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河北省邯郸市丛台区永安学校2016届中考英语总复习 阅读类专项训练




Where does your wisdom(智慧) come from? You may say "from reading" or "from going to school". However, Taiwan pop singer Show Luo has a different 1 .

Luo said he got lots of useful advice from his mom, a street performing artist. He has 2 the 24 lessons that his mom taught him in his biography(传记), Luo's Lessons, with others. The book will go on sale next month. "My mom's wisdom cannot be 3 in textbooks or classrooms," said Luo. "It's a kind of 'street smarts' and can help you survive(捱过艰难时光) in the real world."

For instance, his mom told him how to be 4 about his poor family background(背景). As a child, Luo was too 5 to invite his friends over to have a birthday party at home. He was afraid that they would laugh at the 6 house and simple food.

But Luo's mom told him that the best way to keep dignity(尊严) is to "let others see what kind of 'rice' you eat". Luo did as his mom said—he found that his friends had a great time. No one 7 about the house. Instead, they were 8 about his parents' sweet deserts(甜点) and wanted to come back. " 9 I had problems, whether they were about work, love or friendships," said Luo, "I asked for 10 from my mom. Her words are simple but always get to the point." 1. A. mistake 2. A. studied 3. A. lost 4. A. outgoing 5. A. shy 6. A. big 7. A. heard 8. A. crazy 9. A. Wherever 10. A. information

B. answer B. told B. found B. serious B. sad B. crowded B. talked B. worried B. Whenever B. news

C. size C. enjoyed C. looked C. lazy C. happy C. beautiful C. thought C. angry C. Whoever C. advice

D. price D. missed D. written D. honest D. excited D. bright D. complained D. nervous D. Before D. messages

Dear teacher,

I was a student of yours in Grade Six, and I hope you still remember me. I'm 11 this letter because I want to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me.

I know I 12 be very quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big 13 in my life. You see, all through my first year in schools, I hated to read. Books were just words that had 14 to do with me, and I felt bored while reading them. I'll never 15 the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. It 16 that your voice changed with the people in the story, and you drew pictures in my mind as you read 17 . Since that day, I always waited for the time that you read to the class. You 18 us all kinds of wonderful stories.

During the summer after my year in your class, I 19 the stories you read. So one day I picked up a book and read it all by myself. I found out that I could make the words 20 , too. Now, I love to read! Thank you for opening the world of books for me.

Yours, Linda

11. A. watching 12. A. used 13. A. difference 14. A. nothing 15. A. remember 16. A. liked 17. A. loudly 18. A. told 19. A. finished 20. A. boring

B. reading B. used to B. mistake B. everything B. know B. looked B. quiet B. read B. practiced B. patient

C. writing C. was used C. decision C. something C. forget C. looked like C. aloud C. borrowed C. missed C. interesting

D. getting D. was used to D. progress D. anything D. understand D. seemed D. quietly D. taught D. kept D. necessary


Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the color of most growing plants.

Sometimes, the word "green" means young, fresh and growing. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience. In the 15th century, a greenhorn was a young cow or an ox whose horns(角) had not yet developed. A century later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had no experience in war. By the 18th century, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today—a person who is new in a job.

Someone who is good at growing plants is said to have a green thumb(大拇指). The expression comes from the early 20th century. A person with a green thumb can make plants grow quickly and well. The Green Revolution (绿色革命) is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. It was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs. Green is also the color used to describe the powerful feeling—jealousy(嫉妒). The green eyed monster is not a dangerous animal from outer space. It is an expression used about 400 years ago by the British writer William Shakespeare in his play Othello. It describes the unpleasant feeling when someone has something he wants.

In most places in the world, a green light is a signal(信号) to move ahead. In everyday speech, a green light means approval(赞成) to continue with a project. 21. A new solider was called a greenhorn in the century.

A. 15th

B. 16th

C. 18th

D. 20th

22. A person with a green thumb .

A. is good at growing plants C. has no experience in war

B. really has a green thumb D. is new in a job

23. A man may meet the green eyed monster if .

A. he sees a dangerous animal B. he can't get something C. he reads a sad play

D. his friend gets a prize that he wants

24. This passage doesn't mention the history of the expression " ".

A. a green thumb

C. the green eyed monster

B. a greenhorn D. a green light

25. Which would be the best title of the passage?

A. Green, the Color of Grass and Trees

B. The Stories About the Color "Green" C. Green, a Sign of Approval D. Different Meanings of "Green"



Super soccer stars


Do you love soccer? Who are the best soccer players in the world right now? Let's meet the best strikers(前锋).

Cristiano Ronaldo (克里斯蒂亚诺•罗纳尔多) is 28. He is from Portugal(葡萄牙). He plays for Real Madrid (皇家马德里队) in Spain. He is strong and has great speed. He scores many goals(进球) each season(赛季).

This is Lionel Messi (利昂内尔•梅西). He is 26 years old. He was born in Argentina(阿根廷). Messi is a talented player. He started to play soccer when he was a kid. His father was his coach(教练). Now he plays for Barcelona(巴塞罗那队) in Spain. He has many soccer skills. He is also a good team leader.

Robin van Persie (罗宾•范佩西) is 30. He is a Dutchman(荷兰人). He plays for Manchester United in England (英国曼联队). The tall player is a top scorer(得分手). He is good at ball control (控球). 26. Which striker is the oldest?

A. Cristiano Ronaldo

B. Lionel Messi

C. Robin van Persie

27. Who is from Argentina?

A. Cristiano Ronaldo

B. Lionel Messi

C. Robin van Persie

28. Which team does Cristiano Ronaldo play for?

A. Real Madrid B. Barcelona

C. Manchester United in England

29. Whose teams are in Spain?

A. Cristiano Ronaldo's and Lionel Messi's B. Lionel Messi's and Robin van Persie's C. Cristiano Ronaldo's and Robin van Persie's

30. Whose father was his coach?

A. Cristiano Ronaldo

B. Lionel Messi

C. Robin van Persie


We often praise the world of science.


It explains the world and makes our lives easier with technology. One of the most exciting fields in science is artificial intelligence (人工智能,AI). This is an area where scientists are working on creating machines that think like humans.

However, one of the most famous scientists has a very dark warning for us about this type of technology.

"The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race," said Professor Stephen Hawking to the BBC.

Hawking is a well-known British physicist and author of bestselling science book A Brief History of Time. This warning came after commenting(评论) the technology he uses to speak with. As Hawking has got a serious disease called ALS, he needs an AI computer to communicate. The computer learns how Hawking thinks and suggests the words he may want to use next.

This is a basic type of AI, which is very useful, yet Hawking fears the possibility of creating technology that can match or surpass human intelligence. And it's easy to imagine how terrible things may be. Many TV shows and films show big, killer machines that are far cleverer than us. "Humans, who are limited(限制) by slow biological evolution(进化), couldn't compete," said Hawking.

But not every scientist is pessimistic(悲观的) about AI technology. "I believe we will be in control of the technology for a long time," said Rollo Carpenter, creator of Cleverbot in the UK, which is a software program that remembers past conversations, "The advantages of it to solve many of the world problems will be realized."

In what direction do you think AI is heading? Should we be hopeful or fearful?

31. Which of the following is TRUE about AI?

A. It makes our lives easier.

B. The technology is not very popular now. C. Scientists haven't controlled the technology.

32. The writer took Hawking as an example to .

A. explain how AI has helped us

B. show AI has already become part of our life C. suggest that AI might become dangerous for humans

河北省邯郸市丛台区永安学校2016届中考英语总复习 语法类专项训练


一、单项选择(共30小题;共30分) 1.

The robot can help me sweep the floor. smart invention it

B. What a

C. What an

D. How

is! A. What


I asked two people the way to the station, but of them

B. neither

C. either

D. all

could help me. A. both


They stayed up until midnight the old year out and the

B. saw

C. seeing

D. for seeing

new year in. A. to see


--- Lily and I will go to the old people's home this weekend.

B. So I will

C. So do I

D. So I do

--- . Can I join you?

A. So will I


--- Could you please tell me how to pronounce the word knowledge?

B. /'nəʊlɪdʒ/

C. /nɒlɪdʒ/

--- Yes, It's .

A. /'nɒlɪdʒ/


Do you want to a doctor when you're older?

B. are




C. be the


D. am




A. is



as . A. /es/

B. /z/

C. /s/

D. /ɪz/

8. --- Li Lei, hurry up! The bus is coming!

--- Oh, no. We cross the street until the traffic lights turn green.

A. mustn't

B. may not

C. needn't

D. have to


--- Where's my schoolbag?

B. on; under

C. under; on

D. under; under

--- It's the table, the floor.

A. on; on


After the rebuilding our school is becoming .

B. more beautiful and beautiful D. the more beautiful

A. more and more beautiful C. beautiful and beautiful


Let's visit the National Museum this weekend, ?

B. won't we

C. don't we

D. shall we

A. will you

B. wasn't invited D. didn't invite

--- No, I to her party.

A. haven't invited C. am not invited


My father bought a new bike for me yesterday. It's a structure




of . A. S+V+P


They wonder robots will make humans lose their jobs or

B. if

C. whether

not. A. that


You can choose to watch TV at home go shopping with me.

B. but

C. so

D. or

A. and


The computer is broken. it today?

B. Has; repaired D. Has; been repaired

A. Will; repair C. Will; be repaired


Don't throw away pens and erasers you haven't used up.

B. which

C. who

D. what

A. where


--- What bad weather!

B. badly

C. worse

D. worst

--- Yes, the radio says it will be even tomorrow.

A. bad


It's a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the

B. served D. will be served

meal . A. serves C. is served


Maria is always polite to everyone and she is a sweet

B. too; to

C. so; that

D. such; that

girl all of us really like her. A. so; as


--- You haven't been to the West Lake, have you?

B. No, I didn't

C. Yes, I have

D. Yes, I did

--- . But I will go there with my parents this summer vacation.

A. No, I haven't


The number of chairs in the room ten. I'm afraid a number

B. is; are

C. are; is

D. are; are

of chairs in the room lost. A. is; is

B. were

C. is

D. are

necessary for us to go to the supermarket now. A. was


--- What a heavy rain! Will it last long?

B. I′m afraid so D. I′m afraid not

--- . We′re getting into the rainy season now.

A. Of course not C. That′s impossible


--- Peter, I will visit our teacher this Sunday.

B. I will so

C. So will I

--- . Let's go together.

A. Nor do I


So far the exchange program has brought many foreigners to

B. to study【2016年永安中考】

C. studying

D. studied

China Chinese. A. study


Our life a lot in the last few years.

B. has changed

C. have changed

D. is changed

A. changed


--- Jack, I haven't seen your uncle for a long time.

B. has gone to of

the B. so; that

C. has been in teachers

C. too; to


D. has been to our


--- He Shanghai on business for two months.

A. went to



are busy take care of their own children. A. so; to

D. enough; to

30. --- I didn't see you when I went to your office yesterday afternoon. Where

were you?

--- I a meeting in the meeting room.

A. have

B. will have

C. am having

D. was having

二、单句改错(共20小题;共20分) 31. --- Mom, may I have a pear?

--- Of course. But you can wash your hands first. 32. I find interesting to play with children.

33. Here are three apples. You can take either of them. 34. It was stupid for him to make such a mistake. 35. Father doesn't like milk and so do I. 36. There is wrong something with my bike. 37. I wrote an 800-word's composition yesterday.

38. I would rather to have the small one than the large one.

39. Bady, it's very lazy for you to sleep late every morning. 40. I promised that I should do my best. last night.

42. The weather of Xi'an is colder than Haikou. 43. How long will she be back, in three days or weeks? 44. He will do some shopping if he will finish his work. 45. None of the two boys is good at English.

46. I will believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

48. The writer and educator are my favourite person.

49. If Tom will study hard this term, he will catch up with his classmates.

50. Tow thousands fans came to see Twins' concert. 三、短文改错(分行)(共20小题;共20分)


41. Either my parents or I were interested in the film we watched

47. The birthday cake tasted so well that it was eaten up quickly.


I'll tell you the story of Jimmy, the Bike Boy. Last week everyone was tried to cheer him up. And this week, Jimmy is happy again. On Monday, he told a radio interview that he had run out of money to buy old bikes. He also puts up

some signs ask for old bikes and called up all his friends and told him about the problem. He even handed out the

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teacher

at school about his problem and they set up a call-in center for

parents. The strategies what he came up with worked out fine. 58. He now has sixteenth bikes to fix up

and give away to children who doesn't have enough money to buy bikes. He gets lots of practice and he also has fun.

59. 60.



Tourism is a boom industry. People want to enjoy the beautiful

scenery which many tourist destinations offer, they want to experience

ethnic flavor.



Students these days often have a lot of worry. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. How can they deal these problems?

Laura Mills, the teenager from London, says, "I think talking to someone help a lot. If we talk to someone, we'll certainly feel better than we don't."


different lifestyles, too. Ethnic resorts are becoming increasing popular.


However, developing tourism in ethnic regions cause a great many


problems, the most significant one being the destruction of ethnic culture.


Many ethnic groups lived in remote regions, far from the outside world.


As tourism developing, this changes. Ethnic groups are being exposed to


many visitors. In some resort, such as Dali and Lijiang, the number of the

67. 68.

there are a plenty of commercial activities in these regions. This often has a


bad effect of the local area. As a result, some cultures have lost their


tourists is even larger than those of the ethnic inhabitants. To attract tourists,



一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分) 1. I'm not good at listening. I need a lot of p . 2. When you smoke, you should think about its e on you and your health. 3. He doesn't know the way there. He needs a g to show the way. 4. His m is very good, he never makes spelling mistakes. 5. Although they are twins, there are many d between them. 6. My car doesn't work. I need to ask someone to r it.

7. I want to learn how to drive during the holiday. Do you have the same i ? 8. He asked his mother what happened, but she didn't r . 9. There is a clock a the blackboard in our classroom. 10. If I want you to tell me the t , don't lie to me.

二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分) 11. He made a (决定) that he should go abroad. 12. Do you know how (古代的) people built the Great Wall? 13. Hey! Relax! No one will (强迫) you to do that if you're not willing to. 14. Toby missed the time and didn't (参加) the meeting. 15. When swimming, you should put s (安全) first. 16. Look at the photo (仔细地), and you will find our teacher. 17. My English teacher is a good teacher with a lot of (经验). 18. In the sky, we saw lots of strange (物体). 19. Waikiki is one of the best (海滩) for surfing in Honolulu. 20. As (成年人), we should take care of the young children.

三、根据句意完成句子(共10小题;共10分) 21. Tom is a clever boy. He began to play the piano at the of three. 22. The boy is sad, but the girl is (高兴). 23. I have just moved to a new house. Please write down my new —18 Park Road. 24. If you often tell lies, people will think you're . 25. Many people love doing sports these days they want to be healthy.


26. --- What will if they watch a video at the party?

--- Some students will be bored. 27. Gina comes Australia. Her favorite animal is koalas. 28. Everyone may make a mistake. Don't laugh others. 29. The coat is too big for me. Do you have a one? 30. Lily is easy to get with, so she's popular in her class.

四、适当形式填空(短文适当形式)(共10小题;共10分) Our English teacher is Miss. Lu, She (be) a twenty-year-old girl. She (come) from Australia. She is really beautiful and kind. She but sometimes is a little wild. She is taller than my sister. She likes (play) sports and exercises every day. She (not eat) junk food, so she is pretty healthy. But last week she was badly ill because of the hard work, so she (go) to see a doctor, the doctor said, “You (relax) yourself. (not work) so hard.” At last, Miss. Lu decided (leave) for Hainan for sightseeing.

Look! She (get) on the bus. We all hope she (be) all right when she comes back.

五、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)(共10小题;共10分) 41. Most of them (not see) each other since 1949. 42. She went into my room without (knock) at the door. 43. The magazines (must return) to the library in two weeks. 44. The reporter said that the UFO (travel) from east to west when he saw it. 45. Everyone has seen the film twice except (I). This is my first time to see it. 46. He's always ready (help) others. 47. Mary and her mother (sing) an English song at the coming party? 48. We all (laugh) to tears at his funny story. 49. Tom (do) come early yesterday. 50. The teacher said that the moon (go) round the earth.

六、首字母填空(短文首字母)(共10小题;共10分) One day Mike was playing near a river. S his knife fell into the river. He felt very sad because the knife was g to him by his father as a birthday present, but it was lost. Then all at once, a 2

k old woman came up and asked Mike what was the m .

"I had lost my knife," he said, " it fell into the water when I was playing here." The old woman s him a gold (金) knife and asked, "is this y ?" "No." said the boy.

The old woman then showed him a silver (银) knife and asked a , "Is this yours?" "No", again answered the boy.

Then she showed him an iron (铁) knife. "Yes, that's mine,"c out the happy boy. "I know it well e ." said the old woman.. "Now I will give you the gold knife and the silver knife b you are an honest (诚实的) boy."

七、首字母填空(对话首字母)(共10小题;共10分) A: Jack, this Friday is your Dad's fifty-fifth birthday, do you r ? B: Of c I do. How shall we celebrate it? A: First, we'll have a birthday present. What about b a nice tie. B: That's a good idea. He likes ties of d colors. And a big birthday cake, too, with 55 candles. A: Shall we have a special d ? B: Sure. How a Chinese food? A: Fine. W shall we have it?

c a few dishes. I'm sure Dad will like them. A: That's good.Would you like me to do shopping w you?

B: Why not? When?

A: How about tomorrow afternoon? B: OK. That's f .


B: I think we can have it at home. I've got a Chinese cookbook and learned to Wanda Rodriguez always had no chance to meet her father, because her father 71. the family

when she was very young. And even though he didn't move 72. , he never came to visit his children.


After Wanda Rodriguez finished her school, she 73. as a nurse at the Bronx hospital. Victor Peraza arrived at the hospital 10 days ago. The new patient had the 74. name as Wanda's father. After she heard his name, Wanda came into his room 75. him to the hospital, and couldn't help 76. him if he had any children Peraza told her he had Gina and Wanda, and they both grew up. Then she told him, "I'm Wanda I'm 77. daughter." The father hugged his daughter tightly, with the tears in his eyes.

Peraza 78. Wanda to forgive(原谅) him and said he wasn't a good father. Wanda held his hand and kissed him She didn't know how long he would leave because of the cancer. She wanted 79. good care of him. Peraza thought he would die alone, but now he has his children and grandchildren 80. him. "It's a miracle." Peraza said and smiled.


81. I was hungry but anything to eat. 82. any letters for me yesterday? 83. a football match on TV last night. Did you see it? 84. --- We stayed at a very nice hotel.

--- a swimming pool?

85. The wallet was empty. any money in it.

86. --- many people at the meeting?

--- No, very few.

87. We didn't visit the museum. enough time.

88. I'm sorry I'm late. a lot of traffic on the road just now.

89. Twenty years ago many tourists here. Now there are a lot.

90. I think everything will be OK. I don't think any problems.


Only Mother's Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life. 91. you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her

92. . When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about 93. . When you are

94. up day by day, she feels very happy. Mother still looks after 4

you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on

95. clothes. She always stands in the wind waiting 96. you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels 97. about you at home. She usually knows about your study and 98. much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile will be 99. on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she 100. to her children, not to receive. What true love that is in the world! We will remember Mother's Love forever.



1. practice 2. effect

6. repair 7. idea 3. guide 4. memory 5. differences 9. above 10. truth 8. reply


11. decision 12. ancient 13. force

16. carefully 17. experience


21. age

26. happen 22. happy 23. address 24. dishonest 25. because 29. small/smaller 30. along/on 14. attend 15. safety 18. objects 19. beaches 20. adults 27. from 28. at


31. is 32. comes 33. playing 34. doesn't eat

37. Don't work 35. went 36. must/should/have to relax

39. is getting 40. will be 38. to leave


41. haven't seen

44. was traveling 42. knocking 43. must be returned 45. me

46. to help 49. did 47. Are; going to sing

50. goes


51. Suddenly 52. given

56. yours 57. again 48. laughed 53. kind 58. cried 54. matter 55. showed 59. enough 60. because





从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.—Is this your mother’s bag? —No. _____ bag is red.

A. My A. at A. so

B. His B. on B. or

C. Her C. in

D. Your D. to D. for D. How far D. needn’t D. everybody D. looks D. best D. knowledge D. gave off D. has taught D. discussed D. were used

2. Mr. Brown usually begins work _____ 9:00 in the morning. 3. There are only 30 minutes left, _____ we’d better get a taxi.

C. but

4.—_____ do you exercise? —Five times a week.

A. How long A. can’t

B. How often B. shouldn’t B. anybody B. feels B. good

C. How many C. mustn’t C. nobody C. sounds C. better

5.—Must I finish the work today? —No, you _____.

6. There isn’t _____ in the classroom. They’re in the physics lab now.

A. somebody A. smells A. well

7. Coffee is ready. How nice it _____! Would you like some? 8. Tom can speak Chinese as _____ as his English.

9. You should have _____ in yourself. I believe if you try your best, you’ll make it.

A. success A. gave out A. is teaching A. discuss A. use

B. progress B. gave in B. taught

C. confidence C. gave up C. will teach C. to discuss C. are used B. when she left D. when did she leave

C. Sorry, she isn’t in D. Speaking

10. It was a difficult time, but we never _____ hope. 11. Miss Lee _____ at this school since 2005.

12. A lot of students enjoy _____ with each other to solve the problems in class.

B. discussing B. used

13. Nowadays, mobile phones _____ in many ways in our daily life. 14.—Do you know _____ for England? —Last Sunday morning.

A. when she leaves C. when does she leave A. Wait a minute

15.—Hello! Could I speak to Mrs. Green? —_____. Please call back later.

B. Hold on please



阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选 择最佳选项。

My son Joey was born with club feet (畸形足). The doctors told us he would be able to walk but would never run very well. The first three years of his life were spent in surgery and braces (支架). By the time he was 8, you wouldn’t know he had a when you saw him walk.

The children in our neighborhood ran around, as most children do, and Joey would play too. We never told him that he probably wouldn’t be to run as well as the other children. So he didn’t know. In seventh grade, he decided to for the cross-country team. Every day he trained with the team. the whole team runs, only the top seven runners have the potential (潜力) to points for the school. We didn’t tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn’t know.

He to run 4 miles (6.4km) a day, every day – even when he had a high fever. We told him he couldn’t run 4 miles with a 39.5 C fever. So he didn’t know.

When the coach the names of the team members, Joey was number six on the list. Joey had the team. He was in seventh grade—the other six team members were all eighth-graders. We never told him he couldn’t do it ... so he didn’t know.

He just did it. 16. A. quickly B. cheerfully C. normally D. comfortably 17. A. difficulty B. problem C. mistake D. surgery 18. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid 19. A. bring out B. give out C. pick out D. try out 20. A. Although B. Because C. If D. Until 21. A. support B. hold C. score D. take 22. A. continued B. stopped C. preferred D. failed 23. A. ever B. never C. once D. always 24. A. saw B. posted C. signed D. asked 25. A. got B. kept C. changed



Passage 1

When I planned to study in the US several months ago, I was excited but also so nervous to live in a brand new place. I couldn’t help thinking how bad the situation could be when I arrived. What if I couldn’t adapt (适应) to the new environment? What if I couldn’t understand what other people were talking about? The more I thought about it, the worse my mood got.

When I was on the airplane, I kept telling myself that I had to be strong when facing any problems. However, when I got off the plane, all my worries quickly went away. The sky there was so blue. Trees and flowers were everywhere. I also met many friendly people who were willing to help me. My heart became calm and peaceful. I became eager to experience more in my new country.

The first big difference I felt was in the classroom. In China, because of the traditional culture, students respect teachers so much that teachers are very superior (地位高的) to students.

But in my school in the US, teachers, even the headmaster, are like students’ friends. Students can joke with their teachers, do what they want in class and ask any questions. For example, they can ask to go to the bathroom during class. This may be unacceptable for many Chinese teachers. I like the easy atmosphere (气氛) at school. I feel students have a kind of respect in the class and more freedom.

There must be more things for me to explore in the US. I can’t wait to experience them all! 26. Before going to the US, the writer felt _____.

A. prepared B. scared C. nervous D. disappointed 27. When the writer got off the plane, he found _____. A. it was hard to adapt to the new environment

B. he didn’t understand what people were talking about C. he would experience some problems

D. many friendly people were willing to help him 28. What is the class like in the US?

A. Students must listen to teachers

B. Students can’t play jokes on teachers.

C. Students are more free to do things during class. D. Students can’t go to the bathroom during class. 29. What does the story talk about?

A. The writer’s first experience of US schools. B. The advantages of US schools. C. How to study well in US schools.

D. Why the writer chooses to study in the US.

Passage 2

He is one of the founders of architectural (建筑学的) education in China. He is a leading Chinese architect and city landscape planner. He is the famous architect, Wu Liangyong. He won the Top Scientific and Technological Award in China.

Wu has spent his whole life searching for the ideal architectural style for China. Wu did his master’s degree in the US but has his own architectural ideas. He has led many important projects, including the design of the new Beijing Library, the planning and designing of Chang’an Avenue and the expansion (扩大) of Tian’anmen Square. He has also joined in the planning work for many cities, including Beijing, Xiamen and Guilin.

All of Wu’s designs follow the idea of the “preservation (保存) of Chinese traditions and the harmony of cities, humans and nature”. He cares about how people feel living inside one of his buildings. “Common people’s living problems are the most important part of architecture,” Wu once told his students.

In 1987, he took on the rebuilding of Beijing’s Ju’er Hutong. Many architects found it difficult to make new styles fit naturally inside old Beijing.

However, Wu believed Beijing’s old city was special in the history of world cities. Wu put his heart into the project. He decided not to pull down all the old houses. He used the old style as much as he could to keep a sense of Beijing’s heritage (遗产).

Wu’s final product reflected traditional Chinese poems and paintings – people living closely together in a yard, just like old times. His design has won several international awards including the UN World Habitat Award (世界人居奖).

30. Wu Liangyong is known as a(n) _____.

A. inventor B. painter C. architect D. historian 31. What’s the ideal style of Wu’s projects?

A. Old and natural. B. Traditional and harmonious. C. Modern and original. D. Scientific and international. 32. According to the story, we learn that _____.

A. Wu designed Chang’an Avenue and Tian’anmen Square B. Wu focuses more on the designs of buildings than people

C. Wu’s rebuilding design of Ju’er Hutong fitted into old Beijing style D. Wu thought old Beijing city was special in the history of world cities 33. Which of the following would be the best title? A. A great architect B. Chinese architecture

C. New styles in old buildings D. Rebuilding of Beijing

Passage 3

Have you ever met a person who is an author, farmer and explorer? How about a doctor who believes that we should all learn to be good at giving up? These were some of the people I met and the ideas I heard when I attended the TEDxABQ meeting.

TEDx events are held all over the world, from cities like Amsterdam and Sydney to even small towns like my hometown of Albuquerque. Speakers are invited from everywhere in the world to share encouraging ideas about science, education or simply the art of living.【2016年永安中考】

At that meeting, workers encouraged us to use our smartphones to tweet live (发微博直播) from the event and share pictures with others. Then, every tweet was put onto a huge screen in the hall so even the audience could take part in the discussion.

The atmosphere was comfortable. Everyone walked around wearing red T-shirts. We were served cookies and sandwiches. As the event began, I talked to some of the audience, which was full of people from different backgrounds, including engineers and teachers. I felt like the youngest one there!

It was cool to see how the speakers could share their many years’ experience in a 15-minute speech. I still remember that an architect said school buildings affected children’s learning and behavior. A student described how her autism (自闭症) helped her see connections between technology and scientific problems.

The TEDx experience is one that is best heard and not told. The ideas at the event have opened my eyes. I’ve decided to try to think differently in life, just like those speakers!

34. According to the first two paragraphs, people at TEDxABQ meeting _____.

A. are a lot younger than before B. come from Albuquerque this year C. believe we should learn to give up D. discuss many topics with the audience 35. From the story, we learn that _____.

A. heated discussions depend on tweeting live

B. speakers should include good experiences in their speeches C. people can get different benefits from TEDx

D. school buildings make a difference for autistic kids

36. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The audience was asked not to take pictures. B. The audience came from different careers. C. Many speakers shared their own experiences. D. The writer felt like the youngest in the meeting. 37. What does the writer think about the TEDx meeting?

A. It was boring.

B. It was meaningful.

D. It was aimed at some people. Passage 4

There are several types of children’s books. Here’s a summary of how to choose the books you’re interested in reading.

C. It lasted too long.

38. 5-year-old Matt can read the type of _____ for his age.

A. picture books

B. chapter books D. teen books

B. Where the Wild Things Are D. The Magic Tree House Books

C. middle grade books A. Charlotte’s Web C. The Outsiders

39. Which book can help set up a lifelong love of reading?

40. Teen books are good for kids who ______.

A. love listening to stories read by adults B. can read 4,000-12,000 words C. like to read stories about school life D. hope to learn about firsts



初 三 语 文 2016、5

学校 班级 姓名 考号



1.阅读下列内容,完成⑴-⑶题。 汉字是中国文化的重要载体,是中国人表达思维的文字符号,是中华民族的基本标识,丰富多彩.

且 bó dà jīng shēn。中华文明之所以能几千年绵延发展,保持着旺盛的生命力,并对东亚、东南亚文化圈发生巨大而深远的影响,和汉字文化的发展有密切的联系。【2016年永安中考


⑴请用规范的正楷字把“热爱弘扬传承祖国文化”10个字抄写在答题卡的田字格内。(1分) ⑵对文中加点字的注音和划线处的字形判断,全都正确的一项是 (2分)

A. 载体(zǎi) 博大精深 .

B. 载体(zài) 博大精深 .

C. 载体(zài) 搏大精深 .

D. 载体(zǎi) 搏大精深 .

⑶近年来,关于汉字研究的活动层出不穷。如:年度“汉语盘点”活动,2012年度字为“梦”字,奥运“梦”、飞天“梦”、航母“梦”、诺贝尔奖“梦”„„国人很多的梦都在2012年梦想成真;2015年度字为“廉”字,延续了去年榜首词“反腐”的热度,反映出公众对净化社会环境、提升政府公信力的持续期待。谷雨祭仓颉(传说仓颉创造了文字) 2016“一带一路”年度汉字发布的汉字是“和”,意寓着“一带一路”国家地区和谐共处、事业和谐发展。请你选一个汉字作为你的2015——2016学年的年度汉字,并简述选择的理由。(2分)

2. 苏轼不但是北宋著名的文学家,还是著名的书法家,他擅长写行书、楷书,与黄庭坚、米芾、蔡襄并称为“宋四家”。他的书法作品肉丰而骨劲,笔圆而韵胜、气象雍容,笔力遒劲、风神秀伟。下列四幅书法作品中属于苏轼行书的是哪一幅(2分)


(甲)新屋落成千载盛 阳光普照一家春

(乙)生意兴隆通四海 财源茂盛达三江

(丙)室有芝兰春自永 人如松柏岁长新






A.温故知新 鸡鸣狗盗 买椟还珠 愚公移山

B.夸父逐日 拔苗助长 破釜沉舟 扑朔迷离

C.舍生取义 世外桃源 得陇望蜀 刻舟求剑

D.闻鸡起舞 三顾茅庐 四面楚歌 负荆请罪




6. 默写(共7分)

⑴ ,一览众山小。(杜甫《望岳》)(1分)

⑵长风破浪会有时, 。(李白《行路难》)(1分)


是: , 。(2分)


文句: ①

联想的理由: ②






城非不高也,池非不深也,兵革非不坚利也,米粟非不多也,委而去之,是地利不如人和也。 故曰:域民不以封疆之界,固国不以山溪之险,威天下不以兵革之利。得道者多助,失道者寡助。寡助之至,亲戚畔之。多助之至,天下顺之。以天下之所顺,攻亲戚之所畔,故君子有不战,战必胜矣。

【乙】子奇治县 子奇年十六,齐君使治阿。既而君悔之,遣使追。追者反①曰:“子奇必能治阿,共载皆白首页②。夫以老者之智,以少者决之,必能治阿矣!”子奇至阿,铸库兵以作耕器,出仓廪以赈贫穷,阿县大治。魏闻童子治邑,库无兵,仓无粟,乃起兵击之。阿人父率子,兄率弟,以私兵战,遂败魏师。

注释:①反:“反”同“返” ②页:头

7. 解释下列句中加点的字(2分)

⑴多助之至 至: .

⑵夫以老者之智 以: .

8. 用现代汉语翻译下列语句。(4分)

(1)域民不以封疆之界 翻译:__________

(2)既而君悔之,遣使追 翻译:__________

9. 从乙文看,子奇采取了 ⑴ 和 ⑵ 的措施(用自己的话回答),从而达到“阿县大治,遂败魏师”的结果,这正印证了甲文所阐释的“ ⑶ ”的道理。(4分)



⑴从连环画的内容看,是 [甲] 英勇就义前的一个情节。 (1分)








⑴《朝花夕拾》中有一篇散文的结尾这样写道:“仁厚黑暗的地母呵,愿在你怀里永安她的灵魂!” 作者以深厚、真切的感情抒发了自己对她的怀念之情。句中的“她”指的是 (1分) ⑵下列对《朝花夕拾》中有关内容的表述,有误的一项是:( )






⑶《朝花夕拾》中有很多耐人寻味的句子,对下列句子出处的解说有误的一项是( )






(一) 阅读下面三则材料,完成12—14题。(共7分)

【材料一】 每年的3月22日被定为世界水日,这是1993年1

















“十三五”期间中国水资源的重大需求是什么呢?其核心是支撑2020—2050年中国经济社会可持续发展及健康增长,这就要有良好的生态关系,这里涉及到水安全的保障问题,我们的挑战是什么?如何在坚持人与自然和谐理念下,破解中国复杂的水安全问题,包括城市水、农业水、 环境






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