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重点句型: 1. ---How are you?

---Fine, thanks. 并且了解其他回答方式。 如:I am fine, thanks. 或者I’m fine, thanks.

2.了解Nice to meet you .Nice to meet you, too! (会搭配) 建议第二部分内容熟读,并且尝试背诵。 重点单词: he she his her my your 熟练把握几个人称代词及物主代词的用法。 重点句型: ----What’s your name? ---My name is ____. 重点单词: blackboard chalkpencil

重点句型: ---What is it? ---It’s ____

简单了解单数句子This is „ 复数句子These are „. 的用法,因为在三单元19课要具体介绍,并且知道胶水glue 和粉笔chalk 是不可数名词。 第二部分课文熟读。 重点单词: eraser paper (明确知道是不可数名词)

重点句型:---Where is it? ---It’s _____ 熟练背熟第二部分内容。 重点单词: 一到一百的数字

重点句型: ---How many(名词复数 ) do I have? ---数字。(会搭配)

重点单词: classroom gym library

重点句型: --Where is Jenny? --Jenny is in the classroom.( 能听懂会搭配) 语法知识:简单介绍现在进行时。 重点单词:十二个月份的读音及拼写。并且会按照顺序排列十二个月份。

重点句型: 1.Can you say the months of the year?了解句子的含义。 2.---What’s the date today?

---It is 月份 序数词。(了解日期的写法,能搭配) 重点单词:序数词 知道序数词是用来描述次序的,在英文中用序数词来表日期。 星期的单词,能够按顺序排列,并且知道每一天是一周中的第几天。 重点句型: ---What day is it?

---It’s 星期,日期。(知道星期和日期之间要用逗号隔开) 重点单词: yesterday, today tomorrow

重点句型:---When is it? ---It is ____.

第一部分内容熟读,了解各个节日的英文表达法。第二部分内容强化。 熟悉单词: sun cloud rain wind snow

重点单词: cloudy rainy snowy sunny windy

重点句型:---How’s the weather today? ---It’s ____.

语法知识:了解有关天气的形容词都是在名词后面加上“y”. “sunny” 除外。

练习句型:---What time is it? ----It’s ____重点学习整点与半点的表达。整点用o’clock.

---When is breakfast/lunch/supper? ---At ___in the morning/afternoon/evening 重点句型: 1.---How old are you ? ---I’m___ years old.(会写)

了解句型:2. ---When is your birthday? --- My birthday is ____(会回答,会搭配。) 反义词: short---tall (会读,会搭配)

重点句型: ---How tall are you?(会替换人称问答) ---I’m ____metres tall.


2.了解tall和short在两者比较时用taller 和shorter. 重点单词: jeans(与pants一起介绍两个单词都是复数)

重点句型:1.单数句:This is __./ Here is ___. 2.复数句:These are ___./ They are___.

3.---What are you wearing? ---I’m wearing __.(会搭配)

语法知识:会区分单数名词与复数名词。( ) 重点单词:apartment house

重点词组: a house an apartment far from 重点句型:---Where do you live? ---I live in ______

语法知识:简单了解a 和an 的用法

课文处理:背诵课文第二部分的内容。(排序) 重点单词:road street avenue address (强调名词复数的读音)

重点句型:--What is your address? --My address is ___.

留意: 简单了解road , street, avenue 之间的区别(查一下) 区分以下两个句子的不同回答:

1.Where do you live?I live in ____. 2. What is your address? My address is____. 重点单词:bus

熟悉单词和词组:by walk drive ride on foot

了解句型:---How do you go to school? ---By_____.(会口头回答) 重点单词: white pink orange purple brown black green our their they we 反义词:same—different(会搭配)

重点句型:1.---What's your favourite colour?

---My favourite colour is _____.

或者 I like ___(会搭配) 2.We like the same colour.(了解the与same连用) 重点单词: and but

重点句型: I don’t like ___(强化练习)

语法知识:1.知道and 和but的不同用法。

2.简单了解too与either用法上的区别,too用在肯定句中,either用在否定句。 3.简单了解favourite前放her, your, his, our, my, their等物主代词。

建议:26课课文全篇背诵。会排序 熟练表达以下句子:

1.We have breakfast in the morning.

2.We have lunch in the afternoon.

3.We have supper in the evening.

重点句型: ---What’s your favourite food? ---I like _____.(会搭配) 了解单词:dessert以及cake ice cream cookies 第二部分课文熟读 了解动词play的词组

play basketballplay ping-pong, play with toys, play on the computer, play with doll. play games, (会看图搭配。)

重点句型:---What do you like to do ? --- I like to ____

语法知识:了解like to 后边放动词或动词词组。 重点单词:read write

了解动词词组:draw pictures , write stories , read books, sing songs (会看图搭配) 了解句型:---What’s your favourite school work? --- I like to ___(会搭配) 会说歌谣


冀教版 四年级下册

Lesson 21 My Favourite Food



四会掌握词汇:breakfast lunch supper

能够了解一些东西方的食物,并能熟练运用句型What’s your favourite food ? (你喜欢什么食物?)

I like … (我喜欢……)

I don’t like … (我不喜欢……)

What’s your favourite food ? 你喜欢什么食物?

I like … 我喜欢……

I don’t like … 我不喜欢……






Class opening and review

1. Listen and say.

Listen to a song! What food do you hear?

2. Free talk

Let’s go to the food shop!


This is… These are…

I want to eat… I want to drink…

New Concepts

1. Ask and answer

2. Chain game

What is your favourite food for dinner?

(breakfast ,lunch)


T: What’s your favourite food ?


C: I like sandwich / milk / fish ……

T: Please draw picture of your favourite food.



T: I like sandwich and milk.


3. Let’s listen and read the text!

Listen to the tape and read after it.


Answer the questions

a.What’s Jenny’s favourite clothes?

b.What’s Danny’s favourite clothes?



1. Role play Act the dialogue.

T: Do you want to know what the others favourite food?

Please make a dialogue in group, then show your fruit.


2. Ask and answer

Let’s make a menu for your lunch!

What’s your favourite food for lunch?

I like_______.

My favourite food is \ are ________.

3. Write and draw your meals.

I have ______ in the morning.

I like _______.

I have ______ at 12;30.

I like _______.

I have ______ in the evening.

I like _______.

4.Look and say. Then write.

What is your favourite food?


Class closing


Draw and write,

Make a menu for your dinner.


1.Welcome back to school!

2.You can call me Mr.Wood.

3.My name is +名字。Her name is..... His name is....

4.Whose pencil is this? It’s Danny’s pencil.

5.Danny is between the desk and the chair.(in front of. behind)

6.Jenny is beside Kim. Kim is beside Jenny.(on in under)

7.How many books are there?

8.Let’s put one book on the one book.

9.Can you say the numbers from thirty to forty?

10.He’s in the classroom. He’s reading a book.

11.She’s on the playground. They’re playing a game.

12.There are the twelve months of the year .

13.Whose birthday is in July?

My birthday is in July.

14.The boy in red shorts is the third.

15.January is the first month of the year. February is the second month of the year. March is the third month. April is the fourth month. May is the fifth month of the year.................

16.January the first is New Year’s Day.

17.When is the Spring Festival? It is in January or February.

18.International Workers’ Day is May the first.

19.Teachers’ Day is September the tenth.

20.When is National Day? October the first.

21.When is Children’s Day? It is June the first.

22.When is your birthday? My【冀教版小学四年级英语My,Favourite,Food教学课例】

birthday is ......

23.Do you see the cloud and the rain?

24.Snow is cold and white.


25.What day is it? It is Tuesday.

26.How’s the weather today? It’s warm and windy.

27.How’s the weather in December? It’s cold and snowy.

28.How’s the weather in July? It’s hot and sunny.

29.We are the best!

30.How old are you? I’m eleven years old.【冀教版小学四年级英语My,Favourite,Food教学课例】

31.How tall are you? I’m 1.4 metres tall.

32.Are you short or tall?

33.Where do you live? I live in a house beside the park.

34.What’s your address? My address is 135 Ninth Street.

35.How do you go to school? I go to school on foot.

36.Do you walk to school?

37.What do you like to do ? I like to play with my toys.

38.What’s your favourite colour. My favourite colour is blue. Blue is my favourite colour.

39.Our favourite clothes are shirts. Their favourite clothes are shorts.

40.What’s your favourite food for lunch? My favourite food is noodles.

41.I have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.( lunch dinner afternoon evening)

42.What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is English.(PE math art music Chinese science)

43.What’s your favourite school work?


冀教版 四年级下册

Lesson 23 My Favourite School Work



1、能听、说、读、写 read write 两个词。

2、or our al 在单词中的发音



通过课堂学习多样化的教学活动, 拉近学生与生活的距离, 帮助学生树立自信心, 培养学生的自学能力, 体验获取知识的成就感。


Class opening and review

Greeting and Warming-up:

Free talk

What’s your favourite colour? ( clothes, food, animal …)

New concept

1. Present

T: Today we are going to discuss favourite school work.

(展示课件关于school work的短语词汇)。

school work

T: Play ping-pong is a school work. Say it, please,class.

S: Play ping-pong is a school work.

出示卡片school work

T: Tell the class these activities are “school works.”

Teach “read a book”, “write a story” a few times.

T: My favourite school work is to play on the computer.

I like to play on the computer.

What’s your favourite school work?

Students should answer follow the teacher’s demonstrate.(Single.)


(1)Ask different students with “What’s your favourite school work?”several times.

(2)Ask 4 or 5 students, “What’s your favourite school work?” they should say “Our favourite school work is to _______.”

(3)Ask the whole class “What’s their favourite school work?” The students should answer with “Their favourite school work is ________.”

2. Ask and answer

What's your favourite school work?

I like to ...

That's my favourite school work .


四 单 元 小 结

一 单词:

1.colour颜色: red 红色 yellow黄色 blue 蓝色 green 绿色 orange 橘

红色purple紫色 black 黑色 white 白色pink粉红色

brown 棕色

2.clothes衣服: shirt 衬衫 skirt 短裙 coat 大衣 T-shirt dress 连衣裙 sweater scarf shorts 短裤 trousers 裤子 shoes socks

3.subject科目: Chinese 语文 English 英语 PE体science 科学 art 美术music 音乐 math 数学

4.food:食物 hamburger 汉堡包 hotdog 热狗 noodles面条 soup汤 fruit 水果vegetables 蔬菜chicken鸡肉 dumplings饺子 milk 牛奶bread 面包 ice cream 冰激凌cookies 饼干juice 果汁

5.人称代词I 我--- my 我的 you 你---your你的 he他---his他的 she她—her 她的we 我们---our我们的 they他们 ---their他们的

6.连词: and 和 ,but但是,also 还,too也

7.一日三餐 morning 早晨----breakfast 早餐afternoon 下午------lunch 午餐 evening 晚上----dinner 晚餐

8.其它:favourite最喜欢的 love 喜爱 interesting 有趣的

二 词组:

school work学校活动/工作draw pictures 画画 write stories 写故事play games 玩游戏sing songs 唱歌 read books 读书


1. What’s your favourite colour ?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?

Blue is my favourite colour .蓝色是我最喜欢的颜色。

My favourite colour is blue . 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。

2.What are your favourite clothes?你最喜欢的衣服是什么?

My favourtie clothes are trousers. 我最喜欢的衣服是裤子。

I like skirts. Me,too . 我喜欢短裙。我也喜欢。

3.We like skirts. Our favourite clothes are skirts .


They like shorts.Theirfavourite clothes are shorts .


4.What’s your favourite food for lunch?你最喜欢的午餐是什么? Hamburgers are my favourite .汉堡包是我最喜欢的午餐。

What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is rice.

Rice is my favourite food.

5.What’s your favourite subject ?你最喜欢的科目是什么?

My favourite subject is science .我最喜欢的科目是科学

6.Do you like PE ?你喜欢体育吗?Sure.I also like music .But art is my favourite subject .当然喜欢。我还喜欢音乐。美术是我最喜欢的科目。

7.What’s your favourite school work?你最喜欢的学校工作是什么? My favourite school work is to sing songs.我最喜欢的学校工作是唱歌。 I like to sing songs. That’s my favourite school work.

8. I like my blue cap . 我喜欢我的蓝色帽子。

You like your white shirt. 你喜欢你的白色衬衫。

She likes her red dress. 她喜欢她红色的连衣裙。

He likes his orange hat. 他喜欢他的桔红色帽子。

We like our green dresses .我们喜欢我们的绿色连衣裙。

They like their blue shorts. 他们喜欢他们的蓝色短裤。

一、 字母组合的读音:

or \ ɔ: \ short forty corn

our \ auə \ your four pour

al \ ɔ: l \ walk talk chalk



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