退,我们懂得了激烈的争辩和政治分歧。我们永远无法唤回那天逝去的生命,或是那些在后来的战争中英勇献身的美国人。

Yet today, it is worth remembering what has not changed. Our character as a nation has not changed. Our faith - in God and each other - that has not changed. Our belief in America, born of a timeless ideal that men and women should govern themselves; that all people are created equal, and deserve the same freedom to determine their own destiny - that belief, through test and trials, has only been strengthened.但是在今天,我们应该铭记的是那些未曾改变的东西。我们国家的性格没有改变。我们的信念并没有变,我们始终相信上帝、并彼此信任。我们这个国家抱着永恒的理想,我们坚信人人都应该自律,人人生来平等并享有同等的决定自己命运的自由。这一信念经受住了无数考验,现在更是坚不可摧。

These past ten years have shown that America does not give in to fear. The rescue workers who rushed to the scene; the firefighters who charged up the stairs; the passengers who stormed the cockpit - these patriots defined the very nature of courage. Over the years we have also seen a more quiet form of heroism - in the

ladder company that lost so many men and still suits up to save lives every day; the businesses that have rebuilt; the burn victim who has bounced back; the families that press on.过去的十年表明,美国没有向恐惧妥协。救援人员赶往现场,消防员冲上大楼,机上乘客与歹徒搏斗,这些爱国者们证明了什么叫做勇敢。十年来,我们也看到了英雄主义更低调的一种表现形式:失去那么多战友的消防队依然每天整装待发挽救生命,被摧毁的企业得到重建,受伤的幸存者重新振作起来,遇难者家属开始了新的生活。

Last spring, I received a letter from a woman named Suzanne Swaine. She had lost her husband and brother in the Twin Towers, and said that she had been robbed of, 'so many would-be proud moments where a father watches their child graduate, or tend goal in a lacrosse game, or succeed academically.' But two of her daughters are in college, the other doing well in high school. 'It has been ten years of raising these girls on my own,' Suzanne wrote. 'I could not be prouder of their strength and resilience.' That spirit typifies the American family. And the hopeful future for those girls is the ultimate rebuke to the hateful killers who took the life of their father.今年春天,我收到了一位叫苏珊娜?斯万(Suzanne Swaine)的女士的来信。她在双子塔的灾难中失去了丈夫和兄弟。她说,“那么多骄傲的瞬间被剥夺了,父亲原本可以看到孩子们毕业,看到她们在长曲棍球比赛中得分,看到她们在学业上取得佳绩”。这位女士有两个女儿在上大学,还有一个女儿在上高中并且表现很好。她在信中写道,“十年来,我一直一个人养育三个女儿;她们的自强和坚韧让我无比骄傲”。这一家人的精神就是所有美国家庭的写照。这些女孩充满希望的未来就是对杀害她们父亲的可恶凶手最有力的回击。

These past ten years have shown America's resolve to defend its citizens, and our way of life. Diplomats serve in far off posts, and intelligence professionals work tirelessly without recognition. Two million Americans have gone to war since 9/11. They have demonstrated that those who do us harm cannot hide from the reach of justice, anywhere in the world. America has been defended not by conscripts, but by citizens who choose to serve - young people who signed up straight out of school; guardsmen and reservists; workers and business-people; immigrants and fourth-generation soldiers. They are men and women who left behind lives of comfort for two, three, four, or five tours of duty. Too many will never come home. Those that do carry dark memories from distant places, and the legacy of fallen friends.过去这十年展示了美国保护公民、维护美国生活方式的决心。外交官们背井离乡驻守远方,情报人员默默无闻不知疲倦地工作。911后有200万美国人参与了战争。这些人证明,那些伤害了我们的人无法逃脱正义的审判,不论他们藏在何处。事实上,保卫美国的并不是征召的士兵,而是自愿服役的公民,他们是毕业便直接入伍的年轻人,他们是国民警卫队士兵和后备役军人,他们是工人和商人,他们是移民和第四代士兵。他们放弃舒适的生活,坚持两期、三期、四期或五期超期服役。他们中的很多人从此再也没有回来。即便是平安回来的人,他们也背负着远方的黑暗记忆,以及对逝去战友的永恒怀念。

The sacrifices of these men and women, and of our military families, reminds us

that the wages of war are great; that while their service to our nation is full of glory, war itself is never glorious. Our troops have been to lands unknown to many Americans a decade ago - to Kandahar and Kabul; to Mosul and Basra. But our strength is not measured in our ability to stay in these places; it comes from our commitment to leave those lands to free people and sovereign states, and our desire to move from a decade of war to a future of peace.这些军人及其家属所做的牺牲提醒我们,战争的代价是巨大的,虽然他们对国家的贡献充满荣耀,战争本身却绝不光荣。十年间,我们的军队被派到了很多美国人闻所未闻的地方:坎大哈和喀布尔,摩苏尔和巴士拉。但我们的强大并不是用驻军能力来衡量的,而是体现在我们把这些地方留给自由人民和主权政府的决心上,以及我们要结束十年战争、迎接和平未来的愿望上。

These ten years have shown that we hold fast to our freedoms. Yes, we are more vigilant against those who threaten us, and there are inconveniences that come with our common defense. Debates - about war and peace; about security and civil liberties - have often been fierce. But it is precisely the rigor of these debates, and our ability to resolve them in a way that honors our values, that is a measure of our strength. Meanwhile, our open markets still provide innovators with the chance to create, our citizens are still free to speak their minds, and our souls are still enriched in our churches and temples, our synagogues and mosques.这十年表明,我们一直在坚持各项自由权利。没错,对威胁我们的人我们提高了警惕,而我们的一般性防御也带来了种种麻烦。有关战争与和平、安全与公民自由的讨论常常是激烈的。但正是这些讨论的激烈程度和以符合我们价值观的方式化解这些争论的能力才是我们的力量所在。此外,美国开放的市场仍向创新者提供发明创造的机会,美国人仍可以自由地直抒胸臆,我们的灵魂仍在教堂、佛教寺院、犹太教堂和清真寺中得到净化和提升。

These past ten years underscore the bonds between all Americans. We have not succumbed to suspicion and mistrust. After 9/11, President Bush made clear what we reaffirm today: the United States will never wage war against Islam or any religion. Immigrants come here from all parts of the globe. In the biggest cities and the smallest towns, in our schools and workplaces, you still see people of every conceivable race, religion and ethnicity - all of them pledging allegiance to one flag; all of them reaching for the same American dream - e pluribus unum, out of many, we are one.过去的这十年凸显出全体美国人之间的凝聚力。我们没有陷入猜忌和怀疑中不可自拔。911发生后,小布什总统曾明确表示过:美国永远不会向伊斯兰教或任何其它宗教发动战争。这也是我们今天要重申的观点。人们从世界各地移民来到美国。无论是在美国的大都市还是小城镇,无论是在学校还是在工作场所,仍然可以看到肤色、宗教和种族各不相同的人们汇聚在这里,大家都宣誓忠于一面国旗,所有人都为了实现共同的美国梦──合众为一。

These past ten years tell a story of resilience. The Pentagon is repaired, and filled with patriots working in common purpose. Shanksville is the scene of friendships forged between residents of that town, and families who lost loved ones there.

New York remains a vibrant capital of the arts and industry, fashion and commerce. Where the World Trade Center once stood, the sun glistens off a new tower that reaches toward the sky. Our people still work in skyscrapers. Our stadiums are filled with fans, and our parks full of children playing ball. Our airports hum with travel, and our buses and subways take millions where they need to go. Families sit down to Sunday dinner, and students prepare for school. This land pulses with the optimism of those who set out for distant shores, and the courage of those who died for human freedom.过去这十年讲述了一个关于不屈不挠精神的故事。五角大楼得到了修复,爱国者在那里为了共同的目标而努力工作。在尚克斯维尔,当地居民和那些在这里失去了自己至亲的家庭结下了友谊。纽约仍是一个生机勃勃的艺术、工业、时尚和商业之都。在世界贸易中心曾经屹立的地方,一座新建大厦拔地而起,在阳光下熠熠生辉。美国人仍在摩天大楼中工作,体育场里挤满了运动爱好者,公园里到处都是玩球的孩童。我们的机场呈现出一片繁忙景象,我们的巴士和地铁运送数百万旅客奔赴目的地。到了周日晚上,全家人一起坐下来享受晚餐,孩子们则为第二天上学做准备。在这片土地上,既有人们准备奔赴远途的乐观,也有为了人类自由而牺牲的勇气。

Decades from now, Americans will visit the memorials to those who were lost on 9/11. They will run their fingers over the places where the names of those we loved are carved into marble and stone, and wonder at the lives they led. Standing before the white headstones in Arlington, and in peaceful cemeteries and small-town squares in every corner of our country, they will pay respects to those lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. They will see the names of the fallen on bridges and statues; at gardens and schools.几十年后,美国人会来参观这些纪念碑以悼念那些911的遇难者。他们的手指会掠过那些我们曾经深爱着的、现如今被刻入大理石和石碑的亲友的名字,并对这些人的生活感到好奇。站在阿灵顿国家公墓白色的墓碑前,在美国各地小城镇的广场上举办的宁静的纪念仪式上,他们会向那些在阿富汗和伊拉克战争中阵亡的人致敬,他们会在桥梁和雕塑上、在花园和学校里看到逝者的名字。

And they will know that nothing can break the will of a truly United States of America. They will remember that we have overcome slavery and Civil War; bread lines and fascism; recession and riots; Communism and, yes, terrorism. They will be reminded that we are not perfect, but our democracy is durable, and that democracy - reflecting, as it does, the imperfections of man - also gives us the opportunity to perfect our union. That is what we honor on days of national commemoration - those aspects of the American experience that are enduring, and the determination to move forward as one people.他们会知道,没有什么可以击垮真正代表美利坚合众国的意志。他们会记得,我们一路走过了奴隶制和南北战争,见证了排队领面包的队伍和法西斯主义,经历了经济衰退和动乱,也征服了共产主义和恐怖主义。有人会提醒他们说,美国并不完美,但美国的民主是久经考验的,这种民主反映出人类的不完美,但同时也让我们有机会改善我们的国家。在举国悼念的日子里,我们引以为荣的就是这些永不磨灭的美国历史和推动我们合众为一、向前迈进的决心。

More than monuments, that will be the legacy of 9/11 - a legacy of firefighters who walked into fire and soldiers who signed up to serve; of workers who raised new towers, citizens who faced down fear, and children who realized the dreams of their parents. It will be said of us that we kept that faith; that we took a painful blow, and emerged stronger.911遗产不止于纪念碑,还有那些走向火海的消防员、报名参军的士兵、合力建造新楼的工人、临危不惧的公民以及实现了父母梦想的子女。我们坚守信仰、遭到沉重打击并变得更为坚强的故事将流传给后人。

'Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.'“哭泣可能会持续整夜,但欢乐会在清晨到来。”

With a just God as our guide, let us honor those who have been lost; let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals that define our nation, and let us look to the future with hearts full of hope. May God bless the memory of those we lost, and may God Bless the United States of America.以公正的上帝作为我们的向导,让我们向那些逝者致敬,努力为实践那些令我们国家卓尔不群的精神而奋斗,让我们满怀希望畅想未来。愿上帝保佑我们对逝者的追忆,保佑美利坚合众国。

911奥巴马预言 第六篇




























911奥巴马预言 第七篇
























911奥巴马预言 第八篇























































































































































































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