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本次奉贤三模试卷总体难度稍大,几乎每个版块都有有难度的题目;出题方向比较偏重学生的能力方面,题目比较新颖,很多都不是平常做过或是见过的题,主要考察的是学生英语功底,功底好的话问题不大,对于英语功底不好的学生可以说是有点小“毁灭性”的打击;而且题目内容及里面的词汇是时下比较流行的词汇或是最新的话题,如:单选题中考到"Lost and Love"《失孤》、Under the Dome《穹顶之下》,duang, 奉贤在建的五号



九年级英语试卷 (2015.04)

(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)命题人 夏芸 丁永花 赵萍 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。

Part 1 Listening

(第一部分 听力)

1.________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.___________ 5.__________ 6.___________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)

7. A)Tea B) Coffee C)Beer D) Juice

8. A) Sunny B) Cloudy C) Snowy D) Rainy

9. A) 11:00 B) 11:15 C) 11:30 D) 11:45

10. A) Dancing with Stars B) I’m a singer

C) Running Man D) Flower Sister

11. A)By underground B) By car C)By taxi D)By bus

12. A)Interesting B)Terrible C)Boring D)Frightening 13. A) Teacher and Student

C) Shop-assistant and Customer

14. A) Because Linda thinks the teacher will help her.

B) Because Alex has no time to help her.

B) Doctor and Patient D) Husband and Wife

C) Because Linda wants to do it by herself.

D) Because Linda thinks it is easy. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements arc true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(6分)

15.There was a girl with beautiful, brown thick hair.

16. When she woke up one morning, she found she had little hair on her head.

17. Her mother thought the girl would cry sadly.

18. The girl decided to wear her hair in a ponytail (马尾辫) when there were two hairs left.

19. When there wasn't a single hair on her head, the girl looked terribly sad.

20. The story told us hairstyle is important in a person's daily life.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词):(共10分)

21.Enough sleep helps the body and brain ____________ and ____________.

22. About _________ _______of middle school students don't get enough sleep according to the report.

23. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep worrying about their schoolwork

and can't ________ _________ quickly.

24. Experts have shown that lack of sleep for teenagers leads to ______________ __________ .

25. It's good to sleep in a _________ _________ that is dark, quiet, and neither too warm nor too cold. ^

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?

A)B)C) D)27. Which of the following words matches the sounds /praiz/?

A) prize B) praise C) price D) piece

28. -—What ___________ horrible day it was yesterday!

-— Yes. But 1 love ___________ air after it rains because it smells fresh.

A) a, the B) a, / C) the, the D) the, a

29. The crash of German Flight 4U9525_________ the south of France __________ March 25th shocked the whole world.

A) at, on B) in, at C)in, on D) at, in

30. ----Have you found your bicycle?

---- No. But my mother promised to buy a new_________for me.

A) it B) one C) this D) that

31. _______ handwriting looks the best in your class?

A) Who B) Who's C)Whose D) Whom

32. Learning English is a difficult but happy ________ .

A) program B) progress C) process D) problem

33. The film "Lost and Love"《失孤》________a real kidnap case in Hubei Province. In the film,

a farmer spent fifteen years looking for his lost son.

A) is keen on

with 34. The documentary, Under the Dome《弩顶之下》, shows how _______ the air is polluted.

A) seriously B) serious C) more seriously D) more serious B) is based on C) is interested in D)is familiar

35. We teenagers __________ have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can

be created.

A) can B) may C) need D) should

36. -—Have-you watched the film the Tiny Times''?

—Yes. I _______ it with my cousin last night.

A) watch B) have watched C) watched D) had watched

37. CoCo Cola Company promised that they ___________ the workers a chance for a

three-minute free phone.

A) offer B) would offer C) will offer D) have offered

38. It is not wise of you to _____ too late to surf the Internet.

A) take up B) put up C) turn up D) stay up

39. —How many students are there in your class?

— ______ the students _____ over 40.

A) A number of, is B) A number of, are

C) The number of, is D) The number of, are

40.Wendy managed_________a company when she was only 15 years old.

A) run B) to run C) running D) ran

___at the door. 41.You'd better not come into the teachers' office without

A) to knock B) knock C) not knocking D) knocking

42.You can't play the computer games. You may_____ help me with the housework

_______do your homework.

A) not only... but also B) both...and C) neither...nor D) either...or

43.Chinese football won't be improved ________school students receive football education at the early age.

A) after B) since C) unless D)


44. — Mike broke one of his arms when he was playing


— ______. I hope he will get better soon.

A) Never mind B) Hurry up C) Come on D) Bad luck

45.— I don't think I can solve this problem.


A) Have another try B) No problem C) Go ahead D) All right 参考答案:DAACB CCBAD CBDCB CDCDA

III. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)

A. the most B.feed C. Depend on D. Common E.the largest

Rice is the most important food for people all over the world. According to a survey, rice helps _____46______ one third of the world's population. Rice grows well with enough water. People



九年级英语试卷 (2016. 04)



Part 1 Listening

(第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分




1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (8分)

7. A) England. B) Japan. C) Korea. D) America.

8. A) A cup of coffee. B) A cup of black tea.

C) A cup of coffee with milk and sugar. D) A cup of black tea with milk and sugar.

9. A) Write to each other. B) Make a phone call.

C) Have a video chat. D) Send emails.

10. A) In the shop. B) In the supermarket.

C) On line.

D) In the book store.

11. A) Mum and son. B) Hotel clerk and customer.

C) Teacher and student. D) Patient and Doctor.

12. A) $2. B) $3. C)$ 4. D)$6.

13. A) To make Qing Tuan. B) To cook the delicious food.

C) To tell the story. D) To play with her younger niece.

14. A) He can't leave here this evening.

B) He will take the next flight to Hong Kong.

C) He has to hurry to catch the plane.

D) He can take the last flight finally.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (6分)

15. Japanese girls may still wear school uniforms after they have

graduated from school.

16. Japanese girls love school uniforms because of their fashionable

design and good quality.

17. The style of Japanese school uniforms for girls is adapted from

astronaut suits.

18. Japanese school uniforms are as expensive as those from Chinese


19. It's convenient for Japanese girls to wear school uniforms because

they meet the strict school rules.

20. This passage tells us three reasons why Japanese girls love school uniforms.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词): (共10分)

21. To the rest of the world, Federer is _____ _____ a greater tennis


22. Federer helps _____ _____ for the poor children in Africa.

23. Last summer Federer went to Africa to celebrate_____ _____ of the

Roger Federer Foundation(罗杰.费德勒基金会)

24. During his stay, Federer spent the day sitting in classes and _____

_____ young pupils in the school.

25. Federer believes every young child has the right to attend school

because ______ _____is very important.

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)

Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)【奉贤区初三英语二模卷2016答案】

26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?

B) There are many beautiful scenes out of the window in spring.

27. Which of the following words matches the sound /fi:ld/?

A) feed B) field C) fed D) find

28. ---Excuse me, have you seen an old lady carrying a huge green bag?

---Oh, ______ old lady left in a taxi just five minutes ago.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

29. Mr. Smith is now showing the guests from Canada _______ the school.

A) in B) around C) at D) with

30. Do you always have______ try when you fail to do something?

A) one B) other C) the other D) another

31. When we face a fright, our common ________are to frighten or to run away.

A) responses B) researches C) reasons D) results

32. Men are always angry with women, for they spent _______ money on unnecessary things on Double Eleven Day?

A) many B) much C) little D) few

33. The cold wave in January was ________ than ever before in Shanghai.

A) serious B) more serious C) seriously D) more seriously

34. The students from Xin Jiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is _______to them.

A) friendly B) gently C) happily D) politely

35. What a loud explosion! I'm afraid there _____ be something wrong with the engine.


A) must B) can't C) needn't D) should

36. --- I called you this time yesterday, but there was no answer.

--- Oh, sorry. I _______ the volunteering work in my neighborhood.

A) do B) did C) was doing D) has done

37. By 8 p.m that day, the young deliveryman _______ nearly 150 packages in the city.

A) delivered B) has delivered C) had delivered D) would deliver

38. Without parents' support, few young people can _______ to buy a new flat by themselves in the city center of Shanghai.

A) award B) afford C) admit D) attract


39. With the invention of computer, many teenagers would rather _______ computer games than _______ other things.

A) to play...to do B) to play...do C) play...to do D) play...do

40. He still denied _______ anything about the robbery though he was questioned many times.

A) know B) knew C) to know D) knowing

41. _____ Martin _______ his friends ate up all the food they ordered. They took the left away.

A) Both...and B) Neither...nor C) Not only... but also D) Either...or

42. I didn't know the new classmate ________ we met at a Yoga club yesterday.

A) until B) after C) if D) though

43. I wonder ________ as the ads has promised.

A) does the air-cleaner really work B) the air -cleaner really works

C) that the air-cleaner really works D) if the air-cleaner really works

44. ---You don't have to play that record so loud, do you?

--- _____________________________.

A) I'm sorry to hear that. B) Don't worry.

C) I'm sorry to have bothered you. D) I'm bored.

45. ---What would you suggest the Grade Nine students do in the last two months?

---I'd suggest they work hard and have a good rest.


A) Good idea. B) Yes, I agree.

C) Well done. D) It's hard to say.

III. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or

phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次): (共8分)

Guide to the library in Feng Xian

The Library in Feng Xian offers different types of studying places and provides a good studying .


The library is divided into different zones. The upper floor is a

quiet zone with over a thousand places for reading, and

places where you can sit and work with your own computer. The

reading places tables and chairs. The ground floor is the

zone where you can talk. Here you can find sofas and armchairs for

ground work.


You can use your own computer to connect to the wi-fi prepared for notebook computers; you can also use applicants, such as Microsoft office. They are on the ground floor.

Group-study places

If you want to discuss freely without disturbing others. You can book a study room or sit at a table on the ground. Some study rooms are for 2-3 people and others can hold up to 6-8 people. All rooms are marked on the library

There are 40 group-study rooms that must be booked through website. To book, you need an account and a valid card. You can use a room three hours per day, nine hours at most per week.

Rules to be followed

Mobile phone conversations are not permitted in the library. Keep your phone in silent mode as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls.

Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library, but you are have drinks and sweets with you.

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共8分)

54. It's more delicious to add some ________ into the soup of bones. (tomato)

55. Jack watched quite a lot of American NBA basketball games, so he thought ________ a

basketball fan. (he)

56. The actor who acted in the TV series became famous in his ________. (thirty)

57. A creative egg cooker can cook eggs ________without a saucepan. (easy)

58. Don't get too ________ if you see men walking around with the skirts in Edinburgh. (surprise)

59. Goku, the character in Japanese film, may not be as _______ as the monkey we see on the traditional version(版本)of the classic Journey to the West 《西游记》. (power)

60. How about _______ the matter again after school is over? (discussion)

61. Have you ever made a wish that all your troubles will _______ soon? (appear)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每

空格限填一词。68题注意大小写): (共14分)

62. Everyone tries his best to achieve a higher score in Grade Nine. (改为一般疑问句) _______ everyone ________ his best to achieve a higher score in Grade Nine? 对划线部分提问)

_______ vase _______ the naughty boy break by mistake?【奉贤区初三英语二模卷2016答案】

64. Please tell us when we should attend the meeting. (改为简单句)

Please tell us _______ ________ attend the meeting.

65. Frozen 《冰雪奇缘》is really an attractive movie. (改为感叹句)

________ _______ attractive movie Frozen is!

66. It rained heavily this morning. Most of the students couldn't go to school on time. (保持句意基本不变)

It rained so heavily that most of the students _______ _______ go to school on time this morning.

67. In this estate, we must keep the noise under 50 dbs (分贝). (改成被动语态)

The noise must _______ _______ under 50 dbs in this estate.

68. hasn't, Wendy, heard from, for, her close friend, a month (连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)

Touch is one of the most important of our five senses. It is one of the first senses we

develop. One of the most commonly accepted forms of touch among people is also one of the first experiences we have in the world---A hug!

There is no better way to understand the importance of hugs than to lose them. For those who have experienced the loss of hugs, you will know how important A recent research has shown that when people hug, the brain

releases the chemical which increases our willingness to trust and

reduces fear. It has also shown that hugs are great for your heart.

In 1995, a pair of newly born twins was being cared for in

hospital. While one of the twins seemed quite healthy, her sister was

not. After trying different medical treatments, the nurse on duty,

Gayle Kasparian, placed the twins in bed together. The twins

immediately snuggled ( 依偎 ) up to each other. As one placed her

arm around the other, the weak baby became better gradually. How great the power of a hug is!



九年级数学 2016.04








A.都等于0; B.一正一负; C.互为相反数; D.互为倒数. 2.若x =2,y = -1,那么代数式x22xyy2的值是(▲)

A.0; B.1; C.2; D.4. 3.函数y-2x3的图像不经过(▲)

A.第一象限; B.第二象限; C.第三象限; D.第四象限. 4.一组数据3,3,2,5,8,8的中位数是(▲)

A.3; B.4; C.5; D.8. 5.下列说法中,正确的是(▲)

A.关于某条直线对称的两个三角形一定全等; B.两个全等三角形一定关于某条直线对称;

C.面积相等的两个三角形一定关于某条直线之间对称; D.周长相等的两个三角形一定关于某条直线之间对称.

6.已知⊙O1与⊙O2外离,⊙O1的半径是5,圆心距O1O27,那么⊙O2的半径可以是(▲) A.4; B.3; C.2; D.1. 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 【请将结果直接填入答题纸的相应位置上】 7.化简:a=; 8.因式分解:aa=



的定义域是 x1



球,n个黄球,从中随机摸出白球的概率是x1211.不等式组的解集是 ▲ ;



,那么n= ▲ ; 3



,在其图像所在的每个象限内,y的值随x的值增大而; x


x且经过点(0,2),那么这条直线的解析 2


13.直线ykxb(k0)平行于直线y 式是

14.小明在高为18米的楼上看到停在地面上的一辆汽车的俯角为60o,那么这辆汽车到楼 底的距离是



AC=b,那么= ▲ ;(用、b的线性组合表示)

16.四边形ABCD中,AD//BC,∠D=90o,如果再添加一个条件,可以得到四边形ABCD 是矩形,那么可以添加的条件是 17.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90o,AD是BC边上的中线,如果AD=BC,那么cot∠CAB 的值是;

18.如图,在△ABC中,∠B=45o,∠C=30o,AC=2,点D在BC上,将△ACD沿直线AD 翻折后,点C落在点E处,边AE交边BC于点F,如果DE//AB,那么


的值是 ▲ ; BF



第15题图 B












2. x2x2x4



作DE⊥AD,垂足为点D,交AB于点E,且 (1)求线段BD的长; (2)求∠ADC的正切值.



(1)参与社区文艺演出的学生人数是 ▲ 人,参与敬老院服务的学生人数是 ▲ 人; (2)该数学学习小组的同学还发现,六、七年级参与打扫街道的学生人数分别比参与敬老院服务的学生人数多了40%和60%.求参与敬老院服务的六、七年级学生分别有多少人?


已知:如图,梯形ABCD中,DC∥AB, AD=BC=DC,AC、BD是对角线,E是AB延长线上一点,且∠BCE=∠ACD,联结CE. (1)求证:四边形DBEC是平行四边形; (2)求证:AC2ADAE.




. AB4






已知在平面直角坐标系xoy(如图)中,抛物线yx2bxc与x轴交于点A(-1,0)与点C(3,0),与y轴交于点B,点P为OB上一点,过点B作射线AP的垂线,垂足为点D,射线BD交x轴于点E. (1)求该抛物线解析式; (2)联结BC,当P点坐标为(0,


)时,求△EBC的面积; 3


25.(本题满分14分,第(1)小题5分,第(2)小题5分,第(3)小题4分) 已知:如图,在边长为5的菱形ABCD中,cosA=,点P为边AB上一点,以A为圆心、AP为半径的⊙A与边AD交于点E,射线CE 与⊙A另一个交点为点F. (1)当点E与点D重合时,求EF的长;











2015学年奉贤区调研测试九年级数学答案 2016.04


1. C; 2. B; 3.C; 4.B; 5. A; 6.D. 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分)

7.4a; 8.a(a1); 9.x1; 10.1; 11.x > 3;12.减小; 13.y


x2; 14. 15ab; 16.AD=BC等; 17; 181; 6;



19.(本题满分10分) 解:原式=1-


„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„各2分 -22-22




20. (本题满分10分)

整理,得:x3x100„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2分 解得:x12,x25 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2分 经检验:x12是增根,x25是原方程的根 „„„„„„„„„„„„„1分 所以原方程的根是x5„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1分 21.(本题满分10分,每小题满分各5分) 解:(1)∵ AB=4,

∵ DE⊥AD,∠ACB=90o ∴∠CAD+∠ADC=∠BDE+∠ADC. ∴∠CAD=∠BDE ∵ AD是∠BAC的角平分线,∴∠CAD=∠BAD ∴∠BAD=∠BDE„„„„2分 ∵∠B=∠B ∴ △BDE∽△BAD „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1分





 ∴BD=2„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1分 BDAB


 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„1分 (2)解法一:∵△BDE∽△BAD ∴



2„„„„„„„„2分 ∴ 在Rt△ADE中,∠ADE=90o,tan∠AED=DE





相对原子质量: H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Cl-35.5 Ca-40 Ag-108 六、选择题( 共20分)


A.食物变质 B.玻璃粉碎 C.汽油挥发 D.水果榨汁 28. 为了全民健康,卫生部推广使用加铁酱油,这里的“铁”是指

A.原子 B.分子 C.单质 D.元素 29.属于有机物的是

A.碳酸 B.一氧化碳 C.甲烷 D.碳酸钾 30. 将下列物质分别加入水中,能形成溶液的是

A.硝酸钾 B.面粉 C.植物油 D.大理石 31. 不属于碳的同素异形体的是

A.金刚石 B.石墨 C.活性炭 D.碳60


32. 镁在二氧化碳中燃烧的化学方程式是:2Mg+CO22MgO+C,其中氧化剂是

A.Mg B.CO2 C.MgO D.C 33. 我区庄行菜花节,油菜花盛开,香气四溢,此现象说明

A.分子的质量很小 B.分子间有间隔 C.分子的体积很小 D.分子在不断运动

34. 化学在能源利用、环境保护等方面起着重要的作用。下列有关做法错误的是

A.为治理雾霾,禁止使用化石燃料 B.变废为宝,将地沟油转化为航空燃油 C.城市道路使用太阳能景观灯,节能又环保 D.使用电动汽车,减少尾气排放,改善空气质量 35. 下列实验操作正确的是

A.倾倒液体 B.加热液体 C.量取液体 D.滴管取液体


A. Fe(OH)2(氢氧化铁) B.氦气(He2) C. Na2CO3(纯碱) D.CuSO4(胆矾)

37. 在2Cu(NO3)22CuO+O2↑+4X↑反应中,X的化学式为

A.NO2 B.CO2 C.N2 D.NO 38.物质的用途错误的是

A.氢气冶炼金属 B.氧气用作燃料

C.稀硫酸除铁锈 D.熟石灰中和土壤酸性 39. 正确的化学方程式是

2Cu+CO2↑ B.2H2O2MnOA.CuO+CO2H2O+O2↑

C.2NaOH+SO2→Na2SO4+H2O D.Mg(OH)2+2HCl→MgCl2+H2O

40. 鉴别两瓶失去标签的稀盐酸和稀硫酸,可使用的试剂是

A.硝酸银溶液 B.石蕊试液 C.BaCl2溶液 D.锌 41. 甲烷和水反应可以制备水煤气(混和气体),其反应的微观示意图如下所示:

+ +


A. 该反应是置换反应 B. 反应中氢元素由化合态变为游离态 C.反应前后,分子、原子种类均不变 D. 反应中丙、丁的分子个数比为1:1 42. 运用图示法可以帮助我们巧学化学。下列化学知识用相应图示表示正确的是

金 属 pH 活动性 弱 强

NH4Cl中 元素质量

合 价

分 数 0 +2 +4 43.有关二氧化碳的实验中,能达到实验目的的是

A.Fe B.Cu C.Ag D.Cu、 Ag

46. 某碳酸钙和氧化钙组成的混合物中,钙元素的质量分数为50%,将40g该混合物高温


A.8.8g B.12g C.15.7g D.20g

七、填空题( 共20分)


①以下配方可自制水培植物营养液:Ca(NO3)2125克、FeSO412克、水1公斤,Ca(NO3)2和FeSO4均属于 (1) (填“酸”、“碱”、“盐”),Ca(NO3)2属于 (2) _肥(填“氮”、“磷”、“钾”)。

②活性炭可作家用冰箱除味剂,是因为它具有 (3) 性。

③生石灰是常用的食品干燥剂,请用化学方程式表示其干燥原理 (4) 。

④碳酸氢钠(NaHCO3)可用于焙制糕点的膨松剂。碳酸氢钠由 (5) 种元素组成, 1mol碳酸氢钠中约含有 (6) 个氧原子(用科学计数法表示)。

⑤今年我们遭遇了特大寒潮袭击,造成很多家庭水管爆裂,这是由于水具有 (7) 的性质。 48. 右图是甲、乙、丙三种固体物质(均不含结晶水)的溶解度曲线。

①t1℃时,甲、乙、丙三种物质的溶解度大小关系 (8) 。 溶②t1℃时,完全溶解5g丙物质至少需要水 (9) g。

③t2℃时,将20g 甲加入到100 g水中,充分搅拌后所得溶液度

是甲的 (10) 溶液(填“饱和”或“不饱和”),可以用 右图中 (11) 点(填“a”、“b”、“c”)表示。

④甲溶液中含有少量乙时,可通过 (12) 的方法提纯甲。正确的是 (13) 。

A.都是饱和溶液 B.溶剂质量:甲<乙 C.析出固体质量:甲>乙




49.通过学习,我们知道有些物质混合后,虽然无明显现象产生,但确实发生了化学反应,如氢氧化钠溶液和二氧化碳,写出该反应的化学方程式 (14) 。教材上是通过证明 反应物二氧化碳的减少证明了反应的发生。某兴趣小组的同学认为还可以通过以下实验 证明。请与他们一起完成实验方案的实施和评价。


到 (15) ,证明二氧化碳与氢氧化钠溶液发生了反应。

还可以使用的试剂有 (16) (写出一种与稀盐酸不同类别的物质)。


将CO2通入饱和的NaOH乙醇溶液中,观察到 (17) ,证明二氧化碳与氢氧化钠溶液发生了反应。他们的推测依据是 (18) 。 ③上述两个方案在设计思想上的相同点是 (19) 。


50. 为测定某氯化钠溶液的溶质质量分数,取一定量该溶液,滴入硝酸银溶液至恰好完全反

①沉淀质量 (1) g,过滤后剩余溶液的质量 (2) g; ②该氯化钠溶液的溶质质量分数 (3) 。(写出计算过程) 51. ①实验室制取氧气,结合下列实验装置图回答有关问题:




1.如果两个实数a、b满足a+b=0,那么a、b一定是( )

A.都等于0 B.一正一负 C.互为相反数 D.互为倒数

2.若x=2,y=﹣1,那么代数式x2+2xy+y2的值是( )

A.0 B.1 C.2 D.4.

3.一次函数y=﹣2x+3的图象不经过的象限是( )

A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限

4.一组数据3,3,2,5,8,8的中位数是( )

A.3 B.4 C.5 D.8.

5.下列说法中,正确的是( )





6.已知⊙O1与⊙O2外离,⊙O1的半径是5,圆心距O1O2=7,那么⊙O2的半径可以是( ) A.4


7.化简: = B.3 C.2 D.1

8.因式分解:a2﹣a= .


10.一个不透明的袋子中装有若干个除颜色外形状大小完全相同的小球.如果其中有2个白球n个黄球,从中随机摸出白球的概率是,那么n= .



大”或“减小”). y的值随x值的增大而“增,在其图象所在的每个象限内,

13.直线y=kx+b(k≠0)平行于直线2) 且经过点(0,,那么这条直线的解析式是.14.小明在高为18米的楼上看到停在地面上的一辆汽车的俯角为60°,那么这辆汽车到楼底的距离是 .(结果保留根号)


那么= ;(用不的线性组合表示) ,

16.四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠D=90°,如果再添加一个条件,可以得到四边形ABCD是矩形,那么可以添加的条件是 .(不再添加线或字母,写出一种情况即可)

17.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AD是边BC边上的中线,如果AD=BC,那么cot∠CAB的值是 .

18.如图,在△ABC中,∠B=45°,∠C=30°,AC=2,点D在BC上,将△ACD沿直线AD翻折后,点C落在点E处,边AE交边BC于点F,如果DE∥AB,那么的值是 .







(2)求∠ADC的正切值. .


(1)参与社区文艺演出的学生人数是 人,参与敬老院服务的学生人数是 人;
















1.如果两个实数a、b满足a+b=0,那么a、b一定是( )

A.都等于0 B.一正一负 C.互为相反数







2.若x=2,y=﹣1,那么代数式x2+2xy+y2的值是( )

A.0 B.1 C.2 D.4. D.互为倒数






3.一次函数y=﹣2x+3的图象不经过的象限是( )

A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限








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