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2. i in’t done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman. ________________

3. i thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise. ________________________

4. how do i know whether’ou took me down right? ____________________

5. a shop assistant? now that’s sommat i want, that is! _________________________

step ⅳ homework

1. read the play repeatedly and try to act out the play.

2. preview the grammar part.

unit 4 pygmalion

一、translate the following into english.

1. (某人)冒充…… 2. 结识,与……相见 3. 惊愕地

4. 一般来说 5. 就……来说,从……角度 6. 带……进来

7. 几天前 8. 带走,取走 9. 需要

10. 逐渐模糊 11. 给某人派任务 12. 避雨

13. 一把,一大捧 14. 透露身份,显露(本来面目) 15. 伪装, 乔装

二、complete each sentence according to the chinese given.

1. eliza is a poor flower girl who has _________ (雄心勃勃) to improve herself

2. it is raining heavily and eliza is ____________ the storm (躲雨).

3. the man makes notes , ___________ (一边观察) people’s use of language and reaction

4. excuse me , ____________________? (你有零钱吗?)

5. who’s hurting you, you silly girl. __________________________? (你把我看成什么人啦?)

6. _____________________(一个便装警察) came into the supermarket and caught the thief stealing some goods.

7. you come from the west end of london, born in lisson grove __________ (如果我没有搞错的话).

8. eliza______________________________(谋生)by selling flowers.

9. professor higgins believed that one”s speech could show one”s social status. “people

_____________________(透露自己的身世)every time they open their mouths”

10. “her terrible english will___________ (使她注定为市井小民)to the end of her life,” said professor higgins.

11. the waiter _______________________to the beggar(用打发人走的口吻说) and demanded he leave the restaurant at once.

12. once educated to speak properly, the girl could ____________ (冒充成女公爵) at an ambassador”s garden party.

13. we are only___________________(点头之交).in fact i don’t even know his full name

14. _______________(走着瞧).i am determined to become a great success.

15.the little boy picked up___________ (一把沙子)and began to build a cstle

三. choose an appropriate word or phrase in its correct form to complete each sentence.

a、old ; elder; elderly

1. she is an _________ friend of ours.

2. i was much happier in my ________ job.【高中英语book8unit3,reading,教学设计】

3. mary often quarrels with her _________ sister.

4. he is very active for an ____________man.

5. i feel pretty _________ when i see how the younger generation behaves.

b、some day; one day; the other day

6. i promise i will come back and marry you___________________.

7. _______________i will get my revenge(愤怒).

8. i remember seeing him somewhere____________.

9 .__________i just feel like quitting my job. but i need the money so i can’t.

a、in disguise; in return; in the flesh; in time; in common; in amazement

10. what can e do ______________for your kindness?

11. i don’t think they’ve got much____________ with their neighbours.

12. he often went out ___________ to avoid the ever-present journalists.

13. they were shaking their heads____________.

14. it was a pleasure to finally meet him____________.

15. i want to be home ________for tea.

四. complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets

1. asking me ___________ (compare) shakespeare and darwin makes no sense; it’s like___________ (compare) apples and oranges. they are totally different.

2. the disc, digitally _________ (record) in a studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.

3. sarah, hurry up . i’m afraid you won’t have time to get _______ (change) before the party.

4. it shames me to say it ,but i told a lie when __________ (question) at the meeting by my boss.

5. ________________ (separate) from other continents for millions of years , australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.

6. ______(lose) in the mountains for a week , the two students were finally saved by the local police.

7. _______________(cause) a lot of damage to this area, the storm finally moved out to sea.

8. ______ (put) into use in april2000,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.

9. all the things ___________ (consider), his proposal is of greater value than yours.

10. he had his leg _________ (break) in the match yesterday.

五. choose the best answer

1. i was__________ about it. i thought you were responsible and that’s why i scolded you. please forgive me.

a. curious b. worried c. particular d. mistaken

2. the september 11 attack has been _____ by the entire international community.

a. condemned b. scolded c. criticized d. blamed

3. he is not a(n)________, only a(n) ___________.

a. friend; acquaintances b. acquaintance; friend

c. friend; acquaintance d. acquaintances; friend

4. in our school students are ________ according to how much they know and how old they are.

a. classified b. combined c. listed d. made

5. _________, what you did is right. so don’t be worried about it any more.

a. general speaking b. generally speaking

c. general spoken d. generally to speak

6. charles darwin considered ______ to be the process by which evolution took place.

a. adjust b. accompany c. abandon d. adaptation

7. he is not very confident and always _______ before making a decision.

a. considers b. hesitates c. reflects d. waits

8. she thought herself _______ to her friends because her family was rich.

a. higher b. better c. richer d. superior

9. agriculturalists are very popular with the farmers as they are________ agricultural science and technology. a. in great need of b. in greatly need of

c. greatly need of d. very much need of

10. when day dawned , the stars __________ of sight.

a. kept away b. faded out

c. faded into d. died out

11. what a ______ smell! how long was it since you last cleaned the house?

a. smelly b. tasty c. sweet d. disgusting

12. many people went to the southern parts of china to ________their fortune.

a. find b. search c. make d. receive

六. cloze test.

some myths are stories used since ancient times , to explain the causes of natural phenomena. the greek myth that explains why there are changes of ___1_____i about demeter, the goddess of the harvest. she had a daughter, persephone , whom she loved very much. hades, god of the underworld , fell in love with persephone, and he asked zeus, the ___2_____ of the gods, to give persephone to him as his _____3____. zeus did not want either to disappoint hades or to upset demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage, but neither would he ___4______ it. hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without ____5____. when persephone was picking

flowers in the garden, he seized her and took her to the underworld. when demeter ____ 6 ___ what happened to persephone, she became so ___7____ that she caused all plants to _____8___. people were in_____9____ of starving. but demeter was determined not to let crops grow____10______ . her daughter , persephone, was returned to her. ____11______, still not wanting to disappoint hades, decided upon a condition for

persephone’s ____12___. she could go back to her mother if she had not ___13_____ anything while she was in the underworld demeter ___14_____it, underworld. when zeus_____15____ this , he decided that persephone could spend part of the year with her ____16_____. but he added that since she had eaten the seeds , she had to spend part of the year in the underworld.; and so it __17____ that when persephone is in the underworld, demeter is sad and ___18_____ not let the crops grow. that is ___19_____ we have winter when plants do not grow. when persephone returns, demeter is ____20_______. it becomes spring , and plants begin to grow again.

1. a. periods b. seasons c. time d. age

2. a. winner b. ruler c. advisor d. fighter

3. a. wife b. lover c. partner d. daughter

4. a. forbid b. forgive c. admit d. accept

5. a. arrangement b. warning c. reason d. permission

6. a. let out b. worked out c. thought out d. found out

7. a. excited b. tired c. angry d. serious

8. a. grow fast b. start growing c. stop growing d. grow slowly

9. a. danger b. hope c. turn d. case

10. a. since b. until c. after d. when

11. a. persephone b. zeus c. demeter d. hades

12. a. return b. change c. marriage d. journey

13. a. stolen b. found c. eaten d. heard

14. a. understood b. refused c. doubted d. accepted

15. a. discovered b. studied c. forgot d. prepared

16. a. daughter b. mother c. god d. ruler

17. a. works b. remains c. happens d. starts

18. a. should b. can c. dare d. will

19. a. where b. because c. why d. how

20. a. nice b. friendly c. fresh d. happy



1. 了解灾区情况,表示同情;

2. 你珍爱这件学习用品的原因

3. 鼓励灾区同学重建家园




一. 1. pass … off as 2. make one’s acquaintance

3. in amazement 4. generally speaking

5. in term/terms of 6. show … in

7. the other day 8. take away

9. in need of 10. fade out

11. set sb a task 12. shelter/hide from rain

13. a handful of 14. betray oneself

15. in disguise

二. 1. ambitions 2. sheltering from

3. while observing 4. do you have any change

5. what do you take me for 6. a policeman in disguise

7. if i’m not mistaken 8. make an income/earned a living

9. betray themselves 10. condemn her to the gutter【高中英语book8unit3,reading,教学设计】

11. spoke dismissively 12. pass herself off as a duchess

13. nodding acquaintances 14. just wait and see

15. a handful of sand

三. 1. old 2. old 3. elder 4. elderly/old 5. old

6. some day/one day 7. one day/ some day 8. the other day

9. some day 10. in return 11. in common 12. in disguise

13. in amazement 14. in the flesh 15. in time

四. 1. to compare, comparing 2. recorded 3. changed 4. questioned

5. separated/ having been separated 6. lost 7. having caused

8. put 9. considered 10. broken

Book8 Unit3 The problem of the snakes教学设计

Unit3 Inventors and inventions ----Reading

The problem of the snakes


2015-2016学年度第二学期 优秀教案

Unit 3 Inventors and inventions

英语组 张晓青

● Teaching Content:

Reading –The problem of the snakes

● Teaching aims

1. Knowledge aims:

To have a general idea about the problem of the snakes and the approach the writer used to solve the problem;

2. Ability aims:

To improve our reading ability to summarize the main idea of each paragraph, and gain the detailed information by inferring and judging ;

3. Emotional aims:

To learn to solve problems in our daily life by creativity .

● Key points:【高中英语book8unit3,reading,教学设计】

Get Ss to master different reading skills and use the skills to help understand the text.

● Difficult points:

Dealing with some difficult sentence structures in the reading passage.

● Teaching methods:

1. Task-based teaching and learning 2. Cooperative learning 3. Discussion

● Teaching aids:

Multimedia PPT

● Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greetings and showing the learning goals

Step 2 Pre-reading

Every inventor must go through six stages before they can have their invention approved? Look at

the list below and work out a suitable order.

1. Applying for a patent 2. Finding a problem 3. Doing research

4. Testing the solution 5. Thinking of a creative solution

6. Deciding on the invention

__________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3 Lead-in

1. Watch a video about an invention which has solved the problem of traffic jams and ask the students to discuss:

If you found a problem in your daily life, would you like to think of inventing something to solve it?

2. Show the title of the passage---- The Problem of The Snakes

Step 4 Skimming

What’s the main idea of the text?

The text describes how the author _______ the problem of the snakes in their parents’ house with her _________ and the procedures ____ ______ _____ a patent.

Step 4 Scanning

The snakes must be removed but not_______ .

Look for ________ of removal;

Identify three possible __________ : choose one

Make three attempts to make it work efficiently.

Fill in the form and file the ______ _________ with the Patent Office.

Step 5 Detailed reading

Read the passage paragraph by paragraph and answer the following questions.

Para 1

1 ) Why was the writer happy to help her mother?

Para 2

Why did the writer not use powders to solve the problem?

A.Because it was an old thought pattern to use powders.

B.Because that would harm or even kill the snakes.

C.Because that would damage something else near the house.

D.Because she wanted to invent something new.

Para 4—6

1. How did the writer catch the snakes?

A. Using something the snakes were interested to attract them into a trap.

B. Taking their habitat to another place.

C. Placing the snakes at a low temperature for them to sleep and then caught them.

D. All the above.

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. In my first attempt, the snakes were as active as before.

B. The snakes were not sleepy at all in my second attempt.

C. I killed all the snakes after I collected them.

D. Ice-cubes were used in the three attempts.

Para 7—8

1. Find a sentence to replace the following one

If the ideas are not really different from others’, it isn’t possible for them to get recognized because the standards are so high.



2. According to the text, which subject do you think can be given a patent?

A. A new star discovered by a scientist.

B. A new novel written by Han Han.

C. A new way to make dirty water clean.

D. A new kind of grass found in a mountain which can be used as a medicine.

Step 6 Discussion)

Discuss with your partner what the advantages might be of getting a patent. Step 7 Homework

1. Go over the whole passage and underline the key sentences in the text.

3. Prepare for Learning about Language in the textbook.

高一英语必修一Unit3 Travel Journal Reading教学设计(终案)

高一英语必修一Unit3 Travel Journal Reading教学设计(终案)























Step 1 Greeting

Step 2 Revision

T:First,I’ll ask some of you to give the answers to the exercises in Part 1 on Page 57.

Suggested answers:

are going/will go/

am going to stay/will stay/am staying

is going to fly/will fly/is flying

is going to take/will take/is taking;leaves

is giving;is saying

am coming


bought;will buy/are going to buy;

met;will meet/are meeting/are going to meet

Step 3 Lead in

T:Here is good news.Your favorite singer Jay will give performances in Wuxi Stadium.But tomorrow you will take an English exam.What will you do?

S1:Forget the exam and enjoy the concert first.

S2:Forget the concert.Get well prepared for the exam.I can enjoy another concert of his some day.



T:So we can see different students have different ideas,or different students hold different attitudes.(Write “hold a...attitude” on the blackboard).Do you know what an attitude is?

S:An attitude is what a person thinks about something.

T:Yes,usually different people hold different attitudes.Let’s turn back to Part One of this unit and make a comparison between Wang Kung’s and Wang Wei’s attitudes toward the trip along the Mekong.

Present the chart on the screen;then give Ss a few minutes to discuss.

T:Now,who do you think was right about the trip?

S:Wang Kung.


S:His attitude was more practical and it is always right to get well prepared before setting out for a trip.

T:Quite right.

Step 4 First reading

T:Now I’d like you to read the second part of this unit,and find out the answers to the two questions:

1.How does Wang Kung feel about the trip now?

2.What do you think has changed his attitude?

Ss read the passage silently with some light music being played.

T:Are you ready now?

S:He thinks the trip is full of fun and excitement and he is eager for it. T:How can you know?

S:The text says:to climb the mountain was hard work,but to go down the hills was great fun.It also says:we can hardly wait to see them.The later sentence means that Wang Kung and his sister were eager to meet their cousins and set out for the trip.

T:Good answer and good explanation.You see,he can read between the lines. Class,you should learn from him.Who will be a volunteer to answer the second question?

S:I’ll try.At first,Wang Kung was not very eager for the trip,because he thought the trip would not be very easy because of thin air and cold weather.But the different experiences on the way to the altitude have changed his attitude.

T:Can you tell us what the different experiences are?

S:The changeable weather,the ice in autumn,their living in the tent,and the unusual quietness at night.

Step 5 Second-reading

T:Suppose you have just come back from a trip,and you want to tell your e-pal about your trip,what will you tell him?

S:Of course I’ll tell him what I have seen during the trip,wonderful sceneries,interesting people and customs.

S:I will tell him what I eat;in some places there are special delicious food. S:I can also tell him what I hear and what I do.

S:At the end of my e-mail,I’ll tell him what I feel about the trip.

T:So you know what to write about when writing a travel journal.And when reading such kind of articles,you also need to pay attention to these information.

Please read the passage and fill in the chart.

Suggested answers:

(Chart two)

Step 6 Discussion

T:We all know traveling is interesting and exciting,but sometimes dangerous. Now my question is:What can we do before we set out for a trip to make our trip a safe and pleasant one?

Give Ss a few minutes to discuss.

S1:I think we should first decide a proper destination.Think about our time and money,then find an ideal destination.

S2:We should get to know the background information about the place we’ll visit,such as its language,history,culture,customs,religion,politics.

S3:Decide what means of transport we will take to save money and time. S4:We’d better know about the weather there,so we can prepare proper clothes. T:Yes,proper clothes can keep you warm or cool.

S5:I think a compass and a local map is always necessary in case that we lose our way.

T:Good.And what else will take along with you?

S6:Medicine.Someone may catch cold or get sunburn,or get bitten by mosquitoes.We can take some water-resistance sunscreen and insect repellent to avoid being bitten.

S7:Maybe we can wear sunglasses or straw hats to protect ourselves from the sunshine.

S8:We’d better take some food and drinks.

S9:Take a cell phone with us.In case of emergency,we can get in touch with the police or relatives,thus we’ll get immediate rescue.

T:(Present these information on the blackboard to make Ss remember them.The teacher can present the information in the form below:)

T:I’d like to remind you that whenever you go,don’t forget to get your life insured.

Step 7 Homework

1.Imagine that the dialogue happens the next morning before Wang Kung and Wang Wei leave their camp.Some of you write one short dialogue between them,and practice it.

2.Finish workbook exercise Part 1 “Using words and expressions” on Pages 56-57.

板书设计 Module1 Unit 3 Trave Journal

The Fourth Period Reading

chart 1 chart 2

activity1... activity3... activity2... activity4...

【牛津译林版】高二选修8英语:Unit 3 Reading 教案设计




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