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( ) 1. What did Sandy help Pat look after?

( ) 2. Which woman is Nancy's aunt?

( ) 3. What does Stephen want to be when he grows up?

( ) 4. Which place was mentioned?

( ) 5. What's Jack's telephone number?




( )6. How much is the book?

A.50 yuan. B.15 yuan. C.43 yuan.


( )7. What is the woman doing?

A. Visiting a supermarket.

B.Doing some shopping.

C.Asking the way.


( )8. Where is the man going to fly?【2016广东中考考前押题卷英语(三)】

A. Beijing. B. Haikou. C. Shanghai.


( ) 9. Which country did Mr. Wang travel to last year?

A. France. B. England. C. Australia.


( )10. How will Dick go home?

A.By bus. B.On foot C.By bike


( )11. When did Helen come to this school?

A. Over 2 years ago. B. Over 3 years ago. C. More than 4 years ago.

( )12. How many English words has she learn?

A. About three thousand. B. About two thousand. C. About two hundred.

听第7段对话,回答第13~ 15小题。


( )13. What's the girl going to do on the weekend?

A. Go swimming. B. Go hiking. C. Go cycling.

( )14. Who is the girl going with?

A. Her parents. B. Her friends. C. Her classmates.

( )15. What is the weather going to be like on the weekend?

A. Wet and windy. B. Sunny and cold. C. Windy and cold.【2016广东中考考前押题卷英语(三)】


在每题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。本题听两遍。 ( ) 16. Jack's school work was .

A.poor B.good C.excellent

( )17. Jack usually hurried to school in the morning because he often at night.

A. studied lessons late

B. had a good sleep

C. watched cartoons or sports games for a long time ( )18. Jack's mother tried to make him .

A. work harder B. watch cartoons C. sleep in class ( )19. Jack got a hundred in .

A. reading B. spelling C. reading and spelling ( )20. From the story, we can know .

A. Jack got ten dollars at last


B. Jack's mother was not happy at his words

C. Jack was good at reading and spelling




( ) 26.He looked into drawer and found pen he lost yesterday.

A. the; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the;/

( ) 27.Lucy got up late this morning. She only had for breakfast,

A.two bread B.two slice of bread

C.two slices of bread D.two slices of breads

( ) 28.—What a pretty girl! How old is she?

— .Her family had a party for her birthday last week.

A. Ninth;ninth B. Nine; nine C. Ninth; nine D. Nine; ninth

( ) 29. She still has a little difficulty understanding the passage

there are few new words in it.

A. so B. because C. if D. though

( ) 30. —All the students went to the school trip Jim. Why?

—Because he was ill.

A. except B. besides C. without D. beside

( ) 31.I have two shirts. One is yellow,and is black.

A.other B. another C. others D. the other

( ) 32.—Dave eats junk food for breakfast.

—Me either.

A. always B. almost C. ever D. never

( ) 33.—The weather is too hot. Can we swim in the river?

—No, we . It's too dangerous.

A. needn't B. mustn't C. couldn't D. shouldn't

( ) 34.—Tony, I wonder if Celia hiking with us this weekend if it ?

—Sorry, I have no idea.

A.will go; is fine B.goes; is fine


C.will go; is going to be fine D.goes; will be fine ( ) 35.As long as you can your difficulties in study, you'll catch up with the others.

A. come over B.get over C.get off D.come out ( ) 36. fine weather it is! Let's go hiking.

A. What a B. How C. What D.How a

( ) 37. —Could I sweep the floor for you?

—Thank you all the same. I it myself.

A. cleaned B. have cleaned C. was cleaning D. had cleaned ( ) 38. It was reported that over eighty people in Shenzhen's landslide (山体滑坡) on December 20, 2015.

A. are killed B. were killed C. will kill D.have killed

( ) 39. —What a nice skirt!

—Yes. My mom it as my birthday gift last week.

A. buy B. will buy C. have bought D.bought

( ) 40.—Dad, how can I deal with the matter?

—Use your head. That will make it much .

A. easily B. more easily C. easy D.easier

( ) 41.The physics problem is a little hard for the girl. Can you show her Mike?

A.what to work out B.to work it out

C.how to work it out D.how to work out it ( ) 42.Everybody except Lucy and Lily in the classroom when the teacher came in.

A. are B. is C. were D. was

( ) 43. —Do you know ?

—In half an hour. I will pick him up at the airport.

A.when he will come B.when will he come

C.when did he come D.when he came

( ) 44.Disney Amusement Park is the most wonderful place . I've ever visited.

A. that. B. which C. where D. what

( ) 45.—I will look after my young brother at home, so I can't go swimming with you.

— .

A.It' s my pleasure B.You are welcome

C.That's a pity D.Sure, I am



Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One time I went to pick 46 up in the middle of the night. An old man in his 70s was standing at the door 47 . I went to the door to help him walk slowly toward the taxi. He kept thanking me for being so 48 .

When we got into the taxi, he gave me an address and asked,“ 49 you drive through downtown?”

“It's not the shortest way,” I answered.

“Oh, I don't mind,”he said.“I’m not 50 . I’m on my way to a hospice (收容所 ).”

I looked back and saw tears in his eyes. “I don't have anyone to 51 me,” he continued. “And the doctor says I don't have much time left”

I quietly reached over and shut off the meter. We drove 52 the city all night long. He showed me the building where he had worked and the neighborhood where he and his wife had 53 .Sometimes he'd ask me to slow down in front of a particular building or corner and would sit and look into the 54 , saying nothing.

At sunrise, we arrived at the hospice. He held onto me tightly.

“You gave an old man a small moment of joy,” he said. “Thank you. ” I gave him a hug, said 55 and walked back outside.

46. A. someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one

47. A. eating B.laughing C.waiting D.sleeping

48. A. honest B.kind C.hard-working D.humorous

49. A. Must B.May C.Could D.Should

50. A.in a moment B.on my way C.in the way D.in a hurry

51. A.look up B.look after C.look for D.take after

52. A. through B.across C.past D.over

53. A. married B.shopped C.worked D.lived

54. A. darkness B.kindness C.fairness D.deepness

55. A. hello B.sorry C.goodbye D.thank you


阅读下面短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。





备战中考 新目标英语 2016年广东省中考英语考前押题卷及答案



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