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Unit 1 How can I get there?



(1)能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:“Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital.”等。

(2)能够询问线路并简单回答,如:How can I get to the „? Turn left at the „, then go straight. It’s on the left.

(3)能够掌握四会单词hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore ,Turn ,left, go straight.

(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”。


(1)掌握A,B部分Let’s learn, Let’s talk中的四会短语和句子

(2)能够听、说、认读A,B部分Let’s learn的三会单词和Let’s talk, read and write中出现的三会句型。

(3)能够理解read and write, Let’s check, Let’s wrap it up等部分的内容。

(4)能够了解tips for Pronunciation中音标的音与形,并能正确读出例词。

(5)了解Story time等部分的内容。





教学重点: 问路以及指点方向。

教学难点:问路的用语以及AB部分read and write中的对话。


第一课时:A Let’s learn / Make a map and talk

第二课时:A Let’s try/ Let’s talk


第三课时:B Let’s learn /Be a tour guide

第四课时:B Let’s try / Let’s talk

第五课时:B read and write/ Tips for Pronunciation

第六课时:B Let’s check /Let’s wrap it up/C Story time


一、教学内容:A Let’s learn / Make a map and talk


1.能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore

2.能够听、说、认读短语science museum。

3.能够听、说、认读句型:“Where is the library? It's near the post office.”并进行关键词的替换操练。

4.会唱歌曲《Where is the hospital?》



1、掌握Let's learn部分的四会单词和短语。


3. 掌握句型:“Where is the library? It's near the post office.”进行关键词的替换操练。




1. Warm-up

(1) Greeting

(2)师生对话,复习介词in,on, under, behind, in front of, near, next to.


Let's learn

(1) listen and say

T: I want to post the letter. Where can I go? (post office)

Oh, I feel bad, I need to see a doctor. Where can I go? (hospital) I’m ok now, I want to see a film, Where can I go? (cinema)

I need to buy some books, where can I go? (bookstore)

Q: Where is the post office? (It’s near the hospital.)

E: We also can say “it’s next to the hospital.” Can you guess what meaning of “next to”? (It’s the same as near.)

(2) Make a map and talk

There are other two buildings. Look at this one, this is a science museum. The other one is library. In the map, there are 2 blanks A and B. Now, please guess where are they?

Sence: I want to go to the library, but I don’t know how to get to the library? Can you help me?

Q: Excuse me, How can I get to the library?

A: „

Q: Where is the library?

A: „

Listen to the tape, read after it.

(4) Make dialogues

(5) Next week, we will have a long holiday. I want to go to Beijing. I prepare a map. But it’s too small, who can help me write it on Bb?

(6) Do the same with partners.


Copy the 4-skilled words, each 5 times.【新六年级上册英语课本】



一、教学内容:A Let’s try/ Let’s talk


1.复习单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum

2.能够听、说、读、写句型:“Where is the museum shop? It's near the door.” 3. 能够听、说、认读单词:ask,sir,interesting和句子:Is there a...? I want to... What a great museum!


1、学习句型:“Where is the museum shop? It's near the door.”







Let’s do

Go to the bookstore.

Buy some books.

Go to the post office.

Send a letter.

Go to the hospital.

See the doctor.

Go to the cinema.

See a film.

Go to the museum.

See some robots.


复习单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum. 教师先出示单词卡片,抽读这五个单词,然后再出示图片,让学生看图说单词。


Let’s try

(1) 打开课本读一读Let’s try中呈现的问题和选项。

(2) 播放录音,学生听完后勾出正确的选项。

(3) 全班校对答案。

Let’s talk

(1)播放Let’s talk录音,学生带着问题听录音,where is the museum shop?where is the post office?听完录音后让学生回答这两个问题,教师板书:It’s near the door. It's next to the museum.教师讲解:“near”表示在附近,“next to”表示与„„相邻,它的范围比near小。最后让学生用“near”和“next to”来讲述学校周围的建筑物。

(2)讲解“A talking robot!What a great museum!”,让学生说说这两个感叹句的意思。

(3)跟读、领读Let’s talk.


4.Consolidation and extension

(1) 分角色扮演Let’s talk的内容,三人一组表演对话,然后请一些同学到台前表演。

(2) 教学A. Talk about the places in your city/town/village.


T: Is there a zoo in our city?

S:Yes, there is.

T: Where is it?

S: It’s near the park.







lesson 1 just read and speak

Gao Wei is a good student.

He knows everyone in school should obey the rules.

He comes to school early. He listens to his teacher carefully.

He never makes noise in calss. He's a group leader.

His group is making a list of rules for the class.

Class Rules:

Listen to the teacher carefully?

Hand in your homework on time.

Don't be late for class.

Don't make noise in class.;

lesson 3 just read and speak

Peter is a good student at school.

But sometimes he is not a good boy at home.

He often makes a mess in his room.

He doesn't like to help to set the dinner table.

He watches TV the whole evening.

He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.


Peter's mother writes some home rules for him:【新六年级上册英语课本



1.You should help to set the dinner table.

2.You should go to bed early.

3.You should keep your room clean.


1.You shouldn't read in bed.

2.You shouldn't watch TV till late.

3.You shouldn't make a mess in your room.

lesson 5 just read and speak

look out!You mustn't cross the road now.

You must wait for the green light.

You mustn't spit on the ground. You must keep off the grass.

You mustn't pick the flowers.

You mustn't litter .We must take good car -e of young children.

lesson 7 Just read and speak

What are you doing, Li Yan?

I'm reading an e-mail from Lucy. She's my new friend.


Can I read it?

Li Yan: Sure!

Hi Li Yan, My name is Lucy. I'm from New Zealand.

I'm twelve.

Let me tell you something about my daily life.

I get up at seven every morning. I go to school at twenty past eight.

School begins at nine I have classes from 9:00 to 11:30.

I bring a lunch box to school. School ends at three.

I get home at about half past three. Then I do my homework

I have dinner at about seven. After dinner, I watch TV.

I go to bed at 9:00. How about you? Please e-mail me back. Best wishes, Lucy

Lesson 9 Just read and speak

Hi Lucy, I was glad to get your e-mail.

Let me tell you something about my family.

My family lives in Kunming. My father is a doctor and my mother....

Hi Li Yan, I was glad to read your e-mail.

Now let me tell you something about my grandpa.

My grandpa is very kind to me. I love him very much.

These photos are about his daily life. Every morning he gets up at six. He takes a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00. Then he reads the newspapers.


In the afternoon,

he usually waters the flowers in his garden or plays with his pet dog.

He doesn't go out in the evening. He goes to bed at about 9:30.

Best wishes,Lucy

Lesson 11 Just read and speak

Gao Wei, Peter and Li Yan are going on a social studies field trip.

They want to know about a famous scientist.

But the scientist,Mr Li, isn 't in his office.

So they talk with his secretary, Linda.

May I ask you some questions about Mr Li's daily life?

Sure. He usually works in th office in the morning.

He offen works from 6:00 to 12:00. Then has a quick lunch.

What does he usually do in the afternoon?

He usually goes on with his work Sometimes he meets other scientists. Does he often go shopping?

No. He seldom goes shopping.

He never eats out. He always has his meals in the office, or even in the lab. How hard he works! We should learn from him.


lesson 13 Just read and speak

Everybody has hobbies. Do you like collect -ing stamps?

Are you interested in listening to music ? Do you enjoy playing basketball ? These are all hobbies Peter's hobby is collecting toy cars.

There is a toy shop near Peter's home.

Bob, there's a new type of toy car in the shop. I'm going to buy one.

Do you like toy cars?

Yes.My hobby is collecting toy cars.

What's your hobby?

I'm interested in collecting stamps.

I have an interesting hobby,too Look! This is my book of candy paper.

Wow,it's super! So many types of cand -y paper!So colourful and so nice!

lesson 15 just read and speak

My grandpa lives on a farm. He has some interest -ing hobbies.

Do you want to know something about him?

Is this your grandpa?

Yes. He enjoys farming.





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