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一、听录音,判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同的打“ ×”。

( ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who

( ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. teacher D. doctor

( ) 3. A. skirt B. shirt C. girl D. nurse

( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math

( ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. away

( ) 6. A. how B. now C. mouth D. town

( ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. meat

( ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book

( ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over

( ) 10. A. potato B. tomato C. tofu D. yellow


( ) 1. how A. brown B. yellow C. window

( ) 2. who A. why B.whose C. white

( ) 3. what A.where B. whole C.whom

( ) 4. this A. math B.thank C.clothes

( ) 5. that A. math B. water C. path

( ) 6. lake A.wash B. table C.can

( ) 7. like A. fish B. active C.kind

( ) 8. fresh A. behind B. chess C.closet

( ) 9. over A.closet B. close C.computer

( )10.water A away B.watch C trash


( ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who

( ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. doctor D. short

( ) 3. A. skirt B.dinner C. girl D. nurse

( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math

( ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. day

( ) 6. A. how B. now C.window D. town

( ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. road

( ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book

( ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over

( ) 10. A. potato B. tomato C. tofu D. closet


1. sk__ __t (ir , or) 2. p__ __ple (ur , ow)3. __ __oor (fl, cl)

fr) 5. __ __etty (pr, br) 6. farm__ __ (ee, er)

7. r__ __d (oa, ou) 8.__ __ock (cr, cl) 9.li__ __ary (bl, br)

th) 11.m__ __th (ou, oa) 12.act__ __ (or, ea)

13. t__ __n (ow, ur) 14. __ __ow (fr, fl) 15. __ __op ( cl, cr)

ow) 17 th__ __ __ (ere, ean)

18.gr__ss (a, o) 19.__ __ y ( sh , sk) 20.__ __air (sh, ch)


1、A sheep eats and drink green tea. (A. bee B. beef )

2、A black bird eats bread. (A. black B. brown )

3、A cow has a crown. (A. black B. brown ) 4. __ __idge (br, 16.sn__ __(or,10.__ __ om (wh,

4、Our loud mouse has a big .(A. house B. mouth )

5、A flow makes flowers grow. (A. snow B. slow )

6、A short wore orange shorts. (A. house B. horse )

7、Tall Paul did on the ball.(A. ball B. fall )

8、Let’s plan to on the plane.(A. pray B. play )

9、My first skirt and third are dirty .(A. short B. shirt )

10、 and mother eat dinner at the river .(A. Farmer B. Father )

11、Eat your meat and your . (A. beach B. peach )

12、Clean crows cry, clean dry. (A. clothes B. closet )


一、听录音,判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同的打“ ×”。 ( × ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who

( √ ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. teacher D. doctor

( √ ) 3. A. skirt B. shirt C. girl D. nurse

( × ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math

( × ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. away

( √ ) 6. A. how B. now C. mouth D. town

( √ ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. meat

( × ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book

( × ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over

( × ) 10. A. potato B. tomato C. tofu D. yellow


( A ) 1. how A. brown B. yellow C. window

( B ) 2. who A. why B.whose C. white

( A ) 3. what A.where B. whole C.whom

( A ) 4. this A. math B.thank C.clothes

( A ) 5. that A. math B. water C. path

( B ) 6. lake A.wash B. table C.can

( C ) 7. like A. fish B. active C.kind

( B ) 8. fresh A. behind B. chess C.closet【5年级下册英语语音题目专项练习】

( B ) 9. over A.closet B. close C.computer

( B )10.water A away B.watch C trash


( D ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who

( D ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. doctor D. short

( B ) 3. A. skirt B.dinner C. girl D. nurse

( C ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math

( A ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. day

( C ) 6. A. how B. now C.window D. town

( D ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. road

( B ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book

( D ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over

( D ) 10. A. potato B. tomato C. tofu D. closet


1. skirt (ir , or) 2. purple (ur, ow) 3. floor (fl, cl) 4. fridge (br, fr) 5. pretty (pr, br) 6. farmer (ee, er)

7. road (oa, ou) 8.clock (cr,

cl) 9.library (bl, br) 10.whom (wh, th) 11.mouth (ou,

oa) 12.actor (or, ea)

13. town (ow, ur) 14. flow (fr, fl) 15. crop ( cl, cr) 16.snow (or ow) 17 there (ere, ean) 18.grass (a, o)

19.sky ( sh , sk) 20.chair (sh, ch)


1、A sheep eats and drink green tea. (A. bee B. beef )

2、A black bird eats bread. (A. black B. brown )

3、A cow has a crown. (A. black B. brown )

4、Our loud mouse has a big .(A. house B. mouth )

5、A flow makes flowers grow. (A. snow B. slow )

6、A short wore orange shorts. (A. house B. horse )

7、Tall Paul did on the ball.(A. ball B. fall )

8、Let’s plan to on the plane.(A. pray B. play )

9、My first skirt and third are dirty .(A. short B. shirt )

10、 and mother eat dinner at the river .(A. Farmer B. Father )

11、Eat your meat and your . (A. beach B. peach )

12、Clean crows cry, clean dry. (A. clothes B. closet )



No: 一、 Listen and choose(听录音选单词,每空一词。)



( A. plane B. paint )

2. B. make )

3. B. glue )

4. B. bear )

5. B. skill )

6. B. hear )

7. B. cheap )

8. B. cheap )

9. B. good )

10. B. super )

11. B. twist )

12. B. aunt )

13. It’s B. park )

14. B. slow )

15. B. fight )

16. B. night )

17. B. quit )

18. ’s birth B. date )

二、 Read and choose


Jack: Hello, this is Jack!

Zhang Peng: This is Zhang Peng. ______________________________? Jack: I am sorry. He is busy now. please hold on.


Zhang Peng: ______________________________________________? Jack : He is writing an e-mail. He is coming.

Zhang Peng: Hi, John! ________________________________________. John: I go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning.

Zhang Peng: It is early. ______________________________________? John: I get up at 6:00.

Zhang Peng: Shall we meet at 6:50 at school?

John: ___________________________________________.


Jack: Hello, Zhang Peng. ____________________________________? Zhang Peng: It’s October 2nd.

Jack: _____________________________________________?

Zhang Peng: I often have a birthday party with my classmates.

Jack : _____________________________________________?

Zhang Peng: No, we don’t. When is your birthday?

John: It’s in winter. It’s December 9th.

Zhang Peng: ______________________________________?

John: I like winter best.

Zhang Peng: Why?



五年级下册英语 (语音)

I.说出下列单词划线部分的音标。 25. try 26. night【5年级下册英语语音题目专项练习】

II.判断下列划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打钩,不相同的打错。 ( √ ) 1. wait (× (× (× (× (× (√ (× (√ (√

(× (√ (× (√ (√ (√ (√ (× (√ (√(× (× (√ (√ (√ (√ (× (× (× (√



一、听录音,判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同的打“ ×”。

( ) 1. A. y B. C. ite D. ( ) 2. A. riv B. farm C. teach D. doct

( ) 3. A. sk B. sht

( ) 4. A. in B. ank ( ) 5. A. w B. m( ) 6. A. h B. n ( ) 7. A. bf B. t ( ) 8. A. c B. ft ( ) 9. A. b B. d

( ) 10. A. potat

( B. yell C. wind

( B. C.

( B. C.( Bank C.cloes

( B. wter C. p( B. t C.cn

( B. act C.knd

( B. chss C.clos( ) 9. A.cl B. cl C.c( )10.w A way B.wtch C tr

三、听录音,找出发音不同的一项。新 课 标 第 一 网

( ) 1. A. y B. C. D. o

( ) 2. A. riv B. farm C. doct D. sht

( ) 3. A. sk B.dinn C. gl D. n

( ) 4. A. in B. ank C. D. ma( ) 5. A. w B. m C. l D. d

( ) 6. A. h B. n C.wind D. tn

( ) 7. A. bf B. t C. p D. rd

( ) 8. A. c B. ft C. l D. bk

( ) 9. A. b B. d C. cl D.( ) 10. A. potat B. tomat C. tfu D. cl四、听录音,根据发音规则选择合适的字母填写单词

1. sk__ __t (ir , or) 2. p__ __ple cl)

4. __ __idge (br, fr) 5. __ __etty (pr, br) 7. r__ __d (oa, ou) 8.__ __ock (cr, cl) (bl, br)

10.__ __ om (wh, th) 13. t__ __n (ow, ur) 14. __ __ow 15. __ __op ( cl, cr)

16.sn__ __(or,ow)

20.__ __air (sh, ch)

1 B. beef )

2 B. brown )

3 B. brown ) 新|课|标| 第|一 |网

4 B. mouth )

5 B. slow )

6、A short wore orange shorts. (A. house B. horse )

7、Tall Paul did on the ball.(A. ball B. fall )

8、Let’s plan to on the plane.(A. pray B. play )

9、My first skirt and third are dirty .(A. short B. shirt )

10、 and mother eat dinner at the river .(A. Farmer B. Father )

11、Eat your meat and your . (A. beach B. peach )

12、Clean crows cry, clean dry. (A. clothes B. closet )


“√”,不相同的打“ ×”。

( × ) 1. A. B. C. D. ( √ ) 2. A. riv B. farm D. doct

( √ ) 3. A. skt B. sh D. nse


( × ) 4. A. B. at D. ma(

C. l D. ( C. m D. t( C. pch D. mt

( C. lk D. b( C. cl D.( C. t D. yell ( B. yell C. wind

( B ) 2. o A. B. C. ite

( A ) 3. what A. B. C.( A ) 4. A. ma Bank C.cloes

( A ) 5. tht A. mth B. wter C. p( B ) 6. lke A.w B. t C.cn

( C ) 7. l A. fsh B. act C.knd

( B ) 8. frsh A. b B. chss C.clos( B ) 9. A.cl B. cl C.c( B )10.wter A way B.wtch C tr


( D ) 1. A. B. C. D. ( D ) 2. A. riv B. farm C. doct D. sht

( B ) 3. A. sk

( C ) 4. A. in ( A ) 5. A. w ( C ) 6. A. h ( D ) 7. A. b ( B ) 8. A. ck ( D ) 9. A. bx ( D ) 10. A. potat

1. skirt (ir , or) (ur, ow) 3. floor (fl, cl)

4. fridge (br, fr) (pr, br) 6. farmer (ee, er)

7. road 8.clock (cr, cl) 9.library (bl, br)

10.whom 11.mouth (ou, oa) 12.actor (or, ea)

13. ur) 14. flow (fr, fl) 15. crop ( cl, cr)

ow) 17 there (ere, ean) 18.grass (a, o)

( sh , sk) 20.chair (sh, ch)


1、A sheep eats and drink green tea. (A. bee B. beef )

2、A black bird eats bread. (A. black B. brown )

3、A cow has a crown. (A. black B. brown )

4、Our loud mouse has a big B. mouth )

5、A flow makes flowers grow. (A. snow B. slow )

6、A short wore orange shorts. (A. house B. horse )

7、Tall Paul did on the ball.(A. ball B. fall ) w W w.xK b 1. c om

8、Let’s plan to on the plane.(A. pray B. play )

9、My first skirt and third are dirty .(A. short B. shirt

10、 and mother eat dinner at the river .(A. Farmer )

11、Eat your meat and your . (A. beach

12、Clean crows cry, clean dry. (




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