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2014-2015学年人教版高中英语必修3 Uint3练习题及答案解析4套-3-1


及时体验 巩固提升


on the spot, by accident, account for, be permitted to, bring up, go ahead, with patience, on the contrary

1.A child who is well ________ has been taught to be polite and to behave well.

答案 brought up

2.It doesn't seem ugly to me; ________, I think it's rather beautiful.

答案 on the contrary

3.You are not ________ smoke here.

答案 permitted to

4.________ and do what you like.

答案 Go ahead

5.I found the key ________ when I was cleaning the room. 答案 by accident

6.He was hit by a falling tree and killed ________.

答案 on the spot

7.He could not ________ his absence from school.

答案 account for

8.She was a lively young woman ________ and imagination. 答案 with patience


1. When he walked down the street, he heard his name called. →________along the street, he heard someone ________ his



答案 Walking; calling

2. When he came to himself, he found he had been taken to the hospital.

→When he came to himself, he found ________ ________ to the hospital.

答案 himself taken

3. Do you mind if I open the window?

→Would you mind ________ ________ the window?

答案 my/me opening


4. To tell you the truth, I've no money on me.

→________ ________ ________, I've no money on me. 答案 To be honest

5. The rain was the reason why he was late for class.

→The rain ________ ________ his being late for class. 答案 accounted for

2014-2015学年人教版高中英语必修3 Uint4练习题及答案解析4套-4-1


及时体验 巩固提升


1.Good measures must be taken by the government to stop some companies ________ harming the environment.

答案 from

2.At that time life was not known ________ scientists.

答案 to

3.The origin of life ________ earth is a question that interests astronomers.

答案 on

4.At the sound of the gun, the birds flew ________ all directions. 答案 in

5.Though they were busy, they came to the meeting ________ time.

答案 in

6.Water and air are fundamental ________ life, if man wants to keep alive.

答案 to

7.The presence ________ our monitor made it difficult to make a decision.

答案 of

8.His sister gave birth ________ a baby in hospital yesterday. 答案 to

9.I come here ________ the first time, so I don't know the city at all.

答案 for

10.Tadpoles (蝌蚪) finally grow ________ frogs.

答案 into


1. ________ ________ ________ ________ (不像他一贯的作风) to be so late. (unlike)

答案 It's very unlike him

2. It was the heavy rain that ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (阻挡他按时到校).(prevent)

答案 prevented him from coming to school on time

3. ________ ________ ________ ________ (据今天的报纸报道) the fine weather will keep up for a few days. (according)

答案 According to today's paper

4. Mary died shortly after ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (生下一个健康女婴). (give)

答案 giving birth to a healthy baby girl

5. ________ ________ ________ (轮到你) to recite the dialogue.(turn)

答案 It's your turn

2014-2015学年人教版高中英语必修3 Uint3练习题及答案解析4套-3-2


及时体验 巩固提升


1.Can you tell me ________ the weather is like outside? 答案 what

2.He told me ________ kind of books I should read.

答案 what

3.I thought it strange ________ he should have left without a word.

答案 that

4.Your composition is good except ________ it has some spilling mistakes.

答案 that

5.The question is ________ he will turn up on time for the meeting.

答案 whether

6.I really don't know ________ he has gone and ________ left. 答案 where; when

7.He is ill. That is ________ he is absent from class today. 答案 why

8.You are saying that everyone should be equal. That is ________ I disagree.

答案 where

9.I have always been honest and straight-forward. It doesn't matter ________ I am talking to.

答案 who/whom

10.My suggestion is ________ he should have a further explanation to us.

答案 that



_______________________________________________________ 答案 I'm satisfied that you've made rapid progress.


_______________________________________________________ 答案 He said that the text was very important and that we should learn it by heart.


_______________________________________________________ 答案 We are talking about whether you should do it.


_______________________________________________________ 答案 They looked so old. That's because they had worked hard for ten years.


_______________________________________________________ 答案 His suggestion is that no one(should) be allowed to smoke in the office.

2014-2015学年人教版高中英语必修3 Uint1课堂练习题及答案解析4-1-1


及时体验 巩固提升


1.happen, occur, take place, break out, come about

①The event ________ three years ago.

②It ________ to me that we have many things to do.

③The same thing ________ to me last year.

④Great changes have ________ in our hometown during the past ten years.

⑤What ________ to you?

⑥It ________ to me that she didn't know I had moved into the new house.

⑦After the flood, diseases ________ here and there.

答案 ①took place ②occurs ③happened ④taken place ⑤happened ⑥occurred ⑦broke out

2.gather, collect

①Tom ________ telephone cards and Lily ________ foreign coins.

②A crowd ________ to see what had happened.

③The children ________ round to listen to the man's story.


答案 ①collects; collects ②gathered ③gathered

3.award, reward, prize

①Mark won the ________ of PGA Tour player of the year at the age of 41 on Friday.【【名师一号】2014-2015学年高中英语人教版必修4综合测评,随堂演练:Uint3,A,taste,of,English,humour】

②Winning the match was just a ________ for the effort that the team had made.

③His poem won the first ________ in the contest.【【名师一号】2014-2015学年高中英语人教版必修4综合测评,随堂演练:Uint3,A,taste,of,English,humour】

④He won the ________ for the best student of the year.

⑤A(n) ________ was given to the person who had the winning number.

⑥He received a medal as a(n) ________ for his courage.

答案 ①award ②reward ③prize ④award/prize

⑤prize ⑥reward

4.custom, habit

①Smoking is one of her bad ________.

②Eating hot dogs is an American ________.

③He has a ________ of coughing before speaks.

④Japanese ________ are different from the Chinese ones.

答案 ①habits ②custom ③habit ④customs


答案 mean to

2.The yearly school sports meet usually ________ in the middle of October, when the weather is always agreeable.

答案 takes place

3.I remember the whole thing clearly, ________ it happened yesterday.

答案 as though

4.They ________ and went to the dancing hall together.

2014-2015学年人教版高中英语必修4 Uint1练习题及答案解析4套-1-1


及时体验 巩固提升


1.worth, worthy, worthwhile

①The school has graduated many ________ young people.

②Now that they have found oil, the land must be ________ a fortune.

③I'd rather the money went to a ________ cause.

④The suggestion is ________ of your praise.

⑤It is well ________ getting there an hour early, if you want a good seat.

答案 ①worthy ②worth ③worthwhile ④worthy ⑤worth

2.argue, discuss, quarrel【【名师一号】2014-2015学年高中英语人教版必修4综合测评,随堂演练:Uint3,A,taste,of,English,humour】

①The couple ________ constantly and finally got a divorce. ②Have you ________ when you will start the project?

③He ________ that the experiment could be done in another way.

答案 ①quarrelled ②discussed ③argued


1.More and more people are connecting themselves ________ environmental problems.

答案 with

2.The workers are on strike fighting ________ better pay and better working conditions.

答案 for

3.He has devoted his whole life ________ the protection of the rare animals.

答案 to

4.The murderer was caught and put ________ death. 答案 to

5.The weather was too hot for the peasants to work on, so they all sat ________ the shade having a rest.

答案 in

6.The observers were watching the chimp family wake up and move ________.

答案 off

7.The plot(情节) is very complicated, so it will take you a while to work it ________.

答案 out

8.Many thoughts came crowding ________ when I sat there resting.

答案 in


1.Mary's father has made great ________(achieve) in completing this project.

答案 achievements

2.You had better go to a ________(special)in computer for advice.

答案 specialist

3.We are having trouble with our telephone ________(connect). 答案 connection



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