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七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思

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七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇一:七年级英语Unit3Topic1SectionA教学设计

七年级英语Unit 3Topic1Section A教学设计

七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇二:Unit3Topic1SectionA

七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇三:七上unit3topic1sectionA教学


Unit3. Do you like English?

Topic 1. Section A

年级:七年级 执笔:周苗 审核:七年级备课组 时间:2011、11、3 总第25课时


1、学习表示请求及喜好的功能用语:Cou ld you please tell me your name? Do you like Chinese?




(1)Does Li Xing have a pen pal?

(2)Is Jane’s Chinese good or poor?


(1)-Could you please tell me your name?-Sure =No problem Could you please+V?你能……吗?

(2)Do you come from the U.S.A?=Are you from the U.S.A?=be from

(3)speak、讲、说(某种语言)Eg:He can speak Chinese.

(4)-Could you help me with it?-No problem、

help sb、with sth、=help sb、(to) do sth、帮助某人做某事 Eg=please help us to find him.




6、独立完成P53 1c,然后小组内核对答案。




3、跟录音唱完成P54 3,一定要有动作哦,看哪组同学唱得好,动作准确!





1.-Excuse me, c you please tell me your name?

-Sure, my name is Li Hong.

2.-Can you s Chinese?

-Sorry, I can’t. I come from Canada.

3.-Could you help me with my English?

-No .

4.My English is p . Could you help me with it?

5.-Do you often speak English a class. –

-Yes, I do.


( )1.We are from England we English.

A.tell B.say C.speak

( )2.-Do you have any friends here?

- .

A.Yes, I am B.Yes, I do C.Yes, I have

( )3.- you like English? –Yes, I do.

A.Does B.do C.Do

( )4.Mary’s Chinese is poor. We can help her it.

A.with B.and C.to

( )5.-Do you come from the U.S.A.?

-No, I from Canada.

A.comes B.am C.be

你的得分: 你们小组的平均分:



你不懂或是没有掌握的地方: 学习下一节时你将注意些什么:

七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇四:仁爱英语七年级上册Unit3 Topic1 SectionA教案

Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese?

Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases:

could, tell, sure, speak, some, poor, with, help sb. with sth., problem, pet, often, want

2. Learn Present Simple to do: (1)—Do you come from the U.S.A.? —No, I don’t. (2)—Do you like Chinese? —Yes, I do.

3. Ask for permission and make requests:

(1)—Excuse me, could you please tell me your name? —Sure.

(2)—Could you help me with it? —No problem. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具

录音机/幻灯片/教学挂图/铅笔/尺子/玩具猫/玩具狗/蒙眼布 Ⅲ. 三疑三探教学方案 第一步 复习导入(时间:2分钟)

通过复习描述体貌特征导入本课新知识,培养学生口头表达能力。 1. (教师按照座位链式提问,要求学生用Yes, I do./No, I don’t.快速作答。)

T: Do you have big eyes? S1: Yes, I do.

T: Do you have long legs? S2: No, I don’t.

T: Do you have a round face? S3: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. T: Do you have a small mouth? …

(通过运用Do you have …? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.句型引出Do you have a pen pal?)

T: Do you have a pen pal, S4? (板书并要求学生了解。)

S4: No, I don’t.

T: Do you want a pen pal? S4: Yes, I do. Step1:设疑自探

(1)Read 1a carefully and try to ask some questions by yourselves. (2)Try to find out some language points according to the teaching aims.

教师预设问题: 1、Who are they? 2、Where are they from? 3、Does Jane like Chinese? 4、How to ask for permission.

5、How to express preferences and the reply. 6、The important words and phrases. Step2:解疑合探

• 1.根据所提出的问题先进行自探,时间5分钟。

• 2.就自己的答案在小组内进行讨论。对于不能独立解决的问题要在小组内进行讨论,小组长需认真负责,确保人人参与。时间10分钟。


点评要点: 1.

speak 讲、说(某种语言) E.g.He can speak English .

2. Useful expressions

(1)Could you please tell me your name?

—Could you please+动词原形? 你能......吗?

— Sure. / Of course. / No problem. 好的,没有问题。 Sorry.不好意思,不行。

(2)help sb. with sth./(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事

E.g.I often help Jane with her Chinese.

I often help Jane study Chinese. 我经常帮助Jane学习汉语。


Do you still have any questions ?Please try to find them out and let’s discuss them together. Step4:运用拓展 1.Let the students

make up some exercises on their own,and

show them on the screen.

2.The teacher shows some exercises.

( )1. We are from England. We _______ English. A. tell B. say C.speak ( )2. —Do you have any friends here? — ________

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I have. ( )3. —______ you like English? — Yes, I do.

A. Does B. do C. Do ( )4. Mary’s Chinese is not good. We can help her ______ it.

A. with B. and C. to ( )5. — Do you come from the USA? — No, I _______ from Canada. A. comes B. am C. be

七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇五:仁爱版初三英语(上)Unit3 topic1 SectionA的教学反思

仁爱版初三英语(上)Unit3 topic1 SectionA的教学反思

在初中英语阶段英语课程注重在基础知识教育,仁爱版初三英语主要任务是激发和培养学生学习英语兴趣,使学生树立自信心。养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。现就对仁爱版初三英语(上)Unit3 topic1 SectionA的教学进行反思。

该部分是由Kang Kang, Li Xiang和Wang Jun Feng三人针对Wang Jun Feng将随父母去迪斯尼乐园的对话进行展开,进而谈到英语在全世界广泛使用,导出学好英语的重要性。因此,在该课中我对教学目标的设计从语言目标、能力目标和德育目标与文化意识展开,从而引出该课堂的语言结构、语言能力和重点词汇、句型等教学任务。让学生掌握课文内容的同时了解到学好英语的重要性,在学生中产生了较好的反响。

在教学过程中Step1 Duty Report 和Step2,Review用一些卡片复习过去分词,体现过去分词多种变化规则,这部分具体现课堂的生动性,又能让学生容易记住分词的变化规则。在Step3,Presentation中找了一幅学生种树场景的图,引导学生用被动语态的句子去对话,让学生自己造出含有被动语态的句子,对做得好的同学给予表扬。但是这一步很不合适我们农村中学的学生,因为学生口语表达能力差又羞于开口,致使这一教学过程很难有效的进行教学,还需作一些调整。让学生到黑板前来填表格,其余学生来把同学已经做的答案存在错误的地方给予更正,我及时收集信息并及时反馈,对学生巩固知识起到了较好的效果。在Step4,Consolidation中训练听力能力时,由于农村中学条件有限,只能通过老师读学生听来完成,并且学生听了后,我就把答案写在黑板上。因此,学生没有独自完成,这对听力训练达不到预期的效果,需要调整,应先让学生看完听力题内容,通过题型内容让学生先猜猜听力的内容。再来听,并且给学生足够的时间来完成作业,再去核对学生的答案,起到的效果可能会更好。Step5,Practice利用师生互动进一步加深对被动语态的了解,归纳主动语态与被动语态互变的规律,然后通过题型来巩固互变的规律,效果很好。

七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇六:仁爱版初中英语七年级上册Unit2 Topic 1 Section A 教学设计与反思

Ⅰ. 教学目标

1. Learn some new words:

(1)Learn words about parts of the body:

nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck

(2)Learn some other new words:

guess, have, small, has, big, know, right, round, long, wide, girl, boy, short

2. Learn some useful sentences:

(1)Oh, I know.

(2)Yes, you’re right.

3. Learn the simple present tense with“have/has”and adjectives of description:

(1)I have a big nose.

(2)They have round faces.

(3)She has long hair.

(4)It has big ears.

4. Learn how to describe people’s appearances.

Ⅱ. 教具


Ⅲ. 教学过程

Step 1 Review



(1)T: What’s her name?

S1: Her name is Jane.

T: How old is she?

S2: She is twelve.

T: Where is she from?

S3: She is from Canada.

T: What class is she in?

S4: She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.

T: What’s her telephone number?

S5: It’s (010)9267-6929.


T: Well done! Now we have learned something about Jane. Do you like her? Is she beautiful? Then how to describe her appearance? First, let’s learn some new words about parts of the body. Now let’s look at the picture.

Step 2 Presentation


1. (教师利用Jane的图片教授2a中人体部位的名称,并在图片的相应位置板书单词,然后领学生拼读。注:教师应按照从上到下、从局部到整体的顺序讲授人体部位,以便帮助学生记忆。)

T: Please listen and follow me, then touch the parts of your body when you say them. Please go!


2. (利用2a的教学幻灯片,操练表示人体部位的名词。)

T: Let’s look at this picture. What’s this?(手指画着头部的图片。) S1, please.

S1: Head.

T: How do you spell it, please?

S1: H-E-A-D, head.

(以同样方式操练其他表示人体部位的名词。) 3. (以做游戏的方式呈现新单词和短语,使学生易于理解和接受。具体方法如下:把全班学生分成四组,每组轮流选出一名学生在黑板上画人物头像。每个学生画一个身体部位。例如,第一个学生画的是一张圆脸,教师就帮助学生说a round face。板书并解释。其他身体部位以同样方式呈现。直到把所有本节课所涉及的描述性形容词都呈现出来为止。可以多画几幅图,完成后,每组学生轮流用短语描述人物外貌特征,说得准确流利者为胜。)

T: Nice work, boys and girls. Now let’s play a game. I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group

chooses a student to draw a part of the body. And you should describe it with a phrase. OK. Let’s begin!


) S2: (画一个圆脸) A round face. (教师帮助学生说。)


) S3: (画一双小眼睛) Small eyes.(教师帮助学生说。)


) S4: (画一个大鼻子) A big nose.(教师帮助学生说。)



(以同样方式呈现a wide mouth, big ears, long hair,要求学生掌握。)

4. (出示3a的教学挂图,让学生观察图片中突出的外貌特征,巩固表示人体部位的名词和部分形容词。) T: OK, now look at these pictures. Let’s talk about their different looks. Is this nose big?(教师指着图片1的鼻子,并借助手势问。)

Ss: Yes. It’s big.(引导学生说。)

T: Good. He has a big nose. Are they big, too?(教师指着图片②问。)

Ss: No.

T: Very good. They are not big. They are small. They have small noses and small eyes.(教师指着图



5. (在熟练掌握人体部位和描述人体部位形容词的基础上,结合3a的教学课件中的图片,让学生操练形容词+人体部位的短语,然后教授have和has的用法,进而过渡到完整的句子。)


T: Next, please practice the sentence patterns. I say personal pronouns, you complete the sentences. T: Look at Picture 1. “I „”

Ss: I have.

T: The whole sentence.(“完整的句子”)

Ss: I have a big nose.

T: Picture 2. “We „”

Ss: We have ...


Ss: We have small eyes.

T: Picture 3.“They „”

Ss: They have „(教师帮助说)


Ss: They have round faces.

6. (播放3a录音,让学生跟读并注意语音语调。)

T: Listen to 3a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

7. (1) (总结have/has的用法并板书。)

T: Let’s sum up the usages of“have”and“has”.

(2) (教师带领学生运用身边的实物,练习用have/has造句。)

T: I have a book.

She has a big pencil-box.

He has a beautiful bag.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)


1. (小组竞赛。限定时间要求学生书面完成3b。核对答案,并让学生复述have/has的用法,最后让学生齐读这七个句子。)

T: Now, let’s P.K. Can you complete the sentences in 3b on Page 26 as quickly as you can? Then I’ll divide you into two teams. Boys must choose the sentences which use “have”. Girls must choose the sentences which use “has”. Please go.

2. (接龙游戏。教师根据自己的实际情况以第一人称说一个句子,学生模仿练习。)

T: Well done. Now let’s play a game in chains. You can say a sentence to describe yourself. Please use “I have” to make sentences.

For example, I have a big nose. Begin!

S1: I have a small nose.

S2: I have a long face.

S3: I have a big head.

S4: „

3. (根据学生的描述,有意识板书一些句型,运用肢体语言,引导学生进行替换练习。)

T: Nice work. Huang Lin and Huang Hao, please.

Huang Lin: I have a small nose.

Huang Hao: I have a small nose.

T: You can say together like this: We have „

Huang Lin and Huang Hao: We have small noses.

T: And the whole class can say like this: They have „

Ss: They have small noses.



4. (请学生根据描述,完成4。)

T: Read the passages and draw pictures.

Step 4 Practice


1. (用学生画得较好的图片进行问答,问答过程中教师板书新内容,并进行简单解释。)

T: Nice work. Do you know the boy? He has a round face, big eyes, a small nose, a wide mouth and small ears. His hair is short. He is a boy in Group Three. Can you guess?

Ss: Cheng Long.


T: Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then mark the following sentences True (T) or False (F).

(板书,并要求学生掌握。) 2. (播放1a录音,请学生跟读并注意语音语调,

3. (让学生两人一组表演,完成1b。)

T: Now practice the dialog and then I’ll ask two students to act it out.

4. (看2a部分,用适当的形容词描述人体部位的特征。)

5. (学生两人一组进行表演,完成2b。)

T: Listen to your partner and touch the parts of your body he/she says.

S1: Touch your nose.

S2: (按S1指令做出相应动作。)

Step 5 Project 第五步


1. (教师分别请一男生、一女生到黑板前,请下面的学生描述他们的外貌,教师先示范,然后以滚雪球的方式继续活动。)

(1) T: This boy has a round face.

S1: He has a round face and small eyes.

S2: He has a round face, small eyes and a big nose.

S3: „

(2) T: This girl has long hair.

S4: She has long hair and a big nose.

S5: She has long hair, a big nose and a small mouth.

S6: „

2. (听音辨人。从所听语段中获取相关信息,并作出判断。)

T: Let’s play a guessing game. Listen carefully. He is a boy in Group Five. He has big eyes and big ears. He has a wide

mouth and a big head. He has a small nose and long hair. Who is he?

S7: Lin Wen.

T: No.

S8: Lin Fen.

T: Yes, you’re right.


3. Homework:

(1)复习Section A。

(2)预习Section B生词。



七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇七:仁爱版英语七年级下Unit7Topic1 SectionA 教学反思

仁爱版英语七年级下Unit7Topic1 SectionA 教学反思


本话题通过生日这一主题,呈现话题,谈论和学习日期的英语表达方式及如何询问出生日期和地点。生日聚会是学生很感兴趣的话题,课前让他们调查是否有学生的生日即将到来,如果没有就以Kangkang的生日为例,并且了解Happy Birthday 这首歌的文化背景,还有一项预习作业是了解十二个月份的拼读,所有学生能认真完成预习作业,因为小学阶段已经学了各个月份,他们对此很熟悉,大部分学生能够背诵十二个月份,课前的热身(唱Happy Birthday )我和学生都很投入,课堂气氛非常活跃,我坚持每节课的师生互动,学绕口令学唱英文歌和他们PK重点课文的背诵等等,这些好习惯使大部分学生开口大声说英语,因为他们享受开口说英语的快乐,这大大提高他们学习英语的积极性和口语水平。本课的最后一个环节让学生写一篇关于自己家庭的短文,介绍其年龄、出生年月及出生地等情况。课前我设计了一个表格,让他们填好表格,表格的内容五花八门,充分显示学生的非凡想象力,根据表格先在课堂完成口头作文,每当学生说到父母职业是魔术师、宇航员。。。其他同学开心大笑。


七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇八:七年级unit3 topic1 sectionA


1) 学习关于请求功能用语。

Excuse me ,could you please tell me your name?

2) 学习关于喜好的功能用语。

I like it very much.

3) 继续学习一般现在时。



1可以____________2告诉____________3当然___________4笔友___________ 5笔友____________ 6一些____________7和、用__________8问题__________ 9很好地__________10经常____________11帮某人做某事_________________ 12讲英语____________________________

2.读对话1a 找出下面的重要句型,并翻译。

1Excuse me ,could you please tell me your name?________________________ Sure.____________________________

2Do you like Chinese?_______________________________________________ 3Yes,I do._________________________

4Could you help me with it?__________________________________________ 5No problem.______________________





1) Where does Jane come from?


2) Whose Chinese is poor?






1)My English is very p___________________ could you help?

2)----Could you help me to study English?

----- No p________________.

3)We s_________________ Chinese in China.

4)----Could you t____________ me your phone number? ---- S________________


( )1) ----Could you help me _________ my English? -----Sure.

A. in B. with C. study D.B or C

( )2)----Do you want to study Chinese?


A. you do B. he does C.I do. D. she does

( )3)She _________ her pet very much.

A. like B. likes C. to like D. liked

( )4)_______you want a pen pal?

A. Are B. Do C. Does D. Have


( )1. We are from England. We _______ English.

A. tell B. say C.speak

( )2. —Do you have any friends here?

— ________

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I have. ( )3. —______ you like English?

— Yes, I do.

A. Does B. do C. Do

( )4. Mary’s Chinese is not good. We can help her ______ it.

A. with B. and C. to

( )5. — Do you come from the USA?

— No, I _______ from Canada.

A. comes B. am C. be

七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇九:仁爱九年级Unit3 九年级 Topic1 SectionA教学反思

仁爱九年级Unit3 Topic1 SectionA教学反思


英语新课标指出:英语课程的学习,是学生通过体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合运用语言的能力。在本课的设计中,我主要是以具体的任务布置为主线,运用多种活动为载体来展开教学的。同时将单词教学放在一定的情景中进行,做到“词不离句”;而且教学衔接比较自然,一步步的引入,一步步的学习、巩固。 本节的成功之处:1、在教学设计上我主要以操练为主。对重点部分课文进行教学时,我抓住对话中的重点句型进行操练。学生对此句型都非常熟悉时,我就把重点放在了语法被动语态上。用固定句型换不同的单词,进行仔细地操练。



Unit 3 Topic1SectionA说课稿

教学内容: 九年级Unit 3 Topic1SectionA


本单元围绕着世界语言---英语展开。在topic 1中主要谈论英语学习的重要性以及英语的广泛应用,而SectionA作为本话题的引入部分,主要是以谈论王军峰一家要去美国迪斯尼乐园为切入点过渡到英语语言的学习。在教学过程中,通过练习的操练与归纳,要求同学们能够熟练掌握一般现在时态的被动语态用法,同时了解迪斯尼乐园的有关知识,拓展同学们的视野。


知识目标:1.Learn and master the simple present passive voice.

Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people.

English is spoken as the main language in America.

2.Learn some new words and phrases:stick, cartoon characters,can’t wait to do,have a good chance to do.

技能目标:1.Master the structure of the simple present voice and use it to talk about something freely.

2.Understand the passages about Disneyland by listening.

情感目标:1.Arouse the conciouse of cooperration in teamwork.

2.Be glad to search and get the knowledge toDisneyland.








我本节课的设计思路是:通过师生对话的方式来复习Have you ever been to „„? Where have you been?两个句型来引出迪斯尼乐园的卡通形象---米老鼠。先通过听力练习来了解米老鼠是如何诞生的,然后通过对1a部分内容设置两个问题来检查学生预习情况。为了突破本课的重难点,我从对话中抽取了3个含有被动语态的句子进行口语操练,为完成1B的内容扫清障碍,同时也通过对这3个句子的共同分析与归纳来理解一般现在时态的被动语态形式,并通过对话里两个句子的笔头翻译来加深对can’t wait to do 与have a good chance to do理解。最后通过对3a 中主动语态与被动语态的转化练习进一步巩固同学们对一般现在时态被动语态的理解,并让全体同学在共同归纳过程中感受到团体协作的力量。


Teaching aims and demands:

1. Learn some words and phrases:

stick, can’t wait to do , have a good chance to do, from now on.

2. Learn and master the simple present passive voice.

3. Know something about Disneyland.

Teaching procedure:

1. Revision and leading:

Ask and answer between the teachers and the students.

T: Have youever been to Fuzhou?

Ss: Yes , I have.

T: Where have you been?

Ss: I have been to Mount Gu……………..

T: Have you been to the USA?

Ss: No ,I haven’t.

T: Which place would you liake to visit?

Ss:I would like to visit………………….

T:Do you know Disneyland?

Ss: Yes, I do.

T:Can you say some cartoon characters in Disneyland?

Ss:Yes. 米老鼠、唐老鸭„„„.

T:Can you say 米老鼠唐老鸭 in English?

Ss: …………….

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show some picture on the screen of Mickey Mouse ,Donald Duck and Disneyland, and Let Students to know them.

2. T: Do you like Mickey Mouse?

Ss: Yes ,I do.

T: Do you know who created Mickey Mouse ?

Ss: Sorry, I don’t know.

T:OK. Let’s listen to the tape in Part 2.(Write some difficult words on the blackboard before listening. --- create制造 filmmaker制片人)

3. Listen and finish 2.Then listen again and check the answers.

4. T: After we have learned something about Disneyland ,now let’s listen to 1a and answer the following questions:

1) Where are Wang Junfeng and his parents going to visit?

2) Is Wang Junfeng good at English?

Then check the answers.

Step 3 Practise

1. Show some sentences on the screen in Chinese and ask the Students to traslate them into English.

我迫不及待要坐飞机去那儿了。(can’t wait to do)

你将有个锻炼英语的好机会了。(have a good chance to do )

2. Show some words on the screen

1) stick-----stick it on the wall -----You can stick it on the wall.

2) enjoy--- is enjoyed by people----Disneyland is enjoyed by people.

3) Speak---is spoken in American -----English is spoken in American.

4) Use----is used throughout the world---English is used throughtout the world. Ask the students to scan the sentences and say it out,then write them down.

(Understand stick and find out the form of passive voice------is, am ,are +past participle).

3. Let classmates to read 1a together and finish 1b.


1.Show some sentences on the screen and ask the students to change them into passive .voice.

2.Summarize the passive voice with classmates.

Step 5. Homework

1. Do the exercise in 3a after the example.

2. Discuss how to use the passive voice.

3. Search the imformation about Disneyland in groups and we’ll share them next class.

七上Unit3Topic1SectionA 教学反思篇十:unit3 topic1 SectionA


教学过程: 第一课时

一、 自主学习








Pleased to see you telephone cards great fun

收集邮票 特殊事件 休息一会儿 过去喜欢



1. 老师放录音,学生听对话1a。

2. 再次放录音,学生跟读对话1a。

3. 老师再次放录音,学生齐读。

4. 小组齐读,小组评比。

5. 学生复述1a的内容。






1:--Do you have any h2:--We love lto rock music. It makes us excited. 3: to music. 4 We`re really p二):根据短文内容判断正误

Food is very important. Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need s kind of food. This kind of food is knowledge. We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are interested in everything around them. They learn something when they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to read story books, science books…anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and try to find out the answers. What is the best way to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are always getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understands better. ( )1, Everyone needs food but our minds don`t need anything. ( )2, When we`re young, we begin to need knowledge. ( )3, We`re learning something when we are watching and listening. ( )4, We learn by oneselves so that we can get the most knowledge. ( )5, We don`t need to ask questions when we`re learning.



(一) 复习:





















1、She (过去常常) go shopping on weekends. But now she does some cleaning at home.

2、 Men (更喜欢)cooking (和…相比)washing.

3、 Gu congxi (喜欢)is collecting dolls.

4、 (收集明星相片)is an (有趣的)thing , many young people 5、 Do you like 二)、句子搭配 it (游泳还是踢足球)?

( )1. Pleased to see you! A. Keeping a pet dog

( )2. Do you enjoy reciting poems? B. But now she does.

( )3. Is wang Lingling fond of dancing? C.Yes, it`s very valuable.

( ) 4. Did Sellina use to eat vegetables? D.Yes, she is.

( ) 5. She usedn`t to play sports. E. It certainly is!

( )6. Collceting stamps must be great fun! F. Yes, I do

( )7. This book is of great value. G. No, she didn`t

( )8. Why do you like collecting dolls? H. That`s good.

( )9. What`s your hobby? I. Because they are very cute.

( )10. My daughter is interested in learning English. J. Glad to meet you!



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