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第一部分 听力理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

1-5ACCBC 6-10BCBAC 11-15CACCC 16-20CBABB 第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

21-23 DCB 24-27 CAAD 28-31BBAD 32-35 BADB 36-40 EDCBF

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分, 满分30分)



61. journalism 62. started 63. creative 64. gathering 65. what

66. questions 67.up 68. harder 69. where 70. to interview 第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题l分, 满分10分)

第一句:difficulty 改为 difficulties

第二句:think 改为 thought something 改为 everything

第三句:the 改为 a

第四句:for 去掉

第五句:talk 改为 talking me 改为myself

第六句:showed 后加it

第七句:reads 改为read

第九句:word 改为 words

第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)

Dear Jamie,

It’s never easyto learn Chinese characters and essays. Even native Chinese speakers may find it hard to learn them well, so you don’t have to feel upset. Here are some useful tips. First, turn to the Internet for help when you have an unsolved problem, where you can learn how to read and write the characters. Second, you can learn from Chinese people around and I’m always here to help you. But the most important is to keep on learning and reading. Only by constant learning and reading can you promote your understanding to the traditional Chinese literature. You are sure to make progress!

Best wishes!


Li Hua



本文介绍了英国The stained Glass Museum in Ely Cathedral的相关情况。

21. D。细节理解题。根据文章中Workshops部分中的you can learn the techniques of glass-painting. All of our workshop tutors are professional artists可知,在这个地方有专业的艺术家教人们玻璃方面的艺术。

22. C。细节理解题。根据文章中Friends of the Museum中的Free admission to the Museum and Ely Cathedral可知,博物馆的合作单位的会员可以免费参观博物馆。

23. B。细节理解题。根据文章中Opening times部分可知,周五下午2点可以参观。



24. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的But what if the book could transform back into a tree? Now thanks to a Brazilian children's book publisher, that is possible和第二段的前两句可知,这本书的特殊之处在于:如果将这本书种植,它可以长成树。

25. A。段落大意题。文章第三段主要是对这本书的 材质和制作进行了简要的介绍。

26. A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的After a kid has finished reading the book, he/she waters the cover and places it in a sunny area inside the house. Once the seeds come out, the book can be planted in the dirt in any location the owner decides可知,孩子读完书后可以将其种在土里。

27. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的This non-commercial project was just a one-time project to make everyone aware of the resources used可知,这个非商业性的项目旨在提醒人们珍惜资源。



28. B。推理判断题。根据第二段和第三段内容可知,很多人没有抓住机会,是因为他们没有持续付出努力。

29. B。推理判断题。根据第四段的首句It can be disheartening when you' re starting out和Just when you feel like you're making strides, you realize there's more to learn可知,学习的过程开始很难,而且是漫长的,有学不完的东西。

30. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的to challenge the negative mindsets I had about my life and my body image可知,饮食紊乱导致作者的生活态度有时很消极。

31. D。标题归纳题。本文作者由被糖纸包裹的糖果联想到生活中被持续的努力所包裹的机会,文章首尾呼应,因此选D项作标题最佳。



32. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的She and Bell decided to focus on the striped rabbits of Southeast Asia because there is so little known about them可知,关于这种兔子的很多事情还是一个谜。

33. A。句意理解题。根据第二段中的Woodfin said the rabbits have only rarely been photographed in groups可知,这种兔子很少被拍到成群行动,表明 它们喜欢独处。

34. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的The Amami rabbit, for example, is under threat from invasive predators可知,新来的物种威胁到了琉球兔。

35. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的Currently, the region is bursting with biodiversity, but deforestation could soon change that可知,东南亚的生物多样性将会被破坏。

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分, 满分30分)




41. A。第45空后watch有提示。每到周六早晨,我就早早起来看(watch)我最爱的摔跤明星。

42. B。从本空后的man’s soap opera可知,他们在嘲笑(laugh at)我。

43. D。由文章首句loved判断,由于受到了嘲笑,我就暂时把对摔跤的热爱(love)搁置了起来。

44. C。第45空后的parties是提示,我也想被邀请参加聚会(parties)。

45. A。由本空后still wake Up early on Saturdays to watch wrestling判断,尽管(Although)周五晚上忙于聚会,但我周六早晨还是早早起来看摔跤。

46. B。由下文的1 wasn't being myself可知。后来上了大学一年级我才意识到(realized)自己迷失了自我。

47. A。从下句的I decided to play football可知,那一年,我尝试了(tried)许多新事物和新活动。

48. D。第49空后的season是提示。

49. C。上句的taught有提示。这次经历教会(taught)我,一定要做一个真实的自己。

50. D。51. C。从上句quote及下句的What if we build a wrestling ring可知,我读到(read)这句哲理时,一个好朋友也跟我产生了同样的想法(idea)。

52. A。由本空前的build可知,我们弄了一些木头和设备,准备建(construction)--个摔跤场。

53. B。从下句的worked得出,我们在他家的后院里碰头(met)。

54. D。由本空后的Our hard work had paid off可知,到了星期日晚上,我们的任务完工了(completed)。

55. C。上文的wrestling ring是提示。

56. B。根据本空后improve our wrestling ability判断,我们练习了(practiced)好几个小时来提高我们的摔跤技能。

57. A。由上文的event得出,我们的摔跤表演(show)在晚上9点开始。

58. C。从下句的Success可知,让我们惊讶的是,几百个人来给我们捧场(support)。

59. B。由下文的a complete success判断,那是我一生中最重要的(important)一个夜晚,我们的摔跤表演大获成功。

60. D。从上句的well known可知,大伙都向我投来敬佩的(respected)目光。


(Text 1)

W: Did you turn off the lights and check the locks on all the doors?

M: Yes, I told the Johnsons that we’d be gone for two weeks. They promised to keep an eye on the house for us.

(Text 2)

M: Hurry up, Linda! I hear that there are not many tickets left for the football match.

W: I am ready now. Let’s go. It is the early bird that catches the worm.

(Text 3)

W: Oh, Jackie, are you reading The Sunday Times? What a big surprise! Since when do you read it?

M: Since I discovered its big help-wanted section.

(Text 4)

W: We all talk about how liberated we are, but in fact women are still not equally treated.

M: I don’t think so. You’ve got the vote, and you’ve got your careers—I think you’ve got everything important.

(Text 5)

M: Your yard is always so beautiful, Cathy. You must have a gardener.

W: Oh, no. It would cost at least $50 a month to hire someone to do the work, so I do most of it myself. I enjoy taking care of the flowers, but I have to force myself to do the weeding and cut the grass.

(Text 6)

M: ⑦It’s 1:30 pm now. I’ve missed my plane.

W: Well, actually, the flight has been delayed due to the bad weather.

M: Great. That’s good news for me.

W: May I check your luggage and see your ticket, please?

M: Here you are. Do I leave from Gate 15 or Gate 10? I can’t remember.

W: Gate 20. ⑥Oh, sorry, it has been changed to Gate 18, ⑦and your plane is taking off in 30 minutes.

(Text 7)

W: There is something wrong with my bike. ⑧I have to take a bus to school. You know, there are always so many people on the bus.

M: Have you taken it to the repair shop?

W: I went to some shops yesterday, and all the repairmen advised me to throw it away. But it was a birthday gift from my grandfather and I didn’t want to do that.

M: But how do you deal with it now? ⑨Do you plan to fix it by yourself?

W: ⑨Yes, I want to have a try. By the way, could you do me a favor?

M: ⑨Of course.

(Text 8)

W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

M: ⑩I’d like to check out. My name is Neil Green. I stayed in Room 124.

W: Just a moment, please, Mr. Green. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Here’s your bill. The total is 950 yuan.

M: 950 yuan! Is there a mistake?

W: Please check the bill carefully and see if there’s any mistake.

M: Of course, I’ll check it. The room is 150 yuan per day. I stayed for 3 days. (11)The car is rented by the day. The charge is 200 yuan per day. I used it for 2 days. I just drove to the shopping mall and the beach.

W: (11)(12)In any case, you’re expected to pay for extra hours and miles. I understand that you rented the car by the day, but last night you went to a concert, which means an extra charge of 100 yuan.

M: Your car charge is much higher than I imagined.

(Text 9)

W: Hi, Jim. I heard that you just moved to a new place.

M: Yes, I just moved in last week. You know, I’d been in an old apartment for three years. I was tired of it. (13)The new apartment is cheaper, though it’s a little far from my office.

W: I see. That’s OK though.

M: It has a balcony and air conditioner. It’s perfect… except for my new roommate.

W: What happened?

M: You know, my work is tiring and (14)I really want to go to bed early, (15)while he stays up very late every night, making loud noises. He often chats online until midnight, and sometimes he even does the laundry at midnight.

W: Why don’t you talk to him?

M: I tried, but it didn’t work. He doesn’t pay any attention to my words. I’ve complained to the landlord, but he hasn’t done anything about it.

W: If nothing else can be done, you’d better find another place.

M: Yeah…(16)But I love this apartment. I would rather find another solution.

(Text 10)

W: Toasts are given on a variety of occasions. When you are asked to give a toast, keep that person as the center of attention. (20)Here are some tips of making a great toast speech.

(17)First, outline the speech. Even if you think you are the best speechwriter, you know, there’s always a chance that you will forget something during your speech. A small note card with an outline can help you focus on the event and the person. Writing can also help you organize your speech.

(18)Second, introduce yourself to start the speech. Not everyone at the event knows who you are. In the brief introduction, mention how you know the person you are toasting.

Third, tell a short story about the person you are toasting.

Fourth, refer to the purpose of the event. Congratulate the person that you are giving the toast for, and end the toast.

(19)Lastly, keep your toast short. This is the key to making a toast speech. The focus of the event is on the person you are toasting and not on your toast itself.


英 语

考生注意:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题)两部分,共85个小题,总分150分,考试时间120分钟


第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22.5分)

请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6﹑7题。

6. Where does the conversation take place?


A. In the parking lot B. At the police station C. On the road

7. What does the man ask for from the woman?

A. The ticket B. The ID card C. The driver’s license


8.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Classmates B. Colleagues C. Father and daughter

9. What did the man do before they came to the restaurant?

A. He had a meeting B. He took a flight

C. He attended a party

10. What does the woman want?

A. Apple tea B. Fruit salad C. Two eggs



11. When did Mrs Smith become interested in gardening?

A. After she read a book B. After she visited a garden C. After she planted flowers

12. What do we know about Mrs Smith’s plants?

A. She grows most of them from seeds B. She gets most of them from her friends

C. She buys most of them from a supermarket

13. What will Mrs Smith grow next year?

A. Green roses B. Colorful roses C. Black roses


14. What does the woman think of science novels?

A. Relaxing B. Difficult C. Boring

15. Which book is the woman reading now?

A. Pride and prejudice B. Emma

C. Sense and sensibility

16. What do we know about Jane Austin?

A. She graduated from college B. Emma is written in the 1820s

C. She was a great British novelist


第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节单项选择(共15题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)【2016年春高二下期英语测试卷英语】

third time.

A. ∕; the B. .∕; a C. a; .∕ D. a ;a

22. —I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s.

— .

A. Oh, that’s very nice of you B. Congratulations!

C. it’s a pleasure D. Oh, I am glad to hear that

23. It’medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible.

A. natural B. regular C. ordinary D. usual

24. Peter says he will telephone me as soon as he arrives in New York, but I ________ him up to now.

A. don’t hear from B. didn’t hear from

C. haven’t heard from D. hadn’t heard from

25. ______ I admit he has rich experience, I don’t think it wise to offer him the important position.

A. While B. Before C. Unless D. Until

26. I can remember very few occasions A. which B. why C. what D. when

27. The fact has worried many scientists ______the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these


A. what B. which C. that D. though

28. At the foot of the mountain A. a village lie B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. lying a village

his success more to luck than to ability.

A. attaches B. adapts C. owes D. fastens

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A. B. C和D)中,选出课以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The little girl lived in a poor house on a hill. Every day, she would play in the small garden a wonderful house high on the hill and that house had golden windows.

it must be to live and grow up in the golden house.

After she pleaded(恳求that she keep close to the house and not too far. The day girl knew got to the of the golden house.

house itself…She was as she realized all the windows were plain and rather , reflecting nothing other than the sad neglect(疏忽) of the house that stood there, deserted.

was she that she didn’tvalley was a little house and its windows were as the sun shone on her little home.

She realized that she had been she found there was what made her home “the golden house”. Everything she right there in front of her nose!

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15个小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Explore the World Together

We invite the next generation of explorers to get out in the field and follow in the footsteps of National Geographic’s photographers, writers and scientists. Students completing 9th-12th grades are able to take part in the trips.

Our long history

National Geographic has been exploring the planet since 1888. We are able to create exciting travel experiences for students. Meet farmers in New Zealand, listen to ancient stories in Australia or do research with scientists in America. To make these trips possible, we have partnered with Putney Student Travel, an organization that has offered student trips for more than 60 years.

Travel groups

Traveling with other teenagers naturally creates a spirit of teamwork. Besides, seeing a place with your new friends brings a whole new world to your experience.

To lead our trips, we choose college students who love traveling. They are energetic, creative, responsible and knowledge. They would like to share their love for traveling with high school students.

Community service

On many trips, you have a chance to take part in community service projects that allow you know more about the place you are exploring and make a difference. You can teach students English, clean up a park or build a bird house.


In order to increase students’ understanding of other peoples and customs, National Geographic provides travel experiences for students. We expect students to keep high standards of personal behavior. Students are selected on the basis of their willingness to live and learn in a supportive community environment.


Once upon a time, a boy moved house. On entering his new bedroom, he saw that it was full of toys, storybooks, pens, pencils and all of them were perfectly tidy.

That day he played all he liked, and went to bed without having tidied up.

Surprisingly the next morning all the toys had been put back in their proper places. He was sure that no one had entered his bedroom. The same thing happened that day, and the next, but when the fourth day arrived and he went to get his first toy of the day, the toy jumped out of his hands and said,“I don’t want to play with you!”

The same happened with every toy he touched. Finally, an old teddy bear said to him,“Are you surprised why we don’t want to play with you? You always leave us so far away from our proper places, and we feel uncomfortable and unhappy. Do you have any idea how difficult it is for the books to climb back up onto their shelves, or for the pencils to jump into their box? You have no idea how uncomfortable and cold the floor is! We won’t play with you any more until you promise to leave us in our little houses before you go to bed. ”

The boy remembered how comfortable and content he felt in his bed and how bad he felt when he had once slept in a chair. He realized how badly he had treated his friends, the toys. He asked their forgiveness, and from that day he always put his toys nicely in their special places before he got into bed.

59. How did the boy feel on entering his bed room?

A. frightened B. curious C. excited D. disappointed





第I卷(选择题 三部分共62 分)




1. What is the man most probably?

A. A doctor.

A. $5.00.

B. A teacher. B. $ 4.90. C. A writer. C. $ 4.50. C. Waiting to buy tickets. C. At McDonald’s. C. Food. 2. How much will the woman pay? 3. What are the speakers doing? A. Watching a movie. A. In a shop. B. Enjoying a concert. B. In his office. B. A tent. 4. Where is the man most probably right now? 5. What item do the speakers still need? A. A sleeping bag.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。

6. What does the woman regret?

A. Not coming to the ticket office before lunch.

B. Not having lunch before coming to the ticket office.

C. Not buying her tickets over the phone.

7. When will the ticket office close?

A. In 45 minutes. B. In three hours. C. In two hours.

听第7段材料,回答第8 至 9题。

8. Which of the following does the woman want to order?

A. Wine and steak.

A. Find a seat. B. Water and steak. C. Fish and beer. C. Make a phone call. 9. What will the man do next? B. Order the food.

听第 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。

10. What food does the man dislike the most?

A. Fries. B. Noodles. C. Fish.

11. How does the woman feel about the man?

A. He dares not to try new things.

B. He has had too many new experiences.

C. He is hard to please with new food.

12. Why does the woman feel the man’s request is fair?

A. The man doesn’t force her to eat new food.

B. The man chooses the restaurant for her.

C. The man agrees with her suggestion.

听第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。

13. Where did the man put his wallet?

A. In his backpack.

A. Greedy. B. In his back pocket. B. Careless. C. In his front pocket. C. Skillful. 14. What does the woman think of the robber?

15. Who did the camera belong to?

A. The man himself.

B. The man’s older brother.

C. The man’s younger sister.

16. When does the conversation take place?

A. In the afternoon. B. At noon. C. In the morning.


17. Which of the following is what Chinese-All does every year?

A. Publishing about 100,000 e-books.

B. Working with 400 famous writers.

C. Producing good films or TV series.

18. How much does it cost users to have access to all the e-books on the website?

A. 28 yuan. B. 30 yuan. C. 32 yuan.

19. What do we know about Han Yingya?

A. She has been an e-book reader for several years.

B. She has had more than 1,000 e-books.

C. She just reads free e-books online.

20. What is the future of the e-book market, according to the speaker?

A. Promising. B. Difficult. C. Unpredictable.




21. Nowadays as a journalist, you have to be immediate in covering a news event and ______ in

your account of the news story. I dare say it’s really a tough job.

A. accessible B. accurate C. abundant D. adequate

22. ________________, I think, and the problems could be settled

A. If you double your efforts B. So long as you keep up your spirits

C. Making greater efforts D. A bit more efforts

23.____________ has been growing concern over the health effects ____________ the September 11 attacks in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan.

A. It; arising from B. There; causing C. There; arising from D. It; caused

24. Some cyclists make the ______ that traffic laws do not ______ them. It’s not true, _______.

A. assumption; apply to; though B. thought; apply to; however

C. assuming; apply for; though D. idea; apply for; however

25. ------Haven’t you handed in your report?

------Yes. I ______________ on it for over one month.

A. work B. am working C. worked D. will have worked

26. The generous donation from China to the quake-stricken communities in Nepal has ______ the

Chinese people’s unselfishness and internationalism.

A. taken on B. brought out C. taken out D. brought about

27. A report shows that nearly 18percent of American junior school students aged 13 to 15 smoke

cigarettes, most of them ______ easy access to cigarettes.

A. having B. have C. had D. to have

28. The boy might have drowned but for the fact that his father _________ beside him on the

desk at that time.

A. was standing B. stood C. had stood D. would have stood

29. According to the rules, all drivers ______________ this traffic accident are ____________ to the police station to make their statements.

A. sensitive to; taken B. relevant to; to be taken

C. accessible to; to take D. due to; be taken to

30. ------Shall we watch the news or the talk show?

------_________. Either will do with me.


A. It all depends B. It doesn’t matter. C. It’s all right. D. It’s up to you.



Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of who you want to become. You know who these people maybe(possibly your roommate, neighbor, co-worker, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger), but when you your eyes on them, you know at that very moment they will your life in some profound(深远的) way.

And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful and unfair at first, but you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and complete stupidity all occur to the limits of your soul. these small tests whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved,

straight, flat road to . The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become.

Even the experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant(伤心的) and important ones. If someone hurts you, you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back , not only because they love you, but because , they are teaching you to love and how to open your and eyes to things.

Make every day count. every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no Most importantly, if you LOVE someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in . And learn a lesson in life each day that you live.

That’s the story of life.

31. A. advantage B. purpose C. intention D. people

32. A. never B. sometimes C. should D. already

33. A. open B. lock C. attach D. put

34. A. affect B. rescue C. challenge D. create

35. A. in vain B. in reality C. in addition D. in reflection

36. A. on principle B. by itself C. by accident D. on purpose

37. A. exceed B. reach C. test D. set

38. A. Without B. With C. For D. Despite

39. A. everywhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. nowhere

40. A. meaningful B. pointless C. undeserved D. bored

41. A. pleasant B. different C. bad D. good

42. A. watches B. loves C. understands D. betrays

43. A. desperately B. eventually C. unconditionally D. temporarily

44. A. in a way B. on the way C. under way D. by the way

45. A. emotion B. mind C. heart D. mouth

46. A. Evaluate B. Appreciate C. Expect D. Consult

47. A. leave B. break C. let D. set

48. A. exact B. each C. proper D. every

49. A. regrets B. hatred C. beliefs D. ambition

50. A. time B. existence C. store D. future


请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A

This is an excerpt from Emma Watson’s speech at the United Nations headquarters.

Today we are launching a campaign(called "He For She"). I am reaching out to you because we need your help. We want to end gender inequality, and to do this, we need everyone involved. This is the first campaign of this kind in the UN. We want to try to involve as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change.

I started questioning gender-based assumption a long time ago. When I was 8, I was confused being called bossy because I wanted to direct a play that we put on for our parents, but the boys were not. When I was 14, I started to be sexualized by certain elements of the media. At 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of a lot of sports teams because they didn’t want to appear masculine. At 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings.

I decided that I was a feminist. This seemed uncomplicated to me. But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word. Women are choosing not to identify as feminists. Why has the word become such an uncomfortable one? I’m from Britain and I think it is right that I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decisions that will affect my life. I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men.

But sadly, I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights. No country in the world can yet say that they have achieved gender equality. These rights, I considered to be human rights, but I am one of the lucky ones.

My life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn’t love me less because I was born a daughter. My school did not limit me because I was a girl. My mentors didn’t assume that I would end up nowhere because I might give birth to a child one day. These influences were the gender equality ambassadors that made me who I am today. They may not know it but they are the inadvertent feminists who are changing the world today. We need more of those.

Men, I would like to take this opportunity to extend you a formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue, too. Because to date, I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to ask for help for fear it will make them less of a man, or less of men. I’ve seen men made fragile and insecure by distorted sense of what constitutes male success. Men don’t have the benefits of equality, either. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive, both men and women should be free to be strong. This is what "He For She" is about. It’s about freedom.

You might be thinking: who is this Harry Potter girl? What is she doing at the UN? I’ve been asking myself at the same thing. All I know is that I care about this problem and I want to make it better. And having seen what I’ve seen and given the chance, I feel my responsibility to say In my nervousness for this speech and in my moment of doubt, I told myself firmly: If not me, who? If not now, when? If you have similar doubts when opportunities are presented to you, I hope those words would be helpful. Because the reality is that if we do nothing, it will take 75 years, or for me it will be nearly 100 before women can be expected to be paid as same as men for the same work. 15.5 million girls will be married in the 16 years as children. At current rate, it will be until 2086 before all rural African girls can have secondary education. We are struggling for a uniting world, but the good news is we have a uniting movement. It is called “He For She”. I am inviting you to step forward, to be seen and to ask yourself: if not me, who? If not now, when?

Thank you.

51. The campaign “He For She” aims to ________.

A. give women more freedom than men

B. give men more freedom than women

C. involve as many men and boys as possible to live a free life.






第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.What does Elise think of the English film?

A. Interesting. B. Boring and difficult. C. Not bad.

2. What does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a shop. B. In a restaurant.C. In a tea house .

3. What is the man doing?

A. He is crossing the road. B. He is driving a car. C. He is looking for the woman.

4. Where did Susan spend her childhood?

A. In America. B. In England. C. In China.

5.What club can the man join?

A.A swimming club. B. A singing club. C. A running club. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分)



6.Why does the woman go to America?

A. To enjoy western food . B. To learn about their customs. C. To study computers.

7. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. To buy some books about America.

B. To study computers for 2 years in America.

C. To learn how to cook.


8.Why does the woman know Disneyland in Los Angeles so well?

A. Because she once worked there.

C. Because she read a lot about it.

9.When was the first Disneyland opened?

A. In1955. B. In 1965. C. In 1985.

10.What is Sleeping Beauty’s Castle?


B. Because she once studied in Los Angeles.

A.A film B.A building C. A picture.


11. How many times has the man been late for work this week?

A. Only once . B. Twice.

12. What did the man do after taking a shower?

A. He read a magazine. B. He looked for his glasses.

13. Where are the man glasses?

A. In the bathroom. B. In the living room.C. In the dining room.


14. What does the man do?

A. He is a teacher. B. He is a farmer.C. He is a doctor.

15. What can we learn about Fred’s farm?

A. It has many sheep.B. It is the biggest in Kent.

16. What is the thing the woman will never forget?

A.Drinking milk on the farm.

B.Milking a cow one morning.

C.Harvest the corn on the farm.


17. How long do the parties usually last in Britain or America?

A. One or two hours. B. Two or three hours.

A. Bring the hosts a small gift.

B. Say something nice about the hostess.

C. Ask how much the hosts paid for a great picture.

19. Which of the following is the right order in which the food and drinks are served?

A. Soup, meat or fish, dessert, coffee.

B. Coffee, dessert, meat or fish,soup.

C. Soup, meat or fish, coffee, dessert.

20. Which of the following is a proper way to express your thanks after the meal?

A. Buying your hosts a valuable gift .

B. Giving your hosts a call.

C. Writing a long letter to your hosts.





C. There times. C. He had his breakfast. C. It has the most cows in Kent C. Three or four hours. 18. Which of the following is impolite when you go to the dinner party?


This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Year’s Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne (《友谊地久天长》). It is the traditional music played during the New Year’s celebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem. It tells about the need to remember old friends.

The words “auld lang syne” mean “old long since”. No one knows who wrote the poem first. However, a version by Scottish poet Robert Bums was published (出版) in 1796. The words and music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later.

The song is played in the United States mainly on New Year’s Eve. The version (译文) you are hearing today is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet. As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne. I would like to wish all of our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.

21. Where is this passage from?

A. A newspaper. B. A magazine. C. A TV program. D. A radio program.

22. When is Auld Lang Syne mainly played in the USA according to the passage?

A. On New Year’s Eve. B. On Christmas Eve. C. On weekends. D. On holidays.

23. What’s Auld Lang Syne about?

A. It’s about the history of Scotland. B. It’s about an old Scottish poet.

C. It’s about the need to remember old friends. D. It’s about the wishes to the radio friends.


“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings. “Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.

When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “It’s cool.” You may think, “He’s so cool,” when you see your favourite footballer. We all maximize the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence, “It’s so cool.” Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.

But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏) of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性). Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can. And I think they are also very cool.

24. We know that the word “cool” has had ______.

A. only one meaning B. no meanings C. many different meanings D. the same meaning

25. If you are ______ something, you may say, “It’s cool.”

A. interested in B. angry about C. afraid of D. unhappy with

26. The writer takes an example to show he is ______ the way the word is used.


A. pleased with B. strange to C. worried about D. careful with

27. In the passage, the writer suggests(暗示) that the word “cool” ______.

A. can be used instead of many words B. usually means something interesting

C. can make your life colourful D. may not be as cool as it seems


Nick Petrels is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He’s been a doctor for ten years.

Dr. Petrels gives his patients good medical advice. But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrels has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice. He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.

Dr. Petrels produces and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform(表演) in Las Vegas. His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a compact disk of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrels says, “I always loved to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrels was young, his father didn’t want him to be a singer, so he went to medical school.

Some people tell Dr. Petrels he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrels says he helps people when he sings, too. “I like to make people smile. Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile. Medicine and entertainment(娱乐) both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good.”

28. Dr. Petrels works 60 hours a week, because he _______.

A. gives his patients medical advice

B. takes care of 159 patients a week

C. sings on television

D. has his own TV show

29. Dr. Petrels _______, so he is called a singing doctor.

A. has been a doctor for ten years

B. always loved to sing

C. is popular with his patients

D. also sings to his patients on TV

30. In his TV show, Dr. Petrel _______.

A. sings and gives medical advice

B. sings about different diseases

C. starts to explain diseases with a song

D. sings love songs he wrote

31. Dr. Petrels’ show is popular _______.

A. in Las Vegas.

B. at medical school 高二下英语期中检测卷4/8

C. with people who like his singing

D D. with patients in Montreal

It’s the basic nature of young children to touch the things in their environment that their parents find most unpleasant. Just try to keep your one-year olds from sticking the dog’s bone in their mouth!

Although health authorities suggest regular hand washing, it’s difficult not to worry about what your children are getting into and the effect it will have on their health. Infectious(传染的) diseases are a great cause for concern, but some would argue that our society has gone overboard when it comes to protecting our kids from bacteria(细菌).

An increasing body of research suggests that exposing little kids to bacteria may offer them greater protection from illnesses such as allergies(过敏) later on in life. It’s believed that when exposure to bacteria and viruses is limited early in life, children face a greater chance of having allergies and other autoimmune (自身免疫的)diseases during adulthood. In fact, kids with older brothers and sisters who grew up on a farm seem to show lower rates of allergies.

Just as a baby’s brain needs stimulation, input, and interaction to develop normally, the young immune(免疫的regulate itself, notes Thom McDade, PhD, associate professor and director of the Laboratory for Human Biology Research at Northwestern University.

Exactly which bacteria seem to do the trick hasn’t yet been confirmed. But new research offers clues. In a recent study, McDade’s team found that children who were exposed to more dirt and had more cases of diarrhea (腹泻) before age 2 had lower rates of inflammation (炎症) that has been linked to many adulthood diseases such as heart disease in adulthood.【2016年春高二下期英语测试卷英语】

We’re moving beyond this idea that the immune system is just involved in allergies and autoimmune diseases to think about its role in inflammation and other diseases, “McDade ”says. “Exposure to bacterium early in life may play an important role in preventing inflammation in adulthood.”

32. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Exposure to bacteria as a child can help protect him or her from some illnesses later in life.

B. Kids with older brothers and sisters have lower rates of allergies.

C. Exposure to bacterium will increase the chance of having allergies in adulthood.

D. Parents should protect their kids from exposure to bacteria.

33. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to __________ .

A. a baby’s brain B. the young immune system

D. a baby’s body C. exposure to everyday bacterium

34. If a kid is exposed to dirt before age 2, he may_________.

A. have fewer cases of diarrhea in adulthood

B. develop a worse immune system than others

C. be more likely to have allergies later in life




英 语 试 卷 2016.4.9

(考试时间: 120分钟 满分: 120分)


第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分15分)




1. What was the weather like yesterday?

A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.

2. What does the woman mean?

A. She is happy to help. B. She can‟t afford any tips. C. She is going to visit Henry soon.

3. What is the woman asking about?

A. How to get to the Great Wall. B. If the man knows a group tour.

C. What the man will do this weekend.

4. What did the woman think about her day?

A. Boring and tiring. B. Tiring but fun. C. Relaxing and interesting.

5. What are the two speakers probably doing?

A. Playing tennis. B. Climbing a mountain. C. Running along the beach.





6. Why does the man know David is injured?

A. Because he saw David fall down yesterday. B. Because David told him over the phone just now.

C. Because he met David in the park earlier today.

7. What can we know from the conversation?

A. The woman doesn‟t think skating is fun. B. They will go skating tonight before 7 o‟clock.

C. They will go skating tonight without David.


8. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Strangers. B. Friends. C. Neighbors.

9. How many children does the man have?

A. At most three. B. At least four. C. At least five.

10. What do we know about the man?

A. He lacks friends. B. He lives on his own. C. He loves travelling around.


11. Why did the man choose not to visit Beijing in the end?

A. Because he didn‟t like the hot weather there. B. Because he had no friend to accompany him there.

C. Because he was told about a more popular tourist site.

12. Which of the following places did the man miss visiting?

A. The Huang Guo Shu Waterfalls. B. The historical city Zunyi. C. The Maling Gorge.

13. What does the man probably think of his trip?

A. Terrible. B. Just so-so. C. Fascinating.


14. Why did Anne Lindbergh begin to write?

A. To reduce her sadness. B. To tell stories to her kids. C. To record her flying times.

15. What do we know about the book „Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead‟?

A. It was written in the 1960s. B. It told a story of a sad father and his son.

C. It was about the author‟s happy and sad life events.


16. Normally, a forest fire and the damage ________ causes can be very extensive, especially when you

consider the financial and physical losses.

A. which B. that C. this D. it

17. The rescue team ________ through the ruins for survivors since last night.

A. was combing B. have been combing C. did comb D. has combed

18. Celie‟s situation was _____________ sympathy for, because it seemed as if God, the only

person that she could ______________ for support, had turned his back on her.

A. worth showing; turn to B. worthwhile showing; correspond to

C. worthy being shown; turn to D. worthy to be shown; subscribe to

19. By no means ____________________________________ her.

A. will I regret to acknowledge loving B. I will regret to acknowledge loving

C. will I regret acknowledging to love D. will I regret acknowledging loving

20. But for their instant rescue, the accident ______________ more lives.

A. would have died B. would claim C. would have claimed D. must have died

21. The captain would rather _______ than ________ the official‟s command that he _______ ship.

A. died; obey ; abandoned B. die; obey; abandon

C. die; to obey; should abandon D. died; obey; should abandon

22. Environmentalists applauded the determination to fight heavy smog, _________ it will be a

tough task for local governments to carry out.

A. unless B. until C. while D. though

23. —How do you understand life?

—It is a constant match _________ the greatest opponent is yourself.

A. in that B. of which C. where D. when

24. — Why are you so late?

— I was half way here when it _____ to me that I had left my notebook home, so I had to go

back to fetch it.

A. seemed B. acquired C. occurred D. happened

25.With many major economic problems _______, there is no point ___ the growth rate of this year now.

A. remained to be addressed; judging B. remaining to be addressed; to judge

C. remained unaddressed; judging D. remaining unaddressed; judging


阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的A、 B、C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答題纸上将该项涂黑。

Many people face controversial (有争议的)subjects by directly stating their opinions, regardless of the reactions of the audience. But this is ineffective!

Why? Because, for an argument to work, there has to be If a message is too blunt(生硬的),then the audience has a to "tune out" ——-—- they are too angry to paying attention to what you say. As they stop listening, communication has .

Well, the best way to a controversial subject is to use a method called "proof-to-claim" —you state the controversial point of your message you have given all the information that supports the claim.

This you to communicate your reasons before your audience get angry. In fact, by holding off on the controversial claim, your message becomes more .

English teachers scream, "Your opinion has to come at the beginning your claim until the end, you can use a technique: Be in the beginning.

By "vague," you can tell your audience what you are arguing about, what you

are arguing for. For example, let's say that you are speaking to a group of gun owners about gun — if you say, "I think we should ban all handguns," you probably will not be able to get out. However, if you started by saying, "I think gun control" you have let your audience know what your is (so they won't be confused). Thus you will find you have more of a chance of any "emotional roadblocks".

that the thinking behind the advice is to communication! Structure your message, so that your listeners get the information they need to make a (an) decision.

26. A. communication B. expectation C. discussion D. confirmation

27. A. desire B. urge C. strategy D. tendency

28. A. stop B. pause C. continue D. quit

29. A. ended B. expressed C. fulfilled D. failed

30. A. present B. refuse C. support D. respond

31. A. before B. after C. when D. though

32. A. allows B. advises C. expects D. forces

33. A. solvable B. meaningful C. reasonable D. acceptable

34. A. admirable B. skilled C. stubborn D. sensitive

35. A. pushing B. leaving C. shifting D. locating

36. A. indirect B. argumentative C. persuasive D. gentle

37. A. as well as B, except for C. other than D. rather than

38. A. possession B. campaign C. control D. prevention

39. A. subject B. word C. proposal D. rule

40. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

41. A. idea B. topic C. opinion D. attitude

42. A. passing on B. getting on C. putting on D. taking on

43. A. Realize B. Forget C. Foresee D. Remember

44. A. accomplish B. encourage C. guide D. govern

45. A. informed B. primary C. beneficial D. instant


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


1. Ensure passport is valid

Passport are required for travel to the U.S. and must be valid for the entirety of the traveler‟s stay.

2. Complete the application for a tourist visa, Form DS-160.

This is an online form available through the U.S. Department of State.

3. Print the DS-160 confirmation page.

After successfully completing the application, the applicant will receive a confirmation with a 10-digit barcode. Take a printout of this page. This page is required to schedule a visa interview.

4. Upload a digital photograph.

The DS-160 application requires the applicant to upload a digital photograph that meets the following requirements:

The digital photograph must be a square

Minimum dimensions must be 60 pixels by 600 pixels

Image must be in color

Image must be in the JPEG format

File size of the image must be less than or equal to 240 kilobytes.

5. Pay the application fee for the B‐2 tourist visa.

The fee can be paid electronically as a bank transfer or in cash at designated (指定的) bank branches.

6. Make an appointment for the visa interview.

After paying the application fee, the applicant will have to schedule two appointments as part of the tourist visa process:

The first appointment is at the Offsite Facilitation Center (OFC) to provide biometrics information, which includes fingerprinting and photograph.

The second appointment is with the consulate or embassy for a personal visa interview.

7. Complete the visa fingerprinting at an OFC.

This appointment should be scheduled at least a day or two before the interview at the consulate. As part of this appointment, the applicant‟s digital photograph and fingerprints will be taken.

8. Attend the visa interview at the designated U.S. consulate or embassy on the day and time the appointment.

The applicant brings the following to the visa interview: Passport (and old passports if any) Passport-style photograph

The DS-160 confirmation page Visa application fee receipts Interview appointment letter Supporting documents

9. Receive a B-2 visa and travel to the U.S.

If the interview goes well, the consulate officer will approve the visa application and give the applicant a B-2 visa.

46. The passage mainly focuses on_______.

A.how to apply for a U.S. tourist visa B. strict process of passport application

C.making preparations for visa documents D.the U.S. tourist advertisement of applying for visa

47. What are applicants required to do when applying for B-2 visa?

A.Complete the visa fingerprinting after the interview.

B. Pay the application fee only through bank transfer electronically.

C. Print out Form DS-160 D. Attend a personal visa interview.


Expensive and new gloves allow chatterboxes (话匣子) to take the term “handsfree” to a new level—by talking into them as they make a call. The gloves are known as “Talk to the Hand” and cost £1,000 a pair. They fixed a speaker unit into the thumb and a microphone into the little finger that can be connected to any mobile handset using Bluetooth.

Artist Sean Miles designed the new gloves that double as a phone in part of his project that shows the possibilities of gadget (小玩意) recycling. He uses outdated gloves and combines them with parts from mobile handsets recycled through commissioned (承担) the project. Mobile phone users will be able to keep their hands warm while they chat without taking their phones out of their pockets or handbags.

Mr. Miles designed two pairs of the new gloves — one in pink and the other in brown and yellow. They will appear in an exhibition this July and visitors will be able to win the gloves. If demand is high, they will then be produced on a larger scale. O2 Recycle, which backed the project, estimates that there are already 70 million unused mobile handsets in the UK. The service pays up to £260 to those who recycle gadgets including phones, handheld consoles (操纵台), MP3 players and digital cameras.

Designer Sean Miles hopes his work will get people thinking about recycling. The 41-year-old said,

“I hope that my „Talk to the Hand‟ project will get people to think again about the waste created by not recycling gadgets. If a few more people recycle their gadgets rather than send them to trash, I think this project will have fulfilled its aim.”

Bill Eyres, head of O2 Recycle, urges people to recycle their phone responsibly. He said, “There‟s a pressing need for all of us to look at outdated handsets, and all the gadgets that we move on from or upgrade each year. Whether they are consoles or cameras, we should think of them as a resource that we need to recycle responsibly rather than throw them away.”

48. The underlined word “O2” in Paragraph 2 is probably the name of ______.

A. an artist B. a company C. a mobile D. an exhibition

49. Consumers can buy the “Talk to the Hand” gloves ______.

A. in the exhibition B. from Mr Miles

C. when they are mass-produced D. after they recycle the gadgets

50. The purpose of the project is to _______.

A. promote the technology of IT B. enable people to talk to their hands

C. raise people‟s awareness of recycling D. attract visitors‟ attention in the exhibition

51. What is the passage mainly about?

A. New mobiles which are fashionable. B. Outdated handsets which are upgraded.

C. Outdated gadgets which can be used for recycling.

D. New gloves which can be used for making phone calls.


Last year, CCTV journalists approached pedestrians (行人) with their cameras, held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question, “Are you happy?”

The question has caught many interviewees off guard. Even Mo Yan, who just won a Nobel



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