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黄冈市教育科学研究院命制 2015年2月4日上午 8:00—10:00






1. Why is Mary absent here? A. Her mother is ill. B. She is ill. C. We don't know. 2. How many gold medals did their team win in the Asian Games? A. 56. B. 87. C. 25. 3. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. Over the phone. B. In the lab. C. In a store. 4. Why did the woman offer no help to the man? A. Because she's also new in town. B. Because she doesn't talk to strangers. C. Because she doesn‟t know the man. 5. Why can't the woman go to see the film? A. Because she is busy.

B. Because she doesn't like it. C. Because she is sick.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。

6. What was the first piece of bad news John told Mary? A. Tim had caught a bad cold. B. He played badly in a match.

C. Their class had lost a basketball match.

7. What do we know about Tim from the dialogue?

A. He is often ill. B. He is very good at basketball. C. He is the team leader. 8. What does Miss Green do? A. She is a student. B. She is a housewife. C. She teaches history. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What do you think the man is? A. A travel guide. B. The woman's husband C. A history teacher.

10. When was the Great Wall first built? A. In the 3rd century B. C. B. About 2000 years ago. C. More than 2500 years ago. 11. How wide is the Great Wall at the base? A. 6. 5 metres. B. 6. 4 metres. C. 5. 8 metres. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. Who is the woman? A. A typist. B. A programmer. C. A university student. 13. What time does the office open? A. A quarter to nine. B. Nine o‟clock . C. Half past nine. 14. Who do you think the man is? A. A passer-by. B. Personnel manager. C. A clerk 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。

15. What does the man hear about the woman? A. She is engaged. B. She is married. C. She went abroad. 16. Why does she choose St. Albaus as the wedding place? A. Because her boyfriend lives there. B. Because her parents are there. C. Because she enjoys travelling.

17. Where is the young couple going to live? A. In St. Albans. B. In Liverpool. C. In South London. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

18. When did the American president begin to live in the White House? A. In 1792. B. In 1800. C. In 1812 19. Why did James Hoban rebuild the White House? A. Because it became too worn out. B. Because it was not beautiful enough. C. Because it was badly destroyed.

20. Who officially gave the building the name “White House”? A. George Washington. B. Theodore Roosevelt. C. John Adams.




21. In London, officials expressed their ______ over the quickly moving events in Cairo (开罗)but didn‟t offer advice on how to end the difficult situation. A. concern B. appreciation C. guidance D. principle

22. The principal's sudden ______ at the party didn't seem to be very welcome, which made him a little embarrassed. A. reception B. application C. appearance D. extinction

23. The written forms of Chinese include a traditional system of characters and a ______ one, which came into use in 1949. A. spoiled B. calculated C. decreased D. simplified

24. We were very shocked to find that the room of the hotel which we had previously ______ was taken up by

another guest.

A. deserved B. reserved C. contained D. affected

25. Science fiction(科幻小说) sometimes emphasizes the dangers of ______ intelligence, and sometimes its

positive potential. A. universal B. informal C. artificial D. gradual

26. Since the conditions are not stable, the patient is being monitored with ______ checks on his blood pressure. A. secure B. generous C. sensitive D. regular

27. Before handing in your composition, make sure that it is carefully colored, ______ organized, and naturally connected. A. totally B.logically C. personally D. fiercely

28. Some people think that it is not important that several languages ______ every year, because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.

A. die from B. die away C. die down D. die out

29. She decided to ______ with the boy, even though it meant giving up — for the time being — a rich and comfortable life.

A. break up B. break down C. put up D. put down

30. When he knew that his son returned safely after being missing for over a week, he burst into tears ______. A. in relief B. in peace C. in brief D. in charge



Some time ago I discovered that one of my chairs had a leg. I didn't think there be any in getting it mended, as there are a whole lot of antique shops near my home. So I left home one morning the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly . I was quite wrong. The man wouldn‟t even at my chair.

The second shop, though more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth — so I decided that my must be wrong.

I enter the fifth shop with a(n) in my mind. I pulled the chair on the floor and said to the “Would you like to a chair?” He look it over carefully and said, “Yes, not a chair. How much do you want for it, sir?” “Twenty pounds.” I replied. “OK.” he said. “I will you twenty pounds.” “It‟s got a slightly broken leg,” I said, “Yes, I saw that, It's nothing.”

was going according to the plan and I was getting excited. “will you do with it?” I asked. “Oh, It will be easy to sell the repair is done.” “I will buy it.” I said.” “What do you mean? You've just sold it to me.” he said. “Yes. I know, but I've my mind. I am sorry, I will give you twenty-seven pounds for it.” “You must be ,” he said. Then suddenly the penny dropped. “I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair.” “You are right,” I said. “And what would you have done if I had walked in and said „Would you mend this chair for me?‟” “I wouldn‟t have of doing it.” he said, “We don't do repairs, not enough money in it and too much trouble. But I will mend this for you, shall we say for a fiver?” He was a very man and was greatly amused by the whole thing. 31. A. artificial B. broken C. tough D. flexible 32. A. difficulty B. possibility C. equipment D. potential 33. A. conveying B. equipping C. loading D. carrying 34. A. exhibition B. reception C. appreciation D. reputation 35. A. see B. glare C. glance D. stare 36. A. actually B. mildly C. roughly D. slightly 37. A. different B. similar C. same D. previous 38. A. approach B. judgement C. prejudice D. impression 39. A. idea B. plan C. trick D. aim

40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

A. manager A. sell A. bad A. show A. Nothing A. How A. though A. changed A. embarrassed A. agreed A. greedy B. mender B. repair B. tough B. charge B. Everything B. When B. unless B. made B. ridiculous B. approved B. mean C. assistant C. buy C. good C. provide C. Something C. Why C. once C. devoted C. crazy

C. subscribed C. nice D. shopkeeper D. possess D. awkward D. give

D. Anything D. What D. while D. focused D. guilty D. promised D. cold




Brother James Kimpton, an Englishman, has been planting trees for a lifetime and doesn't plan on stopping now. The founder of Reaching the Unreached (RTU) has been serving among the poorest and most disadvantaged communities of India for the last 50 years.

It's difficult to describe Brother Kimpton's work. He digs wells, builds homes, run schools, dresses wounds, helps the disabled, feeds the hungry, trains the unskilled, and shelters the abandoned. At 27, he was sent on foreign duty to Sri Lanka. For 12 year, he taught in the slums(贫民窟). In 1964 when the government ordered all foreigners to leave the country, he caught a ship to India and travelled to the city of Madurai. “The minute I got there

Brother Kimpton founded an orphanage(孤儿院)in Madurai, a huge organization modeled after Nebraska's Boys Town. But this was only a beginning. The suffering and helplessness he saw in India led him to start RTU. What began as a single, modest medical clinic has today developed into a diverse network of highly efficient programs aimed at comprehensive and sustainable (可持续的)rural development.

There're many wonders at RTU. As an architect, artist, educator,economist, medical worker, James did a lot: over 2000 wells have been dug in this area bringing clean, safe water to the villages; over 6000 homes have been built and given away to the very poor; daycare centers have been set up that now feed and treat close to 2000 poor children every day; over 2000 receive free education in the schools he built and runs...

In his last will, Brother Kimpton has requested to be buried at Anbu Illam. Speaking to the audience gathered to celebrate his 50th year of service in Asia, he said, “I'm an Indian by choice.”

He's smiling, but there's something touching in his words. 51. Which of the following is TRUE about James Kimpton?

A. He went to Madurai on a business trip. B. He founded an orphanage in Sri Lanka.

C. He does many kinds of jobs to make a living. D. He has devoted most of his life to helping others.

52. What did James Kimpton mean by saying “I knew I'd come home.”?

A. He was warmly welcomed there. B. He fell in love with it. C. He was familiar with it. D. He was born there. 53. From the text, we can learn that RTU ______.

A. began as a medical school

B. was modeled after Nebraska's Boys Town.

C. focus on the development of rural areas in India. D. aims at helping the poor around the world.

54. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A. RTU's achievements B. James Kimpton's plan C. RTU's development D. James Kimpton's success


When people want to know about the weather, they usually go to their radios, TVs, newspapers, or to the Internet. However, you can also find many weather signs among wildlife, because of their highly developed senses. Drops in air pressure produce an effect on small animals in many ways. Mice and deer are good weather their holes and run around. Deer leave high ground and come down from the mountains.

Birds are especially good weather indicators because they also show the effect of a pressure drop in many ways. For example, some birds become irritable(急躁的) and quarrelsome and will fight over a piece of bread. Other birds chirp(叽叽喳喳) and sing just before a storm. It seems they know they won‟t get another chance for an hour or two. Birds also look for safe places before a storm. You will sometimes see birds settling in trees or gathering together on a wire close to a building. Pre-storm low pressure make the air so thin that birds have difficulty flying.

It is unusual to see many birds flying overhead in the summertime, rather than during the periods in the spring or autumn. Watch for other weather signs if you see this. If they fly in the wrong direction, they may be flying ahead of a storm.

By paying closer attention to some important signs in nature, we can become better prepared for any kind of weather.

55. The word “indicators” in paragraph 1 probably means ______.

A. maps B. services C. stations D. signs 56. There will be a storm if birds ______. A. come down from tall trees B. share a piece of bread C. make more noise than usual D. fly in different directions 57. How can birds sense the coming of a storm?

A. By noticing the movements of other animals. B. By feeling a drop in air temperature. C. By noticing the change of wind directions. D. By feeling a drop in air pressure. 58.The best title for the text would be ______.

A. Drops in Air Pressure B. Animals‟ Sharp Senses

C. Nature‟s Weather Signs D. Signs of a Storm


While most houses are built up from the ground, a geotect builds an earth-sheltered house in a shallow hole or against the side of a hill. The floor, walls and roof are made of concrete blocks instead of brick, stone, or wood. Large, strong windows brighten the sunniest side of the house. The house looks quite ordinary until a geotect hides it with a deep layer of earth. On top of the earth, a geotect may plant grass or a garden.

Modern geotects are not the first house-hiders. For thousands of years, people from China to North Africa to France have dug underground homes. The Anasazi, a Native American people, once lived round pus (坑) covered with logs and mud. Later, American pioneers like Lanura Ingalls Wilder made “dugout” homes in the banks of rivers.

Geotects work hard to make their houses bright an airy. They put fans in each room to draw fresh air. Large windows are designed so that sunlight pours through them; some windows rise above the roof like glass bowls.






Some time ago I discovered that one of my chairs had a leg. I didn't think there be any in getting it mended, as there are a whole lot of antique shops near my home. So I left home one morning the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly . I was quite wrong. The man wouldn‟t even at my chair.

The second shop, though more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth — so I decided that my must be wrong.

I enter the fifth shop with a(n) in my mind. I pulled the chair on the floor and said to the “Would you like to a chair?” He look it over carefully and said, “Yes, not a chair. How much do you want for it, sir?” “Twenty pounds.” I replied. “OK.” he said. “I will you twenty pounds.” “It‟s got a slightly broken leg,” I said, “Yes, I saw that, It's nothing.”

was going according to the plan and I was getting excited. “will you do with it?” I asked. “Oh, It will be easy to sell the repair is done.” “I will buy it.” I said.” “What do you mean? You've just sold it to me.” he said. “Yes. I know, but I've my mind. I am sorry, I will give you twenty-seven pounds for it.” “You must be ,” he said. Then suddenly the penny dropped. “I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair.” “You are right,” I said. “And what would you have done if I had walked in and said „Would you mend this chair for me?‟” “I wouldn‟t have of doing it.” he said, “We don't do repairs, not enough money in it and too much trouble. But I will mend this for you, shall we say for a fiver?” He was a very man and was greatly amused by the whole thing.

31. A. artificial B. broken C. tough D. flexible

32. A. difficulty B. possibility C. equipment D. potential

33. A. conveying B. equipping C. loading D. carrying【湖北高中一年级英语试卷】

34. A. exhibition B. reception C. appreciation D. reputation

35. A. see B. glare C. glance D. stare

36. A. actually B. mildly C. roughly D. slightly

37. A. different B. similar C. same D. previous

38. A. approach B. judgement C. prejudice D. impression

39. A. idea B. plan C. trick D. aim

40. A. manager B. mender C. assistant D. shopkeeper

41. A. sell B. repair C. buy D. possess

42. A. bad B. tough C. good D. awkward

43. A. show B. charge C. provide D. give

44. A. Nothing B. Everything C. Something D. Anything

45. A. How B. When C. Why D. What

46. A. though B. unless C. once D. while

47. A. changed B. made C. devoted D. focused

48. A. embarrassed B. ridiculous C. crazy D. guilty

49. A. agreed B. approved C. subscribed D. promised

50. A. greedy B. mean C. nice D. cold




Brother James Kimpton, an Englishman, has been planting trees for a lifetime and doesn't plan on stopping now. The founder of Reaching the Unreached (RTU) has been serving among the poorest and most disadvantaged communities of India for the last 50 years.

It's difficult to describe Brother Kimpton's work. He digs wells, builds homes, run schools, dresses wounds, helps the disabled, feeds the hungry, trains the unskilled, and shelters the abandoned. At 27, he was sent on foreign duty to Sri Lanka. For 12 year, he taught in the slums(贫民窟). In 1964 when the government ordered all foreigners to leave the country, he caught a ship to India and travelled to the city of Madurai. “The minute I got there

Brother Kimpton founded an orphanage(孤儿院)in Madurai, a huge organization modeled after Nebraska's Boys Town. But this was only a beginning. The suffering and helplessness he saw in India led him to start RTU. What began as a single, modest medical clinic has today developed into a diverse network of highly efficient programs aimed at comprehensive and sustainable (可持续的)rural development.

There're many wonders at RTU. As an architect, artist, educator,economist, medical worker, James did a lot: over 2000 wells have been dug in this area bringing clean, safe water to the villages; over 6000 homes have been built and given away to the very poor; daycare centers have been set up that now feed and treat close to 2000 poor children every day; over 2000 receive free education in the schools he built and runs...

In his last will, Brother Kimpton has requested to be buried at Anbu Illam. Speaking to the audience gathered to celebrate his 50th year of service in Asia, he said, “I'm an Indian by choice.”

He's smiling, but there's something touching in his words.【湖北高中一年级英语试卷】

51. Which of the following is TRUE about James Kimpton?

A. He went to Madurai on a business trip.

B. He founded an orphanage in Sri Lanka.

C. He does many kinds of jobs to make a living.

D. He has devoted most of his life to helping others.

52. What did James Kimpton mean by saying “I knew I'd come home.”?

A. He was warmly welcomed there. B. He fell in love with it.

C. He was familiar with it. D. He was born there.

53. From the text, we can learn that RTU ______.

A. began as a medical school

B. was modeled after Nebraska's Boys Town.

C. focus on the development of rural areas in India.

D. aims at helping the poor around the world.

54. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. RTU's achievements B. James Kimpton's plan

C. RTU's development D. James Kimpton's success


When people want to know about the weather, they usually go to their radios, TVs, newspapers, or to the Internet. However, you can also find many weather signs among wildlife, because of their highly developed senses. Drops in air pressure produce an effect on small animals in many ways. Mice and deer are good weather their holes and run around. Deer leave high ground and come down from the mountains.

Birds are especially good weather indicators because they also show the effect of a pressure drop in many ways. For example, some birds become irritable(急躁的) and quarrelsome and will fight over a piece of bread. Other birds chirp(叽叽喳喳) and sing just before a storm. It seems they know they won‟t get another chance for an hour or two. Birds also look for safe places before a storm. You will sometimes see birds settling in trees or gathering together on a wire close to a building. Pre-storm low pressure make the air so thin that birds have difficulty flying.

It is unusual to see many birds flying overhead in the summertime, rather than during the periods in the spring or autumn. Watch for other weather signs if you see this. If they fly in the wrong direction, they may be flying ahead of a storm.

By paying closer attention to some important signs in nature, we can become better prepared for any kind of weather.

55. The word “indicators” in paragraph 1 probably means ______.

A. maps B. services C. stations D. signs

56. There will be a storm if birds ______.

A. come down from tall trees B. share a piece of bread

C. make more noise than usual D. fly in different directions

57. How can birds sense the coming of a storm?

A. By noticing the movements of other animals. B. By feeling a drop in air temperature.

C. By noticing the change of wind directions. D. By feeling a drop in air pressure.

58.The best title for the text would be ______.

A. Drops in Air Pressure B. Animals‟ Sharp Senses

C. Nature‟s Weather Signs D. Signs of a Storm


While most houses are built up from the ground, a geotect builds an earth-sheltered house in a shallow hole or against the side of a hill. The floor, walls and roof are made of concrete blocks instead of brick, stone, or wood. Large, strong windows brighten the sunniest side of the house. The house looks quite ordinary until a geotect hides it with a deep layer of earth. On top of the earth, a geotect may plant grass or a garden.

Modern geotects are not the first house-hiders. For thousands of years, people from China to North Africa to France have dug underground homes. The Anasazi, a Native American people, once lived round pus (坑) covered with logs and mud. Later, American pioneers like Lanura Ingalls Wilder made “dugout” homes in the banks of rivers.

Geotects work hard to make their houses bright an airy. They put fans in each room to draw fresh air. Large windows are designed so that sunlight pours through them; some windows rise above the roof like glass bowls. Earth-sheltered homes may have indoor gardens, even indoor swimming pools.

A geotect's job isn't easy. Each home he or she builds needs very strong walls to support the weigh of the earth will cover it. Channels and pipes must be laid around the house to suck away rain and ground water. The geotect then has to coat the walls and roof with a special waterproof (防水的)skin. Besides, geotects must also watch their windows — if they don't fit in their frames, spiders and other insects can slip in.

Despite the trouble, geotects love their homes because they're quiet, fireproof, and strong enough to last hundreds of years. Earth-sheltered houses also keep the countryside green and beautiful. Best of all, they help keep the air clean.

59. According to the text, a geotect refers to a person who _____.

A. studies underground houses B. builds earth-sheltered houses

C. builds houses with logs and mud D. volunteers to beautify the environment

60. Paragraph 3 is mainly about the earth-sheltered houses' ______.

A. popularity B. advantages C. history D. applications

61. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that geotects' rooms _____.

A. are usually dark B. have indoor garden normally

C. have door rising above the roof D. rely on special tools to create fresh air

62. What do we know about earth-sheltered houses from the last two paragraph?

A. They are easy to set up B. They are easy to catch fire

C. They are environmentally friendly. D. They are unable to reduce the noise.


A rainforest is an area covered by tall trees with the total high rainfall spreading quite equally through the year and the temperature rarely dipping below l6℃. Rainforests have a great effect on the world environment because they can take in heat from the sun and adjust the climate. Without the forest cover,these areas would reflect more heat into the atmosphere,warming the rest of the world. Losing the rainforests may also influence wind and rainfall patterns,potentially causing certain natural disasters all over the world.

In the past hundred years,humans have begun destroying rainforests in search of three major resources(资源):land for crops,wood for paper and other products,land for raising farm animals. This action affects the environment as a whole. For example,a lot of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the air comes from burning the rainforests. People obviously have a need for the resources we gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much more than we will benefit.

,when people cut down trees,generally they can only use the land for a year or two. Secondly,cutting large sections of rainforests may provide a good supply of wood right now,but in the long run it actually reduces the world‟s wood supply.

Rainforests are often called the world‟s drug store. More than 25% of the medicines we use today come from plants in rainforests. However,fewer than l%of rainforest plants have been examined for their medical value. It is extremely likely that our best chance to cure diseases lies somewhere in the world‟s shrinking rainforests.

63. Rainforests can help to adjust the climate because they _____.

A. bring about high rainfall throughout the world

B. reflect more heat into the atmosphere

C. reduce the effect of heat from the sun on the earth

D. rarely cause the temperature to drop lower than l6℃

64. What does the word “this” underlined in the third paragraph refer to?

A. Humans have begun destroying rainforests.

B. People have a strong desire for resources.

C. Much carbon dioxide comes from burning rainforests.

D. We will lose much more than we can gain.

65. It can be inferred from the text that _____.

A. there is great medicine potential in rainforests

B. we can get enough resources without rainforests

C. the level of annual rainfall affects wind patterns

D. we will grow fewer kinds of crops in the gained land

66. What might be the best title for the text?

A. How to Save Rainforests B. Rainforests and the Environment

C. How to Protect Nature D. Rainforests and Medical Development


We experience different forms of the Sun‟s energy every day. We can see its light and feel its warmth. The

Sun is the major source of energy for our planet. It causes the evaporation (蒸发) of water from the oceans and lakes. Sunlight also provides the energy used by green plants to make their own food. These green plants then provide food for all organisms(生物) on the Earth.

Much of the energy that comes from the Sun never reaches the Earth‟s surface. It is either reflected or absorbed by the gases in the upper atmosphere. Of the energy that reaches the lower atmosphere,30% is reflected by clouds or the Earth‟s surface. The remaining 70% warms the surface of the planet, causes water to evaporate, and provides energy for the water cycle and weather. Only a tiny part, approximately 0.023%, is actually used by green plants to produce food.

Many gases found in the atmosphere actually reflect heat energy escaping from the Earth‟s surface back to the Earth. These gases act like the glass of a greenhouse in that they allow energy from the Sun to enter but prevent energy from leaving. They are therefore called greenhouse gases.

When sunlight strikes an object, some of the energy is absorbed and some is reflected. The amount reflected depends on the surface. For example, you‟ve probably noticed how bright snow is when sunlight falls on it. Snow reflects most of the energy from the Sun, so it contributes to the low temperatures of winter. Dark-coloured surfaces, such as dark soil or forest, absorb more energy and help warm the surrounding air.

67. Many gases found in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases because _____.

A. they perform the same function as the glass of a greenhouse.

B. they stopped energy from the sun entering the earth.

C. they provide energy to warm the surface of the planet.

D. they reflect heat energy escaping from the earth back to the earth's surface.

68. According to the passage, the root cause for weather changes on the Earth is _____.

A. energy from the Sun B. the atmosphere surrounding the Earth

C. greenhouse gases in the sky D. water from oceans and lakes

69. Only a small part of the Sun's energy reaches the Earth's surface because most of it is _____.

A. absorbed by the clouds in the lower atmosphere

B. lost in the upper and lower atmosphere

C. used to evaporate water from the oceans and lakes

D. reflected by the gases in the upper atmosphere

70. We learn from the passage that _____.

A. a forest looks dark in winter because it absorbs solar energy

B. greenhouse gases allow heat energy to escape from the Earth's surface

C. only 0.023% of the energy from the Sun is made use of on the Earth

D. all living things on the Earth depend on the Sun for their food

第二节: 短文写作(共1题;满分30分)


As the American talk show(脱口秀)host Oprah Winfrey put it, “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity(机遇).” Luck is a gift for us. All of us want to catch it. But it only belongs to those who have made full preparations for what they want to achieve.

注意: ①无须写标题;









命题人:周祖平 审题人:刘祖恕

(卷面满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. When will the speakers play tennis?

A. On the eighth. B. On the eighteenth. C. On the nineteenth.

B. Football. C. Badminton. 2. What sport does the woman like to play now? A. Tennis.

A. At the woman’s home.

B. At the woman’s sister’s house.

C. At the hospital.

4. What is the man probably going to do this weekend?

A. Go to the picnic. B. Work in the garden. C. Go to the company.

5. Why did the woman call for help?

A. She saw a snake. B. There was a shark. C. The boat was going to sink.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。

6. What did the woman find?

A. A puppy.

A. Two days old. B. A kitten. C. A rat. B. Three days old. C. Ten days old. 7. How old is the animal probably?

听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。

8. Why does the woman enjoy married life?

A. Her husband makes a lot of money.

B. Her husband is understanding and helpful.

C. Her husband is smart and handsome.

9. What does the couple do on weekday evenings?

A. Sit and talk over dinner. B. Go out to the beach.

3. Where is the woman’s mother now? C. Hit a nice restaurant.

听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

10. What does the man say about his teacher?

A. The teacher isn’t very active in class.

B. The teacher gives too much homework.

C. The teacher usually gives boring lessons.

11. What will the man do first?

A. Do his homework. B. Watch a show.

C. Take a shower. C. In the evening. 12. When does the conversation probably take place? A. In the late morning. B. In the early afternoon.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题

13. How long will the woman be gone?

A. A week. B. A weekend.

A. In the neighborhood. B. To the beach C. Two weeks. C. To the State Park . 14. Where will the man take Max for running?

15. Why shouldn’t Max go near other dogs?

A. He might get into a fight. B. He might bite the owner. C. He could run away.

16. Where should Max stay most of the time?

A. In the woman’s yard. B. Inside the woman’s house. C. In the man’s house.


17. Where did the speaker see the girl with golden hair?

A. On the street. B. In a store. C. On the bus.

18. What couldn’t the young man selling candies do?

A. See. B. Talk. C. Hear.

19. What color were the child’s eyes?

A. Black. B. Blue. C. Green.

20. How does the speaker feel in the end?

A. Sad. B. Excited. C. Lucky

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。


On a freezing cold day, a couple had to move into a small apartment because of their failure in business.The husband worked day and night to support the family but with no care of his wife.So she thought, “He doesn't love me any more, he just cares about his business ...not me”.

One day, she was about to take a shower when he stopped her at the door, “Let me take it first, okay?”“Why not me first?” she asked.“I am tired, honey, you take it later, okay?”She was entirely unhappy.

One day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer.A few words came into her sight.Reading them, she burst into tears.It was his diary:

Today, I was quite sad.She asked me why I was always taking the shower first, and I said to her, She was unhappy.In her mind, I treated her not as well as usual, but what could I do? I was not as rich as before! We moved to the small apartment, and there was only one shower in the bathroom.It was so cold to take a shower in such a cold winter.But I found that if one person took the shower first, the room could get a little warmer.So every day I rushed to the bathroom first.I was thinking that, when she took the shower, the room would get warmer, even if it was only 1℃.

Now I cannot give her a comfortable life, take her to good restaurants, or buy expensive dresses for her, but at least, I can give her 1℃ love.

21.Why did the couple move to the small apartment?

A.Both of them were out of work.

B.They wanted to live a better life.

C.They were too poor to live in the former house.

D.The man could take better care of his business.

22.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exhausted”in paragraph 4?

A.Devoted. B.Worried. C.Injured. D.Tired.

23.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.They would live a richer life soon.

B.The woman misunderstood her husband.

C.The woman would get angry after reading the diary.

D.The man would care less about his business.

24.What's the best title of the passage?

A.A Love Story B.Fight for the Bathroom

C.A Suffering Couple D.1℃ Love


What is language for? Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words—the longer the lists,the better.That's wrong.Language is for the exchange(交流)of ideas and information.It's meaningless knowing all about a language if you can't use it freely.Many students I have met know hundreds of grammar rules, but they can't speak correctly or fluently(流利地).They are afraid of making mistakes.One shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language.Native speakers make mistakes and break rules, too.Bernard Shaw once wrote, "Foreigners often speak English too correctly."But the mistakes that native speakers make are different from those that Chinese students make.They're English mistakes in the English language.And if enough native speakers break a rule, it is no longer a rule.What used to be wrong becomes right.People not only make history, but they make language.But a people(民族) can only make its own language.It can't make another people's language.So Chinese students of

English should pay attention to grammar, but they shouldn't overdo(做过头)it.They should put communication(交际)first.

25.Language is used to ________.

A.express oneself B.practice grammar rules B.talk with foreigners only D.learn lists of words A.never makes mistakes B.often makes mistakes 26.Generally, when an American or an Englishman speaks English, he ________. C.can't avoid making mistakes D.always makes mistakes

A.foreigners speak correct English

B.foreigners speak incorrect English

C.foreigners speak English according to the grammar rules

D.foreigners never make mistakes when they speak English

28.When we speak a foreign language, we should ________.

A.speak in Chinese way

C.speak to native speakers B.speak by the rules D.not be afraid of making mistakes 27."Foreigners often speak English too correctly."This sentence means that ________.


Food we need

Have you learned a lot about the kinds of food people need? They say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day. They are: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds. (2) citrus(柑桔) fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made from milk; (6) bread or cereal(谷类), rice is also in this kind of food; (7) butter, or something like butter.

What food counts

People in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different countries eat at different times of the day. In some places people eat once or twice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times a day. Scientists say that none of the differences is really important. It doesn’t matter whether foods are eaten raw(生的) or cooked, canned or frozen. It doesn’t matter if a person eats dinner at 4 o’clock in the afternoon or at eleven o’clock at night. The important thing is what you eat every day.

How shall we do?

There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on earth. The first is to find some ways to feed the world’s population so that no one is hungry. The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.

29. According to the scientists, which of the following groups of food is the healthiest for your


A. chicken, apples, cereal, cabbages B. potatoes, carrots, rice, bread

C. oranges, bananas, fish, tomatoes D. beef, pork, fish, milk

30. It is important for people to eat _______.

A. three times a day

B. dinner at twelve o’clock

C. cooked food all the day

D. something from each of the seven kinds of food every day

31. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. People in some places don’t have enough to eat.

B. There are too many people in the world.

C. One of the problems is that no one is hungry.

D. The scientists are trying to make people grow to be strong and healthy.

32. If there is Paragraph 4, what do you think is going to be talked about?

A. When people eat their lunch

B. What to do with the two problems

C. How to cook food in different ways

D. Why people eat different kinds of food


Scientists believe that one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us is the sense of sound. We are warned of danger by sounds. Sounds serve to please us in music. Sound has a waste product, too, in the form of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets any better.

In order to know how noise affects people and animals, scientists have been studying for several years. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully.

Sounds is measured in units called decibels (分贝). At a level of 140 decibels people feel pain in their ears.

Trucks , buses , motorcycles, airplanes, boats, factories---all these things make noise. They trouble not only our ears, but minds and bodies as well.

There is a saying that it is so noisy that you can’t hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don’t, we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems.

Noise adds more tension (紧张) to a society that has already faced enough stress.

33.The sense of sound _________.

A. makes us feel excited

B. helps us hear more clearly

C. is something harmful to us

D. helps to know what is happening around us

34. When sound is turned into noise, ______________.【湖北高中一年级英语试卷】

A. people grow worse and worse B. it makes us forget all the past

C. people don’t know what to do with everyday life

D. it will be a kind of pollution to people

35. Why does the passage say peace and quiet are becoming harder to find?

A. Because the world is making more and more noise.

B. Because wars and battles happen here and there in the world.

C. Because all the sounds are becoming over 140 decibels.

D. Because some machines can make noise.



英语试卷 试卷满分:150分

第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回来有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When will the man take the operation? A. At 8:30.

B. At 9:00 .

C. At 10:00. C. It’s difficult. C. In a street.

C. Go to a party with him. C. An experience.

2. What does the woman think of the boy’s paper? A. It’s original. A. In an office.

B. It’s unfinished. B. In a bank.

3. Where are the speakers?

4. What did the man want the woman to do last night? A. Text him an address. A. A musician.

B. Wait for his messages. B. A book

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? 第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给出的A、B、C三个选项种选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. How does the man probably feel now? A. Regretful.

B. Frightened.

C. Disappointed.

7. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Do well in the exam. B. Never disappoint his father. C. Learn a lesson from his experience. 听第7段材料,回答第8、第9题。 8. What's the man like? A. He is shy. A. His clothes.

B. He is sociable. B. His hair style.

C. He is confident. C. His job.

9. Why does the man think will probably make Sarah’s parents shocked? 听第8段材料,回第答10至l2题。 10. What does Laura look like?

A. She has dark black hair. B. She is tall and slim. 11. What's Laura going to do next September?

C. She has blue eyes. C. Attend university.

A. Take part in a competition. B. Travel to New Zealand. 12. What does the woman invite the man to do? A. Travel around Africa. B. Go to a movie tomorrow. C. Study Creative Writing with her. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What is the man going to do? A. Go to a drugstore.

B. Have dinner.

C. Take a subway.

14. What causes the man’s trouble? A. His poor expressions. B. His lack of experience abroad. C. The differences between languages.

15. Where is the drugstore according to the woman? A. On the first floor.

B. On the second floor.

C. On the fifth floor.

16. What do we know about the man? A. He found the toilet easily. B. He doesn’t speak English well.

C. He drives on the left of the road in his country. 听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。 17. How was Baylis’s radio powered?

A. By electricity. B. By batteries(电池). A. It is powered by people’s walking. B. It contains a small battery in itself. C. It is produced in South America.

19. What is the educational background of Baylis? A. He majored in engineering at university. B. He doesn’t have a high level of education. C. He is a high school graduate. 20. How did Baylis gain his ideas? A. He worked hard for them. B. They came to him by chance. C. Other people inspired him a lot.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

C. By hand.

18. What does the speaker say about the mobile phone invented by Baylis?



Nowadays, people in China are increasingly interested in celebrating foreign festivals, especially those western festivals.

A survey conducted recently by sina.com showed that among the 18,222 people surveyed 63.90% said celebrating Christmas is just another way of enjoying life, nothing serious while 17.85% surveyed considered the festival as a fashion act, showing they were not “out”. These two parts clearly express the general opinion of the young. 10.45% people involved said the celebration of a religious western festival with so much enthusiasm is absolutely unbelievable admire of foreign goodness. Only 7.80% of people consider Christmas as a kind of festival colonization(殖民).

The arising of celebrating foreign festivals clearly has something to do with the advancement of China’s economy. In my point view, Christmas and other festivals celebrated in China have difference from the origin. They have lost their religious background and turned into a big occasion to have fun and enjoy life. Shop owners’ pockets are filled, the public’s hunger for happiness is filled, and that is enough. Foreign festivals in China are more like carnivals giving people pleasure and enjoyment.

The crisis of traditional Chinese festivals that are losing their attraction may be linked to the culture tradition and background of the festivals. Most Chinese festival culture is related more or less to real life. “The country is based on its people while the people are relied on their food”. But the western culture shows much of romance. Some festivals have their religious background while others have much to do with culture and people. At this point, food seems to be too ordinary. Flowers and chocolates are more welcomed.

Foreign festivals in China are celebrated for fun. They give people opportunities to relax and celebrate, to show appreciation and gratefulness. The acceptance of foreign festivals generally depends on the openness of the public, the familiarity with the western culture, and most importantly, on people’s economic situation.

21.From the survey we know that among the people surveyed ______.

A.many people are worried that traditional Chinese festivals will disappear soon B.most think little of celebrating foreign festivals.

C.half think celebrating foreign festivals makes people not go out of fashion D.some think it a sign of being after foreign goodness to celebrate foreign festivals A.are the same as those celebrated in the West C.can give more fun than traditional Chinese festivals D.may reduce the hunger of public people

22.The writer thinks that foreign festivals celebrated in China ______. B.have lost their religious background



英 语 试 卷






1. What do we know about the women’s sister?

A. She’s pretty B .She’s tall C. She has black hair

2. How many times has the woman been to Asia?

A. twice B. three times C. four times

3. When does the woman usually get up on weekends?

A. at 6:00 am B. at 6:30 am C. at 7:00 am

4. What sports does the man play?

A. football B. basketball C. tennis

5. Where is the bus stop?

A.Across from the drugstore B. beside the hotel C. Behind the drugstore




6. Which city is the man’s birth place?

A. Boston B. New York C. Los Angeles

7. What is the man now?

A. A student B. An actor C. A lawyer


8. What food does the woman like?

A. the sweet and sour chicken B. the tofu curry C. the fried fish

9. What is the last food the woman recommends?

A. the pepper soup B. the beef steak C. the green salad


10. How long is the woman’s vacation?

A. four days B. five days C. seven days

11. What did the woman hear about Cairo?

A. visiting there is really cheap B. it’s very crowded C. it’s extremely big

12. What is the weather like in New Orleans?

A. hot and humid B. hot and dry C. pretty cool


13. What happened to the man?

A. he broke his left leg B. he hurt his ankle C. he hurt his neck

14. Who took the man to the hospital?

A. his wife B. his brother C. his neighbor

15. How long did the woman stay in the hospital?

A. for three weeks B. for five weeks C. for eight weeks

16. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. the man fell onto the floor in his apartment

B. the man will stay in hospital for two weeks

C. the woman had an accident three years ago


17. Why is jack’s achievement so unusual?

A. he cannot hear B. he cannot see C. he can fetch many objects

18. How old was Jack when he got the disease?

A. six B. seven C. ten

19. How did Jack’s owner feel before the competition?

A. worried B. excited C. confident

20. What do we know about Jack?

A. he is a friendly black dog

B. he can find water by using his sense of smell

C. he is the first dog that his owner adopted





Short and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. "Football,tennis, Cricket—anything with a round ball, I was useless. "he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the object of jokes in school gym classes in England's rural Devonshire.

It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At first the teen went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to cycle along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind on building up his body, increasing his speed, strength and endurance. At age 18, he ran his first marathon.

The following year, he met John Ridgway, who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean. Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgway's school of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about the older man's cold-water achievements. Intrigued, Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expeditions, then decided that this would be his future.

Journeys to the Pole aren't the usual holidays for British country boys, and many people dismissed his dream as fantasy. "John Ridgway was one of the few who didn't say, 'You are completely crazy,'" Saunders says.

In 2001, after becoming a skilled skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition


toward the North Pole. He suffered frostbite,had a closer experience with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit.

Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he's skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton. His old playmates would not believe the transformation.

This October, Saunders, 27, heads south to explore from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, an 1800-mile journey that has never been completed on skis.

21. The turning point in Saunders's life came when ________.

A. he started to play ball games

22. What do we know about Saunders?

A. He once worked at a school in Scotland.

B. He followed Ridgway to explore the North Pole.

C. He was the first Briton to ski alone to the North Pole.

D. He was chosen for the school sports team as a kid.

23. It can be inferred that Saunders' journey to the North Pole ________.

A. was accompanied by his old playmates B. was supported by other Arctic explorers


As a good mother to three children, I have tried never to let my passion stand in the way of being a good parent.


I no longer consider myself the center of the universe.I show up.I listen.I try to laugh.I am a good friend to my husband.I have tried to make marriage vows (誓言)mean what they say.I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me.Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.

So here's what I want to tell you today: Get a life.A real life, not a desire of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house.

Get a life in which you are not alone.Find people you love, and who love you.And remember that love is not leisure; it is work.Pick up the phone.Send an e-mail.Write a letter.And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.

It's so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours and our minutes..I learned to live many years ago.Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all.And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all.

I learned to love the journey, not the destination.I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally.And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned.

By telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face.Learn to be happy.If you do, you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived.


A.the author didn't try her best to work well B.the author spent all her time caring for her children C.the author likes traveling very much

B. he started to receive Ridgway's training D. he got a mountain bike at age 15 C. he ran his first marathon at age 18 C. set a record in the North Pole expedition D. made him well-known in the 1960s

D.the author is a success in personal life

25.How did the author form her view of life?

A.Through social experience. B.Through an unfortunate experience. C.From her children and husband. D.By learning from her friends.

A.work rather than enjoy life B.waste a lot in life C.make a living rather than live a real life

D.forget the most important lessons in life

27.What's the author's attitude toward work?

A.Do it well to serve others.

B.Earn enough money to make life better. C.Don't let it affect your real life. D.Try your best to get a higher position and a pay raise. C There are many ways of defining success. It is accurate to say that each of us has our own ideas of success to the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and determining whether we have met these goals satisfactorily. Because each of us possesses unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define success broadly.

For some people,simply being able to live their life with the least misery and sufferings is considered a success. Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his simple life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a good job of achieving the goals expected of him and accepted by his family and his society. On the other hand, it seems that even though some people appear to be rich in material possessions, many of them seem to be miserable and consider themselves unsuccessful when judged by their own standards of success. Because not all ventures can be successful, one should not set unrealistic goals for achieving success, but if one has self-confidence it would be unfortunate to set one's goals at too low a level of achievement.

A wise man once said to a young man who was experiencing frustration (挫折)with his own professional success, “You do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have success in traveling. Sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park or riding the subway downtown,” The man added, "You have not really failed and spoiled your chances for success until you have been unsuccessful at something you really like,and to which you have given your best effort. ”

28. Some rich people consider themselves unsuccessful because ______.

A. their life is busy and miserable

B. they are not rich in material possessions

C. they set their goals at too low a level

D. they haven't reached their own standards

29. From the last paragraph we can tell that ______.

A. success means achieving great goals

26.By the underlined sentence “It's so easy to exist instead of to live" in the fifth paragraph, the

B. success comes from great goal setting

C. success means efforts and favorites pay off D. success has nothing to do with the distance of your travel

30. The purpose of the passage is ______. A. to state what our life goal is

B. to talk about how to achieve success

C. to give us a clear definition of what success is

D. to discuss the importance of goals


Guide to Stockholm University Library

Our library offers different types of studying places and provides a good studying environment. Zones

The library is divided into different zones. The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for silent reading, and places where you can sit and work with your own computer. The reading places consist mostly of tables and chairs. The ground floor is the zone where you can talk. Here you can find sofas and armchairs for group work.


You can use your own computer to connect to the wi-fi specially prepared for notebook computers, your can also use library computers, which contain the most commonly used applications, such as Microsoft Office. They are situated in the area known as the Experimental Field on the ground floor.

Group-study places

If you want to discuss freely without disturbing others, you can book a study room or sit at a table on the ground floor.Some study rooms are for 2-3 people and others can hold up to 6-8 people. All rooms are marked on the library maps.

There are 40 group-study rooms that must be booked via the website. To book, you need an active University account and a valid University card. You can use a room three hours per day, nine hours at most per week.

Storage of Study Material

The library has lockers for students to store course literature, When you have obtained at least 40 credits(学分),you may rent a locker and pay 400 SEK for a year’s rental period.

Rules to be Followed

Mobile phone conversations are not permitted anywhere in the library. Keep your phone on silent as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls.

Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library, but you are allowed to have drinks and sweets with you.

31.The library’s upper floor is mainly for students to

A. take comfortable seats B. have group discussions

C. read in a quiet place D. get their computers fixed

32. Library computers on the ground floor

A. help students with their field experiments

B. are for those who want to access the wi-fi

C. contain software essential for schoolwork

D. are mostly used for filling out application forms



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