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鲁教版 五四制 六年级下册 英语教材全解

UNIT 5 How do you get to school?检测题




A. B. C. D. E.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ Ⅱ.听对话及问题,根据对话内容选择正确的答语。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

6. A. Her bike is lost. B. There is something wrong with her bike.

C. She doesn’t like riding.

7. A. He takes a bus. B. He rides a bike.

C. He walks to school.

8. A. Thirty minutes. B. An hour.

C. An hour and thirty minutes.

9. A. By ship. B. By air. C. By bike.

10. A. Less than two miles. B. More than two miles.

C. Two miles.


11. How does Mr Li go to work?

A. He goes to work by bus. B. He goes to work by boat.

C. He goes to work on foot.

12. How does Mr Li’s wife go to work?

A. She goes to work by car. B. She goes to work by bus.

C. She goes to work by boat.

13. How does Mr Smith go to work?

A. He goes to work by car. B. He goes to work by subway.

C. He goes to work by boat.

14. How does Mr Smith’s brother go to work?

A. He goes to work by taxi. B. He goes to work by subway.

C. He goes to work by motorbike.

15. How does Tom go to work?

A. He goes to work by bike. B. He goes to work by subway.

C. He walks to work.


Mr. Brown has a car. In the morning hehis children to school in his car. Then he drives to work. Mr. Brown and his children do not haveat home but Mrs. Brown does. She does not go to work. She stays at home. She does some shopping and cleaning in the morning. In the afternoon shegoes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them. Then she cooks

for her family. Mr. Brown comes back home much later than

his children. The children do not come back in their father’s car. They take ahome. They usually come back home before five.



21. —How does your sister go to school?

— .

A. Once a day B. Two miles C. By bus

A. to B. in C. for

23. It’s goodexercise every day.

A. take B. to take C. taking

24. —it is from here to the gym?

—About twenty minutes’ walk. D. Twenty minutes D. at D. takes

A. how long B. how far C. how soon D. how often

A. to B. for C. / D. on

the teacher?

A. about B. of C. on D. for

A. spend B. take C. takes D. pay

28. I don’t knowA. where is it B. where it is C. where be it D. it is where

A. I B. my C. me D. mine

30. Why not gbike? It’s not too far from here.

A. to; on B. on; by C. in; on D. by; by


Tom near the sea. Their house is not very high, but it is beautiful. There big trees and a small garden in fronttheir house. They plant flowers in the garden. Some are red, some are whitesome are blue. Tom and his family love garden very much.

Tom and his sister go to schoolbus. The bus is comfortable. There are air conditioners in the bus. And it is a double-decker bus. After school, they sometimes help their mumsome shopping at the Shopping Centre, and sometimes help their dad in the garden. At weekends, they often take some photos by the sea. summer, they often go swimming their parents.

31. A. lives B. lived C. living D. liveing

32. A. are B. is C. was D. be

33. A. to B. for C. at D. of

34. A. but B. or C. at D. and

35. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs

36. A. All B. Both C. Some D. Two

37. A. on B. by C. take D. sit

38. A. do B. doing C. does D. did

39. A. In B. On

40. A. and B. for

Ⅲ.阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分) C. At C. of D. To D. with


Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school, but not all children in the countryside are so lucky.

There is a girl called Xiao Lian. She is ten years old and lives in a small village. When she was seven, she wanted to go to school. But she could not, because her family was too poor to afford the school fees for her, so her parents had to keep her at home. Instead of studying, Xiao Lian looked after her younger brother and worked in the fields every day. Then Project Hope (希望工程) heard about Xiao Lian. It agreed to help her to go to school. Her wish of study came true, and now she is studying in a school.

Unluckily there are thousands of children who can not go to school. You can join in Project Hope and help these children. You know all the good work needs money. Project Hope needs your help.

If you give Project Hope 300 yuan each year, it can pay for one child to go to school for a whole year. With more money, Project Hope can build new schools, buy good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. Let’s help the children together and give them a chance to have a good start in life.

41. The phrase “school fees” meansin Chinese.

A.学费 B.校服 C.校规 D.住校费


42. Xiao Lian didn’t go to school when she was seven because.

A. her family was very poor

B. she had to look after her younger brother

C. she studied at home

D. she didn’t like to go to school

43. A poor child can go to school forwith 300 yuan.

A. half a year B. a whole year

C. a whole month D. nine years

44. Many children need our help.

A. in developed countries B. from rich families

C. in small villages D. in big cities

45. From the passage we know that.

A. Xiao Lian’s father worked for Project Hope

B. Xiao Lian’s younger brother joined in Project Hope

C. there are three people in Xiao Lian’s family

D. Project Hope helps poor children to go to school


The new school term is coming. Now the school clerks are planning a new timetable for Class 5, Grade 7.

There are six classes every day,four in the morning and two in the afternoon. The students have a math class every day. And they have seven English classes in a week. Two of them are given by a foreign teacher and should be arranged(安排) together on Thursday morning.

There are five Chinese classes in a week. Two of them should also be arranged one after the

other for the students to write their compositions.

They have two physics classes in a week but on different days. Besides these, there is an art class every Wednesday afternoon.

It’s necessary and important for students to take enough exercise. So they have two PE classes every week. And they can do outdoor activities after school every afternoon.


A.根据句意和所给的中文提示,写出句子中的单词。 分钟) to finish the work.



54. 骑) a bike is interesting for the boys.

55. —How far is it from here? —公里). B.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

58. Don’t(worried) about your English. We can help you.

59. He feels very tired(疲劳的);Ⅴ.同义句转换(每小题2分,满分10分)

61. He usually rides his bike to school.

①He usually to school .

②He usually to school .

62. Alice goes to school on foot every day.

Alice school every day.

63. Jack spends 30 minutes driving to work every day.

ItJack 30 minutes to work every day.

64. Mr. Green goes to Shanghai by train.

Mr. Green to Shanghai.

65. How do you like the subway?

you the subway?






_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


① Ken: Hi! I’m Ken, and this is my sister, Ann.

Charlie: Hi, Ann and Ken. Come in and meet everyone.

Ann: We moved here yesterday. We live on York Avenue now.

Lisa: We’ll be neighbors. We also live on York Avenue.

② Sue: We have a club. It’s called the BINGO Kids. I’m Sue,and this is my older brother, Daniel.

Matt: My name’s Matt, and this is my sister, Lisa.

Charlie: Hi, I’m Charlie.

③ Ann: Tomorrow will be our first day at Redrock Bay Elementary School.

Lisa:Great! That’s our school,too. Maybe we’ll be classmates.

④ Daniel: My favorite subject is math. What do you like?

Ann: I like English.

Ken: Well, I like art. I like drawing and painting.

Lisa: My favorite subject is science. The experiments are really exciting. Charlie: Science is OK, but history is more exciting than science.

Matt: Well, I think geography is the most exciting.

Sue: But music is more interesting than geography!

⑤ Sue: Tomorrow you’ll meet the music teacher, Mr. Green. He’s very funny.

Daniel: Oh, no! I think Miss Lane is funnier.

Ken: What about the math teacher?

Matt: Mr. White? He’s the most boring teacher!

⑥ Daniel: Hey, everyone, can Ann and Ken join the BINGO Kids?

Lisa: Sure! We’ll have lots fun together.


Lesson22 Surprise!



句型的过程中,通过情景教学的方式,把学生带入“surprise party”的情景中,并使用实物、图片等直观教具,使




1.Four skills:

cake, cookies, sugar, someone, ice cream

2.Three skills:

flour, oil, salt, bowl


How long is _______?






掌握新授单词,学习课文后进行课本剧的表演。 教学课时:



(一).Class Opening and Review


T: Hello , boys and girls. How are you?

S: Fine , thank you . And you?

T: I’m fine , too . What day is today? What’s the date today ? How’s the weather?

2.Students answer these questions together.

3.Sing an English song.

4.Act out dialogues.

T: Do you like a party?

S: Yes.

T: Li Ming has lived in Canada for ten months. Let’s have a party for him. I think we can

invite some friends for the party. Who do you want

to invite? Please call them.


Show their telephone conversations.【五四制六年级英语上课文全解-道客巴巴】

(由于是复习旧知识,学生们可提前准备好道具,教师要提醒学生正确使用“打电话”用语。如:Who’s that

speaking? This is …Is that…speaking? Yes, it is.等。)

(二).Key Concepts

1. Presentation.

T: Today is Li Ming’s party . Yesterday I bought some things for the party. What are they ?(出


S: Watermelon , pop , pizza , apples , banana… T: But I think we need some more things. What do we need?【五四制六年级英语上课文全解-道客巴巴】

S: We need…(学生也许会给出很多不同的答案,如“蛋糕、饼干、牛奶、水果等”)

T: (出示课件:一块蛋糕,一些饼干) Yes, we need a cake, some cookies. (出示实物“cookies” )

They are cookies,and this is a cookie.(教师区别单复数,并将图片出示给学生)

Students read and spell the new words

T: Can you make a cake? What do we need to make

a cake? (学生也许会给出不同的答案如:鸡蛋,

牛奶等,教师可拿出准备好的物品帮助他们回答) T : We must have these things to make cookies.. What are they? You can taste it and guess.



Then teach and read these new words.

T+S: We need flour, oil, salt, sugar to make cookies.

2. Listen and Say

T: Now, Li Ming’s friends Jenny, Danny make some cookies. But, when they begin making

cookies, there’s someone at the door. Who’s that? (教师走到门口敲门,用身势语解释there’s someone

at the door.的意思。)

They make some cookies, what does every cookie have? Kim bought a gift for the party. What

did she buy?(教师一边提问,一边出示幻灯,打出问题,) Please listen to the tape and answer the



Then show the picture of “ice-cream”, read and spell.

3.Read and say

Play the tape again, students listen and repeat. Then read the text together.


4. Act.

T: Boys and girls, Li Ming is leaving soon. Let’s have a party for him. How do you prepare the

party and how to have the party for him, now I give you some sentences, you can accord to the【五四制六年级英语上课文全解-道客巴巴】

sentences and the text, make a dialogue with your friends.


1. What do you need for the party?

2. How do you make cookies?

3. Who comes to the party?

4. How do you have the party?


Students show their play.











Module 1总备课





Unit 1 It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long.



1. These postcards are great .

2. It’s a picture of the Great Wall .

3. How long is the Great Wall ?

It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers .



【重点】: words and phrase: postcard more thousand kilometer million Mexico Canada

【难点】:Sentences: Tell me more about the Great Wall. It’s a picture of great wall.




老师热情地问候学生们,欢迎他们在暑假过后回到学校。老师可以询问学生们在假期里都去了哪些地方,做了哪些事情,有没有特别有趣的经历。建议他们通过展示图片和照片介绍相关的情况,可以使用句型“ It’s a picture of.__It's very„”等。


1.将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,呈现SB活动1,让学生看书,听听Daming 和Simon 的对话,听完之后,让学生说一说:Who is Simon ? Where is Daming ? What are they doing ?

2.让学生打开书,放录音,学生边听边看书,勾画出课文中的生词。 教师讲解单词: Postcard more thousand kilometre million Mexico Canada


(1)明信片上画的是哪里? (2) 关于长城、纽约和北京,他们都谈了些什么?



(1) These postcards are great .

(2) It’s a picture of the Great Wall .

(3) How long is the Great Wall ? It’s about six thousand seven hundred

kilometers .

(4) How big is Beijing ? It has got eight million people .




Unit 1

These postcards are great!

It’s a picture of the Great Wall .


Module 1


Unit 2 It’s in the west.


知识与技能:Where is New York ? It’s here, in the east .

Canada is north of America and Mexico is south of America.








一. 复习:


What’s this ?(It’s a map of China.) Yes, it’s a map of China .I’m from Beijing . it's in the north of China.


Where are you from ? Where is it on the map? Please find it on the map.


1.出示Simon的图片,提问:Who is he ? (he’s Simon . He’s Daming’s cousin .) Where is he from? (He’s from Now York , America.)

板书New York Where is New York?

2.出示美国地图。提问: This is a map of America ,Can you find New York? 引导学生在图上找到纽约的位置。


Please turn to the north.

Please turn to the south.

Please turn to the east.

Please turn to the west.


老师放录音,请学生边听边看SB Unit2活动1的地图。把录音中提到的几处美国城市名称和周边国家名称写在黑板上帮助学生理解。再放录音,每句话后停顿,请学生跟读。学生用书第二单元活动1录音原文。

带领学生学习表达地理位置的方法。老师用彩色笔或其他方式在地图上标出纽约的位置,并通过问展现“Where is New York? It’s in the east of America.”用同样的方式讲述“What about San Francisco? It’s in the West of America.”

学生们掌握本语言点后,老师教授第二种位置表达法。老师说:“Where is Canada? It’s north of America. Where is Mexico? It’s south of America.”引导学生发现这种表达法与第一种表达法的不同。肯定他们的尝试,并帮助学生总结:“因为加拿大和墨西哥在美国领土以外,而纽约和旧金山是美国的一部分.在美国境内,所以两种表达法有所不同。”


1. 活动一:


如:S: Canada is in the north of America.

T: Thank you .please put the puzzle in the map.


如:T: Where is Canada?

Ss: It is in the north of America.

2. 全班一起完成AB Unit 2练习1。先请学生仔细看图,然后老师故录音,请学生们认真听,把方框中提供的单词填写在正确的答题框中。完成后全班一起核对答案。



请学生把书翻到SB Unit 2活动4。请学生边听边看,熟悉韵诗的大致内容。然后向学生讲解他们不理解的内容,如单词“Tennessee”等。再放录音,请学生看着书小声地跟读。可以请男生和女生分组读.也可以请单个学生读。掌握chant之后,可以全班起完成AB Unit2练习3。再听录音,根据录音判断练习中的陈述是否正确。

4. 活动三:



如:S1:Guizhou is in the south of China. It is in the east of Xingjiang. S2: Xingjiang is in the west of China. It is in the west of Guiyang.





Unit 2

New York is in the east of America .

Where is New York ?

It’s here, in the east .

Canada is north of America and Mexico is south of America.


Module 2总备课






Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing.



There’s a Chinatown in New York!

There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.

过程与方法:1.Learn the words by game method.

2.Teach the text with the task-based method.

3.Cooperative learning.

情感、态度和价值观:用“There be”句型描述事物

【重点】:用 "There be “句型描述事物。

【难点】:“there is”和“there are”的用法。



(一)导入:1. 出示一张城市景观的图片,对学生说:This is a picture of a city. What can you see in it ?(I can see „„) Yes, in this picture , there are „„.

2. 出示一张纽约唐人街的图片,问学生:Do you know where it is ?What can you see in this picture?请学生回答问题。

向学生介绍:Daming 现在在美国表兄的家里,他正在给家人发送email,他想念家人吗?他今天了解到了美国的什么情况呢?让我们一起来看一看。


1.播放动画呈现SB活动一。请学生认真听Daming和Simon的对话,然后判断大明是否想念中国,为什么?(通过文中Do you miss China ? Sometimes.以及大明迫不及待想要去唐人街的表现,引导学生得出肯定的回答,引出Chinatown 的话题)

2.教师提问:Where is Chinatown? What is it like? 再放一遍录音,让学生看书听,并从书中找出问题的答案。引导学生用文中的句子回答问题。(there is a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there , There’s Chinese dancing.)


(唐朝在中国历史上是一个强盛的朝代。在海外的华侨、华人往往称自己是“唐人”, 他们聚居的地方便称为“唐人街”。美国最大的“唐人街”在旧金山。旧金山的“唐人街”始于1850年前后。当年开发美国西海岸的华工初来异国,人生地疏,言语不通,因此他们便集中住在一起,团结互助,休戚与共。起初,他们开设方便华工的小茶馆、小饭铺,接着是豆腐坊、洗衣店等等,逐渐形成了华工生活区。后来,越来越多的当地人,也经常光顾这里,他们称这里为“中国镇”,爱上了这里的中国饭菜。后来,“唐人街”成了繁华街道,街上除了饮食业外,刺绣、中国古玩等也都在当地享有盛名。同时,唐人街办起了华人子弟学校,从事中文教育。还有各种同乡会、俱乐部、影剧院等,成了富有中国民族特色的特殊街区。 每逢春节,这里均耍龙灯、舞狮子,爆竹声中除旧岁,保留着中国传统的种种风俗。事实上,唐人街遍及世界许多地方,只是有的地方不这么叫就是了。




引导学生回顾并比较There is /there are 的用法。




Module 1第一模块

Unit 1 The Great Wall第一单元 长城

1.Listen,point and find"is/'s,are".

1. 听,分并发现“is/'s, are”。

Daming is visiting America.He's in New York with his cousin,Simon.筑坝于将访问美国。他与他的堂兄弟,西蒙在纽约。

Simon:These postcards are great!西蒙:这些明信片是大的!

Daming:Yes,they are.And look at this one.It's a picture of the Great Wall.筑坝于:是的。看这一张。这是一张长城的图

Simon:Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it?西蒙:告诉我更多有关长城的东西。是多长?

Daming:It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.筑坝于:它是大约6,700 公里。 Simon:Wow!西蒙:哇!

Daming:Now you tell me something about New York.How big is it?筑坝于:现在你告诉我关于纽约的某些事情。有多大?

Simon:It's very big.It's got eight million people.西蒙:非常大。它有800万人。

Daming:That is big.筑坝于:这很大。

Simon:How big is Beijing?西蒙:北京有多大?

Daming:Beijing's got about fourteen million people.筑坝于:

Simon:Fourteen million! That's a lot!西蒙:1400万!这很多啊!

2.Listen and say.

2. 听并说。

A:These postcards are great!A:这些明信片是大的!

B:Yes,they are.B:是的。

A:Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it?


B:It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.

B:它是大约6,700 公里。

Unit 2 New York is in the east of America.第二单元 纽约在美国的东方。

1.Look,listen and point.

1. 看,听并分。

What a big map of America!Where's New York? It's here,in the east.多么大的美国的地图!纽约在哪里?在这里,东方。

3.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress.3. 听并重复。注意压力。

* Tell me more about the Great Wall.告诉我更多有关长城的东西。

* How long is it?多长?

* It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.它是大约6,700 公里。

* Beijing has got about fourteen million people.北京大约1400万人。

4.Listen and say,then chant.4. 听并说,然后圣歌。

America,America,there are lots of things to see.美国,美国,有许多事情看见。

From New York to Tennessee,it's such a big country.从纽约到田纳西,它是这样的一个大的国家。

The flag's got fifty stars.It's red and blue and white.旗有50 颗星。 它有红,蓝和白。

You can always see it,every day and night.你总是可以看见它,每天和晚上。

America,America,there are lots of things to see.美国,美国,有许多事情看见。

From Nes York to Tennessee,it's such a big country.从纽约到田纳西,它是这样的一个大的国家。

Words list单词表

postcard more thousand kilometre

明信片 更多 一千,一千个 公里]

million Mexico Canada

百万 墨西哥 加拿大

Module 2第二模块

Unit 1 Chinatown in America第一单元 在美国的唐人街

1.Listen,point and find"There is/There are..."1. 听,分并发现“这是/这是...”

Simon:What are you doing,Daming?西蒙:你在做什么?筑坝于。

Daming:I'm sending an email to my family in China?筑坝于:我正寄给在中国的我的家庭一封电子邮件吗?

Simon:Do you miss China?西蒙:你想念中国吗?


Simon:Do you want to go to Chinatown?西蒙:你想去唐人街吗?

Daming:Chinatown? But this is America,not China.筑坝于:唐人街?但这是美国,不是中国。 Simon:There's a Chinatown in New York!西蒙:这是在纽约的唐人街。

There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.那里有许多中国商店和餐厅。


Simon:Yes,and there's Chinese dancing.西蒙:是的,并且有中国人跳舞。

Daming:Let's go to Chinatown now.筑坝于:我们现在去唐人街。

Simon:We can't go now. It's nine o'clock.西蒙:我们现在不能走。9点了。

Daming:Then let's go tomorrow.筑坝于:那么我们明天去。

Simon:Ah! You do miss China!西蒙:啊!你确实想念中国!

2.Listen and say.2. 听并说。

A:There's a Chinatown in New York.A:这是在纽约的唐人街。

B:There are lots of Chinese shops there.B:那里有许多中国商店。

A:There are lots of Chinese restaurants there.A:那里有许多中国餐厅。

B:And there's Chinese dancing.B:并且有中国人跳舞。

Unit 2 Postcards from China第二单元 来自中国的明信片

1.Look,listen and find.1. 看,听并发现。

3.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress.3. 听并重复。注意压力。

* There's Chinatown in New York!这是在纽约的唐人街。

* There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.那里有许多中国商店和餐厅。 * Let's go to Chinatown now.我们现在去唐人街。

* We can't go now.It's nine o'clock.我们现在不能走。9点了。

4.Listen and say,then sing.4. 听并说,然后唱。

There's a Great Wall in China.It is very,very long在中国有长城。它非常,非常,非常长。 There's a Great Wall in China.It is very,very strong.在中国有长城。它非常,非常,非常强大。 There are many,many people and they like to sing this song.有很多,很多人,他们喜欢唱这支歌。 There's a Great Wall in China and it's very,very long.在中国有长城并且非常,非常,非常长。

In China there's a Great Wall,a Great Wall,a Great Wall.在中国有一个长城,一个长城,一个长城,一个长城。It is very,very,very big and it's a very famous wall.它非常,非常,非常大并且它是一堵非常著名的墙。

Words list单词表

miss sometimes restaurant

思念 有时 饭馆

really dancing square

真的 舞蹈 广场

Module 3第三模块

Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby第一单元 收集邮票是我的爱好

1.Listen,point and find"stamp/stamps".1. 听,分并发现“邮票/邮票”。

Daming:Do you collect stamps,Simon?筑坝于:你收集邮票吗?西蒙。

Simon:Yes,I've got lots of stamps.Collecting stamps is my hobby.西蒙:是的。我有许多邮票。收集邮票是我的爱好。

Daming:What are those?筑坝于:这是什么?

Simon:These are some stamps from Canada.They are famous men and women.西蒙:这是一些来自加拿大的邮票。他们是著名的先生和妇女。

Daming:Have you got any stamps from China?筑坝于:你有来自中国的邮票吗?

Simon:Yes,I have.This stamp is from China.西蒙:是的,我有。这些是来自中国的邮票。 And all of these stamps are from China,too.并且这些所有也是来自中国的邮票。

Daming:Oh!These stamps are from my letters!筑坝于:噢!这些邮票来自我的信件!

Simon:That's right!Simon's mum:Look,boys!Letters!西蒙:对了!西蒙的妈妈:看,孩子!信件!

Daming:Is there a letter for me?筑坝于:这封信是我的吗?

Simon:Yes,there is.This letter is from your mother!西蒙:是的。这封信来自你妈妈的。

Daming:Great!Now you can have another Chinese stamp,Simon.筑坝于:好的!现在你有另一张中国邮票,西蒙。

2.Listen and say.2. 听并说。

A:Do you collect stamps?A:你收集邮票吗?

B:Yes.These are some stamps from Canada.They are famous men and women.


A:Have you got any stamps from China?A:你有来自中国的邮票吗?

B:Yes,I have. This stamp is from China.B:是的,我有。这些是来自中国的邮票。

Unit 2 I've got a hobby第二单元 我有一个爱好

1.Look,listen and point.1. 看,听并分。

I collect dolls.我收集玩偶。

3.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress.3. 听并重复。注意压力。

Do you collect stamps? Yes,collecting stamps is my hobby.你收集邮票吗?是的,收集邮票是我的爱好。

These are some from Canada.Have you got any stamps from China?这是一些来自加拿大的邮票。你有来自中国的邮票吗?

4.Listen and say,then chant.4. 听并说,然后圣歌。

H - O - B - B - I - E - S.We all love our hobbies.

H - O - B - B - I - E - S。 我们都喜爱我们的爱好。

Painting,drawing,flying kites,reading,singing and riding bikes.画,画,放风筝,阅读,唱歌和骑自行车。

Collecting animals,dolls and cars.Playing computer games and looking at stars.收集动物,玩偶和汽车。玩电脑游戏和看的星。

H - O - B - B - I - E - S.We all love our hobbies.

H - O - B - B - I - E - S。我们都喜爱我们的爱好。

Words list单词表

collect stamp hobby

收集 邮票 业余爱好,嗜好

Module 4第四模块

Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving!第一单元 愉快的感恩!

1.Listen,point and find"I,me,my,we,our".1. 听,分并发现“我,我,我,我们,我们”。 Simon:Look,Daming.Tomorrow is Flag Day.西蒙:看,筑坝于。

Damng:What do you do on Flag Day?筑坝于:明天是国旗纪念日。

Simon:We carry flags and we sing songs.西蒙:我们进位标记和我们唱歌。

Daming:Can you tell me more about American festivals,Simon筑坝于:你能告诉我更多关于美国节日吗?西蒙。

Simon:Well,Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.西蒙:好的,感恩是我最喜爱的节日。 Daming:What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?筑坝于:你感恩节会做什么?

Simon:We always have a special meal.It's a big family dinner.西蒙:我们总是吃一顿特别的饭。它是一顿大的家庭晚餐。

Daming:That's good.筑坝于:这太好了!

Simon:On Thanksgiving Day,we say"thank-you"for our food,family and friends.西蒙:在感恩节上,我们为我们的食品,家庭和朋友说"谢谢你"。

Daming:That sounds nice.筑坝于:那听起来好。

Simon:And after Thanksgiving dinner,we watch a big football game on TV.西蒙:并且在感恩晚餐之后,我们在电视上看一场大的足球比赛。

Daming:That's great!I think I like Thanksgiving,too!筑坝于:太好了!我认为我也喜欢感恩!

2.Listen and say.2. 听并说。

A:Can you tell me more about American festivals?A:你能告诉我更多有关美国节日的东西吗? B:Well,Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.B:好的,感恩是我最喜爱的节日。

A:What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?A:你感恩节会做什么?

B:We always have a special meal.We say"thank-you"for our food,family and friends.


Unit 2第二单元

What's your favourite festival?你最喜爱的节日是什么?

1.Look,listen and find.1. 看,听并发现。

I love this festival.We all go to see the Dragon Boat race.我爱这个节日。我们全部去看龙舟赛。

3.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress.3. 听并重复。注意压力。

*Can you tell me more about American festivals,Simon?你能告诉我更多关于美国节日吗?西蒙。

* Well,Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.好的,感恩是我最喜爱的节日。

* We always have a special meal.It's a big family dinner.我们总是吃一顿特别的饭。它是一顿大


We say"thank-you"for our food,family and friends.


4.Listen and say,then chant.4. 听并说,然后圣歌。

I am me(clap,clap) and you are you.(clap,clap)我是我(鼓掌声,鼓掌声),和你是你。 (鼓掌声,鼓掌声)

I am me and you are you.Now let's see what we can do.我是我,你是你。现在让我们看见我们能做什么。

We can jump(clap,clap)and we can run.(clap,clap)我们能跳(鼓掌声,鼓掌声),和我们能跑。 (鼓掌声,鼓掌声)

We can jump and we can run.So we're having lots of fun.我们能跳,我们能跑。因此我们正有许多开心。

We look at them.(clap,clap)They look at us.(clap,clap)我们看他们。 (鼓掌声,鼓掌声)他们看我们。 (鼓掌声,鼓掌声)

Words list单词表

festival special meal

节日 特殊的,特别的 一餐

sound lantern race moon cake

听起来 灯笼 比赛 月饼

Modlule 5第五模块

Unit 1 Pleased to meet you!第一单元 很高兴见到你!

1.Listen,point and find"can".1. 听,分并发现“能够”。


Simon:Hi,Laura.This is my cousin.He's from China.西蒙:你好,罗拉。这是我的堂兄弟。他来自中国。

Laura:Hello,Daming.Pleased to meet you!Can you speak English?罗拉:你好,筑坝于。 很高兴见到你!你会讲英语吗?

Daming:Yes,I can speak some English.筑坝于:是的,我会讲一些英语。

Simon:You speak very good English,Daming!Laura is from England.西蒙:你讲英语非常好,筑坝于!罗拉来自英国。

Daming:I've got two friends from England.Their names are Sam and Amy.筑坝于:我有两个来自英国的朋友。他们的名字叫萨姆和埃米。

Laura:Can I write to your friends?罗拉:我能写信给你的朋友吗?

Daming:Yes.This is their address.筑坝于:可以。这是他们的地址。

Laura:And can you be my Chinese pen friend?罗拉:并且你能成为我的中国笔友吗?

Daming:Yes,of course.This is my address in China.筑坝于:是的,当然可以。这是我的中国地址。

Laura:Thank you!But I can't write Chinese.罗拉:谢谢!但是我不会写中文。

Daming:Oh!But I can write English!筑坝于:噢!但是我可以写英语。

2.Listen and say.2. 听并说。

A:Can you speak English?A:你会讲英语吗?

B:Yes,I can speak some English.B:是的,我会讲一些英语。

A:Can I write to you? You can be my Chinese pen friend.A:我能写信给你吗?你是我的中国笔



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