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(45 minutes)

Part A: Spot Dictation In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.

How did the Olympic Games start? In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong ________ (1). Originally the Festival was held in honour of .Zeus, the supreme god in Greek Mythology. Eventually the Olympian athletic festival had lost its ________ (2) and became an international event. No one knows exactly ________ (3) the Olympic Games go, but some scholars recorded date from 776 B.C.

According to some scholars, at first the only Olympic event was ________ (4), called a stadium and that was the only event until 724 B.C. After that, other ________ (5) were added and sixteen years later in ________ (6), the pentathlon was added and wrestling became part of the games. This pentathlon was a five-event match which ________ (7) running, wrestling, leaping, throwing the discus, and hurling the javelin.

The games were held ________ (8) and after an uninterrupted history of 1170 years, the games ________ (9) in A.D. 394, the Christian era, because of their pagan origin. It was over ________ (10) before there was another such international athletics gathering.

In 1896, the first of the modern ________ (11) opened in Athens, Greece. Nowadays, the Games are held in different countries ________ (12). The host country provides vast facilities such as stadiums and ________ (13).Many more sports are represented, including the very celebrated event: ________ (14).

The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, ________ (15) on Mount Olympus by the sun's rays. The torch is carried by ________ (16) to the stadium. The Olympic flame symbolizes the ________ (17) of the ancient Greek athletic ideals, and it burns throughout the Games until ________ (18). The well-known Olympic flag, however, is ________ (19): the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents ________ (20).

Part B: Listening Comprehension

1. Statements In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSER BOOKLET.

1. (A) Diana is fond of outdoor activities.

(B) Diana is well-paid for her hard work.

(C) Diana dislikes her job because it is tough.

(D) Diana considers her income to be mediocre.

2. (A) I'm not sure if you are responsible.

(B) I'm not content with the result of the meeting.

(C) I know the delay is not your fault.

(D) I think the flame of that fire is too high.

3. (A) The refrigerator was repaired by an old man.

(B) The refrigerator will be fixed if it is under warranty.

(C) Mrs. Green had her refrigerator fixed for nothing.

(D) Mrs. Green would have had the refrigerator repaired if she had warranty.

4. (A) George always tells the truth.

(B) George lives too far to visit us.

(C) It is kind of George to assist me in the filling station.

(D) It is worthwhile to make friends with George.

5. (A) The company's budget must be reduced reasonably next year.

(B) The company's production cost is expected to rise next year.

(C) The company has to stabilize its production cost.

(D) The company is likely to go bankrupt because of its limited budget.

6. (A) Prompt delivery of the goods before Christmas is the most important.

(B) Top priority should be given to the competitive and reasonable price of the goods

(C) During Christmas, there will be a shopping craze for goods with good quality.

(D) Nothing is more important than the quality and price of the goods for Christmas.

7. (A) Let's continue the talk over dinner at 9 o'clock tonight.

(B) We have to work something out before 9 o'clock tomorrow.

(C) I propose a break until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

(D) I'm sure we'll all calm down before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

8. (A) Our products cannot compete on the international market because of their higher


(B) Our products exhibit greater competitiveness even though they lack advanced technology.

(C) Advanced technology will increase our expense to compete on the international market.

(D) Advanced technology contributes to the excellence and competitiveness of our products.

9. (A) Mr Parkinson never gives free investment consultations.

(B) Don't consult Mr Parkinson if your problem is about finance or investment

(C) The advice Mr Parkinson offers is often of great importance to our investment.

(D) We should not invest in the company where Mr Parkinson is the CEO.

10. (A) Aging population is expected to double within decades.

(B) By 2020, 45% of the people in the country will be over sixty-five.

(C) Old people in this country can expect to live a longer life.

(D) In less than 20 years, 23 million more people will have to retire.

2. Talks and Conversations In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and the questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Question 11--14

11. (A) ?400.

(B) ?450.

(C) ?500.

(D) ?600.

12. (A) It is very near his working place.

(B) It is a rather crowded residential area.

(C) It is convenient for transportation and shopping.

(D) It is the only good position he has in mind.

13. (A) He has a big family.

(B) He has to work at home.

(C) His mother-in-law likes to have parties.

(D) His children are rather naughty.

14. (A) Its bedrooms are specious.

(B) Its rent is quite reasonable.

(C) It is located in a good position.

(D) It is well furnished.

Questions 15--18

15. (A) The orange juice can help treat indigestion.

(B) The orange in a supermarket is much cheaper.

(C) The orange is more nutritious than any other fruits.

(D) The orange is an essential part of a healthy diet

16. (A) Orange.

(B) Chocolate.

(C) Vanilla.

(D) Sugar.

17. (A) It can keep your immune system strong.

(B) It can assist in your effort to reduce weight.

(C) It can easily replace the nutrition of a daily meal.

(D) It can help control the rising blood sugar levels.

18. (A) The fruit sugar in oranges.

(B) The fibre in oranges.

(C) Vitamin C in oranges.

(D) Calcium in oranges.

Questions 19--22

19. (A) He is applying to a university in England.

(B) He is consulting a female professor.

(C) He is studying in a British university.

(D) He is helping the woman cook some food.

20. (A) It is awful.

(B) It is one of his favorite kinds.

(C) It is of a much greater variety.

(D) It is better than he expected.

21. (A) He is fond of English dishes.

(B) He is tired of puddings and pies.

(C) He enjoys English strawberry yogurt.

(D) He seldom has breakfast at home.

22. (A) Because it is properly cooked at home.

(B) Because it is a kind of Yorkshire pudding.

(C) Because he has never tasted it before.

(D) Because he has made it all by himself.

Questions 23--26

23. (A) We should pay more attention to our history class.

(B) We generally fail to remember anything that was said.

(C) Sharks are necessary in the training of active listeners.

(D) Good listening skills are essential in our life.

24. (A) They tolerate distractions.

(B) They often find themselves in hot water.

(C) They are generally lazy.

(D) They are critical to family life.

25. (A) By taking notes.

(B) By remembering what was said.

(C) By getting up to shut the door.

(D) By asking questions.

26. (A) Seas.

(B) Sharks.

(C) Sponges.

(D) Students.

Questions 27--30

27. (A) He writes comic stories.

(B) He draws pictures for comic books.

(C) He teaches painting in an art school.

(D) He compiles comic books with other writers.

28. (A) Give his drawings a more graphic look.

(B) Add variations to his works.

(C) Employ a chunky brush style.

(D) Move along a linear way.

29. (A) They are very popular.

(B) They are of the same style.

(C) They are fairly eclectic.

(D) They are influenced by other artists.

30. (A) It is a new one with only 2 editors.

(B) It takes him on the permanent staff.

(C) It controls the final look of his works.

(D) It has a nurturing environment.



一、Part Ⅰ(A)(共10小题,共20.0分)Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, tick the circle of "True" on the answer sheet if you think the statement is true, or tick the circle for "False" if it is false. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, with 1 point each. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this part.


I arrived in the United States on January 6, 2007, and I remember my first day here very clearly.

【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:2.0分



I arrived in the United States on February 6, 2006, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o'clock in the afternoon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man- made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day.

Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn't speak a word of English, I couldn't tell the waiter what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter didn't understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights, and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to walk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try.

When I returned to the hotel, I was exhausted, but I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens during the night. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city

with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then 'that I had to learn to speak English.' 第2题

I was greeted by my parents at Kennedy Airport at three o'clock in the afternoon.

【正确答案】: X



The weather was very cold and it was snowing on the day of my arrival in New York.

【正确答案】: √



My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then went back to work.

【正确答案】: √



I got something to eat at the hotel restaurant after my friend had left.

【正确答案】: X



I couldn't have what I really wanted at the restaurant because he could not make myself understood.

【正确答案】: √



After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square.

【正确答案】: √



Although I felt tired, I continued to walk around the city, because I wanted to see everything on my first day.

【正确答案】: X



When I returned to the hotel, I was too excited to go to sleep. I lay awake and thought about New York.

【正确答案】: X



On my first night in New York, I decided that I had to learn to speak English.

【正确答案】: √


二、Part Ⅰ(B)(共10小题,共20.0分)Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement by blackening the corresponding circle. There are ten questions in this part of the test, one point for each question. You will hear both the statement and the question only once.


What do I expect you to do?

a. Turn off your music.

b. Turn off the light.

c. Listen to some soft songs.

【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:2.0分


[听力原文] This music of yours is not actually bothering my studying. But I'm trying to sleep now.


Besides the new laws, what else is important to deal with pollution? a. New regulations.

b. Joint efforts of all governments.

c. Social consciousness.





With the new laws and social awareness, we'll get pollution under control. 第3题

Why does Jamie want to move out of the dormitory?

a. Because she likes a quiet life.

b. Because she needs a place to her own.

c. Because she is not on good terms with her roommates.





Jamie doesn't want to live in the dormitory next year. She needs more privacy.


What's tree about Professor Lawrence?

a. She has found a new job at another university.

b. She has become the head of the graduate school.

c. She will continue to work part-time.

【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分



Professor Lawrence is going to retire, but she is still going to lead a graduate seminar each semester.


Why can't I lend you my bicycle?

a. Because someone else was using my bicycle.

b. Because my bicycle was stolen.

c. Because I don't want to lend my bicycle to anyone. 【正确答案】:A




I can't lend you my bicycle, because it's already on loan to someone. 第6题

In what condition will we give up our plan?

a. If we are short of funds.

b. If the majority of us don't want to go out on a picnic.


2014年5月教育部三级口译试题 (回忆版)

第一部分 对话,内容为一个记者与一个中国歌手的采访, R(Reporter)S(Singer)

R:I heard that you come from a single parent family and you are the only child in your family. How can you become a famous singer?


R:So learning music is good for you.


R:I heard that you learned piano from an early age, about 3 years old. So many children give up. How can you insist on?


R:Will you be with your mother if you get married?


R:Are you kidding?


第二部分 英译汉 关于“健康快车”节目

I am happy to share my Sunday with you, teachers and students.I am happy to be back this great city.Your school is famous

over country. I have heard your hard-working. “jian kang kuai che” project has brought health and personal hygiene knowledge and played an important role to eliminate the disease. There were 400,000 students and over 100 schools like you coming this project. I hope you can spread the information to parents, brothers and sisters, friends and others. I really hope the knowledge about health and personal hygiene will benefit you the entire life.

第三部分 英译汉 关于广交会






The Certificate of English Interpretation: Level Ⅱ

Now please listen to the instructions about this exam. I'll give you a

brief introduction before each part of the exam begins and leave you enough time to do the interpreting.

Each part is divided into a number of segments and at the start of each segment you will hear this tone [TONE]. At each pause where you are expected to start interpreting, you'll also hear this tone [TONE].You'll hear" each segment only once.

Let's start with Part 1.

Part 1 Consecutive Interpretation: English to Chinese

In this part you will hear a speech delivered in English by the Executive Director of UNICEF at the launch of UNICEF'S report on the State of the World's Children. Please interpret it into Chinese.

Let's begin. [TONE]

Today we launch UNICEF's annual flagship report: "The State of the World's Children 2009", which this year focuses on maternal and newborn health. The report shows that more must be done to addressmaternal and newborn health to help save and improve the lives of millions of children and their


Every year, more than 500,000 women die as a result of pregnancy or

childbirth complications. Around 70,000 of these deaths are among girls and young women 15 to 19. This is not only a tragic personal loss forthe family, but it also leaves a long-term impact on the health and well-being of children and the developmentof communities and countries. Around 99 per cent of maternal deaths take place in the developing worldwhere having a child remains among the most serious health risks for women. Twenty one per cent ofmaternal deaths take place in just three countries: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Nigeria.[TONE]∥[TONE]

In Niger, the country with the highest lifetime risk of maternal mortality, 1 in 7 women will die fromcomplications related to pregnancy or giving birth. The comparable risk in the developed world is 1 in 8,000.Since 1990,

complications related to pregnancy and childbirth have taken the lives of an estimated 10 millionwomen. That is equal to around 20 per cent of the total population of South Africa. In addition, every year,some 4 million newborns die within the first 28 days of life from largely preventable causes. That is about40 per cent of all under-five deaths every year. The burden is

disproportionately heavy in Africa and Asia.Ninety five per cent of maternal deaths occur in Africa and Asia combined and 90 per cent of newborn deathsoccur in Africa and Asia. [TONE]∥[TONE]

The good news is that between 1995 and 2005 skilled birth attendant

coverage increased from 54 percent to 62 per cent in the developing world. During the same period ante-natal care rose from 60 percent to75 per cent. Yet around 50 million births in the developing world or about 40 per cent of all births remainwithout skilled health personnel. [TONE]∥[TONE]

And girls must go to school. Women who are educated are more likely to be healthy and to give birth to healthy babies who will survive and grow into adulthood. Educating girls and young women is one ofthe most powerful ways of breaking a vicious cycle of poverty and creating a Supportive environment formaternal and newborn health. [TONE]∥[TONE]

At the household level, awareness needs to be increased about the

importance of recognizing danger signs and ensuring that care for the woman or infant is sought right away. Changes must also be made at thecommunity level to address issues such as infrastructure and financial resources to ensure access to healthcare. And finally, health workers must be available, trained, and have the appropriate equipment. [TONE]//[TONE]

Progress has been made in reducing child mortality but much more must be done especially inaddressing maternal and newborn health. The world must

approach this task with a shared sense ofurgency and a collaborative response. Results will be measured in lives saved and lives improved. Thankyou.


That's the end of Part 1. Now we move on to Part 2.

Part 2 Consecutive Interpretation: Chinese to English

In this part you will hear a speech delivered by a Chinese official at the opening ceremony of the Chinese Import and Export Commodities Exhibition in Malaysia. Please interpret it into English.

Let's begin. [TONE]






进一步加强中马友好合作,符合两国根本利益。扩大中马互利经贸合作将为中马友好注入更多的实质性内容,为两国人民创造更多的福祉。我们愿与马方共同努力,在“平等互利、共同发展”的原则基础上开展多种形式的互利合作,不断开创两国经贸合作的新局面。预祝本次展览洽谈会取 得圆满成功!谢谢。[TONE]∥[TONE]

That's the end of the exam.Thank you.


Part 1










Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning!

China and Malaysia are friendly neighbours. The two countries have a long-standing traditionalfriendship. Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty went on voyages to the western oceans for seven times. Amongthem,for fiVe times,he arrived at the Strait of Malacca and made friendly exchanges and mutually beneficialtrade with the local people,which has been a much-told story to this day. In the past 33 years since China and Malaysia established diplomatic relations, the

economic and trade cooperations between the two countries have seen a sustained, rapid and sound development. According to China Customs statistics, the trade volume of the two nations in 2006 has reached $37.1 billion, increasing by more than 230 times since the establishment of relations. This year the number will exceed $45 billion. China and Malaysia are important trade partners to each other. China has become the biggest export market of Malaysian pahn oil and natural rubber and the fourth of electronic products.

With the rapid increase of bilateral trade, the mutual investment between the two countries has also made great progress. Up to the end of this September, Malaysia's actual investment in China has gone over $4.5 billion. With the

constant enhancement of China's economic strength and the implementation of the strategy of "going global", more and more Chinese companies are going to Malaysia for investment and cooperation.Malaysia enjoys political stability, ethnic harmony, fast growing economy, and excellent investmentenvironment, therefore the Chinese government actively supports and encourages capable

Chinese companiesto make investments in Malaysia and develop mutually

beneficial cooperation.

In order to promote amities and develop bilateral trade among China,

Malaysia and other members of ASEAN, the Ministry of Commerce of China has successfully held the China Commodity Fair for three times since 2004, under the strong support of the Malaysian Government and business communities.

Altogetherup to 500 Chinese companies have attended the fair, and buyers from more than 30 countries have joinedfor visits, purchases and business

negotiations. The fair has set up a favorable image among Chinese andMalaysian business communities and has established a brand of its own.

This year, over 200 companies will attend the fair. For more than 100

companies, it is their first time to exhibit their new products and

technologies at the fair in Malaysia. As many as more than 8,000 buyers will be present. I believe the fair of this year is sure to play an active role in the promotion of the economic andtrade cooperation between China and Malaysia.

It serves the fundamental interests of both countries to further strengthen the friendly cooperation of China and Malaysia. The broadening of mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation will add moreessentials to the amities of the two countries and therefore bring greater welfare to their people. We arewilling to make joint efforts with Malaysia to develop mutually beneficial cooperation in multiple forms onthe basis of "equality, mutual benefit, and common development", and open up new prospects for the

bothcountries' economic and trade cooperation. I wish this fair a great success! Thank you.



一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题2小题.每题25.0分,共50.0分。Translate the following passage(s) into Chinese )




目前工业自动化还没有一个最佳的定义。也许最好的其实是一个很简单的定义:工业自动化就是使用电子技术来监控生产流程或机械设备。为了确保工业基础和配套设施的有序发展,中国需要采取很多措施,而其中利用先进的工业自动化是至关重要的。没有高水平的工业自动化,提高生产力和效率都是不可能的。 如果我们看一看美国工业生产力从80年代中期到90年代中期的发展情况,就会发现两个重要的因素。首先是管理技术方面的革命和随之而来的对美国公司的重组改造。改革后的管理更注重效果,管理层面减少,权利下放,企业职工参与性更高。











■ 基本素质采分点

1.industrial automation 工业自动化

2.sustained growth 持续发展

3.industrial base 工业基础

4.supporting infrastructure 配套设施

5.real time 实时

6.Information Enabled Enterprise 信息化管理企业

7.the information era 信息时代

■ 结构理解采分点

1.China is in the midst of a developmental stage where advanced management knowledge and techniques and advanced industrial automation technology and solutions are fundamental and necessary elements for China's sustained growth and global competitiveness.


2.While there are many steps that China must take to ensure the appropriate development of its industrial base and supporting

infrastructure, the utilization of advanced industrial automation is a critical step.


3.Management became results-focused, flatter and more distributed, with great participation by the work force.


4.The second pivotal factor was the infusion of advanced industrial automation into manufacturing and other automated processes.


5.Industrial software provides the operator interface and gateway from the factory floor to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and even to the Internet to provide seamless flow of data and information so that the "Information Enabled Enterprise" can be managed in a more flexible, integrated, and efficient manner.

该句的翻译首先要搞清楚原文语句间的结构关系。该句是复合句,其中含有so that引导的从句,该从句之前的部分要注意provide后面接两个宾语即

interface和gateway,而gateway后面to短语较多,其中to provide短语是动词不定式,做目的状语;so that从句后的翻译可将原句前后倒置,以保持逻辑性。因此,原句可译为“工业软件将提供操作者平台,提供从车间到企业资源规划系统的通道,甚至与因特网链接,提供源源不断的数据信息,从而进行更为灵活、更为有效的综合性管理。这就叫做“信息化管理企业”。

■ 言语表达采分点

1.monitor 监控

2.critical step 至关重要的一步

3.pivotal factor 重要因素

4.results-focused 注重结果的

5.distributed 分送的(这里指权力下放的)

6.the work force 工人队伍

7.crossroads 十字路口(这里指中国改革面临的变革期)

8.the new millennium 新千年

9.wireless connectivity 无线连接

10.interface 界面;接口

11.gateway 关口,途径

12.seamless flow 源源不断















■ 基本素质采分点

1.Beethoven 贝多芬

2.Bonn 波恩(德国城市)

3.Church choir 教堂唱诗班

4.Mozart 莫扎特

5.Vienna 维也纳

6.Archbishop 主教

7.concerto 协奏曲

8.piano sonata 钢琴奏鸣曲

9.Ninth Symphony 第九交响曲(贝多芬名曲之一) ■ 结构理解采分点

1.He found the way to express these feelings in music, and this led to a new kind of music that is expressive.

该句的翻译要妥善处理and this指代关系,其实该指代关系表明了前后的因果关系,因此,原句可译为“但他找到了用音乐表达这些情感的方法,从而产生了一种新的表现力极强的音乐。”

2.The father thought that Ludwig might be another wonder-child, like Mozart, and that he would make the family's name and fortune.

该句是复合句,含有两个that引导的宾语从句。该句的翻译要求将后置的修饰性表达放在它所修饰部分的前面,如对“like Mozart”的处理,因此,该句可译为“他的父亲认为他很可能成为像莫扎特一样的‘神童’,为家族带来声望和财富。”

3.When Beethoven had an offer to go to another city as an orchestra conductor, three noblemen of Vienna banded together to pay him a regular income every year if he would stay with them.

4.But he rose above his loneliness and deafness through his music. 该句的翻译要注意可根据上下文情景,适当减词,如原句中最后if从句根据上下文可以省略,以免翻译的重复啰嗦。因此,原句可译为“当贝多芬接到聘书要到另一个城市担任乐队指挥时,三个维也纳贵族决定联合起来付给他固定薪水。”

5.Even when he was totally deaf, he went on creating music that he could not hear except in his mind, expressing all the feelings he could not express to anyone in words.

该句的结构很简单,但要处理好rise above的确切译法,此处,根据上下文可意译为“战胜”。因此,原句可译为“但他通过音乐战胜了孤独和耳聋。”原句是复合句,含有even when引导的状语从句,根据汉语语言习惯,when表达的“当„„时”,一般不译出,或改换为符合习惯的其他表达方式。因此,原句可译为“在完全失聪的情况下,他依旧不断创造着他只能在心灵中才能听到的音乐,倾诉着无法用语言诉说的情感。”

■ 言语表达采分点

1.expressive 有表现力的

2.wonder-child 神童

3.name 名誉

4.support the family 挣钱养家

5.take a great deal of responsibility 承担很大的责任

6.be valuable to 对„„有价值

7.adopt 接纳

8.make every effort to 尽一切努力

9.lonely 孤独的(这里指性格孤僻的)

10.enthusiastic 热情的,热烈的

二、Chinese-English Translation(本大题2小题.每题25.0分,共50.0分。Translate the following passage(s) into English . )



I am delighted to have the opportunity of this annual meeting of the British-Chinese Trade Association to convey my cordial greetings to friends from the British business community. Over the years, the

Association has been active in supporting the development of Sino-British relations and has served as a bridge of friendly exchanges and a bond of mutually-beneficial cooperation. Hereby, I wish to express my warm

congratulations on the convocation of the meeting and my sincere thanks to the Association and all the friends present here for your unremitting efforts and the outstanding contribution you have made in promoting Sino-British economic cooperation and trade.

Since the 16th National Party Congress, we have continued to take economic development as our central task and press ahead with reform and opening-up. We have been making steady progress in all our endeavors. Unfortunately, however, the epidemic of SARS struck parts of China all of a sudden. As it is a new type of disease and the humanity has not yet had full knowledge of it, there will be some time before we can effectively control and eventually eradicate the epidemic.



(贺  云 上海外国语大学国际教育学院)




① 阅读英文一遍(抑或听一遍)

② 思考

③ 汉译英辅助性训练。


1. A slight move in one part may affect the situation as a whole.


读完或听完这一句英语,受训者经过刹那间的短暂思考后,可能会给出一个形合模式的口译译文;但我们的训练,要求他在开口之前,将这一句意合的中文“牵一发而动全身”去打破乃至覆盖掉他原先经过自己思考后得出的那一译文形式。然后让其回译成原来的句子“A slight movein one part may affect the situation as a whole.”这样做,可以帮助提升受训者的英语语言敏感性,进而提高其口译译文精确前提下的得体性和灵活性。


2. ① At the prospect of profits, some conscienceless businessmen forget all moral principles and itchto have a go.

② 思考;

③ 汉译英:见有利可图,一些丧尽天良的商人,便见利忘义,跃跃欲试。

→At the prospect of profits, some conscienceless businessmen forget all moral principles and itchto have a go.



1. The Xinhua News Agency is the state news agency of the People's Republic of China, and the largestnews and information gathering and release center in China.

2. Illicit drugs bring calamity to any country and its citizens, and therefore, launching an anti-drug battleis the historical responsibility of the Chinese government.

3. Ever since the September 11th incident, with the cooperation among people and governments ofvarious countries, the international campaign against terrorism has made positive headway, dealing heavyblows to the forces of terror around the world.

4. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has made more than 30,000 majoragricultural scientific and technological achievements, of which over 6000 have won awards from the stateor ministries.

5. Given the complicated international and domestic economic environments of recent years, China hasintroduced a series of macro-economic control measures centering on a moderately expansive fiscal policy.

6. The Beijing Man cave-site was discovered in 1921 on the northern side of Dragon Bone Hill atZhoukoudian Town in Fangshan District, southwest of Beijing.

7. Some major events have taken place recently. None of us, from politicians to people in the street, canafford to overlook.

8. China has entered a new phase in its bid to become what is known as a "moderately well-off society,"when the high growth of its economic development has led to demand for a large number of mineral products

and related sources of energy and raw materials.




(刘刚义 王  璐 山东大学威海分校大学外语教学部)

一看到smile,学过英语的人都会想到“微笑”,这似乎已成为常识,因为手头的常用工具书都是这样翻译的。《新英汉词典》、《英汉技术词典》都将smile译为“微笑”;《现代汉英词典》也将“微笑”译为smile; 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版的解释为“expression of the face, usu with thecorners of the mouth turned up, showing happiness, amusement, pleasure, etc. 微笑”;《麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典》的解释为“to raise the corners of your mouth when you are happy, pleased, or beingfriendly, or when you think something is funny 微笑”。smile果真等于“微笑”吗?请看下文。

一般地说,汉语比较博大笼统,英语比较具体而微。《现代汉语词典》对“微笑”的定义为①不显著的笑容 ②不显著地、不出声地笑。汉语思维中“微笑”可以张口,也可以不张口。但在英语中,却还需具体化,必须具体到牙齿。请看smile的下列定义:

1. smile: when you smile because you are pleased or amused or are being friendly, the corners of your mouthcurve upwards and you sometimes show your teeth. ( Collins COBUILD Essential English Dictionary, 1989)(接上页)

9. An important step has been taken by the Chinese government in improving the quality of judges,lawyers and procurators when the Uniform National Judicial Examination was established.

10. The Chinese government pays close attention to the problem of employment, adheres to thehumanistic principle, keeps to the concept of overall, coordinated, sustainable development and promotesthe all-round development of society and humans, thus laying an ideological basis for further solving theproblem of employment.

1. 新华通讯社是中华人民共和国的国家通讯社,是中国最大的新闻信息采集和发布中心。2. 毒品祸国殃民,开展禁毒斗争,扫除毒品祸害,是中国政府的历史责任。

3. 9・11事件以来,各国人民通力合作,国际反恐斗争取得积极进展,有力地打击了国际恐怖主义势力。

4. 新中国建立后,共取得较大的农业科技成果3万多项,其中获得国家或部级奖励的6000多项。

5. 近年来,中国经济在面临复杂的国际国内经济环境情况下,开始实施了以适度扩张的财政政策为主要内容的一系列宏观经济调控措施。

6. 北京人遗址于1921年被发现,位置在北京市西南房山区周口店镇龙骨山北侧。

7. 近一时期,国际上发生了许多大事,上至政治家,下至老百姓,都无法视而不见,听而不闻。8. 中国已进入全面建设小康社会的新阶段,经济高速发展,需要大量的矿产品及相关的能源与原材料。

9. 为提高法官、律师和检察官的素质,中国政府采取了一个重要措施,就是制定统一国家司法考试。

10. 中国政府高度重视就业问题,坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展,为进一步解决好就业问题提供了思想认识基础。



Part 1

A: 现在越来越多的人空闲时去练瑜伽。你能告诉我瑜伽到底是什么吗?

B:Yoga, developed by the ancient sages of India, is a system of personal development encompassing body, mind, and spirit that dates back more than 5,000 years.


B:Yes. It is a Sanskrit word for “union”, meaning an experience of oneness or union with your inner being (self).

A: 练瑜伽有什么好处呢?

B:Yoga can be practiced by anyone, at any age. It develops flexibility and muscular endurance and, like many of the martial arts, incorporates techniques to relieve stress and bring the mind and body into harmony. It is aimed at the ultimate physical health and happiness, together with mental peace and tranquility.

A: 听说瑜伽有不同的形式。你能否说说它们有什么区别呢?

B:Yes. There are various types of Yoga. In the Western world Yoga is recognized mainly as Hatha Yoga which is a combination of physical exercises, breathing techniques and meditation. Hatha Yoga is said to provide a balanced and wholesome approach to achieving perfect physical and mental health, happiness and tranquility.

Eastern yogis believe that physical exercises are simply a stepping stone to higher paths and that working only on the body is a waste of time as the body is mortal whereas the soul is immortal.

A: 可以去哪里练习瑜伽呢?

B:Many people learn Yoga by attending classes; however, videos and books teaching Yoga are also popular. As with all exercises, technique is very important and for this reason it is advisable for beginners to seek out a reputable teacher. A: 非常感谢你的建议。

B:You are welcome.

Part 1 参考译文

A: Nowadays, more and more people go and practice yoga in their free time. Can you tell me what indeed yoga is?

B: 瑜伽是由印度古代的圣人开创的,是提升一个人各个方面的综合系统,包括身体、头脑、精神,有5000多年的历史了。

A: Since the word yoga is from India, is there any special meaning in it?


A: What benefits can yoga bring us?


A: I heard that there are different types of yoga. Can you tell me the differences between them?

B: 是的。有许多不同种类的瑜伽。西方主要是哈他瑜伽,包括身体训练、呼吸技巧和冥想。这种瑜伽据说可以通过平衡、健康的方式实现完全的身心健康、快乐与宁 静。而东方的瑜伽练习者认为,身体锻炼仅仅是通往更高平台的基石,如果仅仅停留在这一层上,那就是浪费时间,因为身体终会腐朽而灵魂是不朽的。 A: Where can I go to practice yoga?


A: Thank you very much for your advice.

B: 不客气。

Part 2

When people buy stock, most do so through one of the securities exchanges or marketplaces for stocks and bonds. These marketplaces are commonly called stock exchanges. To understand why such securities or stock exchanges are

important in the purchase and sale of stocks and bonds, consider what would happen if you, and everyone who wanted to buy or sell securities, had to find a buyer or a seller. How would you know what a fair price is? More importantly, how would you find out who is interested in selling what stock to you or buying it from you?

In order to handle this marketing problem, securities exchanges sprung up. These exchanges are nothing more that locations where stocks are bought and sold. And since there is a common meeting place for these transactions, people interested in buying and selling go there or send their representative. The result is a very systematic market process, where transactions are handled in an orderly manner and the operations are both supervised and regulated by law. In this way, the buyer or seller is ensured that they are not cheated in any way.

Part 2 参考译文

人 们买股票的时候,大多数会在证券交易所或股票债券市场购买。这些市场通常叫做股票交易所。要想理解为什么证券或股票交易所在股票、债券的买卖中这么重要, 可以想想,如果你,或任何一个想买卖证券的人自己去找买家或卖家时,会发生什么。你怎么知道哪个价格是公平的呢?更重要的是,怎么找到感兴趣的那个卖家或 买家呢?

为了解决这一交易问题,证券交易所应运而生。这些交易所就是股票买卖的地点。由于交易所是一个股票交易的公共场所,对股票 买卖感兴趣的人就会亲自或派代表去那里交易。结果,一个非常系统的市场就形成了,交易有序地进行,所有的活动都受到法律的监督和管理。这样,买家或卖家就 能够确信自己无论如何也不会受骗了。

Part 3


当 前,越来越多的人意识到,中国面临的环境问题,源于我们的经济发展和环境

保护严重失衡,我们在决策中过分偏向了发展,而忽视了环境保护。基于这样的认识, 中央在近年来提出科学发展观,力图改变当前以GDP增长为中心的发展模式,实现平衡发展,实现可持续发展。但在实践中,地方政府常常未能找到发展和保护的 平衡点。


我 们的优势在于有丰富的历史文化思想资源可以继承;我们地处东亚,有儒家文明与工业文明相融合的现成经验可学;我们也有欧洲社会主义与西方文明融合成功的经 验可以借鉴;我们社会主义政治理想中天然蕴含着“社会公正”这一生态文明的核心理念。我们正在不懈努力,把构建社会主义的环境文化与生态文明作为我们的责 任与使命。

Part 3 参考译文

In just 20 years, China has made remarkable economic progress that took western countries 100 years to achieve. But in the meanwhile, China has also suffered from environmental damages that western countries have to deal with in the past century. While China’s GDP growth and foreign capital records No.1 in the world, the country is consuming the largest amount of coal, oil and steel, and emitting the most carbon dioxide.

Currently, more and more people realize that the environmental problems China faces result from a severe imbalance between economic growth and environmental protection. We have sacrificed environmental protection for development in our policies. Based on such understanding, the central government put forward the Outlook on Scientific Development several years ago, striving to change the current GDP-centered mode of growth, so as to realize balanced and sustainable development.

The difficulties for China to achieve ecological civilization are as follows: first, we are facing an imbalance between population, resources and environment. Second, in today’s world, all countries compete for energy, resources and the

environment, so we can no longer move harmful wastes to other countries as some developed countries did. We can only stick to the New Road to Industrialization.

Our strengths lie in rich historical, cultural and intellectual legacies. As a country in East Asia, we can learn from the proven experience integrating Confucianism with industrialization, and draw upon the successful combination of European socialism and western civilization. Social justice, the very core of ecological civilization, is, from the beginning, part of our political ideal of socialism. We are sparing no efforts to build socialist environmental culture and ecological civilization, which is both our duty and mission.


Part 1

A: 大家好!欢迎收看《连线》节目。今晚做客演播厅的是大名鼎鼎的网络高手高飞。

B:Thanks. The pleasure is mine. But I have to say mine may not be a good example for all of you.

A: 作为电脑黑客的祖师爷,你能谈谈在网上的感受吗?

B:I saw myself as an electronic joyrider, having a great time there on the information super highway. It was a thrill. I felt like I was, like James Bond behind the computer. It was a big game to me, I was just having a blast.

A: 你可想过这样做或许是错的?

B:Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was an invasion of privacy. Going and getting access to other people’s information is obviously a gross invasion of privacy and it is wrong. A: 你被指控为电脑恐怖分子,因为你在长达13年的时间里,曾闯入35家国际大企业和其他组织的电脑系统,造成了据估计3亿美元的损失。你怎么看?

B:I believe I caused some damage, but nowhere near that matter. I was a committed and accomplished computer trespasser; I don’t consider myself a thief. I didn’t deprive companies out of their software, I merely made a copy without doing anything more with it.

口译试卷五篇八:上海市高级口译笔试汉译英题型 五年真题解析

上海市高级口译笔试汉译英题型 五年真题解析(2003-2007)



【原文】据说,上海男人是最好丈夫。他们总是知道该如何讨妻子的欢心, 从而避免了矛盾,一家人其乐融融。所以从某种程度上讲,上海男人是社 会安定和谐的象征。当妻子快乐时,他也快乐,因而整个城市也充满了快 乐气氛。


有争议时,他要么保持沉默,要么一笑置之。有时候他会发火,但事后不 久,他也会毫不迟疑地道歉。最终他妻子发现,她还是按照他的想法行事。 上海男人聪明、务实,有时也相当圆滑。最令人印象深刻的是,上海 男人在事业上有进取心,对家庭有很强的责任感,而且尊重女性。

【参考译文】Shanghai men are said to be the best of husbands. They

know how to win the favor of their wives and avoid conflicts so that

happiness pervades their families. Shanghai men can be regarded as the

symbol of social security and harmony. They are joyful whenever their

wives are, thus filling the whole city of Shanghai with happiness.

Shanghai men are jokingly called hen-pecked husbands. However,

they will never yield to their wives but remain silent or smile away the

quarrels. And they will apologize without hesitation shortly after they lose their temper, which is a rarity. Finally, their wives find themselves

complying with what their husbands say.

Shanghai men are smart and practical and even slippery, but what

impresses most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsible

to their families and respectful to females.


1. 首句可以用It is said that.译出。

2. 前两句可以合并译为一句,即Shanghai men,who are said to be the best of husbands,know how to win the favor of their wives and avoid

conflicts so that happiness pervades their families.

3. “讨..的欢心”亦可译为win sb..s heart。

4. “社会安定”宜译为social stability。

5. “快乐气氛”亦可译为felicity。

6. 用smile away翻译“一笑置之”很妥当,另举两例:

smile away one.s embarrassment 以微笑解除窘态

Smile your tears away. 笑笑吧,别哭了。

此外还可换用dismiss sth. with a laugh/smile或laugh off(to pretend that sth. is less serious than it really is by laughing or joking about it)。

7. “发火”的表达方式有多种,除lose temper之外,还有get angry、flare up、hit the ceiling、fly into a rage和go through the roof等多种。

8. “毫不迟疑地”除可用without hesitation之外,亦可用unhesitatingly。

9.“务实”宜译为pragmatic(dealing with problems in a sensible, practical way instead of strictly following a set of ideas)。

10. “圆滑”亦可译为smooth and wily、slick and sly或tactful。

11. “有进取心”亦可译为enterprising(Someone who is enterprising shows the ability to think of new things to do and has an eagerness to do them)。

12. “女性”亦可译为the fair sex。



【原文】中国政府高度重视保护环境,认为保护环境关系到国家现代化建 设的全局和长远发展,是造福当代、惠及子孙的事业。中国政府将环境保 护确立为一项基本国策,在推进经济发展的同时,采取一系列措施加强保 护环境。特别是近年来,中国政府坚持预防为主、综合治理、全面推进、 重点突破,着力解决危害人民群众健康的突出环境问题;坚持创新体制机 制,领先科学进步,强化环境法治,发挥社会各方面的积极性。 经过努力, 环境污染和生态破坏加剧的趋势减缓,部分流域污染治理初见成效,部分 城市和地区环境质量有所改善,全社会保护环境意识进一步增强。

【参考译文1】The Chinese government attaches great importance to

environmental protection. It believes that environmental protection has a bearing on the overall situation of China.s modernization drive and its

long-term development and that it is an undertaking which will not only

benefit the Chinese people of today but also bring benefit to their children and grand children. The Chinese government has established

environmental protection as a basic national policy. While promoting

economic growth, it has adopted a series of measures to protect the

environment. Especially in recent years, adhering to the principle of

prevention first, comprehensive control, entire push-on and key-point

breakthrough, Chinese government has made great efforts to solve those

outstanding environmental problems that threaten people.s health. It has

persisted in institutional innovation, relied on technological advances,

strengthened the role of law in environmental protection and brought into full play the initiative of various sectors of the society. Thanks to these

efforts, the trend toward aggravated environmental pollution and

ecological destruction has slowed down, pollution control in some river

basins has achieved some initial success, the environmental quality of

some cities and regions has improved to some extent, and the people.s

awareness of the importance of environmental protection has increased


【参考译文2】The Chinese government attaches great importance to

environmental protection. It believes that environmental protection will

have a direct impact on the overall situation of China's modernization drive and its long-term development, and considers environmental protection

an undertaking that will not only benefit the Chinese people of today but

also their children and grandchildren. Years ago, the Chinese government established environmental protection as a basic national policy and

sustainable development as an important strategy, and has adhered to the road of a new type of industrialization. While promoting economic growth, it has adopted a whole array of measures to strengthen environmental

protection. Especially in recent years, the Chinese government has

adhered to focusing on preventive measures, comprehensive control and

overall progress with breakthroughs at some key points, and worked hard to solve conspicuous environmental problems threatening people's health. At the same time, it has continued its efforts for institutional innovation,

relied on scientific and technological advances, strengthened the legal

system of environmental protection, and brought into full play the

initiative of people of all walks of life. Thanks to these efforts, although the amount of resource consumption and pollutants is increasing greatly, the

trend toward aggravated environmental pollution and ecological

destruction is slowing down; especially, environmental pollution control in some river valleys has seen some positive results, the environmental

quality of some cities and regions has improved, and the people's

awareness of the importance of environmental protection has enhanced.



1.“高度重视”除可译为attach great importance to.外,亦可译为set(或 put/lay) great/high store by/on.、lay(或put/place) stress on/upon.、 give prominence to.和think highly of.。

2. have a bearing on.需牢记,该短语的含义是to have an effect or

influence on sth.。

3.“基本国策”的译法basic national/state policy需牢记。


5. “社会各方面”两种译文处理方法不同,均可参考。people of all walks of life系固定搭配。

6. bring sth. into full play系固定搭配,用来翻译“发挥..的积极性”很 妥帖。

7. “经过努力”切不可字对字死译,否则必是中式英语。译为Thanks to these efforts,.才是准确的译文。

8. “进一步增强”译为..has increased further不如译为.has enhanced




【原文】中华文明历来注重亲仁善邻,讲求和睦相处。中国人在对外关系 中始终秉承“强不凌弱”、“富不侮贫”的精神,主张“协和万邦”。中 国人提倡“海纳百川,有容乃大”,主张吸纳百家优长、兼集八方精义。 今天,中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路,既通过维护世界和平来发展自己, 又通过自身的发展来促进世界和平。中国坚持实施互利共赢的对外开放战 略,真诚愿意同各国广泛开展合作,真诚愿意兼收并蓄、博采各种文明之 长,以合作谋和平、以合作促发展,推动建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的 和谐世界。

【参考译文】The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to good neighborliness. The Chinese nation cherishes peace. In foreign relations,

the Chinese have always believed that "the strong should not oppress the weak, and the rich should not bully the poor" and advocated that "all

nations live side by side in perfect harmony". The Chinese held that "one should be as inclusive as the ocean which is vast because it admits

hundreds of rivers" and called for drawing upon the strength of others.

Today, China commits itself firmly to peaceful development. It seeks to

accelerate its development by upholding world peace. The world peace is, in turn, enhanced by China's development. China firmly pursues a strategy of opening-up for mutual benefit and win-win outcomes. It genuinely

wishes to enter into extensive cooperation with other countries. It is

inclusive and is eager to draw on the strength of other civilizations to

pursue peace and development through cooperation, and play its part in

building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.


1. “中华文明历来注重亲仁善邻,讲求和睦相处。”是一句话,但译文拆 为两句,原因在于The Chinese civilization可以和 has always given

prominence to good neighborliness搭配使用,但不宜和cherishes peace

搭配,所以必须另选主语The Chinese nation再起一句。中文中可以说“中 华文明讲求..”但英语中却不能照搬。初学者往往不注意这点,总认为 原文是一句,译文自然也是一句。我们既要学会合并的技巧,也要掌握拆 分的技巧,目的就是使译文符合英语习惯。此例有代表性。

2.“the+形容词”表示具有一类性质的人或物,做名词使用。原文中“强”、 “弱”、“富”、“贫”四词皆照此规则翻译而成。

3. “协和万邦”译为all nations live side by side in perfect harmony,这 是吃透原文含义后的佳译。

4. 牢记“海纳百川,有容乃大”的译法one should be as inclusive as the ocean which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers。

5. “吸纳百家优长、兼集八方精义”文字极雅,初学者往往不知如何下手, 其实这十二个字说的就是“吸取别国的长处”,据此译为draw upon the strength of others。处理下文的“兼收并蓄、博采各种文明之长”也是一 个道理。此后遇到此类问题均可先转化为自己的语言再翻译。另请联想记 忆“取长补短”的几种译法:

①draw on/upon the strong points to make up for one.s own weak points

②learn from each other.s strong points to offset one.s weakness

③overcome one.s own shortcomings by learning from others. strong


6. 牢记“互利共赢”的译法mutual benefit and win-win outcomes。

7. “以合作谋和平、以合作促发展”就是“通过合作来谋求和平和发展”, 据此译为pursue peace and development through cooperation,特别注意 pursue(to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve sth. over a long period of time)的用法。

8.“推动”无法照搬词典译文,必须思考原文内涵后再动笔,此处用play one.s part in doing sth.结构译出较为合理,该短语的释义是:if sth. or sb. plays a part in sth. else, they are involved in it。


【原文】光阴似箭,转眼中国加入世贸组织已经整整4年。4年来,中国加 入世贸绝大多数承诺都已兑现,部分承诺的兑现甚至走在规定的时间表之 前。在世贸成员关心的知识产权问题上,中国启动法律修改工程,查处大 批侵权案件,这些努力均取得了显著成效。中国政府还全面清理了部委和 地方的行政法规。

一诺千金,有诺必践,传送着中国的极大诚意,展示了一个负责任大 国的襟怀,赢得世贸成员和国际舆论的佳评。在世贸组织的年度审议中, 这几年中国都受到充分肯定。为使国内经济与世贸规则相符,中国表现了 承担义务的强烈意愿,并且一如既往从未动摇。

【参考译文】How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye it is already 4 years since China acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Over the

past 4 years China has honored most of the promises it made when joining the WTO, and the fulfillment of some commitments was even ahead of

schedule. In respect of the intellectual property issue that is of concern to WTO members, China launched a law revamp program and investigated a great number of infringement cases. These efforts have achieved

remarkable effect. The Chinese government has also revamped the

administrative laws and regulations at ministerial and local levels.

By making and honoring promises that can be counted on, China has

shown its utmost sincerity and largeness of mind as a great and

responsible country/nation, gaining acclamations from WTO members and international public opinion. At the WTO annual deliberations, China.s efforts have been fully recognized over the years. To accord its domestic economy with the WTO rules, China has manifested strong willingness to undertake responsibility; it has fulfilled its obligations as always and has never wavered.


1. Time flies.系英文习语,对译“光阴似箭”十分恰当。类似说法还有Time marches on。“光阴似箭,日月如梭。”亦可直译为Time passes like an arrow with the sun and moon moving fast like shuttles.。考生对常见的中文成语、 俗语英译要有一定积累。

2. in a twinkling of an eye系固定表达法,注意不能写为in a twinkling of eyes。此表达法亦可简化为in a twinkling。

3. “整整”可用altogether翻译,例如“这本书整整写了两年。”可译为 The writing of this book took two years altogether.。

4. accede是不及物动词,因此后面的 to必不可少。accede的名词形式是 accession。

5. “中国加入世贸绝大多数承诺都已兑现”即是“中国已经兑现了大多数 在加入世贸时许下的承诺”据此译为China has honored most of the

promises it made when joining the WTO。“兑现”除可用honour翻译外, 亦可用fulfill和make good。

6. ahead of schedule系习语,意为before the planned time。另请掌握 behind schedule(落后于计划)和on schedule(按时,及时)。

7. “在..上”其实就是“关于”、“至于”、“就..而言”、“在..

方面”,除可用in respect of之外,亦可用in respect to、with regard to、 as regards和concerning。此类连接词要熟练掌握。

8. of concern系习语,意为sth. that is important to you or that involves you。

9. “工程”是有中国特色的词语,可译为project或programme,另举几 例:

①菜篮子工程 shopping-basket programme

②安居工程 housing project

③希望工程 Project Hope

10. revamp既可作动词,亦可作名词,此处是名词,亦可换用revamping 或revampment。“修改(法律)”亦可用amend或revise,如“修改宪 法”可译为amend/revise a constitution。

11. infringement的动词形式是infringe,另请联想“知识产权”的译法 intellectual property right(IPR)。

12. “取得了显著成效”系常见搭配,译法亦有多种,如:produce a marked effect、achieve remarkable success和register extraordinary progress等。

13. “一诺千金,有诺必践”较文雅,可以先转化为通俗易懂的白话后再 翻译。



第一部分 英译汉









第二部分 汉译英





黄惠康阐述了中方在网络空间建设方面的五项基本原则。一是“网络主权”原则。网络主权是国家主权在网络空间的自然延伸,应受到尊重和维护。联合国信息社会世界峰会通过的《日内瓦原则宣言》明确表示,“互联网公共政策的决策权是各国的主权”。各国有权根据本国的网络发展水平、历史传统、文化语言和风俗习惯等,在充分考虑本国广大民众意愿和适当借鉴国际通行做法的基础上,制定本国的网络公共政策和法律,并依法管理互联网。 二是“平衡”原则。信息自由流动促进了民众间的交流和经济、社会发展,但它是一把“双刃剑”。信息自由流动不应成为违法和不负责任的信息在网上肆虐的理由,无论发达国家还是发展中国家都不会漠视有害信息威胁国家安全、社会秩序和侵犯人民合法权利。因此,应根据各国实际情况,在网络安全和信息自由流动之间寻找科学、合理的平衡。




口译试卷五篇十:2005年5月翻译三级口译(实务)全真试卷 答案

考试结果--维普考试资源系统Page 1of 6

深色:已答题 浅色:未答题2005年5月翻译三级口译(实务)全真试卷

(总分3, 考试时间120分钟)

PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as

required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English senten




PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages onl














1.market economy 市场经济

2.twists and turns 迂回曲折

3.middle class 中产阶级

4.globalization 全球化





PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages onl


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下:句子主干结构是“新加坡是 + 新加坡也是”两组并列结构。翻译该句时应采用衔接


表达。参考译文为:Singapore is a country full of vitality,as well

as a beautiful city.

2.新加坡政治稳定,民族和睦,经济发展,并在国际和地区舞台上发挥着独特的作用。原句句子结构分析如下:1)句子主干结构是(主语)新加坡 + 四个并列结构。2)并列结构包含三个名词短语和一个动词短语,由连词“并”连接两部分组成。翻译时可用合并法,把


构,使译文流畅。参考译文为:It enjoys political stability,ethnic harmony and economic growth,and is playing a unique role

internationally and in the regional arena.



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