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恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷

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恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇一:湖北省恩施州2013-2014学年八年级物理下学期期末考试试卷 新人教版



7.(3分)在下列生活和生产实例中,利用连通器原理工作的是( )

8.(3分)如图所示,用焦距为8cm的凸透镜,观察一张印有2014年南京青奥会会徽的图片,此时图片到凸透镜的距离应( )



分)下列依据公式W=Fs所作出的判断中错误的是( )

14.有甲、乙两个物体,在力的作用下做水平直线运动,其速度时间图象如图所示.由图可知,两物体运动过程中水平方向上的受力情况是( )




的酒精中,静止后有的体积露出液面.如将该球空心部分注满水并封闭后再放入水中,则球( )

二、填空题(每空1分,共15分) 16.(1分)(2014•陵县二模)如图是物理教材中的插图,坐在船中的人用手推另一只船时,自己坐的船同时后退,说明物体间 _________ .

17.(1分)如图所示,是盖房子时所用的重垂线,所依据的物理知识是 _________ .

18.(1分)如图所示是不正常眼睛的成像光路图,应该用 _________ 透镜矫正.(选填“凸”或“凹”)

19.(1分)如图所示,一条狗正拉着雪橇在雪地上做加速运动,狗拉雪橇的力 _________ 雪橇拉狗的力.(选填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”)

20.(2分)物理学研究方法有很多,例如:类比法、模型法、控制变量法、等效法、理想实验与科学推理相结合的方法等.我们在研究二力合成时用到 _________ ,研究牛顿第一定律时用到控制变量法和 _________ (填研究方法). 21.(1分)抽油烟机在工作时,由于转动的扇叶处气体的流速大,压强 _________ ,从而在周围大气压的作用下将油烟压向扇口排出. 22.(2分)如图a所示,将重力为20N,边长为0.1m的正方体放在水平地面上,则它对地面的压强为 _________ Pa,如图b所示,若将正方体放置于倾角为30°的斜面上,则正方体静止时对斜面的压力 _________ 20N(选填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”).



_________ (选填“增大”或“变小”),排水体积变化 _________ m.(海水的密度近



24.(2分)如图所示,动滑轮重2N(不计绳重及摩擦),所吊起的重物B重10N,物体A重80N,此时物体B恰好以0.2m/s的速度下降,则绳子对物体A做功的功率是 _________ W;

如果要使物体B以0.1m/s的速度上升,则要对物体A施加 _________ N的水平向左的拉力.

25.(2分)将一只装满水的溢水杯放在水平桌面上,此时杯底对桌面的压强为p;若将一石块缓慢放入杯底,有一部分水溢出,此时杯底对桌面的压强为p1,如果改用小木块(ρ木<ρ水)轻轻放在同一装满水的溢水杯中,也有一部分水溢出,此时杯底对桌面的压强为p2,则p1 _________ p、p2 _________ p(选填“>”、“<”、或“=”).

三、作图与实验(作图每题2分,其余每空1分,共22分) 26.(2分)如图所示,货物A随小车B一起向右做匀速直线运动,请在图中作出货物A所受力的示意图.



(1)实验桌上有三个凸透镜,其焦距分别为48cm、10cm、4cm,小红不知该选哪一个来完成实验,你认为,应该选用焦距为 _________ cm的凸透镜.

(2)小红在老师的点拨下做出了正确的选择,并正确的安装了实验装置,如图所示,此时物距u= _________ cm.然后她从远到近逐渐改变物体到透镜的距离,同时移动光屏并观

恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇二:【解析版】2014-2015学年湖北省恩施州恩施市八年级上期末数学试卷



1.下列长度的各种线段,可以组成三角形的是( )

A. 2,3,4 B. 1,1,2 C. 4,4,9 D. 7,5,1

2.在4×4方格中涂黑7个小正方形,所得下面4个新图形(阴影部分)中不是轴对称图形的是( )





3.在平面直角坐标系中,点P(3,5)关于y轴对称的点在( )

A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限

4.国家卫生和计划生育委员会公布H7N9禽流感病毒直径约为0.0000001m,则病毒直径0.0000001m用科学记数法表示为( )(保留两位有效数字).

A. 0.10×10m B. 1×10m C. 1.0×10m D. 0.1×10m

5.下列结论中,正确的是( )

A. a•a=a B. (a)=a C. a+a=2a D. a÷a=a

6.如图,△AOC≌△BOD,点A与点B是对应点,那么下列结论中错误的是( )



7.如图,△ABC中边AB的垂直平分线分别交BC,AB于点D,E,AC=4cm,△ADC的周长为12cm,则BC的长是( )

A. 7cm B. 8cm C. 9cm D. 10cm

8.下列算式中,错误的是( )

A. 1=1 B.(﹣π﹣3)=1 C. (﹣2)=0.25 D. 0=1 ﹣20﹣2﹣1

9.已知等腰三角形的两边长分别为6和5,则这个等腰三角形的周长是( )

A. 15或16 B. 16 C. 17 D. 16或17

10.如图,已知△ABC,AB=AC,点D在底边BC上,添加下列条件后,仍无法判定△ABD≌△ACD的是( )


11.如图所示的图形面积最适合表示一个公式,这个公式是( )

A. a﹣b=a(a﹣b)+b(a﹣b) B. (a+b)=a+2ab+b

22222 C. (a﹣b)=a﹣2ab+b D. a﹣b=(a+b)(a﹣b)

12.若一个多边形的每个外角都为30°,则这个多边形是( )

A. 十二边形 B. 十边形 C.八边形 D. 六边形

13.要使分式有意义,则x的取值范围是( ) 22222

A. x≠1 B. x>1 C. x<1 D. x≠﹣1

14.下列各式不能分解因式的是( )

A. 3x﹣4x B. x+y C. x+2x+1 D. 9﹣x

15.如图,直线L是一条河,P,Q是两个村庄.欲在L上的某处修建一个水泵站,向P,Q两地供水,现有如下四种铺设方案,图中实线表示铺设的管道,则所需管道最短的是( ) 22222







17.解方程:. 22






(1)写出A,B,C三点的坐标:A( , );B

( , );C( , ).

(2)△A1B1C1与△ABC关于x轴对称,画出△A1B1C1,并写出A1,B1,C1三点的坐标:A1( , );B1( , );C1

( , ).












恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇三:2014-2015学年度第一学期八年级英语期末测试卷(仁爱版)


(考试时间:120分钟, 满分:100分)

第一部分 听力(25分)

第一节 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分)

( )1.

( )2.

( )3.

( )4.

( )5.

第二节 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)

( )6.A.Yes, they are. B.Yes, there are. C.Yes, there is.

( )7.A.In Xi’an. B.In Changchun. C.In Shanghai.

( )8.A.Pyramids. B.The Great wall. C.The West Lake.

( )9.A.What a pity! B.That’s great. C.That’s all right.

( )10.A.History. B.Wonders. C.Emperors.

第三节 听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分)

( )11.What’s that in the tree?

A.A cat. B.A bird. C.A monkey.

( )12.Why does Kangkang like frogs?

A.Because they are more lovely than other animals.

B.Because they bring us joy. C.Because they eat insects.

( )13.When does Wang Wei often go fishing?

A.On Sundays. B.On Saturdays. C.On Fridays.

( )14.How many kinds of animals are there on the farm?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.


)15.Which kind of animals moves faster than the others?

A.The cat. B.The frog. C.The snake.

第四节 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(10分)

( )16.What are they going to the zoo for?

A.To see the birds. B.To see the tigers. C.To see the animals.

( )17.What animals do Mary and Ann like best?

A.Monkeys. B.Birds. C.Pandas.

( )18.Who will take some cakes to the monkeys to eat?

A.Ann. B.Mary. C.Mrs. Brown.

( )19.How many people are there in the story?

A.Four. B.Five. C.Six.

( )20.Who can carry something to drink?

A.Peter. B. John C. Mary

第二部分 基础知识运用(30分)

一、单项选择 (20分)

( )21.Ann used the computer for shopping, _______?

A.used she B.usedn’t she C.did she D.didn’t she

( )22.—_______ is not easy to draw pictures with this pen.

—You are right.

A.There B.This C.That D.It

( )23—How many students are there in your school?

—_______ students, I think.

A.Thousand of B.Three thousands

C.Three thousand D.Three thousands of

( )24.—Where are you going to work next year?

—_______ Maybe Hefei or Nanjing.

A.I’m not so sure. B.I think so.

C.That’s a good idea. D.I hope not

( )25.Jenny and Jane were talking in the kitchen _______ I was reading the newspaper.

A.while B.before C.after D.if

( )26.If you can’t get to sleep, then get up and try to do something _______ lying in bed.

A.and B.or C.instead of D.because of

( )27.Don’t make me _______ the clothes. I’m too tired!

A.washing B.to wash C.wash D.washed

( )28.—I called you this morning, but nobody answered.

—I _______ the flowers in my garden at that time.

A.watered B.was watering C.water D.am watering

( )29.—Must I park my car behind the building?

—No, you _______. You _______ park it there.

A.mustn’t; may B.may not; must

C.don’t have to; may D.shouldn’t; must

( )30.All animals need _______ water.

A.little B.many C.lot of D.plenty of

( )31.—Wow, your school is great!

—It is _______ school in the city.

A.much more beautiful B.much beautiful

C.the most beautiful D.beautiful

( )32.Blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world, but they _______ the

smallest sea animals.

A.feed in B.live in C.feed on D.fed on

( )33.Look! There is a rabbit, two _______ and two _______ in the picture.

A.cows; sheeps B.mice; tiger C.gooses; snakes D.foxes; wolves

( )34.—Kangkang, can I borrow your bike?


A.I’d love to. B.Thank you. C.Sure. D.You’re welcome.

( )35.—Excuse me, Maria. These are new words. Can you help me look _______ in the



A.it up B.up it C.up them D.them up

( )36.Pens are helpful to humans. Students use pens for _______.

A.write B.writes C.wrote D.writing

( )37.I think robots can _______ humans in some places.

A.take place B.take place of

C.take the place of D.take of

( )38.—They didn’t go swimming yesterday, did they?

—_______ I saw them skate in the park.

A.Yes, they did. B.No, they didn’t.

C.Yes, they were. D.No, they weren’t.

( )39.The students think English is very important, so they try _______ it well.

A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.to learning

( )40.—_______ is Leshan Grand Buddha?

—It is 71 meters tall.

A.How wide B.How long C.How tall D.How high

二、完形填空 (10分)

Mrs. Black was a famous musician a few years ago. She music at a school and her students did well in their lessons. They liked her very much. Now the old woman stays at home with her husband. The old man looks after his wife well and she worries about anything. And she is very Just like some old people, Mrs. Black finds that her memory(记忆) is falling. Sometimes she what she did or will do. It often gets her in trouble. Her noticed(注意到) it and asked her to see a famous doctor. He bought two tickets London and told her he put into her handbag while she was playing the piano. The next morning, they got to the just on time to catch the plane. Mrs. Black said,“I wish we had the with us.”

“Don’t be a fool, dear!”said Mr. Black,“We are not going to a concert, but to see a ”

“I know,”she said,“but I left the tickets on it!”

( )41.A.loved B.taught C.enjoyed D.studied

( )42.A.always B.often C.never D.sometimes

( )43.A.sorry

( )44.A.forget

( )45.A.husband

( )46.A.to

( )47.A.it

( )48.A.airport

( )49.A.money

( )50.A.doctor

B.worried B.remember B.daughter B.in B.them B.bus stop B.music B.film C.sad C.forgets C.son C.from C.this C.station C.tickets C.play D.happy D.remembers D.student D.of D.that D.hospital D.piano D.house

第三部分 阅读理解 ( 25 分)


Which is the biggest country in the world? Well, look at the map and you’ll know it is Russia. It is followed by Canada, China, the U.S.A. and Brazil. Among them, China has the largest number of people, with a population(人口) of about 1.3 billion(十亿). Canada has the longest coastline(海岸线). The total length(长度) of the coastline is about 202,080 kilometers. It is long enough to go around the earth six times.

Do you know which is the largest island(岛) in the world? Is that Hawaii? No, it is much smaller than the largest island in the world—Greenland. Greenland is to the northeast(东北) of Canada. Ice covers 81% of its land. It is very cold there, so there are only about 56,000 people living on the island.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。每小题1分X K b 1.C o m

( )51.Russia is the largest country in the world.

( )52.The country with the largest population is China.

( )53.The total length of Canada’s coastline is about 202,080 kilometers.

( )54.The largest island in the world is Hawaii.

( )55.The population of Greenland is about 56,000.


The Internet has become part of teenagers’(十几岁的) life. A new report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities found that 38 percent of them believe they use the Internet often.

While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way. Many are playing online games too much. A few even visit websites(网址) they should not look at. Hong Ying, a teacher from Beijing Yinghua Middle School warns(警告) that bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet. She had a student who used to be good at school. But then he started visiting unhealthy websites. He went mad, cheated(欺骗) a girl and was taken away by the police.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior(行为) has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. The book uses real examples to teach students about good ways of using the Internet. The book gives useful advice such as to read news or to find helpful information to study. Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea.

Hong said the book will be a guide for teens to use the Internet. She believes it will keep students away from bad sites.

“Many students are using the Internet without guidance(指导) from their parents,”she said, “The book will teach students how to be a good person in the online world.”


( )56.How many among the 3,375 students believe they use the Internet very often?

A.10. B.18. C.38. D.About 1282.

( )57._______ children are using the computer in a good way.

A.All B.Not all C.Each of the D.Every

( )58.A textbook on good Internet behavior has begun to be used in _______.

A.Beijing B.Wuhan C.Shenyang D.Shanghai

( )59.The aim of the book is to _______.

A.teach students how to go online in a good way

B.tell children how to make online friends

C.tell a lot of stories about the harm of the Internet

D.teach students how to play computer games

( )60.The student who was caught by the police was _______.

A.crazy B.too interested in the bad things

C.late D.too excited

( C )

Toby went to China for a holiday with his father this summer. Their first destination(目的地) was Beijing. They arrived in Beijing on 8th, August.

(B: Breakfast L: Lunch D: Dinner)

( )61.They paid _______ for the Beijing tour.

A.$190 B.$ 280 C.$ 470

( )62.On which day did they see Beijing Opera in the evening?

A.The first day. B.The second day.

C.The third day. D.The fourth day.

( )63.How many places of interest did they go to on their third day?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three.

( )64.On the fourth day, they visited _______.

A.Hutong B.Silk Market C.Beihai Park

( )65.When did they leave Beijing?

A.10th, August. B.11th, August. C.12th, August. D.$ 560 D.Four. D.A and B D.13th, August.

恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇四:仁爱版2014-2015年第二学期八年级英语期末试卷及答案

恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇五:仁爱版2014-2015年第二学期八年级英语期末试卷及答案

恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇六:仁爱版八年级英语上学期期末测试卷

名: __________


A. like it B. don’t like it C. my teacher teaches me D. teach myself 二、单项选择填空.(每小题1分,共30分)

( ) 1. — Hello, ___________? — Hello, this is Jane speaking.

A. this is speaking B. I’m speaking C. who’s speaking D. who is that girl

( ) 2. — I think collecting stamps must be fun. — _______, I think it’s boring. 一、 词语释义,选出与句中画线部分意义最接近的解释.(每小题1分,

姓„ „„ „ _„__„____„„__„_:„„班级„ „ „ „„ _封 ____„„ __„__„ _ _:„„„考号„ „„ „ „中学„镇密„ 永北„:„„ 名„校„( „


( A. with my English B. to my English

C. in English D. for English ( A. I think B. May C. Maybe D. May be

( A. many B. much C. a lots D. a lot

( A. look for B. look up C. look D. look after ( A. play yourself B. feel happy C. enjoy yourself D. happy yourself


A. hates B. is afraid of C. is afraid to D. likes (

A. in your spare time B. in time C. in your time D. on time (

A. left B. went to C. will go to D. will go

( ) 9. I’ A. looking for B. watching C. visiting D. looking at ) 10. — Lily, your English is pretty good. — A. I don’t think so B. I think so C. I don’t think so, either D. I agree with you

( ) 3. If you feel tired, you should stop ________ and have a good rest. A. work B. working C. to work D. works ( ) 4. — Why did you make our teacher ________ just now? — Because I made faces when he was giving us a lesson. A. happy B. happyily C. angry D. angrily ( ) 5. — What were you doing when I called you?

— I _________ to music, It’s my favorite pop music.

A. listened B. am listening C. listen D. was listening

( ) 6. — It’s not polite to make faces in Class, Don’t do that again, Peter!

— ____________.

A. Yes, I will B. Sorry, I won’t C. Yes, I’d love to D. No, thanks ( ) 7. Mr Wang _______ ride to work, but now he walks to work. A. used to B. is used to C. uses to D. was used to ( ) 8. — What do you think of the music? — It _______ beautiful. A. looks B. listens C. sounds D. hears

( ) 9. ________ beautiful flowers! Thank you for giving me such beautiful flowers.

A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( ) 10. — I missed the concert yesterday. — __________.

A. I agree with you B. I think so C. What a shame D. Great ( ) 11. — I am fond of ________ to folk music. What about you? — I prefer classical music.

A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listen to ( ) 12. I often help my mother ________ at home.


A. cooks B. cooking C. with D. cook

( ) 13. Little Tom was always late for school, so Miss Wang was angry _____ him.

A. with B. to C. for D. at ( ) 14. English is very _______ and I’m very _______ in it.

A. interested; interesting B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interested D. interesting; interested

( ) 15. After watching the football game, I was ________ excited to get to sleep.

A. very B. too C. so D. much ( ) 16. Keep quiet, kids! I have _________ to tell you.

A. important something B. something important C. important anything D. anything important

( ) 17. — I’m going to listen to pop music at the concert. — ________ exciting!

A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( ) 18. — Do you like jazz?

— ________ Sometimes I listen to it. But I have a lot of rock music.

A. I don’t mind it B. I like it very much C. I hate it D. I don’t like it at all

( ) 19. Attention! ________ too much is bad for your eyes.

A. Watch TV B. Watches TV C. Watching TV D. Watched TV ( ) 20. Everyone has his or her hobby, because they can ______ them happiness.

A. get B. take C. have D. bring

( ) 21. My little dog likes eating bread and meat, and he doesn’t mind _______ they’re good or not.

A. what B. whether C. which D. if ( ) 22. — Do you like colleeting stamps?

— No, but I like collecting things such _______ coins, toys and cars.

A. as B. for C. in D. with

( ) 23. I was doing my homework _______ the telephone rang yesterday. A. where B. then C. while D. and then ( ) 24. There is going to _________ a sports meet next week.


A. have B. hold C. has D. be ( ) 25. You look so tired. You _________ have a good rest. A. can B. should C. will D. may ( ) 26. Pop music often _______ and ________ quickly.

A. come; go B. comes; go C. come; goes D. comes; goes ( ) 27. _______ go out and do some outdoor activities? A. Why not B. Why don’t C. Why no D. Why isn’t ( ) 28. My bike is broken. Can you ________ me your bike? A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. lent

( ) 29. — What ________ you _______ at this time yesterday?

— I was reading a story book.

A. were; doing B. was; doing C. is; doing D. did; do

( ) 30. — Hello! Could I speak to the head teacher Mr Li? — Ok._______. A. Hold the line, please B. He isn’t at school C. Come in, please D. who’s that? 三、完形填空﹙共10小题,每小题1分﹚

Hobbies are very important to a person. hobbies, life won’t be colorful. I have some hobbies, stamps, reading, and outdoor activities. When I am free. I often time on my hobbies. When I feel sad, I also do something I like to make myself 心情).

People have hobbies hobbies can bring happiness friendship and knowledge. Hobbies people relax after thrie daily work, when people become old, can keep them healthy.

( ) 1. A. No B. Not C. Without D. With ( ) 2. A. the same as B. such as C. among D. between ( ) 3. A. doing B. making C. following D. taking ( ) 4. A. take B. spend C. save D. get ( ) 5. A. strong B. terrible C. clever D. happy ( ) 6. A. choose B. check C. change D. grow ( ) 7. A. because B. so C. or D. and

( ) 8. A. it B. her C. him D. them ( ) 9. A. helps B. help C. to help D. helping ( ) 10. A. happiness B. knowledge C. hobbies D. hobby 四、阅读理解.(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) A

Can eating a good breakfast improve school study?

More than 1,000 students in the city of Lawrence took part in an experiment(实验) a year ago and the answer was YES.

In the experiment, students with breakfast got higher scores in the their tests(考试) than those without breakfast. Among those who had breakfast, fewer were late for school and missed their school. “By eating breakfast, you feel active in your morning study and you keep good health,” says Amy Sampson, a famous doctor. She did the experiment for a year. Students without breakfast may lose important nourishment(营养) in eggs, fruit, milk, bread and so on. So we must have breakfast so that we can feel well. keep strong and do our best in the school work. 阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误(F). (10分)

( ) 1. More than 10,000 students took part in the experiment.

( ) 2. It’s good for students to have some eggs, fruit, milk, bread and so on. ( ) 3. A good breakfast will help students to get to school early. ( ) 4. The doctor did the experiment for a year.

( ) 5. The article mainly(主要地) tells us when to eat breakfast.


Neil Smith was very fat. “It’s not good for your health. You should see a doctor,” said his wife. “Ask him how to lose weight(重量).” “OK”, said Neil. He went to see a doctor. The doctor weighed(称„重量) him. Then he said, “You’re too heavy. You must lose about 30 kilograms. Eat only fruit and vegetables. Run 5 kilograms a day for the next 100 days. Then call and tell me how much you weigh.” Neil Smith went home and did what the doctor told him. One hundred days later, he called the doctor, “Neil Smith here, Doctor,” he said, “I’m calling to tell you about my weight. You will be happy. I lost 30 kilograms.” “Great,” said the doctor. “Yes, but there’s a problem.” Neil said, “I’m 500 kilograms away from home now. I don’t know how to go back!”


阅读短文,选出正确答案.(10分) ( ) 6. What was Neil Smith’s problem?

A. He had a stomachache B. He was too short C. He was too fat D. He was too tall ( ) 7. What did Neil Smith’s wife tell him to do?

A. To eat less B. To exercise more C. To take some medicine D. To see a doctor

( ) 8. The doctor thought Neil should ________.

A. run every day B. stop smoking C. sleep less D. see him often ( ) 9. The doctor let Neil have only _________.

A. bread B. fruit and vegetables C. fruit and water D. bread and vegetables ( ) 10. Why was Neil far from his home now?

A. Because the doctor gave him some bad ideas B. Because he didn’t understand(理解) the doctor’s words C. Because he didn’t want to stay at home D. Because he took the wrong road C

Mr. White was a quite busy lawyer(律师). He always worked all day. Sometimes he could not have a rest on Sunday, so he usually forgot the date.

Last Saturday, he remembered if was his wife’s birthday. “I often forgot her birthday,” he said to himself. “But not this time.” Then he went to a flower shop and bought some beautiful flowers on his way home. He gave the flowers to Mrs. White and said, “ Happy Birthday! January 15 is your birthday. I don’t forget it.”

“Yes. But my birthday was yesterday. It’s January 16 today. Anyway, thank you all the same,” said Mrs. White.


( ) 11. Mr. White was a __________ man, so he usually forgot something. A. great B. busy C. happy D. good ( ) 12. Mr. White thought that Saturday was ___________.

A. Jan. 13 B. Jan. 14 C. Jan. 15 D. Jan. 16 ( ) 13. Mr. White bought some flowers __________.

A. after he went home B. before he finished his work C. on Sunday D. before he got home

( ) 14. When Mr. White gave his wife the flowers, she __________.

A. was very happy because Mr. White remembered it B. was not happy because Mr. White forgot that C. also said“Thank you” D. said nothing

( )1 5. From this passage we know that Mr. White __________.

A. remembered his wife’s birthday, but forgot the date B. forgot his wife’s birthday, but remembered the date C. remembered the date and his wife’s birthday D. forgot the date and his wife’s birthday 五、写作﹙共40分﹚

A、根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。﹙共13题,每小题1分﹚ 1. I like collecting stamps and playing soccer, what are your _______________(hobby). 2. You must look after yourself and keep ____________________________ (health). 3. I don’t think this story is _______________________________________ (interest). 4. What’s the matter? I have a _____________________________________ (stomach). 5. Beethoven was a great German ___________________________________ (music). 6. I go shopping ______________________ a month (one).

7. When I was eight, my father asked a teacher _______________ me Chinese.(teach) 8. It is important for us _______________________________ morning exercise (do). 9. KangKang says he is fond of _____________________ (act).

10. I used to enjoy dancing, but now I am ________________ in playing the guitar. (interest)

11. Why not _________________ out and do some outdoor activities (go)? 12. In fall, they used to ___________________________ mountains (climb) 13. ____________________ up late is bad for your health. (stay)

B. 根据题意将下列句中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当形式.﹙共11题,每空1分﹚ 1. At last, he found another 3 boys and they _______________________ a band.(创建) 2. Song zuying and Tenger ________________________their folk songs.(以„而闻名) 3. — Why you look so sad?


— Because I _____________________________ and made my classmates laugh when Miss Yang was giving us a lesson.(做鬼脸)

— She ___________________________________me.(生我的气) 4. — What were your parents doing at this time yesterday?

— My mother was ___________________________ and my father was reading the newspaper. (洗盘子)

5. They felt ________ tired ________ work on Monday morning. (太„而不能„) 6. When the cat knocked on the door, the mouse was ______________________. (洗澡) 7. — I think classical music is pleasant.

— I _________________________________________________. (我不同意你的观点) 8. I used to like folk music, but now I enjoy __________________________. (流行音乐) 9. Peope usually do what they like ________________________________. (在空闲时间) 10. Tom likes watching football games, he is a __________________________. (足球迷) 11. When we are free during the vacations, we usually _________________________ (网上聊天) and paint pictures. C、作文。﹙15分﹚

请以“My hobbies”为题写一篇短文或对话。


一、 1—5 ACBDC 6—10 DABCD

二、 1—5 CABCD 6—10 BACBC 11—15 BDADB 16—20 BCACD

21—25 BACDB 26—30 DACAA 三、 1—5 CBABD 6—10 CADBC

四、 1—5 FTFTF 6—10 CDABB 11—15 BCDCA

五、(A)1. hobbies 2. healthy 3. interesting 4. stomachache 5. musician

6. once 7. to teach 8. to do 9. acting 10.


11. go 12. climb 13. staying

(B)1. set up∕formed 2. are famous for 3. made faces; got ∕was angry

with 4. washing∕doing the dishes 5. too; to 6. taking a shower

7. I don’t agree(with you) ∕I don’t think so 8. pop music 9. in their spare∕ free time 10. soccer∕football fan 11. chat on the Net (C)略。


恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇七:2014年秋季学期八年级历期末检测试卷(中华书局版)【答案】





1.使中国的历史从此迈入近代史的标志性事件是( )

A.鸦片战争 B. 第二次鸦片战争 C. 甲午中日战争 D.八国联军侵华战争 2.创办《新青年》杂志的是( )

A.李大钊 B.陈独秀 C.鲁迅 D.胡适

3.王兵在参加电视台“超级小英雄”栏目中碰到了这样一道题:“近代史上割占中国领土最多的国家是哪一个?”王兵选择求助现场观众,假如你是观众中的一员,你会选择( )

A.英国 B.法国 C.美国 D.俄国

4.第二次中央新疆工作座谈会2014年5月28日至29日在北京举行,充分体现了党和国家对新疆地区的重视。清朝时,认为“重新疆者,所以保蒙古,保蒙古者,所以卫京师”,毅然率军从沙俄手中收复新疆的将领是( )

A.左宗棠 B.李鸿章 C.林则徐 D.谭嗣同

5.清末一位小商贩说:在北京东交民巷这地界,我们这些卖瓜的、卖菜的不能随便出入了,更不要说居住了,说什么皇上把这地界划给了洋人。这一情景的出现是因为清政府被迫签订( )

A.《南京条约》 B.《北京条约》 C.《马关条约》 D.《辛丑条约》 6.今天的中国正走向富强,我们不能忘记那些曾为挽救民族危亡作出贡献的仁人志士。 右图是近代著名的状元实业家,他是( )

A.詹天佑 B.曾国藩 C.张謇 D.荣宗敬


事件分别是( ) A. 洋务运动和辛亥革命 B. 五四运动和戊戌变法 C. 实业救国和辛亥革命 D. 洋务运动和戊戌变法 8.鲁迅先生曾这样咏赞中国共产党诞生,“它是远方地平线上已经开的见桅杆的那一航轮船,是挣脱母腹的婴儿的第一声啼哭,是林中的响箭,是报春的惊雷。”中共的诞生( )

A.是中国历史上开天辟地的大事 B.是中国革命转危为安的关键 C.打响了武装反抗国民党反动统治的第一枪 D.是党的历史上生死攸关的转折点 9.同学们经常查阅的《新华字典》、《词典》等印刷质量很好的工具书,相当一部分是由近代中国历史最悠久、规模最大的文化出版机构出版的。这一机构是( )

A.京师同文馆 B.《申报》报社 C.《民报》报社 D.商务印书馆 10.右图是二十世纪初学生运动的一幅标语,下列对这次“运动”表述正确的是 ( )

①“外争国权,内惩国贼”是其斗争目标 ②它标志着中国新民主主义革命的开始 ③工人阶级的参加起了重大作用 ④在北洋政府镇压下失败了

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④ 11.1961年,董必武写了一首怀念战友的诗:“四十年前会上逢,南湖泛舟语从容。济南名士知多少,君与恩铭不老松。”诗中“四十年前”的“会上”通过的决议不包括...(. ). A.通过了党的第一个纲领 B.确定了党成立以后的中心任务是领导工人运动 C.明确规定了毛泽东思想为党的指导思想 D.选举了党的中央领导机构——中央局

12.2011年,中国共产党迎来建党90周年。90载艰苦卓绝,90载荣耀辉煌。下列图示反映了新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党经过28年艰苦奋斗,领导人民实现了国家独立和民族解放。其中发生在国共十年对峙时期的事件是( )

A.北伐战争 B.红军长征 C.百团大战 D.重庆谈判

13.20世纪30年代,中国发生了许多重大事件,以下评语最能反映当时时代特征的是( ) A.新世纪的曙光 B.新民主主义革命的开端 C.中华民族到了最危险的时候 D.中国人民从此站起来了

14.李宗仁指挥的自抗战以来中国军队取得重大胜利的一次战役是( )

A.平型关战役 B.百团大战 C.台儿庄战役 D.武昌战役

15.下列有关中国近代史上重要历史人物与其所做出的贡献,搭配不正确的是( )

A.林则徐――虎门销烟 B.张学良、杨虎城――西安事变 C.侯德榜――百团大战 D.刘伯承、邓小平――挺进大别山 16.毛泽东的诗句“钟山风雨起苍黄,百万雄师过大江”描述的是( )

A.渡江战役 B.辽沈战役 C.淮海战役 D.百团大战 17.右图所示的重大军事行动,标志着( )

A.解放战争开始转入战略反攻 B.解放战争战略决战的开始 C.淮海战役结束 D.南京国民政府被推翻

18.近年来随着国共两党互信的加深,随着海峡两岸三通的实现,随着两岸同胞交往的增多,可以乐观地预见两党再次合作的希望。历史上体现国共合作的事件有( )

①黄埔军校的创建 ②北伐战争 ③南昌起义 ④抗日战争 A.①③④ B.②③④ C.①②③④ D.①②④ 19.严复是中国近代著名的资产阶级启蒙思想家,被鲁迅称为“19世纪末最敏感的人”。他译著的《天演论》中着重阐发( )

A.工农武装割据的主张 B.民主共和的思想 C.“自强”“求富”的主张 D.“物竞天择,适者生存”的道理

20.1898年,作为戊戌变法的“新政”之一,清政府在北京设立了一所新式学堂“广育人才,讲求实务”。这所新式学堂是( )

A.万木草堂 B.京师大学堂 C.清华大学 D.复旦大学 21、下列关于辛亥革命历史功绩的叙述,不正确的是( ) A.推翻了清朝统治 B.建立了资产阶级共和国 C.使民主共和的观念深入人心 D.结束了我国两千多年的封建制度 22、新文化运动兴起的标志是( )

A.胡适发表《文学改良刍议》 B.陈独秀创办《青年杂志》 C.鲁迅发表《狂人日记》 D.李大钊发表《庶民的胜利》 23、新文化运动前期的主要内容是( )

①提倡民主,反对独裁专制 ②提倡科学,反对迷信盲从 ③提倡新道德,反对旧道德 ④提倡新文学,反对旧文学 A.①②③ B.②④ C.③④ D.①②③④

24.剪辫、易服和停止缠足使我国社会习俗开始有较大改观,这主要应该归功于( ) A.鸦片战争 B.洋务运动 C.戊戌变法 D.辛亥革命 25.下列属于中国取得抗日战争胜利的原因的是( )

①国际的支援与帮助 ②国民党正面战场的作战 ③中国共产党敌后抗战 ④日本内部政权的瓦解 A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③

28 、 2010 年 5 月,大型音乐舞蹈史诗《复兴之路》电影在全国隆重上映。这是一部以中华民族探索、







(4)结合上述条约的学习,请简单谈谈你的感想。(2分) 27、抗日战争的胜利是中国从衰败到振兴的转折点,在中国近代史上具有重要的历史地位,勿忘国耻,


材料一 从1995年开始,沈阳市每年都会在9月18日鸣响防空警报,以示不忘国耻。

材料二 日军借口一名士兵失踪,无理要求进入宛平城内搜查,遭到中国守军的拒绝,日军悍然向驻


材料三 1936年12月12日,发生了震惊中外的西安事变,事变发生后,中国共产党从全民族利益


——摘自《中国历史》八年级上册 (1)材料一与哪一历史事件有关?(2分)






图1 圆明园歌舞升平

图2 点燃朝霞 图3征服雪山 (1)图1太平局面在1840年首先被哪一西方列强所击破?圆明园被洗劫和焚烧发生在哪次侵华战争中?(4分)




南京是一座饱经沧桑的城市,是近代中国的缩影。近代以来,它受到了外来列强战火的多次侵扰。历史事实证明:南京不仅是悲情之城,更是英雄之城。可以说,“南京是中国近代史的起点,也是中国近代史的终点。 【屈辱南京】

(1) 南京“受到了外来列强战火的多次侵扰”,请举两个历史事实作说明。(4分)


(2) 面对列强侵略,中国人民奋起反抗。请写出近代中国反抗外国侵略的英雄人物及其事迹。(至




恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇八:2014年秋季学期八年级历期末检测试卷(中华书局版)





1.使中国的历史从此迈入近代史的标志性事件是( )

A.鸦片战争 B. 第二次鸦片战争 C. 甲午中日战争 D.八国联军侵华战争 2.创办《新青年》杂志的是( )

A.李大钊 B.陈独秀 C.鲁迅 D.胡适

3.王兵在参加电视台“超级小英雄”栏目中碰到了这样一道题:“近代史上割占中国领土最多的国家是哪一个?”王兵选择求助现场观众,假如你是观众中的一员,你会选择( )

A.英国 B.法国 C.美国 D.俄国

4.第二次中央新疆工作座谈会2014年5月28日至29日在北京举行,充分体现了党和国家对新疆地区的重视。清朝时,认为“重新疆者,所以保蒙古,保蒙古者,所以卫京师”,毅然率军从沙俄手中收复新疆的将领是( )

A.左宗棠 B.李鸿章 C.林则徐 D.谭嗣同

5.清末一位小商贩说:在北京东交民巷这地界,我们这些卖瓜的、卖菜的不能随便出入了,更不要说居住了,说什么皇上把这地界划给了洋人。这一情景的出现是因为清政府被迫签订( )

A.《南京条约》 B.《北京条约》 C.《马关条约》 D.《辛丑条约》 6.今天的中国正走向富强,我们不能忘记那些曾为挽救民族危亡作出贡献的仁人志士。 右图是近代著名的状元实业家,他是( )

A.詹天佑 B.曾国藩 C.张謇 D.荣宗敬


事件分别是( ) A. 洋务运动和辛亥革命 B. 五四运动和戊戌变法 C. 实业救国和辛亥革命 D. 洋务运动和戊戌变法 8.鲁迅先生曾这样咏赞中国共产党诞生,“它是远方地平线上已经开的见桅杆的那一航轮船,是挣脱母腹的婴儿的第一声啼哭,是林中的响箭,是报春的惊雷。”中共的诞生( )

A.是中国历史上开天辟地的大事 B.是中国革命转危为安的关键 C.打响了武装反抗国民党反动统治的第一枪 D.是党的历史上生死攸关的转折点 9.同学们经常查阅的《新华字典》、《词典》等印刷质量很好的工具书,相当一部分是由近代中国历史最悠久、规模最大的文化出版机构出版的。这一机构是( )

A.京师同文馆 B.《申报》报社 C.《民报》报社 D.商务印书馆 10.右图是二十世纪初学生运动的一幅标语,下列对这次“运动”表述正确的是 ( )

①“外争国权,内惩国贼”是其斗争目标 ②它标志着中国新民主主义革命的开始 ③工人阶级的参加起了重大作用 ④在北洋政府镇压下失败了

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④ 11.1961年,董必武写了一首怀念战友的诗:“四十年前会上逢,南湖泛舟语从容。济南名士知多少,君与恩铭不老松。”诗中“四十年前”的“会上”通过的决议不包括...(. ). A.通过了党的第一个纲领 B.确定了党成立以后的中心任务是领导工人运动 C.明确规定了毛泽东思想为党的指导思想 D.选举了党的中央领导机构——中央局

12.2011年,中国共产党迎来建党90周年。90载艰苦卓绝,90载荣耀辉煌。下列图示反映了新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党经过28年艰苦奋斗,领导人民实现了国家独立和民族解放。其中发生在国共十年对峙时期的事件是( )

A.北伐战争 B.红军长征 C.百团大战 D.重庆谈判

13.20世纪30年代,中国发生了许多重大事件,以下评语最能反映当时时代特征的是( ) A.新世纪的曙光 B.新民主主义革命的开端 C.中华民族到了最危险的时候 D.中国人民从此站起来了

14.李宗仁指挥的自抗战以来中国军队取得重大胜利的一次战役是( )

A.平型关战役 B.百团大战 C.台儿庄战役 D.武昌战役

15.下列有关中国近代史上重要历史人物与其所做出的贡献,搭配不正确的是( )

A.林则徐――虎门销烟 B.张学良、杨虎城――西安事变 C.侯德榜――百团大战 D.刘伯承、邓小平――挺进大别山 16.毛泽东的诗句“钟山风雨起苍黄,百万雄师过大江”描述的是( )

A.渡江战役 B.辽沈战役 C.淮海战役 D.百团大战 17.右图所示的重大军事行动,标志着( )

A.解放战争开始转入战略反攻 B.解放战争战略决战的开始 C.淮海战役结束 D.南京国民政府被推翻

18.近年来随着国共两党互信的加深,随着海峡两岸三通的实现,随着两岸同胞交往的增多,可以乐观地预见两党再次合作的希望。历史上体现国共合作的事件有( )

①黄埔军校的创建 ②北伐战争 ③南昌起义 ④抗日战争 A.①③④ B.②③④ C.①②③④ D.①②④ 19.严复是中国近代著名的资产阶级启蒙思想家,被鲁迅称为“19世纪末最敏感的人”。他译著的《天演论》中着重阐发( )

A.工农武装割据的主张 B.民主共和的思想 C.“自强”“求富”的主张 D.“物竞天择,适者生存”的道理

20.1898年,作为戊戌变法的“新政”之一,清政府在北京设立了一所新式学堂“广育人才,讲求实务”。这所新式学堂是( )

A.万木草堂 B.京师大学堂 C.清华大学 D.复旦大学 21、下列关于辛亥革命历史功绩的叙述,不正确的是( ) A.推翻了清朝统治 B.建立了资产阶级共和国 C.使民主共和的观念深入人心 D.结束了我国两千多年的封建制度 22、新文化运动兴起的标志是( )

A.胡适发表《文学改良刍议》 B.陈独秀创办《青年杂志》 C.鲁迅发表《狂人日记》 D.李大钊发表《庶民的胜利》 23、新文化运动前期的主要内容是( )

①提倡民主,反对独裁专制 ②提倡科学,反对迷信盲从 ③提倡新道德,反对旧道德 ④提倡新文学,反对旧文学 A.①②③ B.②④ C.③④ D.①②③④

24.剪辫、易服和停止缠足使我国社会习俗开始有较大改观,这主要应该归功于( ) A.鸦片战争 B.洋务运动 C.戊戌变法 D.辛亥革命 25.下列属于中国取得抗日战争胜利的原因的是( )

①国际的支援与帮助 ②国民党正面战场的作战 ③中国共产党敌后抗战 ④日本内部政权的瓦解 A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③

28 、 2010 年 5 月,大型音乐舞蹈史诗《复兴之路》电影在全国隆重上映。这是一部以中华民族探索、







(4)结合上述条约的学习,请简单谈谈你的感想。(2分) 27、抗日战争的胜利是中国从衰败到振兴的转折点,在中国近代史上具有重要的历史地位,勿忘国耻,


材料一 从1995年开始,沈阳市每年都会在9月18日鸣响防空警报,以示不忘国耻。

材料二 日军借口一名士兵失踪,无理要求进入宛平城内搜查,遭到中国守军的拒绝,日军悍然向驻


材料三 1936年12月12日,发生了震惊中外的西安事变,事变发生后,中国共产党从全民族利益


——摘自《中国历史》八年级上册 (1)材料一与哪一历史事件有关?(2分)






图1 圆明园歌舞升平

图2 点燃朝霞 图3征服雪山 (1)图1太平局面在1840年首先被哪一西方列强所击破?圆明园被洗劫和焚烧发生在哪次侵华战争中?(4分)




南京是一座饱经沧桑的城市,是近代中国的缩影。近代以来,它受到了外来列强战火的多次侵扰。历史事实证明:南京不仅是悲情之城,更是英雄之城。可以说,“南京是中国近代史的起点,也是中国近代史的终点。 【屈辱南京】

(1) 南京“受到了外来列强战火的多次侵扰”,请举两个历史事实作说明。(4分)


(2) 面对列强侵略,中国人民奋起反抗。请写出近代中国反抗外国侵略的英雄人物及其事迹。(至




恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇九:2013-2014学年第二学期八年级期末英语试卷(仁爱版)



(考试时间: 80 分钟 满分:120 分 )

第一部分: 听力(25分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)





Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

( ) 6. A. Glad to hear that.

B. What a pity! C. Yes, I’d love to. ( ) 7. A. I don’t like it at all. B. It’s white. C. It’s 100 yuan. ( ) 8. A. School is over. B. I like meat. C. All right. ( ) 9. A. Of course not. B. Good idea. C. Thanks a lot. ( ) 10. A. That’s easy.

B. Size M.

C. That’s great.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5分)

( ) 11. How does Ketty feel?

A. Nervous. B. Excited. C. Sad.

( ) 12. How long does it take to go to Beijing from Shanghai by train?

A. Five hours. B. Ten hours. C. Thirteen hours.

( ) 13. What food does Jack plan to make?

A. He plans to cook chicken. B. He plans to make bread. C. He plans to make dumplings. ( ) 14. Where are they talking?

A. In a hospital. B. In a clothes shop. C. In a restaurant.

( ) 15. How does Joan like the shirt?

A. She doesn’t like its color. B. She doesn’t like its style. C. She doesn’t like its material. Ⅳ. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)

( ) 16. What did Mary cook for the food festival?

A. Beef curry. B. Indian curry. C. Fried rice.

( ) 17. How many dishes of Indian curries did Alice sell at the food festival? A. 20. B. 35. C. 40.

( ) 18. Who did the most successfully at the festival?

A. Mike. B. Han Mei. C. Li Ming.

( ) 19. How much money did the students raise?

A. About 2000 yuan. B. About 3000 yuan. C. About 4000 yuan.

( ) 20. The students will buy for the poor children with the money. A. clothes B. food C. books Ⅴ. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分)

Traffic Accident

21.__________ 22. __________ 23. __________ 24. __________ 25. __________

第二部分:笔试 (95分)

Ⅵ. 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 26. —Excuse me, may I know your ______?

—Sure. It’s No. 3 Bridge Street.

A. house B. address C. way

D. place

( ) 27. If you see any litter on the school playground, you should ______. A. cut it up B. eat it up C. pick it up

D. put it up

( ) 28. I need ______ to write a letter. A. two piece paper B. two piece of paper C. two pieces paper

D. two pieces of paper

( ) 29. —Excuse me, what’s the ______ of this bike?

—300 yuan.

A. effect

B. problem C. price

D. advantage

( ) 30. —Would you like to go for a walk with me, Allen? —I’d love to, ______ you don’t want to go alone. A. until B. before C. if D. after ( ) 31. ______ I’m feeling a little tired, I don’t stop working. A. Because B. Though C. When D. If

( ) 32. Many kids will feel nervous ______ they go near the gate of the hospital. A. as early as B. as well as C. as soon as D. as quick as

( ) 33. She asked me ______ in the shop yesterday. A. what did I buy B. what I bought

C. what do I buy

D. what I buy

( ) 34. The silk shirt ______ smooth. I like it very much. A. feels

B. tastes

C. smells

D. sounds

( ) 35. I don’t think it’s necessary ______ students ______ wear school uniforms every day.

A. of; / B. of; to C. for; / D. for; to

( ) 36. It was ______ hot yesterday that I had to wear cool clothes. A. too

B. very C. quite

D. so

( ) 37. Both Mike and Tom can do the job, but I wonder who can do it ______.

A. more careful B. more carefully C. most careful D. most carefully

( ) 38. I think ______ we can put on a short play in the school hall next week.

A. where

B. that C. when

D. how

( ) 39. —I’m sorry I broke your cup.

—______ I have another one at home.

A. Never mind.

B. What a pity! C. Sounds good! D. I’m sorry to hear that.

( ) 40. —I am glad that I’ll go to Susan’s birthday party this evening. —______, dear! But remember to be back before 10:00.

A. Help yourself B. Take it easy C. Don’t worry D. Enjoy yourself Ⅶ. 完形填空。(10分)

Do you know the story of Nick Vujicic, an Australian man? Nick was born without arms or legs, so life was not for him. At school many students played jokes on him he looked different from everyone else. His classmates refused to be his friends, so he always felt . However, he faced that. He learned to read and write at the age of six, and he could 冲浪) and play golf(高尔夫球). He became very successful in college(大学) and was among the 45 students. And he on what to do later in his life—to encourage(鼓励) others to work hard for their dreams.

Now Nick is one of the most popular speakers in the world. He traveled to many countries and give speeches about his story against . “Living life fully(充实的生活) is to look at what

you , not what you don’t have,”he said. His encourages millions of people.

“I tell people to keep on getting up when they and to love themselves always,” He said. “If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life works.” ( ) 41. A. difficult B. important C. easy D. different ( ) 42. A. because B. if

C. until

D. though ( ) 43. A. happy B. relaxed C. excited D. lonely ( ) 44. A. never

B. even

C. still

D. either

( ) 45. A. oldest B. youngest C. worst D. best ( ) 46. A. decided B. depended C. health D. tried ( ) 47. A. weather B. difficulty C. health D. people ( ) 48. A. make B. have C. forget D. want ( ) 49. A. friend B. story

C. family

D. sadness ( ) 50. A. play

B. exercise

C. fall

D. run

Ⅷ. 阅读理解。(30分) (A)

( ) 51. You can enjoy seafood in _________. A. Willie Mae’s

B. Natasha’s Kitchen



( ) 52. You can call _________ if you want to taste southern home cooking. A. 504-823-9503 B. 504-410-9997 C. 504-525-5951 D. 504-302-9717

( ) 53. You can eat some _________ food in EIFFEL SOCIETY. A. Indian

B. Russian

C. Chinese

D. Japanese

( ) 54. The latest business hour lasts until _________ among the four restaurants. A. 2:00 am B. 3:00 am C. 3:00 pm

D. 10:30 pm

( ) 55. You can have ____choices if you want to have dinner at 6:00 pm on Saturday evening. A. one B. two C. three D. four


Stress(压力) is everywhere in our everyday life. Men, women, the young and the old sometimes have stress. The most important reasons(原因) of stress are: death, diseases, exams, making money, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on.

How do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?

If you answer “Yes” to more than two of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what can you do about it?

Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways relieving(减轻) stress. However, doctors now say that there are easier ways—people should laugh and smile more often. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. They also say that people, especially men, should cry more often, because crying is the natural(自然的) way of relieving stress. ( ) 56. Who has got stress in everyday life? A. Men and women.

B. Young people. C. Old people.

D. All the above.

( ) 57. If you have over problems listed in the table, you are the person with stress. A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

( ) 58. Which of the followings is NOT one of the most important reasons of stress according

to the passage?

A. Taking exams. B. Taking sleeping pills.

C. Making money. D. Ending friendships.

( ) 59. What’s the easier way to relax your body?

A. Talking with friends. B. Doing relaxing exercises. C. Laughing, smiling and crying. D. Listening to music. ( ) 60. The main idea of the passage is about A. a survey of people with stress B. the reasons for having stress

C. who will has stress easily D. stress and how to relieve your stress


In Thailand, people do not eat with chopsticks, like in China, Japan and Korea. They use spoons and forks. People will cut most food before meals. If you need to cut food during meals, use the side of your spoon first and then use your fork.

People in Thailand use spoons more often than forks. If you are left-handed(左撇子),

keep the spoon in you left hand and the fork in your right hand.

People in Thailand like eating rice. The rice is not on the same plate with other food. Each person eat rice on his own plate. It’s not necessary to finish all your rice or all your food. If you eat up all the food on your plate, it means you want more.

Because the host will ask you two or three times if you want more food. It’s the same as drinks. During the meal, never empty your cup or glass. When it’s less than half full, your host or your neighbor will fill it again. It’s polite to fill the glasses for your neighbors. That means you must keep an eye on your neighbor’s glass during the meal. 从方框中选择合适的选项补全短文。

Ⅸ. 词汇部分。(10分)

(A) 根据所给的音标拼写单词。(5分)

66. [fɪ(ə)r]___________ 67. ['təʊt(ə)l] ___________ 68. [ri:zn] ___________ 69. [rʌʃ] ___________ 70. ['pra:p ə(r)] ___________ (B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

71. Mary comes from India. And she likes ______(India) food very much. 72. It’s not polite to ask ______(person) life in western countries. 73. If you work hard every day, you will ______(success). 74. Mum is helping me ______(choice) my birthday gift. 75. You should think it over before make a ______(decide).


76. Let me _______ it _______. ( 让我好好想想这件事。) 77. OK, let’s _____ _____ to this problem.(好吧,让我们回到这个问题。)

78. I am ____________ _______ meet you here. (我很惊讶在这儿碰到你。) 79. _____ _____ of fire , call 119. (倘若有火灾,致电119.) 80.You ______ study as_______as your deskmate. (你没有你同桌努力学习。) Ⅺ. 综合填空。(5分)


How to Get Well Fast When You Are Ill

Every year thousands of children are hurt or die in the traffic accident. So it’s necessary to teach them some knowledge about traffic .

Know the traffic signals and signs. When the signal is Red, it means Stop. When the signal is , it means Look and when it’s Green it means Go.

Look at both sides you cross the road. Make sure that you look at sides and see no cars are coming near you. It’s better to walk on a sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, you must walk on the so that you see the cars coming towards(朝着) you.

I know how and fun it is to put your hand or head out from a moving car. But this can accidents and can hurt your body. So you mustn’t do it. Also make sure you the bus and get off(下车) the bus when it stops completely(完全). You should play in a moving bus as it can hurt you. These rules can keep you safe. You must remember them.

81. __________ 82. __________ 83. __________ 84. __________ 85. __________ 86. __________ 87. __________ 88. __________ 89. __________ 90. __________ XII. 书面表达。(15分)





2.提示词:grow up, protect, what’s more(而且), friendship

要求:1. 回信应包括内容要点中的所有提示信息。 2. 提示词仅供参考。

3. 不少于70词。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Jeff,

Thanks for your e-mail. I have the same experience. I even had a fight with my parents. But now I understand them. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

I hope these help.


恩施市2014 八年级仁爱版秋季学期期末测试卷篇十:2014新人教版八年级上册英语期末测试卷及答案


第І卷 (共60分)


( )1. Yesterday I only bought _________ for my cousin, but __________ for myself. A. something; something B. nothing; something C. nothing; nothing D. something; nothing

( )2. We _________ our holidays in Hong Kong next year.

A. visited B. spent C. are going to visit D. are going to spend ( )3. My sister is as __________as her classmate Joe, so they are good friends.

A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the more outgoing D. the most outgoing ( )4. Of all the boys, John does his homework ___________. A. more careful B. the most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully

( )5. There _________ a book sale in our school next month.

A. will be B. will have C. was D. has

( )6.Mr Smith plans _________ here much longer because he has lots of things to do. A.to keep B. keep C. to stay D. stay

( )7. ——Does your brother __________ play soccer? ——Yes. He plays it every day. A. often B. never C. hardly ever D. sometimes ( )8.Our son is going to study medicine when he __________ school.

A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. left

( )9.——Will you go boating this Saturday? ——___________. We will camp by lake. A. Yes, we will. B. No, we won’t. C. Yes, we do D. No, we don’t. ( )10. ——Do you know Lin Shuhao?

——Yes, he is one of ____________ basketball player in NBA.

A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. the more popular ( )11. ——We’ll have a picnic _______ it doesn’t rain tomorrow.——Have a nice day. A. when B. because C. if D. since

( )12.Susan, get some eggs and butter and _________.

A. mix up them B. mix them up C. mix up it D. mix it up

( )13.——Can you go camping with me tomorrow?——_________.

A. No, I don’t. B. Sure. C. No, I can’t. D. Let’s make it.

( )14.What ________ if I ________ to turn off water?

A. will happen; forget B. Will happen; will forget

C. happen; forget D. happen; will forget

( )15. ——_________ are these oranges and pears?——About thirty yuan.

A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How far

Ⅱ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

shows every day . What favorite TV shows are sports news and Animal World he goes to bed . Paul’s favorite is P.E. at school . He likes playing basketball very much . Paul loves sports Animal World a lot about animals from it . Pandas and koalas are Paula’s favorite animals . Paul hopes to go to Australia toAs for Healthy Livingit . He watches it when there aren’t sports news or Animal World . But Paul can’t stand soap operas . He thinks they’re( )16.A.going swimming B. going shopping C. watching TV D. doing some reading ( )17.A. size of B. kind of C. bowl of D. group of ( )18.A. so B. before C. after D. if

( )19.A. teacher B. color C. language D. subject ( )20.A. dangerous B. quiet C. exciting D. difficult ( )21.A. players B. runners C. actors D. doctors ( )22.A. learn B. take C. give D. mind ( )23.A. read B. write C. see D. play ( )24.A. dislikes B. like C. can’t stand D. doesn’t mind ( )25.A. interesting B. boring C. fun D. cool Ⅲ. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共30分)


We are talking about our dream jobs . Jack and Hob are going to high school now . Jack wants to be an engineer . He is going to build roads , bridges and sand houses . Hob is interested in math and science , but he is going to study medicine. He wants to be a doctor .

Kate is good at music . She wants to be an artist . She is going to sing and dance for people . Joan wants to be a woman pilot . She says , “I am going to fly into space. ” “What do you want to be , Alice ?” Joan asks me . “ Oh , I want to be a teacher . When I grow up , I am going to teach in the poor countryside .”

Each of them is doing his or her best at school . I am sure they will do something good for our country .

( )26. students are mentioned(提及) in the passage .

A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five

( )27.Who wants to be an artist ?A.Joan B.Jack C.Kate. D.Alice.

( )28.Hob is interested in .A.medicine B.music C.space D.science ( )29.What does Joan want to be ?

A.An astronaut. B.A teacher.

C.A doctor. D.An engineer .


( )30. Where does Alice want to teach?

B.In the poor countryside. C.At home. D.Abroad.


Mr.Brown got up late this morning. He was going to be late for work. It was raining hard and the streets were wet. He drove so fast that he didn't see the red lights. He couldn't stop his car and hit a car. An old man got out of the car and called out angrily, "What are you doing? How can you drive so fast?" "I'm sorry, sir," said Mr.brown, "l didn't see the lights turn red." Then he brought out a bottle of wine and gave it to the old man.

"It's cold today, sir," said Mr.Brown. "Please drink a little, and then you'll get warm."

The old man drank some wine and became happy. He asked, "l'm feeling much better now. Why don't you drink any?"

"l can't drink anything now, sir, "answered Mr.Brown "l'm waiting for the policeman. Only drunkards(酒鬼) cause accidents, you know!" ( )31.When did the story happen?

A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening D. At night ( )32.Why did Mr.Brown drive so fast?

A. He was happy that day B. He was good at driving C. There were few cars in the street D. He was afraid to be late

( )33. Mr.Brown hit the car because of the following EXCEPT that .

A. he didn't see the red lights B. he drove fast C. he couldn't drive at all D. it was raining hard ( )34.Why did Mr.Brown give a bottle of wine to the old man? A. To make him happy B. To make him drunk C. To make him warm D. To make friends with him ( )35.We can know that at last.

A. Mr.Brown was not late for work B. the old man and Mr.Brown became good friends C. Mr.Brown drank some wine D. Mr.Brown fooled the old man


Many people like to travel by plane because it is fast. But I don' t like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You can’t open the windows. You can’t choose the food. Although planes are fast, they still take hours to go out of the airport and into the city.

I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train,you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.

I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to,and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

A. On a farm.

( )36.Why do many people like to travel by plane?

A. Because it is safe B. Because it is fast. C. Because you can walk around in the plane. D. Because it is cheap. ( )37. Which is NOT the good thing about the train?

A. It is safe. B. It takes a little more time.

C. You can open the windows. D. You can walk around in the train. ( )38. If you want to take a lot of things with you , what do you take to go out? A.A bus. B.A car. C.A train. D.A bike. ( )39. What is the bad thing about the car?

A. You needn’t go to a station. B. You can start your journey when you want to. C. There are too many cars on the road. D. You needn’t go to a bus stop.

( )40. What does the writer think of the plane,train and car?

A. He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport. B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time C. He likes to take a car because he has a car.

D. He likes to take a plane because it’s fast. Ⅶ.补全对话。其中有一项多余,请把所选句子序号填在横线上。(每小题1分,共5分)

Sue: Yes, she’s my best friend. Peter: (41) Sue: Because she likes to do the same things as I do.(42) Peter: Do you like playing table tennis, too?

Sue: Yes .But I’m more athletic than Lily. What about you, Peter?(43) Peter: My best friend is Tony. Sue: (44) Peter: He is tall and has short hair. Sue: (45) Peter: Yes. Some people say that we look the same. But Tony is a little heavier than I.


Ⅰ.综合语言应用。(共30 分)

A. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分)


1. Mom, two (spoon) of salt are enough for the soup. 2. Thanks for the (invite) to your birthday party. 3. There are more than ten 4. Did you have a 5. B.

6.The child is only three years old, but he read and write. 7.He likes playing sports basketball and volleyball. 8.The teacher asked us to read the article .

9.Please give me some . I need to write some words on it. 10.It takes me ten minutes to walk to school from my home. C. 句型转换。(每小题2分,共10分)

11.You must not drink coffee.(改为祈使句)

coffee. 12.The students will visit a fire station.(改为否定句)

The students a fire station. 13.How do you like the food?(改为同义句)

What do you the food? 14.Mary’s cousin had a school trip 对划线部分提问)

Mary’s cousin have a school trip? 15.I believe Tom will do well in his schoolwork.(改为否定句)

I Tom will do well in his schoolwork. D. 根据所给汉语提示完成对话。(每小题2分,共10分)

A: Hello, Jill. (16) ?(这个星期六你有空吗?) B: No,I’m quite busy. A: Really?

B: Yes. I have two music lessons and I have lots of homework to do. A: How often do you have music lessons?


?(你正在学习哪一类音乐?) B: Pop music.

B: No,I’m not.

?(你可以和我去海滩吗?) B: Sure. I want to go there to relax. Ⅱ. 书面表达。(10分)

提示:为了进一步增强中学生的健康意识,你校开展了以“健康”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请以“How to keep healthy?”为题,写一篇60词左右的英文演讲稿

要点:1.锻炼身体。 2.健康饮食。

要求:1.演讲稿应包括所有要点,可适当发挥。 2.语句通顺,意思连贯。 3.文中不可出现真实的人名、地名和校名。



第І卷 (共60分)


1~5 DDADA 6~10 AABBC 11~15 CBBAA Ⅱ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

16~20 CBBDC 21~25 AACDB

Ⅲ. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共30分)

26~30 DCDAB 31~35 ADCBD 36~40 BBBCA



Ⅰ.综合语言应用。(共30 分)

E. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分) 1~5 spoons; invitation; factories; discussion; stand F. 选择适当的短语填空。(每小题1分,共5分)

6~10 paper; at least; such as; is able to; over and over again G. 句型转换。(每小题2分,共10分)

11. Don’t drink 12. won’t visit 13. think of 14. When did 15. don’t believe H. 根据所给汉语提示完成对话。(每小题2分,共10分) 16. Are you free this Saturday?. 17. Three times a week.

18. What kind of music are you learning? 19. Well, are you busy this Sunday? 20. Can you go to the beach with me? Ⅱ. 书面表达。(10分)(略)




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