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冀教版七年级下lesson1 课文

Lesson1:A Trip to China

Jenny:Hi , Mum ! Hi , Dad ! Guess what ! We ’re learning about the Silk Road this month in school。

Mr.Smith:The Silk Road? That’s in China!

Jenny:Yes,it is! Mum and Dad, may I ask you a question?

Mrs.Smith:Sure, Jenny! What is it?

Jenny:My school is planning a trip around China with Li Ming’s school some students from my class will go to China and travel on the Silk Road. May I go with them?

Mr.Smith:Who will lead the trip?

Jenny:Ms.Martin! Here is the note from my school.

(Jenny’s father and mother read the note.)

Mrs.Smith:Yes,you may go. This is a good chance for you. You will learn about China.

Jenny:Really?Great!Thanks,Mum and Dad! I’m so excited! I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news.



Unit 1 A trip to Beijing


go on a trip to 去某地旅行 I don’t know. 我不知道。 too…to… 太……而不能…… from…to… 从……到…… work hard 努力学习/工作 sound the same 发同样的音 different spellings and meanings


Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场 go shopping 去购物 in restaurants 在饭店里 go to a hotel 到宾馆去 ask for 请求,要求

practise doing 练习做……

stay with 和……呆在一起

the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 write home 给家人写信

what we want to do 我们想做的 say goodbye to 向……告别 say hello to 给……打招呼 make up 编写,虚构 go on with 继续……

Lesson 6

pack my/his/her suitcase 打点我/他/她的行装 pack…with… 用……打包 a pair of socks 一双短袜 teddy bear (软毛)玩具熊 point to 指着

All done .一切都做好了。

train ticket火车票

at the train station 在火车站 have a good trip 祝旅行快乐!

how much for a ticket 一张票多少钱 Lesson 2

come on 快点,加油,跟着来 Don’t run and jump! 不要跑、跳! talk to 和……交谈 Walk to 步行去…… on the telephone 在电话上 run to 朝……跑过去 Is this Mrs. Smith speaking? jump on 跳上去

(打电话用语)是史密斯太太吗? be ready 准备好 leave for 动身前往…… stand beside the train 站在火车旁边 arrive in 到达(大地方) be excited 激动,兴奋 have been to …去过某地(已返回) I’m sorry. 对不起。 would like to do 想要做…… That’ s OK. 没关系。


fall down 摔倒 Lesson 3

How far is it from…to…?从……到有多远? stand up 站起来 It is about…kilometers(away). sit down 坐下

大约有……公里(远)。 be slang for ……是……的俚语

be scared=be afraid 害怕 Lesson 4

by train/bus/plane 乘火车/汽车/飞机 be surprised=be amazed 惊讶 take a bus to =go to …by bus =go to …on a bus I love going on trips. 我喜爱旅行。 乘公共汽车去…… have fun (in)doing sth 做某事很有趣 take a train to =go to …by train =go to …on a train something about Beijing 关于北京的一些事情 =fly to 乘飞机去……

UNIT 2 On the Train It doesn’t cost as much.它花不那么多钱。just right 恰好,正好 Lesson 9 look out of 向……外面看

point at指着(较近的物体) Lesson 5

make a trip plan 制定一份旅行计划 look at看着(强调动作)

have fun=have a good time =enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过得愉快

what else=what other things别的什么东西 feel scared 感到害怕 Here I come. 我来了。 Help! 救命啊!

be quiet 安静

draw a picture 画画 read a book 看书

sing a song to … 给……唱歌 a bottle of pop 一瓶汽水

point to 指向(较远的物体)

What are you doing ? 你在干什么?

Lesson 18

see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 fly a kite 放风筝

Are you Okey? 你没事吧? Don’t worry. 别担心。

put… on 穿上,戴上,把……放在……

Lesson 19

take pictures/photos 照相 put new film in the camera 把新胶卷放进照相机中 stand beside 站在……的旁边 be careful 当心,小心 hurt nose/tail伤着鼻子/尾巴

Lesson 12

behind sb 在某人的后面 a cup of tea 一杯茶 be hungry/thirsty 饿/渴

a glass of milk 一玻璃杯牛奶

make a list of… 列一个……的清单 something to drink 一些喝的东西

Lesson 20

write a letter/postcard 写一封信/一张明信片 send…to… 把……寄给…… on the left/right 在左/右边 in the top, right corner of…


Wangfujing Street 王府井大街

Lesson 13

I would like …,please.请给我来些……。 Would you like some …?你想要些……吗? Yes, please.是的(我要) No, thanks.不(要),谢谢。 a small amount of 少量的……

put the letter in a envelope

把信放进信封中 post office 邮局

go straight down 沿着……一直走 turn left/right 向左/右拐

at the traffic lights 在交通灯处

Lesson 14

read a newspaper 看报纸

play cards with 和……一起打扑克 play with 玩弄,玩耍,和……一起玩 think about 思考,考虑

Lesson 16

buy tickets 买票 Good work!干得好!

share…with…和……一起分享 write down 写下,记下 so far 到现在为止

Lesson 23

send an e-mail 发电子邮件

be short for ……是……的缩写 write an e-mail to 给……写电子邮件 at the top/bottom 在顶部/底部 send a message 发送信息 by postcard/letter/e-mail

通过明信片/信/电子邮件 No problem! 没问题!

Unit 3 In Beijing

Lesson 17

a walk in Beijing 在北京散步 take a taxi to 乘出租车去…… go for a walk 去散步

walk down the street 沿着大街走 in the street 在大街上 too many/much 太多

Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip?

Lesson 25

buy…for …为……买……

What time is it? =What’s the time?几点了?

go shopping 去买东西/购物

Lesson 26

go home 回家 every day 每天

walk to school 步行上学 have a nice trip 旅行愉快 store clerk 商店职员 be for 属于

miss you 想念你 a T-shirt一件T恤衫 buy a gift 买一件礼物

make breakfast 做早饭 on the stove 在炉子上 in the sink 在洗涤槽上

It’s time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。 What would you like for breakfast?


be ready 准备好了

Lesson 35

It’s time to go to school.该上学了。 take a bus 乘公共汽车 bus stop 汽车站

Here comes the school bus.学生专用车来了。 ride a bicycle 骑自行车

far from school 离学校远 bus driver 公共汽车司机

Lesson 27

last week 上周

tell a story 讲故事

What did you do last week? 上周你干什么来? Did you have fun in Beijing?


Lesson 36

be from 来自……【冀教版七年级下册课文听力免费下载】

the name of ……的名字

speak English /Chinese 说英语/汉语 at home 在家

the same age 相同的年龄 introduce oneself 自我介绍

Lesson 30

What happened to ……发生了什么事? show…to …把……给……看

May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?

a letter from 来自……的一封信

have a great/good/nice/wonderful time 玩得开心on the train 在火车上 like doing 喜欢做……

can be 可能是(把握性很小) put …together


Lesson 37

wash hands 洗手

in the bathroom 在洗澡间

help sb (to)do sth 帮……做…… watch TV 看电视

sit in a chair 坐在椅子上 play cards 打扑克

sit on a couch 坐在沙发上 read a newspaper 看报 in the corner 在角落里 write a letter 写信

Unit 5 Li Ming Comes

to Canada

Lesson 33

This is… (介绍人时)这是 Li Ming is coming to Canada.


go home 回家

Nice to see you. 见到你很高兴。 have a good trip 旅行愉快 let sb do sth让某人做某事 living room 起居室,客厅

Lesson 38

get to work 开始工作 have a new class 上新课

How is the weather today? 今天天气如何? What’s the temperature? 气温是多少? It’s fifteen degrees. 15度 all the shapes 所有的形状 show…to …把……给……看

Lesson 39

make a chart 制作一张表格 do one’s homework 做作业

Lesson 34

in the kitchen 在厨房里【冀教版七年级下册课文听力免费下载】

dry the dishes 擦干盘子 walk to 步行去……

wear a dress 穿着一件连衣裙 brush teeth 刷牙 have lunch 吃午饭 read a book 看书

create a chart 创作一张表格

come down the street 沿着大街过来 The rain is gone and done. 雨停了. say goodbye/hello to向……告别/问候 keep working hard一直努力工作

make sb do sth 让某人做某事 at Christmas在圣诞节期间

Lesson 44


Christmas holiday 圣诞假期 help…with…帮……做…… put up 张贴,悬挂,竖起

What is he going to do? 他打算干什么? walk to the bus stop 步行去车站 a card with …一张带有……的卡片

Lesson 45

give…to… 把……给…… buy…for… 给……买……

something special 特殊的东西 come on 跟我来,快点,加油 That’s great.太棒了。

whisper to 对……低声说/耳语

Unit 6 Winter in Canada

Lesson 41

get ready for 为……做好准备 put on 穿上,戴上 at school 在学校里

What a cold, snowy day!好冷的一个雪天啊! What do you like to do? 你喜欢做什么? How long has Li Ming been in Canada? 李明在加拿大呆了多久了? look out of 向……外面看

in spring /summer/autumn(fall)/winter


skate on the ice 在冰上溜冰

another way of doing 另一种做法

Lesson 46

I don’t think so.我认为不是这样。 a Chinese lantern 一个中国灯笼 ask sb to do sth 要某人做某事

something Chinese一些中国的东西 get gifts 收到礼物

retell the story 复述这个故事

Lesson 47

in the rain/wind/sea 在雨中/风中/海里 in the park 在公园里

make a poster 制作一张海报 all the things 所有的事情/东西 write some sentences about

写一些关于……的句子 show …to… 把……给……看

Lesson 42

go outside到外面去 in the snow 在雪中

make a snowman/snowball 堆一个雪人/雪球 a big ball of snow 一个大雪球 look out 当心,小心


a western holiday 一个西方的假期 on a holiday 在度假

Christmas tree/lights/card/gift


Santa Claus圣诞老人

a merry man 一个快乐的人 in red clothes 穿这红衣服 on Christmas 在圣诞节那天

come for Christmas 来过圣诞节 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 invite …to…邀请……到……

Unit 7 Sports and Good Health

Lesson 49

at he sports stores 在体育用品商店

play badminton/ping-pong/basketball/soccer 打/踢羽毛球/乒乓球/篮球/左球 like …best最喜欢

teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事

have sports=do sports =take exercise锻炼

How much are these runners?这些跑鞋多少钱?

Lesson 50

at the gym 在体育馆 be ready to do 准备做……

throw/catch a ball 扔/接球 hit the ball to 把球 打给……

be easy/hard to do 做……容易/困难

have to 不得不

Lesson 55

work hard at school 在学校里努力学习 Listen to the teacher, carefully.


do one’s homework 做作业 at home 在家

have fun with 和……玩得开心 clean the house 打扫屋子 wash the dishes 刷盘子 wash clothes 洗衣服

wake up 叫醒,唤醒,醒来 the same as 和……一样

turn around 回头,转过身来 reach up high 向上够 bend down low 向下弯

Lesson 51

this morning/afternoon 在上午/下午 each other 相互,彼此(两者) have fun玩得开心

a pair of 一对/副/条…… a good basketball player


a basketball game 一场篮球赛 arrive at 到达(小地方)

one…the other…一个……另一个…… up and down 上上下下,来回地,到处地 at the game 在比赛中 Go! 加油!

What did you do? 你做了什么? put…in a basket 投篮

What’s the score? 比分是多少? watch a game 观看比赛

cheer /yell for 为……助威/加油

Unit 8 Li Ming Goes Home

Lesson 57

Summer is coming. 夏天就要来临了。 at the swimming pool 在游泳池里 swim towards 朝……游过去 jump in 跳进来

go swimming 去游泳 be scared 害怕

learn to swim 学习游泳

Lesson 53

be good for 对……有益 be bad for 对……有害

before/after meals 饭前/后 wash hands 洗手 brush teeth刷牙

twice a day 一天两次

how often 多久一次,是否经常 once a year 一年一次

make …for … 为……制作…… for(=to have)a healthy body 为了拥有一个健康的身体

Lesson 58【冀教版七年级下册课文听力免费下载】

be about 关于…… one day 一天

after school 放学后

go to the park 到公园去 fly a kite 放风筝

faster and faster 越来越快 run into 跑进……

lie on the grass 躺在草地上 look at the sky看着天空 look like 看起来像

like …better than…比起……更喜欢……

Lesson 54

Sixty seconds make a minute .

60秒等于1分钟。 ride a bike 骑自行车

walk to school 步行上学 walk home 步行回家 after school 放学后

need to get more exercise 需要多锻炼 watch more sports on TV


Lesson 59

be going to =will 将要 wake up 叫醒,醒来 drive to 开车去……

summer holiday 暑假 on the beach 在沙滩上


七年级下册 语文1---3单元生字检测

1、归xing ( ) cuan duo ( ) fu ( )水 chan chan ( ) Meng long ( ) yi ( )稀 za ( )道 并行不bei ( ) Zhao ( )苏 雨后春sun ( ) chang yang ( ) jiong ( )异 鸟kan ( ) Yan ( )然 漫yi ( ) wan ( )转 you ( )扬 mi ( )散 duo( )来 duo ( )去 cuo( ) Hang ( )辈 dan ( )( “怕”的意思) yun ( )藻乌peng ( ) 家juan ( ) piao miao ( ) jiu ( )树 xiang ( )午

zhao ( )(“划船”的意思)Ji ( )(“船桨” 的意思 ) Shu shu lang lang( )

2、zhe ( )皱 娇 chen ( ) qian ( )诚 zhenzhuo ( ) lin lie ( ) 温xin ( ) ji ( )动 ge zhi ( ) 黑you you ( ) Xi xi su su ( ) jing ji ( ) song yong ( ) 3、wei ( )阔 xi ( ) 惊 e ( ) 松 huan ( ) 动 zhe ( ) shuo ( )大 4、kui ( )见 cuo ( )落 有zhi ( )

zhen yi ( )欲飞 cha ( )紫 Shu juan ( ) shuan ( )se ( xi ( )鼓 qie ( )意

7、chan ( )抖 琴xian ( ) 8、ke ( )守 shi ( )志不yi ( 倒tan ( ) 气nei ( ) liao ( )倒

9、chou chu ( ) nao ( ) kai ( )得发亮 you ( )黑

10、qiong ( ) 深思shu ( ) lǜru ( )动 sao ( )动 jin ( )sa sa ( ) e ( )止 shao ( )11、peng pai ( ) 狂lan ( ) ping zhang ( ) Bu ( )育

) ) yan ( )红 yan ( )旗 ke ( )望 mei ( )力 Nuo ( )弱 挑ti ( ) 实 持 华 体 po ( ) ( ) dun ( )

12、丛mang ( ) jing ( )旗 feng ( )烟

jie ( ) 报 血雨xing ( )风 取yi ( )成ren ( ) 13、ni ( )虹 hu tuo ( ) jue ( ) zi ( )须 zhuai ( ) Zha ( )gu gu ( ) da lian ( ) zuan ( )

liao ( ) jue zi ( ) leng zheng ( ) qi ( ) ken ( ) ze ( ) bin ( ) mo suo ( )

14、zhan ( )man ( ) wu ( ) ji ( ) sa ( ) yu ( )仰 liu ( )金 越 刀 上su ( ) 天qian ( )



1. 春的消息
































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