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新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力

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新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇一:新目标英语七上Unit9 Do you want to go to a movie_ 同步测试

七年级Unit 9

第一部分 听力理解(共计25分)




1._________ 2._________ 3. _________ 4.________ 5. __________


( ) 6. A. Yes, he does. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I am.

( ) 7. A. Let’s go. B. OK. C. On Sunday afternoon.

( ) 8. A. I think so. B. You are wrong. C. Yes, it is.

( ) 9. A. You are right. B. It’s interesting. C. I don’t, either.

( ) 10. A. He isn’t at home.

B. He goes to the movie with his friend.

C. He likes watching movies.


( ) 11. What does she want to do?

A. Go to school. B. Go to a movie. C. Play basketball.

( ) 12. Does the girl's mother like comedies?

A. No, she doesn't. B. Yes, she does.

( ) 13. What kind of movies does the girl like?

A. Comedies. B. Thrillers. C. We don't know. C. Action movies.

第二部分 语言知识运用(共计25分)


( ) 21. I like apples, _________I like pears, too.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

( ) 22. Danger Zone is an _______ movie, and it's very _______.

A. comedy; scary B. documentary; boring

C. cartoon; funny D. action; exciting

( ) 23. I like Chinese comedies. ___________?

A. How are you B. What about you

C. How is it going D. How old are you

) 24. What ___________Cindy _________ on Children's Day?

A. does; doing B. do; do C. do; doing D. does; do

) 25. From Beijing Operas, I can learn ______.

A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of D. many

) 26. I _____ the thrillers is scary.

A. want B. like C. think

) 27. Jim doesn’t like Beijing Operas. ____________.

A. I don’t like it, too. B. I like it, too. D. want

( ( ( (

C. I don’t like it, too. D. I don’t like it, either.

( ) 28. ---Does he want to go to a movie?

---_______________________ .

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he does.

C. Yes, he doesn't. D. No, I don’t.

( ) 29. Li Lei likes thrillers and he ______ likes Beijing Opera.

A. too B. also C. but D. never

( ) 30. He likes movies very much and he wants to be an ______.

A. actor B. teacher C. runner D. doctor

( ) 31. They often play basketball _______ Thursday afternoon.

A. at B. in C. on D. with

( ) 32. I think it’s ________ exciting movie.

A. / B. a C. an D. the

( ) 33. —______ kind of movies do you like?

—Action movies.

A. What B. Who C. How D. When

( ) 34. _______ a word, we can learn a lot _______ Chinese history.

A. For, for B. In, about C. For, about D. In, for

( ) 35. —How do you like Beijing Opera?

—_______. I like it very much.

A. Scary B. Boring C. Sad D. Interesting



( ) 36. A. movie B. songs C. books

( ) 37. A. friend B. teacher C. sister

( ) 38. A. January B. weekends C. week

( ) 39. A. look B. watches C. see

( ) 40. A. all B. each C. also

( ) 41. A. very much B. very C. lots of

( ) 42. A. in B. about C. for D. sports D. parents D. evening D. read D. much D. so D. to

( ) 43. A. does B. take C. has D. have

( ) 44. A. years B. months C. age D. days

( ) 45. A. great B. Chinese C. English D. fun

第三部分 综合阅读(共计30分)



Michael Jordan is a great basketball player in NBA in America. He plays basketball very well (好). Many people in America, in China, in the world (世界) like watching him play basketball. Tony is a sport fan. He loves Jordan very much. He watches him on TV, on the books and he hopes (希望) he can see him. The children in China want Jordan to come to China. They would like to take photos (照相) with him.


( ) 46 . Jordan is an English man.

( ) 47. Jordan is a great basketball player.

( ) 48. Only the people in America like Jordan.

( ) 49. Tony isn’t a sport fan.

( ) 50. The children in China would like to take photos with Jordan.


There are many kinds of movies in the world. For example: comedies, thrillers, documentaries, romances, action movies… People love movies. Comedies make people laugh because they are funny. Thrillers make people frightened (受惊吓的) and cry because they are scary. Documentaries bring people knowledge because they are instructive (有教育性的). People like romances because they are romantic (浪漫的). People also like action movies a lot because they are exciting. Different people like different kinds of movies. Girls always like romances. Boys like action movies and

thrillers. But all girls and boys like comedies.


( ) 51. How many kinds of movies do you know from the passage?

A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight.

( ) 52. What kind of movies make people cry and frightened?

A. Action movies. B. Documentaries.

C. Comedies. D. Thrillers.

( ) 53. What kind of movies are instructive?

A. Action movies. B. Documentaries.

C. Comedies. D. Romances.

( ) 54. Why do people like action movies?

A. Because they are exciting.

B. Because they are instructive.

C. Because they are romantic.

D. Because they are interesting.

( ) 55. What kind of movies do boys like according to the passage?

A. Action movies and thrillers.

B. Documentaries and action movies.

C. Thrillers and romances.

D. Comedies, action movies and thrillers.

第二节. 任务型阅读.(10分)


John: Hi, Alan! Do you like movies?

Alan: Yes, I do. And I don't like watching TV.

John: What kind of movies do you like?

新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇二:人教新课标七年级英语课件unit9 Do you want to go to a movie (2)

新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇三:七年英语新目标unit9_Do_you_want_to_go_to_a_movie_课件

新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇四:Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie教学设计

全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie教学设计

吉林省洮南市福顺镇中学 徐秀娟

教学课题:人教版英语七年级上册Unit9 Do you want to go to a movie?


本单元的中心话题是“movies”,具体涉及电影的类型,以及学生围绕电影谈论喜爱哪类电影,并能用相关形容词描述相关类型的电影以及就某一类型或某一部电影作出简单评论,而且能够比较简单地向别人介绍一部观看过的电影,说明电影的类型、影星,对电影的评价等 。语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕“电影”这一中心话题设计的。“Section A”通过不同电影类型的图片学习不同种类的电影的词汇,要求能够准确地用英语来表达不同类型的电影,如: comedy, thriller, documentary, action movies, Beijing opera并能用英语谈论喜爱的电影类型。



A:重点词汇:go, movie, action, comedy,documentary,thriller,Beijing Opera,scary,funny,sad,exciting,kind, go to a movie.

B:句型:Do you want to go to a movie?

Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

Does he/she want to go to a movie?

Yes.he/she does./No.he/she doesn’t.

What kind of movies do you want? I like action movies and














七年级是学习英语的关键时期,这个阶段的学生好奇心和求知欲望强,对所学话题他们渴望用英语来表达。因此,在教学过程中,利用声音、图片、肢体语言,给予学生直观的感受,并灵活运用教具、课件,创设真实的情境。除此之外,要给学生适时而恰当的鼓励。学生在课堂上的发言,都要尽力加以表扬,鼓励,多运用积极的鼓励性语言,如“Great!”,“Good work !”, “Well done!”等。使学生享受成功的喜悦。

五、 教学方法

利用教学图片、幻灯片、电影视频、海报等,或制作课件(各种电影的精彩片段)来展开课堂教学、Pair work问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动,进行询问和谈论喜爱的电影课堂教学和练习。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义并学会运用;口语教学——采取pair work问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和填写表格的方式;阅读教学:采取比较差别和寻找关键词的练习;写作教学——以模仿、填词为主;语法教学——总结规律、在运用中掌握。





l 、Play the English song :《Earth Song》




2、Show the movies and lead in new words: these are movies ,this is a comedy /a thriller /a documentary/an action movie






1、Practice the drills:

引导学生展开Pair work活动,让学生先操练所提供的对话

Do you want to go to a movie?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Does he /she want to go to a movie?

Yes, he /she does. No, he /she doesn’t.

What kind of movies do you want?

I like action movies and documentaries.



2、Show the pictures and grasp the new words


采用Pair work问答式的口语互动交际活动和小组合作活动,培养了合作意识和探究能力。利用丰富的图片,帮助巩固复习新单词,提高课堂效率。


Free talk:自由对话来巩固句型,以学生非常感兴趣,贴近学生生活的话题,通过互相介绍自己的喜好和偏爱,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情,并帮助学生找到彼此的共同点,加深沟通。同时进一步加强了对句型的熟练程度。

What kind of movies / books /food do you like?

Why do you like them/it?

Do you want to go shopping /go to a party?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does he / she want to go to a movie?

Yes, he / she does. / No, he/she don’t.

What kind of movies do you want?

I like action movies.

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t like comedies and documentaries.

Do you like Beijing Opera?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.


利用教学图片、幻灯片、课件(各种电影的精彩片段)等来展开课堂教学、Pair work问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动,运用want,like和连词and,but等进行“询问和谈论偏爱”及“制订计划”的课堂教学和练习。通过互相介绍自己的喜好和偏爱,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情,并帮助学生找到彼此的共同点,加深沟通。






在周末 _________ _____ 中国历史 ______ __________ 这种影片 ________________ 一部很成功的影片 ________________ 呆在家里 ________________ 动作影片 __________ ______ 电影明星 ________________ 激动人心的故事 _____ ___________ 这种„„ ________________ 京剧 __________ ______



same(反义词)go(反义词)does not(缩写形式)do not(缩写形式)八、教学探讨与反思

学生在使用名词单、复数时出现的错误一般有这几种形式:一是运用名词的场合一律用名词的单数,如:I like banana.I have pen.等;二是分辨不清可数与不可数名词,出现一刀切现象,如:Do you like salads? She likes to eat an ice cream;三是掌握才住名词复数形式的变化,出现一律加“’s”现象,如:I live documentaries.I don’t like comedies.等。培养学生正确使用名词单、复数的习惯和意识,要让学生从理论上掌握,但更重要的是要在平时的操练和口语活动中有耐心地进行引导与点拨。




新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇五:unit9_Do_you_want_to_go_to_a_movie单元课件

新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇六:初一英语下 unit9_Do_you_want_to_go_to_a_movie单元课件

新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇七:复习课件unit9_Do_you_want_to_go_to_a_movie

新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇八:2013新目标英语七上Unit9 Do you want to go to a movie 单元检测

一、单项选择。(10分) ( (

) 21. I like apples, _________I like pears, too.

A. and B. but C. or D. so ) 22. Danger Zone is an _______ movie, and it's very _______.

A. comedy; scary B. documentary; boring C. cartoon; funny D. action; exciting ) 23. I like Chinese comedies. ___________?

A. How are you B. What about you C. How is it going D. How old are you

) 24. What ___________Cindy _________ on Children's Day?

A. does; doing B. do; do C. do; doing D. does; do ) 25. From Beijing Operas, I can learn ______. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of ) 26. I _____ the thrillers is scary.

D. many


( ( (

A. want B. like C. think D. want

( ) 27. Jim doesn’t like Beijing Operas. ____________.

A. I don’t like it, too. B. I like it, too. C. I don’t like it, too. D. I don’t like it, either.

( ) 28. ---Does he want to go to a movie? ---_______________________ . A. Yes, he does. B. No, he does.

C. Yes, he doesn't. D. No, I don’t.

( ) 29. Li Lei likes thrillers and he ______ likes Beijing Opera.

A. too B. also C. but D. never

( ) 30. He likes movies very much and he wants to be an ______.

A. actor B. teacher C. runner D. doctor

( ) 31. They often play basketball _______ Thursday afternoon. A. at B. in C. on D. with ( ) 32. I think it’s ________ exciting movie. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( ) 33. —______ kind of movies do you like?

—Action movies. A. What B. Who C. How D. When

( ) 34. _______ a word, we can learn a lot _______ Chinese history. A. For, for B. In, about C. For, about D. In, for ( ) 35. —How do you like Beijing Opera?

—_______. I like it very much.

A. Scary B. Boring C. Sad

D. Interesting



Gina is my favorite actress. I like her Men from Mars. It’s funny. But my don’t like her. We often go to movies on . I like to comedies but they like romances. I think they’re day-dream (白日梦). But they love them My friend John is a big Tom Hanks fan. He collects (收集) the posters, photos and VCDs him. Now he a great collection (集子). He thinks Tom is the best actor in Hollywood. But I don't think so. I love Harison Ford best. My friend, Ann, is 10 old. She loves Harrison, too. Her favourite movie is Red Shoes. It’s an movie. ( ) 36. A. movie B. songs C. books D. sports ( ) 37. A. friend B. teacher C. sister D. parents ( ) 38. A. January B. weekends C. week ( ) 39. A. look B. watches C. see ( ) 40. A. all B. each C. also ( ) 41. A. very much ( ) 42. A. in ( ) 43. A. does ( ) 44. A. years ( ) 45. A. great

B. very C. lots of B. about C. for B. take C. has B. months C. age B. Chinese C. English

D. evening D. read D. much

D. so D. to D. have D. days D. fun

三 综合阅读(共计30分)



Michael Jordan is a great basketball player in NBA in America. He plays basketball very well (好). Many people in America, in China, in the world (世界) like watching him play basketball. Tony is a sport fan. He loves Jordan very much. He watches him on TV, on the books and he hopes (希望) he can see him. The children in China want Jordan to come to China. They would like to take photos (照相) with him.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 46 . Jordan is an English man.

( ) 47. Jordan is a great basketball player.

( ) 48. Only the people in America like Jordan. ( ) 49. Tony isn’t a sport fan.

( ) 50. The children in China would like to take photos with Jordan. (B)

There are many kinds of movies in the world. For example: comedies, thrillers, documentaries, romances, action movies… People love movies. Comedies make people laugh because they are funny. Thrillers make people frightened (受惊吓的) and cry because they are scary. Documentaries

bring people knowledge because they are instructive (有教育性的). People like romances because they are romantic (浪漫的). People also like action movies a lot because they are exciting. Different people like different kinds of movies. Girls always like romances. Boys like action movies and thrillers. But all girls and boys like comedies. 根据短文内容选择最佳选项.

( ) 51. How many kinds of movies do you know from the passage? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight. ( ) 52. What kind of movies make people cry and frightened? A. Action movies. B. Documentaries.

C. Comedies. D. Thrillers.

( ) 53. What kind of movies are instructive?

A. Action movies. B. Documentaries. C. Comedies. D. Romances.

( ) 54. Why do people like action movies?

A. Because they are exciting. B. Because they are instructive.

C. Because they are romantic.

D. Because they are interesting.

( ) 55. What kind of movies do boys like according to the passage? A. Action movies and thrillers. B. Documentaries and action movies. C. Thrillers and romances. D. Comedies, action movies and thrillers. 第二节. 任务型阅读.(10分)

根据上表所提供的信息完成对话中所缺的内容。 John: Hi, Alan! Do you like movies?

Alan: Yes, I do. And I don't like watching TV. John: What kind of movies do you like?

Alan: I like 56._________________, I think 57._________________ John: I like them, too. They're funny and exciting. Do you like thrillers?

Alan: 58._____________ . They’re 59.___________

John: But I like them. They're exciting. I 60. _________________. They're boring. Alan: Yes, I think so.

第四节 语言综合运用 (共计40分)


A) 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子中的单词。 61. 一Do you want to go to a m_________?

一Yes, 1 want to see a comedy.

62. 一What k_______ of movies do you like?

一I like action movies. 63. Brad likes comedies and he a_________ likes Beijing Opera. 64. My f_________ movie star is Gongli and I like her movies best. 65. Guo Peng likes comedies and he thinks they’re f________ . B) 根据句意, 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 66. ___________(do) your father like bananas? 67. Sandra doesn’t _________(has) a ping-pong ball.

68. She is a teacher. I don’t know ___________(she)name. 69. Jack Chen is a famous ____________(act).

70. There are many ____________(kind) of fishes in the sea. 第二节、句型转换. (5分)

71. They want to see movies. (改为同义句) They want to ________ ________ movies.

72. He thinks Beijing Opera is boring.(改成否定句)

He ________ _______ Beijing Opera ________ boring. 73. He does Kong fu every day. (改成一般疑问句) _______ he _______ Kong fu every day?

就划线部分提问) _______ _______ of movies do you like?

75. I don’t like comedies. I don’t like documentaries. (合并为一句) I _______ like comedies ________ documentaries. 第三节、补全对话。(10分) 根据对话情景,在空白处填入合适的句子。 Donna: Hi, Emma! 76.________________! Emma: What movie is on show(上映)?

Donna: Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon. 77_________________. Do you like this kind of movie?

Emma: 78._________________. So I don’t want to see it. You can go with Jim.

Donna: OK. Where's Jim? 79. ___________________?

Emma: I don't know. Look, he is there!

Donna: Hey, Jim? Do you want to go to a movie? It's Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon! Jim: 80._______________! Let's go to see it. 第四节、书面表达。(15分) A) 你看过周星驰出演的“



Dear Jane,

I hear that in China there are many different kinds of movies. I like the Chinese movies very much. Do you like to go to a movie? I like the action movies. How about you? I like the action movie

Shaolin Temple a lot. I think it is very exciting. What movie do you like best?

Yours Tom

新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇九:新目标英语Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie课件

新课标英语unit9do you want to go to a movie 听力篇十:新目标英语七年级上册_Unit_9_Do_you_want_to_go_to_a_movie?沈平霞完整课件[1].ppt



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