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初三英语9A unit 4 growing up 周练试卷七

省泰中附中初三英语周练试卷(七) 9A unit 4 单元测试卷

Name _________ Class __________ Marks _________

第一部分 :选择题 一、听力(20分)






( )5. What is wrong with the woman?

A. She cannot sleep well. B. She feels sick. C. Her stomach hurts.

( )6. Which lamp does the woman like better?

A. The yellow one. B. The blue one. C. We can't tell.

( )7. How much fruit does the man eat every day?

A. Two or three pieces. B.Two or three plates. C.Two or three kilos.

( )8. When will Alice be back?

A. Later this afternoon. B.Tomorrow evening. C.Next weekend.

( )9. Why is the man sure that Kevin is NOT at the supermarket?

A. Because the supermarket has already closed.

B. Because he just saw Kevin in the street. C. Because Kevin hates shopping.

( )10. What did Millie do during the last two weeks?

A. She went on a business trip. B. She had a training programme. C. She spent her holiday. 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(计10分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。

( )11. What is Tom going to do on Saturday?

A. He is going to play volleyball with his friends. B. He is going to play football for the school team.

C. He is going to play basketball with the local team.

( )12. Who taught Tom how to play when he was young?

A. A teacher. B. His dad. C. His neighbour.

( )14. A. parks B. environment C. shopping centres

( )15. A. better and better B. cleaner and cleaner C. bigger and bigger

听一篇短文.回答第16 - 20小题。

( )16. Where was the first International Friendship Camp held?

A. In China. B. In Italy. C. In the USA.

( )17. Why is the International Friendship Camp held?

A. To help world peace. B. To improve teenagers' practical skills.

C. To give young people a chance to practise speaking English.

( )18. How long did the International Friendship Camp last in Beijing?

A. Ten days, B. Two weeks. C. A month.

( )19. Why did Antonio say Chinese teenagers are a lot like Italian teenagers?

A. Because they are all active and outgoing. B. Because they are all serious and hard-working.

C. Because they are all careful and modest.

( )20. How would Shirley describe some members of her host family?

A. Patient. B. Clever. C. Kind and generous.

二、单项选择。 (1*20)

( ) 21. A. An; a, an B. A; a, the C. The; a, a D. The; an, a (2013新疆乌鲁木齐)

( ) 22. Kate’s dad is getting old. She will go back home to see him ________she has free time.

A. because B. whenever C. although D. unless (2013江西省)

( ) 23. I am good at Maths, but his English is_______________ than mine. (2013湖北黄石)

A. much better B. more better C. very better D. pretty better

( ) 24.— I’m very sorry. I broke your tea cup. — ______________. (2013湖北武汉)

A. It doesn’t matter B. You’d better not C. Take it easy D. It’s too bad

( ) 25. Your uncle will come to see you as soon as he______________ here.

A. arrives B. arrived C. will arrive D. is arriving (2014重庆B卷)

( )26.Many people do not realize the importance of health_________________________ they have fallen ill.

A. until B. while C. when D. after (2013江苏淮安)

( ) 27. Jane is more active in class than _____________girls in her class.

A. others B. another C. the other D. the others

( ) 28.— You look a little nervous. What’s wrong?

— I will ________the school football team in half an hour, but I’m not sure if I can be accepted.

A. try out for B . try on C. work out D. work on

( ) 29. He did not made a careful preparation before the interview last week. ______, he failed to miss the chance to get the job.

A. By the way B. Tell the truth C. As a result D. In fact

( ) 30.Hard work and right methods can __________one to success. So, don’t lose heart. You’ll make progress soon. A. take B. show C. lead D. remind

( ) 31.— Linda wasn’t accepted by the club simply__________ she is a girl.

— No, it was ___________her body type.

A. as; because B. when; because of C. because; because D. because; because of

( ) 32.---Didn’t you go to Jim’s birthday party? ---- No, I _________.

A. haven’t invited B. didn’t invite C. am not invited D. wasn’t invited

( )33.----Do you know ___________ this afternoon?

---I am not sure, but I will tell you as soon as she ___________.

A. how will Betty arrive, starts B. how Betty will arrive, will start

C. what time will Betty arrive, will start D. what time Betty will arrive, starts

( ) 34.---I am leaving for Canada on a study trip next week. --- ________.

A. Enjoy yourself B. That’s all right. C. You’re welcome. D. It’s my pleasure.

( )35.---What’s the _________ of China? -----The Great Wall.

A. medal B. prize C. symbol D. record

( ) 36. ----Do you know that Mr. Zhang passed __________ last week ? ----Yes. He died ________ illness. A. away, of B. on, from C. by, with D. off, as (2013 山东)

( ) 37. —What interests you most in today’s newspaper?

—Two European and American football team will play three games, including one ________ Evergrande Club (恒大足球队) the day after tomorrow.

A. with B. against C. on D. in

( ) 38. Father’s Day is coming. I am thinking about ____________.

A. what present I gave him B. where we had a big meal

C. how I will give him a surprise D. if I planted a party for him (2013年莱芜)

( ) 39. The weather has been awful ______________Monday. The rain has lasted for a week.

A. since B. for C. before D. after

( ) 40. The _______ man told us his past days before he _________. His ______ made us very sad.

A. dying, died, death B. dead, dying, die C. dead, died, dying D.dead, dying, dead


“Never give up!” It is my law(法则father’sstory.

went to school in the morning, in the fields till sunset. And then he did his At the age of 14, my father heard of the United States of America. It was the land of gold, the land “don’t I go to America?” he thought to himself, full of hope. So , my father came to America. “ I had thought it was easy towas not true. They did not like to hire(雇佣) English. Later, I worked in a small for the first few years. I worked from 10a.m to 11p.m. I wanted to go to school to learn English, but it was impossible. I couldn’tthe schooling(学费).

working hard, and reached his goal.

“Alan,” he often says to me, “If you want something, you have to work for it and never give up. in life.” That is what I learned from my father.

( )41. A.disaster B.loss C.success D.pity

( )42. A.life B.fashion C.danger D.history

( )43. A.famous B.lucky C.rich D.born

( )44. A.taught B.worked C.studied D.slept

( )45. A.until B.towards C.for D.during

( )46. A.experience B.energy C.time D.money

( )47 . A.kind B.poor C.strong D.lazy

( )48. A.What B.How C.Why D.When

( )49. A.discover B.make C.collect D.spend

( )50. A.little B.good C.much D.excellent

( )51. A.giving B.running C.washing D.receiving

( )52. A.comfortable B.cheerful C.nice D.hard

( )53. A.borrow B.need C.afford D.pay

( )54. A.kept B.finished C.minded D.stopped

( )55. A.really B.easily C.quietly D.slowly



Lu Xun is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. Today, many of his writings are included in school textbooks and his works are read by millions around the world.

Born in 1881 to rich family, Lu Xun had a happy childhood. In 1893, however, his grandfather was put into prison(监狱) for taking money. At the same time, his father became seriously ill. From that time on, his family were no longer accepted by their relatives(亲戚) and friends. These early experiences greatly influenced his writing.

By the time Lu Xun arrived in Nanjing to study at a college in 1899, he already believed that Chinese government had to change and become modern. In 1902 he went to study in Japan. There he began writing articles for some Chinese student magazines. He showed a gift for writing and translating(翻译) and he even wrote several books, though none was popular. He returned to China in 1909 because he was in need of money.

After working for a few years as a teacher in Beijing, Lu Xun again returned to writing. In 1918, he wrote his famous short story Diary of a Madman. It was the first Chinese novel using the everyday language that people spoke, which helped make it a great success. Q(1921), made Lu Xun a leading Chinese writer.

Though successful, Lu Xun still worried greatly about China’s future. In 1926, he moved to Shanghai and gave up writing stories. He only wrote articles which called on the people to fight against(反对) the government. For this, the government stopped him publishing(出版) any more books. He was made to write his articles using false names(假名).

Since his death in 1936, Lu Xun’s importance and influence have grown. More and more people have become interested in reading and studying his works.

( )56. Which of the following greatly influenced Lu Xun’s writing according to the passage?

A. the people he met in Japan B. the experiences in his early life

C. working as a teacher in Beijing D. his father’s being put into prison

( )57. According to the passage, why was Lu Xun’s story Diary of a Madman so popular?

A. It came from Lu Xun’s diary. B. It was the first novel to use everyday language.

C. Its story took place in modern times D. It was written in a western style.

( )58. The underlined word “This” (Paragraph 4) refers to ________.

A. the success of Diary of a Madman B. the use of everyday language

C. the first Chinese novel D. The True Story of Ah Q

( )59. After moving to Shanghai, Lu Xun mainly wrote _________.

A. funny stories B. articles about himself

C. articles against the government D. stories about the government

( )60. In what order did these events take place in Lu Xun’s life?

a. The government stopped him publishing books. b. He wrote Diary of a Madman.

c. His father became ill. d. He moved to Shanghai

e. His writings were put into textbooks.

A. c-a-b-d-e B. c-b-d-a-e C. e-c-b-d-a D. c-b-e-a-d


Last week was Road Safety Week at Jason's school. All the students had to take part in a talk on road safety which was given by a police officer. The following is what the police officer said.

“Most traffic accidents shouldn't happen. They happen because people are careless. A traffic accidents is speed. Some people drive too quickly. This means that if they have to stop suddenly, they cannot stop quickly enough to avoid (避免)hitting other vehicles (车辆)or people. You need to remember this when you are crossing the street or walking along the sidewalk.”

“It's not only drivers who cause accidents, however. People on foot-pedestrians, and bicycle riders often cause accidents, too. Pedestrians sometimes walk out into the street without looking. You should always look on both sides before stepping into the street. ”

“Do any of you ride a bike? Bicycle riders can cause accidents by changing directions suddenly or without warning other road users. Before you turn left, for example, you should check behind you to make

sure there aren't any cars, trucks or buses coming. You should show with your left hand to tell that you want to turn left. You should not turn until the street is clear. ”

“The rules of the road are very simple. If we learn them and obey (遵守)them, we should not have accidents any more. ”

( )61. The main idea of the story is _______.

A. obeying the rules of the road can keep you from having accidents

B. it was Road Safety Week at Jason's school C. it's not only drivers who cause traffic accidents

D. some people have accidents because they drive too quickly

( )62. Why do most traffic accidents happen?

A. Because people stop their cars suddenly. B. Because people don't know the rules.

C. Because people don't care if they have an accident. D. Because people are careless.

( )63. How can bicycle riders cause accidents?

A. By crossing the road without warning other road users.

B. By turning suddenly or without warning other road users.

C. By making sure there aren't any cars coming.

D. By showing suddenly or without warning other road users.

( )64. The underlined word “frequent”in the passage means ________ in Chinese.

A. 频繁的 B. 偶尔的 C. 所有的 D. 罕见的

( )65. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A. Road Safety Week B. A Talk on Safety C. Safety First D. Safety and Accidents


An old English saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” One person who certainly would have agreed with this is Norman Cousins.

Norman Cousins was the editor of a magazine called “Saturday Review” for a;most forty years. He also wrote and spoke about world peace and anti-nuclear (反核的) and anti-war issues (问题). And he traveled to many different countries to share his ideas.

In the 1960s, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Europe, Mr. Cousins got sick. He discovered he had a rare disease, known as , which caused the joint between his bones to stiff (僵硬的).

In less than a week after he got sick, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his illness and he might never get over (摆脱) it. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to stop hope.

Mr. Cousins thought that illness could be caused by unhappy thoughts. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.

He began to experiment on himself while still in that hospital by watching comedy (喜剧) shows on TV. Mr. Quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free (无痛苦的) sleep at night.

Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into (入住) a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching comedy show on TV, reading amusing books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a holiday to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for exercise. After a few months, Mr. Cousins was able to carry on his work. He had laughed himself back to good health.

( ) 66. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. funny story. B. An interesting cure. C. An amazing life D. Why people laugh.

( )67. What is NOT true about the underlined words “ankylosing spondylitis”?

A. It is uncommon. B. It makes walking difficult. C. It is easily cured. D. It is painful.

( )68. What did the doctors think about Mr. Cousins’ disease?

A. It could be cured if he slept more. B. It might be cured.

C. It could be cured by taking medicine. D. It could be impossible to get over it.

( ) 69.What did Mr. Cousins think cured him?

五下 Unit 6 growing up 练习题

Unit 6 growing up 练习题

大学英语Unit1 Growing up 教案

Unit One 教学安排的说明

章节题目:Growing Up




其 它:完成课后作业及课外阅读。

课 堂 教 学 方 案

课题名称、授课时数:Growing Up 2




1. Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing) and structure of the text (narration in chronological sequence);

2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

Text analysis

Russell Baker (1925-) , American journalist and writer. This text is taken from his autobiography GROWING UP (1982), which won him a Pulitzer prize. Russell Baker is very good at selecting details to prove his point. For example, in Paragraph 2, he creates an unfavorable image of Mr. Fleagle by describing his “formal, rigid and hopelessly out-of-date” eyeglasses, hairstyle, clothes, jaw, nose and manner of speaking.

What’s more, Russell Baker employs repetitions not only to make it easy for readers to follow what he is saying, but also impress them more deeply. For example, in Paragraph 2, there are 9 prim’s or primly’s in as few as 3 sentences. Thus readers will have in their mind a vivid picture of what Mr.Fleagle looked like. In Paragraph 5, there are 5 I wanted’s. They help to emphasize Russell Baker’s strong desire to write for himself.

On the other hand, Russell Baker is also expert in avoiding repetition by employing synonymous words and phrases. Here are some examples:

a. dull, lifeless, cheerless, tedious b. turn out, write, compose, put down

c. formal, rigid, prim, correct, proper, respectable

d. recapture, relive

e. pleasure, delight, happiness

教学重点、难点:Word and Expressions:

1. off and on: from time to time, now and again, irregularly

It has been raining on and off for a week. That’s why the clothes feel damp.

As her baby slept soundly, the mother was able to doze off and on in a chair.

She managed to support herself by working on and off as a waitress.

2. possibility: the state of being possible

Is any possibility of life on Mars?

They haven’t arrived. There is a possibility that they have taken the wrong road.

3. take hold: become established

The idea of one child only has taken hold in many Chinese families.

Old habits die hard. That’s why you should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.

4. associate…with…:join or connect together: connect or bring to mind

We associate Egypt with pyramids.

Jim wished to forget everything associated with his former life.

People often associate the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.

5. turn out: produce

New computers are soon outdated since newer models are turned out constantly American film studios turn out hundreds of films every year.

6. tedious:

The movie was so tedious that many viewers left before it was over.

Laura found George to be tedious and decided not to see him any more.

7. anticipate: expect

They anticipate that the deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2020.【关于growing,up的英语试题】

We anticipate running into problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform. The police had anticipated trouble from the soccer fans and were at the ground in large numbers.

8. reputation:

Premier Zhu Rongji has a high reputation as a statesman in the world.

Jim Kerry has quite a reputation for being co

9. inspire: fill somebody with confidence, eagerness, etc

Martin Luther King, Jr’s speeches inspired people to fight for equal treatment of African Americans.

The last leaf on the tree that never fell off inspired the dying patient with the will to live on.

Mr. Green is very dull as a lecturer. He’s rigid and old-fashioned, and doesn’t have the faintest idea of how to inspire.

10. rigid: fixed in behavior: based on correct or accepted rules

The rigid headmaster would button up his clothes even on the hottest days.

If he had been a little less rigid about things, his daughter would not have left home at such a young age.

11. out-of-date: old-fashioned

New words are constantly added to our vocabulary while some old words go out-of-date.

Although her clothes were out-of-date, the old woman appeared clean and dignified.

12. severe: completely plain: stern, strict; causing great pain, difficulty, worry Earnest Hemingway is known for his severe writing style


Only those who have undergone severe training can be accepted into air force.

The severe chest pain experienced by the vice-president proved to be a heart attack.

13. tackle: deal with

The classroom was quiet as students were busy tackling the final exam.

Toshiba recently designed a robot that can tackle almost any kinds of housework.

14. face up to: be brave enough to accept or deal with (a problem or difficulty)

Now that your daughter is born, you’ll have to face up to the responsibilities of

being a father.

Yeltsin faced up to the fact that he was no longer fit for the Russian presidency and resigned on the New Year’s Eve.

15. scan: look through quickly

The banker scanned the financial section of a dozen newspapers over breakfast. Scan the book and tell me what it is about.

16. image: a picture formed in mind

Many pop stars try to improve their public image by participating in charity events.

17. recall: bring back to the mind; remember

I can’t recall her name.

I don’t recall ever meeting her.

She recalled that she had to see the doctor again that afternoon.

The policeman asked the old lady to recall as much about the accident as possible.

18. violate: act against

Speeding in downtown areas violates traffic regulations.

A country isn’t respected if it violates an international agreement.

19. hold back: prevent the expression of(feelings, fears, etc. )

People could hardly hold back their anger when they found that millions of dollars

of public funds had been used to build luxurious houses for city officials.

When I saw my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog, I could

hardly hold back my tears.

课 堂 教 学 方 案 (二)【关于growing,up的英语试题】

课题名称、授课时数:Growing Up 2





Main idea: The essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing.

The structure: The text is a narration in chronological sequence.

The text can be divided into 3 parts:

Part I (Paras 1─2): Baker was bored by everything associated with English courses, including essay writing.

Part II (Paras 3─5): Baker found himself attracted by one particular topic and wrote about it for his own joy.

Part III (Paras 6─9): The experience of writing the essay helped him discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life.


教学内容及组织安排:Suggested Steps for Teaching

1.Ss scan the text to see if there is any natural division between parts of the text. (There is a blank line between each part.) (2 minutes)

2.T explains the key language points in Part I and gives Ss practice (See Language Study). (10 minutes)

3. Ss sum up the main idea of this part (see Text Organization Exercise 1), then identify the sentence which connects this part with the following parts (Last sentence in Paragraph 5 – “I was intent on telling their stories.”) (3 minutes)

4. T explains the key language points in Part II and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (15 minutes)

5.Ss sum up the main idea of this part (see Text Organization Exercise 2). (3 minutes)

6.T explains the key language points in Part III and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (15 minutes)

7.Ss sum up the main idea of this part (see Text Organization Exercise 2). (3 minutes)

8.T explains the key language points in Part IV and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (15 minutes)

9.Ss sum up the main idea of this part (see Text Organization Exercise 2). (3 minutes)

课 堂 教 学 方 案 (三)

课题名称、授课时数:Growing Up 2




教学重点、难点:课后练习 授课时数2

Content questions【关于growing,up的英语试题】

1.How did Baker use to feel about English courses?

2.What was his own impression of his new English teacher?

3.Why did he want to write about that topic?

4. What’s the very essence of the essay?

5. How do you understand the title “Writing for Myself?”

课堂练习或讨论、布置作业Do exercises after the text and check the answers:

1. 课堂练习:老师讲解 、提问、解答 Vocabulary Exercises I ,II ,III,

课 堂 教 学 方 案 (四)

课题名称、授课时数:Growing Up 2




教学重点、难点:课后练习 授课时数2

Suggested Steps for Teaching

1.Ss first do Text Organization Exercise 1, then discuss in pairs what other clues help connect the story into a whole. Later some pairs will report to class (see Text Analysis).

2.T guides Ss through some after-text exercises.

3.T checks on Ss’ home reading (Text B).

4.Ss do Part IV: Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks.

5.T asks Ss to prepare the next unit:

1) do the pre-reading task;

2) preview Text A. )


Structure Exercises I II

Comprehensive Exercises I II

Essay Writing: write a narrative

Unit4 Growing up 错题整理

Unit4 Growing up 错题整理




4、我想读书就读书_____________________________ 5、允许玩游戏_________________________



10、拒绝处理这个问题____________________ 11、有机会进球______________________________





18、钦佩他们的勇气_______________________19、在他九十几岁时________________________ 20就像我们一样享受幸福的生活______________________________________________________


( )1.I have learnt ____________from my teachers and classmates..

A. a greart deal of B. a great deal C. a lot of D. plenty

( )2. Father doesn't allow ______inhis room and he doesn't allow the whole family ______at all.

A.smoking;to smoke B.to smoke;smoking C.to smoke;to smoke D.smoking ;smoking

( )3.—What’s your plan for the coming summer holiday? —I’ll devote as much time as I can ____

some voluntary work. A. to do B. doing C. do D. to doing

( )4. I couldn’t know the news____ my teacher told it to me. A. when B. unless C. after D. until

( )5.—I enjoyed myself very much at yesterday’s party.—__________.

A.Yes,you do B.I’m glad to hear that C.Thank you all the same D.I think so

( )6.—I got the first prize in this English competition.—___________.

A.Oh how surprised B.It’s so nice of you to say so C.Congratulations D.So did you

( )7 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east. A rises B rose C raises D raised

( )8 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground

just now. A playing B to be playing C play D to play

( )9 ----I am sorry I didn’t do a good job. -----Never mind. ______ you have tried your best.

A Above all B In all C At all D After all

( )10 More than one girl ____ late for class this morning. A are B is C was D were

( )11 I can’t believe he could jump _____high. A very much B such C that D this

( )12.It _____ ten years since he left the army . A. is B. has C. will D. Was

( )13.I was about to leave my house____the telephone rang. A.while B.as C.and D.when

( )14.It wasn’t long_____ the rain stopped and the sun came out again.

A.until B.before C.when D.since

( )15.It was yesterday ______ he came to my home. A.what B.that C.when D.where

( )16.— How are you going, buddy?—. A little busy, though.

A. Not too bad B. Can’t be worse C. On my own D. By train

( )17.We can invite our teachers to the farewell party next Saturday.

-- Yes, ______? I’ll call them at once. A. what for B. what C. why not D. why

( )18—I’m very tired these days because of walking to school every day.

—________ useful exercise you are taking! It can help you keep healthy.

A. What B. How C. What a D. What an

( )19. - Which of the two T-shirts would you like? - ________. I don't like their styles.

A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither

( )20.—What do you think of his new design?— It’s of even practical value than the old one.

He’s just a bookworm! A. greater B. great C. less D. little

三、词汇 (20’)

1.He was refused several times, but still didn’t lose h_________..

2. A ____________(德国) scientist interrupted me and asked if I came from China.

3.In his last year of s________ high, he wsa named Player of the Year in Texas.

4.They ___________ (简直)couldn’t wait for the dolphin show.

5. No u___________(大学) is interested in such a lazy student.

6.After ______(毕业) from middle school, he was forced to work because of the death of his parents.

7. This is a _________(全国性的)problem.8. I just always believed we would ___________(成功). 9 He ___________(迫使)a smile on his face just now. 10.Let your________(灵魂) start to soar.

11. As for Laura and me, the colour of our skin has never____________(要紧).

12. I felt a great sense of________________(成就)when I reached the top of the mountain.

13.Can you look after my pet dog w_________________ I am away?

14.Strike _________________ the iron is hot. 17. You must do everything __________ I do.

15.If there has to be a replay(重新比赛) we are confident of _________(胜利).

16.What's the chemical ___________(符号) for mercury(汞)?

17. The three men weren't allowed to _____________(逗留) for long.

18. ____________(研究) shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.

19. Here is my small___________(思考)20. Have the ________(勇气) to seize opportunity.

四、完成句子 (10’)









5. 无论你取得了多么大的进步,你都应一直保持谦虚。(remain)



63-yearold kung fu master Chen Fusheng started Beijing Fusheng International Wushu Club in 2008. far he has taught more than 100 students from 23 countries. Chen is a to live in a nursing home(孤儿院). There, an old martial artist(武术家) taught him Chinese kung fu. It is a lot of fighting styles that have developed for t ____ of all kinds of Chinese kung fu. Chen Fusheng’s International Wushu Club is in Daxing District of Beijing. The small town is about 37 miles from central Beijing. The small town is a and remote place for kung fu practice. In the club, each student has to pay $650 a to learn Ba Ji Zhan Dao (Eight Extrems Battlefield Style). The monthly pay of $meals and cover. According to master Chen Fusheng, the Ba Ji Zhan Dao was started by Chen himself. It is traditional fights and modern fights, which includes knife fighting and gun(枪) skills.


9A Unit4 Growing up

Period 1 comic strip and welcome to the unit

挂在心上 怎么了? 一 „„ 就 为你自己再建一个 叫醒某人 大量 结束做某事 通过英特网了解世界




1 mind ①名词:头脑。on one’s mind 意为“挂在心上,惦念”

② 名词:思想,想法。常见的短语有:change one’s mind 改变主意

make up one’s mind 下定决心

③ 动词:介意,反对,常用来表示委婉、客气的请求。

常用短语:mind doing sth 或mind sb doing sth 或mind one’s doing sth 介意做某事 Never mind 没关系,不要紧

2 That’s all right .没关系

辨析:All right. That’s all right. That’s right

All right : ①表示同意对方的意见,“行 ,好吧”

② 用于系动词之后,表“身体好”。相当于“fine,well”

That’s all right. ①用于回答别人的感谢,表示“不用谢,别客气”,相当于That’s ok / Not at

all/You are welcome.

②用于回答别人的道歉,表示“不要紧,没关系”,相当于Never mind/It doesn’t



That’s right 同意对方看法,表示:“对,正确”

3 until:意为“直到…….”,表示某一种行为一直持续到某一时间,用在肯定句中,句子的谓语动词必须是可延续性的。Not…..until “直到……才”,表示直到某一时间,某一行为才发生,用在否定句中,主句中的谓语可以是延续性动词也可以是短暂性动词。

I studied English until 9 o’clock last night (表示9点前一直在学)

I didn’t study English until 9 o’clock last night.(表示9点才开始学)

4 time : ① 时代,in different times ② 时间,不可数名词 ③次数,可数名词

Time的常用短语有:all the time 一直 at times 有时 at the same time 同时

From time to time 有时 in time 及时 on time 按时 at a time 一次 have a good time 玩的高兴

5 as soon as :表示“一……就……”,连接时间状语从句,当主语用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。


He took out his books as soon as he sat down. 他一坐下来,就拿出了书。

As soon as he gets home ,he starts to do his homework.他一到家,就开始做作业。

6 a great deal 表示“大量,许多”,可单独使用,也可以用在形容词或副词的比较级前面;还可以修饰不可数名词。 我们从他们那里学到很多东西。 他跑得比我快多了。 help.他给了我很多帮助。


一 选择题

1 ----Nick , would you mind out of the bathroom?

----Sorry , I won’t be long.

A come B to come C coming

2 --- Could you help me put up the maps on the wall?

A No problem B I hope so C That’s all right D That’s a good idea

3 Man’ .It never stays at the same level

A at the right time B for the first time C from time to time D all the time

4 Henry will give us a report as soon as he .

A arrives B arrived C is arriving D will arrive

here until one o'clock tomorrow.

A. hasn't got B. didn't arrive C .won't get D. didn't leave

7 --------What about Mr Black's speach?

----------Wonderful! There were ______ people there.

A. a large number of B. much C. a great deal of D. lots

8 A great deal of money ____spent on books

A .have B .has C .have been D has been

Period2 Reading

try out for sth

score 20 points

lead…to …succeed in doing sth

be forced to do sth take notice of

No university would invite him to play basketball simply because he was only 170cm tall.

1 参加选拔 2 灰心,泄气3 得到机会 4 在高级中学5 改变主意 6 两年制专科学校

7成功做某事 8 注意,观察 9 拥有许多伟大的成就 10 永不放弃

1. lose heart 灰心,泄气

lose one’s heart 因…而心碎


lose one’s way 迷路 lose/gain weight 减/增肥

lose interest 失去兴趣 lose oneself 迷失某人自己


_________________________, it will make ___________________ in the end.

2.name ( v.&n.)

v. 给…命名 name sb.给某人命名 e.g: name them all 说出他们所有人的名字 name after 以…命名 e.g: The bridge is named after him.

n.名字 I do not remember what her name is.我不记得她叫什么名字。


She _____________________________ her grandmother.


Have you ____________________the new baby yet?

3.score 得分(vt.&vi.)

(vt.)score 10 points得到10分


He _______________ in the race yesterday.


Every player should _____________________ to ________ in every competition.



I recorded ______________________ in a notebook

4.invite him to play basketball 邀请他打篮球

invite sb. to do sth.

invitation (n.)


He invited ______________ to ____________________.


Thanks for your ________________________________.

5succeed 动词 ,;形容词 successful ; 副词successfully ; 名词success,反义词fail succeed in doing sth 成功做某事


6 proud 形容词,以为“自豪的,骄傲的”,be proud of “以…..而自豪”,be proud to do sth“自豪地做某事”,be proud 还可以接that从句。名词是pride,意为“自豪,骄傲”,常用短语:take pride in, “以…..而自豪”,可以与be proud of互换。

7 practice/practise 练习;实践(v.&n.) practical 务实的;实际的(adj.)

(v.)practise doing sth.

eg. :他每天练习打网球。He ___________________ every day.

(n.) 实践 eg.:熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.

8. go on to do sth,“接着去做另一件事”,即接下去做与原来不同的事。

Eg: After they read the text, the students went on to do some exercises.(读完课文后,学生们接着做习题。)

go on doing sth “继续做同一件事”。

go on with sth “继续做某事“,可与“go on doing sth”互换

Eg:After a rest, we went on having our lesson./ After a rest, we went on with our lesson.(休息后,我们继续上课)

9 take notice of ,“注意到…….”,相当于动词notice.

Notice 做动词时,常见的短语有:notice sb doing sth 和notice sb do sth

Notice 还可以做名词,意为“告示,通知”。

Eg :There is a notice on the office gate (办公室门上有一张告示)

Period3 Grammar

1. before表示“在„„之前”,after表示“在„„之后”,两个词后面可接一个具体的时间点,也可以接一个句子,构成时间状语从句。


1.The sun came out the storm stopped.

2.Close the window you leave the room , please.

2. when 意为“当„„的时候”;“在„„的时候”

3 while表示“当„„的时候,和„„同时”,引导时间状语从句,常常采用进行时态。 例如:While I was watching TV, the doorbell rang.(我看电视时,门铃响了)

While my mother was cooking, my father was watching TV(当我妈妈在做饭时,我爸爸在看电视)


5. when ,while 引导时间状语从句,当主句与从句时态一致时,从句中出现的主语与be动词

可以省略构成when/while + -ing结构。

e.g. : When (she is ) in trouble , she always asks for my help.

While (I am ) travelling , I like to buy some souvenirs.


一 在下列各句的空格中填入适当的连词

1._________ he comes tomorrow, I shall ask where he has been.

2._________ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully.

3.I saw her just _________ she was getting off the train.

4.Have a good look at that man _________ you pass him.

5.It was already eight o'clock _________ we got there.


since引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动词。一般情况下,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,而主句的谓语动词用现在完成时。但在It is +时间+since从句的句型中,主句多用一般现在时。例如:

I have been in Beijing since you left. 自从你离开以来,我一直在北京了。

Where have you been since I last saw you? 自上次我和你见面以后,你到哪里去了? It is four years since my sister lived in Beijing. 我妹妹不在北京住有四年了。

It is five months since our boss was in Beijing.我们老板离开北京有五个月了。


It is since从。。。以来多长时间了(因为since +从句或名词,表示一段时间)

It is five years since we met last time.从我们上次见面已经五年了。

2 until和till 的用法


肯定句:I slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜时醒了。

Wait till I call you. 等着我叫你。

否定句:She didn't arrive until 6 o'clock. 她直到6点才到。

Don't get off the bus until it has stopped. 公共汽车停稳后再下车。



1.主句为否定式终止性谓语动词。常见的动词是open,start,leave,arrive,finish, stop等。例如: The noise of the street didn't stop until/before it was midnight.

2.主句为肯定式、延续性谓语词,这类动词用stand,stay,talk,be,wait等。例如: He lived with his parents until/before he graduated from school.

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