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Chapter 1 短语造句

1. 发生在某人身上



碰巧做某事happen to do sth


2. 来自他来自法国。


4. 展翅高飞


4. 比如 他喜欢很多种运动,比如去野营和滑雪。


5. 过去常常 靠自己



6. 和…不同


7. 以…闻名




8. 给某人买某物


9. 请求某人不要做


10. 去…的路


11. 努力学习出国爱丽丝很努力说英语, 因为她计划明年出国。

11. 近来 打电话求助近来,很多人打119求助。

12. 过去 散步这个老人过去吃完晚饭后散步。

Chapter 1 短语造句

1. 发生在某人身上 happen to sb

刘翔怎么啦?What happened to Liu Xiang?=What ‘s the matter with Liu Xiang? =What’s the trouble with Liu Xiang?

坏的事情也发生在好人身上。Bad things also happen to good people .

碰巧做某事happen to do sth


I happened to meet Obama at midnight.

2. =来自 come from=be from 他来自法国He come from France.He is from France.

3. 展翅高飞 spread one’s wings

一只小鸟刚刚展开它的翅膀,飞走了。A bird spread its wings and flew away.

4. 比如 such as / for example


He likes many kinds of sports, such as go camping and go skiing.


He has lots of hobbies, for example, he enjoys taking photos with famous people.

5. 过去常常 used to do 靠自己 by oneself / on one’s own

他过去常常靠自己完成作业。 他过去很胖。He used to be fat.

6. 和…不同 be different from=not the same as

男孩和女孩是不同的。Boys are different from girls.=Boys are not the same as girls.

7. 以…闻名 be famous for sth

深圳以美丽的沙滩闻名。Shenzhen is famous for its beautiful beaches.

以…职业闻名 be famous as 他是闻名的工程师。He is famous as an engineer.

8. 给某人买某物 buy sth for sb

他妈妈去年给他买了一部手机。His mother bought a mobile phone for him last year.

9. 请求某人不要做 ask sb not to do

这个小孩请求小偷不要偷钱。The kid /child asked the thief not to steal money.

10. 去…的路 the way to…


Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office?=

Excuse me, where is the post office?=Excuse me, which is the way to the post office?=Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?

11. 努力学习 work hard to 计划做 plan to do 出国 go abroad 爱丽丝很努力说英语, 因为她计划明年出国。

Alice works hard to speak English because she plans to go abroad next year.

12. 近来 these days 打电话求助 call for help

近来,很多人打119求助。These days, many people call 119 for help.

13. 过去 in the past 散步 take a walk


The old man took a walk after supper in the past.






































37、我考砸了,妈妈语重心长地对我说:“只要你日积月累,下次就会进步的。事在人为吗!” (劳淑盈)


















M1 U1

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):

add up (to) be concerned about go through set down a series of on purpose in order to according to get along with fall in love (with) join in have got to hide away face to face

1 We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met ___________. 2 It is nearly 11 o’clock yet he is not back. His mother ____________ him.

3 The Lius ___________ hard times before liberation.

4 ____________ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam.

5 I think the window was broken ___________ by someone.

6 You should ___________ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful. 7 They met at Tom’s party and later on ____________ with each other.

8 You can find ____________ English reading materials in the school library. 9 I am easy to be with and _____________my classmates pretty well.

10 They __________ in a small village so that they might not be found.

11 Which of the following statements is not right ____________ the above passage? 12 It’s getting dark. I ___________ be off now.

13 More than 1,000 workers ___________ the general strike last week.

14 All her earnings _____________ about 3,000 yuan per month.


1. go through 2. no longer/ not… any longer

3. on purpose 4. calm… down 5. happen to

6. set down 7. wonder if

三. 翻译:

1.曾经有段时间,我对学习丧失了兴趣。(there was a time when…)

2. 这是我第一次和她交流。(It is/was the first time that …注意时态)


4. (强调句)

M 1 U 2

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): play a …role (in) because of come up such as even if

play a …part (in)

1 Dujiangyan(都江堰) is still ___________in irrigation(灌溉) today.

2 That question ___________ at yesterday’s meeting.

3 Karl Marx could speak a few foreign languages, _________Russian and English. 4 You must ask for leave first __________ you have something very important. 5 The media _________ major ________ in influencing people’s opinions.

6 _________ years of hard work she looked like a woman in her fifties.


1. make (good/full) use of 2. play a(n) important role in

3. even if 4. believe it or not 5. such as 6. because of

三. 翻译:

1. 记者问他他作品中的人物是以谁为原型的。(间接用语base…on…) The reporter asked the writer who he based his characters on.

The reporter asked the writer who his characters are based on.

2. 老师要求每个同学要按时到校。(间接用语)

M1 U3

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):


1. as usual 2. pefer…to… 3. ever since…


三. 翻译:

M1 U4

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):


1. as if 2. think highly of 3. instead of

三. 翻译:

1. 仿佛世界末日已经来了。

It seemed the end of the world had come.

2. 他们看着我,就像我是来自别的星球似的。

They looked at me as if I was from another planet.

M1 U5

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):


1. devote …to (be devoted to) 2. turn to

三. 翻译:

1. 倒装句


M2 U1

1. belong to 2. in search of 3. in return 4. serve as

1. stand for 2.



英语每日一课---短文写作的造句 短文写作的造句 句子是能够表达完整意思, 在语法上可以独立运用的基本语言单位。一篇文章是一组由语义相关的句子组成, 句子的好坏直接影响到一篇作文的质量。要写好研究生入学考试的作文, 也必须从句子开始, 多下功夫, 不断练习。一、语 法 规 范任何一个句子, 尤其是书面语的句子, 首先要做到合乎语法规范, 如主谓结构完整、主谓一致、正确的时态、语态以及其他语法规则。例如: 例1. A series of debates between the two lecturers were scheduled for the next weekend.(were、was) 例2. There are many students play football on the sports ground.(play、playing)例3. People there are not rich to purchase a car.(People there are not rich enough to purchase a car.)例4. It is incredible to many people. Cigarette smokers spend money for illness.(It is incredible to many people that cigarette smokers spend money for illness.)例5. There is a teacher I shall always remember. Because she has a sweet voice and a pleasant smile.(There is a teacher I shall always remember because she has a sweet voice and a pleasant smile.)另外, 在造句时尤其要避免犯溶合句的错误, 所谓的溶合句是指两个或两个以上的句子没有适当的标点符号或连接词而溶合在一起。例如:He does not speak too rapidly, his voice is loud, it can be heard by everyone in the classroom.应修改为:He does not speak too rapidly and his voice is so loud that it can be heard by everyone in the classroom.二、一 致 性句子的一致性在此主要是指意思的完整性, 也就是说, 一个句子所表达的应该是一个相对完整的意思。例如:例1. Bicycles are so popular in China.这是一个意义很不完整的句子, 我们应该对它再做进一步的补充说明, 修改成:Bicycles are so popular in China that almost every family has at least one.例2. Born in London in 1921, he grew up to be a physicist.句子所陈述的两项事实之间的关系不密切, 缺乏一致性。应改为:He was born in London in 1921. 匜inally he became a physicist.例3. Many students go to school and live at home. In this way combining the advantages of both school and home.由于标点符号的误用, 使得短语被作为一个独立的句子看待, 影响了句子的一致性, 可以改为:Many students go to school and live at home, in this way combining the advantages of both school and home.三、连 贯 性句子的连贯性是指句子的成分之间连接正确, 条理清楚, 整体结构自然流畅, 融会贯通。句子的连贯性包含两层含义: 句子各部分意义上的连贯和句子各部分之间结构上的连贯。在使用复合句时, 最容易犯连贯性差的错误。一个句子可以表达两个或多层意思, 但各层意思之间必须具有一定的内在联

系和逻辑关系, 如果将两个完全不同的思想置于同一个句子中, 用并列关系或从属关系表示, 则完全破坏了句子的连贯性。而且, 在使用复合句时, 必须弄清句子要表达的主要思想和次要思想, 并摆好主次之间的关系。除此之外, 修饰成分位置不当, 平行结构使用不合理以及非谓语动词作状语的误用等等, 都有可能破坏句子的连贯性。例如:例1. He was knocked down, but it was not serious.在上句中, 代词it指代不明确, 可以改为:He was knocked down, but was not seriously hurt.例2. He told my brother he was wrong.在上句中, 代词he指代模棱两可, 可以改为:He admitted that he was wrong and said so to my brother.例3. Tom is charming, clever, and a very capable young man.上句所使用的平行结构有问题, 可以改为:Tom is charming, clever and very capable. 或者:Tom is a charming, clever and very capable young man.例4. To succeed in a scientific research, persistence is needed.不定式的逻辑主语与全句的主语不一致, 可以改为:To succeed in a scientific research, one needs to be persistent.例5. Looking out of window, a lake can be seen.分词的逻辑主语与全句的主语不一致, 可以改为:Looking out of window, I can see a lake.四、句式的多样性在上面我们已经提到, 在写作时要注意句式的变化, 使文章读起来富有生气。同样一个意思可以通过多种句式来表达,例如:需求的增长导致了价格的升高。这一意义我们可以通过下列句式来表达:The cause of/reason for higher prices was an increase in demand.The/One effect/consequence/result of an increase in demand is higher prices.The demand has increased. Therefore/So/As a result/ Accordingly / Consequently/Because of this/Thus/Hence/For this reason/Now, the prices are higher.Because/As/Since/Now that the demand has increased, the prices are higher.An increase in demand often causes/results in/leads to/produces higher prices.Higher prices are caused by/due to an increase in demand.The prices are higher because of/as a result of/on account of /owing to/through an increase in demand.The prices are higher because/since/as there is an increase in demand.在考虑英语句式的变化时, 我们一般从以下几个方面入手:(1) 既可以用主动式也可以用被动式, 例如:例1. Today, we use machines not only in industry but in other sectors of national economy as well.Today machines are widely used not only in industry but in other sectors of national economy as well.例2. Some people believe that it will be possible for automatic machines to replace completely in the future.It is believed by some people that it will be possible for automatic machines to replace completely in the future.(2) 既可以用肯定式也可以用否定式, 例如:例1. I shall go there unless it rains.I shall go t

here if it doesn't rain.例2. Their daily lives don't provide them with the exercise needed to keep them healthy.Their daily lives fail to provide them with the exercise needed to keep them healthy.(3) 某些修饰成分既可以用在句子前面也可以用在后面, 还可以用在中间, 例如:例1. With a car, people can get around freely. People can get around freely with a car.例2. In fact, speaking is one of the most important means of communication.Speaking is in fact one of the most important means of communication.(4) 既可以是正常语序也可以是倒装语序, 例如:例1. A new type of TV sets was among the products on display.Among the products on display was a new type of TV sets.例2. We did not realize the problem of energy crisis until the end of last century.Not until the end of last century did we realize the problem of energy crisis.(5) 既可以用简单句也可以用并列句或者主从复合句, 例如:例1. Nowadays a lot of people work in office, spending most of their time indoors.Nowadays a lot people work in office and they spend most of their time indoors.例2. There are many means of getting information and they enable us to keep up with what is going on in the world.There are many means of getting information which enable us to keep up with what is going on in the world.(6) 英语句式变化实例。英语写作句式的变化是一个非常重要的部分, 它直接显示出考生用英语表达能力的高低, 同时也是考生最感困难的一部分, 因此, 我们再拿出一些篇幅, 列举一些实例, 下面这些实例都遵循了上面我们所讲述的一些方法, 希望考生能仔细阅读, 并能有所启发。(注: 本部分取材于蔡基刚编著《 英语考试高分作文》 上海交通大学出版社 1995)例1. a. There are many people who prefer to go by bike, because they are not satisfied with bus service.b. The public preference for riding a bicycle reflects their dissatisfaction with bus service.例2. a. There are more and more people who realize the close connection between energy and population.b. The close connection between energy and population is increasingly recognized.例3. a. There are fewer and fewer green trees in many big cities while there are more and more concrete buildings.b. The number of concrete buildings in many big cities has enormously increased at the expense of green belts.例4. a. There are fewer and fewer citizens who like to see films.b. Films are now losing their appeal for many citizens.例5. a. There are many people who complain of severe housing shortages.b. Housing shortages become the source of great complaint.例6. a. People began to discuss the possibility of abolishing examination enthusiastically.b. A spirited discussion springs up as to the possibility of abolishing examinations.例7. a. People throughout the country have greatly demanded all kinds of nutritious

foods.b. There is a great demand across the country for all kinds of nutritious foods.例8. a. People should realize the dreadful consequences of taking us the smoking habit.b. There should be a general awareness of the dreadful consequences of taking up the smoking habit.例9. a. We will never forget this lesson.b. The lesson will be firmly rooted in our minds.例10.a. We certainly should make great efforts.b. Great efforts are certainly required.例11.a. Because the decision recognizes the fact that students are trying to put an end to the cheating on the campus, so they will welcome it.b. Students all welcome the decision which recognizes their effort to put an end to the cheating on the campus.例12.a. Because one can not know what kind of knowledge will be more useful in the future, so he cannot make a sound choice in taking school courses.b.The inability to predict what particular piece of knowledge will be more useful in the future prevents a person from making sound choice in taking school courses.例13.a. Because many people desire to learn foreign languages, there appear many language schools.b. Many language schools are called into existence by the social demand for acquisition of foreign languages.例14.a. Because energy is becoming less and less, we have to find a way to solve this problem.b. Faced with growing shortages of energy, we have to find a solution to this problem.例15.a. Because today is our teachers birthday we hold a party to show honor to him.b. We hold a party in honor of our teacher whose birthday is today.例16.a. If you compare the two methods carefully, you will find the difference.b. Careful comparison of the two methods will show you the difference.例17.a. If we understand the greater pressure of population growth, we will have a correct attitude towards family planning.b. A better understanding of the greater pressure of population growth is essential to a correct attitude towards family planning.例18.a. If there is no waste nor pollution, man can certainly survive.b. Man can certainly survive in the world where there is no waste nor pollution.例19.a. If we only apply book knowledge, we will not get good result.b. The application of book knowledge alone won't bring you good result.例20.a. If our parents don't control children strictly, their potentials will be fully developed.b. Free from the strict control by our parents, children's potentials will be fully developed.例21.a. When the old worker sees he is going to retire, he begins to worry very much.b. The mere prospect of retirement would set the old worker to worry very much.例22.a. When our teacher had left, the heated discussion then ended.b. The departure of our teacher brought the heated discussion to an end.例23.a. When there is a slight improvement in their children's studies, the parents will feel happy and proud.b. The slightest improvement in their children's studies will lea

d to their parents' happiness and pride.例24.a. Only when one rids himself of complacency can he learn something.b. One can not learn anything until he rids himself of complacency.例25.a. Only when we make continuous efforts can we take an opportunity whenever it occurs.b. Continuous efforts must be made before it is possible to take an opportunity whenever it occurs.例26.a. With the development of science and technology, we can have a plentiful supply of food and commodities.b. The advance of science and technology has made it possible for us to have a plentiful supply of food and commodities.例27.a. With the expansion of industry, natural resources are gradually exhausted.b. The rapid expansion of industry leads to a progressive exhaustion of natural resources.例28.a. With the improvement of standard of living, even ordinary families can afford colour TV sets.b. Colour TV sets are now within easy reach of ordinary families who have enjoyed the improved standard of living.例29.a. In order to get a harmonious development for all students, school authorities should design a new program.b. School authorities should design a new program which will permit a harmonious development for all the students.例30.a. In order to prevent the problem becoming too serious to solve, we must take an immediate step.b. An immediate step must be taken before the problem becomes too serious to solve.例31.a. In order to build a stable and prosperous nation, people should make new efforts.b. New efforts will bring China into a stable and prosperous nation.例32.a. More and more people now prefer to stay at home and watch TV.b. People in increasing numbers prefer to stay at home and watch TV.例33.a. More and more teenagers smoke cigarettes in recent years.b. Teenage smoking is on the rise in recent years.例34.a. More and more teachers are needed with the development of economy.b. There is an increasing demand for teachers with the development of economy.例35.a. More and more trees have disappeared in the city.b. There is a sharp decline in the number of trees in the city.例36.a. Family life makes me feel happy.b. Family life is a source of happiness to me.例37.a. The incident makes me conclude that money doesn't mean everything.b. The incidents leads me to conclude that money does not mean everything.例38.a. This society still makes women unable to enjoy the equal right to pay and promotion.b. Women are still denied the equal right to pay and promotion.


Phrases and expressions

1. a great/good many 很多

A great many people love music. ·come along 出现 到达 The bus quickly comes along. ·dwell on 谈或想得太多

Don’t dwell on your past mistakes. ·hand in hand 手拉手地

I walk with my father hand in hand. ·have something at heart 对…深切关心 He has her health at heart. ·in contrast 与…形成对比(相反) In contrast to her, I’m happy. ·of one’s choice 中意的

She married Jack, the man of her choice. ·set aside 节约(保留)…

I want to set aside some time to reading. ·be apt to 常会 容易 He was apt to late.

·be prone to 易于(不好的事) He was prone to late. ·cheer up (使)高兴起来 I cheer up at the good news. ·in a… light 从…的角度(观点)

We should see the problem in a new light. ·in the grip of 受…控制 The action is in the grip of law. ·in the meantime 与此同时

He will come here, in the meantime try to relax. ·run for 竞选

He wants to run for president. ·hold someone back 阻止某人 I can’t hold him back for his leave.

·in a… mood 处于…心情 I’m in a sad mood. ·in part 部分地

I’m late, in part because of a traffic jam. ·keep track of 了解…的情况 He will keep track of the mistakes. ·reach out for 急切地寻求 I’m reaching out for help. ·take credit 接受荣誉 I can’t take any credit.

2.at the (very) thought 一想到某事

She was sad at the thought. ·choose to 情愿 决定 I choose to go shopping.

·escape someone’s notice 逃过某人的注意 Nothing important can escape her notice. ·jump to one’s feet 突然站起 He jumped to his feet. ·now and again 时而 偶尔 He would be late now and again. ·rest assured (that) 请放心

You should rest assured that everything will be ok. ·set off 出发 启程

We will set off the next morning. ·slowly but surely 稳扎稳打地

We are slowly but surely preparing the meeting. ·be consumed with/by 不断受折磨 He was consumed with guilt. ·cast a spell on/over 施魔法 She’ll cast a spell on you. ·in place of 代替

I want a red one in place of the blue. ·put an end to something 结束(某事)

The solution could put an end to the agreement. ·adept at 擅长于… She’s adept at swimming. ·at will 随心所欲

We can do everything at will. ·be greeted with/by 受到…对待 The news was greeted with cheering. ·behave oneself 表现得体 We should behave ourselves.

·condemn someone to death 判处某人死刑 The prisoner was condemned to death. ·conform to 遵守

We must to conform to school rules. ·hand(something/someone) over 交出 移交 You can hand your answer over. ·of one’s own accord 出于自愿地 They give the choice of their own accord. ·take revenge on someone 报复 She took her revenge on social. ·with certainty 确定无疑地

I know with certainty that he will come back.

3. after all 毕竟

I can’t know everything after all. ·all too often 屡次三番 He was late all too often. ·cope with 对付 处理

She could cope with the trouble well. ·doze off 打瞌睡

I often doze off at my desk. ·in case of… 在…情况下 In case of fire, open the door.

·in the long run 从长远来看 In the long run, this is a good way. ·look (up) on… as… 看待 看作 I look on you as a good friend. ·on a daily basis 以每天计算 They will be here on a daily basis. ·take… into consideration 考虑某事 We can’t take everything into consideration. ·work out 想出

Jack worked out a new plan. ·come on 得了吧 来吧 Come on, you can do it. ·let go of 松开 放开 Don’t let go of your hands. ·all at once 突然

He appears all at once. ·catch sight of

I didn’t catch sight of the mistake. ·hang on to 紧紧抓住 保留

It’s meaningful to hang on to old photos. ·in place 在适合的位置 到位 I have got all lights in place. ·in the presence of 当着某人 She cried in the presence of us. ·kill time 消磨时间 It’s kill time to stay at here. ·rip off 偷

Someone ripped off my bike. ·trip (someone) up 绊倒 He was tripped up by stone.

4. at stake 濒于险境

The sharks will be at stake. ·every so often 有时 偶尔

He will be late every so often. ·in case 以防万一

Bring the clothes, in case clod. ·resort to 求助于某事物

We can resort to police when in trouble. ·seize (up) on 把握 抓住

He always can seize up on the opportunity. ·take inventory of 对…进行评估

It’s time to take inventory of the situation. ·take stock of 对…进行评估(鉴定) It’s time to take stock of the situation. ·wishful thinking 痴心妄想 It’s just wishful thinking.

·meet with 会见 We will meet with. ·on the spot 立即 当场 He left on the spot.

·weigh… against… 比较 权衡

We have to weigh the costs against the benefits. ·come into being 开始形成 成立 The company will come into being. ·figure out 弄明白 I can’t figure out it. ·in nature 在本质上 It’s false in nature. ·straighten out 解决某问题 You can straighten out the problem. ·try out 尝试 试用

You can try out a new dress style. ·work on 致力于 She’s working on education.

5. at the first/earliest opportunity 尽快

He will come here at the first opportunity. ·give birth to 使出现(诞生)

The film gave birth to a TV show. ·in time 迟早 最终

You will leave in time. ·live over 回味 重温

I like to live over my childhood.

·long (for someone)to do something 渴望 盼望 She longed to see him again. ·prey (up) on 折磨 使苦恼 The problem preyed up on my mind. ·shut someone/something in 将…关在里面 We always shut the hens in at night. ·sweep away 清除掉 A smile swept all his anger away. ·the close of 结束 末尾

She will go home at the close of the day. ·to and fro 来来往往

Someone was walking to and fro outside. ·get in the way of 妨碍 阻碍

The trouble gets in the way of my studies. ·offend the/one’s eye/ear 刺眼 刺耳 This music offends my ears. ·sort… into… 将…分类 整理 Let’s sort all the clothes.

·sort out 整理

Let’s sort out all the clothes. ·take… for… 把…误认为… He is often taken for a foreigner.

·there is no point (in)doing something 没意义 There is no point in arguing for money. ·amount to 等于 相当于

The place amounts to two playgrounds. ·compete for 为…而竞争 We compete for the success. ·in honour of 为纪念…

The dinner was held in honour of you. ·in the course of 在...过程中

They were happy in the course of the conversation. ·leave... behind 超过 将...抛在脑后 She was leaving some runners behind. ·as it is 事实上 As it is they are right. ·care for 关心

I don’t care for the argument.

·find expression(in something) 在..中表达出来 His wisdom found expression in words. ·in itself 本身 The talk was right in itself. ·turn to 求助于

We can turn to friends for help. ·warn off 告诫...离开 He warned me off yesterday. ·armed with... 配备

The room is armed with air conditioning. ·stand by 坚持 遵守 I stand by what I said. ·take... to court 把...告上法庭 She will take her husband to court. ·adapt to 适应

We should adapt to the change. ·based on 以...为基础

The figures are based on market prices. ·head up 领导 带领

He was asked to head up the team.

·in response to 作为对...的回应 She smiled in response to his help.

·lend/give/offer... a (helping)hand 提供帮助 I’d be glad to lend a helping hand. ·on the job 作为工作的一部分 Today’s my first day on the job. ·seek out 找出

I can’t seek out the mistake.

·sniff out 嗅出 闻出

A dog sniffed out the explosives. ·speaking of 说到...

I promise that don’t speaking of secret. ·take... in 接纳 吸收 She will take in the change. ·track down 找到 捕获

I try to track down my old friends.


Book5 Unit1短语造句

1. put forward 例句:He put forward a great idea in the meeting.

2. draw a conclusion 例句:Without evidence you can’t draw a conclusion.

3. Prevent from 例句:My parents prevent me from playing computers all day.

4. link… to 例句:I-phone4 cell phones can link to the Internet.

5. cure sb. of sth. 例句:The doctor cured him of his toothache.

6. be absorbed in 例句:Tom was so absorbed in playing computer games that he forgot to have the meal.

7. blame sb for sth 例句:Don’t blame the kid for his mistakes, he is too young.

8. Neither … nor 例句:The hotel is neither spacious(宽敞的) nor comfortable.

9. Every time 例句: Every time he comes back to his hometown, he will call on his former teachers.

10.not only… but also 例句:I can not only play the piano but also can play the violin.

11.suggest doing sth. 例句:The doctor suggested him doing more exercise .

12.make up one’s mind 例句:I have made up my mind to learn English well.

13.lead to 例句:His laziness led to his failure in the exams.

14.make sense 例句:What you did make sense a lot to me.

15.encourage sb. to do sth. 例句:Our teacher always encourage us to read more books.

16.make great contributions to 例句:Dr Yuan have made great contributions to our country.

17.contribute to 例句:Doing exercises contributes to building up our health.

18.apart from 例句:Apart from sport, I have many other hobbies.

19.be strict with例句:Our headteacher is always strict with us.

20.Only if …例句:Only if you work hard can you make progress.

Book5 Unit2短语造句

be made up of 例句:Our earth is made up of sea and land.

2 break away from 例句:You must break away from the habit of smoking. 3 to one’s credit 例句: To her credit, she made a great progress in the exam. 4 It’s worthwhile to do sth. 例句:It’s worthwhile to go to visit the Great Wall. 5 be proud of 例句: As a Chinese, I am very proud of my country.

6 to one’s surprise 例句:To my surprise, he send me a gift on my birthday. 7 take the place of 例句:Nobody can take the place of my dear mother.

8 to one’s delight 例句:To his delight, he finally passed the final exam.

9 instead of 例句:Instead of giving up, she worked hard and managed to go to college.

10 set an example to例句: My parents set a good example to me .

Book5 Unit3短语造句

1 take up例句: I want to take up doctor as my career in the future.

2 remind sb. of sth例句: The diary reminds me of my past experience.

3 be lack of例句: Jack isn’t stupid, actually he is just lack of confidence.

4 be rich in例句: Our country is rich in all kinds of resources.

5 give a …impression on sb例句: His speech gave a strong impression on the audience.

6 be worried about例句:Scientists are worried about the problem of global warming. Book5 Unit4短语造句

1 be eager to do sth. 例句: Jane is eager to make progress in the final exam. 2 focus… on例句: You must focus your mind on doing your homework.

3 depend on/ rely on例句: Now that you have grown up, you shouldn’t always depend on your parents.

4 in order to例句:He repeated his words in order to make himself understood. 5 in case 例句:You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.

6 make sure例句:Make sure you take some notes in class and you can learn some knowledge.

7 be good for例句:Doing some sports is good for our health.


1 fall ill 例句:If you fall ill, you ought to go to see a doctor.

2 get injured例句:Jack hurt himself and got badly injured in the football match.

3 save one’s life例句: It was John’s quick action and first aid that saved Mrs Smith’s life.

4 protect…against例句: The body guard protect his boss against attack.

5 over and over again例句: I have read this novel over and over again.

6 a variety of例句:There are a variety of books in the bookshop.

7 play a vital/ important role in例句: Rechard played a vital role in the team’s success.

8 It is/was …..that例句: It was in the school that I studied ten years ago.

9 a number of I have read a great number of books.

10make a difference例句:Knowing how to save one’s life can really make a difference.

11have a knowledge of…例句: It’s necessary for us to have a knowledge of first aid. 12treat…as例句:We treat our headmaster as our best friend.

13there is no doubt that例句:There is no doubt that we’ll make great progress if we work hard.

14with the aid of例句:With the aid of our teacher, we made great progress in the exam.

15 with the development of例句:With the development of economy, great changes have taken place in our country.

Book6 Unit1短语造句

1 concentrate…on例句:The little boy concentrated all his energy on the math problem.

2 by coincidence例句:By coincidence, I have bought the same book as her.

3 a great deal例句:Your friendship means a great deal to me.

4 break away from例句:I advise you to break away from the bad habit of smoking. 5 would rather例句: He would rather work all day long than do nothing.

6 aim at例句:She worked hard, aiming at getting high marks in the exam.

7 attempt to例句:He attempted to make a friend with her, but failed.

8 be eager to do sth例句: I am eager to make a progress in the final exam.. 9 appeal to例句:What the teacher said in class appealed to Tom.

10the way of doing sth. 例句:Speaking is the best way of learning English. Book6 Unit2短语造句

1 make sense例句:What you have done makes sense a lot to me.

2 run out of 例句:What a pity! I run out of money that I earned so fast!

3 get /be used to例句:I can’t get used to getting up so early in a cold day..

4 look forward to例句:They’re looking forward to going abroad to earn money. 5 try one’s best例句:We tried our best to win the basketball match.

6 be likely to例句:He is likely to become the president in the campaign.

7 be interested in例句: The little boy was interested in reading history.

Book6 Unit3短语造句

1 due to 例句:He made a great progress due to his hard work

2 be addicted to例句:Nowadays many teenagers are addicted to playing computer games.

3 be accustomed to例句: Most students have been accustomed to new campus life. 4 quit sth./doing sth. 例句:The doctor advised Mr Smith to quit smoking as soon as possible.

5 feel like doing sth. 例句:I feel like making a journey to Tibet.

6 feel ashamed of例句:The boy felt ashamed of his mistakes.

7 stress the importance of例句:Our teachers often stress the importance of learning method.

8 ban sb from doing sth. 例句:The government ban people from smoking in public place.

9 it is time to do sth. 例句:It’s time to prepare for the exam.

10in spite of例句:In spite of that bad weather, she went to school as usual.

11get into例句:If you get into a bad habit, it’s hard to get rid of it.

12share … with例句:I’d like to share my happiness with my friends.

13take risks例句:It’s illegal to take risks to hunt for wild animals.

14a cure for例句:The doctors want to find a cure for cancer.

15be embarrassed about 例句:She was embarrassed about telling a lie to her teacher.

16be disappointed at/with例句:I was disappointed at the outcome of the match. Book6 Unit4短语造句

1 a large amount/ quantity of 例句:He spent a large amount of time in solving the problem.

2 result in例句:The burning of fossil fuels result in the global warming.

3 be opposed to例句:People who love peace would be opposed to the war.

4 build up例句:Doing more exercises can build up a strong body.

5 There is no doubt that例句: There is no doubt that computers play an important role in our daily life.

6 put up with例句:I can hardly put up with the noise you make!

7 have … effects on例句:Factory pollutions have bad effects on the environment. 8 so/as long as例句: As long as you work hard , you’ll succeed sooner or later.Book6 Unit5短语造句

1 compared with例句: Compared with the marks last week, you really make a progress.

2 be suitable for例句:The novel isn’t suitable for kids to read.

3 have a gift for 例句:Beethoven has a gift for music.

4 be anxious about 例句:Now scientists are anxious about the problem of population. 5 vary from… to…例句:The weather varies from hour to hour in the mountainous area.

6 to one’s surprise例句: To our surprise, she has changed a lot in her character. 7 protect … from例句:The trees can protect the soil from being washed away. 8 do damage to例句: Smoking does a great damage to our health.

9 keep on doing sth. 例句:If you keep on practising speaking English every day, you will improve your oral English quickly.



1. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving.

2. 开车时注意力应集中在路上。

3. You can't depend on your parents forever.

4. 你不能永远依赖你的双亲。

5. He interacted closely with us so as to finish the difficult task.

6. 他与我们紧密配合以完成这项艰难的任务.

7. We have a very busy day ahead of us today.

8. 今天迎接我们的将是非常忙碌的一天。

9. He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind.

10. 他善于发现问题,还总能想出高明的策略。

11. Please inform me of your arrival time beforehand.

12. 请事先通知我你抵达的时间.

13. It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me.

14. 记住你告诉我的话并不容易.

15. Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and got the

wrong end of the stick.

16. Last of all, stay healthy and consume more fruits and water,

ok ?

17. 最后, 记得要保持健康,多吃水果和多喝水喔, 好 吗 ? 18He was accused of murder.



1. put forward 例句:He put forward a great idea in the meeting.

2. draw a conlusion 例句:Without evidence you can’t draw a conclusion.

3. Prevent from 例句:My parents prevent me from playing computers all day.

4. link… to 例句:I-phone4 cell phones can link to the Internet.

5. cure sb. of sth. 例句:The doctor cured him of his toothache.

6. be absorbed in 例句:Tom was so absorbed in playing computer games that he forgot to have the meal.

7. blame sb for sth 例句:Don’t blame the kid for his mistakes, he is too young.

8. Neither … nor 例句:The hotel is neither spacious(宽敞的) nor comfortable.

9. Every time 例句: Every time he comes back to his hometown, he will call on his former teachers.

10.not only… but also 例句:I can not only play the piano but also can play the violin.

11.suggest doing sth. 例句:The doctor suggested him doing more exercise .

12.make up one’s mind 例句:I have made up my mind to learn English well.

13.lead to 例句:His laziness led to his failure in the exams.

14.make sense 例句:What you did make sense a lot to me.

15.encourage sb. to do sth. 例句:Our teacher always encourage us to read more books.

16.make great contributions to 例句:Dr Yuan have made great contributions to our country.

17.contribute to 例句:Doing exercises contributes to building up our health.

18.apart from 例句:Apart from sport, I have many other hobbies.

19.be strict with例句:Our headteacher is always strict with us.

20.Only if …例句:Only if you work hard can you make progress.

Book5 Unit2短语造句

1. be made up of 例句:Our earth is made up of sea and land.

2 break away from 例句:You must break away from the habit of smoking. 3 to one’s credit 例句: To her credit, she made a great progress in the exam. 4 It’s worthwhile to do sth. 例句:It’s worthwhile to go to visit the Great Wall. 5 be proud of 例句: As a Chinese, I am very proud of my country.

6 to one’s surprise 例句:To my surprise, he send me a gift on my birthday. 7 take the place of 例句:Nobody can take the place of my dear mother.

8 to one’s delight 例句:To his delight, he finally passed the final exam.

9 instead of 例句:Instead of giving up, she worked hard and managed to go to college.

10 set an example to例句: My parents set a good example to me .

1 take up例句: I want to take up doctor as my career in the future.

2 remind sb. of sth例句: The diary reminds me of my past experience.

3 be lack of例句: Jack isn’t stupid, actually he is just lack of confidence.

4 be rich in例句: Our country is rich in all kinds of resources.

5 give a …impression on sb例句: His speech gave a strong impression on the audience.

6 be worried about例句:Scientists are worried about the problem of global warming. Book5 Unit4短语造句

1 be eager to do sth. 例句: Jane is eager to make progress in the final exam. 2 focus… on例句: You must focus your mind on doing your homework.

3 depend on/ rely on例句: Now that you have grown up, you shouldn’t always depend on your parents.

4 in order to例句:He repeated his words in order to make himself understood. 5 in case 例句:You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.

6 make sure例句:Make sure you take some notes in class and you can learn some knowledge.

7 be good for例句:Doing some sports is good for our health.


1 fall ill 例句:If you fall ill, you ought to go to see a doctor.

2 get injured例句:Jack hurt himself and got badly injured in the football match.

3 save one’s life例句: It was John’s quick action and first aid that saved Mrs Smith’s life.

4 protect…against例句: The body guard protect his boss against attack.

5 over and over again例句: I have read this novel over and over again.

6 a variety of例句:There are a variety of books in the bookshop.

7 play a vital/ important role in例句: Rechard played a vital role in the team’s success.

8 It is/was …..that例句: It was in the school that I studied ten years ago.

9 a number of I have read a great number of books.

10make a difference例句:Knowing how to save one’s life can really make a difference.

11have a knowledge of…例句: It’s necessary for us to have a knowledge of first aid. 12treat…as例句:We treat our headmaster as our best friend.

13there is no doubt that例句:There is no doubt that we’ll make great progress if we work hard.

14with the aid of例句:With the aid of our teacher, we made great progress in the exam.

15 with the development of例句:With the development of economy, great changes have taken place in our country.

1 concentrate…on例句:The little boy concentrated all his energy on the math problem.

2 by coincidence例句:By coincidence, I have bought the same book as her. 3 a great deal例句:Your friendship means a great deal to me.

4 break away from例句:I advise you to break away from the bad habit of smoking. 5 would rather例句: He would rather work all day long than do nothing.

6 aim at例句:She worked hard, aiming at getting high marks in the exam.

7 attempt to例句:He attempted to make a friend with her, but failed.

8 be eager to do sth例句: I am eager to make a progress in the final exam.. 9 appeal to例句:What the teacher said in class appealed to Tom.

10the way of doing sth. 例句:Speaking is the best way of learning English.

Book6 Unit2短语造句

1 make sense例句:What you have done makes sense a lot to me.

2 run out of 例句:What a pity! I run out of money that I earned so fast!

3 get /be used to例句:I can’t get used to getting up so early in a cold day..

4 look forward to例句:They’re looking forward to going abroad to earn money. 5 try one’s best例句:We tried our best to win the basketball match.

6 be likely to例句:He is likely to become the president in the campaign.

7 be interested in例句: The little boy was interested in reading history.

Book6 Unit3短语造句

1 due to 例句:He made a great progress due to his hard work

2 be addicted to例句:Nowadays many teenagers are addicted to playing computer games.

3 be accustomed to例句: Most students have been accustomed to new campus life. 4 quit sth./doing sth. 例句:The doctor advised Mr Smith to quit smoking as soon as possible.

5 feel like doing sth. 例句:I feel like making a journey to Tibet.

6 feel ashamed of例句:The boy felt ashamed of his mistakes.

7 stress the importance of例句:Our teachers often stress the importance of learning method.

8 ban sb from doing sth. 例句:The government ban people from smoking in public place.

9 it is time to do sth. 例句:It’s time to prepare for the exam.

10in spite of例句:In spite of that bad weather, she went to school as usual.

11get into例句:If you get into a bad habit, it’s hard to get rid of it.

12share … with例句:I’d like to share my happiness with my friends.

13take risks例句:It’s illegal to take risks to hunt for wild animals.

14a cure for例句:The doctors want to find a cure for cancer.

15be embarrassed about 例句:She was embarrassed about telling a lie to her teacher.

16be disappointed at/with例句:I was disappointed at the outcome of the match.

Book6 Unit4短语造句

1 a large amount/ quantity of 例句:He spent a large amount of time in solving the problem.

2 result in例句:The burning of fossil fuels result in the global warming.

3 be opposed to例句:People who love peace would be opposed to the war.

4 build up例句:Doing more exercises can build up a strong body.

5 There is no doubt that例句: There is no doubt that computers play an important role in our daily life.

6 put up with例句:I can hardly put up with the noise you make!

7 have … effects on例句:Factory pollutions have bad effects on the environment. 8 so/as long as例句: As long as you work hard , you’ll succeed sooner or later.

Book6 Unit5短语造句

1 compared with例句: Compared with the marks last week, you really make a progress.

2 be suitable for例句:The novel isn’t suitable for kids to read.

3 have a gift for 例句:Beethoven has a gift for music.

4 be anxious about 例句:Now scientists are anxious about the problem of population. 5 vary from… to…例句:The weather varies from hour to hour in the mountainous area.

6 to one’s surprise例句: To our surprise, she has changed a lot in her character. 7 protect … from例句:The trees can protect the soil from being washed away. 8 do damage to例句: Smoking does a great damage to our health.

9 keep on doing sth. 例句:If you keep on practising speaking English every day, you will improve your oral English quickly.




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