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人教版六年级上册英语第二单元的重点图文ways to go to school

编辑:zhangyanqing  成考报名   发布时间:10-17    阅读:

  六年级是五年级和七年级之间的年级,也是六年制小学中最重要的一个年级,最后一个年级。小升初的来临将使小学生忙碌起来,此时家长也会带着孩子到各种中学参加考试。六年级学生要仔细复习以前的所有知识,为将来的学习打好牢固的基础。时刻准备,万万不可怠懈,不可松懈。以下是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 分享的人教版六年级上册英语第二单元的重点图文ways  to  go  to  school,希望能帮助到大家! 

  人教版六年级上册英语第二单元的重点图文ways to go to school

  Unit2 Ways to go to chool单元测试题

  姓名 班级 考号 得分 .

  I. Read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)

  ( )1. A. by ship B. by plane C. go home

  ( )2. A. hospital B. museum C. helmet

  ( )3. A. turn right B. turn left C. on foot

  ( )4. A. stop B. wait C. sled

  ( )5. A. must B. often C. sometimes

  II. Read and choose(读一读,选出正确的答案)

  ( )1. --How do you get to Dalian from Shandong?-- .

  A. by subway B. on foot C. by ship D. by bike

  ( )2. Please ______ ! The light is yellow now.

  A. slow down and stop B. wait C. go D. I don’t know.

  ( )3. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school ________.

  A. by subway B. by sled C. by ferry D. by car

  ( )4. Where is the _________? I want to send a post card.

  A. bookstore B. post office C. museum D. hospital

  ( )5. How do you come to school?_______________________.

  A. She usually walks. B. I sometimes come by bus.

  C. The bus is coming. D. Sure.

  ( ) 6. Little Jack sometimes goes home foot.

  A. by B. at C. on D. in

  ( ) 7. can I get to the zoo?

  A. What B. How C. How old D. Do

  ( ) 8. go at the red light!

  A. Don’t B. Do C. To do D. Does

  ( ) 9. Look the pictures. They are beautiful.

  A. to B. / C. a D. at

  ( ) 10.--Don’t let the dogs run too fast.-- .

  A. Thank you. B. Let me try. C. You’re welcome.

  III. Read and choose (读句子,选出正确的答语。)

  I II

  ( )1. How do you go to the USA? A. Great!

  ( )2. Let’s go to the park. B. It’s near the post office.

  ( )3. How does Amy go home? C. Sure.

  ( )4. Where is your home? D. She goes home on foot..

  ( )5. Can I go by bike? E. I go by plane.

  IV. Choose and fill(选择方框内的单词填空)

  Who What When How Where

  1. A: would you like to eat? B: I’d like some beef.

  2. A: do you go to school? B: I go to school by bike.

  3. A: do you usually get up ? B: At 6:00.

  4. A: is your English teacher? B: Miss Li.

  5. A: is the hospital? B: It’s next to the post office.

  V. Read and fill(根据所给汉语提示补充句子)

  1.I usually go to school (步行).

  2. Please (停)and (等)at a green light.

  3. (怎样)do you come to school?

  (通常), I come (乘地铁)

  4.We must pay attention to the (交通灯)

  VI. Read and connect to become a sentence. (连词成句)

  1. go, I, there, bike, by. (.) _____________________________

  2. go, don’t, light, at, red, a (.) _____________________________

  3. on, can, go, she, there, foot (?) _____________________________

  4. must, I, pay, attention, the, to, lights, traffic ( ! ) _____________________________

  5. on, people, bikes, helmets, wear, must. ( . ) _____________________________

  6. get, the, can, I, to, hospital, how ( ?)_____________________________

  7. there, No. 57, over, take, the, bus ( . ) _____________________________

  8. from, cousin, they, USA, the, are, my, in ( . ) _____________________________

  9. park, go, the, Let’s,to,nature, ( . ) _____________________________

  10. exercise, good, is, that( . ) _____________________________

  VII. Read and choose. 根据短文内容,判断(T)正误(F)

  Hi, I’m Mike, I’m a clever student. Usually, I go to school on foot. Because my home is near the school. Tom is my good friend. We often go to school together. My father is a doctor, he often goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher, she often goes to work by bus, but sometimes by bike.

  On weekends, I often go to the park with my parents. In the afternoon, I often go to the library by bike. I like reading. After dinner, I like watching TV with my family.

  ( ) 1. Mike’s father is a driver.

  ( ) 2. Tom often goes to school on foot.

  ( ) 3. On weekends, Mike often goes to the park with his father and mother.

  ( ) 4. Mike’s mother never goes to work by bike.

  ( ) 5. After dinner, Mike likes reading.

  VIII. Writing.(写作)


  要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整; 2. 不少于50个单词。

  I’m a student, I usually go to school . I must pay attention to______________________ _______


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