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Book3 Module4 Reading and Vocabulary说课稿

绥滨一中 孙海滨

高中英语Book3 Module4 Reading and Vocabulary说课稿

绥滨一中 孙海滨


很高兴有机会向大家展示一下我对必修3 Module4Reading and Vocabulary部分的教学设计。



该模块的主题是:Sandstorms in Asia(亚洲沙尘暴)。Reading and Vocabulary是整个模块的核心。它以文章Sandstorms in Asia为载体,为我们了介绍了亚洲(主要是中国)沙尘暴的情况。同时呈



这节课的语言知识目标有三个:一是识记与自然灾害有关的14个单词,学会运用4个重点单词和7个重点短语,这是基础也是重点;二是理解并运用一个so ... that...引导的状语从句,2个动词不定式作主语的句子和1个即含有同位语从句又时间状语从句和原因状语从句的长句子。这是重点也是难点;三是注意动词不定式在文中的运用,这为下节语法课的学习做了铺垫。

我把这节课的能力目标定位在:重点操练学生整体把握文章结构和捕捉细节的阅读能力;重点操练学生skimmimg 和scanning的阅读技巧。









环节一:Pre-reading (读前) 在这一环节,我设计了一个活动。大约用时5分钟。

首先,用直观教学法和头脑风暴法,借助于PPT,导出有关的词汇,即完成了导入又检查了学生预习词汇的效果。再完成Activity Two,以激活学生的背景图式,为阅读做好准备。再放一段沙尘暴的视频,导入新课。

环节二:While-reading (阅读) 这一环节我设计了两个活动。用时大约16分钟。

活动一:Fast-reading 这篇文章有六段组成。首先限时5分钟让学


活动二:Intensive-reading 我把课本里的活动四作为该活动的练【外研版book4module3说课】

习。限时5分钟,让学生就课下完成的问题答案进行小组讨论,鼓励学生尽量自己组织语言。然后call back the answers together。这一活动主要操练学生捕捉细节的阅读能力。

环节三:Post-reading (读后) 这一环节我设计了三个活动。大约22分钟。

活动一:处理重点词汇。(同时板书:Key Words: 1. 2. 3. 4. Key

Phrase: 1. 2. 3. 4.)学生展示课下查出的4个单词和7

个短语的用法。稍作讲解后,用Activity Five来巩固词汇。 活动二:攻克难点句型。(同时板书:Key Patterns: 1. 2. 3. 4. )

学生朗读so ... that...引导的状语从句,2个动词不定式作主语的句子和1个即含有同位语从句又时间状语从句和原因状语从句的长句子。让学生们以小组讨论的形式先自己分析句子的结构,然后在老师的引导下归纳总结出动词不定式作主语的规律和so ... that..的用法, 并让学生板书在黑板上。比赛背诵这几个句子后,用五个高考选择题,巩固该难点。

活动三:Test (检测) 以活页形式展示课文的缩写,挖掉重点的单









说 课 稿

杜艳萍 2010-5-20

Module 3.Body language & Non-verbal Communication


一 说教材

我讲的是外语教学与研究出版社出版的普通高中标准实验教科书英语高中一年级下学期使用的必修四第3模块Body language & Non-verbal Communication 教学内容:

本节课是本模块的第一课时Introduction.这节课的内容引入了各种身体动作和姿态有关的词汇以及在交际场合人们所使用的身势语。该部分含有四个活动。通过这些活动学生可以初步熟悉有关非言语交际的语汇,为下一节的阅读学习活动做好准备。通过这些练习,学生可以熟悉并掌握一些身势语,并且意识到身势语在人们生活中的重要性。 教学目的 1 知识与技能

(1) 让学生掌握一些新单词 (2) 培养学生的听力及说话能力 (3) 让学生了解并掌握一些身势语 2 过程与方法


3 情感、态度、价值观

了解并掌握身势语,意识到身势语的重要性,鼓励学生用身势语与他人交流 教学重点:

培养并提高学生的听力及说话能力 教学难点

如何引导学生掌握身势语并鼓励学生用身势语与别人交流 二 说课型

本节课的课型是Introduction是一节介绍交流型课,要求学生了解掌握身势语,意识到身势语在人们交流中重要性 三 说学法

我所带的班级的学生英语基础相对较差,但大部分学生对英语学习的兴趣比较高,容易进行教学活动,当然也存在学生两极分化,身势语对学生来说贴近生活,也比较感兴趣,学生也愿意了解并学习更多的身势语,学生可通过个人活动,小组活动讨论完成本节课的相关练习。 四 说教学

1.师生互动法: 师生相互交流与互动完成相关活动

2生生互动法 :1)个人活动法:培养学生自主的听力及学习能力


五 说教学过程

1 组织教学

2 导入(用教师微笑及媒体导入)



回答后教师导入body-language (身势语)这样导入的目的贴近学生生活,能够让学生很快进入本节课的教学氛围中.

3 了解更多的身势语


4 读与听


5 说与表演


6 拓展和猜迷


7 总结

总结一些身势语,并强调身势语在交流中的重要性 8 作业布置

建议学生使用礼貌的身势语与别人交流 9 板书设计

Module3 Body-language &Non-Verbal Communication

10 教后反思 smile

外研版高中英语Book3 Module4说课稿

Book3 Module4 Reading and Vocabulary说课稿


很高兴有机会向大家展示一下我对第三册第四模块Reading and Vocabulary部分的教学设计。(同时板书: Book3 - Module4 Reading and Vocabulary)



该模块的主题是:Sandstorms in Asia(亚洲沙尘暴)。Reading and Vocabulary是整个模块的核心。它以文章Sandstorms in Asia为载体,为我们了介绍了亚洲(主要是中国)沙尘暴的情况。同时呈现出了本模块的重点词汇、句型、语法和语言功能。


这节课的语言知识目标有三个:一是识记与自然灾害有关的14个单词,学会运用4个重点单词和7个重点短语,这是基础也是重点;二是理解并运用一个so ... that...引导的状语从句,2个动词不定式作主语的句子和1个即含有同位语从句又时间状语从句和原因状语从句的长句子。这是重点也是难点;三是注意动词不定式在文中的运用,这为下节语法课的学习做了铺垫。

我把这节课的能力目标定位在:重点操练学生整体把握文章结构和捕捉细节的阅读能力;重点操练学生skimmimg 和scanning的阅读技巧。



我设计的教学过程分四个环节,包括五个活动。它是阅读和处理导学案同步进行的过程。 环节一:Pre-reading (读前) 在这一环节,我设计了一个活动。大约用时5分钟。

首先,用直观教学法和头脑风暴法,借助于PPT,导出有关的词汇,即完成了导入又检查了学生预习词汇的效果。再完成Activity Two,以激活学生的背景图式,为阅读做好准备。再放一段沙尘暴的视频,导入新课。

环节二:While-reading (阅读) 这一环节我设计了两个活动。用时大约16分钟。

活动一:Fast-reading 这篇文章有六段组成。首先限时5分钟让学生skim文章找出每段的中


活动二:Intensive-reading 我把课本里的活动四作为该活动的练习。限时5分钟,让学生就

课下完成的问题答案进行小组讨论,鼓励学生尽量自己组织语言。然后call back the answers together。这一活动主要操练学生捕捉细节的阅读能力。

环节三:Post-reading (读后) 这一环节我设计了三个活动。大约22分钟。

活动一:处理重点词汇。(同时板书:Key Words: 1. 2. 3. 4. Key Phrase: 1. 2. 3. 4.)

学生展示课下查出的4个单词和7个短语的用法。稍作讲解后,用Activity Five来巩固词汇。

活动二:攻克难点句型。(同时板书:Key Patterns: 1. 2. 3. 4. )学生朗读so ... that...引


句和原因状语从句的长句子。让学生们以小组讨论的形式先自己分析句子的结构,然后在老师的引导下归纳总结出动词不定式作主语的规律和so ... that..的用法, 并让学生板书在黑板上。比赛背诵这几个句子后,用五个高考选择题,巩固该难点。

活动三:Test (检测) 以活页形式展示课文的缩写,挖掉重点的单词、短语和句型,形成一







教师资格证全英文说课教案Module 3 Book4

Teaching plan for Module 3 Book4

------------Zhao Min

Analysis of the teaching material:

Body Language and Nonverbal Communication is Module 3 in Senior English 4, which was published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. As a piece of knowledge belonging to culture, it introduces some ways of greeting in different parts of the world, from which we can experience various customs and learn that When in Rome, do as Romans do. In this ppt, I just show something about the second period titled with Reading and Vocabulary.

Analysis of the students:

The students are about seventeen, one period when they are full of energy and have a strong desire to learn about the diverse world. Arousing their curiosity is easy while connecting their life and the knowledge is a little harder. So, to find a bridge between the two is what I need to do. Teaching aims:

1. Help the students understand the whole text and get as much information as possible.

2. Help the students learn about different cultures.

3. Make it clear to the students that respecting each others’ custom is necessary when

communicating with foreigners.

Important points: .

1. Understand the different customs

2. Learn the different body language

3. Improve the non-verbal communication ability

Difficult points:

How to summarize the body language in our daily life

Teaching aid:

blackboard, chalk, multimedia

Teaching procedure:

Step one: pre-reading

At the beginning, I set a piece of video taken from an animation named Shaun the Sheep, which is a cartoon without words. This part lasts about 40 seconds. After watching, I will ask the students to show out the story coming up in their mind.

(The video is set to arouse the students’ interest in the topic. Of course, they will make similar descriptions about the video for even though there are no words, we can get the information clearly for the characters’ body language.)

Step two: reading

1. ask the students to describe the pictures in before the text

(The picture are common gestures which almost all the students can make out the meanings easily. This activity is to improve their speaking ability.)

2. ask the students listen to the record while reading the material in the book with the questions

in mind


Which of the followings is the best title?

How many parts can you divide the passage into and what about the general ideas?

(Reading with questions is of great importance and the questions given by the book are an outstanding help for my teaching.)

3. analyze the text

(With the information from the text we can point out what the picture in the ppt refers to. This part is designed to improve the students’ analyzing ability. )

Step three: post-reading


1. True or False

(T)Not all body language is conscious.

(F)Europeans shake hands with their left hand.

(F)In Asia, people touch strangers when they meet.

(T)In the US, a “high five” is a way of saying hello.

(F)A “high five” is a formal gesture.

(F)Body language is less communicative than spoken or written language.

2. Fill in the blanks

Body language is one form of_______ communication, which varies from one country to another. For example, in China holding up the small finger means “____”, but in another country, to show the badness, people may use other_______, holding thumbs downwards etc. Interestingly, when we wave goodbye to someone who is going ____ from you, he may come nearer to you because the gesture means “Come here!” in his country.

(Through the two exercises, the students can consolidate what they have learned from the text.) Step four: activities【外研版book4module3说课】

1. moral lesson

Respecting those with different customs and try to be a mind reader is important.

2. situational speech making

ask the students to give some advice to those who visit China for the first time to help them avoid misunderstandings

(Body language may vary from one culture to another, so I have students discuss how to give some advice to the foreign visitors who come to China for the first time and what to give.)

3. enjoy the familiar pictures we often use on online chatting


ask the students to make out the real emotions conveyed by the lovely images and then draw a conclusion:

body language: eye contact, facial expression, gesture, body action

(My aim is trying to connect the book with students’ daily life, which is also the requirement of the new class pattern. I think kids will keep in high spirits after seeing and discussing them.)

4. game

Imitation and Guess

(This part is aimed to find out whether they are concerned with the people around them. Through this game, I am sure they will love and cherish their school life much more than before.)

5. Moral lesson 2:

Humorous and kind body language makes people relaxed and delighted.

A smile is more than just a smile!

So please try to be polite and humorous.

(From the imitation, we can find some body language is relaxing while some makes people upset. So, we learn a lesson from the activity, that is, we should be polite even when we are talking with

body language.)

Step five: vocabulary learning

Ask the students to explain the words below with your body language and simple English according to their understanding after reading the text

non-verbal, aggressive, greet, be unconscious of, informal, gesture, weapon

(Vocabulary is the other goal of this lesson. Next is an exercise about the words and expressions of this period. In order to encourage them to use spoken English, I ask them to explain the words and phrases with their simple English. Through this activity, we can relate what they have learned to what they will learn. That is to say, we connect the past to the future at the point of the present.) step six: homework

ask the students to add words to the silent part of animation film

(Here I prepare another part of the cartoon, for the students to show their language ability, imagination as well as their talent.)


A Teaching Design


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