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二年级语文题 姓名: 评分:





一、 复习课文






①、燕子去了,有再来的时候,杨柳枯了,有再青的时候,桃花谢了,有再开的时候。 答:用排比的句式,表明大自然的荣枯是时间飞逝的痕迹。表达了作者对时光逝去的无奈和留念。










④、过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢? 答:比喻独特,联想新奇。轻烟、薄雾瞬息被“吹散了”,被“蒸融了”,表明日子就是如此稍纵即逝。








三、 比较组词

弈(博弈) 缴(弓缴) 辩(辩论) 诲(教诲) 援(援助)弃(放弃) 激(激动) 辨(分辨) 侮(侮辱) 缓(缓慢) 沧(沧海) 弗(弗若) 挪(挪动) 蒸(蒸发)伶(伶俐)抢(抢夺) 佛(仿佛) 娜(婀娜)

拯(拯救) 玲(玲珑) 徘(徘徊) 秧(秧苗) 番(番茄)锻(锻炼)雅(优雅)排(排球) 秋(秋季)

翻(翻滚) 缎(绸缎) 堆(堆积)勃(蓬勃)萦(萦绕)喧(喧哗)摩(抚摩)魄(气魄)脖(脖颈)

索(索取)暄(寒暄)磨(磨炼)魂(灵魂)措(措施) 疚(内疚)臊(搔痒)纽(枢纽)渺(渺小)

错(错误)疾(疾病)骚(骚扰)钮(按钮)缈(缥缈)憎(憎恨) 秽(污秽)涕(涕零)摞(一摞书)


四、 多音字

缴:jiǎo (缴纳) zhuó (弓缴) 与:yǔ (与人为善) yù(参与) 露:lù(露珠) lòu(露面)

燕:yàn(燕子)yān(燕京) 模:mó (模糊) mú(模样) 刹:chà(刹那) shā(刹车)

屏:bǐng(屏息) ping(屏风) 曲:qū (弯曲) qǔ(戏曲) 劲:jìn(劲头) jìng(劲旅) 薄:bó(单薄) báo(薄板)bò(薄荷) 差:chā(差距) chà(差不多) chāi(差事) cī(参差不齐)

五、 填空

1、 填入合适的动词。

(种)树苗 (找)水源 (插)秧 (悟出)哲理 (看)表演

(拉)胡琴 (打)算盘 (拧)螺丝(保持)平衡 (解)纽扣

(研)脂粉 (蘸)药末 (戴)戒指 (掏)耳朵 (抹)鼻涕


(凝然)的双眼 (巨大)的能量 (悄悄)地挪移 (目不转睛)地盯着(歉疚)地微笑 (轻松幽雅)的乐曲 (暴风雨般)的掌声 (优美)的东方杂技 (紧张不安)的观众 (令人惊羡)的动作 ( 矮小结实)的老者 (剧烈)地晃动 (呆呆)地站着 (语重心长)地说

六、 近义词

觉察——发觉 叹息——感叹 特别——特殊 徘徊——彷徨 匆匆——匆忙 偶尔——偶然 枯萎——干枯 基业——基础 模仿——仿照 依赖——依靠 优雅——优美 萦绕——缭绕 启示——启迪 歉疚——愧疚 沉着——镇静 陶醉——沉醉 责怪——责备 索性——干脆 剧烈——猛烈 姿态——姿势 构造——结构 机敏——灵敏 扶衬——帮扶 秀丽——清秀 显示——展示 渺小——微小模仿大大小小造句

七、 反义词

匆匆——姗姗 聪明——愚蠢 空虚——充实 伶俐——笨拙 徘徊——果断 觉察——忽视 特别——一般 高大——矮小 相信——怀疑 枯萎——茂盛 依赖——独立 偶尔——经常

模仿——创造 巨大——渺小 轻松——繁重 柔软——僵硬

慌乱——镇定 沉着——惊慌 附和——反驳 结实——脆弱

责怪——赞许 简单——复杂 薄弱——坚实 渺小——伟大


八、 量词

一(只)手 一(摞)碗 一(块)空地 一(番)话

五(根)手指 一(位)姑娘 一(片)树林 一(滴)水



ABB式: 头涔涔 泪潸潸 赤裸裸

AABB式:沧沧凉凉 摇摇晃晃 伶伶俐俐 直直落落

ABAC式:随时随地 各种各样 无缘无故


1、 于是——洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时,

便从凝然的双眼前过去。 2、过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢?

3、 如果无法在这种不确定中汲水生长,树苗自然就枯萎了。(造句) ...


一、 复习课文


2、《藏戏》按(说明事物的不同方面)为序,以(总——分——总)的关系结构文章。以生动传神的语言,具体描写了有着悠久历史的藏戏的(形成过程)以及(鲜明的特色),表现了藏戏(强烈鲜明)的民族特点和它那不可抗拒的(艺术魅力)。Xk b1.Com



二、听写:词语盘点。 默写:日积月累

三、 比较组词

旬(中旬) 熬(熬夜) 蒜(蒜苗) 榛(榛树) 饯(蜜饯)

句(句子) 遨(遨游) 示(表示) 棒(木棒) 残(残疾)

爆(爆炸) 饺(饺子) 拌(搅拌) 醋(白醋) 栗(栗子)

暴(暴动) 绞(绞绳) 伴(伙伴) 醒(苏醒) 粟(粟米)

鞭(皮鞭) 筝(风筝) 寺(寺庙) 逛(逛街) 佛(仿佛)

便(方便) 争(争论) 诗(诗歌) 狂(狂人) 拂(吹拂)

哄(哄笑) 侵(侵入) 缀(点缀) 贮(贮存) 僻(偏僻)

烘(烘托) 浸(沉浸) 辍(辍学) 伫(伫立) 辟(开辟)

四、 多音字

藏:zàng(宝藏) cáng(收藏) 划:huá(划桨)huà(计划)

喷:pēn(喷发) pèn(喷香) 铺:pū(铺设) pù(当铺)

横:héng(横线) hèng(蛮横) 间:jiān(时间)jiàn(间隔)

哄:hōng(哄堂大笑) hòng(起哄) hǒng(哄骗)





(逛)庙会 (办)喜事 (打)地基 (铺)楼板 (建造)住宅

(陈说)历史 (招徕)观众 (燃放)爆竹



(1)(红红)的对联 (咆哮)的江水 (俊俏)的容貌

(娴熟)的技能 (雄浑)的歌声 (婀娜)的舞姿

(固定)的程式 (偏僻)的山区 (浓绿)的竹林

(别致)的竹楼 (绿绿)的凤尾竹(宽大)的堂屋

(沙哑)的嗓子 (寂静)的沙漠 (深邃)的眼睛

(鲜艳)的彩云 (密密)的眼帘 (妩媚)的笑容

(香喷喷)的烤肉 (万象更新)的气象

(繁盛)的地区 (单调)的沙漠

(2)(铺天盖地)地撕扯 (惊恐)地竖耳听着


规矩——规则 分外——格外 吞噬——吞没 俊俏——俏丽 照常——照旧 招徕——招揽 雄浑——雄壮 朴实——朴素 预备——准备 隆重——盛大 防备——防范 热闹——喧闹 压抑——抑制 酷热——炎热 娴熟——纯熟 和睦——和气 兴旺——兴盛 惊恐——惊骇 风趣——幽默 豁达——开朗 扼杀——抹杀 纵使——即使 平安——安全 点缀——装点 覆盖——笼罩


豁达——狭隘 间断——持续 娴熟——生疏 慌乱——镇定 压抑——放松 朴实——华丽 敦厚——奸诈 勤俭——奢侈 酷热——严寒 兴旺——衰败 井然——混乱 激昂——低沉 沙哑——清脆 完整——残缺

机敏——笨拙 单调——丰富 充足——短缺 鲜明——暗淡 别致——普通 明显——模糊 深邃——浅显

九、量词 /特殊词语

一(部)戏 一(段)传奇 一(座)铁索桥 一(个)窟窿 一(堆)火 一(块)竹席 一(幅)抽象画

一(层)楼 一(间)房 一(幢)竹楼 一(间)堂屋 含数字的:两面三刀 零七八碎

ABB式:一丛丛 一幢幢 一顶顶 一团团 一片片 ABAC式:各形各色 有声有光 载歌载舞 十




3.豁达乐观的和田维吾尔人,纵使生活再苦,感觉也是甜的。(造句) ...


篇三:《大学体验英语1 课后翻译及 模仿造句答案》

大学体验英语1 课后翻译及 模仿造句答案

Unit1 A 第14页

1. Since he had got a mobile telephone he has no longer been writing to his friends.

2. Even though he is very busy he spends at least two hours every day in surfing the Internet to learn about the newest in this area.

3. Professor Li made a short speech at the commencement. His words were deeply impressed upon my memory.


4. When talking about the final examination the students were not nervous at all. On their faces was confidence.

5. To write an essay of 100 words or so in half an hour would be just a snap to most students in their class.

Unit1 B第21页

1. I find myself having great interest in oral English.

2. Driving on the highway I come to realize that enormous changes have happened in china’s highway system.

3. I can hardly believe that he was mastered to work a computer so quickly.

4. three years has passed and the moment is coming In less than I weeks I will come back to my country.

5. Many people I know well can’t wait to go abroad but I prefer to stay in our own motherland with my family.


1.Outside the reception room, a group of job hunters huddled around the receptionist, asking about the interview due to begin in a few minutes.

2.With all this assurance of a large sum of money in hand, they felt ready

and able to travel anywhere in the world.模仿大大小小造句

3.The parents’ smiles broadened as they noted that their sons and daughters appeared at the entrance.

4.I just want to impress upon you that even though your thesis may pass, there are still some grammatical mistakes to be corrected.

5.The years have obscured the location of the mountains, but not its splendor.

Unit2 A 第35页

1. His life experience has always been playing an important role in his academic career.

2. The restaurant has recently extended its business hours.


3. I have just read an interesting book with a new approach to Shakespeare

4. With the wide use of e-mail the problem/issue of junk email has drawn much concern.模仿大大小小造句

5. There are more limitation on communication and interaction between students and teachers in traditional education than that in online education.

Unit2 B 第40页

1. Since it is obvious who is right and who is wrong Jim has no intention to argue with him.

2. To my surprise the chance meeting with Prof. Wilson later afforded me an opportunity to study at his university as an exchange student.

3. Our school will extend the opening hours of library and classroom to meet students’ needs to the utmost extent.

4. The development of information technique has had profound effect on all aspects of social life.

5. We have no doubt that he will certainly have a wonderful performance in this university-wide English speech contest for his high-level English.

1.We organized this activity because we’d like everybody to be able to discuss the plan in a relaxing atmosphere, and at the same time get to know and make friends with each other.

2.This machine is not only a copier but also a printer.

3.Not long ago there used to be a noisy marketplace here every evening when the workers went home from work, but now the bus has changed its route and the marketplace is no longer here.

4.Your future depends heavily on your abilities while how well you do at one exam is of little importance

5.In my opinion, his apology is simply inadequate.

Unit3 A 第53页

1. Something is wrong with the piano but I can’t put my finger on what it is.

2. Apart from being too large the trousers don’t match my jacket either.

3. I love pop music for whatever reasons.

4. He has great interest in foreign culture often browsing through piles of books to look for any useful information.

5. Opinions on whether we should start a new society vary a great deal. Unit 3 B 第58页

1. You can’t get to the island other than by boat.

2. Some students are crazy about pop music while others prefer classical music.

3. The media are playing a more and more important role in leading clothing fashions.

4. I tired every means to get a copy of his newly issued album.

5. Without the encouragement and help of my friends I would have quit school.

1.Whether you want to go on a picnic or go shopping tomorrow, the first thing you should do is to finish your reading assignments this evening.

2.You may prefer to search for information via the Internet, being a member of the GOODBOOK Club or something and reading online whichever of the book seem interesting.

3.Schoolwork on weekdays is often tiring and it is necessary for us to relax on weekends.

4.When newcomers start their campus life which is supposed to be romantic, disappointment is almost inevitable.

5.With all these facilities, there is really something for everyone to enjoy.

Unit4 A 第73页

1. I have faxed my resume and a cover letter to that company but I have not received a reply yet.

2. John will not hesitate for a second to offer help when others meet some trouble.

3. I have to admit that I am very much eager to work or study abroad for some time but I know it is not easy to get a visa.

4. It was not until 2 years after he arrived in London that he found a job in an international bank.

5. After finishing his teaching. Tom traveled throughout China for 2 months before returning home in America.

Unit 4 B 第79页

1. It was the first time for the freshmen to attend an American professor’s lecture and they had trouble understanding what he was talking about.

2. There are still 10 minutes left but now that you have finished your test paper you can hand it in now.

3. It took them nearly 3 months before they made their final decisions

without hurting anyone’s feelings.

4. It is appropriate for Chinese college students to learn at least one foreign language before they graduate so that they can keep up with the world’s advanced science and technology.

5. Mr. Smith was a diligent film director and at the same time he was a responsible father.


1.Of the three jobs available/offered, I chose this one because of the pay and the working condition.

2.It wasn’t until 6 months after my graduation that I found my first job and went to work in a computer company.

3.I was most scared about the next day’s job interview since I was not well prepared and I needed to do more homework/preparation.

4.The university I work at is in a beautiful, scenic spot located two miles from the Xiang River.

5.Exercise has many advantages. For one, it helps you to lose weight. Secondly, it helps prevent disease. Thirdly, exercising everyday keeps you fit and strong.

Unit5 A 第93页

1. The audience must have missed their musical performance or they would have spoken highly of it.

2. Somehow she could sense her mother's deep concern though she was far away from home.

3. The operator had to spend two hours or so on her way from her home to her workplace every day.

4. He appreciated her sympathy and understanding which meant a lot to him during that time.

5. She finally arrived at a telephone booth and put in the coins before dialing Paris.

Unit 5 B 第99页






















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