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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum单元测试题

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?



( ) 1. I don’t like those two coats because ________ of them fits me.

A. either B. neither C. none D. all

( ) 2. ––I really want to go to the –– So do I. We can swim in it.

A. water park B. aquarium C. zoo D. space museum

( is fun to learn another language.

A. That B. This C. It D. What

( ) 4. ––I hear your teacher ________ to Japan once. ––Yes, he _______ there last year.

A. goes; went B. has been; has been C. went; went D. has been; went

( ) 5. –– _______ have you been studying English? –– Since last year.

A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How often

( ) 6. The Smiths have lived here with us ________ 1999.

A. for B. since C. before D. in

( ) 7. –– I have never been to Disneyland. How about you? ––.

A. Me, too B. So do I C. Me, neither D. Yes, I have

( ) 8. When my mother came back home last night, I was still _________.

A. wake B. woke C. waking D. awake

( ) 9. ––Tina, we are going to take a holiday in Europe. ––_________.

A. It’s wonderful B. With pleasure C. That’s OK D. Have a good time

( ) 10. Jim needs _________ his English if he wants to be a flight attendant(服务员).

A. to improve B. improve C. discover D. to learn

( ) 11. The island is quite warm all year round, because it’s ________ the equator.

A. next B. close to C. far from D. across from

( ) 12. Linda __________ the space museum after school yesterday.

A. has been to B. was going to C. went to D. goes to

( ) 13.-Tell us something about Canada, OK?

-I’m sorry. _________ Jack _________ I have ever been there.

A. Either; or B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. Neither; nor

( ) 14. My sister would like to be a dancer __________a singer. She likes dancing more.

A. rather than B. than rather C. would rather D. more rather

( ) 15. ________you are free, come to my home and let’s have some coffee.

A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whoever D. However



Which is the best way to learn a foreign language? We remembered that we all learned our own language when we were seem to be so . Think of what small children do.They listen to people say and they try to imitate(模仿) what they . When they want something they have to for it. They are using language, talking it all the time. If use a second language like this all the time, they will learn it more

own language by hearing people speak it, by seeing what they write. In school, though you learn to hear and speak, to read and write, you must learn all new words through the ear, you can read them, spell them and write them .

( )16. A. boys

( )18. A. what

( )19. A. see

( )20. A. send

( )21. A. in

B. girls B. difficult B. which B. listen B. look B. teachers B. hardly B. and B. earlier C. children C.how D. young people D. easy D.when D. speak D. ask D. with D. workers D. carefully D. then D. later ( )17. A. important C. interesting C. hear C. wait C. on C. children C. quickly C. but C. before B. by ( )22. A. people ( )23. A. slowly ( )24. A. not ( )25. A. first



A: It’s very late. Are you still on the computer?

B: Well, yes.

A: What kind of e-mails?

are from the relatives.

A: A: B: I’ve already had 40 people’s addresses in my

address book! B: Some are messages from my friends and some

B: Of course! Usually people want a quick reply. A: E-mail is really very convenient(方便的).

四.阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)



Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)is a country which has a lot of animals, such as gnus(角马),lions , cheetahs(猎豹),elephants, giraffes, crocodiles and so on. Every year, many people in the world travel to this African country to watch the animals closely. But do you know how they travel?

By bus——This is the most common way. When people get on a bus, they’ll find that the bus is a little strange. It is different from the buses we often see. There are no big windows at all, but some small windows. And it looks like a cage. What are they used for? Oh, people can use it to watch animals, especially those dangerous animals ,and take photos. We know that people are

most interested in the lions. So when two buses meet , the drivers will stop and ask each other whether they have found lions.

By boat——We can often see many people are in a boat, enjoying the beautiful scene along a river of a lake, and they can also enjoy hippos(河马)and crocodiles from a nearer distance.

By hot balloon(热气球)——In the early morning, when the sun is beginning to rise, a large hot balloon is also starting its journey. Taking a hot balloon makes most of the travelers excited. After some time, the balloon will land in a certain place, and the waiters will serve people a delicious and special breakfast. But the cost of taking a hot balloon is also very high. A person should pay 400 dollars for an hour’s trip.

( )31. Which is the most common way of traveling in Tanzania?

A. By bus B. By plane C. By boat D. By hot balloon

( A.it has no doors B.it looks like a cage C.people can take photos D.it has no driver

( )33.If you want to watch hippos carefully, you’d better.

A. take a bus B. take a hot balloon C. be on a boat D. swim in the river

( )34.Which one is NOT right?

A. Tanzania is an African country

B. Many people go to Tanzania for travelling.

C. Taking a hot balloon for a whole morning will cost 400 dollars.

D. The different traveling ways can make people happy.

( )35.Which one can be the best title?

A. Different animals in Tanzania B. The ways of traveling in Tanzania

C. Why do we take a bus to travel? D. The beautiful country-Tanzania


When you are in England,you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street,you must look to the right first and then the left. If the traffic lights are red,the traffic must stop. The people on foot can cross the road carefully. If the traffic lights are green,the traffic can go. The people on foot must not cross. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work,the streets are very busy.

When you go by bus in England,you have to be careful,too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left.So you must be careful. Have a look first or you will go the wrong way. In many English cities,there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city well. It is very interesting.

( )36.When you are in England, you must be more careful in the street because________.

A. there are many cars and buses on the road B. there are no traffic lights

C. the buses and cars move on the left D. people on foot may cross the road

first and then________.

A. the right;the left B.the left;the right C. the front;the backD. the back;the front

( )38. If the traffic lights are green,


A. the people on foot;the traffic B. the traffic;the people on bike

C. buses;cars D. the traffic;the people on foot

( )39. In England, you must always remember that the traffic _______.

A. is busy B. moves on the left C. moves on the right D. with two floors

( )40. In many cities in England, there are big buses ________.

A. with a lot of people in them B. with lots of seats in them

C. with two floors D. with interesting colors



(娱乐) park?

(不寻常的) museum.

(油画) in the art museum.

(不管---还是)it is rainy or not, we should go to school on time.

(春季)comes after winner.

B) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

(encourage) us to think about ways to improve our studies.

48. Have you ever tried (Japan) food?

49. My grandpa loves drinking tea and 50. Have you ever (hear) of the Night Safari in Singapore?

六.书面表达 (共1小题;满分20分)

埃及千年神庙惊现中文涂鸦―丁 ××到此一游‖。此事曝光后,引起国内外广泛关注,某国外英语网站就此发起讨论。请你以一名中国中学生(网名Whitecloud) 的身份,跟帖发表自己的看法。提示: 1.表明身份;2. 发表看法;3. 你的行动 要求:1. 词数:80词左右, 开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。







26-30 GDEAC


31-35ABCCD 36-40CADBC


41. amusement 42. unusual 43. paintings 44. Whether 45.Spring

46. peaceful 47. encourages 48. Japanese 49. collecting 50. heard


One possible version:

Whitecloud: I come from China.I’m also a middle school student like Ding. When I read the news, my heart ached. What Ding did made me sad. Ding should feel sorry for that. As a student, it’s very important to care about what we do in public. For example, we’d better keep our voice a little quiet. I will be more polite to people around me and take better care of public things. And I’m sure we Chinese will show our best to the whole world!

Sincerely yours,


unit9 Have you ever been to a museum?测试题

Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum?


1. ---Is your friend a teacher or a policeman?

---______. He is a lawyer.

A. Neither B. All C. Both D. Either

2. He has ___ from Singapore for a week.

A. got back B. been back C. went back D. come back

3.--Where’s your father?--He ___Shanghai. He’ll be back next week.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in

4. I ___ the living room all day, and I’ll finish it this evening.

A. have painted B. have been painting C. painted

5. ---How do you like the song Two Butterflies?

---Great! I ___ such a beautiful song before.

A. don’t hear B. has never hear C. have never heard

6. ---You’ve left the TV on.---Oh, sorry. I ___and turn it off.

A. have gone B. go C. went D. will go

7. ---Will you watch the World Cup match this year?

---No, but I ___ several World Cup matches since I was a small child.

A. had seen B. see C. saw D. have seen

8.---Is that Jack speaking?

---Sorry, he isn’t in right now. He ___ the cinema with his aunt.

A. has been to B. has gone to C. have gone to

9、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they ____what's happened to him . A. knew B. have known C.will know

10. The famous writer ___ one new book in the past two year .

A. is writing B. has written C.wrote

11. Zhao Lan ____already _____in this school for two years .

A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied

12.—These farmers have been to the United States .

—Really? When _____ there ?

A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone

13.—___ you ___ your homework yet?

—Yes. I _____ it a moment ago .

A. Did ; do ; finished B. Have ; done ; finished C. Have ; done ; have finished

14. His father ______ the Party since 1978 .

A. joined B. has joined C. has been in

15、—How long have you ____ here ?—About two months.

A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived

16、Hurry up! The play __________ for ten minutes.

A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on

17、 It _____ ten years since he left the army .

A. is B. has C. will D.was

18、My parents ______ Shandong for ten years .

A. have been in B.have been to C. have gone to

19. His uncle A. has come here B. has started to work

C. has lived there D. has left the university

20. It ___________ that he has been ill for a long time.

A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if

21. - Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? - I'm afraid ____ day is possible.

A. either B. neither C. some D. any

22. Rose ____ an old friend of ____ when she was walking along the street.

A. met;her B. saw;her C. met;hers D. saw;herself

23. - ____ have you done with your mobile phone? - I've ____ someone to mend it.

A. What;asked B. How;told C. What;hoped D. How;wanted

24. The question ____ by us soon.

A. is going to discuss B. will discuss C. is going to be discussed D. has been discussed


25. A lot of tall buildings _____ in his hometown in the last three years.

A. have set up B. have been set up C. were set up D. set up

26. Great changes ____ place. Many new schools ____.

A. have taken,have been opened B. take,are open

C. are taken,open D. have been taken,are opened

27. I’ll go to meet you,if I _______________ free then.

A. will be B. would be C. am D. was

28. This shirt is so nice,but it _________ too much.

A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends

29. Where were you __________________?

A. an hour ago B. before an hour C. at times D. an hour before

30. This pair of trousers is too big. I want _____ pair.

A. other B. the other C. others D. another

31. —I can sing the song in English. —________.

A. So I can B. So can I C. I can so D. Too can I

32. —Why don’t you buy one of the scarves for your mum? —They are not ______.

A. beautiful enough B. enough beautiful C. too beautiful D. beautifully enough

33.The food in the restaurant is good ______ the price is too ______.

A. and ; high B. but ; high C. but ; expensive D. because ; low 34. I think a dog is a good pet for _________ child.

A. a 6-year-old B. an 6-years-old C. a 6-year old D. a 6 years-old

35. —I have never been to a water park. —________ I.

A. So have B. Neither have C. So do D. So am 36 Maybe when I graduate, I’ll think about ________ an English teacher.

A. become B. becoming C. became D. to become

37. There are about six ________ students in our school.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of

38. —Have a wonderful time! —___________.

A. Have a wonderful time, too. B. Thank you C. Certainly D. You are welcome【Have,you,ever,been,to,a,museum?测试卷分析】

39. Neither of the two boys ________ from the USA.

A. come B. don’t come C. comes D. doesn’t come

40. Have you ever seen him ________?

A. ago B. two days ago C. before D. just now

41. He made some new _________ in science.

A. discovers B. discovered C. discovery D. discoveries

42. Neither the students nor the teacher ________ the answer to the question.

A. know B. knows C. don’t know D. doesn’t know 43. Mr. Jack ________ China for several years.

A. has been to B. has come to C. has been in D. came to

44.—Would you like some tea or coffee? —______ is OK.

A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. Any

45. His brother ________ for three months.

A. has joined the army B. has been in the army C. has become a soldier D. joined the army

二. 阅读理解


Mrs. Black lived in a town. Her husband had a few shops there and they wore nice clothes and ate the best food. She had some servants(佣人) and never did anything at home. In the evening she often watched TV and went to bed late at night. She never took any exercise. And she was getting fatter and fatter. It worried her and she had to see a doctor one day. The doctor looked her over carefully and said,“I'm sorry,madam. Nobody can help you! I'm sure you'll die in a month!”

Hearing this,the woman was very sad. She got home and ate or drank nothing. She cried and cried and couldn't sleep at night. Nobody could comfort(安慰) her,and she didn't listen to them and refused to see the other doctors. And a month later she didn't feel well but didn't die. She became angry and went to the doctor's again.

“You said I was going to die,didn't you?”said the woman.

“Yes,madam.”answered the doctor.

“You were wrong,sir! Look! I'm here again!”

“But I cured(治愈) you,”said the doctor. “Aren't you thinner now?”

1. Mrs. Black did nothing at home because _________.

A. she was very busy B. the servants did all for her

C. she often felt unwell D. her husband did all instead

2. Which of the following is wrong? Mrs. Black got fatter because ________.

A. she wore the nice clothes B. she ate the best food

C. she never took any exercise D. she never did anything at home

3. The word “die”in the story means _________.

A. 渴望 B. 被遗忘 C. 死 D. 殉职

4. Mrs. Black was sad because ________.

A. she was often tired B. she always wanted to rest

C. she couldn't be thinner D. she believed(相信) the doctor

5. ________,so she was thinner.

A. The doctor helped Mrs. Black B. Mrs. Black thought she shouldn't eat or drink and she did it C. Mrs. Black refused to see the other doctors D. Nobody could comfort Mrs. Black


In the 13th century, the famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, traveled a long way to China. During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money. In western countries, people didn’t use paper money until 15th century. However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th. A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper almost 2000 years ago. He put these pieces of paper together and made them in a book.

Now paper comes from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. If there are no trees, there will be no paper. So how can we save paper? We can use both of every piece of paper, especially when we are making notes. We can choose drinks in bottles instead of those in paper packets(小包). We can also use handkerchiefs(手帕) and not paper ones. When we go shopping, we can use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant does give you a paper bag, we can save it and reuse it later.

Everyone can help to save paper. If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees. We should do it now, before it is too late.

( ) 6. When Marco Polo was in China, he _________.

A. discovered Cai Lun invented paper B. learned to make paper

C. discovered Chinese people used paper money D. learned to use paper money

( )7. People in Western countries first used paper money in the ________ century.

A. 17th B. 15th C. 13th D. 7th

( ) 8. Which of the following is NOT the way of saving paper?

A. To use both sides of every piece of paper

B. To use the paper bags from shops more than once.

C. To use cotton handkerchiefs instead of paper ones. D. To grow more trees.

( ) 9. Which of the following is not true?

A. If we keep on wasting paper, we will have no paper to use.

B. The Chinese people used paper money earlier than the people in Western countries.

C. A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper money about two thousand years ago.

D. We can use the paper bags from the shops again.

( )10. Which is the best title of the passage?

A. Saving Paper B. The History of Paper

C. Cotton Handkerchiefs Back Again D. Cai Lun Invented Paper

C Jack had gone to the university to study history, but at the end of his first year, his history professor(教授) failed him in his exams, and Jack would have to leave the university. However, his father decided that he would go to see the professor to urge(强烈要求) him to let Jack go on his studies the following year. “He’s a good boy,” said his father, “and if you let him pass this time, I’m sure he’ll improve a lot next year and pass the exam at the end of it really well”

“No, no, that’s quite impossible.” Said the professor at once, “Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon had died, and he didn’t know!”

“Please, sir, give him another chance(机会).” Said Jack’s father. “You see, I’m afraid we don’t take any newspapers in our house, so none of us even know that Napoleon was ill.”

( ) 11. Jack would have to leave the university because _________.

A. he didn’t like history B. he didn’t pass the exam

C. he was a good boy D. he didn’t know Napoleon was ill

( ) 12. Jack’s father wanted the professor _______.

A. to tell him a story B. to give Jack a lesson

C. to let Jack pass his exams that time D. to let Jack leave the university

( ) 13. In “at the end of it” the word “it” means _______.

A. Jack’s exams B. the university C. Jack’s first year D. Jack’s second year

( ) 14. “Impossible” means _______.

A. possible B. not possible C. untrue D. not true

( ) 15. Jack didn’t know when Napoleon had died because________.

A. he didn’t do well in his history B. he didn’t take any newspaper

C. he didn’t know Napoleon D. he didn’t know Napoleon left the university


1. ---Why didn’t you go to the movie yesterday? ---Because I__________(see)it before.

2. ---Will you watch the World Cup match this year? ---No, but I ______________(see) several World Cup matches since I was a small child.

3. ---_____ you_______(borrow) the magazine from the school library yet?

--- Yes, I ___________(keep) it for two days.

4. ---Tom, can I borrow your book Chicken Soapy.

---Sorry, I _____________(lend) it to Mary.

5. ---Tony, ______ you___________ (stop) smoking? ---Yes, Drinking tea is my favorite now.

6. ---Look! The light is still on in Mr. Zhang’s office.

---I’m afraid he ______________ (not finish) his work yet.

7. I won’t return the book to the library because I ________________ (not finish) reading it.

8. The smiths moved to China ten years ago and __________________ (live) here since then.

9.用have / has been to , have / has gone to 填空

①There will be a parents’ meeting this afternoon. But my parents can’t come because they ___________to Harbin.

②My aunt isn’t here. She _____________ Shanghai on business. She will be back in three days. ③Mike ______________ the library, I have to wait for him.

④He says he _______________ Dalian several times already this year.

⑤.He _______________ here two or three times.

10. It ________________ (stop) raining when I woke up this morning.

11. The World Without Thives is a very moving film. I _________________ (see) it twice already.

12. ---Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you! ---Hi, it’s one year since I last ___________ (see) you

13. He ______________________ (watch) it for two hours, and he’s still watching now.

14. ---When ____ your brother _____ (come) back? ---About half an hour ago.


1.The p_______ of China is 1.3 billion.

2. Yao Ming is an e_______ basketball player, now he plays for NBA.

3. He didn’t go out because it’s ________.(黑暗)

4. Students need a happy e________ to study.

5. In summer , the t_______ is very high.

6. Animals like to live in a n_______ place.

7. There are four s_______ in a year.


Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum?


1. ---Is your friend a teacher or a policeman?---______. He is a lawyer.

A. Neither B. All C. Both D. Either

2. He has ___ from Singapore for a week.

A. got back B. been back C. went back D. come back

3.--Where’s your father?--He ___Shanghai. He’ll be back next week.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in

4. I ___ the living room all day, and I’ll finish it this evening.

A. have painted B. have been painting C. painted

5. ---How do you like the song Two Butterflies? ---Great! I ___ such a beautiful song before.

A. don’t hear B. has never hear C. have never heard

6. ---You’ve left the TV on.---Oh, sorry. I ___and turn it off.

A. have gone B. go C. went D. will go

7. ---Will you watch the World Cup match this year?

---No, but I ___ several World Cup matches since I was a small child.

A. had seen B. see C. saw D. have seen

8.---Is that Jack speaking?---Sorry, he isn’t in right now. He ___ the cinema with his aunt.

A. has been to B. has gone to C. have gone to

9、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they ____what's happened to him . A. knew B. have known C.will know

10. The famous writer ___ one new book in the past two year .

A. is writing B. has written C.wrote

11. Zhao Lan ____already _____in this school for two years .

A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied

12.—These farmers have been to the United States .—Really? When _____ there ?

A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone

13.—___ you ___ your homework yet?—Yes. I _____ it a moment ago .

A. Did ; do ; finished B. Have ; done ; finished C. Have ; done ; have finished

14. His father ______ the Party since 1978 .

A. joined B. has joined C. has been in

15、—How long have you ____ here ?—About two months.

A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived

16、Hurry up! The play __________ for ten minutes.

A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on

17、 It _____ ten years since he left the army .

A. is B. has C. will D.was

18、My parents ______ Shandong for ten years .

A. have been in B.have been to C. have gone to

19. His uncle A. has come here B. has started to work

C. has lived there D. has left the university

20. It ___________ that he has been ill for a long time.

A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if

21. - Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? - I'm afraid ____ day is possible.

A. either B. neither C. some D. any

22. Rose ____ an old friend of ____ when she was walking along the street.

A. met;her B. saw;her C. met;hers D. saw;herself

23. - ____ have you done with your mobile phone? - I've ____ someone to mend it.

A. What;asked B. How;told C. What;hoped D. How;wanted

24. The question ____ by us soon.

A. is going to discuss B. will discuss C. is going to be discussed D. has been discussed

25. A lot of tall buildings _____ in his hometown in the last three years.

A. have set up B. have been set up C. were set up D. set up

26. Great changes ____ place. Many new schools ____.

A. have taken,have been opened B. take,are open

C. are taken,open D. have been taken,are opened

27. I’ll go to meet you,if I _______________ free then.

A. will be B. would be C. am D. was

28. This shirt is so nice,but it _________ too much.

A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends

29. Where were you __________________?

A. an hour ago B. before an hour C. at times D. an hour before

30. This pair of trousers is too big. I want _____ pair.

A. other B. the other C. others D. another

31. —I can sing the song in English. —________.

A. So I can B. So can I C. I can so D. Too can I

32. —Why don’t you buy one of the scarves for your mum? —They are not ______.

A. beautiful enough B. enough beautiful C. too beautiful D. beautifully enough

33.The food in the restaurant is good ______ the price is too ______.

A. and ; high B. but ; high C. but ; expensive D. because ; low 34. I think a dog is a good pet for _________ child.

A. a 6-year-old B. an 6-years-old C. a 6-year old D. a 6 years-old

35. —I have never been to a water park. —________ I.

A. So have B. Neither have C. So do D. So am 36 Maybe when I graduate, I’ll think about ________ an English teacher.

A. become B. becoming C. became D. to become

37. There are about six ________ students in our school.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of

38. —Have a wonderful time! —___________.

A. Have a wonderful time, too. B. Thank you C. Certainly D. You are welcome


39. Neither of the two boys ________ from the USA.

A. come B. don’t come C. comes D. doesn’t come

40. Have you ever seen him ________?

A. ago B. two days ago C. before D. just now

41. He made some new _________ in science.

A. discovers B. discovered C. discovery D. discoveries

42. Neither the students nor the teacher ________ the answer to the question.

A. know B. knows C. don’t know D. doesn’t know 43. Mr. Jack ________ China for several years.

A. has been to B. has come to C. has been in D. came to

44.—Would you like some tea or coffee? —______ is OK.

A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. Any

45. His brother ________ for three months.

A. has joined the army B. has been in the army C. has become a soldier D. joined the army

二. 阅读理解 In the 13th century, the famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, traveled a long way to China. During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money. In western countries, people didn’t use paper money until 15th century. However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th. A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper almost 2000 years ago. He put these pieces of paper together and made them in a book.

Now paper comes from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. If there are no trees, there will be no paper. So how can we save paper? We can use both of every piece of paper, especially when we are making notes. We can choose drinks in bottles instead of those in paper packets(小包). We can also use handkerchiefs(手帕) and not paper ones. When we go shopping, we can use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant does give you a paper bag, we can save it and reuse it later.

Everyone can help to save paper. If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees. We should do it now, before it is too late.

( ) 6. When Marco Polo was in China, he _________.

A. discovered Cai Lun invented paper B. learned to make paper

C. discovered Chinese people used paper money D. learned to use paper money

( )7. People in Western countries first used paper money in the ________ century.

A. 17th B. 15th C. 13th D. 7th

( ) 8. Which of the following is NOT the way of saving paper?

A. To use both sides of every piece of paper

B. To use the paper bags from shops more than once.

C. To use cotton handkerchiefs instead of paper ones. D. To grow more trees.【Have,you,ever,been,to,a,museum?测试卷分析】

( ) 9. Which of the following is not true?

A. If we keep on wasting paper, we will have no paper to use.

B. The Chinese people used paper money earlier than the people in Western countries.

C. A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper money about two thousand years ago.

D. We can use the paper bags from the shops again.

( )10. Which is the best title of the passage?

A. Saving Paper B. The History of Paper

C. Cotton Handkerchiefs Back Again D. Cai Lun Invented Paper


1. ---Why didn’t you go to the movie yesterday? ---Because I__________(see)it before.

2. ---Will you watch the World Cup match this year? ---No, but I ______________(see) several World Cup matches since I was a small child.

3. ---_____ you_______(borrow) the magazine from the school library yet?

--- Yes, I ___________(keep) it for two days.

4. ---Tom, can I borrow your book Chicken Soapy.

---Sorry, I _____________(lend) it to Mary.

5. ---Tony, ______ you___________ (stop) smoking? ---Yes, Drinking tea is my favorite now.

6. ---Look! The light is still on in Mr. Zhang’s office.

---I’m afraid he ______________ (not finish) his work yet.

7. I won’t return the book to the library because I ________________ (not finish) reading it.

8. The smiths moved to China ten years ago and __________________ (live) here since then.

9.用have / has been to , have / has gone to 填空

①There will be a parents’ meeting this afternoon. But my parents can’t come because they ___________to Harbin.

②My aunt isn’t here. She _____________ Shanghai on business. She will be back in three days. ③Mike ______________ the library, I have to wait for him.

④He says he _______________ Dalian several times already this year.

⑤.He _______________ here two or three times.

10. It ________________ (stop) raining when I woke up this morning.

11. The World Without Thives is a very moving film. I _________________ (see) it twice already.

12. ---Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you! ---Hi, it’s one year since I last ___________ (see) you

13. He ______________________ (watch) it for two hours, and he’s still watching now.

14. ---When ____ your brother _____ (come) back? ---About half an hour ago.


1.The p_______ of China is 1.3 billion.

2. Yao Ming is an e_______ basketball player, now he plays for NBA.

3. He didn’t go out because it’s ________.(黑暗)

4. Students need a happy e________ to study.

5. In summer , the t_______ is very high.

6. Animals like to live in a n_______ place.

7. There are four s_______ in a year.



Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum 单词短语句型语法练习及答案

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?

一、 识记单词

三、 重点句型

1.Have you ever been to a science museum? 你曾经去过科学博物馆吗? 2.Let’s go somewhere different today. 我们今天去个不同的地方吧。 3.It’ s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! 科技以如此迅猛的方式发展真是令人难以置信啊!

4.Whether you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore! 不管你喜欢印度食品、西方食品还是日本食品,在新加坡你都能找到!

5. One great thing is that. One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year round.

新加坡一个很大的特征是它的气温几乎一年到头都是一样的。 6.It is best to visit Singapore...最好去游览新加坡。 四、本课语法:现在完成时态

1. 用法:①过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果:强调结果【Have,you,ever,been,to,a,museum?测试卷分析】

例:Yesterday I finished my homework, that’s to say, I my homework now. ②过去已经开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态:强调继续 例:I here since 1990. 2. 现在完成时的构成 have/has+过去分词 3. 现在完成时的四个基本句型

肯定句 He 一般疑问句 the work? 否定句 He 两回答 Yes ,he . No, he 特殊疑问句 What 4. 在下列情形下用现在完成时

1词语:①already 已经 肯定句中或句尾


例: I have found my pen. = I have found my pen ②yet已经 :否定句和疑问句句尾

例:I have not finished the work . Have you bought a computer ? ③ever曾经 : 句中 例:Have you ever seen pandas? ④never从不: 句中 例:I have never been to Beijing. ⑤just刚刚:句中 例:I have just done my work. ⑥before以前:句尾 例:I have never been there before. ⑦so far到目前为止 例:So far he has learnt 200 words. ⑧how long多久 例:How long have you lived here?

⑨how many times多少次 例:How many times has he been to Beijing? 2两词组

have<has>gone to去了某地 例:He 去了北京) have<has>been to去过某地 例:He 去过北京) 3两结构

4如果句子里面没有时间状语,汉语意思能够加“已经”,往往用现在完成时态。 例:Have you lost your library book? 你已经弄丢了从图书馆借的那本书吗? 5现在完成时态还常常用于下列句型

在过去的几年,他们已经种了很多树。 这是我曾经读过的最好的一本书。


这是我第一次玩电脑游戏。 5. 在现在完成时中,一次性动词不能和一段时间状语连用 例:He has bought the book for 3 years.(错) 6. 延续性动词和终止性动词

①延续性动词:表示的动作是能延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久的影响。如:learn/ work /stand/ lie /know/ walk/ keep/ have /wait /watch/ sing/ read /sleep/ live


如:leave/ start/ set out/ arriv/e reach/ get/ to/ begin/ stop/ shut/ turn off /marry/ put/ put on/ get up wake/fall/ join /meet/ receive/finish/ end /complete/ become /come/ go/ die/ open/ close /break /give /jump /buy /borrow

8. 终止性动词不能和一段时间状语连用。

He has died for three days. (错,终止性动词die不能和一段时间for three days连用) 练习: 单项选择。

( )1. The famous writer _____ one new book in the past two year . A. is writing B.was writing C.wrote D. has written ( )2. Have you met Mr. Li ____? A. Just B. ago C.before

( )3. —How long have you ____ here ? —About two months . A. been B. gone C. come

( )4. —Our country ____ a lot so far . —Yes. I hope it will be even ______ .

A. has changed ; well B. changed ; good C. has changed ; better

( )5. —______ you ___ your homework yet ?—Yes. I _____ it a moment ago.


A.Did; do; finished B.Have; done; finished

C.Have; done; have finished D. will; do; finish ( )6. We ______ Xiao Li since she was a little girl . A. know B. had known C. have known

( )7. Harry Potter is a very nice film. I _____ twice. A. will see B. have seen C. saw

( )8. —These farmers have been to the United States . —Really? When _____ there ?

A. will they go B.did they go C. do they go

( )9. Zhou Lang ______already ______in this school for two years . A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied ( )10. His father ______ the Party since 1998 . A.joined B. has joined C. was in D. has been in

( )11. —Do you know him well ? — Sure .We ______ friends since ten years ago . A. were B. have been C. have become ( )12. He has ___ been to Shanghai, has he ? A. already B.never C.ever

( )13. Hurry up! The play __________ for ten minutes . A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on

( )14. Miss Green isn't in the office. She_______ to the library. A.has gone B. went C.will go D. has been

( )15. The students have cleaned the classroom, ____? A. so they B. don’t they C. have they D. haven’t they 1-5 DCACB 6-10 C BBCBD 11-15 BBCAD


Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum (测试卷2)


Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum?


1. ---Is your friend a teacher or a policeman?

---______. He is a lawyer.

A. Neither B. All C. Both D. Either

2. He has ___ from Singapore for a week.

A. got back B. been back C. went back D. come back

3.--Where’s your father?--He ___Shanghai. He’ll be back next week.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in

4. I ___ the living room all day, and I’ll finish it this evening.

A. have painted B. have been painting C. painted

5. ---How do you like the song Two Butterflies?

---Great! I ___ such a beautiful song before.

A. don’t hear B. has never hear C. have never heard

6. ---You’ve left the TV on.---Oh, sorry. I ___and turn it off.

A. have gone B. go C. went D. will go

7. ---Will you watch the World Cup match this year?

---No, but I ___ several World Cup matches since I was a small child.

A. had seen B. see C. saw D. have seen

8.---Is that Jack speaking?

---Sorry, he isn’t in right now. He ___ the cinema with his aunt.

A. has been to B. has gone to C. have gone to

9、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they ____what's happened

A. knew B. have known C.will know

10. The famous writer ___ one new book in the past two year .

A. is writing B. has written C.wrote

11. Zhao Lan ____already _____in this school for two years .

1 to him .

A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied

12.—These farmers have been to the United States .

—Really? When _____ there ?

A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone

13.—___ you ___ your homework yet?

—Yes. I _____ it a moment ago .

A. Did ; do ; finished B. Have ; done ; finished C. Have ; done ; have finished

14. His father ______ the Party since 1978 .

A. joined B. has joined C. has been in

15、—How long have you ____ here ?—About two months.

A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived

16、Hurry up! The play __________ for ten minutes.

A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on

17、 It _____ ten years since he left the army .

A. is B. has C. will D.was

18、My parents ______ Shandong for ten years .

A. have been in B.have been to C. have gone to

19. His uncle A. has come here B. has started to work

C. has lived there D. has left the university

20. It ___________ that he has been ill for a long time.

A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if

21. - Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? - I'm afraid ____ day is possible.

A. either B. neither C. some D. any

22. Rose ____ an old friend of ____ when she was walking along the street.

A. met;her B. saw;her C. met;hers D. saw;herself


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