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Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains说课稿

Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains

Section A (1a-2d) 说课稿

金塔中学 彭 燕

我的说课内容是人教版八年级下册英语Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains。整个说课我将分为七个部分进行讲述:即教材分析、教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、学法、教学过程和教学反思。

一、 说教材:


二、 说教学目标:

1. 知识与技能:让学生学会用英语讲述一个故事。

2. 过程与方法:通过复述故事,让学生学会掌握一个故事的细节和人物,并能利用目标语言讲述一个传说或故事。

3. 情感、态度与价值观:教育学生在生活中不怕困难,培养他们不言放弃的精神。

三、 说教学重难点:

1. 教学重点:学习讲述故事中的人物和相关细节。

2. 教学难点:学习本课时的目标语言,能用自己的语言讲述一个故事。

四、 说教法:

本课时主要采用任务型教学法和带问题自主探究等学习策略,让学生理解故事的基本结构,通过Groupwork 的形式引导学生谈论有趣的传说和童话故事进行口语交际和听力训练。

五、 说学法:




Step1. Warming-up.

以学生熟悉的一些故事为话题导入新课,许多古老的故事有一个共同的特点:以 “once upon a time”开头。

Step2. Revision.


射击 _____ 石头 ______ 虚弱的____ 神_____ 上帝 _____

提醒,使想起____一点,小块 ____ 愚蠢的 _____

从前 _____ 移山____有点儿____代替;反而 ______

Step3. Presentation.

1. Show the pictures in 1a, Have students point out the names of the stories.

2. Ask students to match the names with the correct pictures.

Step4. Listening.

Have students finish 1b in books.

Step5. Role-play.

1. Ask students to read the conversation in pairs in 2d.

2. Ask some students to role-play the conversation.

Step6. Make up a story.

1. Show some pictures about some Chinese traditional stories.

2. Divide the class into 5 groups, and have them choose one of the stories, and then, ask them to discuss the pictures. Finally, make them write several sentences about the pictures.

3. Ask some groups to show their stories in the class.

Step7. Summary.

Step8. Homework

To tell a stories to your parents after school.


Unit_6 an old man tried to move the mountains.说课稿 孙雯雯

Unit 6 An old man tried to move a mountain.


五山镇中心学校 孙雯雯

尊敬的各位评委,各位老师,大家好。今天我说课的内容是人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit 6 An old man tried to move a mountain的第一课时,我的说课包括:

一、 说教材


本单元讨论的主题是“传说和故事”,其功能项目是讲故事(tell a story)。语言目标是要求学生用连词unless, as soon as, 以及so…that结构的用法。 分为SectionA, SectionB, Self Check三个部分。本单元内容与实际生活息息相关,是学生感兴趣的话题。本单元是围绕story来展开话题的一个单元,分为五个课时。本节课为本单元第一课时,主要以中国传统的故事愚公移山为主题,让学生能听懂故事,并能用英语为他人讲述故事。




A .知识与能力:

(1)words:shoot--shot, stone, weak, god, remind.

(2) phrases:shoot the suns, move a mountain, once upon a time, work on doing sth, finish doing sth, continue to do sth, so …that, take… away, remind sb of sth, remind sb to do sth….

(3) Sentences: ① How does the story begin? ② What happened next?

B. 过程与方法:



C. 情感态度与价值观:




1. 教学重点:

(1)words:shoot--shot, stone, weak, god, remind.

(2) phrases:shoot the suns, move a mountain, once upon a time, work on doing sth, finish doing sth, continue to do sth, so …that, take… away, remind sb of sth, remind sb to do sth….

(3) Sentences :

① How does the story begin? ② What happened next?

2. 教学难点:学会表达故事中的人物或情节,并发表一些简单的看法或观点。


为了突破这堂课的重难点,我主要采取了以任务型教学模式为主,以活动,合作为主线,通过创设良好的语言环境和提供大量的语言实践机会,让学生运用所学目标语言去完成各个任务。学生在完成任务过程中,通过自己的体验,感知,实践,参与和交流,形成语感,提高语言运用能力。本节课根据教学目标,灵活运用情境创设法,任务型教学法, 鼓励鞭策评价,创设生活化的情景,为用而学,在用中学,学了就用;开展多种类型任务活动,促使学生为了完成任务和同学进行合作、探究学习。


学生是学习的主体,对学生情况的分析是教学工作的关键环节。八年级学生的特点:八年级学生经过一年多系统的英语学习,具备了一定的听说基础,正逐步向读,写过渡,通过一年多新课程理念的熏陶和实践,有了初步自主合作, 分析归纳的能力。并处于知识积累,前后知识衔接,培养良好的学习习惯的关键时期。大部分学生对英语有一定兴趣,但由于知识的安排由浅入深,有少数学生对这门学科产生了厌恶心理,消除学生厌学情绪,激发学习兴趣至关重要。 基于以上学情,我制定了以下学法。











兴趣是推动学生学习的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的基础。激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。 精彩的课堂开头,往往给学生带来新意、亲切的感觉,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情景。


Step1.Greeting each other

Step2. lead in :

1. Warming up

教师通过大屏幕,展示愚公移山的动画视频,让学生对故事有一定的了解。 T: What is the name of the story?

S: It’s Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.


T: What other traditional Chinese stories do you know?

S: Journey to the West

Hou Yi Shoots the Suns

Yu Gong Moves a Mountain

Nu Wa Repairs the Sky…….


Step3. Listening 听力

1. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. And finish 1b.

2. Play the recording a second time, check the answers.

3. Discussing. Have the students work in groups, and retell the story.

4. Let some groups show their stories.

5. listening. Tell the rest of the story.


Step4 Group work Tell the whole story of Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. Step 5 Play a game.

Step 6 Summary.

(设计意图:通过对知识的小结,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而明确教学目标、重点和难点。)对学生的表现进行总结评价,以评价促发展,培养小组团队精神,激励学生大胆开口,积极活动,为小组争得荣誉。 Step7. Homework



八年级Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.说课稿

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the


Period 3说课稿

一、 说教材


本单元讨论的主题是“传说和故事”,其功能项目是讲故事(tell a story)。语言目标是要求学生用连词unless, as soon as, 以及so„that结构的用法。 分为Section A, Section B, Self Check三个部分。本单元内容与实际生活息息相关,是学生感兴趣的话题。本单元是围绕story来展开话题的一个单元,分为五个课时。本节课为本单元第三课时,主要以中国传统的故事西游记为主题,让学生能听懂故事,并能用英语为他人讲述故事。


1) 学习掌握下列词汇:object, magic, stick, hide, tail, turn„into, excite, western



4) 了解《西游记》中美猴王这一人物的大体情况。


1. 学习重点:

1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。

2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。

2. 学习难点:

1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。【八年级下unit6,An,old,man,tried,to,move,the,mountains.3a,说课稿】

2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。










Step 1 Lead in

Let Ss enjoy a song about Journey to the west, then talk about the story of Monkey King.

T: What do you think of Monkey King?

What do you know about him?

Step 2 Reading

1). Listen and answer the questions.

1). which book is talked about?

2). Who the main character?

2)、Read the paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.(3b)

What he can do:

① He can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects

② He can make his magic stick small or large.

What he can’t do:

Unless he can hide his tail, he can’t turn himself into a person.

3)、Read the paragraph 2 and answer the question.

Why is the story so popular in Western countries?


3c. Complete the sentences below with phrases from the passage.

5、Retell the story

1) 以小组为单位,互相说一说本篇课文都讲了些什么内容?五分钟时间。

2) Lucky ball


Step 3、Sum up

What have you learned from this class?

What can we learn from Monkey King?

1、We should be helpful to the weak.

2、We should never give up when we meet difficulties.

Step 4、Homework

必做题:Finish the exercise book Unit7 Period2.

选做题:Write down your favorite story.


Unit 6 An old man tried to move a mountain.


尊敬的各位评委,各位老师,大家好。今天我说课的内容是人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit 6 An old man tried to move a mountain的第一课时,我的说课包括:

一、 说教材


本单元讨论的主题是“传说和故事”,其功能项目是讲故事(tell a story)。语言目标是要求学生用连词unless, as soon as, 以及so…that结构的用法。 分为SectionA, SectionB, Self Check三个部分。本单元内容与实际生活息息相关,是学生感兴趣的话题。本单元是围绕story来展开话题的一个单元,分为五个课时。本节课为本单元第一课时,主要以中国传统的故事愚公移山为主题,让学生能听懂故事,并能用英语为他人讲述故事。



A .知识与能力:

(1)words:shoot--shot, stone, weak, god, remind.

(2) phrases:shoot the suns, move a mountain, once upon a time, work on doing sth, finish doing sth, continue to do sth, so …that, take… away, remind sb of sth, remind sb to do sth….【八年级下unit6,An,old,man,tried,to,move,the,mountains.3a,说课稿】

(3) Sentences: ① How does the story begin? ② What happened next?

B. 过程与方法:



C. 情感态度与价值观:




1. 教学重点:

(1)words:shoot--shot, stone, weak, god, remind.

(2) phrases:shoot the suns, move a mountain, once upon a time, work on doing sth, finish doing sth, continue to do sth, so …that, take… away, remind sb of sth, remind sb to do sth….

(3) Sentences :

① How does the story begin? ② What happened next?

2. 教学难点:学会表达故事中的人物或情节,并发表一些简单的看法或观点。


为了突破这堂课的重难点,我主要采取了以任务型教学模式为主,以活动,合作为主线,通过创设良好的语言环境和提供大量的语言实践机会,让学生运用所学目标语言去完成各个任务。学生在完成任务过程中,通过自己的体验,感知,实践,参与和交流,形成语感,提高语言运用能力。本节课根据教学目标,灵活运用情境创设法,任务型教学法, 鼓励鞭策评价,创设生活化的情景,为用而学,在用中学,学了就用;开展多种类型任务活动,促使学生为了完成任务和同学进行合作、探究学习。


学生是学习的主体,对学生情况的分析是教学工作的关键环节。八年级学生的特点:八年级学生经过一年多系统的英语学习,具备了一定的听说基础,正逐步向读,写过渡,通过一年多新课程理念的熏陶和实践,有了初步自主合作, 分析归纳的能力。并处于知识积累,前后知识衔接,培养良好的学习习惯的关键时期。大部分学生对英语有一定兴趣,但由于知识的安排由浅入深,有少数学生对这门学科产生了厌恶心理,消除学生厌学情绪,激发学习兴趣至关重要。 基于以上学情,我制定了以下学法。









兴趣是推动学生学习的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的基础。激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。 精彩的课堂开头,往往给学生带来新意、亲切的感觉,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情景。


Step1.Greeting each other

Step2. lead in :

1. Warming up

教师通过大屏幕,展示愚公移山的动画视频,让学生对故事有一定的了解。 T: What is the name of the story?

S: It’s Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.


T: What other traditional Chinese stories do you know?【八年级下unit6,An,old,man,tried,to,move,the,mountains.3a,说课稿】

S: Journey to the West

Hou Yi Shoots the Suns

Yu Gong Moves a Mountain

Nu Wa Repairs the Sky…….


Step3. Listening 听力

1. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. And finish 1b.

2. Play the recording a second time, check the answers.

3. Discussing. Have the students work in groups, and retell the story.

4. Let some groups show their stories.

5. listening. Tell the rest of the story.


Step4 Group work Tell the whole story of Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. Step 5 Play a game.

Step 6 Summary.

(设计意图:通过对知识的小结,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而明确教学目标、重点和难点。)对学生的表现进行总结评价,以评价促发展,培养小组团队精神,激励学生大胆开口,积极活动,为小组争得荣誉。 Step7. Homework



说课稿unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

Unit6 Period One Section A1a-2d


龙场中学 陈佳


Unit6 Period One Section A1a-2d说课稿

龙场中学 陈 佳

一、Teaching material analysing教材分析

(一).The function of it教材的地位和作用

This is “unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains” of PEP Eight-grade Book2,The first period.It tries to tell the Ss a few well-known Chinese traditional stories,pay attention to <Yu Gong Moves a Monutain>.It’ll make the Ss realize some vitue,e〃g:perseverance!

(二).Teaching Goals教学目标

1、Knowledge and skill(知识与技能):

Vocabulary:shoot,stone,weak,god,remind,bit,a little bit,silly, instead of.

Structures:①Conjunctions:unless,as soon as,so〃〃〃that

②Sentences:--How does the story begin?

--Once upon a time,there was a very old man. --What happened next?

--As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continu to move the mountains after he died.

--Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains?

--Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.

2、process and methods过程与方法:


3、Emotinal attitudes and values:Let Ss regard Yu Gong as model, to be a consistent great man like Yu Gong.

(三)Importance and difficulty

1、Importance: Vocabulary:

shoot,stone,weak,god,remind,bit,a little bit,silly, instead of.

Structures:①Conjunctions:unless,as soon


②Sentences:--How does the story begin?

--Once upon a time,there was a very old man.

--What happened next?

--As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continu to move the mountains after he died.

--Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains?

--Because they were so big that it took a long time to

walk to the other side.

2、Difficulty:How to make the Ss be interested in the topic and enjoy give their ideas.

二、Ss analysing

They are afraid to speaking English,But they interested in stories,and they have words about the

stories.So,I can help them to retell the stories in English and share their ideas to the others.

三、Teaching methods教学方法

Situation teaching:To beging the lesson with a

well-known story, introuduce my thoughts about it.Ask the Ss to share some interesting stories with us, Even the will speak in Chinese,it can make a little sence of the beginning.

Task-teaching:Give the Ss some task on the lesson, They tried finish the tasks,and to finish the learning step by step.


Step 1 Greeting 30 seconds

Step 2 Pre-task 3 minutes

Leading in巧创情景,自然导入 1a


Step 3 Listening Section A 1b 5 minutes


Step 4. Pair-work 1c 10 minutes.


Step 5 Listening 2a&2b 8 minutes


T check the answers, explain some important points. Step 6 Practice 2c 5 minutes

Let a few Ss to retell the story in their own words. T give some necessary help to the Ss.(让学生复述故事,可能有的就照着念,有的会用简洁的语言转述,不管怎样,照着念的同学练习了口语,用自己话转述的同学学会了总结,都

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