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【课 题】Lesson 10 Music and Dance (一课时)




Show pictures to students.

Teacher:what is it?

Students:it is a erhu/violin

Teacher:can you play the erhu/violin?

Step2:Guide one

任务阅读:1、Please read the text by yourself , then answer the questions on P25 Let’s Do It. Part 2

2、Please read the text aloud and translate it by yourself , then check with your partner. 3、互动:对话熟读接力赛

Step3:Guide two

听力训练:Please read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. read each sentence twice and do exercise on P25 Let’s Do It. Part 1 Step4:Class exercise

走回家______________ 迫不及待要做某事 _______________

演奏音乐 ______________ I hope so ___________ take part in __________ 2. I want to learn to ________ _______ ________.(拉二胡)

3. I will ________ ________(弹奏音乐) and you can dance!

4. I _______ many things .(realize)

5. I’m ____ _____our trip to the Silk Road. (考虑)

6.Taiwan Island is ____ ____ ____ (...的一部分) China.

7.There are many shows in the ____ _____ _____(春节晚会)

Step5 iscuss

Work in pairs. Discuss what are you good at? Can you sing or dance?compelet P25 Part4

Task tips:What is your talent? When did you start to develop this talent?where or how do you practise your talent?



1. Many _____(西方人)call it the "Chinese vilion".【music,and,dance教学设计】

2. When I got to school. I ____(认识到) that it was Sunday.

3. Chinese culture is both ____(丰富的) and colourful.

4. I have _____ (如此多)homework to do today.


( )1. Would you like to ______ the basketball game?

A.join B.attend C.take part in D.joins

( )2.Can you play______ erhu.

A. the B. / C. an D. a

( )3.Jim can play ____ violin. He can join the music club.

A. the B. a C.an D ./

Lesson 10 Music and Dance

Lesson 10:Music and Dance 教案 Teaching aims: 1.Master new words and phrases: (掌握新单词和短语) New words:western, realize, rich , violin,dancer New phrases:walk home,Western people,so much,think about,take part in,play music,play the erhu. 2.Master new sentence patterns: I want to learn to play the erhu. I can’t wait to play music for all my friends. why don’t you learn a traditional Chinese dance? 3.Learn about some traditional Chinese music and dance. 4.Simple Past Tense. Teaching important points: 1. Master new words and phrases about music (掌握与音乐有 关的词汇) 2. Learn how to introduce the instrument you like(学习怎样介 绍自己喜欢的乐器)

3.Master new sentence patterns: I want to learn to play the erhu I can’t wait to play music for all my friends. why don’t you learn a traditional Chinese dance? 4. Simple Past Tense. Teaching difficult points: 1.Master new sentence patterns: I want to learn to play the erhu I can’t wait to play music for all my friends. why don’t you learn a traditional Chinese dance? 2. Simple Past Tense. Teaching methods: Listening. Speaking. Reading. Teaching preparation:audiotape,courseware. Class period: one period. Teaching procedure: Step 1.Lead-in 1. Greeting. 2. lead in by showing the pictures: T:What is she doing?

S:She is playing the erhu(playing the music). T:What are they doing? S: They are dancing. Let the students answer the questions in class. Step 2.Showing learning aims. 1.To master new words and phrases:(掌握词汇) realize,rich,western,violin,dance,walk home, think about,play music,play the erhu,Western people,take part in. 2.To master sentence patterns:(掌握句型) I want to learn to play the erhu. I can’t wait to play music for all my friends. why don’t you learn a traditional Chinese dance? 3.Can retell the text. (能够复述课文) 4.Simple Past Tense. (了解一般过去时) Ask the students read it quickly. Step 3.Learning new words. western, realize, rich , violin,dancer 1).Read new words.

2).Have a test. Practise spelling and writing new words.then do some exercises. Step 4.Reading Read the lesson and write true(T) or false(F) 1.Wang Mei is a good singer.( 2.Many Western ) people call ) the erhu the “Chinese violin” .( 3..Li Ming and Wang Mei will sing and dance at the Spring Festival show. ( Step 5.Language Points. 1. Showing Language Points. 1). think about 意为“考虑”。 2).so much/so many 如此多的 3).can„t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事 4). 5). learn to do sth 学习做某事 Why don„t you +v 原…? “你为什么不....? ” =Why not+v 原…?“为什么不?” 6). take part in 意为“参加”,是指加入某项活动、运动 或事件,并在其中起一定的作用。 2.Make sentences with each one. 3.Do some exercises. Step 6.Practice )

1. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1).Why don't you ____(ask)the teacher for help? 2).You doctor. 3).Tom wants to learn_______ (dance). have a cold. Why not ____(see) a 4).I can't wait_______(talk)with you. 5).—What will you do tonight? __I’m thinking about______ 2. 单项选择 • 1).Jim, let’s_____ ping-pong ball. • A. to play B. play C. go play D. plays (wash) my clothes. • 2).—____ does Tom often buy CDs? • —Because he likes music very much. B. What C. Where D. When • A. Why • 3).This kind of food is different_____bread. • A. to B. from C. for D. of • 4).Her daughter is good _____ drawing pictures. • A. with B. for C. in D. at • 5).Can you show me the way____ the park? • A. to B. with C. of D. in • 6).Can you play______ erhu. A. the B. / C. an D. a

Lesson 10 music and Dance


Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. 教学设计 教案


1. 教学目标

1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词及短语:prefer, lyrics, Australian, electronic, suppose, smooth, spare, director, case, in the case, war

2)掌握 I like /love/prefer music that…表达喜欢的音乐。

3)掌握 I like music that I can dance to. /

I like musicians who play different kinds of music. 句型的用法。

3) 学习关系代词that/who引导的定语从句。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:

1. 使学生学会谈论自己的喜好。

2. 通过表达个人喜好,提高学生欣赏美的水平。

3. 激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情。

2. 教学重点/难点

1. 教学重点:1)prefer, different kinds of sing along with的用法。

2)句型: I like music that I can dance to.

I like musicians who play different kinds of music.

2. 教学难点:学习关系代词that/who引导的定语从句。

3. 教学用具


4. 标签


Ⅰ. Warmingup


Ⅱ. Lead-in

Say What kind of books do you like? I like interesting books. I like booksthat are

interesting. Write…that are interesting on the blackboard. Pointto it and ask who can make

another sentence with it. Write another phraseon the blackboard, …that is comfortable to …. Help the students to make sentences with it.

Ⅲ. Presentation


T:Do you like music/…?

S:Yes, I do.

T:What kind of music /… do you like?

S:I like…

T:Which singer do you like?

S:I like…

2.Play the tapes of different kinds of music for the students, only a short pieceof each tape. Say, I like music that makes me relaxed. Write these four groupsof words on the

blackboard,…that has great lyrics,…that I can sing alongwith,…that isn’t too loud, …that I can dance to. Tell the students lyrics meansthe words of the songs. Ask the students, What kind of music do you like?

Say,You can answer with I like music…, I love music…, I prefer music…

Explainprefer=like…better to them. Get one of the children to answer the question,then let this child ask the one next to him/her the same question. Set off achain drill. Explain that I like music that isn’t means that I don’t like tooloud music.

3.Show students some different kinds ofpictures of movies and ask students to discuss what kind of movies they like inpairs.

4.Discussion: 1a.


Iprefer music that has great lyrics.

Ilove music that I can sing along with.

Ilike music that I can dance to.


Ⅳ. Listening

Listento 1b and check the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.

让学生看图表,明确表格中有谁,分别喜欢什么类型的音乐,完成相对应的选择。 Ⅴ. Pair work

Finish1c. Make a conversationbetween you and your partner about the music that you like. A:What kind of music do you like?

B:I like music that I can sing along with. What about you?

A:I prefer music that has great lyrics.

VI. Listening

1. Listen to the tape for the firsttime and finish 2a.

1.Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. T F


2. Xu Fei likes the Australian singer DanDervish. T F

3.Carmen likes electronic music that’s loud. T F

4.Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet and slow songs. T F

2. Listen to the tape for the secondtime and finish 2b.


VII. Practice

1.Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.

A:Does Xu Fei like The Modern?

B:No, he doesn’t. He prefers…

2. Ask a few pairs of students to present theirconversations to the class.

VIII. Reading.

1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

1.What kind of music does Scott like? Why?

2.Does Scott like serious movies?

3.What kind of movies does Jill want to see?

2.Role-play the conversation in 2d.

1. I’lljust listen to this new CD I bought.

2. Isuppose I’ll just listen to this new CD I bought.

3. I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work.

4. Ionly like movies that are funny.

5. In this case, I’ll ask someone who likes serious movies.

6. I prefer movies that give me something to think about.

IX.Language points

1. Hmm, depends which movie.

1) 本句省略了depends前的主语it和which movie后的从句部分we’ll watch,这是典型的口语表达形式。在口语和非正式场合,为保持语言简洁明了,交流者往往会省略彼此所知或逻辑上可明确推断的内容。例如:

Anything I can do for you?

我能为您做些什么吗?(省略句首部分Is there)

Please hand me one of those books; I don’t carewhich.

请把那些书递给我一本,不管哪本都行。(省略句尾部分you handme)

2) It depends (on) who/ what/ how/ whether…是一个常见句型。当depend后接疑问词及含有疑问词的短语和从句时,口语中会省略depend后的介词on,以求话语简练。例如:

It depends what day you catch me, and at what time of day.


Well, as for this matter, I can’t decide for now.Depends whether or not your dad will say yes. 嗯,这件事我现在决定不了,取决于你老爸是否会同意。

2. I just want to laugh and not think too much.

Lesson 10Music and Dance

Lesson 10:Music and Dance

一 、Teaching material analysis


二、Teaching content:

The text, new words and exercises of lesson 10

三、Teaching aims:

1. knowledge aims

(1) New words: realize、rich、western、instrument。

(2) Important phrases: take part in、Maybe、be different from、be the

same as

(3) Important sentences: I can't wait to do ,I hope so ,Why don't you do

sth?(Why not do sth?)

(4) Grammar: Why don't you do sth?

2. ability aims: inspire the students interest about traditional culture

3. moral aims: Know something about traditional culture

四、Teaching key point and difficult points:

Master the new words and phrases;

Learn to give encouragement and praises to others;

五、Teaching aids: Recorder, pictures or cards.【music,and,dance教学设计】

六、Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Lead in.【music,and,dance教学设计】

Show the pictures of erhu and violin (设计意图:简单形象地引出课题,激发学生的学习兴趣)

Step2. Knowledge aims:(设计意图:让学生明确学习目标和任务)

(1) New words: realize、rich、western、instrument.

(2) Important phrases: take part in.Maybe、be the same as

(3)Important sentences: I can’t wait to do sth. I hope so .

Why don’t you do sth?

(4) Grammar:Why don’t you do sth?

(5)Language skills:talk about traditional culture

Affective strategies:Try to like traditional culture

Cultural awareness:Konw about traditional culture

Step3.New words.(设计意图:新单词学习,为听力和阅读课文做铺垫)


1.Teach the new words first, make sure the Ss can read the words and phrases correctly

2.the students will be given two minutes to remember the new words


1.The old man is ______(富有的).He has a lot of money.

2.Our trip to the Silk Road made me ________(意识到) many things.

3.The piano is a kind of ________(西方的) instrument.

4.I want to buy a ____(小提琴) for my sister.

5.Tom wants to ___ ___ __ (参加)the shool football team.

6.His bike __ ___ ___ ___ (一样)mine.

Step 4.Listening(设计意图:训练学生的听力能力)

The students listen to the tape and do “let’s do it ” 1

Step5.Skimmng (设计意图:通过泛读,快速了解文章大意) Read in silence and complete“ let's do it 2”3.

Step6.Read and Fill in the blanks (设计意图:精读课文,锻炼阅读能力,让学生通过填空能大致复述课文)

Li Ming is still thinking about their trip to the Silk Road. He _______many things. China has so much history. And our culture is so ______ and colourful.Wang Mei feels the same way .Li Ming wants to learn to play the ___and he will be a great erhu ______.It is a part of ancient Chinese culture. Many _______people call it the "Chinese______." Wang Mei hopes to learn a ______ Chinese dance ,so they can ___ _____ ____ the Spring Festival show together.

Step7. Practice(设计意图:通过练习进一步测试,巩固细节知识点,备考)

The students do exercise on page 25---“let’s do it ”3

Step8.Read in roles(设计意图:进入角色,练习口语,合作学习) Step9.Group work:( 设计意图:以合作讨论,注重口语的练习,体现语言的工具性;激发学生对爱好,特长的兴趣,培养生活情趣) Talk about these questions:

What are you good at?

Can you sing or dance?

Can you play or draw an instrument?

Task tips: What is your talent?When did you start to develop this

talent? Where or how do you practice your talent?


Work in pairs and make up your new dialogue .

Do workbook.

七、Teaching reflection:



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