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(忘年之交 莫逆之交 刎颈之交)古人交友的言简意赅的习惯用语


杵臼之交 指交友不分贵贱。《聊斋志异·成仙》:“文登周生,与成生少共笔砚,遂订为杵臼交。”

布衣之交 指普通百姓相交。《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:“臣以为布衣之交尚不得欺,况大国乎?”

莫逆之交 指彼此情投意合的朋友。《北史·司马膺之传》:“所与游集,尽一时名流。与邢子才王景等并为莫逆之交。”

刎颈之交 指即使掉脑袋也不变心的朋友。《史记·廉颇蔺想如列传》:“卒相与欢,为刎颈之交。”

再世之交 指与人父子两代都结为朋友。《宋史·邵伯温传》:“伯温入闻父教,出则事司马光等,而光等亦屈名位辈行,与伯温为再世交。”

忘年之交 指不计年岁长幼,以才能德行为主的交往。《南史·何逊传》:“南乡范云见逊对策,大相称赏,因结忘年交。”

竹马之交 指幼年之友。《世说新语·方正》:“帝曰:‘聊故复忆竹马之好不?’”

君子之交 指看上去很平谈,而重在道义的朋友。《庄子·山木》:“君子之交淡若水。”

车笠之交 指不以贵贱而异的朋友。《太平御览》卷四0六引周处《风土记》:“越俗性率朴,意亲好合,即脱头上手巾,解腰间五尺以与之为交,拜亲跪妻,定交有礼„„祝曰:‘卿虽乘车我戴笠,后日相逢下车揖;我虽步行卿乘马,后日相逢卿当下。’”

金石之交 指交谊深厚,如金石之坚固。《汉书·韩信传》:“今足下虽自以为与汉王为金石交,然终为汉王所擒矣。”

金兰之交 指友情契合,如兄弟般的朋友。《世说新语·贤嫒》:“山公与嵇、阮一面,契若金兰。”

肺腑之交 指无话不谈、推心置腹的朋友。白居易《代书诗一百寄韵微之》:“肺腑都无隔,形骸两不羁。”

贫贱之交 指在贫困时结交的朋友。《后汉书·宋弘传》:“(光武帝)谓弘曰:“‘谚言贵易交、富易妻,人情乎?’弘曰:‘臣闻贫贱之交不可忘,糟糠之妻不下堂。’”

忘形之交 指彼此以心相许,不拘形迹的朋友。《新唐书·孟郊传》:“少隐嵩山,性介,少谐合,韩愈一见,为忘形交。”

平昔之交 指往日结交的朋友。杜荀鹤《访蔡融因题》:“每见苦心修事,未尝开口怨平交。”

石交 指交谊坚固的朋友。《史记·苏秦列传》:“此所谓弃仇雠而得石交者也。”

款交 指真诚相待的朋友。《南史·杜京产传》:“会稽孔??,清刚有峻节,一见而为款交。”








竹林之交:本指魏晋竹林七贤游集於竹林之下。喻亲密的友谊 再世之交:指两代以上的交情



乌集之交: 一时为了同一利益而结交为朋友【莫逆之交的造句】

市道之交: 指惟利是图,为利害关系而结交的朋友 知音之交--伯牙子期








六年级英语期中纠错练习 2014.11 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10分) ( ) 1.A.weather B.wear C.wet ( ) 2. A. match B. magic C. Maths ( ) 3.A.could B.cloudy C.clouds ( ) 4.A.sunny B.rainy C.sun ( ) 5.A.lose B.lost C.lot ( ) 6. A. box B. Bund C. bottle ( ) 7. A. fish B. fishing C. wash ( ) 8. A. lake B. like C. look ( ) 9. A. point at B. point to C. shout at ( ) 10. A. think hard B. work hard C. study hard 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)(每小题1分,共5分) ( ) 1. A. She went to Beijing. B. She ran in the playground. C. She picked oranges. ( ) 2. A. They’re from my friends. B. They are for my friends. C. They are my friends. ( ) 3. A. Yes, they were. B. Yes, we were. C. Yes, there were. ( ) 4. A. I play football. B. I watered flowers. C. I’m swimming. ( ) 5. A. I’m tired B. By bus. C. I’m fine.


( ) 1. Today is the 2nd of October.

( ) 2. David visited a farm with his friends on National Day.


( ) 3. Gao Shan was sad, so he got up late that morning.

( ) 4. They milked cows and tasted fruits on the farm.

( ) 5. There aren’t any flowers on the farm.


1. There _________ a lot of __________ in the street yesterday.

2. A _________ boy pointed at the king and _________.

3.How was the _________ yesterday ?

It was ________and________.We flew kites in the playground.

4.Are you cooking meat?

No,I’m not .I’m cooking _________.


5.Were there any mobile phones twenty years________?

No,there __________.



( ( ( (


1. 一个愚蠢的国王_______________ 2. an American cowboy ________________

3. 很久以前_____________________ 4. think hard ________________________

5.进展顺利______________________ 6. become windy and cloudy______________

7.乌云 8.look out of the window_________________

9. 抓紧风筝 10.hungry and wet __________________


( ) 1. He wrote a letter ________ his mother last week.

A. for B. to C. of D. from

( ) 2. like to wear a kilt.

A. The Chinese B. The Scottish C. The American D. The English

( a kite my father.

A. fly, with B. flew, with C. flew, and D. fly, and

( ) 4. Can you me the way to the hospital? A.showing B. shows C. show D.showed

( ) 5. ________ did you go to Beijing?

-- Because I wanted ___________ my uncle.

A. What; visit B. Why; visit C. Why; to visit D.What, to visit

( ) 6. Long long ago, an old woman on the moutain.

A. walks B. lived C. behind D.tired

( ) 7. Last week, he Beijing with his family

A. go to B. goes to C. went to D. went

( ) 8. Does it often in spring in Nanjing?

A. rains B. rain C. rainy D, raining

( ) 9. She her mother because her mother was ill.

A. looked for B. looked after C. look at D. look out

( ) 10.---Where you yesterday?【莫逆之交的造句】

---I to the farm with my parents.

A. did ; was B. were; went C. were; was D. were, were


( )11. ---How did you spend your weekends?

----I ______ any places. It ____ all day.

A. went, rainy B. weren’t go, rained C. didn’t go, rained D. went, rained

( )12. She often ________ magazines, but she _________ newspapers just now.

A. reads, is reading B. reads, read C. reads, reading D. read, read 四、根据所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

1. Did you _____________(go) to Nanjing?

Yes, I ____________(do).

2. Where did she ______________(visit) for the holiday?

She ____________(visit) to her grandparents’ house.

3. Let’s ____________(play) football together.

4. How ____________(be) your summer holiday?

5. Mr Sun usually _____________(go) ____________(fish)at weekends.

6. My father _____________(catch) a big rabbit. It was great fun.

7. It’s 2:00 now . The students (have) an English lesson.


( ) 1.Where do you live? A. She is looking for her bag.

( ) 2. Would you like some juice? B. Yes, it’s near the desk.

( ) 3.What’s Su Yang looking for? C. By bus.

( ) 4.Who made the model ship?? D. No, thanks.

( ) 5. How did you go to the zoo this morning? E. Last weekend.

( ) 6. When did David make a kite? F. I live near Ben.

( ) 7. Did you see my English book? G. She visited her friends.

( ) 8. What did Nancy do last Monday? H.Ben’s father..



We ________ ________ ________ this story again.


I_______ some ________ and ________ this morning.


I________ to the _______ ________ last weekend.

4.请用“ holiday”一词造句。

Please _______ ________ ________ with “holiday”.


Helen was _______ _______ _______ last year .She ______ not draw.


The Monkey _______ ________ a bike.The bear _______ ________.


a grasshopper.

“Hello, . It’s a fine day today. Come over here. Let’s sing and play together.”

“No, Sister Grasshopper , I really time to sing and play.” Said the ant. “I must prepare(准备) food for the winter ,and I hope you’ll do the same.”

The grasshopper and ,“Winter is still far away . I’ll have lots of time to food later. Life is short. We must enjoy ourselves when we are young.”

The ant saw the grasshopper would not listen him, so he went on his way.

. There was snow everywhere. The ant was happy because he had a lot of food. But the grasshopper was cold and . She didn’t eat anything for days. Before she died(死了), she said sadly, “Now I know it is best to prepare today for the needs of tomorrow. Don’t do the things like me.”

( ) 1. A.on B. At C.In

( ) 2. A. see B. saw C. sees

( ) 3. A. playing B.singing C. working

( ) 4. A. lots of B. no C.much

( ) 5. A. laugh B. laughs C.laughed

( ) 6. A. says B. sayed C. said

( ) 7. A. look for B.cook C. buy

( ) 8. A. to B. at C.with

( ) 9. A. come B. came C. is coming

( ) 10. A. thirsty B. tired C. hungry【莫逆之交的造句】


A. 阅读短文,判断下列各句是否正确,正确的打T,错误的打F。(5分)

Mr Black had two cats. One was big and the other was small. He liked them very much. One day his friend Mr Green came to see him. He was very surprised. He found there were two holes(洞) in the door, a big hole and a small one. He said, "My friend, why are there two holes in your door?" "To let them in and out," Mr Black answered. "But why are there two holes?" asked his friend. "How can the big cat go through the small hole?" he said.

( ) 1. Mr Green had two cats.

( ) 2. Mr Green came to see the cats.

( ) 3. There were two holes in the door.

( ) 4. The small cat could go through the big hole.

( ) 5. Mr Black is very clever.

B. 阅读短文,选择合适的选项。(5分)

One day, Mike and Jack were walking in the forest. "We are good friends. If we meet a bear, I'll help you." Mike said. "I'll help you, too" Jack said. Later there was a big bear in front of them. Mike and Jack ran quickly. Then Jack climbed a tree and forgot all about his friend. Mike was too fat. He lay on the ground and closed his eyes. "The bear will think that I'm dead(死的)." The bear came up to Mike and had a look at Mike, even(甚至) put its nose to Mike's ears. The bear thought Mike was dead, so it went away. Jack came down from the tree. With a smile he asked his friend, "The bear put its nose so close(近) to your ears. What did it say to you?" Mike answered, "The bear said, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed!"

( ) 1. Mike and Jack were walking _____________.

A. in the mountain B. in a forest C. on a farm

( ) 2. They met a ________ in the forest.

A. dear B. big tiger C. a big bear

( ) 3. ________ climbed up a tree quickly.

A. Mike B. Jack C. Mike and Jack

( ) 4. ' A friend in need is a friend indeed!' means:

A. 莫逆之交 B. 患难见真情 C. 情同手足

( ) 5. Which is NOT right?

A. Jack climbed up a tree and Mike lay on the ground.

A. The bear couldn't climb the tree.



教师: 学生: 时间: 年 月 日 段



家长签字: ___________






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