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三年级英语上册Unit 4 I have a ball

三年级英语上册Unit 4 I have a ball---- Lesoon23 教学设计

广州道小学 宫婵



选择taxi, bus, 两个单词通过首字母来猜,而bike, train两个词则通过听音和首字母结合的方式猜。猜对的同学可以得到一枚所猜的单词的图片。当老师说Here you are.时,学生说Thank you.,教师应及时的大声的说“You’re welcome!”自然而然的为后面做铺垫。


1. 继而用飞机的起飞声引出新单词plane.

[PPT] 以原音字母a为中心,逐渐展开单词,a-la-pla-plane, 同时读音也一点点完整。

练习时,让学生按分音节的形式读单词,p-lei-n, plane. 然后同桌同学造一个完整的句子。 例如,I have a plane.

T: *** do you have a plane?

S: no, I don’t.

问几个同学,因为学生没带飞机肯定说没有,这时出示 [PPT] 并放Peter的声音 ”I have a plane.” 然后老师便和Peter进行人机对话。学生们很感兴趣,这时可以让学生来参与,和Peter对话。

T:I want two people to make the dialogue. Who wants to try?


S: can I see it?

P: sure, here you are.

S: thank you.

P: you’re welcome.

拿出一个实物玩具飞机,让学生来做刚才的对话,尤其注意You’re welcome. 一句的发音。


1) 播放PPT录音,用Peter 说的话引导学生继续猜单词。

Peter: look, there’s a big bag. I put my favorite toy in it. Do you want to know? [老师稍作解释] SS: yes!

Peter: ok, I’ll give you some tips. Just guess.



2) 这时,老师用卡片把s h i p 的顺序打乱[制作卡片,贴在黑板上或白板上],让学生重新排序,组成新单词ship. 因为学生可以利用与拼音相近的读音来拼单词,更容易记忆。 T:Look, there are some letters here. Who can spell the word ship?

SS: Me , me…


3) 用LiYan has a little doll.这首大家都熟悉的歌曲做填空的游戏。将歌曲里的doll一词去掉,而当唱到这里时就出示ship, 用老歌曲练习新单词。



T: Now, look at me, what am I doing? [drive a boat]

S: 划船。。。

T: yes, I’m driving a boat. Look [PPT], can you do this?

S: yes!

T: row row row a boat.

Ss: row row row a boat


T: PPT图片,look, this is a boat. A boat is small and narrow. It can take only 2 or 3 people. And if you want it move forward, you must row and row and ….

Ss: row row ….

2) T: right. Now let’s spell the word. 在黑板的四线三格上写。【画图/贴图】

The first letter may be …

SS: b

T: and the last word should be…

SS: t

T: good job. There are still two letters. And its pronounciation is [əu]

S: oa

T: excellent! Here’s a boat[小图] for you.【为后面对话做准备】

S: Thank you.

T: You are welcome.

Please read after me [b][ əu][t], boat.


3) 做几个延伸的练习,让学生对于oa发[əu]的音加深印象,也能灵活运用。

试着拼读单词:foam, load, coat, goat…

T: look, **has a boat. It’s super. Can I see it?

S: sure, here you are.

T:thank you.

S: you’re welcome.

T: OK, can you do the dialogue with **?

S: yes.



1. 播放课文最后的let’s do的视频,然后和学生们一起边说边做。


row a boat, drive a car, ride a bike, bounce a ball

2. 播放课文视频,练习课文对话。

3. 给出本单元所有的交通工具单词,让学生根据课文重编对话。



1. Do you use chopsticks in England? 在英国你们用筷子吗?

No, we don’t. 不,我们不用。 We use a knife and fork. 我们用刀和叉。 2. Do you want noodles? 你想要面条吗?

Yes, please. /no, thanks. 要,谢谢。/ 不要,谢谢。 3. What are you eating? 你正在吃什么?

I’m eating hamburgers and chips. 我在吃汉堡和薯条。 4. What is Lingling doing? 玲玲在吃什么?

She is eating noodles. 她在吃面条。 5. What is she using? 她在用什么?

She’s using chopsticks. 她在用筷子。


1. Let’s make a cake for mum and dad. 咱们给爸爸妈妈做个蛋糕吧。 2. Good idea. 好主意。 3. What are you doing? 你们在做什么?

We’re making a cake. 我们在做蛋糕。 4. Please be quiet. 请安静。 5. What are you doing? 你们在做什么?

We’re making a plane. 我们在做飞机。 6. Amy’s playing her flute. Amy正在吹笛子。 7. Sam’s playing the drums. Sam正在敲鼓。


1. What are these? 这些是什么?

They are dragon boats. 是龙船。 2. What are those? 那些是什么?

They are ducks. 是鸭子。 3. Let’s feed the ducks. 咱们喂鸭子吧。 4. Where is the bread? Here it is. 面包在哪?在这儿。 5. These ducks are very naughty. 这些鸭子很淘气。 6. These are Sam’s trousers. 这是Sam的裤子。

Those are Amy’s shorts. 那是Amy的短裤。 Module4:

1. Can you run fast? 你跑的快吗?

No, I can’t. /yes, I can. 不,我不行。/ 的,我可以。 2. I can’t jump far. 我跳不远。 3. Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?

No, I can’t. /yes, I can. 不,我不会。/ 会,我会。 4. Can this dog run? 这狗会跑吗?

No, it can’t. /yes, it can. 不,它不会。/ ,它会。 5. This bird can fly. 这只鸟会飞。

But that bird can’t fly. 但那只鸟不会飞。 Module5

1. Can I have a drink, please? 我能喝点水吗?

Yes, here you are. 可以,给你。 2. Can I have an ice cream, please? 我能吃冰淇淋吗?

No, you can’t .but you can have these biscuits! 不行,但是你可以吃些饼干!3. Can I have some sweets? 我能吃糖吗?

Yes, you can. /no, you can’t. 你能。/ 你不能。 4. Can I come in? Yes, please. 我能进来吗?可以。


1. I’ve got a new kite. 我有一个新风筝。 2. We’ve got a jigsaw puzzle. 我们有一个拼图。

3. Can I play with your kite? Ok. 我能玩你的风筝吗?可以。 4. Be careful ! The tree ! 当心!树! 5. Shanshan has got a pet. 姗姗有一支钢笔。


1. Have you got a headache? 你头疼吗?

Yes, I have. /no, I haven’t. 是的。/ 不疼。 2. Have you got a test today? 你今天有考试吗?

Yes, I have. /no, I haven’t. 是的,有。/ 不,没有。 3. You’re a clever boy. 你是个聪明的男孩。 4. Has he/she got a bad cold...? 他得重感冒了吗?

Yes, he/she has. No, he/she hasn’t. 是的。/ 没有。 5. I’m late. 我迟到了。


1. There is a camel. 有一头骆驼。 2. There is an animal. 有一个动物。 3. There are ten stone animals. 有十个石雕动物

4. How many people/boys/girls/pens are there? 有多少人、男孩、女孩、钢笔…?There are... 有…个。 Module9:

1. I’m going to do long jump on sports day. 运动日我要参加跳远。 2. I’m going to run a race. I can run very fast. 我打算赛跑。我能跑得很快。3. Amy is going to do high jump. Amy要参加跳高。 4. I’m going to be a teacher in the future. 将来我要当一名老师。 5. She is going to be a doctor. 他要当一名医生。 6. He is going to be a pilot 他要当一名飞行员。


1. Are you going to go to Hong Kong? 你打算去香港吗?

No, I’m not. 不。

2. My grandma lives there. 我祖母住在那里。 3. What are you going to do? 你打算做什么?

I’m going to listen to music. 我要听音乐。 4. What are they going to do? 他们打算干什么?

They’re going to get up at 7 o’clock. 他们打算七点起床。

三年级英语上册Unit4 I have a ball

三年级英语上册Unit4 I have a ball

姓名 班级

一、Look,listen and number.看图,听录音并标号


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、Look,listen and choose.16%

星期天,Li Yan,Peter 和 Kate 一起到超市买文具,听一听他们都买了些什么?(只填字母序号)



三、Look,listen and cross.看图,听录音并判断,与所听相符的画√,不相符的画×.8%

四、Read and choose。选出每组中不属于同一类的词。8%

( ) 1. A.monkey B.plane C.mouse

( ) 2. A.eye B.ear C.pig

( ) 3. A.ship B.taxi C.pencil

( ) 4. A.glue B.eraser C.nose

( ) 5. A.knee B.bike C.train

( ) 6. A.pen B.scissors C.foot

( ) 7. A.duck B.dog C.mouse

( ) 8. A.ball B.head C.ballon

五、Read and choose .朗读下列句子,选出正确的图片。24%

( ) 1.This is my ball. ( ) 2.Show me your plane.

( ) 3.Look at my balloon. ( ) 4.I have a doll.

( ) 5.This is my kite. ( ) 6.Show me your car.

( ) 7.This is my train. ( ) 8.Show me your taxi.

( ) 9.Look at my boat . ( ) 10.I have a bus.

( ) 11.This is my ship. ( ) 12.Show me your bike.



六、Read and number.





1.-- Thank you.

2.-- Look!

I have a plane.

3.-- Sure.Here you are.

4.-- You're Welcome.

5.-- Oh,cool!Can I see it?




I have a new car.

2.--Wow!It's super!


4.--Yes,look here!





3.--Hi,Peter.I have a kite.

七、Read and choose the right answer.朗读下列句子,选择正确的答语,并将其序号填入提前括号内。9%


( ) 1. I have a kite. A. Ok,nose.

( ) 2. Show me your plane. B. Yes,Look here.

( ) 3. Really? C. Ok.This is my plane.

( ) 4. Touch your nose. D. Oh,it's so nice.

( ) 5. What colour is it? E. Yellow.


( ) 1. Look at my nose. A. OK.This is my boat.

( ) 2. Here you are. B. Merry Christmas.

( ) 3. Show me your boat. C.Wow!It's super.

( ) 4. Merry Christmas. D. Thank you very much.

八、Complete the dialogue.根据所给情景,补全对话。3%


B:My name's Li Yan.

A:Nice to meet you.


A:Look!I have a kite.



九、Look and circle.看图,从给出的字母中圈出正确的单词。6%

a b c a r t u s a y l i s t r a i n e t l e a b u s a v t e


b i k e a r r o l l h p l a n e o o a w s h d r u s t a x i

十、Look,read and match.看图,朗读下列单词并连线。4%








1. hard(反义词)2. people(复数) 3. don’t (完整形式) 4. it’s (完整形式) it is 5. 词组:

in England 在英国 in English 用英语 in China 在中国

look at 看

English people 英国人 Chinese people 中国人6. 句型: It’s easy for„ 对„„

It’s hard for„对„„来说是困难的 They are hard for„对„„ They are easy for„对„„来说是容易的


① Yes, I do./ Yes, we do.


No, I don’t./ No, we don’t. (否定回答) ② Do you want noodles? Yes, please./Yes,I do. No, thanks./No, I don’t. ③ We use a knife and fork. ④ The noodles are good.


1. 课文重点句变形:

(肯定句) I’m eating hamburgers and chips. (否定句) I’m not eating hamburgers and chips. (一般疑问句) Are you eating hamburgers and chips? (肯定回答) Yes, I am. (否定回答) No, I’m not.

(特殊疑问句) What are you eating? 2. I’m (完整形式) I am 3. fast food 快餐

English fast food 英式快餐 Chinese fast food 中式快餐

4. Daming is eating rice. He’s using chopsticks. Lingling is eating noodles. She’s using chopsticks.


1. child(复数 2. let’s (完整形式) let us 3. we’re (完整形式) we are 4. 写出些列单词的现在分词: ⑴. 直接加-ing do — doing eat — eating

sing — singing walk — walking read — reading draw — drawing drink — drinking listen — listening

⑵. 去e加-ing come — coming make — making

use — using

write — writing

⑶. 双写加末尾字母加-ing

swim — swimming get — getting

5. make a cake 做蛋糕 6. Good idea 好主意 7. be quiet 安静


8. play the flute =play one’s flute 吹笛子

sleep —sleeping

play — playing

watch — watching ride — riding

run — running

play the drums 打鼓 9. 课文重点句回顾:

① Let’ make a cake for Mum an Dad. ② Amy’s playing her flute. Sam’s playing the drums. ③ Please go to your room! ④ Go and make a cake instead. 10. 课文重点句变形:

(肯定句)We’re making a cake. (否定句)We aren’t making a cake. (一般疑问句) Are you making a cake?

(肯定回答) Yes, I am. (否定回答) No, I’m not. (特殊疑问句) What are you doing?


1. watch TV 看电视 2. listen to music 听音乐 3. eat the cake 吃蛋糕

4. love (动词)—— lovely (形容词)


1. this (复数) 2. that (复数

Let’s feed the ducks. 4. over there 在那边

5. Here it is. = Here you are. 给你 6. get out 离开 7. dragon boats 龙舟 8. look at 看 9. 课文重点句回顾: ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ 表示(am, is , are) “现在进行时”的结构

⑷ () ()

10. 主题句型:

What are these?

What are those? 例句:What are those? They’re dragon boats. M3U2

1. 人名’s (表示„„的) Sam’s萨姆的 Amy’s艾米的 2. this (这个)(这些) 表示“近处”, 代指“” “”

(那个) (那些)表示“远处” 3. This is Sam’s These are Amy’s That is Amy’s Those are Sam’s 4. Sam and Amy’s clothes are wet. M4U1

1. 词组:

run fast 跑得快 jump far 跳得远

play football 踢足球

play basketball 打篮球 2. win(动词) ——winner (名词)

3. 情态动词:can (能、会) can’t = can not (不能、不会)

4. (肯定句)(否定句)I can’t jump far. (一般疑问句)Can you jump far? (肯定回答) Yes, I can./ Yes, we can. (否定回答) No,

I can’t./ No, we can’t. (特殊疑问句)What can you do? 5. 课文重点句回顾:

情态动词 利用情态动词(can/ can’t)+动词原形造句:

①I can swim. ②I can play football. ③We can jump far.

6. 请做下列各题: (肯定句)(否定句)I can’t run fast. (一般疑问句)Can you run fast? (肯定回答) Yes, I can./ Yes, we can. (否定回答) No, I can’t. / No, we can’t. (特殊疑问句)What can you do?


1. 课文重点句变形: (肯定句)This bird can fly. (否定句)This bird can’t fly. (一般疑问句)Can this bird fly? (肯定回答) Yes, it can. (否定回答) No, it can’t.

(特殊疑问句)What can this bird do? 2. 小试牛刀,请做下列各题 (肯定句)(否定句)(一般疑问句)Can this fish swim? (肯定回答) Yes, it can. (否定回答)No, it can’t


1. watch TV 看电视 2. go out 出去 3. come in 进来 4. bed time 睡觉时间

5. have a drink喝一杯(酒,饮料等) 6. go to bed 上床睡觉 7. listen to sth 听„„



三、读一读,选一选 (1'x5)。


is a bike.

are ducks.

are planes.

are dragon boat.

is a car.

四、用There is 和 There are 填空(5x1’)。

1. a horse.

2. three lions.

3. two pencils and a book.

4. a girl and three boys.



1.Be (care).

2.I can(read) English.

3. I (sleep) now.

4. These are(man).

5. She’s going to (long jump).

6. How many(book) are there ?

7.Let’s(feed) the ducks!

8. She can’t(sing).

9. I’m going to(be) a teacher.

六、用has got, have got 填空(5x1’)。




4. Shanshan got a cold. I a jigsaw puzzle. He a cough. We a computer game.

5. Daming and Amy a test.


( )1.A: Come , Daming. Run! Run!

A. in B. at C. on

( )2.I can very fast.

A. runs B. run C. ran

( )3.Amy is going to long jump.

A. / B. be C. do

( )4.Do you want ?

A. noodles B. noodle C. noodlos

( )5.I’m going to swim Friday.

A. in B. on C. at

( )

A.far B.high C.fast

( )7. This is sweater.

A. Sams’ B. Sam C. Sam’s

( )8. dogs are there?

A. How many B. How C. How much

( )9. I’m going to swim on

A. sports day B. Sports day C. Sports Day

( )10. Can I have ice cream.

A. the B. a C. an

( )11. Can I play your kite?

A. / B. in C. with

( )12. I can in this puddle.

A. swims B. swimming C. swim

( )13. Please quiet.

A. are B. am C. be

( )14.We’re making a cake you, Mum.

A. to B. for C. with

( )15. I’m listening music.

A. to B. the C. for


( ) 1. What’s this ? A. Yes, she can.

( ) 2.Can she have a drink? B. It’s a cat.

( ) 3.Have you got a headache C. There are 5.

( ) 4.Do you use chopsticks in England? D. No, I haven’t.

( ) 5.How many people are there in your family? E. No, we don’t.

( ) 6.Can you jump far? F. No, I can’t.

( ) 7.Can I watch TV ? G.Yes, you can.

( ) 8.What are you doing? H. I’m eating hamburgers.

( ) 9. What are you going to be? I. We’re making a cake.

( ) 10. What are you eating? J. I’m going to be a nurse.


1.these naughty are ducks (.)

2. watching I’m TV (.)

3. come I can in (?)

4. can bird fly this (.)

5. are animals there stone (.)

十、 按要求变换句式(5x2’)。

1. Can I have a drink?(否定回答)

2. There is a lion.(变成一般疑问句)

3. He is a teacher. (一般疑问句)

4. He’s got a cold.(变成否定句)

5. She can sing a song.(否定句)


I’m Daming. We are going to have a sports meet next week.Sam is going to do long jump. Lingling is going to play football. Amy is going to do high jump. I’m going to run a race. I’m going to win.

I’m going to train everyday. I’m going to run in the park.

( )1. Daming is going to .

A. do high jump B. run a race

( )2.Lingling is going to .

A. play football B. run a race

( )3. Sam is going to .

A. do high jump B. do long jump

( )A. do high jump B. do long jump



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