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Unit 1 My name’s Gina


Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people; Ask for and give telephone number



Write English words for the

things in the picture.


1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。

□A: What’s your name? □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina.

B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you, too.

A: Nice to meet you!

1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates. 练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1—4].




2c Practice the conversations in pairs.

A: Hello! What’s your name A: What’s his name?

B: My name’s… B: His name is…

A: I’m… A: And what’s her name?

B: Nice to meet you! B: Her name is…

2d Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话

Linda: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda.

Are you Helen?

Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.

Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her


Helen: She’s Jane.

Linda: Is he Jack?

Helen: No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike.

3a Put the words in order to make conversations. Then practice them.


1. your name What’s 2. name his What’s 3. Mike you Are

Cindy I’m Bob He’s am I Yes

3b Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.


A: Hi, ________________ your name?

B: My ____________________ Gina. ____________________ you Bill?

A: ______________________, I’m not. ___________________ Bob.

B: Hi, ____________________. _____________________ to meet you.

A: Nice to ___________________ you, too.

3C Practice introducing yourself and others in a group. How many names can you

remember? 分小组练习介绍自己和他人。你能记住多少个名字?

1b Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number. 听对话,写出电话号码。

□ □ □ -□ □ □ □

1c Ask for and give your phone numbers.


1d Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.


1. Tom __________ a. 929-31 __________

2. Linda __________ b. 398-61 __________

3. Bob __________ c. 278-79 __________

4. Mary __________ d. 555-80 __________

1e Listen again. Complete the phone numbers in 1d.


1f Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out

a piece of paper and find the owner. 将你的电话号码写在纸条上放入袋中,然后任意取出一张纸条,找出号码的主人。

2a Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L for last name.

阅读下面的姓名,在名字后写F, 在姓氏后写

2b 在姓氏下画线。

2c Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends

in the name list.将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出文中的三对朋友。


Unit 1 My name’s Gina


Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people; Ask for and give telephone number【人教版七年级英语上册电子课本】



Write English words for the

things in the picture.


1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。 □A: What’s your name? □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina. B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you, too. A: Nice to meet you!

1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates. 练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1—4].






2c Practice the conversations in pairs.

A: Hello! What’s your name A: What’s his name?

B: My name’s… B: His name is…

A: I’m… A: And what’s her name?

B: Nice to meet you! B: Her name is…

2d Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话

Linda: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda.

Are you Helen?

Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.

Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her


Helen: She’s Jane.

Linda: Is he Jack?

Helen: No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike.

3a Put the words in order to make conversations. Then practice them.


1. your name What’s 2. name his What’s 3. Mike you Are

Cindy I’m Bob He’s am I Yes


3b Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.


A: Hi, ________________ your name?

B: My ____________________ Gina. ____________________ you Bill?

A: ______________________, I’m not. ___________________ Bob.

B: Hi, ____________________. _____________________ to meet you.

A: Nice to ___________________ you, too.

3C Practice introducing yourself and others in a group. How many names can you

remember? 分小组练习介绍自己和他人。你能记住多少个名字?

1b Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number. 听对话,写出电话号码。

□ □ □ -□ □ □ □

1c Ask for and give your phone numbers.


1d Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.


1. Tom __________ a. 929-31 __________

2. Linda __________ b. 398-61 __________

3. Bob __________ c. 278-79 __________

4. Mary __________ d. 555-80 __________

1e Listen again. Complete the phone numbers in 1d.


1f Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out

a piece of paper and find the owner. 将你的电话号码写在纸条上放入袋中,然后任意取出一张纸条,找出号码的主人。

2a Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L for last name.

阅读下面的姓名,在名字后写F, 在姓氏后写

2b 在姓氏下画线。

2c Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends

in the name list.将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出文中的三对朋友。


Unit 1 My name’s Gina


Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people; Ask for and give telephone number



Write English words for the

things in the picture.


1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。 □A: What’s your name? □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina.

B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you, too. A: Nice to meet you!

1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates. 练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1—4].




2c Practice the conversations in pairs.

A: Hello! What’s your name A: What’s his name?

B: My name’s… B: His name is…

A: I’m… A: And what’s her name?

B: Nice to meet you! B: Her name is…

2d Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话

Linda: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda.

Are you Helen?

Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.

Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her


Helen: She’s Jane.

Linda: Is he Jack?

Helen: No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike.

3a Put the words in order to make conversations. Then practice them.


1. your name What’s 2. name his What’s 3. Mike you Are

Cindy I’m Bob He’s am I Yes

3b Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.


A: Hi, ________________ your name?

B: My ____________________ Gina. ____________________ you Bill?

A: ______________________, I’m not. ___________________ Bob.

B: Hi, ____________________. _____________________ to meet you.

A: Nice to ___________________ you, too.

3C Practice introducing yourself and others in a group. How many names can you

remember? 分小组练习介绍自己和他人。你能记住多少个名字?

1b Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number. 听对话,写出电话号码。

□ □ □ -□ □ □ □

1c Ask for and give your phone numbers.


1d Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.


1. Tom __________ a. 929-31 __________

2. Linda __________ b. 398-61 __________

3. Bob __________ c. 278-79 __________

4. Mary __________ d. 555-80 __________

1e Listen again. Complete the phone numbers in 1d.


1f Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out

a piece of paper and find the owner. 将你的电话号码写在纸条上放入袋中,然后任意取出一张纸条,找出号码的主人。

2a Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L for last name.

阅读下面的姓名,在名字后写F, 在姓氏后写

2b 在姓氏下画线。

2c Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends

in the name list.将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出文中的三对朋友。


Module1 My classmates

M1U1 Nice to meet you.

Ms Li: Hello, my name is Li Fang. I'm your teacher and you're my students. I'm Chinese. I'm from Wuhan. What's your name?

Linging: My name is Wang Lingling.

Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Lingling. Where are you from?

Linging: I'm from Beijing. I'm Chinese.

Ms Li: How old are you?

Linging: I'm thirteen years old.

Ms Li: Good. Hello, what about you?

Daming: Hello, Ms Li. My name is Daming and I'm from Beijing too. I'm twelve years old.

Ms Li: Thanks. Hello, are you from America?

Tony: No, I'm not. I'm from England. I'm Tony Smith.

Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Tony. Hi, are you English too?

Betty: No, I'm not. I'm American and my name is Betty King.

Linging: Tony and Betty are our friends.

Ms Li: Good. Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7!

M1U2 I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old.

Hello, everyone. My name is Li Daming and my English name is David. I'm twelve years old and I'm from Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. This is Lingling and her English name is Lucy.

She's my friend. She's from Beijing too.

Hello, I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old. Good to see you. Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. His English name is Henry. He's from Shanghai. Shanghai is a very big city.

Hi, my name is Tony Smith. I'm from Cambridge. It's a small city in England. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. I'm thirteen years old. It's nice to meet you all.

Module 2 My family

M2 U1 Is this your mum?

Linging: Is this your family?

Tony: Yes, it is.

Linging: What a big family! Is this your sister?

Tony: Yes, it is. Her name is Linda.

Linging: Are these your grandparents?

Tony: Yes, they are. My mum's parents are on the left, and my dad's parents are on the right.

Linging: I see. Who's this?

Tony: That's my dad.【人教版七年级英语上册电子课本】

Linging: Is this your mum?

Tony: Yes. The woman next to her is my dad's sister, my aunt Liz.

Linging: Is this her husband?

Tony: No, that's her brother, my uncle Paul.

Linging: Who are the boy and the girl in front of Paul?

Tony: Those are Paul's son and daughter, my cousins, Mike and Helen.

M2U2 These are my parents.

My name is Betty King. These are my parents. We're American. My father is an actor, and my mother is the manager of a theatre.

My name is Li Daming. These are my parents.We're Chinese. My father's job is at a police station.He is a policeman, and my mother is a nurse.

My name is Tony Smith and I'm English. This is my mother. She's an English teacher at a school. This is my father. He's a hotel manager.

My name is Wang Lingling. I'm Chinese. My mother is a nurse. She and Daming's mother are at the same hospital. My father is a bus driver in Beijing.

M3U1There are thirty students in my class.

Daming: Linda, what's your classroom in England like? Is it big?

Linda: Yes, it's really big. There are thirty students in my class. How many students are there in your class in Beijing?

Daming: There are forty students, twenty girls and twenty boys. What's in your classroom? Is there a lot of furniture?

Linda: Yes, there is.

Daming: Are there computers on everyone's desks?

Linda: No, there aren't. But there is a computer on the teacher's desk.

Daming: Oh, are there any pictures on the classroom walls?

Linda: Yes, there are, at the front of the classroom.

Daming: And is there a map of the world?

Linda: No, there isn't. There's a map of England.

Daming: There's a map of the world in our classroom, but there aren't any pictures on our walls.

M3U2 The library is on the left of the playground.

This is a map of our school. There are six buildings in our school: a library, an office building, a classroom building, a dining hall, a sports hall and a science building. In the middle of the school is a playground. The library is on the left of the playground near the school gate. There are many books, maps and computers in it. Behind the library, on the left, are the school offices. Between this building and the dinning hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms. On the right of the classroom building is the dinning hall. In front of the dinning hall is the sports hall and the

building in front of that is for science. There are six science labs and five computer rooms in the science building.

M4U1 We've got lots of apples.

Tony’s dad: Tony, let's go shopping for food and drink. Now, we haven't got any meat. Let's get some chicken.

Tony: OK. Have we got any chocolate?

Tony’s dad: Yes, we have. Too much chocolate isn't good for you. Let's get some fruit. Tony: What kind of fruit? Apples?

Tony’s dad: No, we've got lots of apples. We haven't got any oranges, so let's get some.

Tony: OK. How about some orange juice?

Tony’s dad: Yes, good idea! And coffee. Let's get some for your mum. She hasn't got any coffee.

Tony: All right, some coffee for Mum, and some cola for me. I haven't got any cola. Tony’s dad: No cola! Cola is bad for you! How about some tea?

Tony: Oh, too bad!

M4U2 Is your food and drink healthy?

Healthy food and drink for children

-Is your food and drink healthy? A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola is not healthy. Meat is healthy but too much meat is not good for children. Cola and candy are very sweet, and too much sugar is bad for you.

Eat the right food and be healthy. Carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes are good for your eyes. Milk, cheese and fish are good for your teeth. A bit tired? Have lots of delicious chicken soup! It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and don't get fat!

·Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers.

·Have a good breakfast every morning.

·Drink juice, water and milk, not cola.

·Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

M5U1 I love history.

Tony: Betty, what are our lessons on Monday?

Betty: We have Chinese at eight o'clock and science at five to nine. At twenty past ten we have IT. Then we have maths. Do you like maths, Tony?

Tony: Yes, I do, but it's difficult! I like the lessons on Monday afternoon: English and art. What lessons do we have on Friday?

Betty: We have English, Chinese, PE and geography.

Tony: And in the afternoon? Do we have maths?

Betty: No, we don't. We have art and history, but we don't have maths. I love history and I'm good at it. It's my favourite subject because it's very interesting.

Tony: My favourite subject is Chinese. I can talk with my Chinese friends.

M5U2 We start work at nine o'clock.

My school day

Hi! I'm Alex Greenall. I'm thirteen and I go to Park School in Oxford, England. I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday and Sunday. This is my school day. I get up at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast.

My school is next to my house. I go to school at half past eight and see my friends. We start work at nine o'clock. We have three lessons in the morning. My favourite subject is art.

At eleven o'clock, we have a break in the playground and I talk to my friends. They go to the playground and play football, but I don't like football.

We have lunch in the dining hall at half past twelve. I like school lunch! We have meat and rice with vegetables, or hamburgers. I drink juice or water.

We start lessons in the afternoon at half past one. We have two lessons in the afternoon. Then we go home at half past three.

In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my family. I do my homework and go to bed at ten o'clock.

M6U1 Does it eat meat?

Guide: Welcome to Beijing Zoo. The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas. They come from many different countries and they eat different food. Here are the lions.

Tony: Do lions eat meat?

Guide: Yes, they do. They eat other animals. They're dangerous!

Linging: Ugh! And what about bears? Do they eat meat?

Guide: Yes, they do, but they also eat plants.

Tony: Look at this elephant. It's very tall. Does it eat meat?

Guide: No, it doesn't. It eats plants.

Linging: Do pandas eat plants and leaves?

Guide: Sure. They love bamboo.

Linging: Are there pandas here? They're my favourite animals. They're cute. Shall we go and see them?

Guide: Yes, let's go. Can you see Lingling?

Tony: She's in front of you!

Guide: No, Lingling the panda!

Linging: Which is Lingling the panda?

Guide: She's the black and white animal over there. Look! There she is!

Linging: That's very funny. Her name is Lingling too!

Tony: Is there a panda called Tony...?

M6U2 The tiger lives in Asia.


The elephant lives in Africa and in Asia. This elephant lives in Africa. It eats plants, leaves, bamboo and a little fruit, but it doesn't eat meat. It likes water.

There are only about 1,800 pandas in China and about 200 of them lives in zoos.

The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day, as well as plants and leaves. This black and white animal is the favourite of people all over the world.

The zebra is an African animal. Like the panda, it's black and white. It eats plants and leaves, as well as grass, but the zebra doesn't eat bamboo.

The tiger lives in Asia. It's a very large animal and usually lives alone. It likes water and is good at swimming. It's strong and catches many kinds of animals for food.

Monkeys live in Africa, Asia and America. There are about 200 kinds of monkeys. Monkeys eat meat, leaves, fruit and even eggs!

M7U1 How do I write my homework on the computer?

Linging: How do I write my homework on the computer? Can I learn?

Betty: Sure! First, open a new document. Click the mouse on "new document". Linging: What's the mouse? Is this it?

Betty: Yes.

Linging: Where do I click on "new document"?

Betty: On the left of the screen... there!

Linging: OK, what's next?

Betty: Next, you write your homework in the new document. Use the keyboard. Linging: What do I do next? How do I save the document?

Betty: You click "save", and write a name for it.

Linging: Where do I write the name?

Betty: Write it in the box. OK, then click "save" again.

Linging: OK. Finally, how do I print my document?

Betty: Click "print" and "OK".

Linging: What about some paper?

Betty: Oh yes, of course! You put the paper in there first!

M7U2 When do you use a computer?

There is a computer in my home, and my father and I shares it. My father is a manager of a company, so he often talks to his customers on the computer. He also goes on the Internet to check the times of trains, make travel plans, and buy tickets. I listen to music or watch movies on it every Friday night. – Jack

There is no computer in my home. I can only use it at school. On the Internet, I search for information, do my homework and check my email. I have a friend in Australia. I can see her and talk to her on the Internet. – Alice

We have a computer at home. My parents don't use it. I can use it on Sundays. I send email to my friends and play computer games. But sometimes I play a lot of games and my mother doesn't like it. -- Mike

M8U1 I always like birthday parties.

Daming: Hi, would you like to come to my birthday party?


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