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Unit 1

1、How are you? 你好吗? How is he ? 他好吗?

I’m fine. = I’m OK. = I’m very well. (fine, OK, well 都是形容词,表身体好的)

2、What’s this in English?――It’s a ruler. ( in English 用英语)

Spell it, please. = How do you spell it ?请拼写出来――R-U-L-E-R.

3、问颜色:It’s black and white.

What color are they ? ---They are red.

4、问姓名:What’s your/ her/ his name ?



如: ① I can help you ② Can you help me.

⑵物主代词:表“某人的”,可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词后必须接宾语,名词性物主代词后不接宾语。如This is my book.= This book is mine. 变化规则:一变(my—mine); 二留(his—his its—its)

三加s(your—yours ; our—ours ; her—hers ; their—theirs)


am a 14-year-old girl, name is Jane. Look, this photo is father is a teacher. works in a primary school. students all love . mother is a doctor. works in a hospital. both love jobs. I have a happy family. Do you have a family photo ? Please talk about

Unit 2

1、指示代词:this , that , these , those. 其中this , that一般与可数名词的单数连用或代替单数名词,而不与不可数名词连用。these, those 接复数名词或代替复数名词(但that可单独指代不可数名词)。


⑴ This apple is mine, is yours.

⑵ These my apples and yours.

⑶ The weather here is hotter than in Hainan.

⑷ My books are different from on your desk.

2、一般疑问句,用yes或no 来回答的问句。

⑴动词be 提前,some 改any

There are some students in the room.→ students in the room?

⑵情态动词(can, could, would, should, may, must等表语气)提前

He can speak English. → he speak English ?

⑶使用助动词(do/does/did)来帮助实义动词构成问句。后接动词原形,some 改any. He has some friends. → he friends.

【注意】一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句、疑问句、条件状语从句(但表请求、建议,希望得到对方的肯定的回答的问句中可用some,此类句型常以could , would开头)

题:①Would you like tea ? ②Could you take tea to me .


⑴ 疑问词+ be + 主语 ?

Who are you ?

⑵ 疑问词+ 助动词+ 主语 + 谓语动词 + (其他)? Why do you like art ?

4、助动词do/ does / did 的用法: 帮助对实义动词提问或否定, 后接动词原形。

⑴ Do/Does/Did... like/have/go/want/think/play….? (喜欢吗?有吗?去吗?….)

⑵ don’t / doesn’t/ didn’t like/have/go/want/think/play…(不喜欢、没有、不去、不想…)

5、短语 : call sb. at + 电话号 : Please call me 5689000.

Unit 3

1、介绍他人, 人称关系词

This is my mother / father / brother/ friend /sister/uncle/ daughter/ son….

2、指示代词 this , that , these , those 的用法。

Those are my two brothers. And that’s my sister.

3、短语:Thanks for (doing) sth. = Thank you for (doing ) sth. 谢谢(做)某事。

①Thanks for .(listen)谢谢收听 ② Thanks for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。

Unit 4

1、 方位介词 on/ in / under 的用法:( on 在… 上;in在…里; under 在…下)

My book is on/in/under the desk.

2、take, bring, fetch 的用法:

take sth. to sb./some place. 把某物拿到某人/某地(take 拿走,从说话者处拿到远处) bring sth. to sb. /some place. 把某物带到某人/某地(bring 带来,从远处带到说话者处) fetch sth for sb. =fetch sb. sth. 为某人去取某物 (先去再回,强调双向)

练习题:①I’m thirsty. Can you something to drink me?

②The teacher said “Don’t forget to your homework school.”

③The teacher asked me to his books his office.

3、need 的用法:need to do sth. (用于肯定句,后接动词不定式,当做实义动词);

needn’t do sth.(用于否定句后常接动词原形,当做情态动词。)

题:①She need you. (tell ) ② She needn’t you. (tell)

Unit 5

1、have 表“①有 ②吃喝”时是实义动词(有意义的动词),在一般现在时态中,当主语为单数第三人称时,用has, 其他人称用have.

题:She a brother. They bread and milk for breakfast every day. (have)

2、 many 和 much 都表“很多”,但many 后接可数名词复数,而much后接不可数名词。 题:There are vegetables and milk in the fridge.

3、 let, make, have 当他们表“使”时,是使令动词,后常接动词原形。

题:① let’s home. (go) ② The movie made me . (cry)

③ I would have him for me. (wait)

Unit 6


⑴一般加s,大多数可数名词变复数后直接加“s”。如:book →books pen→ pens ⑵s; sh; ch; x 结尾加 es 如:bus→ buses watch →watches box→ boxes

⑶“辅+y”结尾变y为i加es 如:baby→ babies family → families



man—men ; woman—women ; policeman—policemen;Englishman—Englishmen

child—children;foot—feet ; tooth—teeth mouse(鼠)—mice

⑵一般以“o”结尾的,加“s”如: photo→ photos; kilo→ kilos ;但初中有四个以“o”结尾的可数名词要加“es”即:negro→ negroes(黑人); hero→ heroes(英雄);

potato—potatoes(土豆); tomato—tomatoes(番茄)

⑶一般以f (fe) 结尾则变f(fe)为v加es 如:leaf→ leaves knife→ knives;

但roof (房顶)直接加s ,即:roof -roofs

⑷单复同形: fish ; sheep ; deer ; Chinese ; Japanese


a book shop →two book shops; 但有以下2种特殊情况。

①由man , woman表性别,修饰可数名词复数时,man和woman 也要用复数形式。 a man doctor — two men doctors; a woman teacher →two women teachers


②sport常用复数形式修饰后面的名词 a sports meeting; a sports jacket

⑹“某国人”的复数:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面. eg. German—Germans

⑺ people , police 常用单数形式表示复数概念 The police are looking for the missing boy. 题:

( )1.—Are those ______?---No, they aren’t. They’re _____.

A. sheep ; cows B. sheep ; cow

C. sheeps ; cow D. sheeps ; cows

( )2.Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ____.

A. two orange B. two bottles of orange

C. two bottles orange D. two bottles of oranges

( )3.I have got ___ news from my friend. Do you want to know?

A. a very good B. any C. a piece of D. two pieces

( )4.Mrs. Green has two ____. They’re very bright.

A. childs B. child C. children’s D. children

( )5.The cat caught two ___ last night.【七年级上册英语课本mp3打包下载】

A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. mices

( )6.Jack went to have two ___ pulled out yesterday afternoon.

A. tooths B. tooth C. teeth D. toothes

( )7.In our school there are fifty-five ___.

A. women teachers B. woman teachers

C. women teacher D. woman’s teacher

( )8.The three ___ will be put into prison.

A. thiefs B. thief C. thieves D. thiefs’

Unit 7

1、不定冠词a, an用于可数名词前,都表“一(个、只、张…)”

⑴ a用在辅音音素开头的词前 如:a book; a useful book; a “u”

⑵ an用于元音音素开头的词前. 如:an apple; an umbrella; an hour; an “F”

题:( )1.There is ____ “s” in ____ word “bus”.

A. a ; a B. an ; the C. a ; the D. an ; a

( )2.Math is ___ useful subject. You can’t drop it.

A. an B. a C. the D. /

2、take 的用法:

⑴ 拿走:Who has taken my pen ?

⑵ 买下(同buy)It’s ten dollars, I’ll take it.

⑶ 乘,搭车 I take a bus to school.

⑷ 花费 It takes me ten years to finish the work.

⑸ 记录 take notes记笔记;take photos照相; take one’s temperature 量体温

⑹ 服(药)(=have) Take this medicine after each meal.

【总结】take 短语还有:take/have a bath/shower 洗个澡;take /have a walk 散一散步 take off 脱下,起飞;take away 拿走;take in 吸收;take it easy 别紧张;take out 取出; take over 接管;take place 发生;take up 占据(空间)


At 和in 都可以接地名,表在某地。At 后接小地名,in后接大地名。但如果强调在某建筑物内部时,用in. 如:at school, at home, in Beijing, in China, at/in the library. 题:He’ll arrive Shanghai tomorrow .

4、 at a …price 以一种…的价格:We got it at a very low/good price.

5、 afford 表“买得起,负担的起”,常与can, be able to, could 等表“能”的情态动词连用。

① I can afford a car. ②He isn’t able to afford (to buy)a car.

6、 have a look 看一看 Let me have a look.

have a look at… 看一看某物 Let me have a look at your watch.

7、 on sale (廉价)出售:8、 in + 颜色:①We have T-shirts in red/ green. (此处in表“处于某种状态”)

②Do you know the girl in red ?(此处in 表“穿着”)

9、 短语:see for oneself 亲自看:Come and see for yourself.

10、for 是一个介词,用法有:

① 为:I can do anything for you.

② 给:This letter is for you.

③ 对于 It is important for us to learn English well.

④ 适合于 books for children.

⑤ (表时间,距离,数量)达,计:I’ll stay there for a week.

11、help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 (help 后接动词不定式或动词原形)

题:She often helps the room. (A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning D. to cleaning )

Unit 8

1、 问生日:When is your birthday? --- It’s January fourth.


基变序,有规律;词尾要加th。一二三,特殊记;词尾分别tdd。八去t ,九去e ; ve则以f替,ty 则变作 ti ; 后面还有一个e。要是遇到几十几;只将个位变成序。 one—first two—second three—third eight—eighth nine—ninth

five—fifth twelve—twelfth

twenty—twentieth twenty-one —twenty-first

题:① Today is the of March. (九)

② He is the person. (十二)

unit 9

1、 go to a movie 去看电影

2、 助动词do/does 的用法。

3、 What kind (of ) 用来问种类: What kind (of movie) do you like ?

4、 too, as well, also, either 都表“也”,不同用法有:

① too和as well都用于肯定句末,可互换,但too前常用逗号隔开.

I’m a student. He is a student as well/too.

② also 用于肯定句中(位于系动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前)如:

He is likes English.

③ either 用于否定句末。I’m not a student, he isn’t a student either.

5、短语:learn about 学习,了解 know about 得知,了解

6、短语:on weekends


7、名词所有格:名词’s (意思是 “……的”)


⑴ 表两者共有则在后者加“’s”,表“各自的”则分别在每人头上加“’s”。

①Lucy and Lily’s father 露西和莉莉的父亲(共有的)

②Jim’s and Lily’s fathers吉姆的父亲和莉莉的父亲.(Jim和Lily各自的) ⑵ 以s结尾的词只加“ ’ ”

如:① the boys’ books ② James’ father

⑶ 无生命的名词所有格用of来引导

如:the leg of the desk

⑷ 双重所有格:a friend of my father’s

a friend of mine ( √ ) a friend of my( × )

题:( )1.___ room is on the 5th floor.

A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s

C. Lucy’s and Lily D. Lucy’s and Lily’s

( )2.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ____ to his office.

A. 20 minutes’ walk B. 20 minute’s walk

C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minute walk



near nice Nice to meet you. Not at all

在...附近 adj.好的,漂亮的 见到您很高兴。 不客气.一点也不. not...at all now

根本不 adv.现在

off often Oh dear! only

adv.(离)开;(走)开 adv.常常 哎呀!天哪! adv.仅仅

open orange other over

vt.打开;adj.开着的 n.桔汁 adj.别的,其他的 adv.结束,完了 people the people pioneer plane

n.人,人们 人民 n.先锋 n.飞机

postcard put away

n.明信片 把...收起来(放好)

read rice ride right

vt.读;朗读 n.米饭;大米 vt.骑(自行车,马等) adj.对的 正确的 river run

n.江;河 vi.跑

same Saturday say sell

adj.同样的,一样的 n.星期六 vt.说,讲 vt.卖

shop shopping sing small

n.商店 n.买东西 vt.& vi. 唱 唱歌 adj.小的

so I don't think so. sock soldier

pron.这样 这么 我不认为是这样. n.短袜 n.士兵,战士 something something to drink sometimes soon

pron.某事(物) 一些喝的东西 adv.有时 adv.不久,一会儿 sorry speak stand stay

adj.对不起的;抱歉的 vt.& vi.说 说话 vi.站,立 vi.停留;住 study Sunday supper swim

vt.学习 n.星期日 n.晚餐 vi.&n.游泳 take take off talk tea

vt.拿到;带到 脱去(帽子、衣服等) vi.说话,谈话 n.茶;茶叶 teach Thank goodness! them then

vt.&vi.教 教书 谢天谢地! pron.他(她;它)们 adv.那么;然后 there thing think throw

interj.那!你瞧! n.东西;事情 vt.想;认为 vt.投,掷

throw it like that Thursday to today

像那样扔出去 n.星期四 prep.(表方向)到;往 n.& adv.今天 tomorrow too Tuesday TV

n.& adv.(在)明天 adv.太 n.星期二 n.电视;电视机 uncle up USA(=the United States of America) n.叔;伯;舅;姨父;姑父 adv.向上 美国

very very much

adv.很,非常 很,非常

want want a go wash watch

vt.要;想要 要试一试 vt.&vi.漱洗;洗(东西) vt.观看,注视 water wear Wednesday week

n.水 vt.穿 n.星期三 n.周,星期 weekday welcome You're welcome. well

n.周日 adj.受欢迎的 别客气;不用谢 interj.喔,那么 What about... with women work

好不好?...怎样? prep.关于,和,用 女人(复数) n.工作;vi.工作 worker worry Don't worry. would n.工人 vt.(使)担忧 别发愁;别担忧. 想要 I'd like(=I would like) write wrong

想要 vt.写 adj.错误的

What's wrong What's wrong with...?

怎么啦?出了什么毛病? 怎么了?

young Young Pioneer

adj.年轻的;幼小的 少先队员

Smith Hunt King【七年级上册英语课本mp3打包下载】

史密斯(姓) 亨特(姓) 金(姓)都)

Washington London New York

n.华盛顿(美国首都) n.伦敦(英国首都) n.纽约(美国城市)


Unit 1 My name’s Gina


Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people; Ask for and give telephone number



Write English words for the

things in the picture.


1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。 □A: What’s your name? □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina.

B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you, too. A: Nice to meet you!

1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates. 练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1—4].




2c Practice the conversations in pairs.


A: Hello! What’s your name A: What’s his name?

B: My name’s… B: His name is…

A: I’m… A: And what’s her name?

B: Nice to meet you! B: Her name is…

2d Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话

Linda: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda.

Are you Helen?

Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.

Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her


Helen: She’s Jane.

Linda: Is he Jack?

Helen: No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike.

3a Put the words in order to make conversations. Then practice them.


1. your name What’s 2. name his What’s 3. Mike you Are

Cindy I’m Bob He’s am I Yes【七年级上册英语课本mp3打包下载】

3b Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.


A: Hi, ________________ your name?

B: My ____________________ Gina. ____________________ you Bill?

A: ______________________, I’m not. ___________________ Bob.

B: Hi, ____________________. _____________________ to meet you.

A: Nice to ___________________ you, too.

3C Practice introducing yourself and others in a group. How many names can you

remember? 分小组练习介绍自己和他人。你能记住多少个名字?

1b Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number. 听对话,写出电话号码。

□ □ □ -□ □ □ □

1c Ask for and give your phone numbers.


1d Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.


1. Tom __________ a. 929-31 __________

2. Linda __________ b. 398-61 __________

3. Bob __________ c. 278-79 __________

4. Mary __________ d. 555-80 __________

1e Listen again. Complete the phone numbers in 1d.


1f Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out

a piece of paper and find the owner. 将你的电话号码写在纸条上放入袋中,然后任意取出一张纸条,找出号码的主人。

2a Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L for last name.

阅读下面的姓名,在名字后写F, 在姓氏后写

2b 在姓氏下画线。

2c Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends

in the name list.将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出文中的三对朋友。


Unit 1 My name’s Gina


Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people; Ask for and give telephone number



Write English words for the

things in the picture.



1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。 □A: What’s your name? □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina. B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you!

A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you, too. A: Nice to meet you!

1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates. 练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1—4].



2c Practice the conversations in pairs.

A: Hello! What’s your name A: What’s his name?

B: My name’s… B: His name is…

A: I’m… A: And what’s her name? B: Nice to meet you! B: Her name is…

2d Role play the conversation.


Linda: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda.

Are you Helen?

Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.

Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her


Helen: She’s Jane.

Linda: Is he Jack?

Helen: No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike.

3a Put the words in order to make conversations. Then practice them. 调整词序,组成对话并练习。

1. your name What’s 2. name his What’s 3. Mike you Are

Cindy I’m Bob He’s am I Yes

3b Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.


A: Hi, ________________ your name?

B: My ____________________ Gina. ____________________ you Bill?

A: ______________________, I’m not. ___________________ Bob.

B: Hi, ____________________. _____________________ to meet you.

A: Nice to ___________________ you, too.

3C Practice introducing yourself and others in a group. How many names can

you remember? 分小组练习介绍自己和他人。你能记住多少个名字?

1b Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number. 听对话,写出电话号码。

□ □ □ -□ □ □ □

1c Ask for and give your phone numbers.


1d Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.


1. Tom __________ a. 929-31 __________

2. Linda __________ b. 398-61 __________

3. Bob __________ c. 278-79 __________

4. Mary __________ d. 555-80 __________

1e Listen again. Complete the phone numbers in 1d.


1f Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take

out a piece of paper and find the owner. 将你的电话号码写在纸条上放入袋中,然后任意取出一张纸条,找出号码的主人。

2a Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L for last name.

阅读下面的姓名,在名字后写F, 在姓氏后写

and the last names. 上画圈,在姓氏下画线。

2c Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of

  • ·小学七年级英语上册课本(2016-09-21)
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