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Wuyifan:ruobin,where is the museum shop? I want to postcard.

Ruobin:It’s near the door.

Wuyifan:thanks.where is the post cffice? I want to send it today.

Ruobin:I don’t know.I’ll ask.Excuse me,sir. Man:Wow!A talking robot!what a【六年级英语上册课文】

Great museum!

Robin:where is the pobot dffice?

Man:It’s next to the museum.



Science museum post office bookstore cinema hospital


Mike:what an interesting film!

Wu yifan:yes, but I’m hungry now.I know

a great Italian restauraurant.



lesson 1 just read and speak

Gao Wei is a good student.

He knows everyone in school should obey the rules.

He comes to school early. He listens to his teacher carefully.

He never makes noise in calss. He's a group leader.

His group is making a list of rules for the class.

Class Rules:

Listen to the teacher carefully?

Hand in your homework on time.

Don't be late for class.

Don't make noise in class.;

lesson 3 just read and speak

Peter is a good student at school.

But sometimes he is not a good boy at home.

He often makes a mess in his room.

He doesn't like to help to set the dinner table.

He watches TV the whole evening.

He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.


Peter's mother writes some home rules for him:



1.You should help to set the dinner table.

2.You should go to bed early.

3.You should keep your room clean.


1.You shouldn't read in bed.

2.You shouldn't watch TV till late.

3.You shouldn't make a mess in your room.

lesson 5 just read and speak

look out!You mustn't cross the road now.

You must wait for the green light.


You mustn't spit on the ground. You must keep off the grass.

You mustn't pick the flowers.

You mustn't litter .We must take good car -e of young children.

lesson 7 Just read and speak

What are you doing, Li Yan?

I'm reading an e-mail from Lucy. She's my new friend.


Can I read it?

Li Yan: Sure!

Hi Li Yan, My name is Lucy. I'm from New Zealand.

I'm twelve.

Let me tell you something about my daily life.

I get up at seven every morning. I go to school at twenty past eight.

School begins at nine I have classes from 9:00 to 11:30.


I bring a lunch box to school. School ends at three.

I get home at about half past three. Then I do my homework

I have dinner at about seven. After dinner, I watch TV.

I go to bed at 9:00. How about you? Please e-mail me back. Best wishes, Lucy

Lesson 9 Just read and speak

Hi Lucy, I was glad to get your e-mail.

Let me tell you something about my family.

My family lives in Kunming. My father is a doctor and my mother....

Hi Li Yan, I was glad to read your e-mail.

Now let me tell you something about my grandpa.

My grandpa is very kind to me. I love him very much.

These photos are about his daily life. Every morning he gets up at six. He takes a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00. Then he reads the newspapers.


In the afternoon,

he usually waters the flowers in his garden or plays with his pet dog.

He doesn't go out in the evening. He goes to bed at about 9:30.

Best wishes,Lucy

Lesson 11 Just read and speak

Gao Wei, Peter and Li Yan are going on a social studies field trip.

They want to know about a famous scientist.

But the scientist,Mr Li, isn 't in his office.

So they talk with his secretary, Linda.

May I ask you some questions about Mr Li's daily life?

Sure. He usually works in th office in the morning.

He offen works from 6:00 to 12:00. Then has a quick lunch.

What does he usually do in the afternoon?

He usually goes on with his work Sometimes he meets other scientists. Does he often go shopping?【六年级英语上册课文】

No. He seldom goes shopping.

He never eats out. He always has his meals in the office, or even in the lab. How hard he works! We should learn from him.


lesson 13 Just read and speak

Everybody has hobbies. Do you like collect -ing stamps?

Are you interested in listening to music ? Do you enjoy playing basketball ? These are all hobbies Peter's hobby is collecting toy cars.

There is a toy shop near Peter's home.

Bob, there's a new type of toy car in the shop. I'm going to buy one.

Do you like toy cars?

Yes.My hobby is collecting toy cars.

What's your hobby?

I'm interested in collecting stamps.

I have an interesting hobby,too Look! This is my book of candy paper.

Wow,it's super! So many types of cand -y paper!So colourful and so nice!

lesson 15 just read and speak

My grandpa lives on a farm. He has some interest -ing hobbies.

Do you want to know something about him?

Is this your grandpa?

Yes. He enjoys farming.





Liu: How do you go to school, Sarah? 莎朗,你怎样去上学?Sarah: My home is near. Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. What about you ? 我家很近。我通常步行去上学。有时候我骑车去,你呢? Liu: I usually go to school by bus.



Jim: How can I get to Zhongshan Park?我怎么去中山公园? Chen: You can go by the No.15 bus.你可以坐15路公交车。 Jim : Can I go on foot? 我能步行吗?

Chen: Sure,if you like.It,s not far.



Liu: Excuse me,is there a cinema near here?


Policeman: Yes,there is.是的,有。

Liu: Where is the cinema,please?请问电影院在哪儿? Policeman: It,s next to the hospital.在医院旁边。 Liu: Is it far from here?离这儿远吗?

Policeman: No, it,s not far.不,不远。

Liu: Thank you.谢谢。

Policeman: You,re welcome.不客气。


Amy: Excuse me.Where is the post office?


Wu: It,s east of the cinema.它在电影院的东边。

Amy: And then?那怎么走?

Wu: Turn left at the cinema,then go straight.It,s on the left. 在电影院左转,然后直走。

Amy: Thank you.谢谢。


Wu: What are you going to do on the weekend? 你周末打算做什么?

John: Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 我打算这个周末去看望我的祖父母。 ,

Wu: Is it far?远吗?

John: Yes,so I,m going by train.是的,所以我乘火车去。


Amy: Where are you going this afternoon?



Chen: Im going to the bookstore.我打算去书店。 Amy: What are you going to buy?你打算买什么? Chen: Im going to buy a comic book.我打算买本漫画书。 ,,

Amy: When are you going?你什么时候去?

Chen: Im going at 3 o,clock.我三点钟去。 ,


Wu: What’s your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

John:I like collecting stamps.What about you? 我喜欢集邮。你呢?

Wu: Me too. There is a stamp show on Sunday.

Let,s go together.我也是。周日有一个邮票展。让我们一起去吧。John:I have a friend .He likes collecting stamps,too. Can he go with us?


Wu: Sure.当然可以!


Zhang: My mother is a teacher.我的妈妈是一位老师。Sarah: Does she teach English?她是教英语吗?

Zhang: No,she doesn,t.She teaches math.


Sarah: Does she teach you math?她教你数学吗? Zhang: Yes,she does.是的,她教我数学。


Chen: What does your mother do ?你母亲是做什么的?John:She is a TV reporter.她是一名电视台记者。 Chen: What does your father do ?你父亲是做什么的? John: He is a teacher. He teaches English.



Chen: What does your mother do ?你母亲是干什么的? Mike: She is an accountant.她是一名会计。

Chen: Where does she work? 她在哪儿工作?

Mike: She works in a car company.在汽车公司。 Chen: How does she go to work?她怎样去上班? Mike: She goes to work by bus.她乘公共汽车去上班。


Where does the rain come from?雨从哪里来?

It comes from the clouds.它来自云。

Where does the cloud come from?云从哪里来?

It comes from the vapour.它来自水蒸气。

Where does the vapour come from?水蒸气从哪里来? It comes from the water in the river.它来自江河里的水。 How can the water become vapour?水怎样变成水蒸气? The sun shines and the water becomes vapour. 阳光照耀,水变成水蒸气


Teacher: What are you going to do this afternoon? 今天下午你打算做什么?

Zhang: Im going to plant flower seeds in our garden. 我打算在我们的花园里种花籽儿。 ,

Teacher: How do you do that?你怎样做呢?

Zhang: It, s easy. First, put the seeds in the soil. 很简单。首先把种子放在土里。

Teacher:What should you do then? 然后你该怎样做? Zhang: Water them. In several days, you can see a sprout. 给它浇水。几天后,你就可以看到嫩芽了。


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