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Unit 1

Ancient adj.古老的;古代的

Modern adj.现代的;近代的

Athens n.(希腊首都)

Beamon (姓)毕蒙

gold n. & adj.金(的)

medal n. 奖牌;勋章

record n.记录;记载

event n.竞赛

shooting n.射击

athlete n.运动员

silver n.& adj. 银(的)

bronze n.& adj. 青铜(的)

twentieth num. & adj. & adv.第二十

sprint n. 短跑

region n. 地区;地方

Barcelona n. 巴塞罗纳

close adj.接近的;亲密的 adv.紧密,接近

race n. 比赛;赛跑 v. 参加速度竞赛;急速移动 tie n.(比赛中)不分胜负;领带;线


swimmer n. 游泳者

spectator n. 观众;旁观者

beat v. (P beat PP beaten )击败;胜过;打

volleyball n. 排球;排球运动

table tennis =ping-pong乒乓球

design v. 设计;制图

rope n. 绳

jump rope 跳绳

sit-up n. 仰卧起坐

push-up n. 俯卧撑

tennis n. 网球

believe v.相信

guest n. 客人

such adj 同类的;如此的

able adj. 有本事的;有能力的

practice v. 练习;实习

diving n. 跳水

dream n.梦;梦想 v. 做梦;幻想

Dream Team 梦之队

Sydney n. 悉尼

dive v. 跳水;俯冲

diver n. 跳水者

Atlanta n. 亚特兰大

platform n. 站台

springboard n. 跳板

champion n. 冠军

victory n. 胜利;成功

coach n. 教练;辅导老师

include v. 包括;包含

result n. 结果;成绩

none pron .一个也没有;毫无

Unit 2

ordinary adj. 正常的;普通的

whether conj. 是否;不管;无论

structure n. 建筑物;结构;构造

Grand Hyatt 凯悦酒店

locate v. 位于;坐落于

storey n. 楼层

tower n. 塔

thick adj. 厚的

length n. 长度

astronaut n. 宇航员

dam n. 水坝;堤坝

the Three Gorges Dams三峡大坝

gorge n. 峡;峡谷

whale n. 鲸

average n. 平均;一般水平

weigh v. 称……的重量

ton n. 吨

bumblebee n. 大黄蜂

bat n. 蝙蝠

bumblebee bat 大黄蜂蝙蝠

gram n. 克

centimetre n. 厘米

Thailand n 泰国

tortoise n. 龟

including prep 包括;包含

human n. 人(的)

cheetah n. 猎豹

farther adv & adj 更远(的)

farthest adv & adj 最远的

falcon n. 鹰;猎鹰

bridge n. 桥梁

Jones 琼斯(姓)

anybody pron. 任何人

kilo n. 千克

unusual adj . 罕有的;独特的

guitar n. 吉他

lift v. 举起;抬起

pull v. 拉;拖

Unit 3

pay v. 付(款)

price n. 价格;价钱

advertising n. 广告

product n. 产品;生产物

ad n. 广告

supply n. 生活必需品

mall n. 大商场

lingo n. 方言

business lingo 商务用语

success n. 成功

meeting n. 会议

fat adj. 胖的


course n. 课程

beginner n. 初学者

intermediate adj .中间的

advanced adj. 高级的

audiotape n. 录音磁带

certificate n. 证书

final adj. 最终的 最后的;

registration n. 登记

payment n. 支付款额

cheque n. 支票

cash n. 现金

bill n. 纸币;帐单;告示

purse n. 小钱包

afraid adj. 害怕的;担忧的

afford v. 供给/给于某事物

coin n. 硬币

heart n. 心,心脏

cent n. 分

deal v. (P dealt PP dealt )处理;应付

Elementary adj. 基本的;基础的;初步性的 elementary school 小学

storybook n. 故事书

Junior High School 初中

Edwin Moore 埃德温.摩尔

push-pin n. 图钉

bulletin n. 公报;公告

board n. 木板;牌子

rent v. 租借;租用

magazine n. 杂志

journal n. 杂志;期刊

madam n. 夫人;女士

own v. 拥有 属于自己的

employee n. 员工;雇员

Unit 4

fever n. 发烧;发热

hospital n. 医院

nurse n. 护士

Sara 萨拉

pain n. 疼痛

weak adj. 弱的;无力气的

abdomen n. 腹(部)

cough n. & v. 咳嗽

lung n. 肺

breathe v. 呼吸

sneeze v. 打喷嚏

bless v. 祝福;保佑;赞美

role-play n. 角色演习

illness n. 疾病

vitamin n. 维生素

mineral n. 矿物

fibre n. 纤维

potato n. 土豆

salad n. 色拉

lettuce n. 莴苣;生菜

tomato n. 番茄;西红柿

protein n. 蛋白质

nut n. 坚果

bean n. 豆子

soy milk n. 豆浆

soybean n. 大豆

calcium n. 钙

cheese n. 奶酪;干酪

butter n. 黄油;奶油

yogurt n. 酸奶

contain v. 包含

balanced adj. 保持平衡的

diet n. 日常食物

smoke v. 吸烟

ill adj. 有病的;不适的

terrible adj. 可怕的;恐怖的

worse adj. & adv. 较坏的 更坏的

plenty n. 丰富;大量

disease n. 疾病;病患

allow v. 允许;准许

public adj. 公众的;公用的

cause v. 造成;使发生

cancer n. 癌症

beer n. 啤酒

wine n. 葡萄酒;酒

Jane 珍妮

lucky adj. 幸运的;侥幸的

damage v. 损害;损坏

unable adj. 不能的

dare v. 敢;敢于;挑战

wheelchair n. 轮椅

control v. 控制;管理;支配

disabled adj 肢体有残疾的

appendicitis n. 阑尾炎

appendix n. 盲肠;阑尾

Unit 5

life n. 生命;生活

universe n. 宇宙

thought n. 思考;思索;思想;看法;意见 Albert Einstein 艾伯特.爱因斯坦

mind n. 头脑;精神

century n. 世纪

lifetime n. 一生;终生

solve v. 解答;解决

relativity n. 相对性

Theory of Relativity 相对论

false adj. 错误的;假的;人造的

Nobel 诺贝尔

Nobel Price 诺贝尔奖

Switzerland n. 瑞士

Princeton n. 普林斯顿

Princeton university 普林斯顿大学

death n. 死;死亡

nuclear adj. 核能的

Weapon n. 武器【冀教版九年级英语课文录音】

divorce v. 离婚

peanut n. 花生

shadow adj. 阴暗处

hybrid adj. 杂交的

graduate v. 毕业

southwest adj. 西南的

agriculture n. 农业的;耕作的

devote v. 付出

research n. 研究;调查

development n. 开发;发展

variety n. 变化;多样化

worldwide adj. 全世界范围的;世界性的 honour n .& v. 光荣;荣幸;荣誉

technology n. 技术

produce v. 出产;生产



Student Book 1

Unit 1 School and numbers 1. hello!

2. how are you?

3. Boy, Girl and teacher 4. Where? 5. What’s this? 6. My friend

7. 8. Unit review

Unit 2 colours and clothes 9. Red, yellow,blue

10. Pink,Orange,Purple,Green 11. Black,White,Brown 12. How many 13. Skirt and shirt 14. Dress and hat

15. Shorts,pant,shoes,socks 16. Unit review

Unit 3 Body and Feelings 17. Happy, sad 18. Hot,cold 19. In,out 20. Body

21. We look different! 22. How tall are you? 23. It hurts? 24. Unit review

Unit 4 Food and Restaurants 25. Meat and fish

26. Breakfast,lunch and supper 27. Vegetables and fruit 28. What’s for breakfast? 29. Let’s eat! Let’s drink! 30. Pizza and hamburgers 31. .In the restaurant 32. Unit review

Unit 5 Family and home 33. Li ming’s family 34. Jenny’s family 35. Happy birthday!

36. Families play and work 37. In the bedroom 38. Jenny is at home 39. Let’s count! 40. Unit review

Unit 6 Let’s go 41. Go to school

42. Let’s go to the city 43. Let’s go shopping

44. In the department store 45. Expensive or on sale? 46. Let’s go to the zoo 47. Where do they live? 48. Unit review

Unit 7 Days and Months 49. Seasons and Months 50. What’s the date

51. When is your birthday 52. How is the weather today 53. Happy new year 54. What do they play 55. Li ming’s day 56. Unit review

Unit 8 My country and

English_speaking countries 57. Where are they from 58. Let’s look at a map 59. China 60. Canada 61. The U.S. 62. The U.K. 63. Australia 64. Unit review

Student Book 2

Unit 1 A trip to Beijing 1. May I go to Beijing

2. May I invite danny and Jenny 3. How far is Beijing

4. How can we go to Beijing 5. Planning a trip

6. Li Ming packs his suitcase 7. At the train station 8. Uint review Unit 2 On the train 9. Getting on the train

10. What are they looking at 11. Danny’s new friend 12. Lunch on the train 13. What are you doing 14. What is he selling 15. Arriving in BeiJing

16. Unit review

Unit 3 Having fun in BeiJing 17. A taxi to the hotel 18. Tian’anmen square 19. The Place Museum 20. Let’s write home 21. Sending an E-mail 22. The Great wall

23. Shopping in BeiJing 24. Unit review

Unit 4 Did you have a nice trip 25. Good-bye,BeiJing 26. Li Ming comes home 27. Jenny comes home 28. Danny comes home 29. Pictures and gifts

30. Li Ming asks for permission 31. An E-mail from Li Ming 32. Unit review

Unit 5 Li Ming goes to Canada 33. Arriving in Canada 34. Making Breakfast

35. Li Ming goes to school in Canada 36. Li Ming meets Jenny’s class 37. Mr.Wood’s lesson 38. Always or never

39. Home for the evening 40. Unit review

Unit 6 Winter in Canada 41. Snow! It’s winter! 42. Winter fun

43. What’s your favourite holiday 44. Christmas with Jenny

45. Li Ming’s favourite festival 46. Change of season 47. Two seasons or four? 48. Unit review

Unit 7 Sports and good health 49. At the sports store 50. Playing at the Gym 51. Where did they go 52. Bob’s basketball game 53. This is good for you 54. Get some exercise 55. Work hard 56. Unit review【冀教版九年级英语课文录音】

Unit 8 Li Ming goes home

57. summer is here 58. Let’s go to the park

59. Today,work-Tomorrow,Play 60. Summer holiday

61. Getting ready to leave 62. A partyfor Li Ming 63. Good-bye,Li Ming 64. Unit review

Student book 3

Unit 1 Me and My Class 1. Li Ming is back to school 2. Many faces, One picture 3. Getting to know you 4. On a school Day 5. The best clothes 6. Meet Ms.Liu 7. Jenny’s Week 8. Unit review

Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject 9. Don’t be late for class 10. E-mail

11. What’s your favourite subject 12. Tick-tock

13. Looking for Lisa 14. Irfan studied China 15. Karen’s hair stood up 16. Unit review

Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together 17. I love autumn

18. Get ready for turkey

19. Get a present for Li Ming 20. Celebrate

21. Happy thanksgiving 22. Presents from Canada 23. Li Ming’s happy birthday 24. Unit review

Unit 4 My neighbourhood 25. No stopping

26. The best neighbourhood

27. My map, Your map, Our map 28. Turn right,Turn left 29. My neighbourhood

30. Eat a donut and turn right 31. I need a map 32. Unit review Unit 5 My future

33. Maybe you’ll be a teacher 34. What do you hope

35. What’s your advice 36. No matter what

37. Rich or poor? It doesn’t matter 38. Dear Diary

39. A famous friend 40. Unit review

Unit 6 I love learning English 41. A phone frend

42. Welcome to the world of English 43. Write a letter in English 44. Say the word 45. Keep trying

46. Your future and English 47. Some news about English 48. Unit review

Unit 7 Enjoy your hobby 49. Hobbies are fun 50. Danny’s hobby 51. Different hobbies 52. A moment just for me 53. What’s Paul’s hobby 54. Show and tell 55. The new club 56. Unit review

Unit 8 Celebranting me 57. Help

58. Georgia plays basketball 59. Who are you 60. You are you

61. I am good person\ 62. Confidence

63. Christmas is coming 64. Unit review

Student book 4

Unit 1 Spring is coming 1. what’s the weather like 2. It’s getting warmer 3. Postcards 4. Sun is rising 5. Fun in the sun

6. Danny the babysitter 7. Danny’s Debbie Day 8. Unit review Unit 2 Plant a plant

9. How does a plant grow 10. plant parts

11. Look after your plant 12. Pretty little plant

13. Why are plants important 14. Perple and plant 15. Danny Grows grain 16. Unit review


Unit 3 Amazing animals 17. People love pets 18. Brandy hates cats 19. The zoo is open 20. Stand so still 21. fun at the zoo 22. April fools 23. Famous zoos 24. Unit review

Unit 4 Look into science 25. Let’s do an experiment 26. One wet Danny

27. Danny the Dry-o-saur 28. Fill my plate

29. An easter egg hunt

30. Keep the Candle burning 31. Surprise your friends 32. Unit review

Unit 5 Go with transportation 33. How can you go 34. Trains go on rails 35. Future transportation 36. Let’s take a drive 37. Flying donuts

38. Let’s invent hoverboards 39. Clean cars 40. Unit review Unit 6 Commect 41.

42. It only takes a moment 43. Books for computers 44. Everybody!Hear this 45. Wang Mei’s first E-mail

46. Mothers and fathers are special 47. I’m connected 48. Unit review

Unit 7 Know our world 49. Let’s learn Geography 50. The world is a big place 51. Asia

52. East we go

53. Ringing up Li Ming 54. Europe

55. Report on the report 56. Unit review

Unit 8 Save our world 57. Let’s clean up 58. Stop pollution

59. Let’s look at Garbage 60. Fix and mend

61. What was in the bags 62. Take short showers 63. Garbage is interesting 64. Unit review Student book 5

Unit 1 The Olympics

1. Higher,Faster,Stronger 2. Swimming for gold 3. Are you an athlete 4. Good luck to you

5. Danny’s very special guest 6. Diving “Dream team” 7. Don’t fall off the pizzas 8. Unit review

Unit 2 Biggest,Longest,Widest 9. Be a champion

10. Where’s the highest hotel 11. Don’t fall, Danny 12. Let’s go the farthest 13. Who’s the Champ 14. So many records 15. My favourite record 16. Unit review

Unit 3 Buying and selling 17. Who will buy it 18. Two hours too early 19. Know business lingo 20. I’ll buy it

21. Cookies,Please 22. A cookie sale 23. Push that product 24. Unit review Unit 4 Stay healthy

25. What’s wrong with Danny 26. Where is Danny

27. Good food, Good health 28. Move your whole body 29. Don’t smoke, Please 30. Jane’s lucky life 31. Danny tells all 32. Unit review Unit 5 Great People 33. What does life mean 34. A universe of thought

35. China’s most famous “Farmer” 36. Make the world a better place 37. Touch the world 38. To China, with love 39. Guess my hero,Danny 40. Unit review Unit 6 Accidents 41. After an accident 42. Be careful, Danny 43. Brian’s injury 44. Please Take care

45. How safe is your home 46. Help people

47. Never catch a dinosaur 48. Unit review

Student book 6

Unit 1 You can write poetry 1. Poetry, please

2. Poems about nature 3. Say it in three 4. The Wish

5. That’s a Funny limerick 6. Say it in five 7. Trading poems 8. Unit review Unit 2 DNA

9. What’s a “horkey” 10. What is DNA 11. Cloning people

12. Did you ever see a “chores” 13. Clones are the same 14. A clone of my own 15. Cloning question 16. Unit review Unit 3 Pardon me

17. Do mistakes matter 18. Wait! Don’t eat yet 19. Sayings

20. Where I come from 21. What’s in a name 22. Do Manners matter

23. Supper with the bradshaws 24. Unit review

Unit 4 Work for peace 25. Talk! Don’t fight

26. Good friends shouldn’t fight 27. The dove and the Olive Branch 28. Please let there be peace

29. Jenny’s good advice 30. Let’s work for peace 31. Peace at last 32. Unit review

Unit 5 Culture shapes us 33. Welcome, Guest

34. Danny’s dinosaur dinner 35. Keeping culture alive 36. So we can be friends 37. The fox and the stork\

38. One country, Many cultures 39. Memiries of Canada 40. Unit review

Unit 6 Get ready for Jobs 41. When are you free

42. What do you want to do 43. Let me check my calendar 44. Keep your choices open 45. Planet Danny

46. Get a good education 47. The scholarship 48. Unit Review


[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 1 Higher, Faster, Stronger]

[0:01.349]UNIT 1 第一单元

[0:02.884]The Olympics 奥运会

[0:05.879]Lesson 1: 第一课:

[0:07.300]Higher, Faster, Stronger 更高,更快,更强

[0:10.902]THINK ABOUT IT!

[0:13.465]Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV?

[0:18.274]What's your favourite Olympic sport?

[0:21.967]Do you think the Olympics are important?

[0:25.802]Why or why not?

[0:28.618]When were the first Olympics? 第一届奥运会是在什么时候?

[0:31.122]We call the first Olympic Games the "ancient" Olympics. 我们把第一届奥运会称为“古代”奥运会。

[0:35.311]"Ancient" means very, very old. “古代”意味着非常非常久远。

[0:38.381]The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece in 776 BC. 古奥运会始于公元前776年的希腊。

[0:45.131]When did the modern Olympics start? 现代奥运会是什么时候开始的?

[0:47.649]We call today's Olympic Games the "modern" Olympics. 我们把如今的奥运会称为“现代”奥运会。

[0:51.611]What does "modern" mean? “现代”是什么意思?

[0:53.550]"Modern", "now" and "today" mean the same thing. “现代”、“如今”、和“当今”是一回事。

[0:57.951]The modern Olympics started in Athens, Greece in 1896. 现代奥运会始于1896年的希腊雅典。

[1:04.304]Quick Quiz! 小测验!

[1:06.016]Did women compete in the ancient Olympics? 在古奥运会中女子参加竞赛吗?

[1:09.285]No, women did not compete. 不,女子不参加竞赛。

[1:12.468]At the first ancient Olympics, there was only one sport. 在首届古奥运会时,只有一项运动。

[1:16.190]What was it? 是什么?

[1:17.718]The sprint. 短跑。

[1:20.265]How many countries sent athletes to the 2004 Athens Olympics? 2004年的雅典奥运会有多少个国家参加?

[1:25.670]Two hundred and two countries sent athletes to the 2004 Olympics. 2004年的奥运会,202个国家派运动员参加。

[1:31.910]How many athletes competed at the 2004 Olympics? 2004年奥运会有多少名运动员参赛?

[1:35.858]More than eleven thousand athletes competed. 超过一万一千名运动员参赛。

[1:39.410]How many sports did the 2004 Olympics have? 2004年奥运会有多少项运动?

[1:42.707]It had twenty-eight different sports. 有28种不同的运动。

[1:45.848]Amazing Olympic athletes 令人吃惊的奥运健儿

[1:48.409]At the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, 在1968年的墨西哥奥运会中,

[1:52.602]American Bob Beamon won the gold medal in the long jump. 美国人鲍勃·比蒙获得了跳远金牌。

[1:57.400]He jumped an amazing 8.8 metres. 他跳出了令人吃惊的8.8米。

[2:01.368]Nobody broke his record for twenty-three years. 23年中没人打破他的记录。

[2:05.071]Xu Haifeng won China's first Olympic medal. 许海峰为中国获得了第一枚奥运奖牌。

[2:09.177]At the opening event of the 1984 Olympics, he won a gold medal in shooting. 1984年奥运会刚开幕,他就在射击中获得一枚金牌。

[2:15.529]At the Olympics, athletes compete for medals. 在奥运会上,运动员为奖牌而竞争。

[2:19.604]If you are first, you get a gold medal. 如果你名列第一,就得金牌;

[2:22.976]If you are second, you get a silver medal. 如果你名列第二,就得银牌;

[2:26.700]If you are third, you get a bronze medal. 如果你名列第三,就得铜牌;

[2:30.402]If you are twentieth, do you get a medal? 如果你名列第二十,你会获得奖牌吗?

[2:33.475]No! 不会!

[2:35.278]LET'S DO IT!

[2:36.693]In a small group, talk about the Olympic Games.

[2:40.918]When and where did they begin?

[2:43.759]Then, play "Charades."

[2:46.744]Take turns acting out a sport.

[2:50.445]One group member acts, while the others try to guess the sport by asking "Is it ______?"

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 2 Swimming for Gold]

[0:02.457]UNIT 1 第一单元

[0:03.946]The Olympics 奥运会

[0:06.231]Lesson 2: 第二课:

[0:07.713]Swimming for Gold 游泳金牌

[0:10.017]THINK ABOUT IT!

[0:11.562]Have you ever gone swimming?

[0:14.308]Where do you like to swim?

[0:17.117]List some other sports you are good at.

[0:21.518]Barcelona, August 8, 1992 巴塞罗那,1992年8月8日

[0:26.581]China's First Gold in Swimming 中国的第一枚游泳金牌

[0:30.024]Zhuang Yong swam her way to a gold medal today. 庄泳今天游出了她的一枚金牌。

[0:34.124]It was the first gold medal in an Olympic swimming event for our country. 那是我们国家获得的首枚奥运游泳金牌。

[0:39.187]Zhuang Yong won the women's 100-metre freestyle with a time of 54.64 seconds. 庄泳以54.64秒的成绩获得女子100米自由泳比赛冠军。

[0:48.075]It was a very close race. 这是一场势均力敌的比赛。

[0:50.207]When it was over, no one knew who had won. 比赛结束时,没人知道谁会获胜。

[0:53.824]It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson, an American swimmer, had finished at the same time. 庄泳和一名美国游泳运动员珍妮·汤普森似乎同时到达终点。

[1:00.923]Was it a tie? 这是平局吗?

[1:02.598]When it showed: "First, Zhuang Yong, China. Second, Jenny Thompson, U.S.A." 当结

果显示:“第一名,中国的庄泳。第二名, 美国的珍妮·汤普森”时,

[1:09.755]the Chinese spectators at the swimming pool jumped up and down, cheering. 游泳池看台上的中国观众跳跃着,欢呼着。

[1:14.532]They were very excited! 他们非常兴奋!

[1:17.083]Zhuang Yong surprised everyone. 庄泳令每一个人吃惊。

[1:19.861]Before the Olympics, her best time had been slower than Miss Thompson's. 在奥运会前,她最快的时候都要比汤普森慢。

[1:24.658]Miss Thompson had set a world record in the 100-metre event, with a time of 54.48 seconds. 汤普森曾在100米项目中创造了54.48的世界记录。

[1:32.785]But today Zhuang Yong beat the American swimmer. 但是今天庄泳战胜了这位美国游泳运动员。

[1:36.744]She also won two silver medals. 她还获得了两枚银牌。

[1:40.265]Zhuang Yong began swimming when she was eight years old. 庄泳八岁开始游泳。

[1:44.529]She is one of the four Chinese women to win Olympic medals in swimming at the 1992 Olympic Games. 她是在1992年奥运会上获得奥运奖牌的四名中国女选手之一。

[1:52.238]The others are Qian Hong, Lin Li and Yang Wenyi. 其他三人是钱红、林丽、杨文意。

[1:57.954]Spectators watch sports events. 观众观看比赛。

[2:01.937]When their favourites win, they cheer! 当他们喜欢的运动员获胜时,他们就会欢呼!

[2:05.917]In a 100-metre race, the swimmers go up the pool once and down the pool once. 在一百米比赛中,游泳运动员要在游泳池里游一个来回。

[2:13.597]They go as fast as they can! 他们要尽可能快地游!

[2:17.090]Learning Tips 学习贴士

[2:18.809]Barcelona: a city in the northeast of Spain 巴塞罗那:西班牙东北部的一个城市

[2:25.009]LET'S DO IT!

[2:26.556]With a partner, summarize the information about Zhuang Yong and the other swimmers.

[2:34.359]Of these famous Chinese swimmers, who is your favourite?

[2:39.584]Why do you admire him or her?

[2:42.750]Describe him or her to your partner.

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 3 Are You an Athlete?]

[0:02.045]UNIT 1 第一单元

[0:03.456]The Olympics 奥运会

[0:05.596]Lesson 3: 第三课:

[0:07.134]Are You an Athlete? 你是一名运动员吗?



[0:13.601]Are you and your classmates good athletes?

[0:17.964]At the Olympics, athletes compete in "events":

[0:22.323]swimming, running, soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and many others.

[0:31.477]In small groups, design some events.


[0:36.176]What do you need to bring to class for the event?

[0:39.736]What do you need to make?

[0:42.234]Then, make a poster that describes, in English, how to do the event.

[0:48.832]On the last day of the project, get your event ready and put up your poster.

[0:54.695]Every group in the class will try each event.

[0:59.250]Jump over Danny? 跳过丹尼?

[1:00.886]Good Luck! 祝你好运!

[1:02.947]Who has a good idea for an event? 谁能想出一个好的比赛项目?

[1:05.980]What about this? 这个怎么样?

[1:07.378]We ask each group to run across the soccer field. 我们让每一组跑过这个足球场。

[1:11.064]We show the groups where to start and where to stop. 我们告诉各组从哪里开始在哪里停止,

[1:14.895]We give them a watch. 并给他们一块表。

[1:16.303]After they run, they write down how many seconds they needed. 他们跑之后,记下需要多少时间。

[1:20.517]I like that event! 我喜欢那个比赛!

[1:22.639]What about this event: "Jump over the Dinosaur"? “跳恐龙”比赛怎么样?

[1:26.656]I don't know, Danny. 丹尼,我不知道。

[1:28.396]You're the only dinosaur I know, and you're two metres tall! 你是我唯一认识的恐龙,而且你有两米高!

[1:32.765]Yes, I know! 是的,我知道!

[1:34.359]Good luck, Jenny! 祝你好运,詹妮!

[1:35.332]Good luck, Brian! 好运,布赖恩!

[1:37.144]Thank you, Danny. 谢谢, 丹尼。

[1:38.252]The same to you. 你也一样。

[1:39.971]I think you're too tall, Danny! 丹尼,我觉得你太高了!

[1:42.859]You can do the following in your classroom Olympics. 在教室奥运会上你们可以做下面的运动

[1:47.270]Jump Rope 跳绳

[1:49.051]Can you skip sixty times without stopping? 你能连续跳60个吗?

[1:52.830]Sit-ups and Push-ups 仰卧起坐与俯卧撑

[1:55.046]How many can you do in one minute? 一分钟之内你能做多少个?

[1:58.100]sit-ups 仰卧起坐

[1:59.963]push-ups 俯卧撑

[2:02.138]Ball Toss 抛球

[2:04.115]Get a small box. 拿一个小盒子,

[2:05.844]Tape it to the floor. 用胶带把它粘到地板上。

[2:07.366]Stand three metres away. 站在三米外,

[2:09.561]Try to throw ten tennis balls into the box. 试着将十个网球扔到盒子里。

[2:12.988]How many can you get in? 你能投进几个?

[2:15.722]Long Jump 跳远

[2:17.357]How far can you jump? 你能跳多远?

[2:19.490]Start by standing still. 先静止站立,

[2:21.716]Then jump as far as you can. 然后尽量往远处跳。

[2:24.719]Ball Kick 踢球

[2:26.384]In the school yard or the field, kick a soccer ball as far as you can. 在学校的操场上或球场上,尽可能把足球踢得最远。

[2:31.064]Try two more times. 多试两次。

[2:32.876]Can you kick the ball farther? 你能将球踢得更远吗?

[2:34.869]Learning Tips 学习贴士

[2:36.547]two more times: 再两次:

[2:38.345]another two times 另两次

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 4 Good Luck to You]

[0:00.369]UNIT 1 第一单元

[0:01.604]The Olympics 奥运会

[0:03.311]Lesson 4: 第四课:

[0:04.778]Good Luck to You 祝你好运

[0:09.579]Do your best! 做到最好!

[0:11.553]Don't give up! 别放弃!

[0:13.448]Swim as fast as you can! 尽力游得最快!

[0:17.399]Good luck to you! 祝你好运!

[0:19.606]Good luck to you! 祝你好运!

[0:22.208]Make your country proud! 让你的国家为你自豪!

[0:26.344]We believe in you! 我们相信你!

[0:29.596]Do your best! 做到最好!

[0:31.563]Dive right in! 做好姿势入水!

[0:33.546]Up and down the pool you go! 在池中游个来回!

[0:37.480]You've won the race! 你已经赢了比赛!

[0:39.516]You've won the race! 你已经赢了比赛!

[0:41.597]You have made us proud! 你让我们自豪!

[0:46.218]We believe in you! 我们相信你!

[0:49.580]These swimmers are beginning a race. 这些游泳运动员开始比赛了。

[0:52.324]They are diving into the swimming pool. 他们正跳进泳池。

[0:55.402]Dive right in! 入水!

[0:57.108]go! 游!

[0:58.588]Can you tell who has won the gold medal? 你能说出谁得了金牌吗?

[1:01.686]LET'S DO IT!

[1:03.059]Imagine one of your friends is taking part in a school sports meet,

[1:08.695]or your school is playing in an international volleyball game.

[1:14.007]You are part of the cheer team.

[1:16.768]In a small group, create a cheer or a song that will help your team win!

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 5 Danny's Very Special Guest]


冀教版英语“九年级全册说课标说教材”演讲稿 各位评委老师大家好:

Hello! Everyone! I’m Wang Fang from English office. (我是来自英语组的教师王芳。)我很荣幸能够参加本次学校组织的说课标、说教材活动。我今天所说的是冀教版新教材九年级全册。对于本册教材,我将从以下三个大的方面分别展开论述。

一、 说课标






语言技能 :




写——能独立起草短文,短息等,并能对短文进行修改。 语言知识:






情感态度——有明确的学习动机,积极主动的学习态度和自信心 学习策略——在学习中积极思考,主动探究,经常与老师和同学交流合作完成任务,利用多种资源进行学习。


二、 说教材












3.课文内容:课后增加了“Hands-on Activity, Dig In , Culture Tip ”,并且保留了以前旧教材的“Learning Tip”,利于学生拓展


4.课后练习:“Let’s Do It!”可操作性强,改变了以前的空泛偏难要求,利于学生的语言技能和语言知识的练习,并且最后一题适合小组探究,培养了学生的合作学习策略。

6.单元复习课:在第三部分增加了Listening, 最后一部分增加了Self-Evaluation,取消了以前的Written work 和“Do You





10个单元的话题,主要选自旧教材四册一个单元,五册的三个单元和六册的四个单元,本册教材中的Unit4StoriesandPoems, Unit6MoviesandTheatre,Unit9Communication 为新增的三个单元。



句型上由简单到复杂,内容上由浅入深探讨一个话题。 七年级上册unit3和九年级unit1同为一个话题seeing a

doctor;七年级下册unit7和九年级unit1同为一个话题talking about health; 八年级上册unit1和九年级unit2都是talking about people

的话题;八年级上册unit5和九年级unit10同为talking about the future and giving wishes 话题。


循序渐进,利于掌握,便于训练,符合学生的认知规律。 七年级上册unit6与九年级unit3都涉及到了imperatives; 八年级上册unit6与九年级unit8是同一语法object complements;八年级上册以及八年级下册unit4同九年级 unit2, unit8是同一语法Adverbial clauses;

八年级下册unit7与九年级unit6是同一语法Passive Voice; 立体整合最明显的是Modal verb这一语法常识,在七年级下册unit5,八年级上册unit5和九年级unit1,unit4都有讲解。

三、 说建议

(一) 教学建议

1. 学生自主学习的课堂,课前给学生布置好预习任务。一般提前一天给学生布置下去英语的单词和短语预习任务,分给各个小组。

2. 小组探究式的活动课堂,上课时有环环相扣的任务提示,要求小组同学在课堂上探讨并且上黑板完成。

(二) 评价建议




新冀教版九年级上册Unit1课文重点整理(Lessons 1-3)

Unit 1 Stay Healthy

Lesson 1:What’s Wrong, Danny?

1、 wake up ①____________ ②_____________


2、 我感觉不舒服。____________________________________

3、 regret v. 惋惜;懊悔;遗憾

①过去式_________ 过去分词_________ 现在分词_________

②regret to do sth. 对要做的事遗憾(未做);regret doing sth. 对做过的事遗憾,后悔(已做) eg. I regret to tell you that you failed in the exam. ________________________________ She regretted telling me what she thought. ___________________________________ 练习: —You were brave enough to raise an objection at the meeting.

—Well, now I regret ______ that.

A. do B. did C. to do D. doing

③regret +n. / pron. If you don’t do it now, you will regret it. ____________________ ④regret+that / wh-从句 I deeply regret what I said. ____________________________

4、如此多的面包圈_______________ 如此多的水_______________【冀教版九年级英语课文录音】

5、发高烧_______________ / _______________

6、 dress v. ① dress sb. ________________ dress oneself __________________

② get dressed __________________ ③ be dressed in __________________ ④ dress up ____________________



put on


have on

例如:Do you remember the man who ______ a red T-shirt on at the party last night?

7、 get into the car / taxi________________ 下电梯________________

get on the bus________________ 下飞机________________

8、 开车去医院________________

9、 坐起来________________ 摸丹尼的头________________

指向________________ 需要住院________________

10、I regret ______ you that your application has been refused.

A. informing B. being informed

C. to be informed D. to inform

11、we, go, now, need, right, there (连词成句) __________________________________?

12、What’s wrong with you, Tom? You look p_______.

13、What is the worst __________ (ill) you have ever had?

14、(2014·路北二模) The cloth ______ very soft and comfortable.

A. smells B. tastes C. feels D. sounds

15、(2014·上海一模) I lent you two books the other day. If you have read them, tell them which

one you find is ______.

A. most interesting B. more interesting

C. the most interesting D. much interesting

Lesson 2:A Visit to the Dentist

1、 take care of =____________,“照顾,照看”,其后要接宾语;

take care =____________,“当心,小心”,其后不接宾语。

练习:①(2012·广州中考试题)Thanks for your invitation, but I’m so sorry that I can’t go. I need to ______ my baby at home.

A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of ②__________ (小心) and you won’t hurt yourself.

2、I’m really afraid of going to the dentist. 我真的害怕去看牙医。

be afraid of后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。如:她怕狗。She is __________________. 我担心会迟到。I’m afraid _____________________ school.

→区分be afraid of doing sth.和be afraid to do sth.

be afraid of doing sth.,担心某事可能发生;be afraid to do sth.,因害怕而不敢做某事。如:The little girl was afraid __________ (go) on the wooden bridge, for she is afraid __________________ (跌入) into the river.


①since后接过去的时间点或过去式,该句主句为现在完成时态。如:He has been an English teacher since he ________________ (毕业) unversity.

②since还可表示原因,常用于句首,译为“既然”。如:Since you don’t want to come here, I will find _______________ (别人).

③since常用于句型 It has been / is + some time + since + 过去时,意为“自从某事发生,到现在已经多长时间了”。例如:自从我们上次见面到现在已经十五年了。


4、refuse v. 拒绝;回绝 refuse sb. / sth. 拒绝某人/某物;refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 我想他不会拒绝你的。 I ____________________________.

She has never refused __________ (help) her mother with the housework.

→n. 拒绝 n. 到达

5、 have no choice but to do sth. 除了„„别无选择

I have no choice but to __________________________ (接受她的邀请).

当but后跟不定式结构时,如果but前有实义动词do,该不定式结构中的to可省略,否则不能省略。如:He can do nothing but lie down and sleep. 他无事可做,只好________。

6、Imagine how ________________! My hands were shaking. My legs felt so heavy, and it was difficult __________ (stand)! 想象一下,我是多么害怕啊!我的双手在颤抖。我的双腿很沉重,几乎都站不起来了。

It is + adj. + for / of sb. to do sth. 此结构中,何时用for,何时用of?

7、The word doctorphysicians, and some professors. “doctor”这个词是一个统称。它可以被用来称呼像牙医,____________、_____________,和一些教授。

be used (/ju:zd/) to do sth. 是use sth. to do sth.的被动语态,译为“被用来做某事”,也可用be used for doing sth.来表达。此外,be used as sth.意为“被当作„„来用”。例如:有时,粉笔被老师当作武器来用。_______________________________________________

→used还可读作/ju:st/,词组used to do sth.,be used to sth.,be used to doing sth.怎么解释?

Lesson 3: Good Food, Good Health

1、谷类早餐食物也是由不同谷物做成的。 be made of

be made from

be made in

be made into

be made up of

(练习) —Do you believe that paper is made ______ wood?

—Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made ______ paper.

A. from; from B. from; of C. of; from D. of; of


①be rich in 含有丰富的„„;富含„„。反义词组为be short of,意为“缺少”。例如: This country is rich in _______________ (石油和煤炭).

I am _______________ this month. 这个月我手头有点紧。

②stay / keep healthy 保持健康,还可表达为keep fit或keep in good health。

3、 popular adj. 流行的;受欢迎的

be popular in 在某一领域或地方流行或受欢迎;be popular with受„„的欢迎;be popular among在„„中流行或受欢迎。 例如:

Chinese food is popular ______ Americans. The song is popular ______ the young. This dictionary is popular ______ the scientific field.

4、 Calcium makes your bones and teeth _________. 钙有助于你的骨骼和牙齿结实。

make + sb. / sth. + adj. 使某人或某物„„,此句型中,adj.作宾补成分。如果表达“让某人做某事”,常用句型___________________。但在被动语态中,to不能省略。例如: 这个激动人心的消息使我们很兴奋。

Don’t make the baby _________ (哭) any more.

She was made __________ (wait) for over an hour.



My parents taught me not to waste food. My mom always found ways to make leftovers (剩余食物) taste good. I went to Ilan to learn about some of their special foods. As I was there, I learned about the food and the history of the area. I learned that they don’t waste food, either, and they use leftovers!

Many years ago, there was not enough food for everyone. People learned to cook and eat almost everything. They had to think of ways to make special dishes. One of these dishes is kao zha. It’s made with leftovers like meat, soup, oil and fat. That might not sound very good, but it does taste good. Today, kao zha is a special dish at big banquets (宴会).

Another famous dish is called zao bing. It’s made with fruit, meat and other things. I really liked it! But I didn’t want to eat too much. It has a lot of fat in it.

I smelled something burning and I saw smoke, so I found another special food of the Ilan area─duck meat. The duck meat is put in a big oven (炉子) to cook it. Smoke keeps the meat fresh. I don’t usually eat meat, but this duck meat was delicious! It tasted sweet.

Ilan is a great place with delicious food. I hope I can come back again!

56. The writer learns from her parents __________.

A. not to eat leftovers B. to eat good food C. not to waste food D. to make good food

57. She finds that people in Ilan __________.

A. always waste food B. don’t use leftovers C. don’t have enough food D. can cook special food

58. Kao zha is a good dish that is made with __________.

A. fruit, meat and other things B. fresh and sweet duck meat

C. some different leftovers D. meat, soup and fruit

59. There are __________ kinds of special foods mentioned in the passage.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

60. From the passage, we know that __________.

A. there was not enough food in Ilan long ago

B. leftovers can’t be used to cook delicious food

C. zao bing is a famous dish without any fat in it

D. the writer is interested in very big banquets


Is there someone you hate? Well, maybe you don’t really hate them. But you get really angry every time you think of them. If you don’t let this anger go, it can turn into bitterness (痛苦).

Bitterness appears when we can’t forgive (原谅) someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But instead of controlling the anger, we keep it deep inside. Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. We may think we’re hurting that person by criticizing (指责) him or her often, but we’re really only hurting ourselves.

Bitterness can not only lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, but also hurt our relationships with friends and family members. No one enjoys being around an angry person for very long. If you see bitterness in your life, here are some ways to deal with it.

Accept it

and quickly deal with it.

Stop making excuses for it

You may feel you have a right to be angry. You may think you’re right and the other person is wrong. You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look bad. But in the end, bitterness hurts you much more than

the other person. The bitterness will hold you back, and the other person will go on with his or her life. Forgive and forget it

You probably can’t completely put the anger out of your mind. But you can decide to forgive the other person. Forget it and move on. You’ll enjoy better health and peace of mind.

66. According to the passage, we might get angry when someone __________.

A. holds us back B. forgets us C. doesn’t like us D. does hurt us

67. Bitterness comes from __________.

A. our health problems like heart disease

B. the anger that lives deep inside our mind

C. the person who says something that hurts us

D. our relationships with friends and family members

68. The underlined word “deny” in the passage means “__________”.

A. 误解 B. 否认 C. 疏远 D. 减轻

69. The best way to deal with the bitterness is to __________.

A. make the person who hurts us look bad

B. hate the person who hurts us very often

C. accept that you are hurting the other person

D. forgive the person who hurts us and forget it

70. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We should enjoy someone who hurts us.

B. We should pay more attention to our friends.

C. The peace of mind is more important than the hurt itself.

D. It’s better to let bitterness go along with the other person.

56-60 CDCBA 66-70 DBBDC



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